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TCW - A Blast from the Past

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[center][B][SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]TCW[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]A Blast from the Past[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/center] [b][i]November 20, 2005[/i][/b] This is no rags to riches story. Nor is this a story about someone coming from nowhere, to suddenly find themselves on top of the wrestling world. I've earned everything I've got, and intend to keep it that way. My name is Greg McNeish, and I've been with TCW (and HGC) for years now. I started in the Productions department, directing backstage interviews. It was rather boring work, but I found it exhilerating to be involved in the industry. This position led me to work on highlight videos, DVDs, and vignettes. It was this last avenue that led to my biggest step: I caught the ear of Jason Azaria. Jason was very good with me, and I always appreciated that he took the time to hear my suggestions. In the early days, it was simply an idea of what he might want to say as a video played, or the reaction that we were shooting for. As we grew closer, we began to have more casual conversations about the industry, where we would both throw around ideas of how we would book things, were we given the opportunity. Really, we weren't any different than millions of other wrestling fans, scheming and dreaming about our heroes. Out of the blue, one day, Jason told me that he'd had a conversation with Rip Chord, who was then the Head Booker of the Hollyweird Grappling Company. Apparantly, Chord liked the sound of some of my ideas, and was willing to give it a run. Azaria informed me that Chord was willing to give me a limited position on the Writing Team, if I was interested. Of course, I jumped at the opportunity. One of the biggest misconceptions about the wrestling industry, is that booking decisions are made by one man. The reality of the situation, is that the Head Booker of a promotion is a manager, deligating booking decisions to his team of writers, who actually plan out how a storyline will run. The Head Booker deals with strategic decisions, of who gets pushed, who feuds with who, and how characters are to be treated. All of this, though, is largely done through suggestions from the writers. I quickly found out just how chaotic the booking of a promotion can be, and just how cut-throat and competitive my fellow writers were. Despite all that, though, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, as I was finally living my dream. Now, in the couple years that have passed since I became a full-time Writer, there have been a number of changes in the industry, that have made am impact on me. The biggest change, obviously, was the purchase of the company by Tommy Cornell, who is quite possibly the greatest wrestler I've ever seen. If there is anything he can't do in a ring, I doubt there is anyone alive that could. We became Total Championship Wrestling, and adopted a slightly more in-ring presentation, but not a whole lot else changed... thankfully. Things were going well, and Cornell knew it, having been our champion a couple times already. The other major change came only this past month, as Rip Chord decided to leave TCW, and open Mid Atlantic Wrestling. He had grown tired of the hassles of running the book of a National wrestling company, and wanted to focus on training young wrestlers in a territorial setting, just as he had come up in this business. On all accounts, the departure seems to have been on good terms. This leads us to today. I've been entrusted with the Head Booker position, effective December 1st, the day after A Little South of Sanity. Only time will tell if I can fill the legendary shoes of Rip Chord, and Sam Strong before him.
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[b]OOC:[/b] For anyone that's interested, I don't have a full version of TEW 2007. There are a couple of reasons, including economic considerations, the approach of the new game, and the fact that I spent most of 2007 without Internet access. With that in mind, I'm still playing TEW 2005 (hence the start date). I've been debating starting this dynasty for a while, but always felt that it would be a bit out of place. I've finally decided that a good story is a good story, and so this has come to fruition. I hope you all enjoy reading this as much as I'm enjoying playing the game, and writing it up. Cheers!
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From TCW.com [quote][center][b][size="6"][COLOR="Blue"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling[/COLOR][/size] [size="4"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Official Preview[/COLOR][/size][/b][/center] Coming off the heels of a tremendous PPV extravaganza, TCW rolls into Evanovich Riverside, as Total Wrestling returns to the Tri-State area. [b]Tommy Cornell[/b] successfully defended his title at [b]A Little South of Sanity[/b], and so the Booking Committee will be looking for a new #1 Contender. One week from now, [b]Liberty[/b], [b]Peter Valentine[/b], and the [b]"Arizona Assassin" Genghis Rahn[/b] will be in a Triple-Threat match, with the winner facing Cornell at [b]Psycho Circus[/b]. This week, these three competitors will be in tag team action, as [b]Liberty & Valentine[/b] team up to face [b]Rahn & "The Bodyguard" Charlie Thatcher[/b]. [b]Freddy Huggins[/b] still stands as the only man to have ever held the [b]All-Action Championship[/b]. [b]Chance Fortune[/b] has been named the new #1 Contender. Fortune will have a warm-up match this week against [b]Paul Steadyfast[/b]. The demonic [b]BLZ Bubb[/b] has been on a rampage of late, and has looked unstoppable, destroying everything in his path. [b]Harry Allen[/b] draws the unfortunate job of facing this monster in 1-on-1 action. Can Allen's speed overcome the awesome power of BLZ Bubb, or will he just be another victim. Lastly, the Tag Team division has been very competitive of late, with many teams fighting for supremacy. That will be on display this Tuesday, as [b]The Demons of Rage[/b], [b]Youth Gone Wild[/b], and [b]The Tag Team Specialists[/b] will meet in a triple-threat match, with the winner going on to face [b]Painful Procedure[/b] at [b]Psycho Circus[/b], with the [b]Tag Team Titles[/b] on the line. The show is scheduled to open with a special announcement from [b]World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell[/b]. Don't be late tuning in, as this promises to be an explosive start to a great night of action.[/quote] Prediction Key: Chance Fortune vs. Paul Steadyfast Harry Allen vs. BLZ Bubb Youth Gone Wild vs. The Demons of Rage vs. The Tag Team Specialists Liberty & Peter Valentine vs. Genghis Rahn & Charlie Thatcher
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[B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. Paul Steadyfast - Chance gets momentum. Harry Allen vs. [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] This universes Undertaker puts this away. [B]Youth Gone Wild[/B] vs. The Demons of Rage vs. The Tag Team Specialists Because Wolf Hawkins is better than you. [B]Liberty & Peter Valentine[/B] vs. Genghis Rahn & Charlie Thatcher I'm a little confused. Is Valentine a face this far back? Anyway the face(s) win despite miscommunication. - Sonfaro
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[B]Chance Fortune [/B]vs. Paul Steadyfast - For the momentum. Harry Allen vs. [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] - Doubt Allen's gonna be the one to stop Big Ol' Bubb's path of rage, (:(). Youth Gone Wild vs. The Demons of Rage vs. [B]The Tag Team Specialists[/B] - Don't bet against The Specialists. [B]Liberty & Peter Valentine[/B] vs. Genghis Rahn & Charlie Thatcher - Liberty vs. Rahn could be a pretty good long term main event fued. :cool:
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Ronnie V Pain... in the Main Event? What? [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. Paul Steadyfast He's a Soldier of Fortune. He'll win. Harry Allen vs. [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] Is there a doubt? I like Allen. He gets pushes from me, but it's Bubb. Really. [B]Youth Gone Wild[/B] vs. The Demons of Rage vs. The Tag Team Specialists Face Wolfy gets my praise. Liberty & Peter Valentine vs. [B]Genghis Rahn & Charlie Thatcher[/B] If it's not babycrazed Peter, I'm not interested.
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[center][b][size="7"][color="Blue"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling[/color][/size][/b] [size="4"]Tuesday, Week 1, December 2005 Evanovich Riverside (Tri-State, USA) Attendance: 9,488[/size][/center] The show begins with [b]World Heavyweight Champion, [color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/b] making his way down to the ring. He takes a few moments to bask in the crowd's reaction, before taking a microphone from ringside. Cornell calls himself the "Greatest Wrestler in the World", before issuing an open challenge, for anyone to face him tonight, with the World Title on the line. [CENTER][size="5"][color="DeepSkyBlue"]A*[/color][/size][/CENTER] Cornell's c0cky expression turns to shock, as [b][color="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color][/b] steps out onto the stage, with a microphone in hand. He accepts Cornell's challenge, saying that it's time for "Rough Justice" to get a taste of "Southern Justice". [CENTER][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/CENTER] We jump backstage, to the interview area, where [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is joined by the [b]All-Action Champion, [color="Red"]Freddy Huggins[/color][/b]. Huggins is a big ball of confidence, as he says that the new #1 Contender to his title, [b][color="Blue"]Chance Fortune[/color][/b] will have to live up to his name just to beat [b][color="Red"]Paul Steadyfast[/color][/b], but that even luck can't help him against the Hugginator. [CENTER][size="5"][color="YellowGreen"]C+[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Chance Fortune[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Paul Steadyfast[/color][/size][/b] Chance Fortune looked very focussed, as he made his way to the ring. He certainly wasn't impressed with Huggins disrespecting him like that. He used that to take an early advantage against Steadyfast. However, his emotions got the best of him, as he went for the Stroke of Luck a bit too early, allowing Steadyfast to take control. Fortune found himself grounded for a few minutes, before he made his comeback, and put the technician away with the Stroke of Luck. [size="4"]Chance Fortune defeated Paul Steadyfast in 7:29 by pinfall with a Stroke Of Luck.[/size] [size="5"][color="Orange"]C[/color][/size][/center] We cut backstage again, as [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is joined by [b][color="Blue"]Stevie Grayson & Wolf Hawkins, Youth Gone Wild[/color][/b], ahead of their #1 Contenders match later tonight. They say that they are up against two veteran teams, but that the future of the tag team division begins now. [CENTER][size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Harry Allen[/color] vs. [color="Red"]BLZ Bubb[/color][/size][/b] This was a squash, plain and simple. Harry Allen tried to get the early advantage with a couple quick hit-and-run strikes, but was caught by a clothesline. That was the last offense from Allen, as the big monster finishes it off with a Hades Bomb. [size="4"]BLZ Bubb defeated Harry Allen in 5:08 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb.[/size] [size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size][/center] Following the match, [b][color="Blue"]Steve Gumble[/color][/b] enters the ring to help his partner. Unfortunately, BLZ Bubb isn't done, and delivers an Hades Bomb to each of the Young Guns. [CENTER][size="5"][color="DarkGreen"]B-[/color][/size][/CENTER] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is joined by [b][color="Blue"]Liberty & Peter Valentine[/color][/b]. Thankfully, Liberty does the talking for his team, as he mentions that he and Valentine are former Tag Team Champions. He says that there will be no friends in the ring next week, but tonight, Love & Liberty will reign supreme. [CENTER][size="5"][color="DarkGreen"]B-[/color][/size][/CENTER] [b][color="Blue"]Painful Procedure[/color][/b] make their way out to the ring. Floyd Goldworthy first puts over the Tag Team Champs. He says that it doesn't matter who wins the contenders match, because Painful Procedure will keep rockin' the belts for a long time. [CENTER][size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size][/CENTER] Goldworthy then announces that, next week, [b][color="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/color][/b] will face [b][color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/b] to determine the next challenger for [b][color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color][/b]'s International Championship. Tornado promises that he'll follow his rhythm section's example, by bringing the gold into the fold. [CENTER][size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Youth Gone Wild[/color] vs. [color="Red"]The Demons of Rage[/color] vs. [color="Red"]The Tag Team Specialists[/color][/size][/b] In this non-elimination match up, there were no alliances, as every team knew exactly what was at stake. After a lot of back-and-forth (and forth) action, and countless near-falls that were broken up by the third team, the Demons of Rage were able to score the victory, as Demon Spite was able to keep Stevie Grayson down for the count, while the other four competitors brawled on the outside. [size="4"]The Demons Of Rage defeated Youth Gone Wild and The Tag Team Specialists in 12:45 by pinfall.[/size] [size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is backstage again, this time joined by the [b]International Champion, [color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color][/b]. He says that he respects both [b][color="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/color][/b] and [b][color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/b], but that he will be keeping the International Title for a long time, because that's the Law. [CENTER][size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Liberty & Peter Valentine[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Genghis Rahn & Charlie Thatcher[/color][/size][/b] This was a clash of four big men, and if anyone expected this to be anything but a brawl, then they were sure to be disappointed. Liberty & Rahn started the proceedings with a flurry of punches. Liberty was gaining the upper hand, until Genghis Rahn got to the ropes, and took a cheap shot on the break. From there, Thatcher & Rahn isolated Liberty in their corner, using their size to hit powerful moves, with a healthty dose of old-school heel shenanigans to boot. Eventually, Liberty made the hot-tag to Valentine, who cleaned house. He was firing on all cylinders, and looked to finish Charlie Thatcher off, when he was blindsided by Genghis Rahn. Liberty sent Rahn packing, and got the tag from Valentine, planting Thatcher with a Liberation Slam, and taking the momentum into next week's match. [size="4"]Liberty and Peter Valentine defeated Charlie Thatcher and Genghis Rahn in 12:49 when Liberty defeated Charlie Thatcher by pinfall with a Liberation Slam.[/size] [size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] ends her long night with RDJ, [b][color="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color][/b]. He's confident that he will achieve his destiny tonight, by becoming the TCW World Heavyweight Champion. He then says that he's discusted with BLZ Bubb's actions earlier, and may need to dish out some Southern Justice soon. [CENTER][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/CENTER] [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b] and [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b] are shown in their dressing room, following their victory. Liberty thanks Valentine for partnering with him tonight; Valentine says that Liberty won't thank him next week, when he wins the #1 Contenders triple-threat match. [CENTER][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/CENTER] A video plays, recapping the opening segment, with [b][color="Blue"]RDJ[/color][/b] accepting [b][color="Red"]Cornell[/color][/b]'s open challenge. That match is next. [CENTER][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] [b][size="6"]TCW World Heavyweight Championship [color="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Tommy Cornell (C)[/color][/size][/b] Anticipation for this match had been building in the arena all night, and was at a fevered pitch by the time the bell rang. Tommy Cornell was clearly apprehensive about stepping in the ring with RDJ, and begged off a couple early lock-ups, and took a powder on the outside only 2 minutes into the match. After re-entering the ring, Cornell finally got things going with RDJ, and gained the early advantage, using his superior technical abilities to ground his larger opponent. Johnson was not going to be denied, though, and fired back with the brand of southern brawling. He slugged the Champ all over the ring, and out to the floor as well. Out on the floor, Cornell was able to regain the advantage, by reversing a whip into the steel steps. He followed this up by showing the challenger that he was no stranger to a fist fight, busting open Johnson with a series of closed fists. Cornell then brought his weakened opponent back into the ring, and looked to put the match away with a Rough Justice. RDJ still had some fight in him, though and slipped out of the move. He then returned to the weapon that has served him well so far in his career: His right hand. During one particular exchange, Johnson irish whipped Cornell into the corner, and inadvertantly took out the referee. RDJ loaded Cornell up for the Southern Justice, but was blindsided by a charging BLZ Bubb. The demonic monster then laid the challenger out with a Hades Bomb, before exiting the ring. Cornell draped an arm over the unconscious RDJ, as the recovering ref slowly counted to three. [size="4"]Tommy Cornell defeated Ricky Dale Johnson in 20:02 by pinfall following interference from BLZ Bubb.[/size] [size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] A victorious Cornell hits the road, as BLZ Bubb enters the ring, and puts a major-league beatdown on RDJ. Bubb stands tall as the show goes off the air. [CENTER][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] ***************************************** [size="5"][b]Overall Rating: [/b][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center]
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From TCW.com [quote][center][size="6"][color="Blue"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling[/color][/size] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Official Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/center] The road to [b]Psycho Circus[/b] continues, as the Booking Committee has promised that we will learn the first contestants in the annual [b]Psycho Circus Battle Royal[/b], where the winner receives a [b]World Title[/b] shot at [b]The War to Settle the Score[/b], at the end of February. Expect everyone to be looking to gain momentum, heading into this prestigeous event. Last week, we learned that [b]Troy Tornado[/b] will be facing off with [b]Joel Bryant[/b], for the right to meet [b]Rick Law[/b] for the [b]International Championship[/b]. Bryant is a former International Champion, who hasn't acheived the same level of success in the tag ranks, and may be looking to make a statement as a singles performer. Tornado has been riding a wave of momentum since joining Painful Procedure. Which of these two great competitors will earn the right to fight for the Title? Last week, [b]BLZ Bubb[/b] made his presence felt in a big way, first destroying both members of [b]The Young Guns[/b], and then costing [b]Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] his [b]World Heavyweight Championship[/b] match. RDJ is still recovering from the assault, and will not be in the building. Can anyone stop this monster, or will the demonic man continue his wave of destruction? Last, but certainly not least, [b]Genghis Rahn, Liberty & Peter Valentine[/b] will meet in a Triple-Threat match, to determine the #1 Contender to [b]Tommy Cornell[/b]'s [b]World Heavyweight Championship[/b]. With three men of this calibre, and the prize that's up for grabs, we can be assured of only one thing: Nothing will be held back. Be sure to tune in @9pm Eastern (6pm, Pacific), as Total Wrestling invades the Huntsville Fairgrounds.[/quote] Prediction Key: Liberty vs. Peter Valentine vs. Genghis Rahn BLZ Bubb vs. Giant Tana Joel Bryant vs. Troy Tornado Painful Procedure vs. The Nation of Filth Rick Law vs. ???
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Liberty vs. Peter Valentine vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] Lost the Tag Match, wins Triple. [B]BLZ Bubb [/B]vs. Giant Tana No stopping. [B]Joel Bryant[/B] vs. Troy Tornado More talent. [B]Painful Procedure[/B] vs. The Nation of Filth It's no question. [B]Rick Law[/B] vs. ??? The Long Arm of the Law wins.
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Liberty vs. Peter Valentine vs. [B]Genghis Rahn[/B] - It's Rahn's turn to take home a prize, in this developing story. [B]BLZ Bubb[/B] vs. Giant Tana - Decent battle of the big men, but I think Bubbsy's on a mission, he's got that tunnel vision going on. Joel Bryant vs. [B]Troy Tornado[/B] - Bryant's got more skill, but Tornado's got the coolness to him. That counts for something. [B]Painful Procedure[/B] vs. The Nation of Filth - Clean-up on Aisle Three. Rick Law vs. [B]???[/B] - Dunno who waits behind the question marks, but I have a feeling it might be either Cornell or Big Ol' BLZ. Either could mean big trouble for The Law. :cool:
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[center][b][size="7"][color="Blue"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling[/color][/size][/b] [size="4"]Tuesday, Week 2, December 2005 Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East, USA) Attendance: 5,000[/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Painful Procedure[/color][/b] open the show with an in-ring promo. First off, [b][color="Blue"]Floyd Goldworthy[/color][/b] puts over Ronnie V. Pain, saying that he will be taking part in the [b]Psycho Circus Battle Royal[/b], where the winner faces the World Heavyweight Champion at [b]The War to Settle the Score[/b]. [center][size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center] Next, [b][color="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/color][/b] is put over as the next [b]International Champion[/b], facing [b][color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/b] tonight, with the winner going to Psycho Circus to face the champ, [b][color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color][/b]. [center][size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size][/center] Lastly, Goldworthy puts over [b][color="Blue"]BJ Shearer & Randall Hopkirk[/color][/b], the [b]Tag Team Champions[/b]. They face the [b][color="Red"]Demons of Rage[/color][/b] at the PPV, and have a warm-up match against the [b][color="Red"]Nation of Filth[/color][/b], which starts right now. [center][size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Painful Procedure[/color] vs. [color="Red"]The Nation Of Filth[/color][/size][/b] An easy match for the champs. They dominate, start to finish. [size="4"]Painful Procedure defeated The Nation Of Filth in 7:43 when BJ Shearer defeated Grunt by pinfall with a Rythm And Bruise.[/size] [size="5"][color="YellowGreen"]C+[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is backstage with [b][color="Red"]Genghis Rahn[/color][/b], who takes on [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b] and [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b] tonight, with the winner facing [b][color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/b] at the PPV. He says that, unlike last week, he doesn't have to worry about someone like [b][color="Red"]Charlie Thatcher[/color][/b] losing the match for him. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Human Arsenal[/color][/size][/b] Rick Law looked to send a message to Tornado & Bryant with this match, but was surprised out of the gate by the debuting Human Arsenal, who controlled the early action with suplexes, arm drags, and submission holds. The International Champion showed what he's made of, though, hanging on through the early onslaught, and battling back with some stinging strikes. The match went to the outside, and a full-on brawl was at hand. While crashing around ringside, both men were counted out by the referee. [size="4"]Rick Law drew with Human Arsenal in 8:56 following a double count out.[/size] [size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] As the bell sounds, Rick Law and Human Arsenal keep throwing shots at each other, until they are seperated. Human Arsenal looks very pleased that he has made a statement in his debut. [center][size="5"][color="DarkGreen"]B-[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] interviews [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b]. He says that [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b] and himself teamed up last week, but that this week he will not hesitate to take out Liberty on his way to victory. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] A video plays, recapping [b][color="Red"]BLZ Bubb[/color][/b]'s brutal beatdown on [b][color="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color][/b] last week. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Giant Tana[/color] vs. [color="Red"]BLZ Bubb[/color][/size][/b] BLZ Bubb has proven himself to be a monster, but Giant Tana is hardly a push-over. That said, his size was only able to help him so long, as the result was the same as last week. The announcers were shocked that BLZ Bubb got Giant Tana up for the Hades Bomb. [size="4"]BLZ Bubb defeated Giant Tana in 4:32 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb.[/size] [size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center] As the match ends, [b][color="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color][/b] appears on the big screen. He says that he's still recovering from the attack last week, but that he'll be back to 100% in time for the [b]Psycho Circus[/b], and will dish out a dose of Southern Justice to [b][color="Red"]BLZ Bubb[/color][/b] then. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b] is up next with [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b]. He says that he really respects [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b], but that there will be no friends in the ring tonight. He tells [b][color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/b] to get ready for a War of Liberation. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] A video plays hyping [b][color="Red"]The Demons Of Rage[/color][/b] vs. [b][color="Blue"]Painful Procedure.[/color][/b] [center][size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/size][/b] One of the best young all-arounders faced off with an all-time great grappler in this match. It was clear that both competitors respected each other's abilities, as both men were a bit tentative at the beginning of the match. After a short feeling out period, Joel Bryant's experience allowed him to take the advantage, and he began wearing down his opponent with his tremendous technique. After several minutes, Troy Tornado looked to be fading out in a body scissors. However, he used the crowd to rally back and catch a second wind. He stepped on the gas, and upped the tempo of the match. Joel Bryant seemed to be caught off guard, and was unable to counter his younger opponent. Tornado built the momentum, and looked to put Bryant away with the Star Maker. Bryant, though, had the move scouted, and was able to avoid the move. He then loaded up the One Shot Drop, and picked up the victory. [size="4"]Joel Bryant defeated Troy Tornado in 12:36 by pinfall with an One Shot Drop.[/size] [size="5"][color="DarkGreen"]B-[/color][/size][/center] As Joel Bryant celebrates his victory, [b][color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color][/b] is shown watching the action on a monitor backstage. [center][size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is with [b][color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/b] now. The champ gives his thoughts on the #1 Contender's match. He says that it doesn't matter who wins, because he's beaten them all before, and history will repeat itself at [b]Psycho Circus[/b], because he is the "Greatest Wrestler in the World". [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] A video plays hyping [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b] vs. [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b] vs. [b][color="Red"]Genghis Rahn[/color][/b]. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color] vs. [color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Genghis Rahn[/color][/size][/b] There wasn't any real hatred coming into this match, but with a title shot on the line, nobody was willing to give an inch. Valentine & Liberty, despite what they'd said coming in, teamed up on Genghis Rahn to start things off, depositing him on the outside after a few minutes. The two briefly stared each other down, before locking up. They started off with babyface stuff, tests of strength, and the like, but that all broke down when Liberty got frustrated at losing a test of strength, and connected with a stiff right hand. From there, it was a brawl, plain and simple. Genghis Rahn was able to rest up considerably, before diving back into the fray. He picked his time to strike, and was able to dominate both men for a couple minutes, he even connected with a Rahn to the Hills on Valentine, but that was broken up by Liberty. The ending came when Liberty took both of his opponents out of the ring with a double clothesline. He went outside to capitalize, but Rahn reversed a whip attempt, and sent Liberty crashing into the steel steps. Rahn took Valentine back into the ring, and lined him up for a second Rahn to the Hills. Valentine reversed, however, and connected with a Heart Breaker, picking up the victory, and cashing in his chance at Cornell and the Championship. [size="4"]Peter Valentine defeated Liberty and Genghis Rahn in 14:36 when Peter Valentine defeated Genghis Rahn by pinfall with a Heart Breaker.[/size] [size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] As Peter Valentine celebrates his victory, [b][color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/b] steps out to the top of the ramp. Champion and challenger stare each other down as the show goes off the air. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] ***************************************** [size="5"][b]Overall Rating: [/b][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center]
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From TCW.com [quote][center][b][size="6"][color="Blue"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/color][/size] [size="4"][color="SeaGreen"]Official Preview[/color][/size][/b][/center] Coming off the heels of a exciting show, where not one, but two new #1 Contenders were named, Total Wrestling rolls into the Shakeshaft Auditorium, for another action-packed episode. [b]World Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell[/b] will be in action, as he faces [b]Painful Procedure[/b] guitarist, [b]Ronnie V Pain[/b]. Pain announced last week that he'd be taking part in the [b]Psycho Circus Battle Royal[/b], where the winner earns a World Title shot at [b]The War to Settle the Score[/b]. Could this match merely be a preview of that big event's main event? Also in action will be [b]Liberty[/b], who lost last week's #1 Contenders Triple Threat match, without being pinned, or made to submit. Although he won't be in the [b]Psycho Circus[/b] main event, you can be sure that this great superstar will be looking to bounce back, heading into one of TCW's biggest events. He doesn't have the easiest draw, however, as the fun-loving competitor will be going head-to-head with the new #1 Contender to [b]Rick Law[/b]'s [b]International Championship[/b], [b]Joel Bryant[/b]. Can Liberty turn his fortunes around, or is Bryant too hot right now? [b]BLZ Bubb[/b] and [b]Ricky Dale Johnson[/b] have had tempers flaring for several weeks now, and they show no signs of stopping, as the head towards a big meeting at [b]Psycho Circus[/b]. RDJ is still recovering from BLZ Bubb's savage attack two weeks ago, and isn't expected to be in the arena, but BLZ Bubb [i]is[/i] scheduled to be in action. All this, and much more, this week on Total Wrestling.[/quote] PREDICTION KEY: Ronnie V Pain vs. Tommy Cornell Liberty vs. Joel Bryant BLZ Bubb vs. Darryl Devine Chance Fortune & Ice Man CA vs. Freddy Huggins & Paul Steadyfast The Demons of Rage vs. The Young Guns
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[center][b][size="7"][color="Blue"]TCW Presents: Total Wrestling[/color][/size][/b] [size="4"]Tuesday, Week 3, December 2005 Shakeshaft Auditorium (Great Lakes, USA) Attendance: 5,000[/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Painful Procedure[/color][/b] are out to start the show. [b][color="Blue"]Floyd Goldworthy[/color][/b] puts over the Tag Champs, saying that he hopes the [b][color="Red"]Demons of Rage[/color][/b] enjoyed watching them soundly defeat the [b][color="Red"]Nation of Filth[/color][/b] last week. The Demons are in action tonight. [center][size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size][/center] Next, Goldworthy says that, with the disappointing loss last week, [b][color="Blue"]Troy Tornado[/color][/b] will not be facing [b][color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color][/b] for the [b]International Title[/b] at [b]Psycho Circus[/b]. However, there's a silver lining, as now Tornado will be joining his guitarist in the [b]Psycho Circus Battle Royal[/b]. Tornado says that, with two band-members in the match, there is a great chance of a Tornado striking. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] Before heading to commercials, a quick shot is shown of [b][color="Blue"]Chance Fortune[/color][/b] psyching up [b][color="Blue"]Ice Man C.A.[/color][/b] backstage. They face [b][color="Red"]Freddy Huggins and Paul Steadyfast[/color][/b] next. [center][size="5"][color="DarkOrange"]C-[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Chance Fortune & Ice Man C.A.[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Freddy Huggins & Paul Steadyfast[/color][/size][/b] Lots of pride was on the line in this one, as every man looks to move up the card, with Chance Fortune & Freddy Huggins especially wanting to send a message, going into their All-Action Championship clash. Fortune & Steadyfast started things off, with Fortune building on his terrific performance the week before. He controlled the action for a minute, but Steadyfast quickly turned things around, when Ice Man CA came into the match. Steadyfast quickly got the tag to Huggins. Huggins & Steadyfast soon took complete control, isolating Ice Man CA in their corner for the majority of the bout. Eventually, Ice Man CA & Huggins collided in the middle of the ring, with a double clothesline. Both men made it to their corners, getting the tags. Fortune came in a house of fire, and beat Steadyfast to every punch. He even had a shot for Huggins, sending him crashing to the floor. Fortune then hit the Stroke of Luck, and picked up his second straight victory over Paul Steadyfast. [size="4"]Chance Fortune and Ice Man C.A. defeated Freddy Huggins and Paul Steadyfast in 8:07 when Chance Fortune defeated Paul Steadyfast by pinfall with a Stroke Of Luck. [/size] [size="5"][color="DarkOrange"]C-[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is backstage with [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b]. He is disappointed that he didn't win last week, but congratulates [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b] for getting the job done. He wishes him luck at [b]Psycho Circus[/b]. Liberty then says that, since he's now free that night, he's throwing his name into the hat for the [b]Psycho Circus Battle Royal[/b]. He warns [b][color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/b] that he's not looking past tonight's match; he's looking to make a statement. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] A video plays, showing the brewing feud between [b][color="Blue"]RDJ[/color][/b] and [b][color="Red"]BLZ Bubb[/color][/b]. Johnson hasn't been in action since the brutal attack two weeks ago, but he says he'll be ready by [b]Psycho Circus[/b], where they're scheduled to meet 1-on-1. [center][size="5"][color="DeepSkyBlue"]A*[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Darryl Devine[/color] vs. [color="Red"]BLZ Bubb[/color][/size][/b] As expected, BLZ Bubb completely dominates this match, and ends it quickly with a Hades Bomb. [size="4"]BLZ Bubb defeated Darryl Devine in 4:32 by pinfall with a Hades Bomb.[/size] [size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center] As he celebrates his victory, BLZ Bubb eyes his fallen opponent, and starts stalking him, looking to continue the beating. Out from the back comes running [b][color="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color][/b], who wasn't expected to be here tonight. He has a 2x4 in hand, and rushes the ring. Seeing this, BLZ Bubb takes the high road, and lives to fight another day. RDJ taunts his monstrous opponent, challenging him to step back into the ring, as we fade to commercials. [center][size="5"][color="SeaGreen"]B[/color][/size][/center] As we return from commercial, [b][color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/b] is in the ring. He "congratulates" [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b] for defeating [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b] and [b][color="Red"]Genghis Rahn[/color][/b] last week. He tells Valentine that that victory will be a bitter-sweet one, however, because now he has to face the [b]Greatest Wrestler in the World[/b], Tommy Cornell. Cornell tells Valentine to watch what he does to [b][color="Blue"]Ronnie V Pain[/color][/b] tonight, because it's the exact same thing that he'll do to him at [b]Psycho Circus[/b]. [center][size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] is joined by [b][color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/b], the new #1 Contender for [b][color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color][/b]'s [b]International Title[/b]. Bryant says that he's confident about regaining the belt that he hasn't had for several years back. He says that he's proud to be a [b][color="Red"]Tag Team Specialist[/color][/b], but that it's time to remind the world that he's just a good on his own as with a partner. He says that he'll do that tonight, by beating [b][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color][/b]. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]The Young Guns[/color] vs. [color="Red"]The Demons Of Rage[/color][/size][/b] In this match of Speed vs. Strength, The Young Guns did their best to make a good showing here. Unfortunately, their efforts just weren't enough, as the Demons slammed the brakes on their much younger opponents, and put an end to all of their hopes with a Demon Slam. [size="4"]The Demons Of Rage defeated The Young Guns in 7:38 when Demon Anger defeated Steve Gumble by pinfall with a Demon Slam.[/size] [size="5"][color="DarkGreen"]B-[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Rick Law[/color][/b] is [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b]'s guest now. He tells [b][color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/b] that he has never doubted Bryant's abilities, so he's got nothing to prove. Law, however, feels that he's got more on the line than just his title. Law says that he has been heralded as the "fastest rising star in TCW". He says that he intends to prove that statement true, by beating a respected and talented veteran, in the prime of his career. [center][size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Liberty[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Joel Bryant[/color][/size][/b] Liberty came into this match with something to prove, and he exploded out of the gate, unleashing a torrent of rights and lefts to Bryant. His enthusiasm got the best of him, though, as Bryant was able to dodge a rush attempt, and slow the pace down. Liberty found himself in a heap of trouble for several minutes, as Joel Bryant's superior mat skills allowed him to stop any comeback attempts that Liberty attempted. The crowd lifted to a frenzy, urging Liberty to turn things around. Eventually, the crowd was able to rally their favourite, and Liberty opened up on his opponent. The fight spilled to the outside, and Liberty displayed the killer instinct that's made him a multi-time World Champion. Once again, though, his zeal was his undoing, as Joel Bryant reversed a piledriver into a back-body drop, on the unforgiving arena floor. Joel Bryant took things back into the ring, and focussed on Liberty's weakened lower back. Liberty faded, but refused to surrender. Bryant became increasingly frustrated, and eventually went for the One Shot Drop. Liberty, however, was able to avoid the move, and began unloading on Bryant again. Just as before, Bryant was able to counter Liberty's offense, but Liberty was unrelenting, and connected with a Liberation Slam out of nowhere, to pick up the victory. [size="4"]Liberty defeated Joel Bryant in 15:36 by pinfall with a Liberation Slam.[/size] [size="5"][color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center] [b][color="Blue"]Blonde Bombshell[/color][/b] has one last guest tonight, as she's joined by [b][color="Blue"]Ricky Dale Johnson[/color][/b]. RDJ is a big ball of intensity, as hetears [b][color="Red"]BLZ Bubb[/color][/b] apart for being a monster, and a monstrosity. RDJ says that their match at [b]Psycho Circus[/b] won't be just any match, as he plans on putting the big man on the shelf forever, just like he did to [b]Rip Chord[/b]. Their match is going to be a [b]Casket Match[/b]. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] A video plays, hyping the main event at [b]Psycho Circus[/b]: [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b] vs. [b][color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/b]. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] [b][size="6"][color="Blue"]Ronnie V. Pain[/color] vs. [color="Red"]Tommy Cornell[/color][/size][/b] The World Champion was his usual c0cky self, and seemed to take his opponent lightly. He even did some mocking air guitar as the bell rang. This proved to be a mistake, though, as the hard-as-nails Pain exploded towards the champion, and tossed him around the ring. Cornell ducked to the outside, before too much damage could be done, but he was clearly shocked that this would be a tough fight. Once back in the ring, Cornell had his game face on, and he more seriously approached his opponent. Hie earlier taunting was his undoing, though, as Pain was just too much for the Champion, who once again slipped outside for a breather. This time, Ronnie V followed him, and beat Cornell all around ringside. Cornell, ever the crafty grappler, slipped behind Pain during a ring post ram attempt, and sent the big man colliding into the steel. This was all the opening that Cornell needed, as he used several full counts from the referee to dish out punishment to the guitarist's now-weakened shoulder. The World Champ controlled the next few minutes of the bout, as he used his tremendous knowledge of wrestling holds to put extreme pressure on the damaged shoulder of his opponent. Eventually, Pain was able to power out of a submission move, and hit a surprise Pain Killer. This effort clearly took everything Ronnie V had, as he was unable to make the cover on Cornell. This had bought him some breathing room, though, and as the Champion rose, he was met with a series of closed fists, that sent him back into a corner. He unloaded on Cornell, and the ref stepped in to get a clean break. Cornell used this time to hit a low-blow on Pain, unseen by the referee. He quickly rolled up his opponent, planting his feet on the ropes for extra leverage. The referee once again didn't see the illegal maneuver, and counted the three. [size="4"]Tommy Cornell defeated Ronnie V. Pain in 16:16 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.[/size] [size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size][/center] As Cornell celebrates, [b][color="Blue"]Peter Valentine[/color][/b]'s music hits, and he makes his way out from the back with a microphone. Valentine says that, just as Cornell had said, he was watching closely, and saw exactly what he did to Ronnie V Pain: Cheat. Valentine tells Cornell to bring his whole arsenal of dirty tricks, because they're the ONLY way that Cornell will walk out of the arena as champion at [b]Psycho Circus[/b]. [center][size="5"][color="Blue"]A[/color][/size] ***************************************** [size="5"]Overall Grade: [color="Lime"]B+[/color][/size][/center]
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From TCW.com [quote][center][b][size="6"][color="Blue"]TCW Presents Total Wrestling[/color][/size] [size="4"][color="SeaGreen"]Official Preview[/color][/size][/b][/center] With just one more stop on the road to [b]Psycho Circus[/b], the [b]Total Wrestling[/b] production trucks roll back into the Tri-State area, as TCW once again invades the Evanovich Riverside. A big night of action is planned, as the All-Action Championship will be on the line, with [b]Freddy Huggins[/b] defending against [b]Chance Fortune[/b]. Fortune has picked up two straight victories, including one over Huggin's team last week. Can he carry that momentum all the way to the title, or will Huggins deliver? The [b]Hardcore Championship[/b] will also be on the line, as [b]Madman Boone[/b] puts his extreme reputation on the line against new-comer [b]Jungle Jack[/b]. Will Jack's debut be a magical one, or will the Madman send him back to the jungle? [b]Genghis Rahn[/b] has had two weeks to stew on the fact that he was pinned in the Triple Threat match, where [b]Peter Valentine[/b] earned the right to face the [b]World Champion, Tommy Cornell[/b]. He'll get a chance at redemption, as he goes one-on-one with Valentine. Now that there's nothing but pride on the line, will the Arizona Assassin be able to get the job done, or will Valentine pick up another big win, heading into his title opportunity? The World Champion won't have a chance to rest, though, as [b]Troy Tornado[/b] will be trying to avenge his [b]Painful Procedure[/b] bandmate, [b]Ronnie V. Pain[/b]'s loss last week. Tornado is entered into the [b]Psycho Circus Battle Royal[/b], and could earn an opportunity to headline [b]The War to Settle the Score[/b]. Can he pick up the victory against the World Champion, or will Cornell steal another one? We're just 5 days away from the [b]Psycho Circus[/b], and things couldn't be hotter.[/quote] PREDICTION KEY: Troy Tornado vs. Tommy Cornell Peter Valentine vs. Genghis Rahn The Tag Team Specialists vs. Youth Gone Wild Madman Boone vs. Jungle Jack Chance Fortune vs. Freddy Huggins
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[B]Troy Tornado[/B] vs. Tommy Cornell - A big upset leading into the Psycho Circus. [B]Peter Valentine[/B] vs. Genghis Rahn - Valentine gets some momentum leading into a title shot. The Tag Team Specialists vs. [B]Youth Gone Wild[/B] - Might be some controversy in this one Madman Boone vs. [B]Jungle Jack[/B] - A magical debut for the Jungle man. [B]Chance Fortune[/B] vs. Freddy Huggins - Chance rides the wave of momentum to gold and greatness. :)
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