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WCW 1997: Enter the Dark

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[QUOTE=TragicHeroParade;390690]Aw come on, really? It's little serious quips and comedic antecdotes as a part of my side story that I hope gives my dynasty a little life, but I'm certainly not attempting to weird anyone out. That's why Buff hit the scene! But hey, maybe I overplayed my hand there.[/QUOTE] It was a little much for my taste in a wrestling diary.
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[QUOTE=BIGJOSH;390692]It was a little much for my taste in a wrestling diary.[/QUOTE] Ah, well, fair enough. My best suggestion to you then would probably be to read the particulars of the shows then and not the side story cuts. As it is, my shows are pretty much purely wrestling driven, but I'm not simply writing a "wrestling diary" here, and the side stories purpose is to serve as a comfortable distracton from the wrestling itself, that still ties in with it -- so that things do not get monotonous. This isn't a shot at you or anything, but as history has shown, and especially moving forward, the side story will serve mostly to push itself forward, and not to advance the wrestling angles, as that's what the show is for. Anyway, hope you like Souled Out. :)
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You might be the best writer i have seen on this site. At this point for me atleast it is not about the "wrestling" anymore. It is all about the "back story". There are a ton of diary's and alot of them are wcw. This has such a diffrent and dark edge to it. Although i would sugest maybe adding a little "not for children" thing in the begining. Not sure of the all the ages that come on here ;)
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Just on Davey Boy, I'm assuming he was on juice in the "F", but didn't what kill him come from the trap door laid in the ring for Warrior to disappear through in the middle of 1998? I'd perhaps like to see more of the political sabotage being played out in the novel setting, but that's just my personal wishes. I have always been intrigued by how WCW fell apart moreso... Keep up the good work, I must admit I'm surprised at Sting's opponent at Souled Out, I don't think Scott Norton is fit to polish Stinger's boots, but I am thinking that there's something coming from it. Bring on Souled Out.
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[QUOTE=tristram;390736]Just on Davey Boy, I'm assuming he was on juice in the "F", but didn't what kill him come from the trap door laid in the ring for Warrior to disappear through in the middle of 1998? I'd perhaps like to see more of the political sabotage being played out in the novel setting, but that's just my personal wishes. I have always been intrigued by how WCW fell apart moreso... Keep up the good work, I must admit I'm surprised at Sting's opponent at Souled Out, I don't think Scott Norton is fit to polish Stinger's boots, but I am thinking that there's something coming from it. Bring on Souled Out.[/QUOTE] According to Bret Hart's book and some other sources, Davey was hopped up on all sorts of different drugs well before the Warrior instance, the trap-door problem was basically the straw that put him over the edge. I know he was a heavy morphine user before that time, and he was using steroids recreationally at the encouragement of Dynamite Kid from 1984 on -- using them abusively basically from his first WWF arrival to his death. He and Diana were not divorced until 2000, but were on the outs and most often separated by early 1998, before this incident, because Davey's substance abuse problem had spiraled into one with morphine. Diana could actually be seen sometimes backstage at WWF shows in 1998 and 1999, flirting with the other wrestlers. WCW was almost always on the verge of firing him, and Vince McMahon was almost always calling him to let him know that if he cleaned himself up, he always had a place at the World Wrestling Federation. This is actually part of what caused the big rift in the Hart family -- after the Montreal Screw Job, Ellie and Diana (Jim Neidhart and Davey Boy's wives) sided with Vince because he continuously promised their husbands jobs. Don't worry as far as the political stuff backstage goes, it's coming, it's just that so far Hogan and Nash, the key political players, have not really had a huge part in the in-ring action. Additionally, I don't want to make the political stuff TOO big a factor, as it was in the real WCW, because we're re-writing history here, after all. :) And as for Sting, I agree: A weird match-up indeed. I just threw him in a match on Souled Out to give him something to do, as he has, really, nothing to work with until he finds out who his #1 contender is.
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[QUOTE=alden;390734]You might be the best writer i have seen on this site. At this point for me atleast it is not about the "wrestling" anymore. It is all about the "back story". There are a ton of diary's and alot of them are wcw. This has such a diffrent and dark edge to it. Although i would sugest maybe adding a little "not for children" thing in the begining. Not sure of the all the ages that come on here ;)[/QUOTE] Wow, thank you. That's sort of what I wanted to accomplishment, knowing that WCW is probably the most favorite real-life federation to use in dynasties around here because of it's infamous rise and fall. Good call on the disclaimer, too, I never thought of that, but I will definitely put something on the top of the first post.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/SOLDOUT.jpg[/IMG] The Houston Astrodome, Houston, Texas 75,000 in attendance: SOLD OUT! [b]Sunday, Week 4, January, 1998[/b] Live![/CENTER] [b]Dark Match: NO DQ/HARDCORE RULES: New Jack vs. Rocco Rock[/b] New Jack defeated Rocco Rock in 5:55, (E+) [b]Dark Match: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Ultimo Dragon[/b] Rey Mysterio Jr. defeated Ultimo Dragon in 9:34, (D) [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 1: Bill Goldberg vs. Konnan[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] The two competitors circle each other as the bell rings and lock into a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Konnan wins the first scrum by putting Goldberg into a side headlock. Goldberg peddles backward, launching himself off the ropes and breaking free of the headlock, thrusting himself across the mat to the other ropes and off again, viciously clothes-lining Konnan in the center of the ring. A frustrated Konnan gets back to this feet and the two men circle each other again, locking up again. Konnan puts Goldberg into another side headlock, and as Goldberg peddles backward, Konnan switches to a standing backside wristlock. Goldberg struggles for a moment to figure out what he's going to do, then throws his left foot back and catches Konnan, sweeping his legs from underneath him, and in one fluid motion, flipping him over his shoulder and onto the mat. Konnan gets up again, and the two lock up for a third time, with Konnan against landing a headlock, but Goldberg quickly breaks this one with a side suplex. Bill Goldberg picks Konnan up this time and irish whips him into the corner, following up with a running elbow smash, and then a repeat barrage of elbows in the corner. Goldberg pulls Konnan by the arm, and whips him across to the other turnbuckle, but Konnan stops and tries to reverse it. Unfortunately for him, Goldberg holds on and runs right into him for a close clothesline. Picking Konnan up, Goldberg goes to whip him into the corner again, but Konnan fires some stomach-punches from his knees and stands up by rocking his opponent back into the corner himself. Goldberg powers out of the corner with a boot to the gut, and Konnan comes charging back, but Goldberg ducks his punches and flips Konnan himself into the corner, rope-a-doping him before Konnan falls lifeless into the center of the ring. Getting Konnan back to this feet, Goldberg whips him off the ropes and lands a spear!!! As the crowd buzzes, Goldberg pulls his opponent back to his feet, hooks his arm over his shoulder and flips him over for a Jackhammer, and goes for the pin. 1....2...3. [b]Winner: Bill Goldberg Time: 9:11 Grade: C[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 2: Tonight, wrestling comes back[/b] In the back, Gene Okerlund is set to interview a pacing Bret Hart, decked out in his ring attire and trademark sunglasses. As he asks Hart his thoughts on tonights match-up, the Hitman takes the floor.... [i] "Tonight is a huge night for all my fans across the United States and across Canada. You know, anybody that pays attention to this business knows it's been a hard year for me. But it's all sort of come to a head here tonight, where I get my shot to prove myself worthy of a WCW Title shot. Tonight, The Hitman is going to show all of WCW why he's the excellence of execution... tonight, the Hitman, for each and every one of these fans that paid for a ticket in this arena, and for each fan that has watched me for two decades...tonight, the Hitman is going to take wrestling back to it's roots. Back to Stu's dungeon on Calgary, back to where it belongs." [/i] [b]Grade: C+[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 3: WCW TV TITLE MATCH: Booker T. (c) vs. Eddy Guerrero[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] The match starts and the two circle one another, going for a collar-and-elbow tie up, but Guerrero ducks underneath the tie-up and takes Booker T.'s feet out from underneath him, jumping on him in the ground-and-pound position. Booker fires back from his back and eventually tries to roll over on top of Guerrero, but Eddy is able to thwart it and eventually stands up. As Booker stands up, Eddy delivers a vicious upper cut that rocks Booker into the corner, and then slams a few roundhouse rights. Eddy takes Booker by the arm, and whips him into the opposite corner, following after him with a run, but Booker gets his boot up just in time, and Eddy staggers backward. Booker threw himself off the ropes and lept at Eddy, who caught him and flipped him over for a powerslam square in the middle of the ring. A pin attempt...1...2..Booker kicked out! Eddy threw Booker off the ropes again and landed a leaping cross body, for another pin attempt...1...2...Booker kicked out! As Guerrero pulled the champion back up, Booker rallied with a series of lefts and rights, then ducked a clothesline and lept off the other ropes, ducking another, and hitting Eddy with a shoulder tackle on the way back. As Eddy got back up, Booker threw a boot to his stomach and then whipped him into the corner, where he climbed the second rope and drew a 10-count of punches on Eddy, before grabbing him by the head and falling backward, propelling him up over his body and onto his back. They both stood back up, with Eddy dazed, and Booker ran from the middle of the ring and knocked Eddy over the ropes and onto the floor, all the while playing to the crowd by raising the roof. Guerrero composed himself and pulled himself to the apron, the springboarded up off the top rope and jumped onto Booker's shoulders, his butt landing square on Booker's chest, hooking his legs behind him for the pin...1...2...thr...Booker barely kicked out! As Booker tried to stand back up, Eddy grabbed him in a side headlock and laid for a while, Booker trying to figure out what to do. He eventually worked his way to his feet and threw some elbows into Guerrero, loosening the hold and springing free and off the ropes. Coming back, he ducked a clothesline by Guerrero and Booker hooked his arm underneath Guerrero's and wrapped his other around Eddy's head for a variation of the Million Dollar Dream sleeper hold. Guerrero looked ready to pass out when he found his way to the ropes and climbed them, flipping over top of Booker and landing on top of him, the hold still locked in, for a pin attempt..1....2...no! Booker rolled himself over on top of Eddy, the hold locked yet still...1...2...no! Eddy rolled them over again, the hold still locked!! 1....2......Booker put his foot on the ropes and finally broke the hold and the pin. As they got back up, Eddy has Booker by the backside, but Booker completes a standing switch, and Eddy goes for one of his own, when Booker throws him off with an elbow. Eddy Guerrero uses the momentum however to propel himself off the ropes, Booker throwing himself off at the same time, and leaping at Eddy, hitting a flying big boot! Booker spun himself to his feet, signaling for his finisher, the standing scissors kick. As Eddy stirred, Booker closed in, lifted his leg over Eddy's head and clamped down, landing it solid! Booker jumped on top of his opponent for the pin attempt..1...2....threNO!!!!!!! Eddy kicked out??! Somehow! Booker looked up in astonishment, got back to his feet and hooked Eddy into a suplex, whipping him over. Booker spun himself back up again, signaling yet again for his finisher. Eddy stirred once more, and Booker threw the leg over, but this time as Eddy ducked he caught it, and before Booker could whip his other leg around, Guerrero pulled him down by the legs. Grabbing him by both legs, he turned Booker over and into the Boston Crab! Booker strained with every inch he crawled, nearly submitting, thinking about it, begging against it, Eddy fighting to pull him back in, finally, Booker being able to take the pain no more, finally reached the ropes! The referee forced Eddy to break the hold. Pulling the champ back to his feet, Eddy threw him to the opposite ropes while jumping off the first rope on the other side. As Booker came back, Eddy threw himself up and dropkicked Booker to the ground, then rolled to his feet and dragged Booker over a little. Climbing the ropes now, Eddy lept off for a Frog Splash and landed it, going for the pin...1...2...threNOO!!!! Booker kicked out of Eddy's finish. Looking up in amazement, Eddy jumped onto Booker and threw a series of vicious punches into him, but Booker parried some and fought back, flipping over on top of Eddy and landing some blows of his own. Finally, Eddy won the scrum by turning Booker back over on his back and pounding away again, before quickly jumped back to the top rope, signaling again for a Frog Splash. Eddy jumps off again, but Booker just moves out of the way in time. Battered and beaten, they both work their way to their feet slowly, simultaneously propelling themselves off opposite ropes and simultaneously double-clotheslining one another. The referee slowly begins a ten count as the try to work back to their feet. At 6, they've rolled over to the ropes, at 8 they've both made it nearly to their knees using the second rope, but the referee reaches 10 first, and it's too late, the match ends in a Double Ten-Count, and Booker T. retains the WCW TV Title. [b]Winner: Draw, therefore Booker T. retains the WCW TV Title. Time: 21:31 Grade: B[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 4: This isn't over, Booker[/b] After the match has concluded, some of Booker and Eddy's mutual friends in Chris Jericho and Dean Malenko come out to the ring to help the two to their feet, but Eddy takes exception to this and clocks Booker back down, trying to steal his belt. Dean and Jericho successfully hold him off, but then Eddy snaps on them, throwing punches, but the much fresher two wrestlers fend him off easily. Suddenly, however, Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Juventud Guerrera appear from backstage and start attacking Malenko and Jericho, and suddenly the two Guerrero's and Guerrera are stomping on all three WCW wrestlers in the ring, before finally marching off to the back. [b]Grade: D[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"] [b]Segment 5: NON-TITLE MATCH: Sting vs. Scott Norton[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] The bell rings, and Sting cuts immediately to the chase, not even removing his long, black leather trench coat. He fires uppercuts wild and quickly into the Norton's chin, rocking him backward and then delivering rights and lefts. Sting then pulls him out from the corner, while grasping his wrist still, and ducks underneath, applying a wrist-lock and then flipping him against the ropes, shoulder tackling him. Sting grabs Norton by the head again, and pounds away with his elbow into Norton's forehead, but Scott Norton musters the strength to grab Sting and lift him over his head, charging and tossing him over the ropes. Sting grasps the rope at the last second and holds on, but takes a vicious fall to the apron, and as he gets back up, Scott Norton vaults him back into the ring. Before Norton can turn around, however, Sting is back to his feet, and delivers a boot to the gut, then throws himself off the ropes and clotheslines Scott Norton to the floor. Norton gets back in the ring, and trades punches with Sting, who wins the exchange and whips Norton off the ropes again, this time flipped him over his back for a back body drop. As Norton gets to his feet, Sting already has him by the shoulder and whips him into the corner, following through with an elbow. Then Sting runs back to the other corner, sizes Norton up and hits the Stinger Splash! Norton staggers to the middle of the ring, where he walks straight into a Scorpion Death Drop! Sting goes for the pin...1....2....3!!! [b]Winner: Sting Time: 6:45 Grade: B [/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 6: DDP Replay[/b] A replay is shown of DDP's wife, Kimberly Page, being kidnapped at the most recent Monday Nitro. Then, Tony Schiavone comes on to tell us some disturbing news. [i] "Fans, sometimes in our sport it comes upon us to have to relay to you some disturbing news about our performers, and unfortunately tonight at WCW Souled Out is one of those nights. Unfortunately, Diamond Dallas Page will not be able to compete tonight in his United States Title Match with Buff Bagwell, because DDP badly tore his right bicep while attempting to free Kimberly last Monday. In an effort to deliver the best wrestling and entertainment in the world to our fans, we've replaced this match on the card with a match between Davey Boy Smith and Buff Bagwell. It'll be a non-title affair, but we hope you enjoy. [/i] (Note: In actuality, DDP hurt his bicep in his match with Hennig at the last show, but I just never noticed it in my e-mail until now! D'oh!) [b]Grade: D-[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 7: Davey Boy Smith vs. Buff Bagwell[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] Buff Bagwell came down to the ring first, followed by a clearly displeased JJ Dillon, who took the WCW US Title belt as soon as Buff unstrapped it, and sat next to the time keeper. Then, Davey Boy Smith's music came on, and he made his way down to the ring. The bell sounded as the two competitors exchanged punches, Davey winning the battle, and whipping Bagwell off the ropes, where he hit a thunderous clothesline, sending Buff flipping in the air. Davey picked Bagwell up, whipping him off the ropes and hip-tossing him as he returned. Then hip-tossing him again as Bagwell got back up. Bagwell, stirred near the ropes, and Davey threw himself full steam from the center of the ring, smashing his elbow against Bagwell and sending him flying over top. As Bagwell got back in the ring, Davey goes for a lock-up, but Bagwell ducks and tries to throw some fists at Davey upon his turn. Davey parries them, however, and lifts Bagwell up, successfully connecting with a running powerslam for the 1....2....3! Davey with a surprising upset victory! [b]Winner: Davey Boy Smith Time: 7:45 Grade: C+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 8: It's not your belt![/b] After the match, a clearly frustrated Buff Bagwell storms out of the ring and off to the timekeeper's table to retrieve the WCW US Title belt, but JJ Dillon snags it and refuses to give it to him, grabbing a mic instead. [i] "For weeks on end now..." Dillon said. "For weeks on end, we've all been watching you come out here with a belt that's not rightfully yours. And now, because of you, the real champion has a significant injury. As a result of the injury, I have no choice but to vacate the title from Diamond Dallas Page. But before you celebrate, Buff Bagwell, you better listen to me, and listen to me good. You want to earn this US Title Belt? Than you're going to have to win not one, not two, not three...but four matches! Starting tomorrow night on Monday Nitro, WCW will officially hold a 16-man tournament to find it's new WCW United States Champion! And your first opponent? Why, he's standing in the ring right now...."[/i] A frustrated Bagwell throws a fit and turns, looks at Davey, and walks off in disgust. [b]Grade: D-[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"] [b]Segment 9: PAYCHECK VS. THE PORSCHE MATCH: Lex Luger vs. Curt Hennig[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] Hennig marches out first to a chorus of boos. Luger then follows with a small army of kids with red cross shirts on at his side, all of whom get a first class seat at ringside. As the match starts, the two lock-up, with Curt Hennig, winning the lock-up and going for an armbar, but a clearly overpowering Luger pushes him into the corner, backs off and delivers three vicious punches, then steps back and flexes and growls at Hennig. Luger flips Hennig to the opposite turnbuckle, and Hennig whips up and almost over the turnbuckle before falling back to the ring, turning straight into a running forearm smash by Luger. Luger picks Hennig up and throws him into the turnbuckle again, but Hennig climbs the second rope and turns diving into Luger. Unfortunately for Hennig, Luger catches him and squeezes him with a bear hug. Hennig looks in a terrible amount of pain, but is finally able to squirm free, falling to the mat. As Luger goes to pick him up again, Hennig pokes him in the eyes, briefly blinding him, then propels himself off the ropes and leaps over Luger, rolling him up on the backside...1...2...no! Luger kicked out. Getting back to their feet, Hennig tried to throw Luger into the ropes, but Luger reversed it and went for a clothesline. Hennig ducked him, however, and hooked his arm, then whipped up and hooks Luger's other arm with his legs, dropping him down for another pin attempt: 1....2...no! Luger kicked out again. As they rolled back to a sitting position, Hennig hooks Luger in a sleeper and digs in hard. The referee lifts Luger's arm once.....he lifts it twice.... he lifts it a third time...but this time it stays up!! Luger fights to his feet, throws a few elbows into Hennig's gut and then jumps off the ropes, hitting Hennig with another forearm smash, then he bounces off the opposite ropes, hitting him yet again. Luger then whips Hennig off into the corner, and follows up by climbing to the second rope, attempting to get the 10-punch-count in, but Hennig grabs Luger's hips and throws him off. Luger grabs his back, apparently having wrenched it on the fall, and Hennig grabs him for a Hennig Plex, but Luger blocks it and flips Hennig over with a reverse! Rolling to his feet, he is signaling for the Torture Rack! Just then, Konnan rushes down to the ring and begins to harass the children at ringside, drawing the referee's attention, who's barking at him to go away. But one of the children strays away, and grabs a steel chair, that he nonchalantly slides in to Curt Hennig, behind the referee's back. As Luger turns, Hennig cracks Luger with the chair and disposes of it. Konnan then magically follows the refs orders, who returns his attention to the ring for the count...1....2...3! Hennig wins, and wins Lex Luger's Porsche! [b]Winner: Curt Hennig Time: 15:27 Grade: B[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 10: Hart vs. Savage Promo[/b] A video clip airs, highlighting tonight's Main Event, Savage vs. Hart for the World Heavyweight Title #1 contendership. The video shows Bret Hart's WCW debut in detail, including his three-man-tag match against the nWo on Nitro, and his interference as referee in Sting and Hogan's World Title match, then goes on to show Savage maniacally mocking the Hitman and beating Lex Luger. [b]Grade: B[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 11: The Giant vs. Raven[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] The Giant hits the ring first, and then Raven comes down sullen, expressionless and climbs in, as the referee rings the bell. The two go to try and lock up, but Raven ducks under him once, and then twice. Finally, he tries to outsmart the Giant by quickly darting around him, and then throwing a punch, but The Giant catches his fist, twists it behind him, lifts Raven up by the shirt and flips him onto his back. Raven reels in pain and flips over and leans on the second rope, before trying to quickly dart behind The Giant again, but the Giant turns in time and drops Raven with a single punch. As Raven rolls around, The Giant throws his arms up and barks at the crowd. Getting back to his feet, Raven ducks a punch from The Giant, and grabs him by the waist from behind, trying to roll him up , but The Giant simply reaches out and grabs the rope, sending Raven tumbling backward on his own. As The Giant turns, he throws his arm out and clubs Raven with it, dropping him again. Raven suddenly tries to escape through the ropes, thinking better of it, but The Giant grabs him by the pants and drags him back into the ring, turning Raven and delivered a headbutt. Picking Raven back up, The Giant positions Raven in the corner, and throws all of his weight on him once, twice, thrice. As Raven is pulled back up to his feet by his hair, he finally gets a little offense in by knocking The Giant back with some quick jabs, and then bounces off the ropes and leaps for a cross body into The Giant's arms, but The Giant catches him and drops Raven over his knee for a back breaker. The Giant goes for the pin...one....two...thr...No!! Raven barley kicks out, and The Giant pulls him back to his feet. Raven again jabs The Giant off, this time delivering a few more punches, then throws himself off the ropes and tries to back springboard off the ropes on the other side, grabbing The Giant by the head and going for a twisting, corkscrewing DDT, but The Giant is too strong, and simply loosens Raven's grip and drops him to the ground. Picking Raven back up, he whips Raven off the ropes and goes for a big boot, but Raven ducks and bounces off the ropes behind the Giant, shoulder tackling him, as both wrestler's tumble into the referee, knocking him clean out. The Giant turns and boots Raven down, but there is no referee, and this is cue for the rest of The Flock to descend upon the ring, but this time The Giant is ready. Perry Saturn gets there first, throwing some punches that The Giant blocks, lifting Saturn up by both armpits and flipping him back over the ring. Kidman launches himself off a turnbuckle, but The Giant catches him, and flips him for a powerslam! Lodi swings a chair wildly at The Giant, but he ducks and grabs Lodi, downing him with a choke slam!! Sick Boy thinks better of it for a moment but then valiantly returns, only to be launched with a press slam out to the floor. The mystery flock member is no where to be found. Raven grabs the chair that Lodi dropped as the referee begins to stir, and belts The Giant violently with it, dropping him like a sack of potatoes. Limply covering The Giant, the referee crawls over for the pin..one....two......thre...NOT YET! Somehow, The Giant gets his shoulder up. Raven looks up, partly in confusion, and partly in frustration, and with seemingly nothing else to do, belts the referee, knocking him cold again! Pulling The Giant back to his feet, he begins to pound away at him with punches, but The Giant finds a second wind suddenly, blocks a punch, and delivers a blow of his own. Suddenly, the mystery Flock member strolls down to the ring with a Sledgehammer in hand. As the mystery member gets in the ring, The Giant turns just in time and catches the sledgehammer before he can be hit with it, grabbing the Mystey Flock member by the neck. Just when he is about to unmask him, Raven clubs The Giant from behind with a low blow. Spinning The Giant around, Raven leaps up and grabs him by the head, bringing The Giants weight down full force on the steel chair with a DDT! The Mystery Flock Member quickly crumbles out of the ring as the referee once again stirs and goes for the pin attempt....one....two....three..... and Raven has won. [b]Winner: Raven Time: 17:35 Grade: C+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 12: You'll never know this joy[/b] A bleeding a dejected Giant stands leaning against the ropes in a daze, as Raven puts his arm around the Mystery Flock member and backpedals toward the locker room, the rest of the Flock dancing off with him. With one fist raised in victory toward the sky, a heavily breathing Raven mouths the words "You'll never know this joy" to the Giant, who's determined stare is never broken. [b]Grade: C+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 13: Do what we gotta do[/b] Backstage, Hollywood Hogan is conferring with someone who is off-camera, talking about "the plan" and how it's going to play out. [i] "Don't worry, brother."[/i] Hogan starts. [i]"This is as personal to me as it is important to you. This is definitely gonna work. Don't worry."[/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 14: WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. The Steiner Brothers[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] Scott Steiner and Scott Hall start things off with a collar-and-elbow tie-up, Steiner winning the duel and pushing Hall into the corner. They lock up again, and this time Hall wins, twisting Steiner's arm for an armlock, but Steiner counters with a fireman's carry transitioned into a slam. Scott Steiner then grabs Hall by the arm and pulls back on him at the shoulder. Hall works his way to his feet and hoists Scott Steiner for a moment, but drops him and bounces off the ropes, ducking under a clothesline and quickly hooking Scott Steiner up in an abdominal stretch. Steiner grimaces in pain, but is eventually able to power out of it, sliding his feet around and locking Scott Hall in an abdominal stretch of his own. Letting Hall loose, Steiner whips him into the corner and then picks him up on the return, landing a back roll slam, before picking him up again and dropping Scott Hall with a belly-to-belly suplex. Kevin Nash finally gets in the ring to intervene, but Rick Steiner jumps into cut him off and clotheslines him out onto the floor. Hall rolls out as well, as Rick Steiner barks and paces, before crawling between his brothers legs. As the referee restores order, Scott Steiner tags his brother Rick in, who immediately goes to work on Scott Hall with some punches and an elbow. Whipping Hall into the corner, he tugs him out by shoulder tossing him onto the mat, and then applying a headlock. Hall finally works his way back up to his feet, and drops Rick Steiner with a side slam before crawling over to the corner to tag Kevin Nash. Nash gets in, but as he does, Steiner jumps him in the corner, pounding away with furious fists. Whipping him into the other corner, Steiner follows with a running tackle, then drags Nash to the center of the ring and hits a facebuster. Rick tags his brother Scott in, who immediately climbs to the top rope and leaps off. But just as he reaches Kevin Nash, Nash sticks his foot up and catches Scott Steiner in the jaw, sending him to the mat. Nash picks Steiner up and propels him off the ropes, where Rick Steiner is unfortunately standing, and the collision between brothers sends Rick Steiner sailing off the apron and into the guard rail, where he appears to have injured his ribs. As Scott Steiner comes back off the ropes, he grabs Nash and twirls around, but Nash holds his ground and throws him down for a sidewalk slam. Getting back up, Nash tags in Hall, who goes to work on Steiner with a series of vicious punches and kicks. Steiner is again propelled off the ropes, and collides with Hall in the center of the ring for a shoulder tackle, but neither man budges and they both remain standing in the ring. Scott Steiner picks up Scott Hall for a scoopslam, but Hall is able to wiggle free and drop behind him, spinning Steiner around, booting him, and propping him up for the Outsiders edge. With a thunderous boom, he drops Steiner for the edge, and goes for the pin. Without Rick able to break the count, Scott can't kick out, and the Outsiders win...one....two....three. [b]Winners: And still WCW Tag Team Champions, The Outsiders Time: 14:38 Grade: B- [/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 15: The Giant is Pissed[/b] Backstage, a visibly furious Giant paces as Gene Okerlund tries to corner him for an interview, asking him about what went down with the Flock tonight. [i] "Gene.... there are no words to describe, how angry I am right now. I had them... I had them.... I had them all by the throat. You Raven, you can say you got away, but you can't say you beat me fair and square, not tonight. Somebody might have raised your hand but you didn't deserve it. As far as I'm concerned, all you deserve is THE CHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!! And rest assured Raven, sooner or later, one way or another, I'm going to get even with you. I'm going to find you and give you EXACTLY what you've earned."[/I] [b]Grade: B[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][B]Segment 16: #1 Contendership Match: Randy Savage vs. Bret Hart[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] Savage comes out first to the nWo stock music, followed by Bret Hart with his new WCW theme, leather jacket, shades and all. The crowd buzzes as the two circle each other before they lock up. As they lock up, Hart slips behind Savage and guides him face-first into a corner turnbuckle, turning him and throwing some punches, before whipping him into the opposite corner and delivering the same over there. Savage stumbles out from the corner, but Hart grabs him by the tights and head-butts him in the back three times for good measure, then whips him back into the corner where he delivers another round of punches. Savage stumbles back to the middle of the ring again, but Hart pulls him in, this time head-butting him to the head. Savage finally is able to roll out to the floor outside, but Hart is not to be deterred, propelling himself off the ropes and flying between the top and middle rope, shoulder tackling Savage on the outside against the barricade. Flipping Savage back in the ring, Hart goes for an early victory....one....two...no! Savage kicks out. Hart lifts him up and goes for another series of punches, but Savage counters with a rake to Hart's eyes and delivers a punch of his own. Whipping Hart off the ropes, Savage leapfrogs Hart, who bounces off the other side and drops Savage with a cross body. Hart flips himself behind Savage and applies a hammerlock, but Savage rolls up and tries to roll out of it, before Hart flips himself over, grabbing Savage by the leg and twisting him as well, hooking Savage's arm between his leg for an arm scissors. Hart rolls Savage back outside and works the injured arm over by throwing it against the ring post, then attempts to irish whip Savage into the adjacent post, but Savage reverses it and propels Hart into it! The two roll back into the ring, and Savage is the first to his feet. Coming down on Hart with a double ax-handle, Savage has turned the tide, and whips Hart into the corner before following up with a running knee smash. Savage whips Hart off the ropes and belts him in the gut, then delivers two kicks, and props Hart up for a pile driver. Going for the pin, Savage might have victory....one....two...no! Hart just kicks out. Savage grabs Hart and whips him off the ropes again, this time tossing him over his bent knee, placing him on his back. Then, Savage climbs for the elbow drop, but Hart is able to recover in time, and frantically runs over to the corner, dropping Savage to his ass. Ass Savage struggles to regain his balance, Hart climbs the ropes, hooks Savage and drops him to the mat with a superplex! Hart gets up and lifts Savage up, dropping him again with a Russian leg sweep, and going for the pin....one...two...no! Savage kicks out again. As they climb back up, Hart whip Savage off the ropes, but Savage ducks a clothesline, comes of the other side and throws a flying knee into Hart. Picking Hart back up, he delivers a second piledriver, and climbs the ropes again for his flying elbow drop. Throwing his arms above his head, he leaps off, but just in time, Hart moves!! And now they're both down. The referee starts the slow, long count, but Hart gets up at 6, and Savage a second later. Savage propels himself off the ropes again, throwing a running clothesline, but Hart ducks, hooks Savage, and hits a german suplex! Jumping to his feet, Bret Hart frantically drags Savage to a more favorable position and snaps him into the Sharpshooter!!!! Savage is going to have no choice but to submit!!! Just then, one of the media photographers from ringside pulls off his hood, revealing himself to be Hollywood Hogan. With the referee asking Savage to submit and out of the line of view, Hogan quickly pulls some flash paper out from his pants and throws a fireball right into Bret Hart's face. Hart tumbles backwards in agony, dropping in the center of the ring, as both competitors lay gasping for air, the referee none the wiser. A blinded, wounded Bret Hart rolls around in pain in the ring as Savage slowly works his way upright, then slowly climbs the turnbuckles, and leaps off, landing his elbow drop! He goes for the pin...one.....two....three!!! Randy Savage has won, and Bret Hart has once again been screwed! [b]Winner: And #1 Contender, Macho Man Randy Savage Time: 32:48 Grade: A* [/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 17: Redemption[/b] Hogan gets in the ring and comically celebrates with his nWo comrade, Randy Savage, as Hart writes in pain in the corner. The two celebrate for a little while longer before stomping, kicking and punching Bret Hart. Hogan drags Hart out into the center of the ring, and to add injury to an insult, drops the big leg drop on him. [b]Grade: B+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 18: The Taunt[/b] As Hart still lay in the ring, Hollywood Hogan grabs a microphone, and taunts him... [i] "Well you know, brother, back at Starrcade, some Canadian twerp from the company up north stuck his nose in Hollywood Hogan and the nWo's business, brother. And from that day forward, Bret Hart, we all secretly vowed to make your life a living hell. Yeah, brother, you might think you're some big shot, but around here, the New World Order calls the shots, and it just makes it all the better that my right hand man, Randy Savage, can be the benefactor, brother. So maybe now you've learned -- maybe now you've learned that it doesn't pay to go against the New World Order, Bret Hart, because the New World Order is just....too...sweeeeeet!"[/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 19: The Coming Darkness Upon Us[/b] Just as Hogan is finishing up, the lights in the arena briefly go out, and as they come back on, Hart is out of the ring and at the top of the ramp, being held up by Sting, who stares at the two members of the nWo in the ring, expressionless, pointing his bat at them, and the show fades off the air. [b]Grade: B+[/b] -------------------------------------------- [b]Final Grade: B[/b] -------------------------------------------- WCW Souled Out Buy-rate: 22.77 WWF Royal Rumble Buy-rate: 14.50 [FONT="Fixedsys"]The New Blackjacks defeated The Truth Commission (D-) 8-Ball defeated D'Lo Brown and Bob Holly (D-) Goldust defeated Skull (D+) Vader defeated Mark Henry (E+) WWF TAG TITLES MATCH: The New Age Outlaws (c) defeat Disciples of Apocalypse II (D+) Marc Mero defeated Phil LaFon (D-) WWF LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE: Taka Michinoku (c) defeated Brian Christopher (D-) Kane defeated Super Crazy (D+) Owen Hart defeated Farooq (C) WWF EUROPEAN TITLE MATCH: Triple H (c) defeated Thrasher (C) Ken Shamrock defeated The Undertaker (B-) WWF WORLD TITLE MATCH: Shawn Michaels (c) defeated Rocky "The Rock" Maivia (B-) [/FONT]
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[QUOTE=ADeezy62;387855][B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Konnan [B]Booker T[/B] vs. Eddy Guerrero [B]Sting[/B] vs. Scott Norton [B] DDP[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell Lex Luger vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] The Giant vs. [B]Raven[/B] [B]The Outsiders[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers Bret Hart vs. [B]Randy Savage[/B][/QUOTE] 7 for 8! Only the draw gotcha, but hey, who can blame ya for that? The cold, brave, lone soul to pick the Macho Madness! [QUOTE=tristram;388228][B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Konnan WCW TV Title Match: Booker T. (c) vs. [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] Non-Title Match: [B]Sting[/B] vs. Scott Norton WCW US Title Match: [B]DDP (c)[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell Lex Luger vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] The Giant vs. [B]Raven[/B] WCW Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Outsiders (c)[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers #1 Contendership Match: [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Randy Savage[/QUOTE] 6 for 8. Not bad at'all. Booker/Eddy seems to be the most contentious match between everyone, split just about down the middle. [QUOTE=foolinc;388331][b]Bill Goldberg[/b] vs. Konnan WCW TV Title Match: Booker T. (c) vs. [b]Eddy Guerrero[/b] Non-Title Match: [b]Sting[/b] vs. Scott Norton WCW US Title Match: [b]DDP (c)[/b] vs. Buff Bagwell Lex Luger vs. [b]Curt Hennig[/b] The Giant vs. [b]Raven[/b] WCW Tag Team Title Match: [b]The Outsiders (c)[/b] vs. The Steiner Brothers #1 Contendership Match: [b]Bret Hart[/b] vs. Randy Savage[/QUOTE] 6 for 8! Another victim of the draw and the curse of Bret Hart. The Main Event will be keeping a lot of people from having perfect scores. [QUOTE=sebsplex;388384]And for Souled Out... [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Konnan [I]Goldberg goes over, there's no way in hell Konnan is ending the streak.[/I] WCW TV Title Match: Booker T. (c) vs. [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] [I]Eddy Guerrero, he just seems to have more going for him right now that Booker.[/I] Non-Title Match: [B]Sting[/B] vs. Scott Norton [I]Something for Sting to do, but Norton's hardly stiff competition.[/I] WCW US Title Match: [B]DDP (c)[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell [I]DDP can run with the belt for a while yet.[/I] Lex Luger vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [I]Luger's powerless without the Lex Express[/I] The Giant vs. [B]Raven[/B] [I]Against my better judgement, but I think the key is in the stipulations.[/I] WCW Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Outsiders (c)[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers [I]The Outsiders should own the division.[/I] #1 Contendership Match: [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Randy Savage Hart would be all but dead in the water if he loses to Savage here, momentumwise as at best, Savage is almost like a gatekeeper to the title scene. Besides, I want to see more rantings from Macho Man following defeat. ;) Tough card to call for the most part.[/QUOTE] Another 6 for 8, same misses, but I hope your prediction of Hart being dead in the water is also wrong, as we appear to be gearing him up for a program with the grand daddy of drawing money... and the guy it seems like everybody in the internet wrestling community wants to see toppled.. that big orange M&M from California... [QUOTE=BIGJOSH;390389][B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Konnan [I]Like Goldberg would lose his streak to Konnan[/I] WCW TV Title match: [B]Booker T. (c)[/B] vs. Eddy Guerrero [I]Bookers reign has just begun, but this feud is far from over![/I] NON-TITLE MATCH: [B]Sting [/B]vs. Scott Norton [I]Norton...LOL[/I] WCW US Title Match: [B]DDP (c)[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell [I]DDP is hot as lava during this era.[/I] Paycheck vs the Porsche Match: Lex Luger vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [I]Hennig = Legend...Luger = Loser[/I] [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Raven If this is fough under Raven's rules then Raven wins, however since that isn't stated I say that Giant wins due to DQ. WCW Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Outsiders (c) [/B]vs. The Steiner Brothers [I]ONE MORE...FOR THE GOOD GUYS!!![/I] #1 Contendership Match: [B]Bret Hart [/B]vs. Randy Savage [I]This has got to start dissention within the nWo...Hart was never used properly by WCW and hopefully you will right those wrongs.[/I][/QUOTE] 5 for 8. Not bad. Everybody is rooting for the immediate demise of the New World Order and to give Hart his rightful place in history. What better way to get some cheap heat from my readers than to not yet deliver? Haha. Good job on Booker though, the first dude who has successfully, sorta, predicted that one, as at least you said he'd retain. [QUOTE=Jaded;390491]Another very entertaining show - keep it up! I really like the Giant vs Raven storyline and the Page vs Buff one (which has to be the most interesting thing anyone's EVER done with Bagwell!) [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Konnan WCW TV Title Match: Booker T. (c) vs. [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] Non-Title Match: [B]Sting [/B]vs. Scott Norton WCW US Title Match: [B]DDP [/B](c) vs. Buff Bagwell Lex Luger vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] The Giant vs. [B]Raven[/B] WCW Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Outsiders (c)[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers #1 Contendership Match: [B]Bret Hart [/B]vs. Randy Savage[/QUOTE] 6 for 8! The same misses as everybody elses. Looks like the curveballs I threw in those storylines have kept people off balance the most. [QUOTE=justtxyank;390570]Great job thus far. Here are my picks. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Konnan [I]Konnan was underrated and overhated imo, but he's just not worthy of being the one to end the streak. Even if pushed correctly, he's a midcarder at best.[/I] WCW TV Title Match: [B]Booker T[/B]. (c) vs. Eddy Guerrero [I]I like Eddie a lot, but Booker T is good with the TV title and this feud could continue[/I] Non-Title Match: [B]Sting [/B]vs. Scott Norton [I]Throw away[/I] WCW US Title Match: [B]DDP (c)[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell [I]Buff could be used better than he was, but going over DDP for the US title right away isn't a good idea imo[/I] Lex Luger vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [I]At the time, it probably made no sense to have Hennig beat Luger, but I hope you go in a different direction. Luger needs to be pushed down the card big time.[/I] The Giant vs. [B]Raven[/B] [I]Raven over thanks to the new Flock member. Feud lasts a little while longer. Hopefully you bring in someone awesome like Bam Bam or Taz or someone that I will care about. :)[/I] WCW Tag Team Title Match: [B]The Outsiders (c)[/B] vs. The Steiner Brothers [I]Steiner turns on Steiner? Hope so. Steiner Bros. tag team was spent at this point imo.[/I] #1 Contendership Match: [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Randy Savage [I]Bret Hart needs the win, Savage never needs one to stay over and important. Hopefully whatever happens sends Savage down the road to a feud with Hogan to keep him out of the title picture and finally give Macho the win he deserved.[/I][/QUOTE] 6 for 8! Same two misses. Man, we've got a lot of Bret Hart fans on these boards. Raven's mystery flock member remains unknown! But I think when it comes to light, you'll feel rewarded for following along. :)
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[CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]WCW US Title Tournament[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] Roddy Piper -------------- -------------- Konnan Scott Steiner -------------- -------------- Ric Flair Rick Steiner -------------- -------------- Steven Regal Jim Neidhart -------------- -------------- Bill Goldberg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Davey Boy Smith -------------- -------------- Buff Bagwell Chris Jericho -------------- -------------- Steve McMichael Lex Luger -------------- -------------- Scott Hall Stevie Ray -------------- -------------- Curt Hennig ------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/nitro.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] WCW Monday Nitro! Card for Monday, Week 1, February, 1998 US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Bill Goldberg vs. Jim Neidhart Juventud Guerrera vs. Dean Malenko US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Roddy Piper vs. Konnan US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Davey Boy Smith vs. Buff Bagwell US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Ric Flair vs. Scott Steiner Raven vs. Lex Luger Bret Hart vs. Scott Hall
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US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Jim Neidhart [I]Easy. Anvil was done at this point and Goldberg is a rising star.[/I] [B][I]Juventud Guerrera[/I] [/B]vs. Dean Malenko [I]Juvi gets the upset over Stinko Malenko thanks to some outside interference.[/I] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Roddy Piper[/B] vs. Konnan [I]Please no Konnan!!![/I] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Davey Boy Smith vs. [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] [I]The stuff lost at the ppv, but I don't see him losing twice to Davey Boy. Wins cheap and continues on in the tournament[/I] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Scott Steiner [I]Hard to pick Flair here because it seems to easy, but you haven't really done anything yet with Scott so progressing him in this tournament might not make sense. Of course, if the card takes place in Carolina it's an auto-loss for the Nature Boy.[/I] [B] Raven [/B]vs. Lex Luger [I]Raven's push continues as Luger moves further down the card[/I] [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Scott Hall [I]Possibly by DQ, but The Outsider doesn't have enough potential at this point to be winning over Hart who needs to regain some momentum. [/I]
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;391188]Loved the show. Glad you are going with Savage v Sting and Hart v Hogan. That makes a lot of sense. Sucks about the injury to DDP! The draw was a nice touch imo. Do I smell LWO?[/QUOTE] You don't smell LWO. At least not as an official entity. I [i]hated[/i] that angle. :) Thanks for the comments on the draw. Yeah, sucks about DDP, but it allows me to give Davey Boy a little push.
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[QUOTE=alden;391232]good show but new jack. I i pray that he is pushed some you can do a story on him. I could pictiure it now. A sacfold match with New Jack and this time he does not miss ;)[/QUOTE] Haha, after watching some interviews with New Jack I was inspired to pick him up, so stay tuned, he's certainly in the plans!
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"][I][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Wrestling Observer[/FONT][/I][/SIZE][/CENTER] [b][u]World Championship Wrestling[/b][/u] [LIST] [*] A prominent WCW star is apparently considering retirement in the next few weeks and months, sources are saying. No word yet on who the superstar might be. [*] WCW held it's Souled Out PPV this past Sunday, and drew a buy-rate of 22.77, 8 points higher than it's WWF competitor the Royal Rumble for the month. [*] During the PPV we saw Randy Savage become #1 Contender over Bret Hart, setting Hart up in a feud with Hollywood Hogan. [*] After an MRI, it looks like Diamond Dallas Page will be out for 2-3 months with his torn bicep. [/LIST] [b][u] World Wrestling Federation[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]Shawn Michaels with another big win at the Royal Rumble, retaining his WWF World Title in the main event over Ken Shamrock [*]The Royal Rumble did a 14.50 buy-rate this year. [*]Jerry Lawler's contract has officially expired with the WWF now, making him the sole property of WCW holdings.[/list] [b][u] Indies[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]Tenryu has announced his retirement at the end of the month. [*]ECW is the first Independent Promotion to produce a number with a PPV this year, with ECW House party doing a 0.30. [*]Sad news to report, as former WWF valet Sherri Martel, often known as Sensational Sherri was found dead in her apartment this weekend due to an overdose. [*]A second drug related death happened this weekend, as former WWF superstar Marty Janetty passed away in a hotel following an Indy event, also due to an overdose. [/LIST]
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US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Jim Neidhart Juventud Guerrera vs. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Roddy Piper [/B]vs. Konnan US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Davey Boy Smith vs. [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Ric Flair vs. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] [B]Raven[/B] vs. Lex Luger [B]Bret Hart [/B]vs. Scott Hall
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US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Jim Neidhart [B]Juventud Guerrera[/B] vs. Dean Malenko US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Roddy Piper vs. [B]Konnan[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Davey Boy Smith vs. [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Scott Steiner [B]Raven[/B] vs. Lex Luger [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Scott Hall
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WCW Monday Nitro! Card for Monday, Week 1, February, 1998 US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Jim Neidhart Juventud Guerrera vs. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Roddy Piper vs. [B]Konnan[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Davey Boy Smith [/B]vs. Buff Bagwell US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Scott Steiner [B]Raven[/B] vs. Lex Luger [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Scott Hall
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US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: [B]Bill Goldberg [/B]vs. Jim Neidhart Juventud Guerrera vs. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Roddy Piper vs. [B]Konnan[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Davey Boy Smith vs. [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] US TITLE TOURNAMENT ROUND 1: Ric Flair vs. [B]Scott Steiner[/B] [B]Raven[/B] vs. Lex Luger [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Scott Hall[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;391814]What mod are you using?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=TragicHeroParade;381739]I'm using the Montreal Aftermath mod. I edited everything up to the 1st week of January, 1998. Hope this helps![/QUOTE] Good question, eh?
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