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The Death of TCW?????

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December 2006 Tommy Cornell had had enough of this year. Since buying Hollywood Grappling Company back in 2004 things have not gone well for the company. He has lost chunks of money. And now the company has been downgraded by many industry insiders. What looked like at one time to be a serious contender to the all mighty Supreme Wrestling Federation is now fighting for its very own existence. Tommy knew he had to make a change, and fast. It was late in the evening and pondered over possible ideas on what to do next. The troops had remained very loyal to him and his dream but patience was perhaps wearing thin. He knew there is one individual who he could call. This individual works right now for SWF. He had helped build D.A.V.E. to the verge of going to the next level, but had a falling out with Phil Vibert. He had laid the ground work to the building of Elite Wrestling out of the Great Lakes region. And now was working with Professor Nero out of Rhode Island. Yes he is under contract with SWF but working in the preverbal minor league for some unnamed offense. Mike Cooper was sitting in his small little office, which was a glass box inside of the middle of the wrestler’s locker room, down in Rhode Island Pro Wrestling after a show. As everyone was sitting around, most packing up to leave but a few dedicated students watching some old wrestling tapes, Mike’s phone rang. He picks it up, answering. [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Hello, this Mike, how may I help you?” [COLOR="BLUE"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Mr. Cooper, this is Tommy Cornell from Total Championship Wrestling.” My eyebrows raise. I had expected this call to come at sometime but had thought I would have had more time than this. [COLOR="BLUE"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Hello Mr. Cornell, how may I be of service to you?” [COLOR="BLUE"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “I think I could ask you the same question Mr. Cooper. I’ve been keeping my eye on you for the last two years, and I must say I’m a bit shocked at your treatment. A grand wrestling mind that took a small bottom-dollar promotion like Danger and Violence Extreme Wrestling and turned it into a national phenomenon with a cult-following that would die for you, has been having his talents squandered away by a money-grubbing big-time corporation.” My ego grew as a smile stretched across my face. [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Please, go on.” [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Yes, well we here at Total Championship Wrestling all agree that you’re being kept under the glass ceiling for sure. You were kicked off the writing team, you were taken off-screen and now you’re stuck building the stars of the future for a company that seems to hate your guts. Face it Mike, if I may call you that, you’re giving back to a company that never gave you your time to shine.” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Mr. Cornell, you can sit there and fill my head full of hot-air all night but it doesn’t really serve a purpose other than to waste time. I know my life story, so could we please cut to the chase.” [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Certainly, time is money after all. Mr. Cooper we at Total Championship Wrestling know that your contract with SWF is running short. We’d like to sign your checks in place of SWF if you catch my drift. I’d like you to come work for us as the head writer, and possibly an on-screen character as well.” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Interesting. Very interesting.” [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “What do you say Mr. Cooper?” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Jesus, that’s a big decision. Could I have some time…” I was cut off in mid-sentence by a knock on my door. [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Hold on one minute please. Come in!” Andre Jones entered through the door and approached my desk. [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Whatsup?” [COLOR="Blue"]Andre:[/COLOR] “Mike, I just wanted to tell you that I got the call! I’m being called up next week! I owe it all to you Mike, thanks so much.” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Well congratulations Andre, I always knew you had it in you. Now if you don’t mind, I’ve got a very important call to make.” Andre made a “Call Me” sign as he backed out through the doorway, and shut the door behind him. I stared at Andre through my glass panes as he walked away, contemplating what to do. [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Mr. Cornell, I’m well aware of my abilities to the industry. I know what I’m capable of, and who would be more thankful of my talents. These boys down here do depend on me, but damnit I’m tired of getting pushed around. When would you like to meet about my contract?” [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “You’re doing the right thing Mr. Cooper. How’s Thursday for you?” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Just perfect. Goodbye Mr. Cornell.” [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR]“Goodbye Mr. Cooper.”
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The next day Mike sat around his house, not coming to work and watched TCW. Absorbing as much info as he can on every worker in the ring. Mike wanted to be educated on the product he would be working with and the very next day Mike marched into Richard Eisen’s office down at SWF Headquarters. [COLOR="Blue"]Richard Eisen:[/COLOR] “Mike, what’s this I hear about you leaving?” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “That is correct sir. You know my contract runs out December tenth and I want you to know right now I don’t intend on signing any extension. December thirty-first I clean out my SWF locker, and January first, I join forces with your competition TCW.” [COLOR="Blue"]Richard:[/COLOR] “Mike, why would you do this?” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Richard, you and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on things. You know that and I know that. Everyone here’s crapped all over my name ten times over! I don’t mean to show any disrespect towards you personally Richard; I just don’t fit in with your “perfect-mold” company. TCW’s really the place for me.” [COLOR="Blue"]Richard:[/COLOR] “What are you talking about Mike? We’ve treated you with the utmost respect around here, and if there’s anything to your disliking we’d be more than happy to go out of our way to change it for you.” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Ha, yeah, and I am going to crap golden bricks.” The two shared a small chuckle at my sarcasm. [COLOR="Blue"]Richard:[/COLOR] “Alright, I’ll inform the webmasters and tell them to put the full story on the internet so no rumors get started about how you tried to disrespect me or anything like that. Good luck Mike, we’ll miss you around here.” [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Yeah, I’m sure. Catch you later Richard.” As I left Richard’s office and walked down the hall towards the elevator that would bring him to the ground floor but he ran into Peter Michaels on the way there. Peter handed a small stack of stapled papers to Mike. [COLOR="blue"]Peter:[/COLOR] “Mike, I just had the lawyers finish drawing up your new contract. Here’s a pen, I’m sure you know where to sign.” I grinned as I have wanted to do this for some time now. I dropped Peter’s pen, then continued to tear the contract in half, then in half again, and drop the pieces at Peter’s feet. [COLOR="blue"]Peter:[/COLOR] “Where the hell do you think you’re going? Get back here right now! Mr. Eisen is not going to approve of this. ” But I just kept on walking and once I entered the elevator and pressed the ground floor button and waved goodbye to Peter until the doors closed.
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Ok guys here is basically the backdrop to this. I am using the Cornellverse and Efferse. The date is set for January 2007. I have imported all of the new feds from Efferse. They have no owners, and no workers. Also have imported the new workers from Efferse. I have dropped TCW’s popularity to Cult status and have money set for 5,000,000. All of the default feds have remained unchanged except SWF. The only change I have done with is switch TV networks/ time and date for their show. SWF TV show will be on Mondays on the GNN Network. TCW’s show is on America’s Sports 1 on Thursdays now . I have also imported some of the major networks from real life and some shows. Networks like Fox,NBC,CBS and such. More to come guys and I hope we all enjoy this.
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[CENTER]Total Championship Wrestling Cult Status Bank $5,000,000 [/CENTER] Main Event Liberty (F) Texas Pete (H) Tommy Cornell (H) Troy Tornado (H) Ricky Dale Johnson (F) BLZ Bubb (H) Upper Midcard American Buffalo (H) Rick Law (F) Joel Bryant (H) Ghenghis Rahn (H) Rocky Golden (H) Wolf Hawkins (H) Midcard Charlie Thatcher (H) Randall Hopkirk (F) Wrestling Machine #2 (H) Wrestling Machine #1 (H) Jay Darkness (H) Billy Jack Shearer (F) Giant Tana (F) Ronnie V Pain (H) Robert Oxford (H) Lower Midcard Raul Darkness (H) Stink (H) Grunt (H) Harry Allen (F) Openers Freddie Huggins (H) Steve Gumble (F) Chance Fortune (F) Enhancement Talent Aaron Andrews (F) Ice Man CA (F) Managers Floyd Goldsworthy Playboy Jake Sawyer Announce Crew Jason Azaira Kyle Rhodes Road Agent Archie Moore Personalities Mike Cooper Eriq Mobely Zach King Title Holders TCW World Heavyweight Champ= Tommy Cornell TCW International Title= Rocky Golden TCW World Tag Team Champions= The Machines Tag Team All are the same as with default data Changes made. Dropped to Cult status. Moved show to Thursday and now on Americas Sports 1. With that network being dropped to Medium as far as size. TCW PPV Malice in Wonderland event has been moved up to 2d week of January Feuds that are going on. 1. Tommy Cornell has been champion for some time now. He has the Machines and Floyd Goldsworthy as support. Has recently enlisted the help of BLZ Bubb who had been clamoring for a title shot. There main opponents appear to be Rick Law and Ricky Dale Johnson. Rick Law has been acting like a possible heel turn however and has made his alliance with Ricky Johnson uneasy. 2. Rocky Golden who has been on a tear since arriving at TCW has been on a off again/ on again feud with Wolf Hawkins and Troy Tornado. 3. Liberty has been engaging in a war of words with Eriq Mobely. Eriq has been given the aura that he is involved with the TCW Board of Directors.
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[CENTER]TCW Headquarters [/CENTER] I sat in my first TCW management meeting with the likes of Tommy Cornell, Eriq Mobely, Floyd Goldsworthy, Joel Bryant, and Ricky Dale Johnson. [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR]“Gentlemen, I’d like you all to know that for past two years, TCW should have made a bigger splash than what we have. With our TV show, and all of the amazing talents we have on our roster, how could we not be successful? I think the best sign of our success would be that SWF is quaking in its boots at the mention of our name.” Everyone at the meeting shares a laugh but Mike who merely clears his throat and stares at Cornell. [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “I believe through all your leaps and bounds towards what should have been success, you still a considerably long way away from being even a remote threat to SWF.” Everyone in the meeting begins to murmur and mumble to one another in disagreement and disapproval of Mike’s response. [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Quiet, quiet down everyone. Don’t make me flicker the lights. Mr. Cooper is entitled to his opinion, as we are to all of ours. Tell me Mr. Cooper, what do you think it would take to get TCW to the top of the mountain?” I sat there with my fingers pressed against one another in a Mr. Burns like fashion, thinking and pondering about how to phrase this. [COLOR="Blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Primetime.” [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Why, we have a Primetime slot right now with our associates at America‘s Sports 1.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “No. It’s not enough. I mean Primetime on a larger network. We are not reaching anywhere close to the amount of home we need to survive. America Sports 1 isn’t being watched, they may not be dieing, but there not growing either. Plus they’re charging us extra while they reap all the benefits. All of those fat cats want their success story with a big Sport 1 banner on it. I say lets dump em and move on to bigger and better places.” [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Mr. Cooper, I think you’re being a little out of line.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Really? Why don’t we take a vote then? All those in favor? We’ll go around the room.” Floyd Goldsworthy stands up out of his chair, leaning over the table as he casts his vote. [COLOR="blue"]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/COLOR]“I’m solely and full against Mike Cooper on this one Mr. Cornell. Even though I helped broker the deal currently in place I feel both we at TCW and America Sports 1 can continue to grow as one. No disrespect to you though Mike.” [COLOR="blue"]RDJ:[/COLOR] “Hey I’m totally witcha Mike! I know ya reputation and what a mind ya have when it comes to the industry! You’ve got mah full support.” [COLOR="blue"]Joel Bryant:[/COLOR] “If it wasn’t for big leaps and jumps that were risky, we wouldn’t be here in the first place would we Tommy? I vote yes, because Mike does have a good mind when it comes to this business and took a rinky-dink promotion and turned it into a national phenomenon! Even if it was 10 years ago.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Obviously you all know my vote seeing as how I pitched the idea. How about you Mobely? You want a taste of true competition with SWF or do you want to always be known as second best?” [COLOR="blue"]Eriq Mobely:[/COLOR]“Ha! If that isn’t the most manipulative statement ever made. Frankly Mike, I’d rather always be looked at as second best than a year long fad that died off. I’m voting no. It’s all up to you now Tommy with the votes tied two a-piece.” [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR]“I know your reputation too Mike. I know that you’re a talented writer, but this isn’t writing you’re talking about! This is my family business you’re talking about! This isn’t some little rinky-dink promotion for you to drive into the ground! This is my life! This is my passion! And I’ll be damned if we take one jump ahead of ourselves.” With that being said, Tommy Cornell rose from his leather chair and walked over to the window where he stared outside, contemplating. He pulled a pack of cigarettes out from his inner pocket and tapped it against his forearm a few times before drawing a cigarette and placing it in his mouth, while putting away the box. Cornell lit the cigarette and took a long drag before blowing out the smoke towards the window. Cornell turned around and slowly began shaking his head. [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR]“I’m sorry Mike but I can’t throw this much power into your lap on your first day at the job. I’m keeping it in consideration, but here’s what I will do. I’m giving you a goal Mike. If you can put on some outstanding shows between now and next time networks start negotiating, I will give it some intense consideration. I believe that will conclude the business at hand gentlemen. I would however like a word with you Mr. Cooper if I may?” The room started to clear out as everybody was giving me the o no you done it now look. My mind I will admit was racing as I was recalling if I had ever been fired anywhere on my first day. [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR]” Mr. Cooper I have a few goals I wish to have out of you. First goal is I do not want another downgrade of this company. If this happens I am selling this pig and moving on. Second goal is I have lost far too much money the last year and a half and I want that to stop. I will give you two years but at our current level I see no reason why we can not have 6.5 million in our coffers.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR]“Shouldn’t be a problem. Ok let’s talk product.” [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR]“We are not changing a thing.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Mr. Cornell, with all due respect, I believe we should. It could very well be the main reason why you have lost the money that you have. Let’s look at it like this. SWF is the master at what they do. Yes it is very different back in the day but those days have come and gone. I understand being different, hell I’m all for that. But the fact remains the days of Tradition have come and gone. This is what I propose instead.” I present a folder with out lines on what I want to do. I can see the wheels in his head turning as he is absorbing the information. Yes, I have closed the deal it appears. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SIZE="3"] Card Preview Grunt Takes VS Ronnie V Pain Rocky Golden VS Charlie Thatcher Freddie Huggens VS Chance Fortune The Machines VS Rick Law and Giant Tana [/SIZE] Predictions and comments are welcome. This is perhaps a weird start but got some high momentum from some weak guys to start out with. I think it will be entertaining to be the least. Besides I aint expecting a high rated show but for what I have planned it should be entertaining. Now if I can match my fingers to my ideas in my head, MUHAHAHA.
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling January Week 1 2007 Attendance 5,000[/CENTER] The show opens with the usual pryo display. The camera crew locks into various portions of the crowd. Jason Azira and Kyle Rhodes welcome us to the show and begin to give a run down of the show tonight when all of a sudden Tommy Cornell’s music starts to play. Being led out by Floyd Goldsworthy comes The Machines, BLZ Bubb, and Tommy Cornell goes through the entrance tunnel and down the ramp together. Jason Azria and Kyle Rhodes go on a tangent about how Cornell and his cohorts are a bunch of no-good slime balls. The group climb into the ring and Cornell grabs for a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Four times…” Cornell begins gazing into his belt with a hypnotic trance as the crowd begins to boo immensely. Chants of “Drop The Belt” are heard throughout the arena. [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Yeah, in your pathetic, poverty-stricken, dreams.” The crowd gives Cornell some major heat before he continues. [COLOR="blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Four times, this belt has been readjusted onto my waist. Four times, I’ve overcome adversity, conspiracy after conspiracy, and obstacle after obstacle, and through all the smoke and mirrors, through all the doubt in all of your minds that I could never do it, I always come out on top! I always come out on top, because I am a real champion! Tommy Cornell is a real champion! Let me spell that for you: It’s not Troy Tornado. It’s not Liberty. It’s not even Ricky Dale Johnson! Not anyone could hold this belt with such prestige and such class as The King of the Mountain! I’ve solidified, time and time again, that TCW is my Mountain! And I’m the king of this here mountain! Seeing as how I’m the King, something has been brought to my attention. There are infidels in my Kingdom! There are mutineers on my mountain, and do you know what we do to those mutineers? Tell ‘em Bubb.” Cornell hands the microphone to BLZ Bubb as he looks around to a lot of heat from the crowd. [COLOR="blue"]BLZ Bubb[/COLOR] “I’ve got news for you Cornell, this isn’t your mountain! This isn’t your Kingdom and BLZ Bubb sure as hell isn’t your pawn, rook, or even knight!” Bubb gets a small cheer from the crowd for standing up to Cornell. [COLOR="blue"]BLZ Bubb[/COLOR] “This is not your Kingdom, this…” BLZ Bubb points to all the corners of the ring before continuing. [COLOR="blue"]BLZ Bubb[/COLOR] “This, is my wasteland! The Wasteland, is the Demonic One’s hunting grounds, and THAT, is the only reason why I’d be caught dead, guarding you. You’re the soul I‘m looking for. You’re the prey that I can never seem to get my hands on. So if I can’t catch you, then nobody can! I will go through each and every one of those so-called mutineers in the back, and I will guarantee them that in my Wasteland, only the strongest survive! And when only the strongest survive, then that can only mean one thing! To all you in the back, you want Cornell, you have to go thru me first.” Floyd Goldsworthy swipes the microphone out of BLZ Bubb’s hand causing him to get a fierce look in his eye. [COLOR="blue"]Floyd:[/COLOR] “Stop it! Stop it now! There will be no dissention among the King’s ranks! Bubb, if you, when you, serve you purpose and destroy all those who wish to take Cornell’s title, there will seemingly be no one left for Cornell to give out title shots to… except, for you. So serve your purpose and serve it well. At Malice in Wonderland, you and Tommy will annihilate Ricky Dale Johnson and Rick Law! And then…” The lights go out, cutting Goldsworthy off. RDJ’s symbol appears on the entranceway, flashing as we vaguely see all of Camp Cornell scurrying around the ring in a confused manner. The lights come back on revealing a large banner all rolled up over the entrance tunnel. The paper unrolls to the ground revealing a Malice in Wonderland poster with Giant Red X’s on the faces of Cornell and BLZ Bubb. Rating: A [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] Grunt beat Ronnie V Pain in 5:45. In a serviceable opening match. Grunt gains the win from outside interference by Stink using a chain. Rating: D- After the match Stink and Grunt start to beat down Ronnie Pain. Billy Jack Shearer ran down the aisle and slides into the ring and attacks Stink, causing him to drop his chain. A brawl erupted between the two which Billy Jack had control of until he turned around into a steel chain shot to the face by Grunt. Stink and Grunt double teamed Billy Jack Shearer, laying him out flat with a series of stomps, then did the same to Ronnie Pain before leaving. Rating: D+ [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] Rocky Golden beat Charlie Thatcher at 6:02. Mostly a showcase match for Rocky but got a surprisingly good effort out of Thatcher. Rating: C- After the match, Wolf Hawkin’s music hit as Wolf dashes down the aisle, steel chair in hand and slid into the ring. Rocky was celebrating his win before getting struck in the forehead with a chair shot from Hawkins. Rocky got a glazed-over look in his eyes but didn’t go down from the shot, surprising, and intimidating Wolf. Rocky Golden groggily and stumbles only to receive two more chair shots that sent him staggering around the ring for moment before dropping to his knees again in front of Wolf. Wolf rears back and delivers one final chair shot, right to the face of Rocky that finally put the big man down. Wolf spiked the chair into the mat and signaled that he was going to be the next International Champion. Rating: B- [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] Freddy Huggins defeated Chance Fortune at 4:44 with a Huggins Kiss. In another surprisingly good match. Both men did well and the crowd seemed to follow along with the match. Rating: C- Zak King is backstage in the interview area with the camera zoomed in on mostly just him. [COLOR="blue"]King:[/COLOR] “Hello once again TCW fans! I’m backstage here tonight with one of the most popular individuals on the roster! Ladies and Gentlemen, This, is, Liberty.” [COLOR="blue"]Liberty:[/COLOR] “Zak King, I’d like to start by thanking that maggot of a human being who wasted his time and breath giving me this interview time. Eriq Mobely has been so kind, and generous enough to grant me an ultimatum. If I lose against his chosen opponent at Malice in Wonderland, it will be the end of Liberty. But if I win, then I get my title match! I accept your terms Eriq.” Eriq Mobely busted onto the scene getting in Liberty’s face and poking him in the chest with his index finger. [COLOR="blue"]Eriq:[/COLOR] “And you will lose Liberty! You will lose, because my opponent for you in undefeatable! There is no possible way you’ll walk out victorious, I guarantee it!” [COLOR="blue"]Liberty:[/COLOR] “Really Eriq, you know what I guarantee? I guarantee Liberty will ring true that night!” Eriq starts to poke Liberty in the chest again when Liberty has had enough and shoves Eriq‘s hand off of his chest. [COLOR="blue"]Eriq:[/COLOR] “Laying your grubby little hands on the me is grounds for suspension Liberty! But don’t worry, I’m only suspending you until your match at Malice in Wonderland, because I want to see you lose fair and square! And I’m going to love every minute of it Liberty!” Rating C [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] Giant Tana and Rick Law defeated The Machines at 14:46. Giant Tana pinned Machine #1 with a Big Fat Samoan Squash. Good match that I thought was brought down a notch perhaps by Tana inexperience in main events. The match also saw The Tag Team Specialist run down and distract The Machines throughout the match. Rating C+ After the match Tag Team Specialists knock down Machine #2 with a double clothesline, then go after Machine #2 to a massive pop. The Tag Team Specialists exits the ring. BLZ Bubb and Tommy Cornell run down the aisle and attack them from behind. Rick Law and Giant Tana have their total attention on the brawl between the four contestants on the ramp, when they’re both ambushed and hit with a Double Clothesline to the back of the head by the Huge Texas Pete. BLZ Bubb and Tommy Cornell double team Joel Bryant. American Buffalo runs down the aisle and gets into a brawl with both BLZ Bubb and Cornell but can’t hold his ground for long. Back inside of the ring, Pete drops Rick Law with the Lone Star Drop then feeds him to The Machines. The Machines hits Rick Law with a double Suplex, simultaneously as Texas Pete hits the Sidewalk Slam on Tana as we go off the Air. Rating: B+ [CENTER]Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: 7:52[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]TCW Headquarters[/CENTER] Another board meeting took place to discuss the ratings of the previous show and the events that took place on it. [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “I’d like to discuss first, and foremost our ratings last week. I’m going to be frank. It was far less than I expected it to be. We averaged for the show 7.52 share, but what is alarming is we open with 4.32. But the good news is we climbed to a 10.62 on the last half hour. We must do a better job at getting people to watch the whole show not just the last couple of segments.” Joel Bryant sat up and walked around the table approaching Mike Cooper. Bryant got into Cooper’s face and breathed heavily before speaking. [COLOR="blue"]Bryant:[/COLOR] “You hear that Cooper? Some creative genius you are. Are you trying to drive this company into the ground Mike? Huh?” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Look, Joel, I’m sorry about the rating. I made Cornell the focus of the show, he opened to a great segment, and closed out the show with a strong effort. The action in between was decent, not great, but decent. And besides that my hands are tied since I’m still working on preexisting storylines. All and all I feel it was a successful night.” [COLOR="blue"]Joel:[/COLOR] “Mike, listen to me very carefully. I don’t care what the fans think they like and think they don’t like. They like what we tell them to like! Tell me Mr. Dumbass, what do you plan to go down at the Pay Per View?” [COLOR="blue"]Cornell[/COLOR] “Joel! That’s enough! Sit down.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR]“No, that’s alright Mr. Cornell. Here’s how the card looks so far Joel: BLZ Bubb and Tommy Cornell, vs. Ricky Dale Johnson and Rick Law Liberty vs. Eriq Mobely’s choice, which I’m keeping to myself until the date. With the stipulation that if Liberty wins he becomes number one contender but if Mobely’s choice wins then Liberty quits and never works for TCW again. Rocky Golden vs. Wolf Hawkins - International Title The Machines and Texas Pete vs. Giant Tana and your team Joel, The Tag Team Specialists Troy Tornado vs. Freddie Huggens Stink and Grunt vs. Billy Jack Shearer and Ronnie V Pain Ghenghis Rahn vs. Aaron Andrews Joel and Cornell locked eyes with each sending the message about their opinion on the card. Joel, not seeing a look of discontent in Cornell’s eyes like he had in his own, walked back around the table, but instead of sitting down walked right out the door.
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling January Week 2 2007 McGraw Arena Attendance 5,000[/CENTER] The show opens with the usual pyro display. The camera crew locks into various portions of the crowd. Jason Azira and Kyle Rhodes welcome us to the show and begin to give a run down of the show tonight. They also talk about how Malice in Wonderland is right around the corner even though the event is sold out, you can still watch it thru PPV. Freddy Huggins beat Ice Man C.A. at 4:21. Good match to open with. While they battled in the ring Troy Tornado came down and did a guest spot at the announce table. Try proclaimed that even though Freddy had a good look to him, he would easily whip Freddy if they ever hooked up. Freddy rolls up Ice Man with a hand full of tights and stole a win. After wards hearing what Troy said about him Freddy slapped Troy and ran away like a little girl before Troy regained his senses. Troy says at Malice he will make Freddy regret that. Rating C- The Nation of Filth come out along with their new manager Playboy Jake Sawyer. The group climbs into the ring and Jake Sawyer grabs for a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"]Jake Sawyer:[/COLOR] “O what wicked tale we weave. You fools, you ask how could The Nation attack Painfull Procedure. Simple, I told them too, haha. These two gentlemen are former Tag Team Champions. They deserve way more than they have gotten from you than fans, but by TCW it self. They deserve… ” Painfull Procedure’s music plays as Billy Jack Shearer, Ronnie V Pain, and Randall Hopkirk come out. [COLOR="Blue"]Ronnie V Pain:[/COLOR]” Blah Blah Blah. You boys want to reclaim your glory of yesteryear at our expense. Well that’s good news for us, bad news for you.” [COLOR="Blue"]Billy Jack:[/color] “We will see you boys at Malice.” [COLOR="Blue"]Randal Hopkirk:[/color] “ But you don’t know which two your gonna face chumps. So get your beauty sleep girls. Get all dolled up. Because at Malice, IT’S GONNA BE A PAINFULL PROCEDURE for you.” Rating D- and D for the two segments [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] American Buffalo beat Charlie Thatcher at 10:05 with a Stampede. The crowd really didn’t seem to follow this one. I guess there is only so many punches and headlock one can watch before getting bored. Buffalo did look good in this one. And both men seemed to learn something from this match so that was a plus. Rating: D+ After the match The Darkness Bothers came running down to ringside and jump American Buffalo. Buffalo wasted no time however in fending off the attack. As he took both brothers off of their feet with a huge double clothesline. Thatcher however was back in the ring with a chair and clocks Buffalo with it. Staggering the big man. Raul and Jay get to their feet and take turn punching Buffalo staggering him further. Thatcher yells for them to grab Buffalo’s arms. They do and Thatcher slaps Buffalo a few times before knocking American Buffalo out with another chair shot. Rating: C- We go backstage now where Wolf Hawkins and Zak King are there. [COLOR="Blue"]Zak King:[/color] “Good evening Total Championship Wrestling Fans! Once again, I’m Zak King, backstage here with Wolf Hawkins. Wolf, at Malice in Wonderland, you go one on one with the Rocky Golden for the International Title. What are your thoughts on that match? Are you at all intimidated?” [COLOR="Blue"]Wolf Hawkins:[/color] “Intimidated? The man is almost undefeated since his debut in TCW. Just two months ago, we’re tagging together, we’re kicking ass and he gives me a steel chair shot to the head! He gives me two of his Rock Drops ! He could have ended my career! He could have ended the career of Wolf Hawkins! Hell, if that’s not intimidation, let’s talk about just last week. I hit the guy with a million chair shots and he still wouldn’t go down! I’ve got a large arsenal of maneuvers Zak. I’ve got moves that would make the average man’s head spin! But I’m not sure what exactly is going to be able to keep this guy down. I have only one hope. I have only once chance, and that is the support of my fans. Only through the belief of the fans that I CAN win.” Before Hawkins could say anything else he is jumped from behind by the International Champion, Rocky Golden. Wolf gets pushed into a corner against a large metal dumpster as Rocky kicks and punches him in the face and chest. Rocky delivers a Rock Drop.{inverted DDT} Rocky busts Wolf open with several stiff right hands to the forehead then removes a towel from around his neck, wiping Wolf’s blood onto it. [COLOR="Blue"]Rocky Golden:[/color]” I’ll see you at Malice punk.” Rating: B- [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] Texas Pete beat Giant Tana at 10:20. Entertaining match as the crowd watched on as two of the bigger men in TCW battled one another. Pete usually can just over power and push his opponents around at will but not tonight as Tana can match his power for power. Tana countered when he can and got a good amount of pop from the crowd. But Pete nails a Lonestar Drop to pick up the win. Pete seemed to learn from the match as well. Rating: C [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/Center] BLZ Bubb’s music hits as he makes his way through the entrance tunnel. Kyle Rhodes goes on a tangent about how Bubb has no business here tonight because he has no scheduled match. Bubb enters the ring and then grabs a microphone from the ring crew. [COLOR="Blue"]BLZ Bubb:[/color] “Last week, The I raided his haunting grounds to find two of my biggest prey. I turned The Tag Team Specialists into two of his biggest morsels, I crushed that punk Giant Tana while The Machines like a pack of wolves double-teamed Rick Law. Well I am a lone wolf! I don’t need no pack to back him up, especially, like that sissy Tommy Cornell! Cornell, I’m calling you out to my ring. With all your other threats to your title decimated, dominated, and destroyed, that leaves only me and you left! Law, gone! Tag Team Specialists, beaten down and broken! Giant Tana, still getting his scraps fed to Texas Pete! And Ricky Dale Johnson, wouldn’t show up to face me if three briefcases full of cash were laid in the middle… of my ring! What’s that I smell RDJ? I can smell it! Don’t think I can’t smell it, because I can! I can smell the fear! You’re afraid to step into my haunting grounds, and you should be! Anyone who steps into my haunting grounds, feels, the fear. So Cornell, with me being your only threat now, why don’t you bring your ass down to this ring and give me my deserved title shot!” Tommy Cornell’s music hits as the TCW World Heavyweight Champion comes out through the entrance tunnel. Cornell enters the ring and grabs the microphone out of BLZ Bubb’s hand, disrespecting him immensely. [COLOR="Blue"]Tommy Cornell:[/color] “Who in the hell do you think you are? Listen up! I’ve got all the pull around here! I make all the decisions, not you! If you want this title you’ll have to earn it just like every other yahoo in the back!” BLZ Bubb begins to fairly inaudibly (because he has no microphone) yell to Cornell that he helped him out in the ambush. [COLOR="Blue"]Tommy Cornell:[/color] “Oh, that’s right. You were with me last week when we jumped those clowns Tag Team Specialists, Giant Tana and Rick Law, weren’t you? Well I got news for you pal, so was Machines and so was Texas Pete and I don’t plan on giving any of them a title shot any time soon either!” The crowd boos Cornell immensely. To this, Tommy only smirks arrogantly as he looks around. [COLOR="Blue"]Tommy Cornell:[/color] “I’m the four time TCW World Heavyweight Champion BLZ Bubb! I didn’t obtain such an astounding reign by handing out title shots to slackers who throw ambushes at people and call it “proof of their ability”! All it says is that Tommy Cornell is the King of this here Mountain and I’m going to be for a long time, so long as I keep brain-dead muscle-headed idiots like you keeping me safe! But if you want, at Malice in Wonderland I’ll let you rub elbows with greatness when you tag with me to defeat that ****y little bastard Rick Law, and that freak of nature…” The lights go out cutting off Cornell before he can mention RDJ’s name. The RDJ symbol flashes on the screen, playing RDJ’s music along with it. The lights come back on but there’s no sign of RDJ or even a symbol of his showing up tonight. Instead, Rick Law is standing behind Cornell and BLZ Bubb with his arms folded. Law grabs his night stick and smashes Bubb over the head with it knocking him clean out. Cornell and Law get into a fistfight, which turns into an all-out melee around the ring. Cornell turns the tide with a rake to the eyes then sets Law up for The Rough Ride, but taunts the crowd just one second too long. Cornell falls forward but Law, having been able to catch his breath frees his leg from Cornell’s and rolls forward allowing Cornell to fall right on his face. Law and Cornell both get back up to their feet quickly and charge towards each other. Law ducks a Cornell Clothesline and nails him with the Long Arm of Justice just as The Machines hit the ring. Law rolls out of the ring a split-second before The Machines could touch him. Rating: B [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] Troy Tornado beat Genghis Rahn at 14:06 with a Star Maker. Little disappointing match. Perhaps I had too much going on at the end of it that may have distracted the crowd. The end saw American Buffalo come out and attack Jake Sawyer who is managing Rahn. Darkness Warriors come out and make the save on Jake Sawyer. Troy was distracted with this going on. Freddy Huggens ran down and attacked Troy while Referee Sam Sparrow was trying to restore order by sending Buffalo and The Darkness Warriors to the back. Rahn gets back into the match and was about to hit his Rahn to the Hills move win Troy lands his finisher instead. He points at Huggens as he retreats slowly to the backstage area as we come to a close of the show. Rating: C [CENTER]Overall Rating: C TV Rating: 7:47[/CENTER]
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Malice in Wonderland Preview Genghis Rahn battles Aaron Andrews. Rahn now with the services of Playboy Jake Sawyer takes on the young but exciting Aaron Andrews. Painfull Procedure battles The Nation of Filth. Two former TCW World Tag Team Champions battle it out. Both have been overlooked but are trying to regain their glory. Troy Tornado battles Freddy Huggens. Freddy has been making some noise as of late. He looks to make a name for himself if he can beat Troy Tornando. Troy has been a huge star since arriving in TCW. Troy is also a former International Champion. Giant Tana and The Tag Team Specialists VS The Machines and Texes Pete. This should be a good match. You have size, you have skill, and bad blood as both teams have something to prove. Rocky Golden defends his International Title against Wolf Hawkins. This war just keeps getting better and better. Can Rocky retain? Or is this the match that Wolf goes to the next level. Liberty VS ?????. A Mystery match. The stipulation is if Liberty wins he becomes number one contender. But if Mobely’s choice wins then Liberty quits and never works for TCW again. BLZ Bubb and Tommy Cornell vs. Ricky Dale Johnson and Rick Law. This is a war that threatens to tear TCW to its core. Predictions and comment welcome.
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The Malice card will be up soon. Maybe tonight, or tomorrow night at the latest. Thought it turned out to be a fun card. Anyway guys for those who do pop in do you like this formatt or would you like some graphics on this. It seems like I can post faster this way but if there is a demand for it I could go back to posting pics with each write up.
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Don't know that you need pictures but just a way to break it up a bit as its quite difficult to see where one segment ends and the next begins. Maybe bold it up every time there a match eg. [B]Freddy Huggins vs. Ice Man[/B] Freddy Huggins beat Ice Man C.A. at 4:21. Good match to open with. While they battled in the ring Troy Tornado came down and did a guest spot at the announce table. .... [B]Rating C-[/B] is a pretty effective way used by a lot of people and doesn't take too long to do. Onto the predictions... Andrews over Rahn. [I]Just cause Andrews is the future and a big win like this will do wonders[/I] PP over the rubbish of TCW Troy Tornado over Huggins The Machines and Texas Pete over Tana and The Specialists Rocky Golden over Wolf Hawkins [I]I don't doubt that the title will be put on Hawkins before long but personally I'd keep the title on Golden and make Hawkins chase a bit longer[/I] Liberty over ??? [I]purely because Liberty is too valuable to lose at this point.[/I] Cornell & Bubb over RDJ & Law [I]Come on, Bubb and Cornell are two of the biggest assets in TCW. RDJ is kept strong with Law being pinned.[/I]
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[CENTER]Malice In Wonderland January 2d week 2007 15,000 attendance Utah Park Reservation [/CENTER] We open with Tommy Cornell, BLZ Bubb, Ricky Dale Johnson, and Rick Law each of them whispering, “It’s Time“. Storm clouds roll in on the clip. We also see various shots of Liberty, Tommy Cornell and Ricky Dale Johnson bloodied and Cornell’s and Sam Keith are each winning their first TCW Title. Life is not series of random events. We can not control the malice of Mother Nature’s moods. Or slow the hands of father time. But as dreamers we can build legacies. Create new worlds. Forge new movements that stand the test of time it’s self. Tonight, is one of those defining moment. A chance to show the whole world that a dream has become reality. It is also a night where individual dream chasers, men of courage and passion, who train in battle, to create their own legacies. Their stories are endless. Tonight boys will become men. Men will become warriors. And Warriors take their steps to the road of immortality. This is their moment. This is Malice in Wonderland. The show opens with a huge pyrotechnic display. The crowd is jacked up for tonight’s matches. Jason Azaria and Kyle Rhodes welcome us to Malice in Wonderland. They run over tonight’s card. Both are very excited and it shows in their work. [CENTER] [B] Genghis Rahn VS Aaron Andrews[/B][/CENTER] Rahn’s music plays as he and Manager Playboy Jake Sawyer, who accompanies him walk through the entrance tunnel and down the ramp way and to the ring. Aaron Andrew’s music hits and out come Aaron. He walks out of the entrance tunnel and throws his fist into the air before running down the aisle and sliding into the ring, firing off a barrage of forearms to the face of Rahn as the bell rings. Jake Sawyer tries to slide into the ring and attack Aaron prematurely but Andrews bounces off the ropes and goes for a Tornado DDT, only to give Sawyer a kick to the face that propels him out of the ring. Aaron nails a DDT onto Rahn. Rahn pulls himself back up to his feet only to get hit with a back breaker for a two count. Aaron climbs up to the top rope. And was about to go for a Missile Dropkick but Rahn pulls himself up to his feet and shook the ropes crotching him on the top rope. Aaron falls sideways into the Tree Of Woe position. Rahn climbs up onto the second rope and while stepping on the crotch of Aaron. Rahn stand there playing up to the crowd. Aaron pulls himself upwards and dropping Rahn back down to the mat with a Powerbomb/Schoolboy which released his own foot from the turnbuckle and get him a two count on Rahn. The action would be shared back and forth with a great deal of counters and a few submission attempts. Aaron calls for the end, calling for a flying body press. Jake Sawyer bought his member some time by jumping up on the apron to distract Aaron. Rahn began acting like he was reeling in Andrew until finally he spins Andrews kicks him to the gut and set him up for the Rahn to the Hills. Rahn pins his man at 10:01 [B]Winner:[/B] Genghis Rahn [B]Rating: C[/B] We see Stink and Grunt teaming together to Painfull Procedure. Painfull Procedure cut a promo telling us how they are going to dismantle The Nation of Filth tonight. [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [CENTER][B]The Nation of Filth VS Painfull Procedure[/B][/CENTER] Stink and Grunt make their entrance first to a lot of heat from the crowd. They make their way down the ramp and enter the ring, refusing to slap any hands of the fans on their way. Painfull Procedure’s music hits they come out and do a pose. The Trio makes their way down the ramp and enters the ring mounting the turnbuckles and playing up to the crowd. Stink and Grunt exit the ring. Randall Hopkirk indicates he is sitting out and it will be the team of Ronnie V Pain and Billy Jack to face to Nation. Hopkirk climbs out of the ring as Stink crawls in. He jumps Billy Jack from behind with a sucker punch. Stink lays in several right hands and kicks before throwing Billy Jack off the ropes. Billy Jack charges towards Stink and runs over him with a clothesline. Billy Jack lifts Stink to his feet, only to drill him into the ground with a Jackhammer for a two count. Billy Jack tags out to Ronnie and the two hit a Spike Piledriver on Stink before Billy Jack exits the ring. Ronnie covers Stink but only gets two as Grunt saves his partner landing a elbow drop onto the spine of Ronnie Pain. Stink drags Ronnie over to his corner and tags in Grunt. Grunt holds Ronnie in a modified Octopus Hold while Stink delivers several stiff kicks to the ribs of Pain. Grunt whips Pain off the ropes but he reverses sending Grunt off the ropes and hitting him with a big Back Body Drop but Grunt landed on his feet then hit Ronnie with a elbow to the head. Stink and Grunt began to isolate Ronnie, making frequent tags and choking him behind the referee’s back. Grunt threw Ronnie out of the ring a few times allowing Stink to ambush him. The climax of the match came when Hopkirk nails Stink with a kidney shot. Billy Jack come in and cleans house with right hands followed by Back Body Drops on Stink then Grunt. Jake Sawyer tries to get involved but Hopkirk drags him down to the floor and drills him with a straight right sending the Playboy down. Billy Jack nails Stink with a Rhythm and Blues but was attacked from behind by Grunt. Grunt sends Billy Jack into the rope. Ronnie tags Billy who is still running. Grunt dodges a clothes line by Billy. But gets nailed by Ronnie instead. Ronnie sets up Grunt for the Power Chord. Stink gets one as well. Ronnie V Pain pins Stink for the three count at the 8:33. [B]Winners:[/B] The Painfull Procedure [B]Rating: D-[/B] We see a hype video for Troy Tornado vs. Freddy Huggens. Troy talks about how he understands why Freddie attacks him to make an impact. But he took it personally, and tonight Freddy will not be on any teeny bopper list. [CENTER][B]Troy Tornado VS Freddie Huggens[/B][/CENTER] The music of Troy Tornado is heard throughout the arena as the crowd stands on their feet. Troy walks through his pyros and the entrance tunnel and makes his way down the ramp. Next out is Freddie Huggens. Huggens stops at ringside and cracks his knuckles and neck like Tornado is no big deal. Huggens leaps into the ring over the top rope showing his agility then stares down Tornado who’s waiting on the outside of the ring. Huggens taunts the crowd to get some heat but turns his back on Tornado who leaps up onto the top rope and hits Huggens as he turns back around with a Springboard Forearm. Both men jump back up but Huggens walks into a Dropkick from Tornado that turns him inside-out. Tornado bounces off the ropes and leaps high into the air hitting knee drop to the face of Huggens for a two count. Tornado whips Huggens off the ropes only to go for a Back Body Drop but Huggens instead just rolled over the back of Tornado landing behind him on his feet. Tornado turns around as Huggens goes for a Northern Lights, only for Tornado to shift his weight in mid-air and land a Reverse DDT on Huggens for another two count. Troy seemed to hold the advantage. Huggens managed to turn the tide though with a thumb to the eyes of Tornado. Huggens’s ego and bad attitude would prove to be the deciding factor because it would constantly give Tornado a chance to recuperate. The biggest point of the match came near the end when Freddie Huggens knocked down Tornado with a Hurricanrana out of nowhere then climbed to the top rope. Huggens spent too much time taunting the crowd on the top rope and Tornado took advantage by running towards the ropes and kicking them to shake the ropes and cause Huggens to crotch himself. Troy climbed up to the top rope beside Huggens and went for what looked to be a Back Drop but as he lifted him up, in mid-air Freddie shifted his weight and nailed Troy with a powerbomb. Both men were down for a moment as the crowd stood on their feet. Huggens draped an arm over Troy but Troy kicked out at the VERY last second which caused the crowd to simultaneously exhale. Huggens dragged Troy over to the corner and slammed his face into the turnbuckle, followed by stomping on him a few times in the gut. Huggens went to give Troy an Irish Whip but Troy reversed with an Arm Wrench and went for a Short-Arm Roundhouse, but Freddie ducked it and caught Troy with an Enziguri. Freddie Huggens climbed up to the second rope, but after looking around the crowd, climbed up to the top rope and motioned for Troy to look at him. Freddie dove off the top rope for the Huggens Kiss only to jump into a Powerslam from Troy. Troy signaled for the Star Maker. Troy went to lift Freddie up but he would not cooperate. Troy went for a Powerbomb instead but Freddie slipped out and landed on his feet, throwing Troy’s head between his legs. Troy tripped Freddie and Slingshotted him chest first into the turnbuckle. Troy placed his own head between the groggy Huggen’s legs and lifted him up onto the second rope. Troy walked away signaling for the Star Maker and even screaming the name of the move then pointing to the top rope. Freddie quickly jumped up to the top rope and as Troy turned around, Freddie came off the top nailing Troy with the Huggens Kiss for the three count out of nowhere. [B]Winner: Freddie Huggen[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] We see the same hype video as we did at the beginning of the show for the next TCW PPV, War to Settle the Score on February 2007. In the commercial we see clips of various TCW Stars performing in the ring. [CENTER][B]The Machines and Texas Pete VS Tag Team Specialists and Giant Tana[/B][/CENTER] The Machine’s music plays as the TCW Tag Team Champions accompanied by Floyd Goldsworthy come out through the entrance ramp. The team walks down the aisle and enter the ring to a lot of heat for being the goons of Tommy Cornell. The music of Texas Pete plays throughout the arena. Pete comes out through the entrance tunnel accompanied by Jake Sawyer. They walk down the aisle and climb into the ring. The Machines goes to the opposite side of Texas Pete, looking somewhat intimated by his size. The music of Tag Team Specialists who come down to the ring and immediately slide in getting into a brawl with all three of their opponents without waiting for their partner. T.T.S. holds the advantage for only a moment before the numbers game catches up to them at which point Giant Tana’s music hits and the crowd stands on their feet. Tana comes through the entrance tunnel and lumbers down the ramp and sliding into the ring hitting Pete with a Running Clothesline. Pete fires off some right forearms on Machine #1 before whipping him off of the ropes and nailing him with clothesline. Joel Bryant slams down Machine #2 as climbs up to the 2d rope and drops a elbow onto his man. With all their opponents driven out of the ring, Tana and T.T.S. fired up the crowd seeming even more dominant than ever. Pete slid back into the ring from behind and plowed down Bryant, then knocked down Robert Oxford with a Big Boot. Pete and Tana got into a brawl which resulted in Pete throwing Tana off of the ropes and going for the Lone Star Drop only for Tana to kick Pete in the gut. Tana hit a surprising amount of offense on Pete until he came out of nowhere with a Choke Slam on Tana. Pete tagged out to Machine #2 who locked Tana immediately in the Sharpshooter to further put strain on his back. Machine #2 taunted T.T.S. who tried to enter the ring, only for Machine #1 to take advantage by dropping an Elbow onto the back of Tana, followed by a Legdrop to the back of the head and finally locking in a Camel Clutch. Pete then entered the ring and delivered a big kick right to the face of Tana which sent such a shock through his body that both Machine members released the submission. Tana was able to counter an Irish Whip with an Arm Wrench followed a DDT. Tana tagged out to Joel Bryant just as Machine #2 tagged out to Machine #1. Machine #1 ran into a Clothesline, followed by Bryant knocking Pete and Machine #2 off of the apron. Bryant threw Machine #1 off of the ropes and nailed him with a Flying Back Elbow to the face. Machine #1 struggled to hold some sort of advantage over Bryant but could only get the upper hand when Floyd Goldsworthy would interfere on his side. Floyd would distract Bryant just long enough for Machine #1 to score with a low blow. Bryant came out of nowhere just a minute later with a Small Package on Machine #1 for a two count as Machine #2 broke up the pin. Machine #1 walked over and slapped Robert Oxford in the face causing him to try and get into the ring which distracted the referee. The Machines nailed Bryant with the double back drop before leaving. Giant Tana broke up the pin right before Machine #1 got the three. Machine #1 tagged out to Texas Pete who immediately laid Bryant out with a Choke slam for the two count. Pete would try and get in Giant Tana’s face but when he turned his attention back to Byrant he found himself missing a Clothesline and getting lifted up for a Back Drop. Byrant then nailed Pete with a knee drop and tagged out to Robert Oxford. T.T.S. each pointed to the Machines before nailing Pete with a double running clothesline. Both of The Machines ran in and went for a jumping elbow drop to break up Robert Oxford’s pin but Oxford dodged it and both members of Machines landed on Pete. Oxford tagged out to Giant Tana as T.T.S. each knocked the Machines out of the ring and brawled with them on the outside. On the inside, Tana took advantage of the downed Texas Pete by delivering a Big Fat Samoan Squash for the three count. [B]Winners: Giant Tana and Tag Team Specialists at 9:42[/B] [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Rocky Golden VS Wolf Hawkins[/B][/CENTER] Rock Golden’s music hits as he comes through the entrance tunnel. Rocky walks down the aisle and gets in the ring. The music of Wolf Hawkins hits as he walks through the entrance tunnel and climbs in the ring, never taking his eyes off of Rocky. The two stare each other down as the bell rings until finally they approach one another and meet eye to eye in the middle of the ring. Wolf seemed to have found his inner focus and shows no fear when looking at Rocky Golden which seems to bring a look of surprise on the usually apathetic face of Rocky Golden. Wolf fires off one forearm after the other to the face of Rocky. Rocky retaliates by taking a swing at Wolf but Wolf ducks it and fires off some shots to the gut of Golden. Rocky pushes Wolf away with ease but Wolf comes charging back at him. Rocky goes for a Tilt-O-Whirl Slam but Wolf lands on his feet, locks Rocky in an Arm Wrench but Rocky only goes down to one knee. Wolf bounces off the ropes and hits Rocky in the side of the head with a Dropkick but Rocky still doesn’t go down. Wolf bounces off the ropes once more only to run into a massive Power Slam. Rocky picks up Wolf and hits him with a big Suplex. Rocky, without releasing Wolf picks himself and Wolf back up and nails him with another Suplex but pulls Daniels back up to his feet before the referee can even make the count. Rocky attempts a third suplex but Wolf rolls forward with a small package to try and pin Rocky but gets a two count. Wolf showed so much heart and determination in this match and everything he did showed so much knowledge of Rocky’s arsenal. Wolf went for a Powerbomb late in the match for the second time, the first time not being able to pick Rocky up, but this time succeeding in picking up Rocky, but Rocky rolls over sideways and lands beside Wolf, throwing Wolf Hawkins’s head between his legs and nailing him with a Powerbomb with a Prawn Pin for a two. At the split second Wolf kicked. Rocky levels Wolf with a Big Boot to the face then signals for the end. Rocky places Wolf up on the top rope and begins to set him up for a Rock Drop, but Wolf delivers a rake to the eyes followed by ten face slams into the top turnbuckle which finally knocked the big man down. Wolf turned around and hit the Full Moon Rising for amazingly only a two count. Wolf signaled to the crowd he would try it one more time but Rocky was quickly catching his breath. Wolf leaped up to the second rope, then up to the top, but Rocky delivered a running Ax Handle to the back of Hawkins, sending him flying to the to the outside crashing headfirst into the side of the barricade and knocking him out cold. The referee begins to administer his count while Rocky catches his breath and regains his composure. By the eight count and no sign of Wolf recuperating, Rocky Golden began to grow angry but Wolf was effectively counted out. Rocky was handed his International Title by the referee but was not satisfied. Rocky tossed the title to the ground at the side of the ring and exited the ring only to give Wolf a kick to the head with his boot. Rocky picked Wolf up and threw him head-first into the steel. Rocky Golden shoved the referee away as he tried to intervene then picked up Wolf Hawkins and lifted him up onto his shoulders in a Suplex position. Rocky dropped Wolf to the ground in a non-violent way as Troy Tornado sprinted down the aisle and got into a fist-fight with Rocky Golden. Rocky scored with a high knee to the gut of Tornado then dropped him with a clubbing blow to the back. Tornado rolled around in pain holding his back but as Rocky bent over to pick him up, Tornado nails Rocky with a pele kick on the outside. Rocky shook it off but instead of continuing the fight, decided to just walk away to live and fight another day. [B]Winner: Rocky Golden at 9:52[/B] [B]Overall Rating: C[/B] Liberty’s as steps out through the entrance tunnel and makes his pose. Liberty walks down the ramp and enters the ring. Eriq Mobely comes out on stage next with a microphone in hand. [COLOR="Blue"]Eriq:[/COLOR] “Liberty! You no-good has been! I thought you’d of learned your lesson by now! Listen up Liberty because I know that sometimes men as old as you can be pretty dense sometimes! I don’t want you in my promotion! I don’t want your or anyone who models themselves after you! You make me sick and I’m going to cleanse TCW of you once and for all, one way or another! So I’m giving you one last chance Liberty, and choose wisely because I guarantee you, you will NOT walk away the victor in this match! Do you give up Liberty? Will you sign your pink slip on the dotted line and be free from my hair once and for all?” The crowd boos as Liberty takes a microphone from the ring crew. [COLOR="blue"]Liberty:[/COLOR] “Eriq, Dude, you just don’t get it. I’ll never give you the ultimate satisfaction of getting rid of me Dude. Even if I do lose tonight, I’ll still haunt you Larry. I’ll be in your closet. I’ll be under your bed. I’ll be in your dreams, to make sure you only have nightmares Dude! Give me your best shot Eriq, because I promise that you have not seen the last of me.” [COLOR="blue"]Eriq:[/COLOR] “Alright Liberty. You leave me no choice then! Tonight, right now, right here in the center of the ring, it will be Liberty… against Charlie Thatcher…AND The Darkness Warriors… All of this, in a hardcore handicap match! That’s right Liberty! Your only opportunity of saving your job is to somehow defeat this team! One fall, that‘s all you need to keep your job and gain your title shot Liberty! Good luck!” The Darkness Warriors music is heard as Eriq Mobely leaves through the entrance ramp. Thatcher, Jay Darkness and Raul Darkness accompanied by Playboy Jake Sawyer all come down the ramp way and slide into the ring as Liberty tries to jump them and get the upper hand but Charlie drives Liberty into the corner where all three of them take turns taking their shots at Liberty. Jay gives Liberty an Irish Whip right into a big Clothesline from Charlie Thatcher. Chance Fortune runs down the aisle with a steel chair in hand and slides into the ring nailing Raul Darkness with the chair. Chance gives Charlie Thatcher a shot to the gut with the chair, followed by a steel chair shot to the back. Jay charges at Fortune with a Clothesline but Chance ducks it and places the set up steel chair in the center of the ring. Jay bounces off the ropes but runs right into a Drop Toe Hold onto the chair. Playboy Jake Sawyer slides into the ring and cracks him over the back of the head with the cane. Liberty gets up and grabs Jake Sawyer by the back of his collar. Liberty begins shouting in Sawyer’s face but before he can strike him, Raul drives a steel chair shot to the spine of Liberty. Thatcher gives Chance Fortune a Spinebuster while Raul Darkness gives Liberty a Elbow Drop. Thatcher and his team celebrates their so-far dominance but all celebration comes to an end when the music of American Buffalo hits. Buffalo sprints down the aisle and the match really starts to kick off. [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]Liberty/American Buffalo/Chance Fortune VS Charlie Thatcher/ and The Darkness Warriors. Hardcore match. Liberty must win or leaves TCW for ever. [/B][/CENTER] Buffalo slides into the ring and immediately delivers The Stampede to Raul taking him out of the equation. Thatcher comes at Buffalo with the chair but he blocks the shot and delivers a kick to the gut. Jay charges at Buffalo but gets a steel chair shot to the head. Buffalo focuses back to Thatcher but he’s dropped to his knees by a well timed low blow driving the wind out of Buffalo. Thatcher sets Buffalo up for a Powerbomb but Liberty slides into the ring after a breather and nails him in the back of the head with a Singapore Cane, followed by several shots to the back and ribs. Liberty approaches Jay Darkness who’s attempting to get to his hands and knees but Liberty uses the Singapore Cane as an assisted Camel Clutch/Choke. Chance Fortune slides a table into the ring and Buffalo helps him set it up in the corner of the ring. Raul Darkness gets grabbed by Buffalo who goes for a Back Drop but he lands on his feet behind Buffalo only to get a Dropkick to the back from Fortune who sends him right into a Back Elbow from Buffalo. Buffalo picks up Thatcher and whips him off of the ropes hitting him with a big Spinebuster. Chance Fortune grabs a Steel Trash Can and begins pounding away at the exposed head of Jay Darkness while Liberty chokes him from behind with the Cane. Liberty releases the Singapore Cane and grabs Raul Darkness, dropping him with The Liberation Slam. Genghis Rahn runs down the aisle and slides into the ring breaking up Liberty’s cover. Liberty gets the upper hand of the fight with Rahn and whips him towards Chance Fortune who drops him with a Drop Toe Hold onto the open steel chair. Thatcher and Buffalo brawl around the outside of the ring until Jake Sawyer nails Buffalo with a cane shot to the head which gives Thatcher the opportunity to keep control of Buffalo. Charlie Thatcher reaches under the ring and grabs a Cookie Cutter Pan, nailing Buffalo in the head with it. Then Thatcher grabs a Pizza Cutter under the ring and goes to slice Buffalo open with it but gets a Baseball Slide from Chance Fortune sending him into the barricade. Jay Darkness levels Chance Fortune with a clothesline. Jay turns around right into a Singapore Cane shot to the face knocking him down. Liberty drags Jay over to the table leaned up against the corner. Raul Darkness charges at Liberty but gets Back Body Dropped outside of the ring. Liberty begins firing off a flurry of right hands and left hands on Jay Darkness while Chance Fortune puts the boots to Raul Darkness on the outside. Liberty gave Jay a whip off the ropes but Jay reverses going for a Short Arm Clothesline which Liberty ducked. Chance Fortune enters the ring and slides a chair beside Liberty as Liberty scored with a kick to the gut. Fortune and Liberty each grab Jay Darkness and drop Jay right on the chair. Jake Sawyer tried to enter the ring and attack Liberty as he made the pin attempt but Buffalo quickly entered the ring and delivered a Stampede on Jake Sawyer as Liberty got the 1-2-3. [B]Winners: Liberty, American Buffalo/ And Chance Fortune 9:47[/B] [B]Rating: C-[/B] We see a hype video for the main event showing the events leading up to the Tag Match coming up between Tommy Cornell/ BLZ Bubb VS Rick Law/ Ricky Dale Johnson. We then see a clip of outside of Tommy Cornell’s locker room. Tommy Cornell walks out holding his belt, leaving the door open, and meets BLZ Bubb. They each stare down one another. But eventually the two walk off down the corridor. [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell[/COLOR]: “Machines, you watch that monitor incase I need you guys!” The Tag Team Specialist runs over and shut the door, knocking the doorknob off with a crowbar. Keeping The Machines all but locked in. They laugh as they exit the scene. [B]Rating: B[/B] [CENTER][B]Tommy Cornell/BLZ Bubb VS Ricky Dale Johnson/Rick Law[/B][/CENTER] Cornell’s music hits as the self proclaimed King Of The Mountain comes through the entrance tunnel. Jarrett holds his TCW Heavyweight Title around his shoulder. Cornell enters the ring and climbs the ropes raising his belt into the air as pyrotechnic display goes off. Next out is Cornell’s tag team partner BLZ Bubb. Bubb walks through the entrance tunnel and does his pose at the top of the ramp as pyrotechnic display go off around him. BLZ Bubb walks down the ramp and enters the ring. Their opponent’s music hits as Rick Law comes out through the entrance ramp to his music. Law searches the crowd and salutes the crowd. Rick Law walks down the ramp and enters the ring to a large ovation from the crowd. Everyone waits in anticipation for Law’s tag team partner to finally arrive. Finally the lights go out and out of the entrance tunnel to his music is none other than Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ, dressed in his long black trench coat and holding his black baseball bat makes his way to the ring and enters through the ropes and gives Rick Law a very macho half-handshake half-hug. Rick Law and Tommy Cornell each step out onto the apron of the ring while RDJ and BLZ Bubb lock up in a collar-elbow tie-up. RDJ locks Bubb in a side-headlock but gets thrown off the ropes only to bounce off of Bubb with a shoulder block. RDJ looked into the eyes of the now very confident BLZ Bubb and bounced off the side ropes. Bubb dropped down allowing RDJ to jump over him then bounced off of him with a second shoulder block. BLZ Bubb screamed and taunted in the face of RDJ before he bounced off the ropes a third time. This time Bubb went for a Clothesline but RDJ ducked it and bounced off of the opposing ropes. RDJ finally knocked down the Bubb this time with a jumping Clothesline to a big ovation. RDJ used his veteran ring-skills to out-smart BLZ Bubb, such as quickly falling down as Bubb went for Hades Bomb. Bubb managed to get the upper hand over RDJ after a Swinging Neckbreaker. Bubb tagged out to Cornell who quickly put the boots to RDJ, flowing into grabbing onto RDJ’s leg and giving him several shots to the leg before dropping an elbow onto it. Cornell wrapped his legs around RDJ’s leg before dropping a knee onto it. Cornell continued to work over RDJ’s leg so that whenever he began to gain some offense, Cornell would cut him down with a kick to the leg. Cornell went for the Figure Four Leglock, but as he twisted RDJ’s leg around his own, RDJ tripped him and locked him quickly into a ankle lock causing the crowd to stand on their feet. BLZ Bubb entered the ring and delivered clothesline right to the back of RDJ sending him flying off of Cornell. Cornell shook it off and picked RDJ up, but RDJ fired off some right hands and throat thrusts before going for a kick which Cornell caught. Cornell gave RDJ’s legs some forearm shots which caused RDJ to fall down. RDJ tries to drag himself towards Rick Law who was dying for the tag but Cornell held onto RDJ’s leg trying to keep him away. RDJ did manage to get the tag to Rick Law causing Cornell to run off to his corner and tag out to the fresh BLZ Bubb. Bubb and Law got into a back and forth brawl which Law won due to his speed advantage. Law went for a Inverted DDT, but Bubb used his power advantage to lift Rick Law up onto his shoulder and nailed a Powerslam. Bubb tagged out to Cornell while holding Law in a Armlock. Cornell entered the ring and delivered a boot right to the head of Law. Cornell laid in some punishment on Law but whenever Law would start to show some offense, he would pull out a cheap shot and tag out to Bubb to let him score some offense then make a blind tag. Cornell went for Guilt Trip on Law but RDJ ran in and nailed Cornell in the back of the head with a forearm shot. Law used this opportunity to nail Cornell with the Inverted DDT. Law tagged out to RDJ who ran in and cleared house nailing both Cornell and BUbb with a lot of offense. Bubb, the illegal man, went for the leaping clothesline on RDJ but he ducked it and BLZ Bubb hit Cornell who was standing on the apron catching his breath, which sent him flying into the barricade. Bubb turned around into a Body Slam position from RDJ only to be put on his feet and hit with DDT. Rick Law grabbed Cornell and threw him into the ring. Law dragged Cornell up to this feet and dropped him with the Long Arm of Justice. RDJ nails Cornell with the Southern Justice while Law kept Bubb away as RDJ gets the win. RDJ and Rick Law share the same half-handshake half-hug they shared at the beginning of the match. [B]Winners: RDJ and Rick Law[/B] [B]Rating:B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating:C+ PPV Buy Rate: 2.08 PPV Attendance: 15,000 people. PPV Revenue: $1,299,696 [/B][/CENTER]
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Didn't do so well on the predictions but I don't think anyone could have seen Sting and Christian Cage picking up the victory in that main event :D Good call on keeping the title on Golden. its easy to put it on Hawkins from the start but that would damage Golden no end.
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[QUOTE]Andrews over Rahn. Just cause Andrews is the future and a big win like this will do wonders PP over the rubbish of TCW Troy Tornado over Huggins The Machines and Texas Pete over Tana and The Specialists Rocky Golden over Wolf Hawkins I don't doubt that the title will be put on Hawkins before long but personally I'd keep the title on Golden and make Hawkins chase a bit longer Liberty over ??? purely because Liberty is too valuable to lose at this point. Cornell & Bubb over RDJ & Law Come on, Bubb and Cornell are two of the biggest assets in TCW. RDJ is kept strong with Law being pinned.[/QUOTE] Thru alot of curves sheepy. But trust me I do have some plans and hope you see them play out. Sorry was watching some old TNA video and had them on my mind when I finished writing.
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[CENTER]TCW Headquarters Another weekly meeting with a conference room full of mixed reactions.[/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]Cornell:[/COLOR] “Well, we’ve all seen the pay per view buy rate, the attendance record, revenue and ticket sales and I must say I think did not do half as bad as some expected.” [COLOR="blue"]Joel Bryant:[/COLOR] “I think it did. I think it did worse. Everything was set up so perfectly, five star match-ups were lined up and Cooper pissed them away.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Excuse me Joel? Me? You’re blaming your pay per view buy rates on me? First of all, I came in with storylines already in progress, so I can’t be held responsible for the idea of a tag team match with the champion and three great contenders for the title already chosen! And you had an exciting match on the card, what do you have to bitch about?” [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell:[/COLOR] “Enough you two! The pay per view we were expecting to only pull roughly a 2.00 on buy rates, but like you said, I suppose we really aren’t ready to be considered a threat to SWF.” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Yet, Mr. Cornell. I’ve got a playbook that’ll knock their socks off. I had to go along with the storylines already in progress but now that the pay per view’s over I have clean slate to work with and things can really start to shine, you just wait and see.” [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell:[/COLOR] “So I take it you’ve got a main event setup to headline our next Pay Per View already Mike?” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR]“Do I ever Mr. Cornell, but it’s my little secret. When you hear it though, it will knock your socks off.” [COLOR="blue"]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/COLOR]“In all due respect Mr. Cooper, if the president of the company doesn’t know what the main event is, how do you know he or any of us for that matter, will even approve of it.” [COLOR="blue"]Joel Bryant:[/COLOR] “Yeah dumbass, this isn’t that little crap-stain you ran back 10 years ago. You have to run stuff by us first!” [COLOR="blue"]Mike:[/COLOR] “Fine, take a gander at this.” I passed around my blueprint layout for War to Settle the Score and each of the board members examined it closely. [COLOR="blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/COLOR]“Mr. Cooper, I think that’ll be a damn pier-six melee if I do say so muhself sir. The carnage, the violence, it’ll be a bloodbath. I love it! The fans will too sir.” [COLOR="blue"]Joel Bryant:[/COLOR] “Putting the odds against the champion in the headliner, eh Mike? Big surprise. Tommy I can‘t believe you replace me with this idiot.” [COLOR="blue"]Tommy Cornell:[/COLOR] “Well, Joel I did and I am a little disappointed in your behavior. I’m all for the card. If you can make it work Mike, it’ll mean only good things for us.”
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling January Week 3 2007 McGraw Arena Attendance 5,000[/CENTER] The show opens with the usual pyro display. The camera crew locks into various portions of the crowd. Jason Azira and Kyle Rhodes welcome us to the show and begin to give a run down of the show tonight. Eriq Mobely’s music hits as he makes his way through the entrance tunnel. He walks down to the ring and climbs in to jeers for his constant attempts to screw Liberty. Mobely grabs a microphone and circles the ring, taking his time and choosing his words wisely. [COLOR="Blue"] Eriq Mobely:[/Color] “Last night was a pure atrocity that I will not put up with! American Buffalo, Chance Fortune, what gives you two gentlemen the gall to stick your noses into my business? What gives you two gentlemen the sheer nerve to get into the Director of Authority’s affairs, be it personal or otherwise? Chance Fortune, I don’t need to punish you because lets face it, you’re already at the bottom of the TCW barrel! You’re already considered nothing but fodder to the monsters that hold more power, more speed, and lets face it Fortune, more intelligence than you ever could! However, American Buffalo, you think that just because you’re a man-beast, that you can go around and do whatever you want? Well Buffalo, I’m going to teach you a lesson! You don’t get in my affairs! Nobody does! This thing between me and Liberty, stays between me and Liberty! So Buffalo, tonight, in the main event you will go one on one with Texas Pete! And if you lose Buffalo then it will be you taking Liberty’s reserved spot in the unemployment line! However Buffalo, I am a fair man so if you win I will grant you a match that you’ve been dying for. I will grant you a match that you would literally drink the blood of any man walking for! I will grant you Buffalo, at War to Settle the Score, one on one, with no interference guaranteed with penalty of immediate release from the TCW roster, which is the same stipulation as tonight mind you, against Playboy Jake Sawyer! Now, onto what happened at Malice! Liberty, you piece of trash, you may have won your number one Contendership, but there is still a whole month away before I give it to you! And I promise Liberty that I will do everything to stack the odds against you, because frankly, the thought of you as champion, makes me absolutely sick to my stomach you low-down, filthy, disgusting, freak! If I have my way Liberty, you will never, EVER become Champion again…” Before Mobely can continue, Liberty’s music hits to a fairly large pop from the crowd. Liberty comes out through the entrance tunnel and walks down the ramp entering the ring and locking eyes with Mobely. Liberty smiles at Eriq and offers him, surprisingly enough, a handshake. Eriq approaches Liberty, looking very serious and spits on Liberty’s hand. Liberty’s smile disappears and instead, Liberty uses the spit-covered hand to deck Eriq. Liberty lays in some boots to the fallen D.O.A. until security hit’s the ring. Liberty throws them all away one by one, hitting two with the Liberation Slam and throwing another out of the ring while Eriq makes his escape from the ring and begins running up the aisle holding his jaw where Liberty’s punch landed. Liberty quickly exit’s the ring and chases after Eriq, catching up to him right before they enter the tunnel. Liberty throws Eriq’s head into the side of the entrance tunnel, then pounds away at him with right hands. Liberty flashes the peace symbol before grabbing the fleeing, bloody Eriq by the back of the collar of his shirt, turning him around, and driving him into the ramp with a Liberation Slam. Liberty finally leaves after yelling some profanities in Eriq’s unconscious face. Some medical staff make their way through the entrance tunnel and assist Mobely while a silent crowd watches on. The medical staff rolls Eriq Mobely onto a stretcher and wheels him out. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Rocky Golden/ Freddie Huggens VS Wolf Hawkins/ Troy Tornado[/B]:Entertaining match. The end saw Wolf accidentally hit Troy Tornado and Rocky Golden picking up the win. After the match all four men stare down each other. [B]Winners: Rocky Golden and Freddie Huggens in 10:17 Rating: C[/B] [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] BLZ Bubb’s music hits as he makes his way through the smoky entrance tunnel. Bubb does his pose on the top of the ramp then makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring. Bubb takes a microphone from the ring crew and walks around the ring for a little bit. [COLOR="Blue"]BLZ Bubb:[/COLOR] “RDJ! Last week, you did something that nobody does to me! When I want something, I gets it! What I wanted at Malice was to hit you, with The Hades Bomb! That was going to be it! You would have been nothing but my prey. Boy, Welcome to my playground! The playground, is my haunting grounds, and when in my haunting grounds you follow the rules! Rule Number One: Here in my playground, it's hunt or be hunted, kill or be killed! Rule Number Two: In my playground, only the strongest survive! Rule Number Three: I… am the unstoppable force and that means I run the packs, and I collected the souls. And what you did at the Pay Per View RDJ was rob the me of everything! You went against the rules and for that there is only one cure! You had best hope that we never cross paths RDJ, because if I ever see you again… let me rephrase that, if you’re ever offered a big enough pay check to dawn those black boots, that black jacket and lug around that big black bat down to this ring, then I promise you, YOU - RDJ, I will collect your soul! Period!” Before Bubb can leave, RDJ’s music hits and he makes his way through the entrance tunnel. RDJ enters the ring in his full attire which Bubb just mentioned. RDJ grabs a microphone from the ring crew and stares down Bubb for a moment as the crowd chants Ricky Dale Johnson’s name. [COLOR="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/COLOR] “Bubb, what makes you think that you can hit me with The Hades Bomb? What makes you think, that that will even keep me down? What makes you think that the legend that I am in this business, don’t know every counter to every attempt of yours to try and hit me with it? I’ll tell you this Bubb! The only thing that you can be sure about when it comes to RDJ… is that nothing’s for sure! We’re having some fun now, huh Bubb? You said when we cross paths you’d hit me with it. I’m standing right here! What do you say Bubb? It’s you and me! Right folks!? Come on Bubb! You go ahead and TRY and collect my soul!” [COLOR="blue"]Bubb:[/COLOR] “You know what freak? You’re testing my last straw! You better get out of the haunting grounds. While you can still walk on your free will!” [COLOR="blue"]RDJ:[/COLOR] “Try me!” [COLOR="Blue"]Bubb:[/COLOR] “Try you? Try this!?” Bubb then dropped his microphone and struck RDJ, only to have RDJ fire a right hand right back to BLZ Bubb. The two erupted in a huge brawl which neither side gaining a clear advantage. A team of security hit the ring and separated the two. Bubb broke free of the security and jumped RDJ just as he had let his guard down. RDJ then dove towards BUBB only to have a team of security pin him to the mat. Bubb exited the ring on his own free will and locked eyes with RDJ as he backed up the entrance ramp, a smile on his face. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] [B]Tommy Cornell VS Jason Caine Non Title:[/B]Good match. Rick Law came down to so guest commentary. It served as a disctraction to Tommy Cornell. Jason Caine was recently signed to a deal earlier in the week. Kid has some talent as he held his own against Tommy Cornell. Cornell picked up the win at 13:31 with a hand full of tights. After the match Cornell tries to send a message to Law by beating down Jason. Law responds and makes the save by nailing The Long Arm of Justice on Cornell. [B]Winner: Tommy Cornell Rating: B[/B] Zak King is walking around a parking lot with a microphone in hand along with a camera crew (of course). [COLOR="Blue"]King:[/COLOR]“Hello, TCW Fans! Zak King here in the parking lot outside where I’m told The Machines are about to arrive. Here they come now it looks like!” A long pearl white stretch limo rolls down the parking lot with a big wooden table in the trunk of the limo . The limo parks next to King as The Machines and Floyd Goldsworthy step out. [COLOR="blue"]King:[/COLOR] “Floyd, good to see you all could make it.” Machine #1 grabs the microphone and points it towards him. [COLOR="blue"]Machine #1:[/COLOR]“Hey! Listen, we can’t be blamed for all the stupid traffic in this hick state! It’s not our fault that the mayor of this place doesn’t recognize the greatness that is The Machines enough to give us some sort of police escort, so dumbass people will get the hell out of our way!” [COLOR="blue"]Machine #2:[/COLOR] “True, true, but then again, If people knew it was us they were escorting they’d probably be all over us trying to get an autograph and god knows we don’t need that kind of crap from the idiots around here.” [COLOR="blue"]King:[/COLOR] “Fair enough. Guys, I notice you have a large table in the back of your limo. Would you like to explain what that’s about?” Floyd Goldsworthy steps between The Machines and approaches the microphone. [COLOR="blue"]Floyd:[/COLOR] “Well, it’s real simple Zak. this table is reserved for two. Those two pieces of garbage that flail their flubber around the ring like they own the place - I’m talking about The Tag Team Specialist! They think their so bad because they’ve won the TCW Tag belts twice! Let's face it boys, your old, your wrinkly, your fat, and most of all - your washed up. Tag Team Specialist have never won against my boys. That’s right, my boys are the holders of those titles, and if… I mean, when, they beat The Tag Team Specialist, it’ll prove that they are the two-bit jobbers we say they are! These titles aren’t for just anyone, boys. These titles have been held around the waists of such tag team legends like the Vessey Brothers, And The Demons, The Machines are the real deal, and if those fat slobs cant handle…” Just then, before Floyd can continue, Tag Team Specialists rush onto the scene and ambush The Machines as Floyd watches in horror. Joel Bryant slams Machine #1’s head into the hood of the limo as Robert Oxford gives Machine #2 an Irish whips into the side of the limo. Floyd demand the limo driver to start the limo up and runs over to Joel Bryant and gives him a kick between the legs. Floyd and Machine #1 jump into the limo. Machine #2 gives Robert Oxford a rake to the eyes and jumps into the limo, which starts to speed away throwing the table out of the limo as it speeds off. The Tag Team Specialists shakes it off. [COLOR="blue"]Joel Bryant:[/COLOR] “Hey, where you going? You forgot your table! Don’t worry, we’ll make sure you get it back!” [COLOR="blue"]Robert Oxford:[/COLOR] “See you soon girls!” [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER]…Fade To Comericial…[/CENTER] [B]Texas Pete w/Playboy Jake Sawyer vs. American Buffalo - Buffalo’s job vs. Match with Jake Sawyer:[/B]Pete’s music hits as he makes his way through the entrance tunnel, accompanied by Jake Sawyer. The two make their way down the ramp and enter the ring with an eerie vibe surrounding them. Next, Buffalo’s music hits as the crowd stands on their feet. Buffalo walks through the entrance tunnel beating his chest primitively and then charges down the ramp way, sliding into the ring and breaking out into a brawl with Pete as the bell sounds. Buffalo whips Pete off the ropes but as Pete charges back, Buffalo’s Clothesline bounces right off of him. Buffalo bounces off the ropes and nails Pete with another Clothesline. This one sends Pete staggering into the ropes but doesn’t knock him down. Buffalo bounces off the ropes, going for a third Clothesline but gets a big Back Body Drop to the concrete floor with a sickening thud. Pete exit’s the ring and throws Buffalo into the guardrail. Pete approaches Buffalo but spends too much time trying to scare away the fans near-by, which gives Buffalo a chance to shake it off and fire off some right hands to the ribs and head of Pete. Buffalo throws Pete head first into the ring post which sends him to the ground. Buffalo climbs up onto the apron and waits for Pete to reach his feet, and when he does Buffalo charges down the apron and dives off flooring Pete with a Flying Clothesline. Buffalo rolls Pete into the ring and follows him in. The match began to take a slower pace with Buffalo trying to methodically wear down Pete with a few basic submissions, but Pete began to use his massive size and build to power out of the submissions and gain the advantage over Buffalo. During the match, we see several cuts to the backstage locker room where a nervous looking new individuals Jacob Jett and William Hayes watches a monitor showing the match. Texas Pete nailed one powerhouse move after another leaving Buffalo looking for one of the few times in his career, like an underdog in a match. Pete began choking Buffalo over the second rope but as the referee pulled him away, Jake Sawyer choked Buffalo for him. Sawyer slid a chain to Pete, and he grabbed it, wrapping it around his fist. Buffalo charged at Pete but gets nailed with a big Back Elbow to the face that caused him to roll out of the ring. The referee tried to plead with Pete to relinquish the chain but was only shoved out of the way as Pete exits the ring. Pete stalked his opponent for a moment as Buffalo crawled around on the floor, until Buffalo began climbing up the steel ring post to bring himself back to his feet. Pete went for a big right hand with the chain-wrapped fist, but Buffalo dodged it and Pete ended up punching the post, causing him to scream in pain and drop the chain. American Buffalo delivered a Piledriver to Texas Pete on the outside then rolled back into the ring. The referee could only get to nine before Pete re-entered the ring. Buffalo fired off some right hands to Pete then whipped him off the ropes, only to have the whip reversed. Pete went for The Lone Star Drop but Buffalo somehow slowed down the spinning enough to land on his feet, and give Pete a whip off the ropes. Buffalo charged at Pete and ducked a Clothesline. The two met back in the center of the ring as Buffalo delivered a devastating Stampede for the three count. Buffalo celebrated, knowing he would get his hands on Jake Sawyer but Sawyer’s newly fromed teame rushes down the aisle and slid into the ring, attacking Buffalo. Ghenghis Rahn helps Buffalo up to his feet then threw into the ropes, right into a Rahn for the Hills. Jett and Williams picked Buffalo back up once. And nails Buffalo with another Rahn to the Hill. Jake Sawyer circles around the body of Buffalo, cane in hand. Rahn, Williams and Jacob all hold Buffalo up on his knees, arms spread apart as he locked eyes with Sawyer. Jake yelled some trash in Buffalo’s face then blasted him in the head with the cane. Sawyer gave Buffalo’s ribs several more shots but he was so unconscious that he no-sold each shot. The camera faded out with Jake and his cronies raising their arms over Bufallo’s fallen body. [B]Winner: American Buffalo at 11:50 Ratings: C- [/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: C+ Network Rating: 8:14 (new high)[/B][/CENTER]
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The board members filtered into their conference room that day, some with big smiles on their faces, and others looking rather disgruntled. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Well, today, I’m afraid I’ve got more bad news than good news. First off, while we did score a fairly impressive buy rate of Malice at 2.08.... When Hell Freezes Over scored a 6.01. It appears as though a lot of people tuned in just to see Runaway Train beat Enygma.” Everyone groaned and a few gave a few icy stares towards Mike. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “But on the semi-bright side, our last TV Show did score a 8.14 which is higher than it has been in a long time.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “I’ve got an idea for how to slightly improve the ratings. It’s not much, but every little bit helps I think.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Oh Jesus, here we go again. What is it now Cooper? Midgets? Death Matches? Barbed Wire Napalm?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “Actually… it was just going to be some slight changes to the announce team.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “What’s wrong with Rhodes and Azaria? They’ve got pretty good chemistry together, I thought.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “You’re not going to give us that lame-duck idea for a three-team announce table are you? It was crap before, and its crap now. We like our old school feel of two announcers.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “I like it too, and believe me, I hate the three-team announce crew. I think none of the three members get nearly enough time to talk with a three-team announce crew. I mean, hell, I had a one person announce team for a good portion of DAVE, but I like the two person announce team too. I think to give it truly that old school feel though, we have to have one face, and one heel, and seeing as how Azaria is probably the best announcer in TCW, I think our main problem is Zak King. I mean what purpose does this guy serve? I think we should stick Rhodes to the back and give Rhode’s spot to someone with a who can really come off as a true heel.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “It’s not a bad idea, frankly I’m going to go right ahead and say it’s a go, everyone agree?” The majority of the people all shook their head except for Bryant who just doesn’t like me anyways. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “I think the heel color commentator vs. face announcer is a little worn. TCW is supposed to be the new wrestling alternative, not just the rip-off of the olden days.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “But don’t you see Joel? That’s the genius and simplicity of it! No one’s going back to the olden days anymore. They all want to be completely original and it’s just pulling them further away from the old stuff which makes the old stuff - original! Anyways, in other news, Mike, I’ve looked over your hyping for the main event for War to Settle the Score and I think it’s fantastic. I was a little iffy on the Law and I angle, but I think it’ll serve as good character development.”
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling January Week 4 2007 Gorski Ballroom Attendance 5,000[/CENTER] As TCW starts we’re greeted by the voices of Jason Azaria and, surprisingly, Genghis Rahn instead of Kyle Rhodes. They tell us about tonight’s lineup but are cut off by the music of Tommy Cornell. We cut to a giant gift-wrapped box in the ring standing about 6’ tall, and then cut to the entrance tunnel where Tommy Cornell, accompanied by Floyd Goldsworthy come out, Cornell is holding his belt. Floyd straps the belt around Cornell’s waist upon his order and the two walk down the aisle, entering the ring. Cornell and Goldsworthy stalk the giant present with a smile on their faces. Cornell takes a microphone from the ring crew. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “It’s not even my birthday.” Goldsworthy shakes his head and tells Cornell that he didn’t get the present, with a confused look on his face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Well it must have been one of the boys in the back who appreciate my greatness, like Jake Sawyer, The Machines or maybe Eriq Mobely. Come on Floyd, get your ass over there and start unwrapping my present.” Floyd begins pulling off chunks of the wrapping paper as it all begins to be torn off of the large crate. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “You know it’s good to see SOME people appreciate my greatness. Someone out there who’s smarter than that meat head BLZ Bubb, or that lying lawman Rick Law, and that hair brained Texas Pete and all you idiots out there in TV land who don’t appreciate my greatness! I am a role model for all guys out there, and that’s why they all hate me! Floyd, how’s that present coming?” Floyd reveals to Cornell that the wrapping paper is all off but the latch to open it is on top which Floyd can’t reach. Cornell looks out to the ring crew for some assistance. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Hey, hey, you there. Yeah, you, get me a ladder from under the ring. Let’s go you idiot, I haven’t got all day! That’s right, I’ve got all the pull around here and what I say goes, give me that ladder boy.” A ladder is pulled out from underneath the ring and slid in to Cornell. Cornell sets it up beside the box and begins climbing it. Cornell unlatches the hook on the opening of the box as the door falls open. Rick Law charges out of the box and tackles Tommy Cornell off of the ladder. Eventually Cornell scores with a high knee to the gut of Law, followed by throwing him shoulder first into the ring post. Cornell grabs his TCW Heavyweight Title and stalks Law. Law turns around but Cornell misses the belt shot and gets taken out with a Falling Reverse DDT. Law looks at the ladder for a moment with a sinister smile on his face. Law folds up the ladder and puts it on his shoulder. Cornell pulls himself up only for Law to charge towards him and use the ladder like a battering ram off of Cornell’s face. Law slams the ladder into Cornell’s chest twice before The Machines rush down to the ring and chase Rick Law off. The two tend to Cornell who’s rolling around holding his chest while Rick Law backs up the entrance ramp having successfully schooled Cornell. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] [B]Charlie Thatcher and Jack Griffith beat Ice Man C.A. and Aaron Andrews.[/B] Jack pinned Aaron at 9:42. Disappointing match but at least Jack and Aaron both gained some improvement. [B]Rating=D+[/B] Kyle Rhodes is backstage in the interviewing area with Playboy Jake Sawyer and the rest of his new stable Jacob Jett, William Hayes, Jack Griffith and Charlie Thatcher. [COLOR="blue"][B]Kyle Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] “Hello TCW fans out there in TV land and right now I am backstage with the Playboy Jake Sawyer. Jake your fate has been sealed. American Buffalo defeated Texas Pete last week signifying that at the next Pay Per View, War To Settle the Score he will go one on one with you yourself. How do you think you’ll do Jake, knowing that Buffalo has been after your blood since you screwed him out of the title a few months back? What’s your strategy to defeat Rhino? ” [COLOR="blue"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “Mr. Rhodes, I’ve managed a lot of amazing athletes in my career. There isn’t a trick in the book that I don’t know from the years of managing the best around out at ringside. Never count a good manager out! This dog’s not dead until it’s been scraped off the side of the road and tossed into the bed of a pickup truck by some Trailer-Trash Redneck like Buffalo! I always find a way to come out on top and I think the real situation here that you’re overlooking… is how is Buffalo going to come out on top, and defy the odds, going against myself! I will always come out on top at the Pay Per View, you can safely put your money on that one.” [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] [B]Wolf Hawkins beat Freddie Huggens[/B] Another disappointing match as these two seemed to work well when they tagged against each other. Afterwards Hawkins, Troy Tornado, Rocky Golden, and Huggens almost came to blows again. But this time there seemed to be more friction between Wolf and Troy than anything else. [B]Winner: Wolf Hawkins at 13:06 Rating: D[/B] We see Eriq Mobely sitting backstage in his office on his leather couch, looking rather relaxed with a large amount of gauze wrapped around his head and a small bottle of some sort of medicinal pain killers beside him on his table. The door flies open as Mobely jumps up. Tag Team Specialist walk in and confront Mobely, pacing back and forth in front of him. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “You know Eriq, I just don’t get it.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “What’s that?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “One night we get to face off against The Machine and the next night they don’t show up. Then they show up and we beat the crap out of them and now tonight they’re not here again. We’re tired of it Eriq and there needs to be some changes made, starting right, now!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “No, no, no. I mean what’s that on your shirt?” Eriq points to Joel’s shirt and as he looks down Eriq flicks him in the nose and begins laughing historically. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Uh, Eriq can we be a little freaking serious here for a moment please!?” Eriq shakes off his meds and gets a serious look on his face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Right, right. Sorry guys its just all these pain killers the doctors put me on. Doctors… that’s a pretty funny word isn’t it? Its got like… all these syllables and… continents… compliment.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR]“Eriq! Knock it off! Look, we’re tired of The Machines running like little bitches from us! We want their asses in a match for the TCW Tag Team Titles!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Robert Oxford:[/B][/COLOR]“They have always screwed us out of our title matches and what-not, and running away from us like a pair of mutts with their tails between their legs!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Right. So Eriq, put us in a match with them where they can’t get away from us and they have to look us right in the eyes and face us 2-on-2 for those belts.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Look, look, guys. I have a Grade II concussion. I’m not even medically cleared to go to work. I’m on more drugs right now than Tony Montana in Scarface! But I’ll tell you what I’m going to do…” [COLOR="blue"][B]Robert Oxford:[/B][/COLOR] “Oh yeah, What’s that?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “I have a Grade II concussion. I’m not even medically cleared to go to work. But I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. I’ll tell you… what I’m… going, to do! At War to Settle the Score, it will be The Tag Team Specialist vs. The Machines in a Steel Cage Match! And it’ll be for those TCW Tag Team belts you guys want so bad. In fact, I’ll sign the paper work right now!” Eriq rights down on a piece of paper the match and signs his name. [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR]“Here you guys go, take that to the board of directors and they’ll fill out the rest of the paper work.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR]“Really? Hey, thanks Eriq. Good to see you finally grow a set. See you later man.” Just as they turn to leave, Eriq continues on to himself. [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR]“Hey, hey, I have a Grade II concussion. I’m not even medically cleared to go to work. And… hey, where you guys going? Didn’t you guys want something? Huh, weird.” [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] [B]Ricky Dale Johnson VS BLZ Bubb[/B] The music of RDJ plays as the arena grows dark. RDJ makes his way through the entrance ramp with his bat in hand. He walks down the aisle and climbs into the ring, mounting the turnbuckle and screaming at the crowd to fire them up. He points his bat towards the entrance tunnel as the music of BLZ Bubb plays throughout the arena. Bubb comes through the entrance tunnel and makes his pose in the center of all the smoke emitting from the entrance ramp. Bubb makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring and Brown takes off his coat and tosses it out of the ring on top of a ring crew member. RDJ does the same but hands his jacket to a ring crew member respectfully. As RDJ does this, he’s jumped from behind by Bubb as the bell sounds. Bubb pounds away at RDJ as he begins to turn him around. Bubb gives RDJ a whip off to the other corner and charges after him only to receive a boot to the face from RDJ. RDJ fires off some right hands to Bubb then sets him up for a Back Drop, only to straddle him across the ropes. RDJ shook the ropes to make the straddling even more agonizing for Bubb. The action spills to the outside as they brawl back and forth. Bubb gained the advantage and delivered an Irish Whip to RDJ back-first into the guard rail. Bubb delivered a Butterfly Suplex to RDJ on the outside of the ring before re-entering the ring. RDJ pulls himself up and reenters the ring, only to get stomped on by Bubb. Bubb calls for The Hades Bomb early in the match and whipped RDJ off the ropes but he ducks the grab attempt and nails Bubb with a stiff forearm shot. RDJ delivered a slam to Bubb in the center of the ring. RDJ whips Bubb into the corner and hit him with a running clothesline, followed by another and then a hat trick. Bubb groggily staggered out of the corner, not knowing where he was, allowing RDJ to creep behind him and nail him with the Southern Justice. RDJ encouraged the fans to stand on their feet as he was about to deliver the move, but out of nowhere Liberty slid into the ring and plowed down RDJ. Liberty then gave Bubb a few stomps to keep him down then pounded away at RDJ with right hands. The referee called for the bell as it sounded several times resulting in No Contest. Liberty exited the ring and threw the bell-ringer out of his seat, stealing his ring bell and sliding into the ring. Liberty plowed down RDJ with a shot to the head with the bell then placed it in the middle of the ring. Liberty delivered a kick to the gut of Bubb delivered a DDT on Bubb onto the ring bell. Liberty pulls himself up quickly and threw out his Peace Symbol pose then took a microphone from the ring crew. [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “Cornell! You’ve got something I want! You’re holding my TCW World Heavyweight Title! Consider it a loan! I will take out all these supposed contenders, because it’s me who’s the true Number One Contender! Cornell, being the World Heavyweight Champion is Heaven. It’s pure, unmitigated bliss that has no rival. I consider you Saint Peter, guarding the gates of Heaven and trying to keep me out! Well I’ve got no problem demonstrating to someone as supposedly powerful as Saint Peter, The Liberation Slam! I think you hear me knocking Cornell - I think I’m coming in. Bubb, RDJ, Law, you’re all nothing but obstacles in my way! I’ve come this far, and I’m not stopping here! It’s you and me Cornell! I’m coming for you the first chance I get! Welcome to the new me!” [B]Winner: Draw Rating: B- for the match, B+ for the talk afterwards.[/B] [QUOTE]Cooper’s note: Liberty has now changed gimmicks as he is now a Rebel. The crowd seemed to enjoy the switch.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: C+ Network Rating: 8.37 (new high)[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]TCW [Cult] Cash:5,000,000 [B]Income[/B] PPV Revenue: 834,696 Ticket Sales : 775,000 Sponsors : 151,063 Merchandise: 29,174 [B]Expenses[/B] Workers : 217,500 Show Costs : 145,000 Marketing : 25,000 Merchandise : 49,786 Production : 64,000 Misc. : 705,818 [B] Performance : + 583,369[/B] [/CENTER] [B]SWF[/B] [International]: (Trying to actively compete but they are considerably larger than me.) Popularity: Their popularity has dropped from a B to B- in the US over the last month. Their average ranking for January shows was a C+. Titles: No Titles changed hands in January. Talent: The SWF acquired the services of Blonde Bombshell, Rob Bell, Aaron Premo, Queen Emily, and Pat Deacon. [B]NOTBPW[/B] [National]: (not directly in competition, but could be a threat in the future) Popularity: NOTBPW’s popularity remained stable in Canada and the U.S. in the month of January. Their average ranking for January shows was a B-. Titles: No Titles changed hands in January. Talent: NOTBPW acquired the services of Frankie Dee, Whippie the Clown, Adrian Garcia, Shooter Sean Deeley, Jerome Turner, and American Elemental. [B]DAVE[/B] [Cult]: ( Same level but feel as if we are not directly in competition,.) Popularity: DAVE’s popularity in the U.S remained a D throughout the month of January. The average ranking for January shows was a C+. Titles: No Titles changed hands. Talent: No talent left or was aquired in January. [B]Elite Wreslting[/B] [Cult] Popularity: Elite are based in Great Lakes and have a C+ there all others in the U.S. Market are at C- Title: All titles are vacant right now. Talent: Fumihiro Ota is the new owner and Farrah Hesketh is head booker. Also aquired are Duncun Kendall, Melody Cuthill, Brains McGee, Ernie Turner, Jim Lou Freebush, Black Eagle, Rhino Umaga, Sayeed Ali, Freddie Datsun, Joanne Rodriguez, Mikey James, Kasmir Singh, Henry Lee, Pimp E. Pain, Frankie Perez, Jason Cain, Russ Glover, Jungle Jack, Dylan Sidle, Wanda Fish, and Des Davids. [B]USPW[/B] [Regional] Popularity: USPW’s popularity in the U.S remained a D+ throughout the month of January. The average ranking for January shows was a D. Titles: Warlord Agony beat Tribal Warrior for the USPW National Title on 2d week of January. Mick Muscles and Danny Rushmore beat Capt. USA and Jim Force for the USPW Tag belts in the 2d week of January. Talent: No talent was lost or signed in Janaury. [B]CZCW[/B] [Small]: Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]Lone Star Wrestling[/B] [Small] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]NYCW[/B] [Small]: Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]Pro Wrestling Xtreme[/B] [Small] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]Nu Wrestling Revolution[/B] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]MAW[/B] [Local] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]RIPW [/B][Local] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level
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The board room seemed understandably happy with the results of the turn of the month. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Everyone, I’d just like to start off by thanking everyone for all their hard work and long-term efforts, especially for Mr. Cooper who’s insight on the wrestling world has successfully turned a profit. That’s right, TCW is now officially making money, I trust you all saw our finance charts that I sent home to you.” Everyone began to cheer and whistle and holler as Tommy Cornell egged them on. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Oh big freaking deal. One month out of two years we actually make money, and just barely, I might add, and we have to drop down on our knees and thank a guy who’s been here what a month now?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Joel, I’d really like to see things from your point of view. Really, I would. Could you tell me what chiropractor I have to see to help me bend in such a way where I could possibly get my head THAT far up my own ass?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Enough you two! I’m tired of you two acting like children all the time. Grow the hell up. Joel, we were losing money until Mr. Cooper came along, deal with it. Mike… you’ve got an ego to big for your own good - deal with it!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR]“I’ve got some news Mr. Cornell.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Go ahead Mr. Mobely.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Well, it appears as though one of SWF’s biggest and most unappreciated superstars’ contract is running out. And this is kept very under wraps. This isn’t even on his own personalized website because he doesn’t want his fans to know, but word is that they might not resign him.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “Well Gosh Darnit Mobely, who the hell is it?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR]“Or more importantly, why do we care? All the SWF rejects get sent in our door anyways. Why didn’t you just bring this up when he was released.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “I see why. It’s brilliant! If we can contact him now and sign up, it’ll look like we stole him out from underneath SWF! It’ll make us look more competitive and a threat if we’re stealing guys instead of just welcoming them right in with us. Who is it Mobely?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR]“Former SWF Shooting Star Champion, Bart Biggz.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR]“Get the hell out of here. For someone of his weight division he’s got charisma coming out the Ying-Yang for lack of better words. We could get this guy freaking huge!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Hold on, hold on now. The main reason we wait for people to come to us is because they’ll be more desperate and will work for less money. Biggz is a great competitor but from what I hear we make it’ll cause a lot of disruptions in the locker room for us to hire him.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “He makes a good point. Let’s wait it out a little and see what happens before we start writing out any contracts.”
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling Febuary Week 1 2007 Teaneck Armory Attendance 5,000[/Center] After the opening pyros and opening video for Total Championship Wrestling, we cut to Eriq Mobely who’s pacing around in the ring with a microphone in hand. Mobely’s head is still heavily bandaged with gauze. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Hello TCW fans one and all. I’m out here tonight to inform everyone considering purchasing our TCW Pay Per View War to Settle the Score, two matches will be added to the card as of tonight! After seeing the International Title being in chaos because of Freddie Huggens, Troy Tornado, Wolf Hawkins and Rocky Golden, there is only one match that could possibly contain such carnage and innovation. These four contestants will be in a match! At War to Settle the Score, I’m going to put the pressure on defending champion Rocky Golden to see what he’s made of! Let’s see if he can succeed when facing all of them. Umm… Uh… Oh yeah! After seeing the International Title in chaos because of Freddie Huggens, Troy Tornado, Wolf Hawkins and Rocky Golden, there is only one match that could possibly contain such carnage and innovation. At War to Settle the Score, these four will face off in Ladder Match! Four Men! One belt hanging above the ring! They have to retrieve the belt that’s straddled across the high wires by any means necessary. And now, onto our main event for that Pay Per View. There seems to be a bit of controversy over the true Number One Contender. If you all remember correctly, a few months back BLZ Bubb won a Number One Contendership match. He then, instead of facing Tommy Cornell for the title, faced Rick Law who won and was declared number one contender. At the next Pay Per View however instead of facing Cornell for the title, he was facing Cornell in a tag team match in a non-title match. So Rick Law never got his title shot and neither did BLZ Bubb. Then, at the same Pay Per View Liberty won a number one Contendership shot against Tommy Cornell. However, when signing his long-term contract with TCW Ricky Dale Johnson was also guaranteed a title shot at Tommy Cornell, so I’m going to do the only thing that possibly makes sense! After seeing Rick Law’s assault on Tommy Cornell last week with the ladder I was inspired! So I’m going to do the only thing that possibly makes sense! At War to Settle the Score, the TCW Heavyweight Title will be put on the line in a Steel Cage Match! Tommy Cornell vs. Liberty vs. Ricky Dale Johnson vs. Rick Law vs. BLZ Bubb! [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Jason Cain and American Buffalo beat Charlie Thatcher and Jett Jacob’s/w Jake Sawyer.[/B] Entertaining match. Jake Sawyer constantly tried to interfer and did a great job at distracting American Buffalo. Selling the match that he has with Buffalo in a couple of weeks. The end saw Buffalo pinning Charlie Thatcher at 9:50 with a Stampede. After the match Jason Cain patted his partner on the back as Buffalo threw his fists into the air but their celebration was short lived as Texas Pete with a sling on his right arm with a brace over his right hand as well, slid into the ring. Pete used his left arm to deliver a charging forearm to the back of the head of Jason Cain, plowing him down. Pete floored a charging Buffalo with a Clothesline with his left arm as Jake Sawyer cheered him on. Pete picked up Jason Cain and whipped him off of the ropes with his left arm and astonishingly gave him a one-armed Chokeslame. Buffalo pulled himself to his feet but also received a one handed Choke Slam. Azaria and Rahn went nuts at the announcers booth about how Pete blames Buffalo for the stray punch into the steel ring post during their match together which resulted in a slight fracture in Pete’s hand that stretched all the way up to his elbow, and how Jason Cain was in the wrong place at the wrong time. [B]Winners: Jason Cain and American Buffalo Rating: C-[/B] [QUOTE]Cooper’s note: The match was better than that I felt but that’s the way it goes. Jason Cain looked good out there tonight and Jett seemed to gain some expiernce.[/QUOTE] [CENTER]…Comercial Break…[/CENTER] Gheghis Rahn is backstage in a pre recorded video, not in the typical interview area but instead in a shadowy portion of the building where it’s quite hard to see so Rahn carries his microphone in one hand and a flashlight in the other. After walking around the very dimly lit portion of the building, wherever it is, Rahn stops and signals for the cameraman to stay put. Rahn shines the light up to his face and begins. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rahn:[/B][/COLOR] “Hello TCW fans out there in TV land and in our live studio audience tonight. I’m back here in a very secluded secret location where I’ve been told to go to in order to get an interview with RDJ. That’s right ladies and gentlemen, RDJ himself, here in TCW and I get the honor of interviewing him. Let’s just see if we can’t find him.” Rahn begins slowly scanning the area with his flashlight but after a moment and what sounds to be Rahn about to give up, the light is shining just off to the side of Rahn where RDJ jumps on screen. [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “Surprise. You never thought you would see RDJ back in your ring but here I am. We’re having fun now aren’t we? I’m back here in the shadows with the only one I know I can trust. I’m back here with the only one I know holds the upstanding truth and honor of the justice system that I do. I’m back here with the only one who I know for sure will always have my back!” Gheghis Rahn becomes more and more ****y, grinning and rubbing his fingernails on his shirt arrogantly thinking RDJ is talking about him, only for RDJ to quickly raise his big black bat into the camera shot and begin gripping it tighter and tighter. [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “And that’s my bat! From what I’ve seen, there’s a lot of fear going around TCW of the duo of RDJ and his bat, but the bat and I only strike fear into the hearts of those who have caused injustices in some way or form. The bat and I only cause bodily harm! To those who deserve it! To those who have a passion for malice! For suffering of the innocent! For the deranged and disturbed! I’m talking about immoral, paranoid, degenerates who show no respect or loyalty to anyone. Guys like these… deserve only two things - my bat, and The Southern Justice! Guys who deserve it like Tommy Cornell, BLZ Bubb, and even the worst of the worst on the roster. I’m talking about the man who has a soul as dark as the RDJ… or maybe worse. The only man that could possibly have the gall to look me right in my eyes, and hit me with a ring bell. I’m talking… about Liberty. Well Liberty…” Liberty steps onto the scene looking RDJ in the eyes as Rahn reaches out to him with the microphone. [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “You know what Ricky, it’s really impolite to talk about people behind their backs. Maybe I should teach you the manners that meat head , Bubb never could. I really wish he had hit you with the Hades Bomb, it would have made me leaving you in a pile of your own self-pity and despair with that ring-bell shot, even easier.” [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “Liberty, you’ve got to be the most sick, disturbed, crazy freak show I’ve ever met. Frankly, I miss that fun loving laid back dude. Where did he go?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] ”Died, now I walk alone, now I stand alone, now I fight alone.” [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “ Your crazy.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “Well Ricky, a wise man once said, being crazy was the only thing that kept me from going insane. If you really want to see insanity though Ricky, if you really want to see some true evil… come to the War to Settle the Score. Come see what I do to Cornell, Bubb, Law… and you, RDJ in that match. See ya soon.” [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “Looking forward to it Liberty. But I have to warn you, I’m not going into that match with just an intention to dish out some well deserved, vengeance-plagued, justice to you… I’m also going in, to walk out champion. And when I have that belt wrapped around my waist, there’s only one way to describe that time… Finnally Southern Justice has been served.!” The camera fades out as Liberty snarls into RDJ’s grin. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Troy Tornado VS Rocky Golden - No DQ/Falls Count Anywhere - International Title[/B] First out through the entrance tunnel is the International Champion, Rocky Golden. Rocky with his International Title over his shoulder makes his way down the ramp and climbs into the ring. Next, the crowd stands on their feet as the sparks fall from the entrance tunnel and Troy Tornado steps out. Tornado makes his way down the ramp slapping the hands of some of the fans before climbing into the ring. Both men glare at each other. Tornado charges at Rocky at the sound of the bell only to get Back Body Dropped over the top rope, but hangs onto the ropes and lands on his feet on the apron. Tornado taps Rocky on the shoulder causing him to spin around with a right hand but Tornado ducks it and hangs him out sending him down into the middle of the ring. Tornado digs under the ring pulling out various weapons and leaving them scattered across the floor before sliding back into the ring with a trash can lid. Rocky takes a trash can lid to the head by Tornado but doesn’t go down. Rocky takes another shot to the head but still doesn’t go down. Tornado bounces off the ropes to go for a third shot but gets a elbow to the sternum driving the wind out of him as he gets floored. Tornado gets set up on Rocky’s shoulders for a Powerbomb by the ropes, but Tornado leaped off and landed on the outside of the ring. Rocky reached out of the ring to grab him but received some smoke from a Fire Extinguisher by Tornado sending him staggering back into the ring. Tornado slid some weapons into the ring before climbing up on the apron with the fire extinguisher still in hand. Troy went for a Springboard Forearm to Rocky but used the Fire Extinguisher to plow the big man down. Troy then set up a steel chair in the middle of the ring beside/behind Rocky and ran towards the ropes. Tornado threw himself off of the ropes with a middle-rope Springboard and delivered a Reverse DDT to Rocky, dropping the back of his head on the seat of the steel chair, denting it and sending it flying. Somehow to the shock of Tornado and the fans this only received a two count. Tornado grabbed a trash can and put it over the head of Rocky then leaped into the air and delivered a stiff kick putting a dent in the trash can and sending Rocky tumbling through the ropes to the outside of the ring. Tornado fired up the crowd while Rocky who was staggering around on the outside still holding his head with one hand and the trash can with the other. Tornado charged towards the ropes but as he went for some sort of Springboard move, Rocky threw the trash can at him nailing him in the head and knocking him back into the ring. Rocky used surprisingly few weapons in the match with the exception for a trash can lid and a Singapore Cane but Troy Tornado really took advantage of the weapons legalized. Tornado used every weapon he could find in as innovative a fashion as he could, especially with a ladder he found under the ring. Just when Rocky looked like he had something sinister and innovative set for Tornado, putting the ladder up against the corner of the ring, the tables were turned on him. Golden approached Troy but received a leeping clothesline sending him flipping back first into the ladder. Tornado gave the signal for the Star Maker and successfully delivered it to Rocky Golden but before the three count could be administered the referee was pulled out of the ring by Freddie Huggens who then decked the referee. Huggens entered the ring with a Singapore Cane in hand. Huggens gave Tornado a shot to the head with the cane, then several shots to the ribs as Troy was down. Huggens noticed Rocky was beginning to get up after about eight rib shots with the cane to Tornado, so Huggens’s final motion before exiting the ring was placing the practically unconscious Troy Tornado propped up on the top rope. Huggens watched on with glee as Rocky Golden nailed Troy Tornado with Side Walk Slam on the steel chair. Joe quickly then floated over and pins Troy at 9:46. With Freddie Huggens still laughing at Troy Tornado on the outside, Wolf Hawkins took advantage of this running down the ramp behind him and making his attack. Wolf throws Huggens head-first into the steel steps then gives him a few stomps for good measure before grabbing a steel chair and sliding into the ring. Wolf cracks Rocky over the head with the chair then places it over the fallen champion’s chest. Wolf calls for the Full Moon Rising but Rocky rolls out of the way. Before Daniels can reposition, he’s struck with a kick between the legs from behind by Freddie Huggens. Huggens then struck the doubled-over Wolf Hawkins over the head with a steel chair. Huggens grabbed the International Title out of the hands of the referee gazing longingly into it before noticing Rocky Golden was staring at him. Freddie tossed the title into Rocky’s hands then exited the ring, keeping his eyes on Golden the whole time. [B]Winner: Rocky Golden Rating: C+[/B] Kyle Rhodes is backstage with Rick Law in the interview area. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] “Hello TCW fans, this is Kyle Rhodes backstage here with the most Charismatic figure on the TCW roster. I’m talking about one of the participants in the Steel Cage Match, Rick Law.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “Please Kyle, save the flattery so you don’t look like such a suck-up on national TV.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] “Listen we all want to know what your strategy for that Match is? You’ve faced Cornell and Bubb in a tag team match and now you’ll be facing off against both of them along with your tag team partner RDJ and the now mysterious Liberty. How do you feel about all of this?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “How do I feel about this? Let me start off with this, it’s about time that Eriq Mobely did something right and gave The Lawman his due. I mean was there any doubt in anybody minds that I would be officially declared TCW Heavyweight Champion the first time I step into the ring with that hack Cornell for the belt? Only a complete dimwit would try and keep me out of the ring, away from his law abiding fans, and undeclared champion! Speaking of dimwits, lets talk about some of my opponents for the Pay Per View. You’ve got Liberty who’s now completely changed gears. My name is Liberty… and I use big words that nobody can comprehend, because I have a intellectual capacity of a chimp from outer space, and I use that quite figuratively because I’m more cookoo for cocoa puffs that that crazy toucan. Then you’ve got “The Demonic” BLZ Bubb who’s the exact opposite. My name is Bubb and this is my haunting grounds! When you step into my ring you’re stepping into my big plate of spaghetti or something like that. I’m going to make my interview real short but you’ll think I’m really charismatic so long as I keep fidgeting like a pubescent kid with A.D.D. and finish by screaming! Next we move on to the biggest pieces of trash ever to hold the TCW Title and that’s Tommy Cornell. My name is Tommy Cornell and I’m friggen British or something. IT DOESN’T MATTER! So I’ll always surround myself with some goons so I don’t have to defend my belt! Then you’ve got the only man in this match more respected than myself… and that’s Ricky Dale Johnson. RDJ is a legend in this industry so I can’t really talk too much trash about him. He and I get along real well but I will say this Ricky, when we step into the ring together there’s no tagging, there’s no brotherhood and I won’t hesitate to seize the opportunity of becoming TCW Heavyweight Champion even if I have to go through you. ‘Cause the Law Said so” Law finishes when he’s jumped by Machine #1. Law and Machine #1 exchange right hands but just as Law looks to have a slight advantage, he’s jumped by Machine #2. Law manages to dig down deep and find a way to fight off each team member with a right hand to each, back and forth, back and forth. Out of nowhere, Bubb charges in and tackles Rick Law, pounding away at him on the concrete ground. The Machines come over and begin stomping away at Law as BLZ Bubb fires away right hands upon him. The Machines pick up Law and throw him back down to the ground, headfirst into a garbage can. Tommy Cornell accompanied by Floyd Goldsworthy walks over carrying the garbage can and dumps it all out onto Law. [COLOR="Red"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “You see that Law? Don’t you feel right at home now with all this garbage? This ain’t that other promotion, your down here with the best damn athletes today! You’re in TCW now, and TCW is my Mountain! Pick him up!” The Machines pulled Law up, each holding one of his arms and Bubb holding his head still as Cornell bashed him over the head with the garbage can putting a large dent in it. The Machines lifted him back up to a standing position as Cornell put the belt in front of his face. [COLOR="red"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “You want this? You want this belt Lawman? You want a shot at it? You want a shot at me? I’m right here you Keystone Cop! Give me your best shot! Let’s go!” Cornell gives Law a few slaps to the face as he eggs him on, pointing to his chin for a strike. Finally Cornell stops the taunting and nails a chair over the head of Law before the three leave. [COLOR="red"][B]Machine #2:[/B][/COLOR] “You ain’t got those tub-of-lard has-beens Tag Team Specialists watching your back tonight huh Law?” [COLOR="red"][B]Machine #1:[/B][/COLOR] “Yeah, we sent those fat-asses packing they were so afraid when they heard we were going to show up tonight.” [COLOR="red"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “Come on boys, our work here is done. He won’t be causing us any trouble anymore.” [COLOR="red"][B]BLZ Bubb:[/B][/COLOR] “Whoa, whoa, let me just remind you of something Cornell! I may have had your back here, but ONLY because of our deal. Remember, you better have my back during my match with Liberty.” [COLOR="red"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Hey, hey, listen Bubb, don’t you worry about a thing. I’m watching out for you tonight just like you’ve always and will always watch out for me.” Cornell goes to walk away but BLZ Bubb begins chuckling and pulls him back over by the arm. [COLOR="red"][B]BLZ Bubb:[/B][/COLOR] “Cornell, let me make something clear. I’ve got your back tonight… but when there’s just me and you … I will not hesitate in administering the Hades Bomb and bringing home the gold!” Bubb and Cornell share a heated stare as the camera cuts back to the ring. [B]Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER]...Comercial Break[/CENTER] [B]BLZ Bubb VS Liberty[/B] The music for Liberty fills the arena as Liberty comes out through the entrance tunnel flashes a quick peace symbol and holding a black baseball bat to mock RDJ. Liberty walks down the ramp and climbs up onto the apron. Liberty paces around the ring a moment before pointing the bat towards the entrance tunnel as “BLZ Bubb’s music hit’s the arena. The Demonic one walked through the entrance tunnel and made a slow walk to the ring. Bubb jumped up onto the apron but as soon as he leaped up onto the apron Liberty ran over to him swinging the bat over the ropes and striking Bubb in the back with the baseball bat causing him to fall to the concrete floor. Liberty exited the ring and gave BLZ Bubb a devastating Mark Maguire-like swing of the bat to the stomach of Bubb sending him staggering over to the guard rail. Liberty lifted Bubb up to his feet and nailed him with a Clothesline using the bat next to his arm. Liberty tossed the bat over by the time keeper no longer needing it and rolled Bubb into the ring as the bell sounded. Liberty covered Bubb but he just barely kicked out. Liberty mounted Bubb and gave him right hand after right hand to the face. Liberty exited the ring once more and set up a steel chair in the middle of the ring. Liberty whipped Bubb off of the ropes but Bubb held onto the ropes. Bubb grabbed Liberty by the head as he hit him with a Bulldog face-first onto the seat of the steel chair sending it flying, putting a dent in it, and busting Liberty wide open. The two began to lay off the weapons for the rest of the match using their sheer will to find ways to hurt one another especially using the setting on the outside of the ring. It was so back and forth that neither man looked to have a clear advantage however the end came when Bubb went for a Tombstone Piledriver but as Liberty was perched on Bubb’s shoulders, he fired off right hand after right hand to the head of Bubb causing him to fall backwards and drop Liberty, colliding with the referee on the way down. Liberty turned around and gave Bubb a kick to the gut, setting him up for the Libertation Slam, but Bubb slipped out of it with an Arm Wrench into a Short-Arm Clothesline. Bubb wrapped chair around the throat/head of Liberty like he were going to stomp on it, but instead waited for Liberty to pull himself to his feet. Bubb bounced of the ropes for clothesline, but Liberty, using his ring awareness gained from being a veteran, pulled the chair off his head and as Bubb approached, Liberty blasted him over the head with the chair, busting him wide open. Liberty placed the chair in the center of the ring and dragged Bubb over towards it, pulling him up to his feet. Tommy Cornell ran down from the back with a chair in hand but as Cornell went to swing with the chair, Liberty picked Bubb up allowing him to take the Chair Shot for Liberty to the head. Bubb was down holding the back of his head and looking up at Cornell who was trying to apologize but only received a Liberation Slam for his trouble. Liberty quickly dragged the referee over toward Bubb and covered him for a three count. Cornell and Liberty locked eyes as Cornell pulled himself to his elbows and after some brief trash talk, Liberty exited the ring and backed up the ramp. Cornell pulled himself up using the ropes, then helped the bloody BLZ Bubb who had already pulled himself up off of free-will anyways, and thus pushed Cornell away looking angry. After some consoling Cornell extended his hand to Bubb. Bubb nodded and shook Cornell’s hand but then used his grip on Cornell to whip him off of the ropes. Bubb bounced off another set of ropes and met Cornell in the center of the ring with a devastating Clothesline. He then picked up Cornell and delivered the Hades Bomb! Bubb got up and screamed “Your soul will be collected next!!” as the camera faded out. [B]Winner: Liberty at 9:39 Rating: B After Match Brawl: A[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: B (yeah my first) Network Rating: 8:59 (new High)[/B][/CENTER]
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Everyone entered the board room today with neither a positive or negative vibe surrounding them, more of a “lets do business” vibe. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Alright, we’ve got quite the bit of business to do folks, so lets get right down to it. Let’s start with our roster.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “Mr. Cornell, our roster is booming. Frankly, we’ve got more stars on our roster than we know what to do with. We really need that two hour primetime timeslot just to put our guys on the screen.” [COLOR="Blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “I agree with Mr. Cooper for once Mr. Cornell. As if our roster isn’t already crowded enough, I’ve got word from Bart Biggz that he’ll join us but for a thirty percent increase of pay for what he’s making now in the SWF.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “Thirty percent raise? What’s he going to do to earn the thirty percent more than what he’s already making? Take out our trash and shine our shoes? What makes him think he deserves a raise from the unappreciated amount he’s already getting in the SWF?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “If that ain’t a big enough kick in the choppers, I’ve been talking to a few of the boys and one of ‘em tells me they wanna get back in the ring.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “ It appears as though with the way things have been going, Mr. Cooper will have helped us get the Primetime two hour show regularly which is quite the blessing in more ways than one. However, we have a financial situational problem. Our ticket prices are much lower than SWF’s, which is good to the buyer but we’re losing out on money here people.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Well Mr. Cornell, as I see it, we raise the ticket prices to just under SWF’s prices. That way we still look cheaper but we’ve just gained quite a bit more cash, you know?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “I think I could get that in order for you Mr. Cornell.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Thank you, I’d appreciate it. Alright, Mike, I’ve been seeing some nice build up to some of your Pay Per View Matches. Best of luck on your upcoming cards.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “Thank you Mr. Cornell. Nothing to say today Joel? Why so quiet?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Blow me.”
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling Febuary Week 2 2007 L.A. Shrine Auditorium Attendance 5,000[/Center] Playboy Jake Sawyer comes out through the entrance tunnel and For once in his TCW career, he approaches the ring without his cane or back-up. Jake Sawyer enters the ring and grabs a microphone from the ring crew, pacing around the ring. [COLOR="red"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times. You can’t keep a good manager down, and I am is as good as they come. I’m the manager of the best damn wrestling faction known to this industry. But tonight isn’t about them, and neither is War to Settle the Score. Tonight is about Buffalo and me, and no one else. There isn’t hell or high water that I’m afraid of, and American Buffalo, you my friend are no different. I don’t need a weapon, I don’t need back-up, I don’t need anything to defeat you. I’m a world-class manager and an even better fighter. Buffalo my boy, you don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into son. In fact, who says we need to wait until the P.P.V. How about you bring your big, smelly, hairy ass down to this ring and I’ll be proud to give you the ass whipping that only I, the best damn manager in the world, can give! Get a referee in here, let’s go!” Jake Sawyer hands the microphone back to the ring crew and takes off his smoking jacket, along with his dress-shirt to reveal a wrestling top with shoulder straps. The music of American Buffalo hits as he storms out of the entrance tunnel in his wrestling gear. Buffalo pounds his chest and throws his fists into the air before making his way down the ramp. Buffalo points to Sawyer as he looks ready for a fight, urging him to enter the ring. Charlie Thatcher and Jacob Jett storm down the ramp from behind Buffalo and jump him. Buffalo fires off right hands on both members, then delivers a high knee to the gut of Jett before slamming his face into the ring apron. Buffalo gives Thatcher an Irish Whip into the steel guard rail, but Charlie reverses sending Buffalo back first into it. Buffalo gets Military Pressed into the air before being dropped chest first across the guard rail. William Hayes comes down with a cane. William Hayes gave Buffalo a shot to the ribs with the cane, but Thatcher snatched it out of his hands and proceeded to break it over Buffalo’s head. The rest of the members rolled Buffalo into the ring and followed him in. They all held Buffalo up to his feet while a referee slid into the ring. Jake Sawyer readied himself in the corner of the ring, locking eyes with the near-unconscious Buffalo. Jake Sawyer charged out of the corner and delivered the Stampede to Buffalo then wiped off a few fake beads of sweat as he arrogantly pinned him for a three count. [B] Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] [B]Painfull Procedure VS Chance Fortune/Dylan Walker[/B] Painfull Procedure needed something to do so I threw them Fortune and Walker. Not a good match. Ronnie Pain pins Walker. [B]Rating: D[/B] Texas Pete and Jake Sawyer come out through the entrance tunnel. The two stomp down the aisle and enter the ring where they pace around before Sawyer grabs the microphone. [COLOR="Red"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “Buffalo, my monster and I know what you’ve done, and we won’t rest knowing you got away with it! It’s because of you that Pete has to wear this cast, tarnishing his life. But I’ve got news for you Buffalo, as if our message this week wasn’t strong enough. Pete will make a full recovery, and when that happens, he’s coming for your blood! Speaking of last week, Jason Caine. What happened to you was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. From what I’ve heard, you’ve been running your mouth in the back about how Pete attacked you for no reason, well consider yourself collateral damage my little wannabe. Texas Pete crushed you like a bug just like I am going to crush Buffalo, and anyone else that stands in our path of mayhem! In due time, a new TCW Heavyweight Champion will be crowned! It won’t be Rick Law, it won’t be RDJ, it won’t be BLZ Bubb or that old washed up Liberty, but it will be my Texas Pete! This weapon of mass destruction will tear down walls to get that title, and I dare anyone to stand before him without fear in his heart.” Just as Sawyer finishes his sentence, Jason Caine dashes down the ramp and slides into the ring breaking into a brawl with Pete. Jason ducks each of Pete’s paw swipes and follows it up with an onslaught of rights. Cain throws Pete off the ropes but the whip gets reversed and Caine is the one that flies off the ropes only to plow down Texas Pete with a Flying Forearm. Caine bounces off the ropes again as Pete tries to pull himself to his feet and Caine goes for a Novacaine. Texas Pete rolls out of the ring as Jake Sawyer assists him runs away up the ramp while Jason Caine exit’s the ring and chases after them. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Wolf Hawkins and Troy Tornado vs. Jack Griffith and Jay Darkness[/B] The music of Troy Tornado hits as the sparks fall over the entrance tunnel. Tornado walks through the entrance tunnel and walks down the aisle climbing up the steel steps and then into the ring. Next, the music of Wolf Hawkins hits as he walks out and down the ramp, and then immediately gets into an argument with his tag team partner and long-time rival, Troy Tornado. Griffith and Darkenss walk down the ramp approaching the ring Wolf stands by the ropes as Tornado charges towards him. Wolf hurls Tornado up into the air by his foot allowing him to hit a suicide plunge onto their opponents, taking all of them out. Wolf, not wanting to miss out on the action, leaped over the top rope hitting an Moonsault and taking out all three of the contestants in the match. Wolf threw Darkness into the ring and slid in after him, nailing him with a few stomps to the back to keep him down. Wolf threw Darkenss into the corner and pounded away at him with a few forearms to the face. Wolf backs up and blasted Darkness with a running Clothesline in the corner. As Darkness groggily walked out of the corner Wolf lifted him up and drove him back down with the D.D.T. Wolf held control for a few more moves before Darkenss reversed an Irish Whip sending Wolf back first into a knee by Jack Giffith. The cheap knee to the back would hurt Wolf but he would shake it off quickly and take a swing at Griffith only for him to duck it, grab Wolf by the head and hang him out. Darkness plowed down Wolf with a Big Foot to the head but only got a two count. Darkness held control over Wolf with mostly cheap shots and help from Griffith. Finnally Wolf gets free and a double tag was made but as Griffith went to kick Troy, Troy blocks it and kicks Jack in the back of the head instead. Troy fired off a few forearms to Jack then whipped him off the ropes, dropping to the ground and rolling him into a Boston Crab. Wolf recovered and hit a Springboard Dropkick on Darkness who was on the apron recovering, then ran over and applied a Koji Clutch on Griifith. Rocky Golden and Freddie Huggens made their way from each entrance tunnel and began to watch the match. The submissions were released as Darkness reentered the ring and gave Tornado a kick to the head. Daniels and Darkness got into a brawl which resulted in Daniels ducking a big right hand and nailing Darkness with a Pele Kick. Wolf leaped up to the top rope calling for the Full Moon Rising but Tornado first delivered a Monkey Flip to Griffith, sending him toppling onto his partner. Wolf hit a Full Moon rising onto both of his opponent as Tornado lifted Griffith back up to his feet. Tornado set Griffith up for the Star Maker but Wolf pulled himself back up and kicked his own partner in the face with a high roundhouse. Wolf pulled Griffith over to him and nailed the Full Moon Rising for the three count. Wolf, Tornado, Huggens and Rocky Golden all stared at each other with foul intentions for their Pay Per View match at War to Settle the Score. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Liberty is backstage in a dark area with Gheghis Rahn. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rahn:[/B][/COLOR] “Liberty, only a few days away is the TCW Pay Per View War to Settle the Score. You seemingly have the cards stacked against you, with a grudge against just about every contestant in your Steel Cage match. Both BLZ Bubb and RDJ both are looking to take you out after you attacked both of them a few weeks back, and your recent rivalry with RDJ continues to escalate…” [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “RDJ? He hasn’t hung up his boots yet? I thought for sure after looking me in the eyes last week, that free-loading old geezer would have packed his bags by now. RDJ, if you think you, a poor, pathetic, sad little excuse for a man who hides behind a big black trench coat, a face-paint mask, and a big black bat, is going to stand between me and that title, you’ve got quite another thing coming. If you screw with me and my fate RDJ, I will leave you beaten, bloodied, and battered, worse than you could ever imagine! You claim to fight for justice and help out the little guy when facing the corrupt and evil. You claim that you stand for everything good in the world, but I’ve got news for you Ricky. There is no more good left in the world. You look out into the audience tonight and you will see a sea of sinners. Adulterers, molesters, drug addicts, thieves, a mass of sloth that coast through life on their high horse, putting others down to make themselves appear more righteous in the eyes of judges like you RDJ. Face it, you’re all alone in your voyage for morals and ethics. So why RDJ? Why do you go out every night and dawn this whole charade for this imagination-spawned crowd full of good wholesome people? Why RDJ? RDJ, let me make this real clear. I’m your worst enemy. I’m the worst of the worst, the baddest of the baddest. I will own this world you choose to fight for RDJ, and you will fall before me and kiss my feet. If you’re so great and powerful, then you’d have the guts to face me right now and punch me square in the face. But what’s this? I don’t see you anywhere RDJ, and that’s because you are a coward, a sniveling little worm like so many others in this world. You may think the world is in black and white, like many years ago RDJ, but it’s not.” Just as Liberty finishes his rant, the lights flicker and then go out completely. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Rahn:[/B][/COLOR] “What the hell? What’s going on here? Liberty, what kind of crap is this?” The lights come back on and the man in black himself, RDJ, is standing behind Liberty with a grin on his face and his gloved hands on his hips. RDJ grabs Liberty by the shoulder and spins him around firing off several right hands before Liberty blocks one and fires off one of his own. The two fire off right hands back and forth before Liberty hit’s a rake to the eyes on RDJ and slams his face into a wooden crate. RDJ shakes it off and tackles Liberty to the ground pounding, struggling to hold him down long enough to take a shot at him but unfortunately for Ricky Dale Johnson a hoard of officials rush over and pull the two apart. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER]::Fade To Commercial::[/CENTER] [B]Tommy Cornell and The Machines VS Rick Law and The Tag Team Specialists[/B] The music of Tommy Cornell hits first as Cornell, Floyd Goldsworthy, and The Machines all come through the entrance tunnel together. The four pose on the top of the ramp before walking down and entering the ring to a lot of heat from the crowd. Out next is The Tag Team Specialists who’s music hits as the pyros go off. The duo come down the ramp and enter the ring. They get right in the faces of The Machines as some trash talk is exchanged. Cornell sneaks behind The Tag Team Specialist and delivers a chop block to Robert Oxford’s leg. Cornell and Machine #2 both double team Joel Bryant for a moment with various strikes to the back, chest and face while Robert Oxford and Machine #1 have an even brawl. Rick Law’s music hits as he sprints down the aisle, and slides into the ring getting into a brawl with Tommy Cornell. After a barrage of right hands to the head of Cornell driving him towards the ropes, Law hit’s a Spinning Clothesline knocking him over the top rope and out of the ring. Robert Oxford hit’s a Back Body Drop to Machine #2 sending him way over the top rope and to the outside. Joel Bryant kicks Machine #1 in the gut and throws him out of the ring threw the middle rope. Tag Team Specialist and Rick Law celebrate for a moment having cleared house. Law and Machine #2 start things off as things get under way. We have a headlock by Machine #2 who gets thrown off the ropes but plows down Law with a Shoulder Block. Machine #2 leaps over Law as he bounces off the ropes then Law gets up and leaps over Machine #2 as he runs threw his legs but Law hits him with a Hip Toss on his way back. Machine #2 and Law keep things pretty methodical and technical until Law tags out to Joel Bryant. Joel turns the fight with Machine #2 into a pier six brawl, breaking out the Scoop Slams and right hands. Joel delivers a slam to Machine #2 and climbs up to the second rope, diving off with a Senton but Machine #2 rolls out of the way at the last second. Machine #2 tags out to Cornell who runs into a big Scoop Slam by Joel Bryant. Bryant tags out to Robert Oxford and gives Machine #1 the “shove it” sign, urging him to enter the ring which distracts the referee long enough for a Headbutt to the crotch of Cornell. Oxford takes it to the TCW World Heavyweight Champion pretty good but with a distraction from Floyd Goldsworthy Cornell was able to catch Oxford with a Dropkick to the face. Cornell began locking Oxford into a lot of chokes then began working over his right leg, starting with a knee drop directly onto it. Cornell went for the Figure Four Leglock on Oxford but was pushed off into his corner where he tagged out to Machine #1. Oxford crawled over to his corner but Machine #1 pulled him back into the middle of the ring and locked him in the Sharpshooter. Oxford struggled and screamed as he reached for the ropes but Joel Bryant eventually ran over and nailed Machine #1 in the head breaking up the submission, but also keeping the referee busy enough for The Machines to hit Oxford with a Double Clothesline. Machine #1 whipped Oxford off the ropes but Oxford caught him with a Flying Spinning Back Elbow to the face. Machine #1 tagged out to Tommy Cornell a split-second before Robert Oxford tagged out to Rick Law. As soon as Cornell saw Law enter threw the ropes, he began to back off but then lunged towards Cornell with a right hand, only for it to be blocked and be struck with a right hand of Law. Law and Cornell brawled as The Tag Team Specialist set up a table on the outside of the ring. They walked around the sides of the ring and grabbed The Machines, slamming each of their heads into the guard rails, steel ring posts and mat aprons on their way to the table. Machine #2 nailed a low-blow on Robert Oxford then ran over to Joel Bryant, turning him around and giving him a rake to the eyes. The Machines leaped the guard rail and began to make their escape as The Teag Team Specialists shook it off and chased after them through the crowd. Cornell tripped Law and went for the Figure Four but got pushed off over to the corner and knocking down the Ref by accident. Law gets up as Cornell charges him. Cornell kicks at Law but Law Blocked it and set him up for a DDT, only for Cornell to turn himself back around and both men hit each other with a Falling DDT. BLZ Bubb walked through the entrance tunnel and down the ramp, climbing into the ring after grabbing a chair. Bubb, looking for some revenge on Cornell for costing him his match with Liberty last week, swung the chair at his head as he pulled himself to his feet. Cornell, dropped to his knees knowing Law who was behind him would take the blow. Cornell scored with a low blow to Bubb then got back up to his feet and threw Bubb out of the ring threw the middle rope and threw the table on the outside of the ring. Cornell, seeing the referee pulling himself up with the ropes and Law on his hands and knees, pulled Law up, just long enough to slam him back down with the Rough Ride for the three count. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: C Network Rating: 7:57[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Cooper’s Notes: Show was hurt by the fact SWF had their PPV on last night. Their show garned a 6.36 and was rated a C+.[/QUOTE]
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