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NWA-TNA: Can They Survive???

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[img]http://www.lesthatcher.com/images/Links/1nwatna.gif[/img] [quote]Mike Tenay's voice: [b]Are you bored with sports entertainment? Do you want excitement? Do you want action? Do you want Total Nonstop Action? Wensday, June 19th, pro wrestling will never be the same!!! Call your local cable provider and tune in to see the revolutionary new company in professional wrestling!! NWA-TNA is the next step in the evolution in wrestling, with appearances by Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Konnan, Buff Bagwell, Rick Stiener, and many more!!![/b][/quote] [b]Roster:[/b] Heels: Bo Dupp Christopher Daniels Crowbar David Young Disco Inferno Don Harris Elix Skipper Francine Gangrel Jeff Jarrett Lenny Lodi Mike Shane Rick Steiner Ron Harris Scott Hall Sinister Minister Slash Sonny Siaki Steve Corino The Wall Todd Shane Faces: AJ Styles Alicia Brian Christopher Buff Bagwell Chris Harris Christian York Cowboy James Storm Gran Apolo Jerry Lynn Jimmy Yang Joey Matthews Ken Shamrock Konnan Lash Leroux Psicosis Ron Killings Tag Teams: The Black Shirt Security: Ron and Don Harris The Princes Of Pop: Christian York and Joey Matthews The Shane Twins: Mike and Todd Shane The West Hollywood Blonds: Lenny and Lodi [quote][b]The Wrestling Insider[/b] WWE have released developmental workers Nick Dinsmore, Chad Collyer, The Damaja, and Seven. NWA-TNA will kick off their first ever event, and expect a few suprises. Already confirmed to attend, are former NWA Legends Ricky Steamboat, Harley Race, Dusty Rhodes, and Jerry Brisco. Expect to see some former WCW names as well. We can confirm that Norman Smiley has signed with the company. NWA-TNA officials are working hard to bring in some big names as well. Sting, Lex Luger, Rey Mysterio Jr, and Scott Stiener are in negotiations to join the company.[/quote]
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[img]http://www.lesthatcher.com/images/Links/1nwatna.gif[/img] [quote] [i]The show open's with a video package highlighting some past NWA Champions, interspersed with images of current NWA-TNA wrestlers. Mike Tenay is standing in the middle of the ring, mic in hand. The crowd is chanting "TNA.....TNA.....TNA..."[/i] [B]Mike Tenay:[/b] Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NWA-TNA!!!!!!!! Who would have thought that the idea of one man, would finally be realized. People doubted this man's desire. They doubted his tenacty. The doubted him. But now, this man will have the last laugh, as now you the fans will get the alternative that you want. Fans, help me welcome the man that people doubted, Jerry Jarrett!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]Jerry Jarrett makes his way down to the ring, to the vocal chants of "Thank you Jerry!!!"[/i] [b]Jerry Jarrett[/b] Thank you.....Thank you.....When the idea of TNA was first born, people thought I was insane. But then, the most influencial wrestling promotions EVER, has joined forces with us. The National Wrestling Alliance is rich in history, and we will honor that history every week. George Hackenschmidt was the very first NWA World Heavyweight Champion. And, tonight we will crown the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion!!!! This champion will travel around the world to defend not only the title, but the name of NWA-TNA!!!!!! Tonight, we will have a Gauntlet Match. What that is, is 20 men will enter the ring in 2 mintue intervals. Wrestlers are eliminated when they are thrown over the top ropes, and BOTH feet hitting the ground. Once we are down to the final two men, they will face off in a wrestling match, where pinfalls or submission will win the match. Now, this match requires a very special type of referee, and we have one for you fans. Ladies and gentlemen, the referee for this landmark match is 7 time NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Harley Race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [I]The crowd gives a respectful applause.[/i] [b]Jerry Jarrett[/b] That's not all, you see I am the president of NWA-TNA, but I will not be around for the day-to-day buisness of the promotion. I have NWA matters that will keep me away. So, I have appointed a Managment Consult, to look after my company. The man I have hired is a respected member of the wrestling community. I present to you the new NWA-TNA Managment Consultant, Ricky Steamboat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [i]Ricky Steamboat makes his way down to the ring, with him is the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Steamboat and Jarrett shake hands in the middle of the ring[/i] [B]Rating: 68%[/B] [I]We go to the announcers booth, where Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay are standing by.[/I] [B]Schiavone:[/B] Welcome fans to the new face of professional wrestling, NWA-TNA!!! With me is my broadcast partner, Mike Tenay. Professor how have you been? [B]Tenay:[/B] Well Tony, ever since WCW closed down, I have been traveling around the world. But that's not why were here. We are here for wrestling. [B]Tony:[/B] You can say that again. Now let's get this started. Let's go to the ring, for our very first contest!!! [B]The West Hollywood Blodes vs. The Princes Of Pop w/ Lollipop[/B] Lenny and Joey Matthews start the match off. Right as they were about to hook up, Lenny backs off, goes over to Lodi, and they give each other a peck on the cheek. Lenny and Matthews finally hook up, Lenny, using the hair, pulls Matthews down. Then mounts Matthews in a very sexual manner. Matthews escapes, and is furious. Lenny begins skipping around the ring. Lenny skips right into a Matthews dropkick. Lenny escapes the ring, and huddles with Lodi on the outside. Matthews springs off the ropes, and connects with a baseball slide to Lenny and Lodi. Christian York runs over and throws Lenny back into the ring. Matthews connects with a deep arm drag on Lenny. Matthews hits a powerbomb on Lenny, then tags York. York and Matthews both climb up the same turnbuckle. Matthews then suplexes his partner down on top of Lenny. York goes for the pin, but it's broken up by Lodi. Lenny reverses an Irish Whip. As York was bouncing off the ropes, Lodi kneed him in the back. York stummbles to Lenny, who hits a running DDT to York. Lenny tags Lodi. Lodi quickly comes in and hits a belly-to-belly suplex on York. Lodi goes for the pin, but York kicks out. Lodi goes for a Pump Handle Slam, but York wiggles out and dropkicks Lodi into Lenny. York tags in Matthews. York and Matthews hit a Venus Fly Trap on Lodi. Matthews goes for the pin, but somehow Lodi kicks out. Matthews climbs to the top turnbuckle. Lenny shakes the ropes, and Matthews nuts himself onto the turnbuckle. From the apron, Lenny takes a running start and spears Matthews from the turnbuckle to the floor. Soon, all four men are brawling, and the ref counts out both teams. [B]The West Hollywood Blondes vs. The Princes Of Pop ends in a Double Countout. Rating: 60[/B] [B]Schiavone:[/B] What we just saw there, is what NWA-TNA is all about. [b]Tenay:[/b] You got that right Tony, I can't wait for the rematch. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Let's go to the back, where Don West is standing by with the new Managment Consultant, Ricky Steamboat. [B]Don West Interviews Ricky Steamboat[/B] [b]Don West:[/b] Mr. Steamboat, it is my pleasure to be interviewing you. You are a true legend. [b]Steamboat:[/b] Thank you, Don. You are a legend on Home Shopping Network. [b]West:[/b] Thanks. So, Mr. Steamboat, what are your plans for NWA-TNA? [b]Steamboat:[/b] I want to bring tradition back to wrestling. I want this to be a place where we honor the legends of the sport. Wrestling has become about gimmicks, and here in NWA-TNA we want the gimmicks to take a backseat to the real profession of wrestling [i]The Disco Inferno dances up[/i] [b]Disco Inferno:[/b] Steamboat Willie, these people didn't come here to see real wrestling. [b]Steamboat:[/b] Then why did they come? [b]Disco:[/b] To see me dance!!!! [i]Disco dances off camera[/i] [B]Steamboat:[/b] What an idiot. [B]Rating: 61%[/B] [B] Lash LeRoux vs. Gangrel[/b] LeRoux and Gangrel hookup, Lash gets the advantage and backs Gangrel up into a corner. LeRoux connects with 3 hard chops. LeRoux bodyslams Gangrel, then connects with a leg drop. LeRoux gets only a two count on the pin attempt. LeRoux connects with a swinging neckbreaker. LeRoux goes to the top turnbuckle. LeRoux waits for Gangrel to stand up, then attempts a Flying Cross Body. Gangrel catches him, and turns it into a bodyslam. LeRoux kicks out of the pin attempt. Gangrel connects with several kicks to LeRoux's head. Gangrel picks LeRoux up, and has him in posistion for an Inverted DDT. LeRoux spins out, kicks Gangrel in the gut, then sets him up for the Whiplash. Gangrel revererses the attempt, then connects with an Inverted DDT for the win. [B]Gangrel defeats Lash LeRoux with an Inverted DDT. Rating: 50%[/B] [b]Schiavone:[/b] What a great match. I am expecting great things from this vampire-like Gangrel. [b]Tenay:[/b] And remember Tony, both these guys will be in the 20 man Gauntlet, later on tonight./ [b]Schiavone:[/b] That's right Mike. Now let's go to the ring, where we will have a very special guest. [b] An Appearance By Dusty Rhodes[/b] [i]Dusty Rhodes makes his way down to the ring, to a huge standing ovation.[/i] [b]Dusty:[/b] God golly Miss Molly. Thank you Nashville!!! Tonight, we celebrate the legacy of the NWA. The NWA made me what I am today. The NWA took a chance on a son of a plumber, and gave him the biggest prize in this buisness. I was dinning with kings and queens, where before I was eating pork and beans!!! The NWA is back daddy!!! And, I have to thank the Jarrett family..... [i] Jeff Jarrett begins to walk down to the aisle with a mic in hand.[/i] [b]Jeff Jarrett:[/b] Dusty....Dusty....Dusty.... You want to thank my family?? Ha, why don't you warm up your lips and kiss my ass!!! [B]Dusty:[/b] Now Jeff..... [b]Jeff Jarrett:[/b] I'm not done yet, you fat son of a bitch!!!! You stand there, and you talk about legacy. Well, if it wasn't for my father, the NWA would be dead!!! You are here, not to pay tribute to the NWA, but to pay tribute to my family!!!! So you, and the rest of these ingrate fans can kiss my ass!!!! [b]Dusty:[/b] Son, you have no respect for this buisness...... [b]Jeff Jarrett:[/b] Respect?? Ha, this buisness never respected me, so why should I respect the buisness. People like you, and all the other old veterans, are the reason why I never got as far as I did!!! Now that will change. I want you, the fans, and all the boys in the back to remember that this is MY promotion!!!! You do what I say!!!! And there is nothing that you, or this fat slob can do about it!!!! [i]Jarrett slaps Dusty Rhodes in the face. Dusty grabs Jarrett by the neck. Steve Corino runs down from the crowd, and clotheslines Dusty. Jarrett and Steve Corino begin to beat down Dusty Rhodes. Corinio picks Dusty up, and with the help of Jeff Jarrett, connects with a spike piledriver. Ken Shamrock runs down from the back, but Jarrett and Corino escape. Shamrock checks on Dusty.[/i] [b]Rating: 80%[/B] [b]Tony:[/b] My God, I can't believe what we just saw!! [b]Mike: [/b] Dusty Rhodes is a legend in this buisness, I can't believe Jarrett did that!! And why did Steve Corino help??? He has said that Dusty was a hero of his in interviews, I can't imangine why he would help Jarrett out. [b]Tony:[/b] That was just disgusting. But, fans we have to keep going. But, we will keep you informed on the status of Dusty Rhodes. [b]Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper[/b] Lynn and Daniels start it off with some quick back and forth reversals. Daniels goes to kick Lynn in the midsection, but Lynn catches his foot. Daniels backflips out of it, and Daniels connects with an Enziguiri. Daniels tags in Skipper. Daniels drapes Lynn over his knee, while Skipper walks across the ropes like a high wire. Skipper leaps off the ropes, and connects with an elbow drop on Lynn. Skipper gets up and spits in Styles' face. Styles runs in, but the ref backs him up. Skipper and Daniels use this time to hit a double spine buster on Lynn. Skipper tries to pin Lynn, but Lynn kicks out. Skipper Irsih Whips Lynn into the tunrbuckle, Lynn leaps up onto the top turnbuckle. Lynn fakes jumping off, and Skipper bites. Lynn turns around, and when Skipper looks back, Lynn connects with a huracanrana. Lynn attempts a pin, but Daniels breaks it up. Lynn quickly tags Styles. Styles hits a flying forearm on Skipper, then dropkicks Daniels off the apron. AJ then turns right into a superkick by Skipper. Skipper tosses AJ to the outside, where Daniels begins a beat down. Daniels tosses Styles hard into the steel steps. Lynn runs over and battles with Daniels. Skipper comes outside and tosses AJ back into the ring. Skipper attempts a Bridge Suplex, but AJ reverses it and turns it into a Styles Clash, just as Lynn hits the Cradleshock, AJ picks up the pin on Elix Skipper. [B]Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles defeated Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper Rating: 60%[/B] [B]A Special Arrival:[/B] We immediately go to the parking lot, where a a car pulls up. Coming out first is Psicosis. Next out is Konnan. The third and final man out is Rey Mysterio Jr. Konnan grabs Mysterio and Psicosis, then says " Usted es mi familia. Estamos teniendo más de!!!!" [b]Rating: 81[/B] [B]Schiavone:[/b] Mike, did you see that?? That was Rey Mysterio Jr.!!! [b]Tenay:[/b] And he was with Konnan and Psicosis. It looks like NWA-TNA will get a little latino flavor. But Tony, that was a great match we saw before that. [b]Schiavone[/b] You got that right Mike. Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles are a formidable team. But right now, it's time for the Main Event. A new NWA World Heavyweight Champion will be crowned, let's go to the ring. [B]20 Man Gauntlet:[/B] [I] Ricky Steamboat, Harley Race, and Jack Brisco make their way down to the ring. Jack Brisco will be the special guest announcer for this match.[/i] [b] Entrant 1: Sonny Siaki Entrant 2: Buff Bagwell[/B] Buff and Sonny Siaki start it off. Siaki slaps Buff, and Buff responds with a hard punch to the face. Buff picks Siaki up and tries to throw him lover the ropes, but Siaki holds onto the ropes. [b]Entrant 3: Disco Inferno[/b] Disco and Siaki double team Bagwell. Siaki hits his version of the Rock Bottom on Bagwell. Disco and Siaki agree to throw Bagwell over the ropes. As Siaki turns away, Disco nails Siaki in the back. Disco then begins disco dancing. [b]Entrant 4: Norman Smiley[/b] Smiley runs down and starts attacking Disco. Smiley begins riding Disco like a horse. Bagwell clinbs to the top turnbuckle and hits the Blockbuster on Siaki. Bagwell throws Siaki over the top rope. [B] Elimination #1: Sonny Siaki eliminated by Buff Bagwell Entrant 5: Jerry Lynn[/b] Lynn starts attacking Norman Smiley. Lynn has Smiley in a headlock, and then elevates himself up, and kicks Disco in the head. Bagwell runs up and hits a face buster on Lynn. [b]Entrant 6: Scott Hall[/b] Hall runs in and immediately eliminates Norman Smiley. [b]Elimnation 2: Norman Smiley eliminated by Scott Hall[/b] Scot Hall begins to brawl with Bagwell. Disco has Lynn up, and almost eliminates him, but Lynn grabs the ropes for leverage. [b]Entrant 7: Konnan[/b] Hall hits a Razor Edge on Bagwell, but can't elimnate him. Konnan runs in and knocks Lynn to the ground. Konnan then turns his attention to Disco Inferno. Konnan and Disco begin to trade punches. [b]Entrant 8: Bobby Eaton[/b] Bobby Eaton makes his return to wrestling, and gets in the ring. Eaton and Lynn begin to brawl, while Bagwell and Hall continue to fight. Disco Inferno hits a spinebuster on Konnan, and then begins to dance. Konnan pops up, and throws Disco over the ropes. [b] Elimination 3: Disco Inferno eliminated by Konnan Entrant 9: Elix Skipper[/b] Konnan helps Bagwell out, and they double team Scott Hall. Elix Skipper runs in and starts attacking Jerry Lynn. Skipper has Lynn staggering by the ropes. Skipper charges Lynn, and both men go over the ropes. [b]Elimination 4 & 5: Elix Skipper and Jerry Lynn eliminate themselves Entrant 10: Lash LeRoux[/b] LeRoux runs in, and is bum rushed by Bobby Eaton. While Hall is on the ground, Bagwell and Konnan begin to trade punches. [b]Entrant 11: Marty Jannetty[/b] The former Rocker, makes his way to the ring, and begins to brawl with Bobby Eaton. Hall begins to go at it with Lash LeRoux. Konnan and Bagwell continue to brawl. [b]Entrant 12: Ken Shamrock[/b] Ken Shamrock runs in and immediately eliminates Bobby Eaton. [b] Elimiantion 6: Bobby Eaton eliminated by Ken Shamrock[/b] Shamrock then throws Marty Jannetty over the tope. [b]Elimination 7: Marty Jannetty eliminated by Ken Shamrock[/b] Shamrock continues his rampage when he eliminates Lash LeRoux. [b]Elimination 8: Lash LeRoux eliminated by Ken Shamrock[/b] Entrant 13: AJ Styles[/b] Hall blindsides Shamrock, that stops his momentum. AJ Styles and Konnan begin to brawl. Bagwell is resting on the mat. [b]Entrant 14: Rey Mysterio Jr.[/b] Rey runs in and helps out Konnan by throwing AJ Styles over the ropes. [b] Elimiantion 9: AJ Styles eliminated by Rey Mysterio Jr.[/b] Rey then begins to brawl with Hall, as Bagwell and Shamrock begin to fight. [b]Entrant 15: Rick Steiner[/b] The Dog Faced Gremlin makes his way to the ring. Steiner ducks a clothesline by Buff Bagwell and throws him over the top. [b]Elimination 10: Buff Bagwell eliminated by Rick Steiner Entrant 16: Christopher Daniels[/b] Daniels runs in. Konnan and Mysterio are double teaming Scott Hall. Konnan throws Hall over the ropes, but Hall lands on the apron. Mysterio connects with a dropkick, to eliminate Hall [b]Elimination 11: Scott Hall eliminated by Rey Mysterio Jr. Entrant 17: Steve Corino[/b] Hall is furious at Mysterio, and comes back into the ring, and throws Rey over the top rope/ [b]Elimiantion 12: Rey Mysterio Jr. eliminated by Scott Hall[/b] Daniels and Konnan begin to brawl.Steiner and Corino double team Shamrock, and almost have him eliminated. [b]Entrant 18: Psicosis[/b] Psicosis helps out Konnan, and both of them eliminate Christopher Daniels [b]Elimination 13: Christopher Daniels elimianted by Konnan and Psicosis Entrant 19: Jeff Jarrett[/b] Jarrett, Corino, and Steiner triple team Shamrock and are trying to eliminate him. Konnan and Psicosis sit back and watch, laughing to themselves. Shamrock breaks free and eliminates Steve Corino. [b]Elimination 14: Steve Corino eliminated by Ken Shamrock Entrant 20: Gangrel[/b] Gangrel is the last man to enter, and he takes his time to get to the ring. Shamrock knocks down Steiner and Jarrett, and runs over to Konnan and Psicosis. Shamrock, not amused at their laughter, eliminates both men. [b] Elimination 15 & 16: Psicosis and Konnan eliminated by Ken Shamrock[/b] Shamrock grabs Gangrel and tosses him out, as soon as he enters. [B]Elimination 17: Gangrel eliminated by Ken Shamrock[/b] Shamrock is double teamed by Jarrett and Steiner. They Irish Whip Shamrock into the ropes, he duck a double clothesline, and eliminates Jeff Jarrett. [b]Elimination 18: Jeff Jarrett eliminated by Ken Shamrock[/b] It is now time for Rick Steiner vs. Ken Shamrock for the NWA Heavyweight Championship. Harley Race makes his way into the ring to referee this match. Shamrock and Steiner begin to trade punches, as Jarrett is fuming on the outside of the ring. Rick Steiner connects with a Steinerline, but gets only a two count on the pin attempt. Shamrock reverses an Irish Whip, then connects with a drop toe hold. Shamrock turns that into an Ankle Lock. As Steiner is screaming in pain, Scott Hall runs down. Shamrock lets the hold go, and he and Harley Race turn their attention to Hall. They don't see Jarrett slide into the ring with his guitar. Race is still distracted as Shamrock turns into a guitar shot. Steiner makes the pin, and is the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Steiner, Jarrett, Hall, and Steve Corino celebrate in the ring. Ricky Steamboat, Jack Brisco, and Harley Race confront the foursome. Steiner yanks the title away from Steamboat. Jarrett slaps Steamboat, which causes Race to interject. Scott Hall begins to wail on Race, and throws him outside. Steve Corino connects with an Old School Expulsion on Jack Brisco. Jarrett hits The Stroke on Steamboat. The show fades out as Steiner is on the shoulders of Hall, Corino, and Jarrett. Confetti drops on the new champion as the show ends. [b]Rick Steiner defeats Ken Shamrock to become the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Rating: 61 PPV Buys: .17 Attendance: 2784[/b][/quote]
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[img]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gif[/img] [QUOTE]Massive Roster Cuts At WWE: The WWE has cleaned house. Over the past 72 hours, the WWE has relased 37 workers from their contracts. Those released are: * Crash Holly * Shawn Stasiak * The Big Bossman * Ivory * Jazz * Hugh Morrus * Debra * Jackie Gayda * Justin Credible * Jaqueline * Terri * Kanyon * Mike Sanders * D-Lo Brown * Mike Awesome * Steve Blackman * Sean O'Haire * Shannon Moore * Shelton Benjamin * Charlie Haas * Johnny The Bull * Mark Jindrak * Bull Buchanan * Mark Henry * Haku * OVW Wrestler: Queen Victoria * OVW Wrestler: Eric Angle * OVW Wrestler: Doug Basham * OVW Wrestler: Linda Miles * OVW Wrestler: Ekmo * OVW Wrestler: Leviathan * OVW Wrestler: David Flair * OVW Wrestler: Steve Bradley * OVW Wrestler: Kimo * OVW Wrestler: EZ Money * OVW Wrestler: Randy Orton * OVW Wrestler: The Prototype [/QUOTE]
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[img]http://www.geocities.com/wrestlingtapetrading26/pictures/nwatna.jpg[/img] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA Preview[/B] Last week, Rick Steiner was crowned the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion in controversial fashion. Jeff Jarrett helped Steiner, to get a win over Ken Shamrock. This wee, Shamrock is looking for some revenge. This Wednesday, Ken Shamrock takes on Jeff Jarrett in a Street Fight!!!!!! Confirmed Matches: Street Fight: Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Scott Hall and Steve Corino Jerry Lynn vs. Elix Skipper Kaz Hayashi vs. Sonny Siaki Lash LeRoux and The Princes Of Pop vs. Gangrel & The West Hollywood Blondes[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Mackem;392061]Rick Steiner took me completely by surprise :eek: :cool:[/QUOTE] Me too, but hey, that's what'll make this interesting. Street Fight: [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] vs. Jeff Jarrett [B]Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr.[/B] vs. Scott Hall and Steve Corino [B]Jerry Lynn[/B] vs. Elix Skipper Kaz Hayashi vs. [B]Sonny Siaki[/B] Lash LeRoux and The Princes Of Pop vs. [B]Gangrel & The West Hollywood Blondes[/B]
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[QUOTE=Akki;392137]Is this an EWR or TEW diary. As far as I know, TEW doesn't give numbers for segment ratings.[/QUOTE] It's a diary I started with EWR, then switched to TEW 07. I havebeen playing this for about 4 months, with no intentions of turning it into a diary. You will be able to tell where the EWR/TEW switched occurred, which should be in a few shows. I hope you enjoy it, and expect the unexpected
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Street Fight: Ken Shamrock vs. [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] Rick Steiner's absence makes me suspicious Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. [b]Scott Hall and Steve Corino[/b] [b]Jerry Lynn[/b] vs. Elix Skipper [b]Kaz Hayashi[/b] vs. Sonny Siaki Lash LeRoux and The Princes Of Pop vs. [b]Gangrel & The West Hollywood Blondes [/b] I liked TNA at it's inception - the logo in the first post reminds me of the old times with the first weekly PPV's and the title tournaments.
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[img]http://www.lesthatcher.com/images/Links/1nwatna.gif[/img] [quote] [I]The show opens with a recap of last week's broadcast. We see Jeff Jarrett and Stve Corino attacking Dusty Rhodes, and then Rick Steiner winning the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. We also see the beast down o legends Ricky Steamboat, Jack Brisco, and Harley Race. The show opens with pyro.[/I] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] Hello, and welcome to NWA-TNA. I am Tony Schiavone, and with me is Mike Tenay. Professor, last week we saw that despicable attacks on Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, Jack Brisco, and Harley Race. We also saw Rick Steiner defeat Ken Shamrock, to become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion, but of course he had the help of Jeff Jarrett. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] And as a result of last week, Ricky Steamboat has ordered Jeff Jarrett to take on Ken Shamrock, in a Street Fight. I know Shamrock has revenge on his mind. [B]Schiavone:[/B] And that's not all............ [i]Jeff Jarrett's music plays.[/i] [b]Schiavone:[/b] Well I guess we are going to get interupted. [i] Jeff gets into the ring with a mic in his hands, and a smile on his face.[/i] [B]Jeff Jarrett:[/B] You know, alot of people have been asking me alot of questions over the past week. So I just wanted to clear the air. NWA-TNA is MY promotion. I make the rules, I make the decisions. My father has hired Ricky Steamboat, but Steamboat is nothing more than a figure head. I AM IN CHARGE!!!! Sure, Ricky put me in a Street Fight tonight with Ken Shamrock. But I am in charge, not Ricky Steamboat. If you think any differently, I want you to take a look at this. [i]Footage of Jarrett blasting Ken Shamrock with his guitar is palyed.[/i] [b]Jarrett:[/b] Sure, I didn't win the title, but that was one of my crowning moments. Ken Shamrock is nothing more than an average street fighter, who couldn't cut it in the UFC. Shamrock has the temerity to think he can make a living at my expense. Sure, you can punch and kick, but I am a wrestler, I am better than you!!!!! They say NWA-TNA is the rebirth of professional wrestling, but in fact it's a rebirth of Jeff Jarrett. I am in charge, and I only want winners by my side, so I went out and found people who think like me, and have proven they are winners. I have put together a group that will one day be better than the NWO, DX, or The Four Horsemen. I have put together, The Kings Of Wrestling. Joining me are the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner!!!! [i]Rick Steiner makes his way down to the ring, holding his title.[/i] [b]Jarrett[/b] Another King Of Wrestling, is the founding member of the NWO, the man who started it all, Scott Hall. [i]Scott Hall makes his way down to the ring, the crowd boo's, but Hall seems to enjoy it.[/i] [B] Jarrett[/b] The next man is a winner wherever he went. He respected the legacy and heritage of the NWA, but he soon found out that politcs are a bitch. I present to you, "The King Of Old School" Steve Corino. [i]Steve Corino makes his way down to the ring, holding a sign that says "I ended Dusty Rhodes' Career!!"[/i] [b]Jeff Jarrett[/b] Eveyone knows that a king needs a queen, so I present to you our final member, "The Queen Of Extreme" Francine!!! [i] Francine comes out in a revealing outfit, but the crowd seems indifferent to her arrival.[/i] [B] Jarrett:[/b] We are The Kings Of Wrestling, and WE ARE IN CHARGE!!!! [B] Rating: 80 %[/B] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] Well, Mike I don't know what to say. I am speechless after that. [b]Mike Tenay:[/b] The Kings Of Wrestling are a strong bunch, I hope Ken Shamrock has some backup, or the Street Fight later on will be messy. [b] Schiavone:[/b] Let's go to the back where Don West is standing by with Buff Bagwell [b]Interview With Buff Bagwell[/b] [b]Don West:[/b] Thanks, Tony. Buff, you requested this time, what do you have to say? [b]Buff Bagwell[/b] Kings Of Wrestling, or whatever you wanna call yourselves, you think beating up geriatics is cool?? You think taking a man like Dusty Rhodes or Harley Race, and making him look like a fool is cool? Well let me tell you something, if you ever wanna get in the ring with 245 pounds of God's Gift To Women, I will so you cool. You will all get your day under the sun. And don't for a second think, Rick Steiner, that I haven't forgotten that you almost ended my career when you broke my neck. I will dismantle this little faction, one brick at a time, and I want you Rick Steiner. I don't care if the title is on the line or not, I just want to teach you a lesson. I am Buff, and I am the Stuff!!!!! [b]Rating: 68[/B] [B]Schiavone:[/b] I don't think I have ever heard Buff so intense before. [b]Tenay:[/b] It sure is a different side of Buff, that were not used to seeing. [b]Svhiavone[/b] Let's go to the ring for our opening contest. [b] Jerry Lynn vs. Elix Skipper[/b] Lynn and Skipper hookup, Lynn connects with an armdrag. Both me get to their feet and begin to trash talk. They hookup again, this time Skipper applies an arm wringer, Lynn rolls through and connects with another arm drag. Skipper gets up and quickly knees Lynn in the midsection. Skipper backs Lynn up into the turnbuckle, and begins to chop him. Skipper Iris Whips Lynn into the opposite turnbuckle. Skipper attempts a splash, but Lynn moves out of the way. Lynn rolls up Skipper for the two count. Both men get to their feet, and Lynn clotheslines Skipper to the outside. Lynn climbs the ropes and connects with a Plancha to the outside. Lynn rolls Skipper back inside. Christopher Daniels makes his way to the ring. Skipper reverses an Irish Whip. As Lynn is bouncing off the ropes, Daniels hooks hi leg. Lynn begins arguing with Daniels. Skipper is laying in wait, and as soon as Lynn turns around, Skipper connects with the Overdrive for the win. After the match Daniels and Skipper begin to double team Lynn, but AJ Styles makes the save. [b]Elix Skipper defeated Jerry Lynn. Rating: 71%[/b] [b]Schiavone:[/b] I think this is far from over, between Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Elix Skipper. [b]Tenay:[/b] Well AJ Styles and Elix Skipper didn't like each other in WCW, but of course no one really remembers that. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Let's go to the ring for more exciting action. [b]Kaz Hayashi vs. Sonny Siaki[/b] Siaki offers a handshake, and Hayashi goes to accept it, but Siaki kicks him in the midsection. Siaki grabs Hayashi's head and slams him hard backwards to the mat. Siaki places Hayashi onto the top turnbuckle, and chops him hard in the chest. Siaki climbs up onto the turnbuckle, and attempts a suplex, but Hayashi blocks it. Hayashi pushes Siaki down hard onto the mat. Hayashi jumos down, and with all his weight slams his feet down onto Siaki. Hayashi Irish Whips Siaki into the turnbuckle, and then connects with a backspring elbow. Hayashi gets only a two count on the pin attempt. Hayashi throws Siaki onto the mat on the outside. Hayashi climbs the turnbuckle, and attempts a huracanrana, but Siaki catches him and slams him headfirst onto the steel turnbuckle on the outside. Siaki looks proud of himself as he rolls Hayashi into the ring. Siaki connects with a Siakolypse Now for the win. [b]Sonny Siaki defeated Kaz Hayashi. Rating: 53%[/b] [b]Schiavone:[/b] Fans, last week we saw Jeff Jarrett and Steve Corino deliver a devasting spike piledriver to Dusty Rhodes. We can tell you that Dusty has been released from the hospital, but there is some tingling in his extremities. Dusty is a fighter, and we expect to see him real soon. One man was especially appalled at Jarrett and Corino's actions, and that man is Brian Christopher. Here's what he has to say. [B]Brian Christopher Reacts To Dusty's Injury[/B] [i] Brian Christopher is sitting in his house watching replays of the spike piledriver that sent Dusty Rhodes to the hospital.[/i] [b]Brian Christopher:[/b] Jeff Jarrett....Steve Corino....Boys what you did to Dusty Rhodes was unnecessary. Jeff Jarrett, you for one should respect this buisness. You are a second generation wrestler. You were brought up to respect your elders, to respect this buisness. Are fathers have alot of history together, sometimes they were friends other times they were bitter enemies. But through it all, they respected each other. Jeff, we grew up together, we traveled the roads together. What I saw last week was disgusting. You not only spit in the face of Dusty Rhodes, but you spit in the face of every wrestler that came before you. You spit in the face of your father, and my father. Early on in my career, I tried to distance myself from my dad. I tried to make it on my own, and I did a damn good job of it. But, Jarrett....Steve Corino, I will be damned if you spit in my father's face ever again. You boys need a lesson in respect, and I am going to give it to you. I am Brian Christopher Lawler, and I will get revenge for Dusty Rhodes and the history of wrestling. [b]Rating: 66%[/b] [B]Schiavone:[/B] I can't wait to see Brian Christopher Lawler in TNA. [B]Tenay:[/b] It looks like Lawler means buisness. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Professor, last week we saw The West Hollywood Blondes go to a double countout with The Princes Of Pop. Last go to the ring, where these teams hookup once again, but in a six man tag match. [B]Lash LeRoux and The Princes Of Pop w/ Lollipop vs. Gangrel and The West Hollywood Blondes[/B] LeRoux and Lodi start the match off. Lodi gets a go behind after a hookup. Lodi begins to lick LeRoux on the neck. LeRoux freaks out, and punches Lodi in the face. LeRoux mounts Lodi and unloads on him. LeRoux applies an arm wringer on Lodi and tags Joey Matthews. Matthews connects with an elbow from the top turnbuckle. Matthews connect with an enziguiri, and goes for the pin, but Lenny breaks it up. Soon all six men are in the ring brawling. All of the heels get thrown to the outside. Christian York coonects with a Running Shooting Star Press on Lenny. Matthews connects with a Flying Crossbody onto Lodi, and LeRoux hits a Tope onto Gangrel. The crowd is going beserk after these fast paced areial moves. Lollipop is looking at the carnage, and gets a slight smile. Lollipop climbs to the top turnbuckle, and connects with a Huracanrana onto Lodi. Matthews rolls Lenny into the ring. Matthews bodyslams Lenny, and goes to the top turnbuckle. Gangrel shakes the ropes, and Matthews nuts himself onto the turnbuckle. Lenny tags Gangrel. Gangrel climbs the turnbuckle and connects with a suplex from the turnbuckle. Matthews manages to kick out of a Gangrel pin attempt. Gangrel puts Matthews into posistion for an Inverted DDT, but Mattews breaks free and tags Christian York. York charges Gangrel, but Gangrel hip tosses York. Gangrel connects with a chokeslam, then tags in Lodi. Lodi attempts the quick pin, but York kicks out. Lodi Irish Whips York into the ropes, York ducks a clothesline and tags LeRoux. LeRoux runs in and connects with a forearm smash. LeRoux punches Gangrel and Lenny off the apron. Lenny begins to chase Lollipop around ringside, this causes Matthews to chase Lenny. LeRoux connects with a Whiplash on Lodi. Gangrel breaks up the pin attempt. Lollipop, trying to avoid Lenny, slides into the ring. LeRoux tosses Gangrel to the outside. Christian York is in the ring waiting for Lenny to enter. Lenny slides in, with Matthews in out pursuit. York attempts a Superkick on Lenny, but he ducks, and York blasts LeRoux with the Superkick. The Princes Of Pop chase Lenny to the outside, and Lodi rolls over onto a knocked out LeRoux for the win. [B]Gangrel and The West Hollywood Blondes defeated Lash LeRoux and The Princes Of Pop. Rating: 62%[/B] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] What a match, right now lets go to the back where the NWA World Heavyweight Champion is standing by. [B]Rick Steiner Promo: Steiner[/b] Buff "The Junk" Bagwell, you want to piece of me? You don't deserve to have a match with me for this title. I am the big dog in this company, you are just some tutti-frutti with a top hat. Bagwell, next week I will take you on, but in a NON-TITLE match. If you can beat me, you might get a title shot. But, Bagwell you better watch out, because I just might break your neck again. If you don't like me, you can bite me!!!!! [B]Rating: 61% Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. vs. Scott Hall and Steve Corino w/ Francine[/B] Konnan and Corino start the match off, talking trash. Corino slaps Konnan in the face, to which Konnan responded with a slap of his own. Konnan kcks Corino in the midsection, then he follwoed through with a pump handle slam. As soon as Corino stood up, Konnan dropkicks him into the turnbuckle. Corino falls on his ass. Konnan tags Mysterio, who comes in a delivers a Bronco-Buster in the turnbuckle. Mysterio attempts a pin, but Corino kicks out. Corino kicks Mysterio in the gut, and attempts a bodyslam, but Mysterio holds onto Corino's arm, and reverses it into an armdrag. Corino tags Hall. Hall and Mysterio face off in the ring. Hall wants a test of strength, and Mysterio accepts. Hall powers him down on his back, Mysterio uses his leg strength and pushes Hall up, and connects with a huracanrana. Hall slides out of the ring, pissed off at being embarrased. Mysterio climbs the turnbuckle and connects with a sitdown plancha. Steve Corino trys to get to Mysterio, but Konnan interject, and a brawl insues. Francine jumps onto the back of Rey Mysterio. Mysterio flips Francine off. Scott Hall clocks Mysterio in the head with a steel chair, causing the ref to call for the bell. After the match, The Kings Of Wrestling run into the back, as a pissed off Konnan tends to Rey Mysterio. [B]Konnan & Rey Mysterio defeated Scott Hall and Steve Coriino via DQ. Rating: 78 Schiavone:[/b] Fans, up next is the main event. Ken Shamrock is looking to get revenge on Jeff Jarrett for costing him the NWA World Heavyweight Title. This match will be under Street Fight Rules, and it's going to be brutal. [b]Tenay:[/b] And fans, we have just gotten word from Ricky Steamboat that next week, the match has been signed, The NWA World Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner will take on Buff Bagwell in a non-title match. Also, we have recieved word that Konnan will take on Scott Hall!!! [b]Schiavone[/b] Now let's go to the tale of the tape. [b]Street Fight: Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett Jeff Jarrett: Height: 6'0 Weight: 230 Age: 35 Yrs. Pro: 16 years Ken Shamrock: Height: 5'11 Weight: 205 Age: 38 Yrs Pro: 12 yrs[/b] Shamrock is introduced first, and when Jarrett is introduced Shamrock bumrushes him. Shamrock gets Jarrett in the mount, and begins wailing down on him. Shamrock picks up a chair and swings away, but Jarrett ducks and low blows him. Jarrett picks up the chair and nails Shamrock in the back. Jarrett takes the end of the chair and nails Shamrock in the throat. Jarrett begins to strut in the aisle. Jarrett removes the mat, and hip tosses Shamrock down on the cement. Jarrett picks Shamrock up, but Shamrock applies a drop tor hold, and Jarrett slams head first into the steel steps. Shamrock picks up the steps and nails Jarrett in the head, [COLOR="Red"]busting him wide open.[/COLOR] Shamrock tries to put Jarrett in the Ankle Lock, but Jarrett kicks him away. Jarrett begins running away like a chicken and escapes into the crowd. Shamrock follows him. Jarrett grabs a chair and nails Shamrock in the head, [COLOR="red"]busting him open.[/COLOR] Jarrett picks up Shamrock and throws him into the barricade. Jarrett begins to chop Shamrock. Jarrett climbs onto the barricade with Shamrock in his grasp. Jarrett attempts the Stroke, but Shamrock reverses it into a side suplex from the barricade. The Kings Of Wrestling come down to the ring, and begins a beatdown of Shamrock. They throw Shamrock into the ring, and Jarrett goes to get his guitar. Buff Bagwell, Konnan, and Psicosis make the save. They chase the Kings Of Wrestling to the back. Jarrett swings his guitar at Shamrock, but he ducks. Shamrock applies a crossface, then turn it into an Ankle Lock. Jarrett submits to the Ankle Lock. [B]Ken Shamrock defeated Jeff Jarrett via Submission. Rating: 92[/B][/quote]
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[img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b135/mbd852/NWA_TNA_Logo.jpg[/img] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA Preview[/B] Last week, Buff Bagwell challenged NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Rick Steiner. The Dog Faced Gremlin has accepted the challenge, but with a caveat, it be a non-title match. Can Buff Bagwell show the world that he deserves a title by beating the champ?? Ken Shamrock defeated Jeff Jarrett in a bloody Street Fight, how will Jarrett and his Kings Of Wrestling respond?? This week we will be privilaged to see the debut of the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal Sabu!!!! Confirmed Matches: Non-Title: Rick Steiner w/ The Kings Of Wrestling vs. Buff Bagwell Ken Shamrock vs. The Disco Inferno Konnan w/ Psicosis vs. Scott Hall w/ The Kings Of Wrestling AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels Chris Harris and James Storm vs. Slash and Crowbar w/ The Sinister Minister Sabu vs. David Young [/QUOTE]
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[img]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/8/8b/180px-Nwalogobw.JPG [/img] [img]http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b135/mbd852/NWA_TNA_Logo.jpg[/img] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA RESULTS[/B] [I]We open the show with highlights of last weeks Street Fight between Ken Shamrock and Jeff Jarrett. We then see the challenge by Buff Bagwell to Rick Steiner. We then see an up close and personal profile of Buff Bagwell. We see pictures of him from childhood through his adult life. Buff narrates the montage, telling us that he played baseball and football in highschool, how he worked at his family's lumber yard, his early days in wrestling as The Handsome Stranger, his days in WCW, and then the somber story of how Rick Steiner broke his neck on April 22nd 1998, then he talks about his inspiring comeback. It's now time for Rick Steiner's profiile. We see similar pictures as Steiner narrates. He talks about his amauteur days at The University Of Michigan, how he was in The Varsity Club, winning the NWA Tag Team Titles in 1989 from The Freebirds, his "disgusting" days as a fan favorite, leaving WCW when they lowballed him, wrestling up north, going to ECW, his return to WCW, and finally breaking Buff Bagwell's neck and how much he liked it, and how he was going to do it again tonight.[/i] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] Hello and welcome again to NWA-TNA, the new face in professional wrestling. I am Tony Schiavone, and with me as always is Mike Tenay. Professor, tonight we have a match that has been four years in the making. [b]Mike Tenay:[/b] That's right Tony. Buff Bagwell takes on NWA Heavyweight Champion, Rick Steiner. This match has all the drama you'd expect to see in a main event. Four years ago, Steiner broke Bagwell's neck, and Bagwell is still seeking some revenge, I just hope Bagwell is smart. Steiner has stated that he will break it again tonight. Steiner, after all, does have The Kings Of Wrestling backing him up. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Speaking of The Kings Of Wrestling, NWA-TNA management consultant Ricky Steamboat has some things to get off his chest, let's go to the ring. [b]Steamboat Promo[/b] [i]Ricky Steamboat is in the ring, mic in hand[/i] [b]Steamboat:[/b] Fans, I just wanted to take this time to make a few announcements. Before I get to The Kings Of Wrestling, I want to announce that NWA-TNA will be introducing two new championships. The first, the NWA Tag Team Championships will be coming to NWA-TNA. We will decide the new NWA Tag Champions in an eight team tournament. Next week we will have first round matches, and will continue until new champions are crowned. The second title, will be The TNA X-Divison Championship. Every promotion has some sort of Lightweight Division, but NWA-TNA will NOT have a lightweight division. You see the X-Divison Championship is about no limits. I don't care if you weigh 150 pounds or 550 pounds, you will be eligible for the title. We will decide the first ever X-Divison Champion next week, in a Fatal Four-Way Ladder Match!!!! While I am at it, next week the NWA World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line as Rick Steiner takes on Ken Shamrock!!!! This brings me to The Kings Of Wrestling. Two weeks ago you not only attacked myself, but you brutalized Dusty Rhodes, Harley Race, and Jack Brisco. That will NEVER happen again. Jeff Jarrett, I don't care if your dad owns this company, as long as I am in charge, you will not lay a hand on any guest that I invite to the................. [i] The Kings Of Wrestling make their way down to the ring. Jarrett leads the way with guitar in hand, followed by Rick Steiner, then Scott Hall, and then Corino and Francine. Corino and Francine appear to be hitting it off quite well.[/i] [b]Jarrett:[/b] Or what Steamboat?? What are you going to do about it?? We can do what ever we want, whenever we want!!! I own this company, is your check signed "Steamboat"?........Thought not!!......It's signed Jarrett!!!!............Your job description says that you can make matches, that's it!!!!!............All hirings and firings have to be approved by my father, not you!!!!!......So, I have to ask you again, what is going to keep us from making you look like our bitch?? [b]Steamboat:[/b] You're right Jarrett, I can't fire you guys without just cause. All I can do is make matches.....And add stipulations!!!.......So next week, in Rick Steiner's title match against Ken Shamrock, The Kings Of Wrestling will be BANNED from the arena!! That's right, next week, The Kings Of Wrestling will have the night off, if you interfere in that match or any other match that night, you will be FINED 40 THOUSAND DOLLARS APIECE!!!!! [i]Steiner begins to flip out, and is getting ready to punch out Steamboat[/i] [b]Jarrett:[/b] Steamboat, you can ban us all you want, but we can still purchase tickets, so you can kiss my ass. And, as far as this fine, well Francine show him what we bought with are last 40 grand. [i]Francine grabs Steamboat's head and jams it into her breasts.[/i] [b]Jarrett:[/b] 40 grand is chump change to us!!! Besides, Steiner doesn't need any help to beat that slapnut Shamrock. Oh, and Steamboat, this is for you. [i]Jarrett goes to hit Steamboat with his guitar, but stops just short of a flinching Steamboat. The Kings Of Wrestling laugh as they exit the ring. Scott Hall turns around and throws a toothpick in Steamboat's face.[/i] [B]RATING: B Schiavone[/b] Mike, I can't wait for next week. [b]Tenay[/b] I know, not only will we see Rick Steiner defend the NWA Heavyweight Championship against Ken Shamrock, but we will crown our first no limits X-Dvision Championship in a Fatal Four Way Ladder Match!!!! I imagine we will find out who will be in that historic match, before the night is over. [b]Schiavone[/b] Now fans, it's time for the debut that you wanted. Sabu the Homicidal, Genocidial, Suicidal Lunatic is coming up next!!!!! [B]Sabu vs. David Young[/B] David Young, who is in the ring first, attacks Sabu when he enters the ring. David Young connects with a couple bodyslams, before going for the pin. Sabu kicks out at two. Young irish whips Sabu into the ropes, and connects with a Spinebuster. Once again, Sabu kicks out at two. After putting Sabu in a hammerlock for a few moments, Young picks Sabu up. Sabu kicks Young in the midsection, and suddenly Sabu finds himself in control. Sabu grabs Young's head and slams it hard into his knee. Sabu throws Young to the outside, and then connects with a placha. Sabu throws Young into the audience, and sits Young down into a fan's seat. Sabu runs back into the ring, and takes a running start and connects with a sitdown plancha to Young, and the chair collapses. Sabu rolls Young back into the ring, and connects with an Arabian Facebuster for the win. After the match Sabu grabs a chair a tosses hard to Young's head. Sabu leaves to huge cheers from the crowd [b]Sabu defeated David Young Rating: D+ Schiavone:[/b] Mike, I think if the X-Divison is about no limits, then Sabu has to be in that ladder match next week. [b]Tenay:[/b] You get no arguments from me. If Sabu is in that Ladder Match next week, then I feel sorry for the other three participants. [b]Schiavone:[/b] That's for sure. Right now let's go to the back where Don West has a special offer for you fans. [B]Don West Offer:[/B] [i]Don West is standing by, with a Rey Mysterio Jr. T-Shirt[/i] [B]Don West:[/b] Fans, tonight I have a very special offer for you all. Two weeks ago Rey Mysterio Jr. made his debut with NWA-TNA, and ever since this T-Shirt I have in my hands has been selling like hotckes in TNA Stadium, in Nasheville. Now for a special ONE WEEK offer you at home can order yours for the special price of 7.99!!!!! Just go to TNAWrestling.com!!!!! It's 100% cott................... [i]The Kings Of Wrestling enter.[i] [B]Scott Hall:[/b] Hey yo!!!!........Donnie West, get out of frame!!!! Fans, you may want to get this shirt, because after last week, that jabronie will never show his face around here. Now it looks like I am fighting Rey's best friend, Viva La Raza Konnan. You know what, I saw that Arnold Schwarzenegger flick, and it sucked, just like you Konnan. [i]The Disco Inferno dances up. The Kings Of Wrestling look at Disco in disgust.[/i] [b]Disco[/b] Fella's, I couldn't help but notice you have this little thing called The Kings Of Wrestling. I got me to thinking, how can you have a Kings Of Wrestling group without having The King Of The Disco's. What do you think? [b]Jarrett:[/b] Disco, what makes you think that you are worthy enough to join us?? [b]Disco:[/b] Because I can do this. [i]Disco begins disco dancing.[/b] [b]Jarrett:[/b] Listen here goofball, if you take out Ken Shamrock tonight in your match, and make sure he doesn't make it here next week, we might have a deal. [b]Disco:[/b] Alright... [i]Disco makes eye contact with Francine, and smiles.[/b] [b]Disco:[/b] Hey there pretty lady, you like to dance?? [b]Steve Corino:[/b] Hey Disco Stu, she don't like you......freak. [i]The Kings Of Wrestling leave. Disco tries to get Don West to do the Funky Chicken, then leaves.[/i] [B]Rating: C AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels[/b] AJ and Daniels hook up in the center of the ring. AJ gets Daniels in an armbar. Daniels rolls onto the mat, and goes to nip up. AJ meets him halfway up, with a hard elbow to the throat. AJ connects with 2 clotheslines, then picks Daniels up and connects with a backbreaker. AJ gets only a 2 counts. AJ irish whips Daniels into the turnbuckle. AJ runs up, but Daniels puts a boot up. Daniels connects with a running neckbreaker, and gets a two count on the pin attempt. Daniels throws AJ to the outside, and connects with a Springboard Moonsault. Daniels throws AJ back into the ring. Daniels irish whips AJ into the ropes. As AJ is running back towards Daniels, AJ connects with a roll over deep arm drag. AJ spins around, and when Daniels stands up, Styles connects with a discus punch. AJ picks Daniels up for The Styles Clash, but Daniels rolls over the top of AJ. Daniels connects with an enziguri. Daniels calls for the Best Moonsault Ever. AJ moves out of the way, and Daniels crashes down hard. AJ quickly climbs to the top turnbuckle and goes for the Spiral Tap. Daniels moves and AJ crashes down. Daniels gets to his feet and connects with The Angel Wings for the win. [B]Christopher Daniels defeated AJ Styles Rating: A-[/B] [I]After the match, Elix Skipper runs down to congratulate Daniels. Daniels and Skipper celebrate as AJ gets to his feet. Daniels and Skipper appraoch AJ, who backs up slightly knowing he is outnumbered. Daniels says something to AJ, then he and Skipper leave the ring.[/I] [b]Schiavone:[/B] That was simply amaing, Mike. That had to be what Ricky Steamboat was thinking when he created the X-Divison. [b]Tenay:[/b] As you can hear, the fans love it, Tony. [B] Schiavone:[/b] Fans let's go to the back where Ken Shamrock is standing by. [B]Ken Shamrock Promo:[/B] [i]Shamrock is pacing back and forth.[/i] [b]Ken Shamrock:[/b] Jeff Jarrett, last week I showed the world that you are nothing but a punk. Jarrett you and your lackey's talk about running the NWA-TNA, well I got news for you. Over my dead body!!!!! I will not allow you to ruin the legacy of the NWA. Jarrett, I will not allow you to disrespect the legend that have come before you. Over my dead body!!!! Tonight I have a warmup match against some dude stuck in the 70's, then next week I bring tradition and legacy back to the NWA and back to TNA!!!!! [B]Rating: C Konnan w/ Psicosis vs. Scott Hall w/ Steve Corino and Francine[/b] Scott Hall goes to throw his toothpick at Konnan, but Konnan spits on him. Hall gets pissed and charges Konnan, who hip tosses him to the ground. Konnan applies a chinlock, while also dropping knees into the small of Hall's back. Konnan lays Hall down, and connects with a leg drop. Konnan only gets a two count on the pin attempt. Hall reverses an irish whip. Hall attempts a clothesline, but Konnan front rolls under Hall's arm, and springs off the ropes and connects with a forearm. Hall goes to the outside and huddles with Corino and Francine. Konnan tries to go outside, but for some reason the ref stops him. Psicosis climbs up on the turnbuckle, and moonsaults down on the trio. Konnan breaks free from the ref and goes out after Hall. Konnan irish whips Hall into the steps, but Hall reverses it. Konnan crashes head first into the steps, [COLOR="Red"]busting him wide open.[/COLOR] Hall connects with a short arm clothesline, before rolling Konnan into the ring. Hall goes for a bodyslam, but Konnan reverses with a small package. Hall kicks out at two. Hall gets up and rakes Konnan's eyes. Hall goes for a Razors Edge, but Konnan wiggles out and goes for a backslide. Hall kicks out at two. On the outside, Francine slaps Psicosis in the face. Psicosis chases Francine around ringside. Francine runs past Steve Corino. Corino nails Psicosis with an Old School Expulsion. Back to the inside, where Konnan has Hall in place for the 187. Francine jumps up on the apron, and Konnan goes over to her. Konnan throws Francine down on top of Corino. Unbeknownest to Konnan and the ref, Hall grabs brass knuckles from his trunks. When Konnan turns back around, Hall nails him, and gets the easy pin. [B]Scott Hall defeated Konnan. Rating: B+ Dusty Rhodes Update:[/B] [I]We see a video package of Dusty Rhodes selling his neck inury from the spike piledriver from Jeff Jarrett and Steve Corino. Dusty can barely talk, as he lays in his bed. We see a doctor tell us that there was some permenant nerve damage done, and Dusty risks a serious threat to his life if he ever gets back in the ring. Brian Christopher Lawler makes an appearance. Lawler tells Dusty that he will get revenge on Jarrett and Corino. All Dusty could do was weakly shake his head in agreement. Lawler tells us that he will be in Nashville next Wednesday.[/i] [B]Rating: A Schiavone[/B] Fans, if you want to send your well wishes to Dusty Rhodes, please log onto TNAWrestling.Com. Dusty we know you can do, get better dear friend. [b]Tenay[/b] Dusty Rhodes may never walk again Tony, I just hope he can get better, but I know he can. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Fans, up next it's Ken Shamrock taking on Disco Inferno. Disco wants to join The Kings Of Wrestling, but first he has to injure Shamrock. [B]Ken Shamrock vs. Disco Inferno[/B] Shamrock is introduced first. When Disco is introduced, he comes down and looks to the back and calls for The Kings Of Wrestling. After several attempts, Disco laughs off his attempt and says, "Aw I love those guys, and they love Disco!!!" Disco gets into the ring, and Shamrock immediately drops him with a double leg takedown. Shamrock gets in the mount, and begins pummeling Disco. Shamrocok connects with a belly-to-belly suplex, then applies an Ankle Lock for the win. [b]Ken Shamrock defeated Disco Inferno. Rating E[/B] [I] After the match, Shamrock still has Disco in the Ankle Lock. Disco is screaming in agony. Jeff Jarrett runs down but stops in the middle of the aisle way. Jarrett, seeing Shamrock's intensity, backs up, and returns to the lockerroom. Shamrock finally releases the hold, but only after Terry Taylor, Del Wilkes, and Dutch Mantell pull him off.[/i] [B]Chris Harris & James Storm vs. Slash & Crowbar w/ The Sinister Minister[/B] Storm and Crowbar hook up. Crowbar uses Storm's hair and oulls him down hard. Crowbar locks Storm's arm is a leg scissors. Crowbar torques Storm's arm, and then stands up and starts stomping on the arm. Crowbar tags Slash. Crowbar has Storm in an arm wringer, and Slash leaps from the top turnbuckle, and smashes down onto Storm's arm. Slash puts Storm's arm behind him, and bodyslams Storm done onto his arm. Slash has Storm by the arm, but Storm pulls Slash and clotheslines him with his weakened arm. Storm tags Harris. Harris connects with a running forearm to Slash. Harris goes for the pin, but Crowbar interferes. Harris goes over to Crowbar, and Slash tries to connect with a splash, but Harris moves and Slash hits Crowbar. Slash is wobbling, and Harris connects with a spear. Harris goes for the pin, but The Sinister Minister jumps up on the apron, and the ref gets distracted. Harris goes to the ref, and when Harris turns around, he turn right into a Hooded Neckbreaker. Slash goes for the pin, but Harris puts his foot on the rope. Slash picks Harris up, Harris punches Slash, then hits the Catotonic out of nowhere. Harris goes for the pin. James Storms superkicks Crowbar who was trying to interfere. Harris gets the pin on Slash for the win. [B]Chris Harris and James Storm defeated Slash and Crowbar. Rating: D Schiavone:[/b] Fans, we are just a few moments away from the main event. Let's go to the tale of the tape. [B]Tale Of The Tape: "The Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner: Height: 6'0 Weight: 260 lbs Age: 41 Yrs Pro: 19 Buff Bagwell" Height: 6'1 Weight: 240 lbs Age: 32 Years Pro: 12 Non Title: NWA Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner vs. Buff Bagwell[/B] Buff Bagwell is introduced first, and when Steiner is introduced he bumrushes him in the aisle. They take turns trading punches, while rolling around on the ground. Bagwell gets the advantage and drags Rick back to the ring. Buff slams Rick face first into the steeal steps. Buff bodyslams Steiner on the mat on the outside. Buff grabs a chair and slams in into the back of Steiner. Steiner backs up near a turnbuckle, and Buff tries to hit Stiener's head with the chair. But, Stiener ducks, and Buff slams the chair onto the steel. Steiner connects with a back breaker on the outside. Steiner rolls into the ring, and this matc is officially under way. Bagwell rolls into the ring, and is met with an elbow drop courtesy of Steiner. Steiner begins to work on Buff's necks with a comnbination of neck holds. Steiner picks Buff up, and drops him neck first on the ring ropes. Steiner attempts a pin, but Buff kicks out. Steiner picks Buff up, and Buff quickly connects with an inside cradle for a two count. Buff Bagwell chop blocks Rick Steiner, and Steiner begins to hold his knee in pain. Bagwell puts Steiner in a leg lock, and then continues to work over Steiner's leg. Bagwell puts Steiner in a Tree Of Woo, and begins punching away on Steiner's leg. Steiner is screaming in agony. Billy Silverman, the ref, forces Bagwell back, and unhooks Steiner. Bagwell runs for another chop block, but Steiner moves, and Bagwell hits the second turnbuckle head first. Bagwell bounces up, grabbing his neck in agony. Steiner hits a hard Steinerline. Rick goes for the pin, but Buff puts his foot on the ropes. Steiner picks Bagwell up, and Bagwell starts chopping Steiner. The Kings Of Wrestling make their way down to the ring. Bagwell connects with a hiptoss. Bagwell then puts Steiner in a figure four. Steiner is screaming bloody murder. Francine jumps up on the apron and distracts the ref. Steiner is tapping, but the ref doesn't see it. Jeff Jarrett slides into the ring and breaks up the figure four. Bagwell loses focus and decides to go to the outside, and hits a flying crossbody on Jarrett. Hall and Corino swarm Bagwell, but the ref forces The Kings back to the lockerroom. Bagwell gets back in the ring. Bagwell connects with a superkick, then call for the Blockbuster. Bagwell climbs the ropes. Steiner quickly shakes the ropes, and Bagwell nuts himself on the turnbuckle. Steiner climbs the top turnbuckle, and connects with a Bulldog from the top turnbuckle. Steiner gets the win. [B]Rick Steiner defeated Buff Bagwell. Rating: C-[/B] [I]After the match, paramedics rush the ring, as Bagwell is motionless. Steiner is still in the gloating at his carnage. The paramedics are careful not to move Bagwell, as they fear he may be re-injured. Rick stands over Bagwell and begins to talk trash to the motionless wrestler. Rick grabs a mic, as the paramedics are strapping Buff onto the board. Steiner begins to sing, " Na....Na.Na....Na....Na.Na........Hey..Hey Goodbye!!" Ken Shamrock runs into the ring from the crowd and puts Steiner in the Ankle Lock as the show fades to black[/I][/quote]
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[IMG]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/header_logo.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]Wrestling Tidbits[/B] * WWE has signed Ahmed Johnson and Danny Spivey to written deals. Also they announced the signing of Chris Sabin to a developmental deal with OVW. * After showing up to last week's weekly PPV in no condition to compete, The Dupps (Trevor Rhodes and Mike Maverick) were fired by TNA. * Buff Bagwell has been rubbing alot of the talent in TNA the wrong way. Supposedly, Bagwell thinks that he is the main star in the company. Apparently, Bagwell and Ken Shamrock almost came to blows last week. TNA quickly changed the plans of the main event, in which Bagwell was going to go over Steiner. That is the reason they instead went with the injury angle to end the PPV. Expect Bagwell to be gone for a month or two, while he sells the injury. * Raven was crowned the new ROH Heavyweight Champion, when he defeated Samoa Joe.[/QUOTE]
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[img]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/NWA_TNA_Logo.gif[/img] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA PREVIEW[/B] This week two championships will be decided. In a Fatal Four Way Ladder Match, the TNA X-Division Championship will be up for grabs, quite literally. In the Main Event, Ken Shamrock will look to become NWA Heavyweight Champion, when he faces off against the champion, Rick Steiner. How will Steiner handle the Most Dangerous Man now that Ricky Steamboat has banned the rest of the Kings Of Wrestling from the building?? Also, the first round of the NWA Tag Team Tournament will kick off. Confirmed Matches: NWA Heavyweight Championship: Rick Steiner (c) vs. Ken Shamrock TNA X-Divison Championship: Fatal Four Way Ladder Match AJ Styles vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Sabu vs. Low Ki NWA Tag Team Tournament: Round 1 Chris Harris and James Storm vs. The West Hollywood Blondes Brian Christopher vs. Bobby Eaton Psicosis vs. Ron Killings Sonny Siaki vs. Jimmy Yang[/QUOTE]
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Confirmed Matches: NWA Heavyweight Championship: [B]Rick Steiner[/B] (c) vs. Ken Shamrock TNA X-Divison Championship: Fatal Four Way Ladder Match [B]AJ Styles[/B] vs. Christopher Daniels vs. Sabu vs. Low Ki NWA Tag Team Tournament: Round 1 [B]Chris Harris and James Storm[/B] vs. The West Hollywood Blondes [B]Brian Christopher[/B] vs. Bobby Eaton Psicosis vs. [B]Ron Killings[/B] [B]Sonny Siaki[/B] vs. Jimmy Yang
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[img]http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/0/06/200px-Sandman_ECW.jpg[/img] [B]1963-2002[/B] [QUOTE][B]Former ECW Heavyweight Champion Sandman Found Dead!!!!![/B] Philadelphia- James Fullington, better known to wrestling fans as Sandman was found dead in his apartment. Fullington, a 5 time ECW Heavyweight champion, was discovered in his apartment, by his estranged wife Lori. Early reports state that drugs were the most likely cause of death, as needles were found in his room. An early report stated that Fullington was found with a tourniquet wrapped around his arm, but that cannot be confirmed. Fullington leaves behind three children Kelly, Tyler, and Oliver. [/QUOTE]
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[IMG]http://www.lesthatcher.com/images/Links/1nwatna.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA RESLUTS[/B] [I]The show opens with a 10 bell salute to Sandman. We see highlights of last weeks match between Buff Bagwell and Rick Steiner, and see 5 slo-mo replays of Steiner delivering the bulldog from the top rope. We see Buff being stretchered out of the arena. We see Ricky Steamboat making the decree that The King's Of Wrestling will be barred from the arena tonight. Then we see a Ken Shamrock and Rick Steiner montage. We hear comments from both men on what the NWA World Heavyweight Title means to them.[/i] [b]Tony Schiavone:[/b] Hello, and welcome to another exciting edition of NWA-TNA!!!! I am Tony Schiavone, and with me as always is Mike Tenay. Professor, tonight we will see the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on the line as the champion Rick Steiner defends against Ken Shamrock. [b]Mike Tenay:[/b] That's not all, as we will crown the first ever TNA X-Divison Champion in a 4-way Ladder Match. [b]Schiavone:[/b] What a night, up first is that 4-way Ladder Match, let's go to the ring. [B]X-Divison Championship: 4-Way Ladder Match: AJ Styles v. Christopher Daniels v. Sabu v. Low Ki[/B] The fans are a little confused about Low-Ki being in this match, considering he has never wrestled in NWA-TNA before. Sabu comes out with a Sandman T-Shirt on, and when he points to the sky, he says a prayer for his fallen comrade. Once Low Ki enters the ring, Daniels immediately hits him with an eniguiri, knocking him out of the ring. Sabu kicks Daniels in the midsection, knocking him on all fours. AJ Styles springs off Daniels and hits huracanrana on Low-Ki. Sabu throws Daniels to the outside, climbs the turnbuckle and hits a plancha down on the other three wrestlers. Sabu rolls over and picks up a ladder and slides into the ring. Sabu begins to climb the ladder, but Low-Ki grabs him and throws him down. Low-Ki connects with several stiff kicks to Sabu's head. Low-Ki climbs the ladder and gets half way up, before Daniels pushes the ladder over. Low-Ki crashes down hard across the ropes, and flips over to the outside. Daniels grabs the ladder and slams it into Sabu, knocking him to the outside. Daniels sets the ladder up, but AJ comes in and the two men hookup. Daniels irish whips AJ into the ropes, and when AJ charges back, Daniels tosses AJ over his head. AJ lands on the ladder, and connects with a Moonsault DDT onto Daniels. Low-Ki grabs another ladder, and slides into the ring. Low-Ki spears AJ with the ladder, and sets it up. Sabu slides into the ring with a chair. Sabu tosses the chair at Low Ki's head and he falls to the ground. Sabu wedges one of the ladders into the turnbuckle, and irish whips Daniels into the ladder, [COLOR="Red"]busting him wide open.[/COLOR] Daniels slides out of the ring. Sabu irish whips AJ into the ladder, but AJ jumps on the ladder, then crashes down on top of Daniels. Sabu moves the ladder near the ropes, and climbs up it with a chair in hand. Sabu leaps from the top of the ladder, and slams the chair onto AJ, [COLOR="red"]busting him wide open.[/COLOR] Low-Ki moves the ladder back, and begins to climb it. Low-Ki reaches the top, and the title is in his grasp. Daniels rushes in and pushes the ladder over. Low-Ki crashes down on top of Sabu and AJ Styles. Daniels looks to be in the best posistion to grab the belt, but he is slow to climb the ladder. Once he gets to the top, AJ meets him up there. They begin to trade punches. AJ manages to get Daniels wobbling. AJ pushes Daniels off. AJ stands on top of the ladder and connects with a Spiral Tap onto Daniels. Low-Ki climbs into the ring, and begins to climb the ladder. Sabu slides in with a Singapore Cane. Sabu clocks Low-Ki in the head. Low-Ki falls to the ground. Sabu climbs to the top off the ladder and unhooks the title. Sabu is the new TNA X-Divison Champion!!!! [b]Sabu defeated AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, and Low-Ki to become the NEW TNA X-Divison Champion. Rating: B Schiavone:[/b] What a match!!! The X-Divison is about no limits, and you just saw why fans. What's that?? Fans, we have to go to the back. [B]Rick Steiner in Steamboat's Office[/B] [I]Steiner is selling the Ankle Lock that Shamrock put on him to end the show last week. He is wearing a brace and walking with crutches.[/I] [B]Steiner:[/B] Damn it, Steamboat this just isn't fair!!! I told you, my doctor hasn't cleared me for tonight!! [b]Steamboat:[/b] Ok, here's your options. You can go out there and wrestle Ken Shamrock for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship...... [b]Steiner:[/b] But, I already told you I can't. My doctor won't allow it...... [b]Steamboat:[/b] Or, you can forfit the match, and I will strip you of the championship. [b]Steiner:[/b] Damn it, you can't do that!!!!! [b]Steamboat:[/b] Oh, I can and I will. And, you better make sure your friends don't shpw up, or there will be consequences. [b]Steiner:[/b] We'll see about that. You can't stop them from buying tickets to this ****hole. [i]Steiner limps off in a huff. Steamboat is reviewing some papers when he looks up, and smiles.[/i] [b]Steamboat:[/b] Hey Brian, how is it going?? [b]Lawler:[/b] It's going good Ricky. I want to thank you for giving me an oppurtunity here in NWA-TNA. Now, as you know, Jeff Jarrett and Steve Corino injured Dusty Rhodes. Ricky, I want Corino next week. [b]Steamboat:[/b] All right, next week you will face Steve Corino!!!! [b]Lawler:[/b] Thank you Ricky. [b]Steamboat:[/b] No problem Brian. And, hey make Dusty proud. [B]Psicosis vs. Ron Killings[/B] Ron Killings comes down to the ring to moderate boo's from the crowd. Both men stare each other down, before Killings spits at Psicosis. Psicosis backs Killings up into the turnbuckle, and unleashes a barrage of stiff chops. Psiscosis jumps up, placing his feet in Killings gut, and falls back flipping Killings over.As Psicosis walks over, Killings drops Psicosis with a trip. Killings applies a headlock. Both men standup, with Killings still in control with a headlock. Killings irish whips Psicosis in the ropes, and connects with a deep arm drag into a split. Killings gets up using his version of a spin-a-roonie. Killings attempts an ax kick, but Psicosis move. Psicosis connects with a spinning heel kick, and gets two on the pin attempt. Psicosis irish whips Killings into the turnbuckle. Psicosis charges Killings, and leaps towards him. Killings mones, and Psicosis lands on the second turnbucklke. Killings slams Psicosis down hard. Killings climbs the turnbuckle, and attempts a moonsault. Psicosis moves out of the way, and connects with a Pyscho Stunner for the win. [B]Psicosis defeated Ron Killings. Rating B[/B] [I]After the match, Konnan and Rey Mysterio Jr. enter the ring to celebrate with Psicosis. Konnan grabs a mic.[/I] [B]Konnan, Mysterio, and Psicosis promo Konnan:[/B] Hola le!!!! Arriba la raza!!!! Check it, King's Of Wrestling you say your taking over. To me your nothing but a cheap NWO ripoff. Been there, and I did the damn thing!!!! Queens Of Wrestling, this right here, we are doing the damn thing, and we are straight up representing Mexico. [b]Mysterio[/b] Scott Hall, two weeks ago you hit me in the head with a chair. Well, Hall you greasy monkey, I want you next week in a No DQ match, so I have to ask you. Are you man enough to accept?? [B]Rating: B+ Schiavone:[/b] Next week is looking to be exciting, as it's already been announced that Brian Christopher Lawler will take on Steve Corino, and Rey Mysterio just challenged Scott Hall to a no disqualification match. [b]Tenay:[/b] Lawler has said that he has revenge on his mind, and promises to make Dusty Rhodes proud. And, Rey Mysterio looks to get revenge on Scott Hall for the chair shot two weeks ago. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Speaking of Brian Christopher Lawler, his match is next, and hge faces a tough veteran in "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton. [B]Brian Christopher Lawler vs. "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton[/b] Eaton attacks Lawler befrore the bell. Eaton rakes Lawler's eyes, then hip tosses him to the ground. Eaton gets Lawler in the cobra clutch. Lawler stands up, with Eaton on his back, and charges backward to the turnbuckle. Lawler connects with some stiff chops. Lawler connects with a running bulldog, and gets a two count on the pin attempt. Lawler picks Eaton up, and Eaton quickly rolls him up, but gets only a two count. Eaton begins to land some punches, and irish whips Lawler into the ropes. Eaton ducks down to back body drop Lawler, but Lawler stops short and kicks Eaton in the head. Lawler connects with a Side Russian Leg Sweep. Lawler climbs to the top turnbuckle and connects with a Tennesse Jam for the win. [b]Brian Christopher Lawler defeated "Beautiful" Bobby Eaton. Rating D Schiavone:[/b] Fans, last week Ricky Steamboat announced that in the coming weeks we will have an eight team tag team tournament to crown the next NWA Tag Team Champions. Right now, let's go to the back where Don West is standing by with The West Hollywood Blondes. [B]Don West Interviews The West Hollywood Blondes Don West:[/b] Lenny....Lodi, tonight you have a first round match against Chris Harris and James Storm. What are your thoughts? [b]Lenny:[/b] Well there Dickie, first of all I have no idea who Harris or Storms are. To me they look like a pair of misguided fools, who are locked away in the closest. Come out of the closet boys. [b]Lodi:[/b] Yeah, it's fun to finally come out of the closest!!!!! [b]Lenny:[/b] And as far as this little tag tournament is concerned, Steamboat should just hand us the titles, because you are looking at the winners. Because The West Hollywood Blondes are just too sweet for anyone to get the defeat!!!! [i]Lenny and Lodi walk off, when Disco Inferno dances up.[/i] [b]Disco:[/b] Donny Boy West, tonight I will show the world that Disco isn't dead!!!! King's Of Wrestling, tonight I will show you that Disco is making a comeback. [i]Disco dances off, as West shakes his head[/i] [b]Rating: C- Tag Team Tournament: Chris Harris & James Storm vs. The West Hollywood Blondes[/b] Storm and Lodi start off the match. Lodi backs Storm into a turnbuckle, and begins to rub Storm's chest. Storm punches Lodi down, and then connects with a bodyslam. Storm irish whips Lodi into the turnbuckle, and then immediately charges Lodi. Once at the turnbuckle, Lodi leaps over an on charging Storm, and starts to pinch Storm's ass. Storm begins to flip out as Lodi pranches over to Lenny and tags him in. Lenny gets in the ring and blows Storm a kiss. Storm charges Lenny, and Lenny connects with a drop toe hold. Lenny tags in Lodi and puts Storm in a single leg Boston Crab. Lodi climbs the turnbuckle and drops a knee down onto Storm's shoulder. As Lodi has Storm in an arm lock, Lenny pushes Chris Harris off the apron. Harris slides into the ring and tries to get to Lenny, but the ref backs him up. With the ref's back turned, The West Hollywood Blondes connect with a double DDT on Storm. Lodi goes for the pin, but Storm kicks out. Lodi puts Storm in a wristlock and tags Lenny. Lenny climbs the turnbuckle and attempts an ax handle from the top. Storm pulls Lodi in the way, and Lenny crashes down on his partner. Storm struggles to make the hot tag to Harris, but finally does. Harris comes in like a wild fire, and spears Lenny. Harris throws Lodi over the top rope. Harris connects with a chokeslakm on Lenny, and goes for the pin but Lenny kicks out. Harris attempts a Catotonic on Lenny, but mid manuever Lodi pulls Harris' leg out from underneath him. Lenny gets the pin as the ref didn't see Lodi holding Harris' leg down. [B]The West Hollywood Blondes defeated Chris Harris and James Storm. Rating C+ Schiavone:[/b] What a cheap victory for Lenny and Lodi, but they do advance in the tournament. [B]Tenay:[/b] Lenny and Lodi could go very far in this tournament. You know, they could have difficulties finding opponents, as many people are weary of their alternative lifestyle. But, I think they are just playing mind games. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Well fans, let's go to the ring for another exciting matchup. [B]Jimmy Yang vs. Sonny Siaki[/B] Yang and Siaki hookup, and Siaki gets Yang in a headlock. Yang pushes Siaki off, Siaki bounces off the ropes and connects with a shoulder tackle on Yang. Siaki talks trash to Yang, then runs towards the ropes. Yang trips Siaki and gets Siaki in a headlock. Siaki picks Yang up and tries to slam him, but Yang rolls through with the headlock. Siaki walks Yang over to a turnbuckle, and the ref makes Yang break the hold. Siaki knees Yang in the gut. Siaki places Yang on the top turnbuckle and goes for the Superplex, but Yang manages to fall on top of Siaki. Yang gets a two on the pin attempt. Yang connects with a Standing Shooting Star Press, but get only a two count on the pin. Yang climbs the ropes and goes for a Moonsault, but Siaki brings his knees up. Siaki quickly connects with a Siakolypse Now for the win. [b]Sonny Siaki defeated Jimmy Yang. Rating D Schiavone:[/b] Up next fans, is the main event. Ken Shamrock gets his rematch from the first ever NWA-TNA show, where Jeff Jarrett cost him the match. Rick Steiner will not have The Kings Of Wrestling to help him out tonight, as they have been banned by Ricky Steamboat. Let's go to the........... [i]Jeff Jarrett, Scott Hall, Steve Corino, and Francine make their way down to the front row of the arena. They cleary show the camera tickets for tonight. They take their seats as the crowd boos.[/i] [b]Schiavone:[/b] Damn it!!! The Kings Of Wrestling looks like have circumvented Ricky Steamboat. [b]Tenay:[/b] Well Steamboat can't punish them for buying tickets, but they had better make sure they don't interfere tonight, or there will be hell to pay. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Well let's go to the tale of the tape. [B] Ken Shamrock: Height: 5'11 Weight: 205 Age: 38 Yrs Pro: 12 yrs "The Dog Faced Gremlin" Rick Steiner: Height: 6'0 Weight: 260 lbs Age: 41 Yrs Pro: 19 NWA World Heavyweight Championship: Rick Steiner (c) vs. Ken Shamrock[/b] Steiner limps into the ring. Shamrock and Steiner have a stare down, then out of nowhere, Shamrock rushes Steiner and hits a belly to belly suplex. Shamrock follws up with a German Suplex. Shamrock applies a keylock, but Steiner reaches for the ropes and the ref breaks the hold. Steiner rolls to the outside, and Shamrock follws him. Shamrock is all over Steiner and begins to club him with some cross faces. Shamrock tries to irish whip Steiner into the steel steps, but Steiner reverses it. Shamrock stops short of the steps. Jeff Jarrett throws his beer on Shamrock, and Shamrock walks over to Jarrett. Steiner blind sides Shamrock. Steiner removes the mat, and connects with a suplex to the concrete floor. Steiner picks Shamrock up and picks him up for a bodyslam, and then slams Shasmrock's back into the steel post. Steiner yells at the fansm and then rolls Shamrock into the ring. Steiner begins to jump on each of his legs, showing the fans that his ankle is really ok. Steiner gets in the ring and is met with a forearm smash by Shamrock. Shamrock attemps to apply the Ankle Lock, but Steiner smartly reaches for the ropes. Shamrock grabs Steiner's leg and forcefully pulls him into the middle of the ring. Disco Inferno runs down to the ring with a chair. Shamrock tries to apply another Ankle Lock, but Steiner wiggles out. Steiner ducks a clothesline from Shamrock, and rakes Shamrock's eyes. Steiner connects with a Pump Handle Slam. Steiner gets only a two count on the pin attempt. Steiner places Shamrock on the turnbuckle, and goes for a Top Rope Bulldog. Shamrock pushes Steiner off, and as they both crash to the ring, Shamrock rolls through and has Steiner in the Ankle Lock. Disco Inferno slides the chair in the ring, and gets the ref's attention. The ref doesn't see Steiner tapping wildly. Shamrock let's the hold go, and punches Disco off the apron. Steiner picks up the chair and swings it at Shamrock. Shamrock ducks, and kicks Steiner in the gut. Shamrock picks up the chair and blasts Steiner. The ref calls for the bell, as The Kings Of Wrestling rush the ring. Jarrett hits The Stroke on Shamrock. Hall hits the Razors Edge on Shamrock. The King's are celebrating as Disco rolls into the ring. Disco makes the Wolpack sign and looks for someone to high five. The King's look at Disco like he is a fool and leave the ring. For some reason Disco doesn't get the hint, and follows them back, oblivious to the fact that they left him hanging. [b]Rick Steiner defeated Ken Shamrock by DQ. Rating A[/B][/QUOTE]
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[img]http://www.wrestlingobserver.com/wo/english/dave.jpg[/img] [QUOTE][B]Wrestling News[/b] * WWE have signed Big Van Vader, Shane Douglas, and The Great Muta to written contracts. TNA were in negotiations with Douglas, and thought that they had the inside edge, but apparently Shane Douglas and Vince McMahon settled their differences. Douglas will appear on the next Monday Night Raw, as the newest member of the Corporate Ministry. * Ken Shamrock and AJ Styles will miss the next NWA-TNA PPV, as they will be in Japan wrestling for NJPW. Speaking of TNA, they have signed recently released OVW wrestler, Randy Orton to a contract. It is rumored that Orton, who is the son of Bob Orton Jr., will be involved in some way in the Lawler/Corino/Dusty Rhodes storyline. [/QUOTE] Thanks for the comments Big Josh, I hope you enjoy what I have in store for TNA.
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[img]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/NWA_TNA_Logo.gif[/img] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA PREVIEW:[/B] Last week Ken Shamrock got disqualified in his match with Rick Stiener, causing Steiner to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. This week, Rick Steiner has something to say to the NWA-TNA lockerroom. Last week, Rey Mysterio laid out the challenge, and earlier this week Scott Hall accepted. In the Main Event, it will be Rey Mysterio taking on Scott Hall in a NO DQ Match. Brian Christopher Lawler looks to extract some revenge when he takes on Steve Corino. Also, the NWA Tag Team Tournament will continue with a first round match. Confirmed Matches: No DQ: Rey Mysterio w/ Konnan & Psicosis vs. Scott Hall w/ The Kings Of Wrestling NWA Tag Team Tournament: 1st Round The Princes Of Pop w/ Lollipop vs. Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper Brian Christopher Lawler vs. Steve Corino w/ The Kings Of Wrestling Norman Smiley vs. Jeff Jarrett w/ The Kings Of Wrestling Jerry Lynn vs. Lenny w/ Lodi 6 Man Tag: Sabu, Kaz Hayashi, & Jimmy Yang vs. Low Ki, Slash, & Crowbar [/QUOTE]
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No DQ: [B]Rey Mysterio w/ Konnan & Psicosis[/B] vs. Scott Hall w/ The Kings Of Wrestling NWA Tag Team Tournament: 1st Round The Princes Of Pop w/ Lollipop vs. [B]Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper[/B] Brian Christopher Lawler vs. [B]Steve Corino w/ The Kings Of Wrestling[/B] Norman Smiley vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett w/ The Kings Of Wrestling[/B] [B]Jerry Lynn[/B] vs. Lenny w/ Lodi 6 Man Tag: [B]Sabu, Kaz Hayashi, & Jimmy Yang[/B] vs. Low Ki, Slash, & Crowbar
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No DQ: Rey Mysterio w/ Konnan & Psicosis vs. [B]Scott Hall w/ The Kings Of Wrestling[/B] NWA Tag Team Tournament: 1st Round The Princes Of Pop w/ Lollipop vs. [B]Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper[/B] Brian Christopher Lawler vs. [B]Steve Corino w/ The Kings Of Wrestling[/B] Norman Smiley vs. [B]Jeff Jarrett w/ The Kings Of Wrestling[/B] [B]Jerry Lynn[/B] vs. Lenny w/ Lodi 6 Man Tag: [B]Sabu, Kaz Hayashi, & Jimmy Yang[/B] vs. Low Ki, Slash, & Crowbar
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[img]http://www.lesthatcher.com/images/Links/1nwatna.gif[/img] [quote][b]NWA-TNA Results[/b] [I]We see a highlight video of last week's episode of NWA-TNA. We see Ken Shamrock getting disqualified in his quest to defeat Rick Steiner for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. We see Sabu winning the first ever TNA X-Divison Championship, when he retreived the title in a four way ladder match. We see Dusty Rhodes getting attacked and hospitalized from the first telecast. We hear Brian Christopher Lawler explain a brief history of Dusty Rhodes, and what tradition means to him. We hear Steve Corino explain that tradition is for losers, and it's time for a new breed of wrestler to emerge from the garbage we, as fans, have been force fed. We see Scott Hall blast Rey Mysterio Jr. with a steel chair, then see a replay of Mysterio laying down the challenge for tonight.[/I] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] Hello and welcome again to another edition of NWA-TNA. With meas always is "The Professor" Mike Tenay. Mike, tonight will be an exciting night in NWA-TNA. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] That's right Tony. Tonight we will see Rey Mysterio take on Scott Hall in a No DQ match. Tony, anything and everything is legal in this match. [B]Schiavone:[/B] Tables, ladders, chairs......Anything, fans......But I think the x-factor in this match will be The King's Of Wrestling. But, Rey does have some backup with Konnan and Psicosis. [B]Tenay:[/B] The one I am looking forward to is Brian Christopher Lawler trying to standup for tradition and history when he takes on that disrespectful Steve Corino. [B]Schiavone:[/B] Fans, Jeff Jarrett has been a thorn in the side of Ken Shamrock, and right now we will see Jarrett in action to open the show. [B]Norman Smiley vs. Jeff Jarrett w/ Francine[/B] Jarrett and Smiley hookup in the center of the ring. Jarrett kicks Norman in the midsection, then puts Smiley in a headlock. Smiley pushes Jarrett off, and Jeff bounces off the ropes and gets knocked down by a shoulder block by Smiley. Jeff gets right back and Smiley connects with a deep arm drag. Jarrett slides out to regain his composure. Francine gets on the apron and begins to yell at Smiley. Smiley flips Francine into the ring, and begins to do the Big Wiggle on her. Jarrett slides back in, and nails Smiley from behind. In an incredible combination move, Jarrett connects with a snap suplex that leads into a Side Russian Leg Sweep, that is followed up with The Stroke for the win. [b]Jeff Jarrett defeated Norman Smiley. Rating C-[/b] [I]After the match, Jarrett grabs a mic as NWA Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner makes his way down to the ring.[/I] [B]Post Match: Norman Smiley vs. Jeff Jarrett[/B] [I]Jarrett has the mic, as Steiner begins to beat down Smiley with a barrage of fists to Smiley's face.[/I] [B]Jeff Jarrett:[/B] Ken Shamrock!!!!............Ricky Steamboat!!!!!!!!...........Boys in the back!!!!!!!..........Nobody, and I mean nobody tells the Kings Of Wrestling what to do. Steamboat, you told us to not interfere in the championship match last week, and we didn't.....And guess what happened, that's right, Rick Steiner won that match by himself!!!!!! Steamboat, I am going to show you how we opperate. Everytime you try and tell us what to do, this is what is going to happen to a member of NWA-TNA. Norman Smiley, tough luck kid, a don't expect Shamrock to save your ass. That punk ran with his tail tucked between his legs to Japan. It wouldn't suprise me if Shamrock never shows up here again. [i]Jarrett and Steiner begin to stomp away at Smiley, while Francine grabs a chair. Disco Inferno runs down to the ring, and trys to join in. Jarrett and Steiner allow Disco to hold Smiley up. Jarrett takes the chair from Francine and swings away. Smiley ducks and Jarrett nails Disco, who falls to the outside. Jarrett and Steiner look at Disco fallig to the outside and shrug in indifference, before turning their attention back to Smiley. Steiner hits a Belly-To-Belly Suplex on Norman. Jarrett holds Smiley down, with his back exposed, and Steiner gets 8 good chair shots into Norman's back before security breaks it up. Jarrett, Steiner, and Francine walk back to the ring, not knowing that they all walked over Disco in the process.[/I] [b]Rating: B+ Schiavone:[/b] Mike, this has got to stop. The Kings Of Wrestling think they can just play by their own rules. [b]Tenay:[/b] Tony, the NWA-TNA lockerroom has to make a stand. Unfortunately for us, Ken Shamrock is in Japan. Not to mention that Buff Bagwell is at home trying to rehab a neck injury at the hands of The Kings Of Wrestling. [B]Schiavone:[/B] Fans, there is no telling how long Bagwell will be out, but we will have an update next week. But right now, let's go to the ring. [B]Jerry Lynn vs. Lenny w/ Lodi[/B] Lynn and Lenny hookup, and Lenny gets a go behind, and begins to dry hump Jerry Lynn. Lynn turns around and connects with a hard punch, which knocks Lenny to the mat. Lynn waits for Lenny to standup, and then delivers a dropkick. Lenny falls backwards and rolls to the outside. Lodi is there with words on encouragement and a hug. Lynn hits a Tope to the West Hollywood Blondes. Lynn grabs Lenny and throws him back in the ring. As Lynn is trying to enter the ring, Lodi connects with a low blow, which the ref didn't see. Lodi backs off Lynn, and once Lynn stands us, Lenny connects with a baseball slide. Lenny goes to the apron, and connects with a springboard moonsault. Lenny and Lodi celebrate at ringside with an open mouthed kiss. Lenny then gets back to buisness and rolls Lynn back in the ring. Lenny delivers a quick leg drop, and goes for the pin. Lynn kicks out on two. Lenny gets Lynn in a legs scissors, and then begins to mock Jerry Lynn. Lynn, who has the fans behind him, turns it around, and slingshots Lenny into the turnbuckle. Lynn gets a quick two count on the pin attempt. Lodi jumps up on the apron and yells at Lynn. Lynn walks over to Lodi, and doesn't see Lenny standing up. Lenny charges and tries to punch Lynn. Lynn moves out of the way. Lenny stops short of punching his team mate, and both of the West Hollywood Blondes let out a sigh of relief. Lynn pushes Lenny into Lodi, and the bang heads. As Lodi falls off the apron, Lenny stumbles into a Cradle Piledriver, giving Jerry Lynn the victory. [B]Jerry Lynn defeated Lenny. Rating: B+[/B] [I]After the match, we cut into Ricky Steambot's office. He is on the phone.[/I] [B]Steamboat In His Office Steamboat:[/B] I understand your busy, but this King's Of Wrestling stuff is getting out of hand...................Yes, I can do my job...............I know that's why you hired me..............Well, sir, maybe you can talk some sense into him..............Alright, I will see you next week, Mr. Jarrett.......... [B]Rating: C[/B] [I]We go back to the announcers booth, where Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay looked somewhat bored, but are trying to play it off.[/I] [B]Schiavone:[/B] Mister Jarrett!!!!! Mike, does this mean that NWA-TNA's founder Jerry Jarrett will be here next week??? [B]Tenay:[/B] It looks that way, Tony. I wonder what Jeff and the rest of The King's Of Wrestling are thinking right now?? [B]Schiavone:[/B] I don't know...............But, fans, up next is another first round match in the tournament to crown new NWA Tag Team Champions. [B]The Princes Of Pop w/ Lollipop vs. Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper[/B] Skipper and York start the match off. York powers Skipper down, Skipper then puts his feet in York's chest, and springs up. York connects with a quick arm drag. As soon as Skipper sits up, York connects with a dropkick. York gets a two count on the pin attempt. York tags Matthews, and The Princes Of Pop deliver their version of the Decapitation Elbow on Skipper. Matthews goes for the pin, but Daniels runs in a pulls Matthews off. Matthews chases Daniels back to his corner. Matthews turns back to Skipper and throws a puch, but Skipper side steps the punch, and gets Mattews in Crossface. Skipper turns the Crossface into a Surfboard. Skipper lets the hold go, and tags in Daniels. Daniels connects with an enziguri. Daniels picks Matthews up in a suplex, and drops him down across the ropes. Daniels takes a running start, and dropkicks Matthews hard to the ground. Daniels runs and throws a punch to York. York tries to enter, but the ref pushes him back. This allows Elix Skipper to climb the turnbuckle, and connect with a Flying Cross Body Block on Matthews. Skipper rolls Matthews back in the ring, and Daniels goes for a pin, but Matthews kicks out. Daniels begins to work on Matthews knee with a barrage of kicks. Daniels picks Matthews up by the ankle, and slams him down knee first. Daniels then begins to try and yank Matthews knee out of the socket. Daniels goes for the figure four, but Matthews kicks him off. Matthews crawls towards York, and is inches away from the tag. Daniels runs up and drags Matthews back to his corner and tags Skipper. Skipper climbs the turnbuckle and drops an elbow down onto Matthews knee. Skipper and Daniels takes turn tagging in and out, each time delivering a quick attack on Matthews knee. Skipper connects with a Bridge Suplex, but Matthews kicks out of the pin attempt. Skipper climbs the turnbuckle and begins to walk across the top rope. Matthews quickly jumps up and pushes the rope out from under Skipper, who falls and straddles the ropes. Matthews is favoring his knee as he tries to make the tag. As Matthews is getting closer to York, Daniels runs in and the ref pushes him back to the apron, and doesn't see Matthews tag York. York runs in, but the ref pushes him back. This allows Daniels and Skipper to double team Matthews. They place Mattews in the Tree Of Woo. Skipper drops down on all fours, and Daniels springs off Skipper and dropkicks Matthews knee. Skipper attempts a spinning high kick, but Matthews ducks, and hits an enziguri on Skipper. Matthews immediately grabs his knee in pain, as Skipper is knocked out. It's a race as Matthews tries to tag York before Skipper tags Daniels. Both men tag in thoer partners at the same time, and York runs in and hits a running forearm to Daniels. York then dropkicks Skipper off the apron. York hits an Unprettier on Daniels, but only gets a two count on the pin attempt. York springs off the ropes, but Skipper trips him. York stumbles into an Angel Wings by Daniels. Daniels goes for the pin, but somehow York kicks out. Pissed, Daniels tags in Skipper. Skipper attempts an Overdrive, but York reverses it. York hits a Superkick. York climbs the turnbuckle and connects a 450 Splash. York goes for the pin. Mathews spears Daniels, and the pin is succesful. After the match, York and Matthews celebrates walking back to the locker roon, even though Matthews is in pain. Back in the ring Daniels starts kicking the ropes, and looks pissed and has heated words for Elix Skipper. [B]The Princes Of Pop defeated Christopher Daniels and Elix Skipper. Rating: B[/B] [I]After the match we cut back backstage, Ron Killings is with The Sinister Minister, Crowbar, and Slash.[/I] [B]Ron Killings finds "The Truth" Sinister Minister:[/b] Ronald, my son, you have so much potential that you are needlessy squandering. My dear Ronald, you have evil that lays dormant within your soul. I want to expand your mind, and awaken your most animalistic desires. Ronald, will you welcome us into your hearts?? Will you let us show you the true meaning of evil?? [B]Killings:[/B] With every ounce of my being, you are welcomed into my soul, heart, and mind. [B]Sinister Minister:[/B] Excellent......Boys, get him!!!! [I]With that, Crowbar and Slash begin to pummell Killings with fists and kicks. Slash wraps Killings' hands together with duct tape, while Crowbar gags him. Sinister Minister puts a black bag over Killings head.[/I] [B]Sinister Minister:[/B] Son, soon all your carnal desires will be awakened!!! [I]They drag Killings off camera.[/I] [B]Rating: D[/B] [I]We see a video package highlighting the growing tension between Brian Christpoher Lawler and Steve Corino.[/I] [B]Brian Christopher Lawler vs. Steve Corino w/ Francine[/B] Corino and Lawler go nose to nose, talking trash. Both men take turns chopping each other, before Corino kicks Lawler in the midsection. Lawler grabs ahold of Corino's leg, but Corino connects with an enziguri. Corino stands Lawler up, and attempts a suplex, but Lawler blocks it. Lawler connects with a suplex of his own. Lawler stands Corino up and gets an arm wringer applied. Lawler drapes his leg over Corino's neck, and attempts to use his other leg and Corino's neck to spring backwards. Corino catches Lawler mid air and drops him hard with a powerbomb. Corino gets only a two count on the pin attempt. Corino looks at the camera and shouts "Dusty this is for you, you fat son of a bitch!!!" Corino picks Lawler up for a piledriver, but Lawler uses his strength and flips Corino over his back. Lawler dropkicks Corino to the outside. Lawler springs over the ropes and connects with a flying crossbody. Lawler begins to dance, while Francine walks over. Francine tries to slap Lawler, but he catches her hand. Lawler begins to talk trash to Francine, while Corino gets to his feet. Corino charges and lifts his knee up, but Lawler side steps, and Corino knocks Francine out cold. Corino goes to check on Francine, and Lawler grabs Corino by the tights and shoulder, and rams him head first into the ring barrier. Lawler rolls Corino into the ring, and climbs the turnbuckle and leaps down connecting with the Tenessee Jam. Lawler goes for the pin, but Corino puts his leg on the rope at the last second. Lawler screams, "I'm going to break his leg!!!" Lawler straddles Corino's leg and leaps up in the air, attempts to crash down on it. Corino brings his leg in, and as Lawler is crashing down, Corino kicks Lawler over the ropes. Lawler holds onto the top ropes and skins the cat. Corino runs under Lawler as he is skinning the cat, and catches him over his shoulder. Corino, with Lawler on his shoulder, walks to the center of the ring, and Tombstones Lawler for the win. After the match, Corino spits on his fallen opponent. [b]Steve Cotino defeated Brian Christopher Lawler. Rating: C[/B] [I]We go to the back, where Don West is standing with Scott Hall[/I] [B]Don West Interviews Scott Hall: Don West:[/B] Scott Hall tonight you have a no disqualification match with Rey Mysterio Jr. [B]Scott Hall:[/b] Oooooo, I am shaking in my boots. Look here chico, Rey Mysterio is nothing but a glorified jabroni. Rey, do you know what no DQ means?? Can your little immigrant ass understand the meaning?? Rey, it means that I can take your Mexican jumping bean ass, and do what ever I want. I can smash you with chairs, I can slam you through tables, or I can wrap you in barbed wire!!! I know you know what barbed wire is, because you had to crawl through it, when you snuck into this country. Rey, after tonight, you will wish you had stayed in Mexico. [i] Scott Hall turns to Don West and flicks his toothpick at West's face.[/i] [B]Sabu, Kaz Hayashi, & Jimmy Yang vs. Low Ki, Slash, & Crowbar w/ Sinister Minister[/B] Hayashi and Crowbar start the match off. Crowbar kicks Hayashi in the gut, and knocks him down with an ax handle. Crowbar connects with a snap suplex, and rolls it into a pin attempt. Hayashi kicks out at two. Crowbar irish whips Hayashi into the ropes. Hayashi handsprings off the ropes and jumps backward and connects with an elbow to Crowbar. Hayashi connects with a standing shooting star press. Hayashi tags in Jimmy Yang. Yang chops Crowbar into the turnbuckle, and climbs up the turnbuckle. Yang begins to punch down on Crowbar. Low Ki runs over and tosses Yang down hard on the apron. Hayashi runs over and pulls Low Ki feet, causing Ki to hit his head on the apron. Crowbar springs off the ropes and flips over the opposite ropes and crashes down on Yang, Hayashi, and Low Ki. Sabu is up next, and connects with a suicide dive down on the four performers on the outside. Slash is the only man standing, and his walks to the middle of the apron, and connects with a springboard moonsault on the other five wrestlers. Tenay remarks that this looks like a six car pile up. Hayashi rolls Crowbar into the ring. Hayashi attempts a moonsault, but Crowbar brings his knees up. Hayashi crashes down on Crowbar's knees, and rolls around in agony. Crowbar tags Slash. Slash runs in and connects with a chokeslam on Hayashi. Slash only gets a two count on Hayashi. Slash picks Hayashi up in posistion for an electric chair. Hayashi victory riolls Slash, before he can drop him on the back of his head. Hayashi tags in Sabu. Sabu crashes down on Slash with a leg drop. Sabu backs Slash into the ropes. Low Ki tags himself in. Sabu irish whips Slash into the opposite ropes. Slash slides to the outside and yanks Hayashi to the floor. Sabu turns right into a stiff kick from Low Ki. Soon Hayashi and Yang are brawling on the outside with Slash and Crowbar, leaving Sabu and Low Ki in the ring. Low Ki goes for the Ki Krusher, but Sabu pushes him off. Sabu connects with a quick belly to belly suplex. Sabu goes to the top turnbuckle, but Low Ki quickly shakes the ropes. Low Ki goes up top with Sabu and connects with a Ki Krusher from the top turnbuckle for the win. [b]Low Ki, Slash, & Crowbar defeated Sabu, Kaz Hayashi, & Jimmy Yang. Rating: C- Tale Of The Tape: Rey Mysterio: Height: 5'6 Weight: 165 lbs Age: 28 Years Pro: 13 Scott Hall: Height:6'6 Weight: 285 lbs Age: 44 Years Pro: 18 No DQ: Rey Mysterio vs. Scott Hall[/b] Scott Hall is introduced first, and is waitng for Mysterio to come down. They announce Mysterio, but he doesn't come out. Hall is looking towards the enterance way, and doesn't see Rey enter through the audience. Mysterio jumps on Hall's back and starts beating Hall down with fists. Mysterio stands up, and begins kicking Hall. Mysterio kicks Hall out of the ring. Mysterio attempts a springboard crossbody, but Hall catches Mysterio and turns him into a slam on the outside. Hall stands up and talks trash to some fans. Hall irish whips Mysterio into the steel steps. Hall grabs a steel chair, and puts Mysterio's head on the steps. Hall slams the chair down on the steps, but misses Mysterio, who moved out of the way. Hall drops the chair, and begins kicking Mysterio. Hall picks Mysterio up in a gorilla press, and drops him down face first on the steps. Hall rolls Rey into the ring, and goes for the Razor's Edge, but Mysterio reverses it into a huracanranna. Rey hits a tornado DDT on Hall. Mysterio slides to the outside and grabs a chair. Rey slides back into the ring and slams the chair at Hall's face, [COLOR="Red"]busting him wide open.[/COLOR] Rey puts Hall in a tree of woo, and places the chair across Hall's face. Mysterio takes a running start and dropkicks the chair. Mysterio goes for the pin, but Hall kicks out. Mysterio slides out and grabs a table from under the ring. Hall goes after Rey, and connects with a running forearm. Hall goes over to the announcer's booth and clears the tv's off the table. Hall picks Rey up and bodyslams Rey onto the announcer's table, but it doesn't break. Hall, pissed, picks Rey up and chokeslams Rey through the announcer's table. Hall slides another table into the ring, and then slides Rey into the ring. Hall stands the table up in the turnbuckle. Hall irish whips Rey into the table, but Rey reverses. Hall stops short of the table. Rey tries to connect with a crossbody, but Hall catches him. Hall throws Mysterio over his head, and Rey crashes through the table. Hall goes for the pin, but Mysterio somehow kicks out. Hall picks Mysterio up, and straddles him up on the top turnbuckle. Hall climbs up, and goes for a superplex. Mysterio flips over Hall, and connects with a sit down powerbomb. Mysterio only gets a two count on the pin count. Mysterio connects with a drop toe hold, and Hall falls down on the middle rope. Rey attempts a 619, but Hall moves. Hall and Rey beging trading punches. Hall finally punches Mysterio off the apron. Hall goes down after Rey. Hall picks Rey up in a bear hug, and charges into the steel post. Mysterio clutches his back in pain. Hall grabs a steel step, and throws it into the ring. As Hall is climbing back into the ring, Mysterio grabs a chair. Hall is in the ring, and is calling for Rey to climb back into the ring. Rey hides the chair, and climbs up the apron. Rey blasts Hall with the chair, and then hits a springboard Tornado DDT onto the steel steps. Mysterio gets the pin on the fallen Hall. [B]Rey Mysterio defeated Scott Hall. Rating A[/B][/QUOTE]
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