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NWA-TNA: Can They Survive???

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[img]http://www.100megsfree4.com/wiawrestling/graphics/NWA_TNA_Logo.gif[/img] [quote] [B]NWA-TNA PREVIEW:[/B] NWA-TNA Mangement Consultant has been busy this past week. Not only, has Steamboat requested that Jerry Jarrett, the owner of NWA-TNA, be in attendance, but Steamboat has announced a huge main event for this week's PPV. Steamboat wants Jerry Jarrett to adress Jeff Jarrett, his son, about his total lack of respect for management. Ricky feels that Jerry can somehow curtail some of Jeff's actions with The Kings Of Wrestling. Steamboat also announced that a number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship will be determined in a Triple Threat. Jeff Jarrett will be taking on Ken Shamrock and Rey Mysterio Jr. to see who would be first in line for the title currently held by Rick Stiener. Confirmed Matches: Triple Threat to determine the Number One Contender: Ken Shamrock vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Rey Mysterio NWA Tag Team Tournament: Round One AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn vs. The Harris Boys Non Title Match: James Storm vs. Rick Stierner w/ The Kings Of Wrestling Non Title Match: Sabu vs. Low Ki Konnan vs. Gangrel Psicosis vs. Johnny Swinger[/quote]
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Triple Threat to determine the Number One Contender: [B]Ken Shamrock[/B] vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Rey Mysterio NWA Tag Team Tournament: Round One [B]AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn[/B] vs. The Harris Boys Non Title Match: James Storm vs. [B]Rick Stierner w/ The Kings Of Wrestling[/B] Non Title Match: Sabu vs. [B]Low Ki[/B] [B]Konnan[/B] vs. Gangrel [B]Psicosis[/B] vs. Johnny Swinger
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[img]http://www.lesthatcher.com/images/Links/1nwatna.gif[/img] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA RESULTS[/B] [I]The show opens with highlughts of The King's Of Wrestling antics of the past couple weeks. We also see highlights of the Rey Mysterio and Scott Hall match, in which Rey won. We end with Steamboat's plea for Jerry Jarrett to come back to NWA-TNA.[/I] [B]Tony Schiavone:[/B] Hello, and welcome to NWA-TNA. I am Tony Schiavone, and with me is Mike Tenay. Mike, tonight we have a fantastic Triple Threat to determine the number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. [B]Mike Tenay:[/B] Tony, we also have a first round match in the NWA Tag Team Tournament. But, I am interested to see what NWA-TNA owner, Jerry Jarrett, has to say about his son antics in his company. [B]Schiavone:[/B] When you get out of line, sometimes you have to discipline your kids, and let's hope Jerry knows how to do that with Jeff. But right now, it's time for our first match, let's go to the ring. [B]Psicosis vs. Johnny Swinger[/B] Psicosis and Swinger hookup, and Swinger gets a go behind. Swinger picks Psicosis up for a back body drop, but Psicosis flips over Swinger and lands on his feet. Psicosis dropkicks Swinger, who falls to the outside. Psicosis bounces off the oppposite ropes, and is about to hit a suicide dive, but the ref stops him, much to the chagrin of the fans. Psicosis bounces off the ropes and leps over the ref, and crashes down on Swinger. Psicosis gets up, and waits for Swinger to stand up. Psicosis charges Swinger, who has his back to the apron. Swinger lifts Psicosis up, and Psicosis lands on the apron. Psicosis attempts a moonsault, but Swinger moves out of the way. Psicosis lands hard on his chest. Swinger takes a running start, and kicks Psicosis in the head. Swinger rolls Psicosis into the ring. Swinger goes for the pin, but Psicosis kicks out. Swinger attempts a suplex, but Psicosis blocks it, and out of nowhere Psicosis connects with a Psycho Stunner for the winner. [B]Psicosis defeated Johnny Swinger. Rating: D+ Schiavone:[/b] The King's Of Wrestling have been running roughshed over NWA-TNA. As we mentioned earlier, Jerry Jarrett has been asked to appear here tonight, to try and curb some of their antics. Two weeks ago, they re-injured Buff Bagwell's surgically repaired neck. Right now, let's get an update with Buff Bagwell. [B]Pre-Recorded Buff Bagwell Promo:[/B] [I]Buff is sitting in a chair, in his house in Atlanta.[/I] [B]Bagwell:[/B] Two weeks ago, I had the scare of my lifetime. Two weeks ago, Rick Stiener, you tried to end my career. Two weeks ago, I was stretchered out of the TNA arena, and I thought that I would never walk again. But, you see Rick Steiner, I am Buff and I am Tuff. Rick Steiner, you should have finished the job, because your worst nightmare is about to come true. I'M BAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK. Rick Steiner, in two weeks I am coming back to TNA, and I will not rest until I have your lifeless body in my clutches. Steiner, I will end your life. King's Of Wrestling, I know you will try to take me out before I can get to Steiner, so I have a little suprise for you................ [I]The camera pans to the left, where Dusty Rhodes is sitting.[/I] [B]Dusty Rhodes:[/B] Jeff Jarrett, pay whoever you wanna pay, to stand besides of you. Pay whoever you wanna pay to get your pictures in magazines. Pay whoever you wanna pay, to write down in blogs that you ended the career of Dusty Rhodes. But, what it boils down to is respect. Jeff Jarrett, you and your other queens, have absolutely zero respect for this buisness. You have no respect for the people like myself, Harley Race, Terry Funk, and everyone from Jack Brisco all the way down to Bob Orton Jr. Boys, I am your teacher and I am your preacher, and I will beat respect into you!!! [B]Rating: B- Non Title: Sabu vs. Low Ki[/b] Both men go to hookup, but Sabu takes Ki down with a single leg take down. Sabu stands up, and holds Low-Ki's foot. Low Ki kicks Sabu down with his other foot. Sabu stands up, and charges Ki. Low Ki connects with a drop toe hold. Low Ki jumps over and gets Sabu in a headlock. Both men stand up, and Sabu gets Low Ki in an armwringer. Low Ki flips over on the mat, and connects with a deep arm drag. Both men get to their feet, and Low Ki slaps Sabu hard in the face. Sabu takes Low Ki down, and begins to throw haymakers down. Sabu throws Low Ki to the outside, and bounces off the opposites ropes, and leaps up onto the ropes nearest to Low Ki. Sabu balances himself on the ropes, and leaps down toward Ki. Low Ki moves, and Sabu crashes down on the ring barrier. Low Ki connects with a spinning heel kick. Low Ki applies the Dragon Clutch on Sabu, on the outside of the ring. Low Ki lets the hold go, and slides in the ring, to break up the ten count. Low Ki waits for Sabu to stand up, and connects with a baseball slide kick, knocking Sabu towards the ring barrier. Low Ki climbs up the turnbuckle and leaps down towards Sabu. Sabu catches him, and hits a quick spinebuster on Low Ki, onto the floor. Sabu drapes Low Ki on the barrier, and grabs a chair. Sabu slides into the ring and sets up the chair. Sabu runs, laeps of the chair, then balances on the ropes, then hits a leg drop onto Low Ki, who was drapped over the ring barrier. Sabu slides Low Ki in the ring, and goes for a quick pin, but Ki kicks out on the two count. Sabu applies a camel clutch. After a minute, Sabu released the hold, and the sets up Low Ki on the second rope. Low Ki is lying on his back on the second rope, so that his head is hanging in the ring, while his feet are dangling on the outside. Sabu climbs to the top rope, and connects with a leg drop onto Ki's head. Sabu goes for the pin, but Low Ki kicks out. After trading punches, Sabu irish whips Low Ki into the turnbuckle. Low Ki runs towards the turnbuckle and leaps up to the top, and connects with a moonsault on Sabu. Low Ki gets only a two count on the pin attempt. Low Ki connects with a sit down powerbomb, then climbs to the top turnbuckle. Low Ki leaps down and connects with a mushroom stomp onto the chest of Sabu. Low Ki goes for the pin, but Sabu kicks out. Low Ki sets Sabu up for a DDT, but Sabu reverses it into a bridge suplex. Sabu gets only a two count, before Low Ki kicks out. Out of nowhere, Low Ki connects with a Ki Krusher for the win. [B]Lo Ki defeated Sabu. Rating: B Schiavone:[/b] Low Ki should be considered the number one contender for the TNA X-Division Championship, after that win against the champion. [b]Tenay:[/b] I can't wait for the rematch between these two. [b]Schiavone:[/b] Well, later on tonight we will see the number one contendership for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship decided in a Triple Threat. Let's go to the back, where Don West is standing by with one of the men in the Triple Threat, Ken Shamrock. [B]Don West Interviews Ken Shamrock: Don West:[/b] Ken, tonight you try and become the number one contender, when you enter a Triple Threat, are you confident going into the match? [B]Ken Shamrock:[/B] What kind of question is that? Am I confident? If you aren't confident going into a match, you should get out of the buisness. But, let me make one thing perfectly clear. I AM THE NUMBER ONE CONTENDER!!! Ricky Steamboat can make any kind of match he wants, but when it's all said and done, I AM the number one contender. I lost TWO TIMES to Rick Steiner, and BOTH TIMES I lost because of Jeff Jarrett!!!! Regardless of who wins tonight, I will be the next champion, rest assured of that!!!! [B]Don West:[/B] We all know that you want to get your hands on Jarrett, but how do you feel going into the match against one of your friends, Rey Mysterio?? [B]Shamrock:[/B] Rey Mysterio, buddy, tonight I have to applogize right now. Because, if you get in my way, I will hurt you. I won't injure you, but I will hurt you. If I have to, I won't hesitate to make you tap!!!! [B]Rating: C- Konnan vs. Gangrel[/b] Konnan and Gangrel hook up. Konnan powers Gangrel into the turnbuckle. The ref gets inbetween the men, to force a clean break. Gangrel throws a punch over the ref, and nails Konnan in the jaw. Gangrel kicks him in the midsection, and connects with a swinging neckbreaker. Gangrel goes for the pin, but Konnan kicks out. Gangrel irish whips Konnan into the ropes. Konnan bounces off the ropes, ducks a Gangrel clothesline, bounces off the ropes, and sommersaults on the mat and springs up and connects with a flying clothesline. Konnan connects with an elbow drop, and goes for the pin, but Gangrel kicks out. Konnan picks Gangrel up in a suplex, and drops him on the top turnbuckle. Disco Inferno dances his way down to the ring. Konnan superplexes Gangrel. Konnan notices Disco Inferno, and bounces off the far ropes, and hits a baseball slide kick on Disco. When Konnan turns back, Gangrel gets an inside cradle, Konnan kicks out at the two count. Gangrel picks Konnan up, but Konnan kicks him in the gut. Konnan goes to bounces off the turnbuckle, but Konnan trips him up. Konnan turns to Disco and begins to yell at him. When Konnan turns around, Gangrel connects with an Impaler DDT, for the win. After the match, Disco begins to dance over Konnan, but runs off when Psicosis runs down to the ring. [B]Gangrel defeated Konnan. Rating: C- Don West Interviews James Storm: Don West:[/b] James, tonight you have a match against the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Rick Steiner. Most people around the wrestling industry have said that you don't stand a chance against a veteran the caliber of Steiner. Who do you respond to the naysayers around the world? [b]James Storm:[/b] You know Don, I have heard it all before. All my life people have been doubting me. "James, you're to small. James you're to nice. James, we just don't believe in you." Well all I ahve to say is that after tonight, no one will be anle to doubt James Storm. Tonight, I pull off the biggest upset the wrestling world has ever seen. And, when I beat you Steiner, you won't care who wins the Triple Threat tonight, because you will have James Storm chasing you. [B]Rating: D Ricky Steamboat meets with Jerry Jarrett:[/b] [I]We go back to the ring, where Ricky Steamboat has the mic.[/I] [B]Steamboat:[/B] All right, Jerry can you please come down to the ring. [I]Jerry Jarrett comes down to the ring[/I] [B]Steamboat:[/B] I want to thank you Mr. Jarrett for coming here tonight. Now, Jerry, something has to be done about your son. He is just out of control. He and his cohorts act like this is their promotion, not yours. I know you have watched the pay per views, and I know that you have seen what they have done. So I have to ask you to try and control your son, for the sake of your company. [B]Jerry Jarrett:[/B] Let me explain something to you Ricky. I hired you, because I thought you were a man's man. I thought you could handle your own problems. But, apparently I was wrong....... [B]Steamboat:[/B] It's not theat, it's just............. [B]Jerry:[/B] I don't want to hear your excuses. My son Jeff, is a grown man. What did you want me to do, spank him??? Granted Jeff has at times, made me ashamed to call him my son, but I won't take responsibilty for his actions. That's your job, as Management Consultant. You want him to change, then I suggest you make him change. [B]Steamboat:[/B] What do suggest I do?? He doesn't care about fines or jail time, because he knows you will bail him out. So what do I do................ [I]Jeff Jarrett comes down to the ring.[/I] [B]Jeff:[/B] Now hold on a second there, slapnuts!!!! Boo freakin Hoo........Ricky Steamboat, you are nothing more than a glorified crybaby. You can't control me, so you go to my dad?? My God, Steamboat, I knew you were pathetic, but telling my parents?!?!? Last time I checked, I am not a five year old............ [B]Jerry:[/B] Son, you could've fooled me. Jeff, I always taught you to rely on yourself, and no one else, not a bunch of goons. These last few weeks, I have been ashamed of you. If you were a five year old, I would take off my belt and whip you until you couldn't cry anymore. Steamboat, do you get what I am saying?? [B]Steamboat:[/B] Sir, I do. Next week, Jeff you will have a match. Call it what you will, but I will punish you like you were five. You see Jeff, next week you will be in a Corpral Punishment Match. You will be tied to your opponent with a bullrope, and maybe your opponent can whip some respect into you. [B]Jerry:[/B] I like it. But who is his opponent going to be?\ [B]Steamboat:[/b] Jeff, you opponent is going to be..................ME!!!!!!!!! [I]Jeff begins to protest to his dad, but Jerry walks off. Jeff follows him to the back, as this segment ends[/i] [b]Rating: B Schiavone:[/b] My God, Mike!!! Next week we are going to see Jeff Jarrett take on Ricky Steamboat in a Corporal Punishment Match!!!! [B]Tenay:[/B] Hopefully, Steamboat can teach Jarrett a lesson. [B]Schiavone:[/B] I hope so, too. Right now fans, lets go to the ring, where James Storm has near impossible odds against Rick Steiner. [B]Non Title: James Storm vs. NWA World Heavyweight Champion Rick Steiner[/B] Rick Steiner and James Storm get nosed to nosed in the center of the ring. Steiner slaps Storm in the face, and Storm responds with a hard slap of his own. Steiner gets pissed and charges Storm, who connects with a deep arm drag. Storm holds Steiner in a armbar, then stands him up, and connects with another arm drag. Bodyslam connects by Storm. James Storm irish whips Steiner into the turnbuckle. Storm attempts a splash, but Steiner moves, and Storm hits the turnbuckle head first. Storm stumbles backward, and is blasted by a forearm from Steiner. Steiner begins to work on the neck, with a neck wringer. Steiner stands Storm up, and irish whips him into the turnbuckle. Storm bounces off the turnbuckle and right into a belly to belly suplex. Steiner gets only a two count on the pin. Steiner applies an abdominal stretch. Storm is in pain, as Steiner grabs the top rope for leverage. The ref looks at the ropes, but Steiner takes his hand off in time. They do this three more times, before the ref catches Steiner cheating. The ref kicks Steiner's hand off the ropes, and Storm hip tosses him. Storm connects with a superkick, but Steiner kicks out. Storm bodyslams Steiner, and climbs the turnbuckle. Sotrm leaps down, in an axehandle attempt, but Steiner connects with a Steinerline for the win. [B]Rick Steiner defeated James Storm. Rating: D The New Church Educates Ron Killings[/B] [I]We see a video of The New Church at a church with Ron Killings. We see a closeup of Killings, who is semi-conscious. The Sinister Minister gets face to face with Killings, as Slash and Crowbar hold Killings up.[/I] [B]Sinister Minister:[/B] My dear Ronald, soon your transformation will be complete. Soon you will free yourself from the cocoon of apathy. Soon, my son, the evil that you have tried to ignore and hide will break free and transform you into a minion for the New Church. Ronald, forget everything that you know. Erase it all from your memory, because soon you will no longer be Ronald Killings, but you will be Malik, a prophet of The New Church!!!!!!!! [I]Slash and Crowbar begin to beat on Killings. They shave his dreadlocks off, and then tie him up to a cross, and crucify him as the camera fades to black.[/I] [B]Rating: C- NWA Tag Team Tournament: AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn vs. The Harris Boys[/b] Jerry Lynn and Ron Harris start the match off with a hook up. Ron powers Lynn into a turnbuckle and knees him in the gut. Ron connects with a huge hip toss. Ron gets Lynn in a bearhug, and after a few moments, he crashes into his turnbuckle. Lynn crumbles to the mat, as Ron tags in Don. Don connects with a bodyslam, and goes for a pin, but Jerry kicks out at two. Don has Lynn in a neck wringer for a few minutes, and finally lets the hold go, as the crowd grows restless. Don irish whips Lynn into the ropes. AJ makes the blind tag as Lynn bounces off the ropes. Lynn ducks a clothesline, and as Don turns around, AJ connects with a Springboard DDT. AJ goes for the pin, but Don kicks out. AJ climbs the turnbuckle and leaps off towards Don. Don catches him and slams him down in a sitdown powerbomb. Jerry Lynn breaks up the count. This causes Ron to run in, and all four men are in the ring. The Harris Boys get the advantage due to their power, and are pounding away on their opponents in opposite turnbuckles. Ron, who has AJ in his grasps, calls for Don to hit a running boot. Don charges to the middle and begins the running big boot, as Ron irish whips AJ towards Don. AJ reverses it, and Don nails Ron. Jerry Lynn throws Don to the outside, as AJ climbs the turnbuckle and connects with a Shooting Star Press for the win [b]Rating: D Konnan / Disco Confrontation[/b] [I]We see Disco Inferno dancing around backstage. Out of nowhere Konnan runs in and nails Disco with a forearm. Konnan begins to nail Disco with a trash can, denting it up. Konnan slams Disco's head into a door, as securtiy runs in, pulling Konnan off of Disco.[/I] [B]Rating: C+ Tale Of The Tape: Rey Mysterio: Height: 5'6 Weight: 165 lbs Age: 28 Years Pro: 13 Ken Shamrock: Height: 5'11 Weight: 205 Age: 38 Yrs Pro: 12 yrs Jeff Jarrett: Height: 6'0 Weight: 230 Age: 35 Yrs. Pro: 16 years MAIN EVENT: Triple Threat: Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Jeff Jarrett vs Ken Shamrock[/b] Jeff Jarrett charges Shamrock, and throws him hard to the outside. Rey Mysterio turns Jarrett around and kicks him in the gut. Mysterio places his leg on Jarrett's neck, and springs up and back flips on his feet. Mysterio then connects with a deep arm drag on Jarrett. Mysterio connects with a Tornado DDT on Jarrett and goes for the pin, but Shamrock breaks up the pin attempt. Shamrock throws Mysterio over his head, and Mysterio crashes hard down on the back of his head. Shamrock connects with a belly to belly suplex on Jarrett. Shamrock goes for the pin, but Jeff kicks out. Shamrock tosses Jarrett to the outside. Shamrock leaps from the apron and connects with a double ax handle on Jarrett. Mysterio looks at both men on the outside, and springs off the far ropes and connects with a plancha to the outside, crashing into both men. Jarrett gets to his feet first, and connects with The Stroke to Ken Shamrock, on the outside. Jarrett kicks at Mysterio, then irish whips him into the steel steps. Mysterio crashes hard into the steps, flipping over them and grabbing his knee in pain. Jarrett slams Shamrock's head into the steel turnbuckle, before rolling him back in the ring. Jarrett crashes into Shamrock with an elbow drop. Jarrett goes for the pin, but Shamrock kicks out. Jarrett goes to the top turnbuckle, but Shamrock leaps up and shakes the ropes, causing Jarrett to straddle the turnbuckle. Shamrock climbs up the turnbuckle, and connects with a superplex. Shamrock applies the ankle lock. Jarrett is screaming in agony, as he is nowhere near the ropes. Mysterio saves Jarrett, by connecting with a sitdown plancha on Shamrock. Mysterio goes for a huracanrana on Shamrock, but Shamrock catches Mysterio and slams him down hard with a powerbomb. Shamrock gets to his feet and lets out an animalistic scream. With fury in his eyes, he goes back to Jarrett, and begins to lay haymakers down on his head. Mysterio goes to Shamrock and tries to pull Shamrock off Jarrett, but Shamrock turns around and nails Mysterio on the jaw. Shamrock puts the ankle lock on Mysterio. Jarrett runs over and from behind, connects with The Stroke on Shamrock. Jarrett goes for the pin, but Mysterio breaks it up. Mysterio places Jarrett on the middle rope, and connects with the 619. As Mysterio is going for the West Coast Pop on Jarrett, Shamrock grabs Mysterio's ankle mid air, and tries to apply the Ankle Lock. Mysterio rolls out of it, and kicks Shamrock to the outside. Jarrett grabs Mysterio and goes for The Stroke, but Mysterio punches out of it, and nails Jarrett with a Flip Over Piledriver for the win. After the match, Shamrock goes ballistic and begins to destroy the announcer's booth, as Tony Schiavone and Mike Tenay run for safety. The show ends with a pissed off Shamrock going crazy. [b]Rey Mysterio defeated Jeff Jarrett and Ken Shamrock. Rey Mysterio is now the number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Rating: A+[/B][/QUOTE]
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[img]http://www.lesthatcher.com/images/Links/1nwatna.gif[/img] [QUOTE][B]NWA-TNA PREVIEW[/B] Last week, Ricky Steamboat announced that Jeff Jarrett needed to be punished for his actions as of late. Therefore, Steamboat announced that this week we will see a Corporal Punsihment Strap Match between himself and Jarrett. How well will the retired Steamboat do in his comeback against Jarrett? Last week, in a non title match, Low Ki was able to upset the TNA X-Division Champion, Sabu. This week, we will see a rematch, but this time the title will be on the line. A week before we see the NWA World Heavyweight Championship defended we will see a six man tag match featuring the Champion, Rick Steiner and the Challenger, Rey Mysterio Jr. Confirmed Matches: Corporal Punishment Strap Match: Ricky Steamboat vs. Jeff Jarrett TNA X-Division Championship: Sabu (c) vs. Low Ki First Round Tag Tournament Match: Jimmy Yang and Kaz Hayashi vs. Slash and Crowbar w/ The Sinister Minister 6-Man Tag Match: Rey Mysterio, Ken Shamrock & Brian Lawler vs. Rick Steiner, Scott Hall & Steve Corino Konnan vs. The Disco Inferno AJ Styles vs. Lodi [/QUOTE]
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