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CZCW 2010: A New Future

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[B]Excerpts from CZCW: The little promotion that could A History[/B] CZCW one of the oldest remaining indy promotions in the US, second only to NYCW which opened two years before it, has finally seen it’s better days. Although it managed to survive 15 years on the backs of some of the hardest workers in the country it had never managed to truly flourish, let alone make a profit. Know to be manipulative and politicking, it could be surmised that Cliff Andersons’ instance on total control as owner and booker for the little promotion that could is what kept it from growing. In 2007things began to lurch forward for CZCW as they became more than and underground internet phenomenal and this is that story. It all started when a not so young wrestler took control of the direction of the company. Simon “The Missile” Munoz took charge of things and began to make some changes minor tweaks in the companies style, which some internet fans remarked was odd given Cliff Andersons need for total control. CZCW purists hated the changes but from the beginning there were fans to the new way of the company. Although character had always been apart of the small Californian company but there were never any delineated good guys and bad guys. Although now workers had roles to play a number of the jokey characters were out and company took a darker bent which was fine because this wasn’t SWF with good and evil but shades of gray. And while the traditional value of great in ring work increased some fans said that the changes made the company seem less real. [QUOTE]OOC: I turned Traditional up to Medium from Low, Turned Comedy down from Medium to Low, I put Cult up to Key from High and turned realism from High to Medium. I also adjusted the intensity up to 80% from 60% and although it has no real bearing because I’m not the AI I adjusted the match lengths to be more in line with capabilities of the wrestlers; 13/18/28 from 14/22/35[/QUOTE] Rumor was abuzz and fans feared that their favorite wrestlers would be fired to make room for some grand new vision Munoz, however appeared to be a student of the game and made only four new hires and left the full roster intact. Veteran Steve Flash and three other Canadians; Tempest Appleby, Cal Sanders and 4C’s Phenomenal E. A sigh of collective relief came from the smarks on the web seeing that only one new face made it into the uppercard and that the rest of the hires would start from the bottom like everyone else. Nobody likes seeing their favorite talent pushed down the card for a number of big names. Things started out promisingly enough at the February event where Plague took the Coastal Zone Championship from Donnie J, a title he would hold for 13 months. The former champion Donnie J and his ex-partner James Prudence seemed to languish in the uppercard. All the other main event and uppermidcard works could not only out last them in the ring but just about any mix of Steve Flash, Plague, Frankie Perez, Ultimate Phoenix, Snap Dragon and Inane Machine could put out a better match then either of the two. Insane Machine started off the year with the Coastal Zone Xtreme title but lost it to Frankie Perez in April after only 4 defenses. Perez had his second run with the title for six months with a total of twelve defenses only to have Insane Machine make a come back and take it from him in October. Insane Machine would hold the title for the rest of the year including one defense in November against his on again off again rival and former champion Frankie Perez. One of the early casualties to the new era of CZCW was its meager tag team division. At first it seemed Munoz was going to try and put together some new teams but many of them flopped. In March after only its second defense on his watch Simon retired the CZCW tag team titles. That is not to say he stop tag team wrestling, far from it. It seemed that in dark matches and at the beginning of cards Munoz would go out of his way to try pairings of workers to see how they would work together. It seemed though that the division was doomed to failure. In April of 2007 long time commentator Sarah Hesketh left the company when her contract expired Sarah was replaced by a surprisingly good announcer who worked for a surprisingly small company; Sara Silver of BSC fame. Later in the year fan favorite Remmy Skye also left the company. Rumor had it that his little talked about but widely known drug use had made him show up late one too many times and Cliff ordered Munoz to let his contract expire. The colored haired flier was replaced by intense newcomer Bulldozer Brandon Smith Early on to help CZCW grow a weekly Saturday show was added; called “Sand and Surf” for one show before being changed to “Surf and Turf Wars.” This two was shorted lived and by July was changed again to “Another Day at the Beach” a name which has stuck even now in 2010. The increase in exposure let to an increase in popularity and an increase in revenue. It took only a short three and one half months before wrestling insiders classified the small promotion as regional in April of 2007. This increase in size also brought an increase in revenue and for once CZCW started truly turning a profit. Looking toward the New Year the last week of December 2007 saw a number of hires. A lot of young untested talent made it on to the roster of CZCW along with one or two established stars. Sixteen new wrestlers in all workers in all; Stevie Grayson, Brett Giggz, Ash Campbell (Nemesis’ son), Mark Smart, Rex Reeve, Huey Cannonball, Jeremy Jazz, Roderick Remus, Kashmir Singh, Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr., Tigre Salvaje Jr., Velocidad and four of the XDW remainders (Xavier Reckless, Super Sonic, Daredevil Aer and Fearless Blue). At the end of the year no one was surprised to see three of CZCW workers made it on to the Pro Wrestling Hits top 100 of the year. Masked cougar came in at number 74, Snap Dragon made his mark at 62 and Black Eagle topped out the three at a not surprising number 26.
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[B]Excerpts from CZCW: The little promotion that could A History[/B] Not a small mention but definitely something that blew over pretty quickly in 2008 was the release of Jeremiah Moose and Beach Babe Bunny at the beginning of the year. Both were let go without animosity as their contracts expired. Bunny was an obvious release with her boyfriend already gone and it is rumored that Moose like Skye had a recreation drug problem that Cliff Anderson just didn’t want to deal with. Referee Pee-Wee Germain was stolen by TCW in September but was quickly replaced by two refs Darren Smith and DaVE’s Ryan Holland. Although Smith left to NOTBPW two months later and was replaced by Jez McArthuer. The year 2008 began the resurgence of the tag team division in CZCW including Generation Gap (Steve Flash and Flying Jimmy Foxx), The Next Big Thing (Masked Cougar and Roderick Remus), Fearless (Marc Speed and Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr.), Team XDW (Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero), Single Minded Fury (Cal Sanders and Kashmir Singh), The Chosen (Ash Campbell and Bulldozer Brandon Smith) and Team Perfection (Tempest Appleby and Phenomenal E). The belts were reinstated in January and a tournament started and ended, surprisingly on the weekly shows, that same month with The Chosen coming out the champions. Bulldozer Brandon Smith quickly grew into a Main Event caliber worker and in April of 2008 he broke up the winning team thus vacating the titles once more. New teams were added this time as Team XDW II (Super Sonic and Xavier Reckless), Los Luchadores (Inca Jr. and Tigre Salvaje Jr.), Deadeye Shot (The Missile and Citizen X then going by just X) and The Second Sons of Wrestling, in it’s first incarnation (Ash Campbell and Casey Valentine) joined the fray. The Next Big Thing picked up the belts that April defeating Fearless on the first weekly show of the month. Fearless steal the title from them in June only to have Cougar and Remus pick up the title again in July. Dragon came back in August to win the title with a new partner Flying Jimmy Foxx as The Thrill Seekers as Foxx’s old partner had long since move on to the Main Event. In March an under performing Donnie J, James Prudence, Mark Sparrow, Brett Biggz and Rex Reeves were all let go. Rumor is Reeve’s was very upset while fact is Brett Biggz verbally trashed Simon Munoz to anyone he could, and to be noted hasn’t worked since.By July on the back of some great matches between Steve Flash and almost every other Main Eventers CZCW moved into a bigger arena. Having packed the Grissom Auditorium for months the growing promotion began to fill the halls of Gorski Hall. By August with enough money in the bank CZCW began to expand holding it’s weekly shows in the North West and Mid South were word had already begun to get around about the promotion. In the other title scenes of CZCW the Coastal Zone Xtreme championship would do much the same as it did in 2007. It hung around Insane Machines waist until May and was stolen away by Flying Jimmy Foxx. Foxx held the title for one month but only made one defense losing it back to Insane Machine who held it for the rest of the year. The biggest news was the defeat of Plague by Steve Flash. Plague held the Coastal Zone Championship for an unprecedented thirteen months with a total of 20 defenses to his name. Plague and Flash were constant rivals and it took some time but Flash finally took and retained the title holding it until the end of the year. 2008 saw four CZCW wrestlers hit the Pro Wrestling Hits Magazine’s top 100. Form TCW cruiser weight Stevie Grayson, Ultimate Phoenix who also worked for MPWF came in at 67, veteran Steve Flash hit number 47 and top CZCW and Mexican wrestler El Demonio made it to a whopping number 17.
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[B]Excerpts from CZCW: The little promotion that could A History[/B] Signing, firings and leavings for the year of 2009 were constant through out the year. January saw the hiring of Matthew and Greg Gauge, Air Attack Weasel, La Sombra Jr., Mr. Lucha III, Angel De Mexico, El Demonio, Capitao Brasil Jr., and Erik Strong. Although they lost Ash Campbell to SWF’s development territory RIPW and they let go of Xavier Reckless, Super Sonic, Mark Smart, Citizen X, Huey Cannonball and Jeremy Jazz who apparently were not living up to expectations. Jonnie Perez joined on in February out of respect for his Main Eventing brother Frankie and El Sucio was hired in April to round out one of two sides of Luchadors; El Demonios Los Luchadores and Ultimate Phoenix’s Los Tecnicos. Angel De Mexico left in October having become the most popular wrestler in Mexico through the good booking of CZCW. While Capitao Brasil Jr., Roderick Remus, Erik Strong, El Sucio and La Sombra Jr. were all let go at the end of November. In December to prepare for a big new year a number of hiring were made; veterans Pablo Rodriguez, Bairei Yasujiro, Soul Taker and Acid as well as new comers Hugh de Aske, Extraordinario Jr. and Nathaniel Ca$ino. Also joining was SWF youngster Andre Jones and a returning Remmy Skye. CZCW also added a few managers to the mix hiring Beach Babe Bunny to escort her boyfriend, DaVE legend Emma Chase to accompany champion Frankie Perez and “Sex Machine” Kali Fornia to accompany Andre Jones. The last roster change was the lost of main eventer El Demonio, stolen when SOTBPW became Mexico’s biggest nation promotion. In the tag team ranks the loss of El Sucio, La Sombra Jr., Capitao Brasil Jr. and Angel de Mexico took out two teams and with Los Luchadores (Inca Jr. and Tigre Salvaje Jr.) as well as Single Minded Fury (Cal Sanders and Kashmir Singh), who became The Working Class Heroes, make a turn to the side of good the tag ranks were a total mess with four face teams and only two heel teams. With Steve Flash having made a fall down the card the team of Generation Gap with him and Flying Jimmy Foxx made a reemergence and Jonnie Perez was teamed with veteran Bairei Yasujiro to form Aerial Assault. The tag titles themselves had a tumultuous year going from The Thrill Seekers (Flying Jimmy Foxx and Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr.) back to The Next Big Thing (Masked Cougar and Roderick Remus) in January This made Remus and Cougar three time champions and broke up The Next Big Thing so Dragon Del Arcos Iris could join Ultimate Phoenix’s face Luchador stable. The Next Big Thing didn’t last long their third time around losing the titles to La Conexion de Latino Americana (Angel De Mexico and Capitao Brasil Jr.), part of Ultimate Phoenix’s face Luchadors who continually faced off against Los Luchadores (Inca Jr. and Tigre Salvaje Jr.) who worked with the heel El Demonio. In September the war between the two Lucha teams was over and Angel De Mexico had become a certified main eventer, so the long running team Mach 1 (Marc Speed and Air Attack Weasel) grabbed up the titles and held them to the end of the year. The Coastal Zone Xtreme title made it’s rounds in 2009 with three time champion Insane Machine dropping the title to Snap Dragon early in February making Dragon a two time champion. Snap Dragon held the title until august tying his predecessors defenses at ten before dropping the title to Matthew Guage. This was Gauge’s first singles title but with his talent he soon outstripped the title and dropped it to Plague in December, as he took the CZCW veteran’s spot in the main event. In the main event seen a number of the younger workers had started to really touch the top of the roster and it seemed that Steve Flash was making his way back down the card. Flash was Coastal Zone Champion until September. Flash held the title for a whole fifteen months with twenty-six defenses making him the longest running CZCW champion ever. Flash lost the title to Frankie Perez who just came off a horrible best of seven series with Bulldozer Brandon Smith. The year end showed the world that CZCW was great and getting better. Pro Wrestling Hits top 100 had five Coastal workers on it; Snap Dragon made it back onto the list this year at 100, Masked Cougar also made a return at number 82, Ultimate Phoenix fell a few spots from last year to number 71, El Demonio made it to 50 with some great performances before leaving CZCW and “Super” Stevie Grayson top the list at an awe inspiring number 4. Now Grayson didn’t get many wins but he put on spectacular performances with they entire upper card of the promotion. CZCW also made show of the year with the card from their July show Bash on the Beach, a feat considering they hadn’t even expanded as a cult phenomena yet. Author note that card consisted of these matches: Dark Match Single Minded Fury (Sanders and Singh) over Team Perfection (Phenomenal E and Appleby) (C) Show Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Velocidad over Los Guerreros de la Oscuridad (La Sombra Jr. and El Sucio) (C-) The Missile over Flying Jimmy Foxx (C-) Los Luchadores (Inca Jr. and Tigre Salvaje Jr.) over Mach 1 (Speed and Weasel) (C) Erik Strong over Jonnie Perez (C-) La Conexion Latino Americana (Angel and Capitao) over Team XDW (Daredevil and Fearless) (C) Matthew Guage over Roderick Remus (B-) Snap Dragon over Fox Mask to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme title (B+) El Demonio over Ultimate Phoneix (B) Insane Machine over Frankie Perez, Stevie Grayson and Bulldozer Brandon Smith (B+) Steve Flash over Plague for the Coastal Zone Championship title (A*)
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[B]Excerpts from Roster list on CZCW Wikipedia Entry[/B] Acid “The Masked Machine” Acid joined the company after their big December event. He plowed through four of CZCW’s main eventers and is widely thought to be the next contender for the Coastal Zone Championship Accomplishments Dave Brass Knuckles Title Oct ’07-Sept ’08 21 defenses Andre Jones Andre “Low Down Dirty Shame” Jones came to CZCW id December of ‘09 from SWF where he held two of there lower level titles. Looking to break out of his sniveling lackey persona Andre has become a very straight forward degenerate accompanied to the ring by “Sex Machine” Kali Fornia. Accomplishments SWF Shooting Star Title Apr ’07-May ‘07 SWF International Title Nov ’08-Feb ‘09 Note: SWF Shooting Star title has been decommissioned July 2008 Bulldozer Brandon Smith “Bad Ass” BBS as Smith is sometimes called came to CZCW in September of ’07 after a successful run of matches on the American Independent scene since his debut in March. He made a huge splash as a Bad Ass heel and joined forces with Ash Campbell as The Chosen. Smith was picked up by a faltering SWF in November of ’08 to bolster their ranks. Along with a face to change in CZCW Smith joined fellow Coastal Zoner Frankie Perez in NYCW in December. Right now Smith is just Smith and that’s all he needs to be. Coastal Zone Tag Team Championship (w/ Ash Campbell) Jan ’08-Apr ‘08 SWF International (1) Feb ’09-Apr ‘09 SWF International (2) Nov ’09-Present Jan of ’08. Fox Mask Fox Mask much like his good friend Insane Machine is an icon in CZCW. The Fox has held the Coastal Zone Championship five times in his career there and could very well go for a sixth. I perennial fan favorite Fox Mask’s heel turn in mid 2008 really caught the fans off guard. He did well as a heel as the fans seemed to be able to truly hate some one they used to love. After a program with Matthew Gauge in which he failed to get the Xtreme title ox Mask has been missing since the November big event Undertow. Accomplishments Coastal Zone Championship (1) Jul ’01-Oct ’01 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Championship (2) Dec ’02-Mar ‘03 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Championship (3) May ’04-Jul’04 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Championship (4) Feb ’05-Nov ‘05 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Championship (5) Jun ’06-Nov ‘06 unknown defenses Frankie Perez “King of the Indies” Frankie Perez is the current holder of three titles from three different promotions. Frankie has been a mainstay of CZCW for some years and it was never in doubt he would be champion one day. He was quickly picked up by NYCW in Janaury of 2007 and then by MAW in December of that same year. Perez was a face for most of his career but when his ****y brother joined CZCW in 2009 Frankie made a heel turn and he has really taken over as the bad ass of the coast. In 2010 he is now led to the ring by manager legend Emma Chase so fans are sure they can expect a big run from his as champion. Accomplishments Coastal Zone Championship Sep ’09-Present 15 defenses Coastal Zone Xtreme (1) May ’06-Sep ’06 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Xtreme (2) Apr ’07-Oct ’07 12 defenses Mid Atlantic Championship Jul ’08-Present 13 defenses NYCW Tri-State Regional December ’09-Present 0 defenses Rip Chord Invitational Challenge 2009 Insane Machine Along with CZCW Insane Machine has worked for just about every Japanese promotion around. On full time contract with WLW he’s done two tours with BHOTWG, one with GCG, one with PGHW and he’s scheduled to for the upcoming 2010 tour with INSPIRE. Machine has held every title in CZCW and just about every title in WLW. In 2008 Machine made a brief, albeit aggressive, face turn but has since gone back to being the maniac heel the fans love to hate. Accomplishments Coastal Zone Championship Nov ’04-Feb ’05 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Tag Team (1) (w/Primal Rage) Aug ’05-Nov ‘05 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Tag Team (2) (w/Primal Rage) Mar ’06-Sep ‘06 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Xtreme (1) Dec ’06-Apr ’07 4 defenses Coastal Zone Xtreme (2) Oct ’07-May ’08 17 defnses Coastal Zone Xtreme (3) Jun ’08-Feb ’09 10 defenses WLW #1 Contender May ’07-Jul ’07 11 defenses World Level Show Stealer (1) Aug ’08-Oct ’08 14 defenses World Level Show Stealer (2) Nov ’09-Present 0 defenses World Level Street Fighting Nov ’05-Mar ’06 unknown defenses World Level Tag Team (1) (w/Deano Machino) May- ’06-Aug ’06 unknown defenses World Level Tag Team (2) (w/Larry Wood) Oct ’09-Present 5 defenses Matthew Gauge Son of Sam Keith, brother of Greg Guage and all around fantastic performer, Matthew Guage was a star in the making from the day he stepped into CZCW. Originally picked up by NYCW and a tour with PGHW, the Guage Brothers weren’t brought into CZCW until 2009. Teamed with Casey Valentine as the new Second Sons of Wrestling, Matthew and Casey chased the tag titles while Greg went after the Xtreme. Greg left for TCW in March followed by Casey getting a development deal with SWF that same month. These departures left Matthew in limbo until a mid year tour with GCG brought him back a more intense man. In August of 2009 Guage got his first title the Coastal Xtreme and he also sought to work more joining MPWF that month and DaVE in December. In December he dropped the Coastal Zone Xtreme title to Plague as he move on to being a bonafide main eventer. Accomplishments Coastal Zone Xtreme Aug ’09-Dec ’09 8 defenses Mr. Lucha III Until mid 2009 Mr. Lucha III along with his partner Velocidad were way down the midcard. Having teamed up turning the Lucha wars on the side of Ultimate Phoenix as Joven Luchadors the two made a splash as a spectacular duo. From the bottom of the barrel to the top face tag team in CZCW Mr. Lucha and Velocidad have a lot to look forward too. Mr. Lucha III is a top star in OLLIE and a rising star at MHW, as well as having two WLW tours under hisbelt. Accomplishments Pablo Rodriguez “The Priest of Pain” Pablo Rodriguez just joined CZCW in December of 2009, soon after their expansion to cult status. After the Lucha wars and the loss of El Demonio in November the CZCW audience is still clamoring for Lucha Libre and you don’t get many bigger names than Pablo. Catapult straight into the upper card due to his popularity and skill great things are expected from Senor Rodriguez. Accomplishments Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF (1) Feb ’96-Aug ’96 unknown defenses Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF (2) Mar ’97-Sep ‘97 unknown defenses Campeon de Herencia de Mundo MPWF (3) Aor ’98-Nov ‘98 unknown defenses Campeon De Mundo SOTBPW Oct ’08-Jul ’09 12 defenses DaVE Brass Knuckles (1) Mar ’00-Oct ‘00 unknown defenses DaVE Brass Knuckles (2) Jun ’03-Dec ‘03 unknown defenses PWH 100 #12 2007 PWH 100 #13 2008 PWH 100 #81 2009 Plague “The Shadow Man” Plague a man of mystery the world over is a staple of CZCW as well as working for NYCW and doing tours of Japan with WLW and GCG. Now the second longest running Coastal Zone Champion having his run and defenses beaten by Steve Flash. Plague is on a current down swing as some fresh blood has entered the main event but that doesn’t mena he’s not still on the top of the card. A face turn in 2008 made Plague one of the fan’s most love instead of most hated even if he is still shrouded in mystery. Accomplishments Coastal Zone Championship Feb ’07-Apr ’08 20 defenses Coastal Zone Xtreme (1) Oct ’05-Feb ’06 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Xtreme (2) Sep ’06-Dec ‘06 unknown defenses Coastal Zone Xtreme (3) Dec ’09-Present 3 defenses NYCW Tag Team (w/Fumihiro Ota) Jan ’09-Present 6 defenses Remmy Skye “Psyche Out” Remmy Skye also known as “The King of the Ladder Match” was for a long time a top draw in CZCW. When his contract ran out in September of 2008 it was largely speculated it wasn’t renewed because Cliff Anderson was on a drug free locker room kick. Resigned in December of 2009 Remmy came back a huge fan favorite from his exposure on DaVE’s TV program. Rejoined by his girlfriend Beach Babe Bunny, the two beach bums are already making a comeback. Accomplishments Stevie Grayson After his release by TCW Stevie Grayson spent 2008 working every American Independent show, although he lost a lot more than he won. In January 2009 he joined CZCW and quickly got a twelve win streak, including two wins over former Champ D.J. Cool (aka Donnie J), before being beaten by Plague. Grayson put on a lot of good matches with a lot of wins over the lower card but could almost never put away any of the main eventers. 2009 was much the same as 2008 but he been putting on better and better matches including a match of the year candidate with new comer Acid. Many wonder if 2010 could be the year of underdog Stevie Grayson and it very well could be. Accomplishments TCW Cruiserweight (1) Apr ’02-Sep ‘02 TCW Cruiserweight (2) Feb ’04-May ‘04 PWH 100 #71 2008 PWH 100 #4 2009 Ultimate Phoenix Super Luchador Ultimate Phoenix has jumped around feds in Mexico leaving MPWF in December of 2007 and joining SOTBPW in May of 2008. However CZCW has been a constant home over the past three years where Phoenix has been one of the companies top faces. Although never becoming a champion Phoenix was a huge draw during the Lucha Wars as his team of faces (Velocidad, Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr., Angel de Mexico, Mr. Lucha III and Capitao Brasil Jr.) against El Demonio’s team of heels (El Sucio, Inca Jr., Tigre Salvaje Jr. and La Sombra Jr.). 2009 ended with a few losses but Ultimate Phoenix still appears to be at the top of his game going into 2010. Accomplishments PWH 100 #67 2008 PWH 100 #71 2009 Velocidad Velocidad joined CZCW in 2008 where he tooled around in different tag teams throughout the year. He also joined SOTBPW in mid 2008 putting on some good matches in their undercard. 2009 saw the speed demon join MHW as well and with Mr. Lucha III and team Ultimate Phoenix, the Lucha Wars made a star of the young wrestler. Now in the top face tag team of the company Velocidad is looking to have a banner 2010. Accomplishments Campeon de Menor SOTBPW May ’09-May ’09 1 defense
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From CZCW Roster Page [COLOR="Red"]“The Masked Machine” Acid “Mr. Saturday Night” Air Attack Weasel Andre “Low Down Dirty Shame” Jones Bairei Yasujiro[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Bad Ass BBS” Bulldozer Brandon Smith “Leaping Lumberjack” Cal Sanders[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Daredevil Aero[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Fearless Blue Flying Jimy Foxx Fox Mask “King of the Indies” Frankie Perez Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Inca Jr.[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Maniac” Insane Machine Jonnie Perez[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Blue Collar” Kashmir Singh[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Lobo Solitario “Speed Ball” Marc Speed[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Bright Lights” Matthew Guage[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Mr. Lucha III[/COLOR] “Lone Wolf” Nathaniel Ca$ino [COLOR="Blue"]“The Priest of Pain” Pablo Rodriguez[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Big E” Phenomenal E[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“The Shadow Man” Plague “Psyche Out” Remmy Skye[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon Soul Taker “Remarkable” Steve Flash[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Everyone’s Favorite Underdog” Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“The Mover From Vancouver” Tempest Appleby[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]Tigre Salvaje Jr. Ultimate Phonenix Velocidad[/COLOR] Tag Teams Joven Luchadors (Velocidad and Mr. Lucha III) Mach 1 (Marc Speed and Air Attack Weasel) Generation Gap (Steve Flash and Flying Jimmy Foxx) Los Luchadores (Inca and Tigre Salvaje Jr.) Aerial Assault (Jonnie Perez and Bairei Yasujiro) Team XDW (Fearless Blue and Daredevil Aero) The Working Class Heroes (Kashmir Singh and Cal Sanders) Team Perfection (Phenomenal E and Tempest Appleby) Titles Coastal Zone Championship – Frankie Perez – September 2009 Coastal Zone Xtreme – Plague – December 2009 Coastal Zone Tag Team – Mach 1 – September 2009
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[B]From CZCW.com schedule page Saturday January Week 1 Utah Park Reservation Wrestling Under The Stars Doors Open at 7:00pm shows starts at 8:00pm [COLOR="Blue"]The Working Class Heroes[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR][/B] Since the rebirth of the tag team division a fun thrillseeking Team XDW would face of consistently against a old school villainous Working Class Heores, then called Single Minded Fury. Now the tables have turned will Team XDW begin to get a modicum of revenge or will a refocused Working Class Heroes prevail. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Los Luchadores[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Aerial Assault[/COLOR][/B] Los Luchadores long time sidekicks of evil El Demonio have turned over a new leave and now they face off against newly formed Aerial Assault. Will the influence of Bairei Yasujiro help turn around Jonnie Perez’s losing streak or will the former top heel team of Inca Jr. and Tigre Salvaje Jr. continue to dominate the tag scene. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Extraodinario Jr.[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR][/B] Snap Dragon is fresh off a turn back to his former villainous self. Extraordinario Jr. is fresh of his debut in CZCW. In a return match from his loss to Snap Dragon in December will the msyterious Extraordinario Jr. be able to put away super villain Snap Dragon. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones [/COLOR][/B] After two losses to Insane Machine upon his CZCW debut in December Andre “Low Down Dirty Shame” Jones is looking for his first win. Masked Cougar has been coaxed out of his dark shell to once again become the fun loving fan favorite but will that be enough to help him over come Jones. [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Joven Luchdors[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Mach 1 (C)[/COLOR] For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles[/B] Ever since Mach 1 took the titles off of La Conexion Latino America their former stable mates Joven Luchadors have been looking to knock them off. Five attempts so far but Mr. Lucha III and Velocidad have been yet to dethrone Marc Speed and Air Attack Weasel. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Plague (C)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] Ladder Match For the Coastal Xtreme title[/B] Plague and Steve Flash have blown the roof off the house in a huge feud for the Coastal Zone Championship, now the two face off for the Coastal Xtreme title. Add to that the ladder match stipulation and you’ve got a recipe for success. Flash stole the title from Plague last time will this be a less than one month reign for Plague now. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR][/B] BBS and Phoenix have proven time and again that they know each other in the ring. With a 4 and 3 record in Ultimate Phoenix’s favor this could be a chance for Smith to even the score. Or Ultimate Phoenix could pull out ahead proving he is most definitely the better man. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR][/B] Although they were both beaten by JD Morgan at DaVE’s big December PPV Skye and Guage have been blazing trails in CZCW. Skye came back and was shot straight to the main event whereas Gauge has worked his way there over the past year. Now it’s time to see who truly is the best young athlete [B][COLOR="Blue"]Pablo Rodriguez[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR][/B] “Everyone’s Favorite Underdog” Stevie Grayson and “The Priest of Pain” Pablo Rodriguez meet for the first time in this one off bout. Grayson has stated it will be his honor to face off against the legend but he doesn’t intend to sit idly by and take defeat. Rodriguez has taken two wins and a loss to Acid and this could but his score to .500 or .750. [B][COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez (C)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR] For the Coastal Zone Championship title[/B] Acid has taken an impressive four wins over top main event stars in CZCW and has earned his chance to meet Frankie Perez for the title. Will “The King of the Indies” not only loses one of his three current titles but have his reign become the shortest in CZCW in the last three years? Does Acid have what it takes to beat and become the top dog in CZCW? Prediction Cheat Sheet The Working Class Heroes vs Team XDW Los Luchadores vs Aerial Assault Extraodinario Jr. vs Snap Dragon Masked Cougar vs Andre Jones Joven Luchdors vs Mach 1 (C) For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles Plague (C) vs Steve Flash Ladder Match For the Coastal Xtreme title Ultimate Phoenix vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith Remmy Skye vs Matthew Guage Pablo Rodriguez vs Stevie Grayson Frankie Perez (C) vs Acid For the Coastal Zone Championship title
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Prediction Cheat Sheet [B]The Working Class Heroes [/B]vs Team XDW [I]- I like the XDW boys, but I've got a feeling that they're just jobber fodder for now.[/I] Los Luchadores vs [B]Aerial Assault[/B] [I]- Don't remember who they are, but they sound cooler.[/I] Extraodinario Jr. vs [B]Snap Dragon[/B] [I]- I like him better.[/I] [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs Andre Jones [I]- I like Andre Jones, but he's no Masked Cougar[/I] Joven Luchdors vs [B]Mach 1[/B] (C) For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles [I]- Their name is cooler.[/I] [B]Plague[/B] (C) vs Steve Flash Ladder Match For the Coastal Xtreme title [I]- Plauge is younger, and gets the win here.[/I] Ultimate Phoenix vs [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] [I]- I'm rooting for the 'Dozer here.[/I] Remmy Skye vs [B]Matthew Guage[/B] [I]- Gauge is better.[/I] Pablo Rodriguez vs [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] [I]- I'm rooting for Grayson here as well.[/I] [B]Frankie Perez[/B] (C) vs Acid For the Coastal Zone Championship title [I]- Frankie's not loosing yet.[/I] - Sonfaro
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[B]From coast2coast.com[/B] It’s a new year and it’s time for more coastal zone goodness. As always it’s me Jack King “of the coast” giving you the recap of last nights show. I’m sure some of you caught it on PPV but as always old Jack King was live in attendance for the festivities. It seems to avoid scheduling conflicts Run Ashore was moved to Saturday instead of the standard Wednesday all of the big events are on for the first week of the month, but the show was well worth the wait. [B][SIZE="3"]Match 1[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]The Working Class Heroes[/COLOR] defeat [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] This was a nice opening match for the crowd with Singh and Sanders standing out as over Aero and Blue, although Fearless Blue seemed a little off this time around. The young Team XDW seemed to almost visibly improve as they wrestle the match, but that’s what happens when you’re in the ring with talent like The Working Class Heroes. Everyone got in their time with Singh and Sanders bring a methodical ground attack while Blue and Aero went for the high risk stuff. After a hot tag from cal, Kashmir hit a quick kick to the gut on Daredevil Aero and the got him the Working Stiff (Fisherman’s Buster) to get the pin. [B]King Rating: D+ [SIZE="3"]Match 2[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Aerial Assault[/COLOR] defeat [COLOR="Blue"]Los Luchadors[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Jonnie Perez still hasn’t managed to win over the fans yet but the influence of BaireirYasujiro is definitely there and I think he could catch on soon. You could see the skill difference as Bairei stood heads and shoulders above the rest and Jonnie just couldn’t get his game together. The match decent and better than a lot of the lowercard matches I’ve seen else where. Perez kept the ref distracted for a minute by attacking Inca Jr. on the outside while Bairei hit a low blow on Tigre and then took him out with the Yasujiro (modified Fisherman’s) Suplex for the pin. [B]King Rating: C- [SIZE="3"]Match 3[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] over Etraodinario Jr[/SIZE].[/B] Not as good as their first match up but still the fans liked to see these two go all the way in an intense competition. Dragon just couldn’t seem to put the young masked luchador away and Extraordinario Jr. even kicked out of the Dragon’s Breath (Top Rope Flying Knee Drop). In the long run Dragon finally had to resorted to using the ropes to keep a pin. [B]King Rating: C+ [SIZE="3"]Match 4[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/B] This match helped the crowd cool off from the intensity of Dragon vs Extraordinario and the fans seemed to go nuts every time Kali Fornia would flash the ref to distract him. Jones and Cougar seemed evenly matched for a bit till Cougar got the upper hand and went up for the High Rise Cougar Pounce only to have his leg grabbed by Kali Fornia making him botch the move. Cougar fell and Andre gave him The Business (Double Arm DDT) to get the pin. [B]King Rating: C- [SIZE="3"]Match 5[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Mach 1[/B] over J[COLOR="Blue"]oven Luchadors[/COLOR] to retain the Coastal Tag Team titles[/SIZE][/B] Air Attack Weasel and Marc Speed really play off each other well even though they are totally different in the ring. Speed took Velocidad and Mr. Lucha to the mat working them methodically while Weasel spent most of his time coming off the top rope, which definitely made his the stand out performance. Joven Luchadors got in their offense as well but it wasn’t enough to take a win. Air Attack Weasel distracted the ref by getting into it with Mr. Lucha III who wasn’t the legal man and Speed laid out Velocidad with a DDT. Weasel gave up and went back to his corner to hit Plop Goes the Weasel (Split Legged Moonsault) on an already downed Velocidad to pull out the win and retain the titles. [B]King Rating: C[/B] After a great undercard we had a short intermission as is common at these long three and a half hour events. I took the time to talk to the crowd and everyone seemed pretty happy to be there and couldn’t wait to see the big stars come out. [B][SIZE="3"]Match 6[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] over [B]Steve Flash[/B] in a ladder match to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme title[/SIZE][/B] Everyone was well rested from the intermission and then they were out of the chairs and hollering for Plague and Steve Flash. These two guys beat the holy hell out of each other and although this was not their best match in CZCW history, that honor goes to Steve Flash’s successful title defense at Battle on the Beach in July of ’09. Flash was pretty much taken done when Plague put him on a ladder balanced on the second ropes in the corner and then went to the outside apron so he could hit the New Jersey Turnpike (Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop) and break Flash and the ladder in half. A slow and obviously pained climb to the top of the ladder and Plague reclaimed his title. [B]King Rating: B [SIZE="3"]Match 7[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Smith and Phoenix have gone at it many times before and their in ring cohesion has been apparent every time. Smith has great basics and a good standing game but Phoenix stil stood out as the better performer and that’s saying something. Phoenix took a lot of the ending offense and seemed poised to win until Brandon got an adrenaline rush and hit Bulldozer Charge (Finishing Sprint Forearm) on Phoenix who was coming off the top rope for a dropkick. Phoenix spun in the air a full 360 and then hit the ground back first and Smith climbed on for the pin, evening up their all time singles record to four a piece. [B]King Rating: B [SIZE="3"]Match 8[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR][/B] over [COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] As a testament to how great these two workers are and how much the fans loved them this match was one of two matches of the night and it suffered from obviously awkward ring chemistry, Remmy Skye being off his game and visibly tiring before the end of the match. Skye’s offense is still flashy aerial moves which did a lot of damage to Gauge but not enough. Gauge won by grounding a winded Skye and throwing him in apparently every look and hold he knows in quick succession. Gauge forced the tap out with the Ion Stretcher (Stretch Muffler) but held it in until the ref could finally pry the two apart. [B]King Rating: B+ [SIZE="3"]Match 9[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Pablo Rodriguez[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] This was the least impressive of the uppercard matches for the evening but still good by any stands. Grayson is definitely uppercard material but Pablo has been at it far longer and “The Priest of Pain” really stood out. Things went back and forth for a bit and Rodriguez hit a nasty moonsault, leaping up to the top rope in one jump. With Grayson stunned Pablo made the sign of the cross and Grayson met his Final Judgement (Glittering Magician Knee) and a pin. [B]King Rating: B- [SIZE="3"]Match 10[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] over [COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR] to retain the Coastal Zone Championship title[/SIZE][/B] Perez and Acid blew would have blown the roof off the house if the Utah Park Reservation had one. Not sure if the behind the scenes guys knew it or not as this is the first match up between these two as far as I know, but they had incredible in ring chemistry. The back and forth was great and both men are consummate all around performers giving the fans a little bit of everything. Acid seemed to play a bit more to the crowd and as such I think he stood out more, but a good performance is not a won and that honor went to Frankie Perez. Perez laid Acid out with his seldom used super finisher the Perfect Parity (Ultimate Fisherman's Buster). The pin was pretty much academic after that as Acid was out cold. This makes Perez strong with 16 defenses, almost catching up to the record of Plague. [B]King Rating: B+[/B] Overall this was a great show for around the average that they put on for all of 2009. The talent pool they have is incredible and I’m just going to be right out here again to see there next weekly show which was moved to Sunday because Run Ashore was moved to Saturday. [B]Overall King Rating: B[/B]
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[B]From CZCW.com schedule page Upcoming events Sunday January Week 1[/B] Dragon Del Acros Iris and Extraordinario Jr. vs Team Perfection Nathainel Ca$ino vs Steve Flash Insane Machine vs Snap Dragon Masked Cougar vs Andre Jones Mr. Lucha III vs Marc Speed BBS and Phoenix vs Aerial Assault Plague vs Frankie Perez [B]Saturday January Week 2[/B] Inca Jr. vs Jonnie Perez Masked Cougar vs Snap Dragon Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. vs Insane Machine Velocidad vs Air Attack Weasel Stevie Grayson vs Huge de Aske Remmy Skye vs Acid Pablo Rodriguez vs Matthew Guage [B]Saturday January Week 3[/B] The Working Class Heroes vs Team XDW Soul Taker vs Snap Dragon Velocidad vs Marc Speed Masked Cougar vs Insane Machine Inca Jr.vs Andre Jones BBS and Phoenix vs Generation Gap Frankie Perez vs Matthew Gauge [B]Saturday January Week 4[/B] Nathaniel Ca$ino and Masked Cougar vs Steve Flash and Snap Dragon Tigre Salvaje Jr. vs Bairei Yasujiro Mr. Lucha III vs Air Attack Weasel Stevie Grayson vs Jonnie Perez Plague vs Insane Machine Pablo Rodriguez vs Matthew Gauge Ultimate Phoenix vs Acid [B]All of this leads up to… CZCW Tsunami Terror Wednesday February Week 1 Utah Park Reservation Wrestling Under The Stars Doors Open at 7:00pm shows starts at 8:00pm [COLOR="Blue"]Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr and Extraordicario Jr.[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR][/B] Team XDW has been on the losing end of almost every tag team battle. Now Aero and Blue face an the unproven team of masked Luchadors Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr. The Jr.’s have both been on the losing end of singles combat so it is yet to be seen of teaming together will stop this slide. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] To test his skill Nathaniel has been pitted against the toughest S.O.B. in CZCW, the longest running Coastal Zone Champion, Steve Flash. Well the “Lone Wolf” be able to beat “The Remarkable” one. Ca$ino will get a few trial matches before the big one which will give him a chance to scout Flash for the big event. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Los Luchadors[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Aerial Assault[/COLOR][/B] Los Luchadors get a return match against Aerial Assault. They were beaten last time and Jonnie Perez has shown he is already learning from veteran Bairei Yasujiro so Inca and Tigre are really going to have to up their game to pull out a win. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR][/B] Dragon and Cougar are both long running assets to the CZCW diary. Both masked men have been champions and they have both turned up on Pro Wrestling Hits Magazines top 100 over the past three years. They’ve only faced each other in singles competition twice with Cougar taking a win in 2007 and Dragon in 2009. They now meet in a high speed battle to prove who is the best masked worker in CZCW. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joven Luchadors[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Mach 1 (C)[/COLOR] For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles[/B] Joven Luchadors has been waging a losing battle for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles against Mach 1. This could very well be their last big shot at the title and if they can’t take it another team will have to step up. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Plague (C)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] For the Coastal Zone Xtreme title[/B] Plague and Insane Machine have put on some of the most brutal and intense matches in CZCW’s 19 plus year history. Plague lost the title to Insane Machine in December 2006 after only a three month run, now Machine can have the chance to take the title from him again. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR][/B] Andre “Low Down Dirty Shame” Jones took a big win in January against fan favorite Masked cougar. Now the SWF star will have his hands full with a former TCW star Stevie Grayson. With Kali Fornia on Jone’s side it might as well be a two on one match for Grayson. Can “Everybody’s Favorite Underdog” beat the odds or will Andre give Stevie The Business. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Pablo Rodriguez[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR][/B] Matthew Guage has spent the past year or so getting out from the shadow of his famous father. Guage has proven that he has what it takes to make it on his own two feet. Now young Matthew faces Lucha legend Pablo Rodriguez who has spend years establishing himself and certainly does not mean to be taken out by a fledgling star. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/B] Everything has evened up and in singles competition Smith and Phoenix are neck and neck. With four wins a piece this match will decide which star is truly better. Will the Japanese influenced Bulldozer take the win or will Mr. Lucha live up to his man and be Ultimate. [B][COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez (C)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR] For the Coastal Zone Championship title[/B] Acid isn’t done with Frankie Perez yet as he looks to add the Coastal Zone Championship title to his list of accomplishments. Perez has proven he is a true bad ass and the king of the indies with three titles from three different promotions currently around his waist and he doesn’t intend on losing to the masked Acid. Prediction Key Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr and Extraordicario Jr. vs Team XDW Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Steve Flash Los Luchadors vs Aerial Assault Masked Cougar vs Snap Dragon Joven Luchadors vs Mach 1 For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles Plague vs Insane Machine For the Coastal Zone Xtreme title Stevie Grayson vs Andre Jones Pablo Rodriguez vs Matthew Guage Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Ultimate Phoenix Frankie Perez vs Acid For the Coastal Zone Championship title
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I shall be watching and waiting for the day that masked Cougar pulls himself out of the midcard and joins his rightful place - the CZCW Main Event. Although I think that Acid and Plague might be a little miffed that apparently Cougar and Foz Mask are fighting to determine the number one masked wrestler in CZCW. But if for some reason that leads to any feuds between those four, I'm happy.
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[B]From coast2coast.com[/B] Another month of CZCW come and gone and Tsunami Terror is just around the corner. For those of you who missed the PPVs or couldn’t get to the shows here’s a recap of the shows leading up to the next big event. [B]Another Day at the Beach Sunday Week 1 January 2010[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Team Perfection[/COLOR] – D [COLOR="Blue"]Dragon del Acros Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]The Working Class Heroes[/COLOR] – D [COLOR="Red"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Nathainel Ca$ino[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] – D+ [COLOR="Red"]Marc Speed[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Mr. Lucha III[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Aerial Assault[/COLOR] – C- [COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] – B [B]Overall: B- PPV Buys 0.01[/B] A good show overall with a lot of solid matches and mind blowing main event. Team XDW came out looking strong over Team Perfection and Dragon and Extraordinario do the same in their match against the working class heroes. Nathaniel stood strong against Steve Flash but to the fans Flash had the obvious skill advantage and came out looking good, even if I thought he was off his game. Andre Jones versus Masked Cougar rematch did not live up to the original. Marc Speed used a handful of tights to get a pin over on Mr. Lucha III in singles competition. Smith and Phoenix proved that even though they are going to be opponents that they can work as a team. Frankie Perez and Plague never fail to impress as they put on a big show worthy main event. [B]Another Day at the Beach Saturday Week 2 January 2010[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Inca Jr.[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Jonnie Perez[/COLOR] – D- [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] – B- [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr[/COLOR]. – C [COLOR="Red"]Air Attack Weasel[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Velocidad[/COLOR] – B- [COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Huge de Aske[/COLOR] – C [COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] – B [COLOR="Blue"]Pablo Rodriguez[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR] – A [B]Overall: B+ PPV Buys 0.02[/B] Jonnie Perez really dragged the opening match down to the point not only were the fans visibly upset about seeing Jonnie at all it lo3oked like the whole mood of the place dropped. In a preview for their meet up in February Snap Dragoon takes the low road to beat Masked Cougar in a good match. Insane Machine took a strong win over Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. showing he is ready for his chance to take the Xtreme title from Plague. Marc Speed took a dastardly win last week against one half of their opponents at Tsunami Terror and Air Attack Weasel used questionable means to take a win over the other half this week in a good match. Grayson and de Aske was a little bit of a let down but it gave the crowd a chance to rest before the two big matches. Acid and Remmy Skye too things to the next level and then Pablo Rodriguez and Matthew Gauge blew past that. [B]Another Day at the Beach Saturday Week 3 January 2010[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]The Working Class Heroes[/COLOR] – D [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Soul Taker[/COLOR] – C [COLOR="Blue"]Velocidad[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Marc Speed[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] – B [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Inca Jr.[/COLOR] – C- [COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith and Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Generation Gap[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR] – B [B]Overall: B- PPV Buys 0.02[/B] A decent tag match opened the show with Team XDW taking another win, even if it was through underhanded tactics.. Snap Dragon put on a decent match with Soul Taker to follow that up. It was Joven Luchadors chance to get a win with Velocidad pinning Marc Speed. Insane Machine and Masked Cougar gave a nice match in the middle of the card with Insane Machine pinning Cougar after a run in by Snap Dragon. Andre Jones puts on another disappointing match for some one in the uppercard, but he does beat Inca Jr. with a little help from Kali Fornia. Smith and Phoenix showed yet again that they can coexist as a team beating Generation Gap in a good match. Frankie Perez and Matthew Guage put on a great main event and to end the show wit Perez taking a clean if brutal win. [B]Another Day at the Beach Saturday Week 4 January 2010[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Steve Flash and Snap Dragon[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino and Masked Couga[/COLOR]r – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Bairei Yasujiro[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Tigre Salvaje Jr.[/COLOR] – D+ [COLOR="Blue"]Mr. Lucha III[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Air Attack Wease[/COLOR]l – B- [COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Jonnie Perez[/COLOR] – C- [COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] draws [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] – B- [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Gauge[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Pablo Rodriguez[/COLOR] – A [COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] – B+ [B]Overall: B PPV Buys 0.02[/B] Steve Flash and Snap Dragon beat Nathaniel Ca$ino and Masked Cougar in a tag match. Cougar and Ca$ino had timing issues which along with the brass knuckles Snap Dragon brought to the ring may have contributed to their loss. Plagued by more bad chemistry Bairei and Tigre couldn’t work in the ring and it showed through the entire performance. To even out the wins Mr. Lucha III beat Air Attack Weasel leaving both teams with two wins ins singles competition. Grayson beat on Jonnie Perez who just hasn’t one over the fans yet, most likely because of his sloppy work. Plague and Insane Machine worked a good match but got both men were counted out as they brawled on the outside. This time around Matthew Guage beat “The Pries of Pain” Pablo Rodriguez although he had to resort to an unseen illegal low blow to soften him up for the Ion Stretcher. Acid finished off Ultimate Phoenix with a clean win in the final match. Phoenix was by no means put away easy but he did end up pinned in the long run.
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[QUOTE=JamesFosterFan021;391146]I wanna see if the man from North Dakota, Andre Jones, gets himself the CZCW Title.[/QUOTE] Maybe one day but he's only really over from his popularity from SWF. He still can't pull more than a C+ out of the same workers that my other Uppercard guys can pull Bs with, so he has some time to go.
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Did I just see Cougar do the job four times in a row? I don't care - I'm still going to predict him winning at Tsunami. Slightly concerned that the top of the card is heel heavy (not so relevant when there's no official divide, but still...), but perhaps if BBS defeats Phoenix he can become the main face of the company. So I'll go for him winning too. I would push for a Pablo Rodriguez title challenge, but am wondering if his good match ratings with Mathew Gauge are born out through chemistry, as he hasn't faced anyone else in the last month. Ah, screw it, I'm predicting more and more matches, so may as well make it official: Nathaniel Ca$ino vs [B]Steve Flash[/B] -Ca$ino has talent, but I think he'll have to establish himself more before he can get the win over the veteran. [B]Los Luchadors[/B] vs Aerial Assault -As I don't want to call a Jonnie Perez win. [B]Masked Cougar[/B] vs Snap Dragon -Of course Joven Luchadors vs [B]Mach 1[/B] For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles -Time for someone else - your tag team division is strong enough to cope with these luchas moving out of the picture. [B]Plague[/B] vs Insane Machine For the Coastal Zone Xtreme title -Machine may add to his many title runs, but not right away - perhaps at a rematch down the line. [B]Stevie Grayson[/B] vs Andre Jones -Jones' win over Cougar comes to nothing. Pablo Rodriguez vs [B]Matthew Guage[/B] -The youngster's got more long term upside, and needs to get the final win whenever this feud ends. [B]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/B] vs Ultimate Phoenix -As the bulldozer makes a good contrast to all the high fliers... which isn't much use if he's always beaten by them [B]Frankie Perez [/B]vs Acid For the Coastal Zone Championship title -Really torn, as I'd be quite happy for Acid to win here, and he looks like he's got the momentum to. However, I want to say Perez vs BBS for the title.
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[QUOTE=eayragt;391202]Did I just see Cougar do the job four times in a row? I don't care - I'm still going to predict him winning at Tsunami. Slightly concerned that the top of the card is heel heavy (not so relevant when there's no official divide, but still...), but perhaps if BBS defeats Phoenix he can become the main face of the company. So I'll go for him winning too. I would push for a Pablo Rodriguez title challenge, but am wondering if his good match ratings with Mathew Gauge are born out through chemistry, as he hasn't faced anyone else in the last month. Ah, screw it, I'm predicting more and more matches, so may as well make it official:[/QUOTE] First yes Cougar has done the job but he's just a midcarder now and he's been losing in open matches to main eventers so he still comes out looking good. The only problem with BBS being the main face is that he and Frankie Perez both have low selling I tired a best of seven series with them and while they pull B to A matches against everyone else they only pull C+ matches against each other. There is a face heel divide but it's set to medium not high so Heel vs Heel isn't a big problem for me. Rodriguez and Gague do not have any chemistry notes.
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[QUOTE=Apupunchau@optonline;391207]First yes Cougar has done the job but he's just a midcarder now and he's been losing in open matches to main eventers so he still comes out looking good. The only problem with BBS being the main face is that he and Frankie Perez both have low selling I tired a best of seven series with them and while they pull B to A matches against everyone else they only pull C+ matches against each other. There is a face heel divide but it's set to medium not high so Heel vs Heel isn't a big problem for me. Rodriguez and Gague do not have any chemistry notes.[/QUOTE] .. ah, there goes my predictions.
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[B]From WrestlingNews.com[/B] [B][U]Comings and Goings[/U][/B] Richie Riggins joined the ranks of new young wrestlers in America, while Japan saw the appearance of Omezo Shiktei and women’s wrestler Fuyuk Higa, a protégé to Thunder Hike. Eric Tyler retires from active competition but is still thought to have a place backstage at TCW Darryl Devine signed a developmental deal with SWF. After a long absence from the business Mayan Idol signed a deal with now national SOTBPW. Brett Biggz finally finds a new home as he signs with DaVE. Like many other CZCW stars Stevie Grayson also signs with MAW. USPW picks up Des Davids and over in Japan Hintoe Dojo take on Ryushi Sato With PGHW's tour ending UK Dragon , Billy Russell Toshiharu Hyobanshi and Bruce the Giant all leave the company Luchaodr Originalic chose not to renew his contract at MPWF to concentrate on his MHW career. In an opposing move Mexican Beast leaves MHW to put all his time into working for MPWF. Although not officially retiring JD Morgan leaves DaVE with no other plans to work on the horizon. Barry Griffin decides INSPIRE is where he wants to focus his attention and leaves GCG. [B][U]Titles[/U][/B] Suki wins vacant Hintoe Dojo All Japan title which Hirokazu Yamanoue drop after an ijury which will probably keep him out for a year. Pit Bull Brown won the 21st Century United Kingdom title off Suicide Agent who held the title for two weeks and lost it in his first defense. After an 8 month run Elmo Benson dropped the SWF World Heavyweight title to Eric Eisen. Beast Batom took out Puffy the Sand Iron player at UCR's Evil That Men Do PPV to win the UCR European title. Raul Darkness couldn't make his 11 defense as Harry Allen takes the TCW Arena Championship title from him. The unlikely trio of Asiatico, Hombre De La Energia and Swarm II took the MPWF Campeonoes de Trios. Edd Stone ended Troy Tornado's three week run as Unlimited Action champion. Dharma Gregg had her second title reign ended one week shy of a year by Kathy Neptune. Freddie Datsun took his first Rip Chord Invitational Challenge title, beating Joey Poison. [B][U]Media[/U][/B] INSPIRE and DaVE both sign PPV deals at the beginning of the month with Jade 237 and American Option respectively
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[B]From Coast2Coast.com[/B] “King of the Coast” Jack King coming back at you with the review of last nights CZCW Tsunami Terror. I have to say I waited with baited breath for this show with all the matches at the top of the card having particular interest to me. As you’ll see it was well worth the wait and I can’t wait to see what they have coming next month. [B][SIZE="3"]Match 1[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] A stupendous opening match with the masked luchadors taking out the techno dou of Daredevil Aero and Fearless Blue. The match was a little slower than usual as the two teams really got the fans into the match, but there were still a number of the patented highspots all these workers are known for. Dragon took the pin on Fearless Blue who was hit by his Dragon (one leap Arabian) press. [B]King Rating: C+ [SIZE="3"]Match 2[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Ca$ino put on a show almost being able to keep up with Flash, but the veteran proved to be cannier. A lot of back and forth between the two stars made for a good enough match to have the fans cheering. Steve Flash got the Flash Bang (Hot Shot) off on a surprised Nathaniel Ca$ino, who was then down for the count. [B]King Rating: C+ [SIZE="3"]Match 3[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Aerial Assault[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Los Luchadores[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] How the mighty have fallen as the former Coastal Zone Tag Team champions were taken out by Jonnie Perez the most booed man in CZCW and his partner aging Bairei Yasujiro. The match was just slightly below par but a lot of that was a few botched spots by rookie Perez Bairei looked excellent out there and made the pin on Tigre Salvaje Jr. who was knocked down with a low blow before receiving the Yasujiro (long hang time Sky Twister) Press. [B]King Rating: C- [SIZE="3"]Match 4[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] The battle for the best masked wrestler in CZCW saw a Snap Dragon win, although he couldn’t have taken it had he not used a set of brass knuckles to lay out Cougar. The match saw the two veteran Coastal workers give the fans exactly enough get them pumped without putting them over the edge. Snap Dragon after the knuck shot Snap Dragon hit the Dragon’s Breath (Top Rope Flying Knee Drop) just to add insult to injury before getting the pin. [B]King Rating: B- [SIZE="3"]Match 5[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Joven Luchadores[/COLOR] Defeats [COLOR="Red"]Mach 1[/COLOR] for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles[/SIZE][/B] Both teams gave it their all in this match but Mr. Lucha and Weasel seemed a bit of their marks. Even with his mistimings Mr. Lucha III stood out as the star of the match, which brought the titles home to him and Velocidad. The match was intense with a lot of back and forth with Mach 1 trying to use every dirty trick in the book to retain. The Third Strike (Frog Splash) on to Air Attack Weasel gave Mr. Lucha III the pin for the win. [B]King Rating: C- [SIZE="3"]Match 6[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Andre and Stevie put on barely a decent match for the uppercard but it was enough to keep the fans happy. The match was mostly flying with a bit of fast paced mat work and Stevie actually spending the time to make Andre look good. As has been the case in all his matches so far in CZCW Kali Fornia used her charms to distract both Stevie and the ref long enough for Andre to hit Stevie in the back of the head with a foreign object and then give him The Business (Double Arm DDT) to steal a pin. [B]King Rating: C+ [SIZE="3"]Match 7[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme title[/SIZE][/B] Another al out, action packed, thrillfest of a match between Machine and Plague had the crowd on their feet. The match was high speed and top rope with both of these classic CZCW fan favorites getting in just the right amount of offense to make them look good. After jawing Insane Machine on the top rope by dropping off the apron Plague pulled off the New Jersey Turnpike (Slingshot Corkscrew Legdrop) landing right on Machine’s head and chest. [B]King Rating: B- [SIZE="3"]Match 8[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Pablo Rodriguez[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Two matches during the month of January saw the greatness of Guage and Rodriguez. This match was a little more slowly paced bring the crowd down from the previous high intensity match. The pace of brought down the crowd feeling for the match but not by much. Gauge forced Rodriguez to submit to the Ion Stretch (Stretch Muffler) for the win. [B]King Rating: B+ [SIZE="3"]Match 9[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] This final match between Phoenix and Smith to break the even record for singles matches saw a win for BBS. Smith may have been taking away something from Phoenix as he went up to the top rope for a diving forearm, much to the joy of the crowd. The match seemed a bit stiff but the obvious chemistry between Smith and Phoenix made that a non-issue. Smith took the win after getting Phoenix into the Bulldozer (Overhead) Driver). [B]King Rating: B+ [SIZE="3"]Match 10[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Acid [/COLOR]to retain the Coastal Zone Championship title[/SIZE][/B] The best match of the night and the best match between these two workers saw Frankie Perez retain his title against Acid. If it’s at all possible the great in ring cohesion had Frankie Perez and Acid both stand out as looking good, even with some unsold shots. This time Frankie forced Acid to tap out to the famous P-Clutch (Camel Clutch w/Knee to Back) to win. [B]King Rating: A[/B] Best show so far this year and hopefully the rest of the year will stand up to it. Perez and Acid tore down the house and the blow off match for Phoenix and Smith was something special. The fans still hate Jonnie Perez and my personal opinion is that Andre Jones really isn’t a main event level wrestler no matter how many SWF fans know who he is. [B]Overall Rating: B+[/B] [QUOTE]You forgot to pick a winner for the opening match but 5 out of 9 isn't bad eayragt thanks for predicting.[/QUOTE]
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[B]From CZCW.com news page[/B] In the month of January CZCW wrestlers Stevie Grayson, Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr., Daredevil Aero, Fearless Blue, Velocidad, Tigre Salvaje Jr. We also resigned the worlds hottest colour commentator Sara Silver and Road Agent Crippler Ray Kingman. Sadly we will be losing Pablo Rodriguez as he has signed a written deal with Mexican powerhouse SOTBPW. In other good news we have renewed our contract with Public Access Select to carry our PPV and starting in March, Sports America will began airing Another Day at the Beach as a 1 and 1/2 hour shows breaking us away from our 2 and 1/2 hour PPV format.
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[B]Upcoming events Saturday January Week 1[/B] Los Luchadores vs Team Perfection Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr. vs Generation Gap Joven Luchadors vs Mach 1 Stevie Grayson vs Andre Jones Remmy Skye vs Insane Machine Fox Mask vs Bairei Yasujiro Plague vs Matthew Guage [B]Saturday January Week 2[/B] The Working Class Heroes vs Team XDW Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Snap Dragon Stevie Grayson vs Hugh de Aske Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr.vs Aerial Assault Remmy Skye vs Insane Machine Masked Cougar vs Frankie Perez Plague vs Mr. Lucha III [B]Saturday January Week 3[/B] Los Luchadores vs Team XDW Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Snap Dragon Mach 1 vs Generation Gap Ultimate Phoenix vs Bariei Yasujiro Remmy Skye vs Insane Machine Mr. Lucha vs Matthew Guage Plague vs Bulldozer Bradon Smith [B]Saturday January Week 4[/B] Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr. draw Generation Gap Inca Jr vs Hugh de Aske. Mach 1 vs Aerial Assault Remmy Skye vs Insane Machine Frankie Perez vs Soul Taker Fox Mask and Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Acid and Matthew Guage Plague vs Ultimate Phoenix [B]All of this leads up to… CZCW Beach Blanket Beatdown Wednesday March Week 1 Utah Park Reservation Wrestling Under The Stars Doors Open at 7:00pm shows starts at 8:00pm [COLOR="Blue"]Los Luchadores[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR][/B] Team XDW and Los Luchadores both took defeats at Tsunami Terror and now they are looking to begin to build some momentum as they face each other. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR][/B] Nathaniel Ca$ino took the loss to Steve Flash now he looks to take on another veteran. Whereas Snap Dragon has proclaimed himself the best masked wrestler in CZCW, but he’s only gone through Masked Cougar. Will a win over Ca$ino help Dragon cement his claim? [B][COLOR="Blue"]Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Generation Gap[/COLOR][/B] Steve Flash came off a big win at Tsunami Terror as have the team of Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr. Now the two teams meet for the first time in what looks to be an epic tag team battle. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR][/B] Andre Jones put a stop to Stevie Grayson at Tsunami Terror and Hugh de Aske has had a couple of losing matches at Another Day at the Beach. These two warriors meet now to turn their momentum around and hopefully carve out a better place for themselves. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Joven Luchadors (C)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Mach 1[/COLOR] For the Coastal Zone Tag Team title[/B] The rematch for the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles after the epic battle at Tsunami Terror. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR][/B] Jones has been able to take out all his opponents thus far but no he faces top luchador Ultimate Phoenix. If Kali Fornia has anything to say about this match will end with an Andre victory but Phoenix is known for his ability to work through all distractions. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] Ladder Match[/B] Insane Machine failed in his mission to get the Coastal Zone Xtreme title and now faces the returned Remmy Skye who’s been on a hot streak since his comeback. These two are old rivals since before Remmy’s absence and they look to pick their age old battle where they left off. Will the fact that REmmy is “King of the Ladder Matches” give him the edge in this battle. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR][/B] BBS took his series against Ultimate Phoenix leaving him in a position of power at the top of the card with a lot of momentum going his way. Matthew Guage had a win in his own series of great matches against Pablo Rodriguez. Now a clash of the titans at the top of the card with show is the best of these young stars. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Fox Mask[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Acid[/COLOR][/B] Fox Mask makes his return at the first Another Day at the Beach of February. Will the menacing masked warrior return to his ways of evil and will his matches prepare him to face another masked threat, Acid. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Plague (C)[/COLOR] vs [COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez (C)[/COLOR] Non-Title Champion vs Champion match[/B] Plague and Frankie Perez have had many titanic meetings in the ring at CZCW. Now the two face off to prove which champion is better. Will Black Eagle be able to elevate the standing of the Xtreme champion? Or will Perez prove the only true champion is the Coastal Zone Champion? Prediction Key Los Luchadores vs Team XDW Nathaniel Ca$ino vs Snap Dragon Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr. vs Generation Gap Stevie Grayson vs Hugh de Aske Joven Luchadors vs Mach 1 For the Coastal Zone Tag Team titles Ultimate Phoenix vs Andre Jone Remmy Skye vs Insane Machine Ladder Match Bulldozer Brandon Smith vs Matthew Guage Fox Mask vs Acid Plague vs Frankie Perez Non-Title Champion vs Champion Match
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[B]From coast2coast.com[/B] February saw a lot of great matches going into Beach Blanket Beatdown with what I would call at least one match of the year candidate. I was excited as hell to hear about that Another Day at the Beach was coming off PPV and on to Television. Next month the show gets shorter but being on television means more people will see it. Look for me I’ll be in the front row. [B]Another Day at the Beach Saturday Week 1 February 2010[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Los Luchadores defeats[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Team Perfection[/COLOR] - D [COLOR="Blue"]Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr.[/COLOR] draw [COLOR="Red"]Generation Gap[/COLOR] – C [COLOR="Blue"]Joven Luchadors[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Mach 1[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Andre Jones[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] – D+ [COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] – B [COLOR="Blue"]Fox Mask[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Bairei Yasujiro[/COLOR] – C [COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR] – B+ [B]Overall: B- PPV Buys 0.02[/B] Los Luchadors show they still have it in a strong showing over Team Perfection with Inca Jr. pinning Tempest Appleby. Dragon Del Arcos Iris Jr. and Extraordinario Jr. put on a great show against Generation Gap. The ref lost control of the match and called for the bell disqualifying both teams. The two luchadors announced they would now be called The Top Rope All Stars. In a non-title rematch Joven Luchadors beat Mach 1 again which is a bad sign for the duo of Speed and Weasel at Beach Blanket Beatdown. After taking a cheap win at Tsunami Terror, Andre Jones won clean over Stevie Grayson in a bleh match. Remmy Skye and Insane Machine put on a great show with a lot of aerial work. With a Remmy win “Psyche Out” stars the series against Machine at 1-0. Fox Mask made his triumphant return to the ring and the crowd was overjoyed to see their beloved hero back instead of the villain he had become for awhile. Mask looked strong as ever taking out Bairei Yasujiro who only got a little of his own offense in. Plague took another win over former Coastal Zone Xtrreme Champion Matthew Guage giving him one win before his champion versus champion fight with Frankie Perez. [B]Another Day at the Beach Saturday Week 2 February 2010[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]The Working Class Heroes[/COLOR] – D+ [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Blue"]Stevie Grayson[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Aerial Assault[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]The Top Rope All Stars[/COLOR] – C [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] – B [COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Mr. Lucha III[/COLOR] – B [B]Overall: B- PPV Buys 0.02[/B] Team XDW really had to work it but they took a win over The Working Class Heroes in a decent opener. Nathaniel Ca$ino just couldn’t take Snap Dragon who wiped the floor with the young worker. Even with the loss Ca$ino and Dragon worked so well together that they both looked good in the ring. In their preview match Stevie Grayson showed that he could take on Hugh de Aske and win, but supposed new evolution in pro wrestling was no push over. Jonnie Perez still getting boos from the crowd but there is no denying his continued growth as a worker. Aerial Assault beat The Top Rope All Stars when Bairei pinned Extraordinario Jr. after Jonnie used a foreign object. Insane Machine and Remmy Skye put on another great bout. This time Machine came out on top tying up the series at 1-1. Frankie Perez took a strong win against Masked Cougar showing that he was more than prepared for his bout against Plague. Meanwhile, Plague took his match against Mr. Lucha III although he had to fight for it a bit more. [B]Another Day at the Beach Saturday Week 3 February 2010[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Team XDW[/COLOR] draws [COLOR="Blue"]Los Luchadores[/COLOR] – C- [COLOR="Red"]Snap Dragon[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Nathaniel Ca$ino[/COLOR] – B- [COLOR="Red"]Mach 1[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Generation Gap[/COLOR] – C [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Bariei Yasujiro[/COLOR] – B- [COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] – B+ [COLOR="Red"]Matthew Guage[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Mr. Lucha III[/COLOR] – A [COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Bulldozer Bradon Smith[/COLOR] – B- [B]Overall: B PPV Buys 0.03[/B] One of the better openers seen in awhile and Team XDW and Los Luchadors went to a no contest as the ref disqualified all four men. Nathaniel Ca$ino and Snap Dragon went at it again, put on a better match and Ca$ino showed he was good at scouting an opponent as he made Dragon work for his win. Mach 1 took a surprisingly clean win over Generation Gap with Marc Speed pinning Flying Jimmy Foxx. Ultimate Phoenix prepared for his match with Acid by taking a win over Bairei Yasujiro. Moving their matches up to the next level Remmy Skye pulled out ahead again with a win over Insane Machine. Matthew Guage and Mr. Lucha III put on the match of the night thanks to their great in ring cohesion. Guage’s win against such a tough opponent showed he is more than prepared for his match with Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Smith, however took a loss to Plague who has won his third straight match in preparation for Frankie Perez. [B]Another Day at the Beach Saturday Week 4 February 2010[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]The Top Rope All Stars[/COLOR] draw [COLOR="Red"]Generation Gap[/COLOR] – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Hugh de Aske[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Inca Jr[/COLOR]. – C+ [COLOR="Red"]Mach 1[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Aerial Assault[/COLOR] – D+ [COLOR="Red"]Insane Machine[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Remmy Skye[/COLOR] – B+ [COLOR="Red"]Frankie Perez[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Red"]Soul Taker[/COLOR] – C [COLOR="Red"]Acid and Matthew Guage[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Fox Mask and Bulldozer Brandon Smith[/COLOR] – B- [COLOR="Blue"]Plague[/COLOR] defeats [COLOR="Blue"]Ultimate Phoenix[/COLOR] – B+ [B]Overall: B PPV Buys 0.01[/B] In another opening match tag team draw Extraordinario Jr. and Steve Flash stood out for their incredible work. Flash and Dragon brawled on the outside for too long and the ref called for the double count out. Hugh de Aske took a win over Inca Jr. trying to show he was ready to face Stevie Grayson again. With a win a piece over the last month Mach 1 and Aerial Assault faced off in a decent but not great match where Marc Speed pinned Jonnie Perez. Insane Machine tied up the series going into Beach Blanket Beatdown beating Remmy Skye in another incredible match. Frankie Perez beat Soul Taker forcing the Lucha star to tap out to the P-Clutch, a move I’m sure he hopes works against Plague when they face off. Acid and Matthew Gauge beat their opponents at Beach Blanket Beatdown in a tag team match up when Acid pinned Smith with the Acid Rain Bomb (Swandive Senton Bomb). Plague and Ultimate Phoenix who have had many great matches showed the fans once again that they have near perfect in ring chemistry. Plague took then win putting him 4-0 for his match against Frankie Perez.
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[B]From WrestlingNews.com[/B] [U][B]Comings and Goings[/B][/U] 5SSW January Revenge Tour ends. Otsune Tsumura, Amber Allen, Nadia Snow and Yoko Ikina all leave the company as of February 1st. PGHW sign up Blood Raven, Merle O'Curle, Rhino Umaga and Roy Edison for their upcoming Supremacy tour, starting in March. Akima Brave, Billy Russell, Enforcer Roberts, Matthew Guage and Toshiharu Hyobanshi will all be on BHOTWG March Hellbound tour. To focus on his BHOTWG tour Matthew Gauge has turned in his resignation at MPWF. MPWF follows this up by hiring you luchador El Sucio. After his interview saying he was being held back Junior Youth has left MHW as he was renewed on a written contract by SOTBPW. MHW then adds two new workers after Junior Youth’s departure, Tigre Salvaje Jr. and Arthur Dexter Bradley. 5SSW puts the protégé of Thunder Hike, Fuyuko Higa on the permanent roster Extraordinario Jr. sings with MPWF spreading himself all over Mexico and the American South West. Lee Rivera leaves QPW to focus on his other two Canadian interests CGC and 4C. He is quickly replaced by Kashmir Singh sings with QPW Pablo Rodriguez leaves CZCW as when he renewed his contract with SOTBPW he did so on a new written deal. .Kit Hatoyama having retired in october 2009, has finally decided to get out of the wretling business all together as she leaves her backstage duties at 5SSW. [U][B]Injuries[/B][/U] Dan Stone Jr. broke his angle during an awesome main event match with John Maverick. It is said that he'll be out at lteast 3 months. Torajiro Sekozawa tore his bicep during his match with Eiichi Umehara at SAISHO Events of Reveal. It is estimated he will be out between one and two months. It appears Arjen Van Den Leyne broke a finger fighting William Hayes, but all indications are that he will try and work through it. [U][B]Titles[/B][/U] Another short reign for the NOTBPW Unlimited Action title as Edd Stone losses it to Nate Johnson. Phoenix II and Mr. Lucha III beat Tricolor Jr. and Velocidad for the MHW NAtional Tag Team titles. WLW saw two title changes with Larry Wood having his second World Level Streetfighting title ended by Silver Shark and The Incredible KOYAMA took the World Level Universal title from Eagle Kawasawa in a four way match that included Magnum KOBE and Shingen Miyazaki. Joven Luchadors have finaly been able to take the title from Mach 1 in their fourth attempt at it. Young Boy Sayuki has taken the WLW #1 Contender spot away from Keita Fukao whose been in the position of power three times. Davis Wayne Newton and Derek Frost have had their one year and one week run as NOTBPW Tag Team champions ended by The McWade Brothers. Henry Bennete and Stuart Ferdinand managed to take the GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team titles odd of Larry Wood and Rhino Umaga who were two time champions. Ferdinand has tried and failed three times this tour with his official partner Nathan Coleman but couldn't get the titles, he had better luck with Bennett. Bennett and Ferdinand couldn't hold the titles long as they lost them in their first defense against Sam Keith and Naonobu Murkami. Two title changes in for 4C and Zeus Maxmillion defeats Slim V and ending his year and half reign as champion and Barry Kingman dethrones Kurt Laramee in a three way match that also inclided Stan "the Man" Manna Shingen Miyazaki has taken the prestigious GCG World Heavyweight title in a victory against William Hayes. Hayes in his four month reign defended the belt 24 times. [U][B]Media[/B][/U] Nathan Coleman spoke on Squared Circle with Pete Peterson and said that he and Black Eagle didn't get along very well. He said he thought the young fliers style wasn't right for NYCW and the two have had words about it. Junior Youth was very vocal on Mexican Television the other day when he said he felt he was being kept back and MHW. He said he felt that Luigi Marin, a manager and backstage staffer was purposefully not letting him get past the midcard. Young low card BHOTWG worker Nissho Yuasa was on the Japanese radio show Wrestling Today saying that former Commentator Kazutoshi Immo has really been a mentor to him backstage and that he feels they have become fast friends.
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