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Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) vs. [B]Egocentric (Ash Campbell & Casey Valentine)[/B] I had Campbell and Valentine in a stable with the Guage boys as The Second Sons of Wrestling and they did really well for me. CGC Canadian - Loser Retires [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] vs. Ed Monton Bye bye Ed have a good retirement putting this kid over Alex DeColt vs. [B]Steve Frehley[/B] Steve DeColt vs. [B]Vengeance[/B] I've always just like Frehley and DeBones
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[CENTER][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Sunday, Week 4 July 2008[/B] [B]Location - Pengrowth Place (The Prairies, Canada)[/B] [B]Attendance -[/B] 2,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/YouthEnergy.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/Egocentric.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*]One of those squashes to keep the tag team title holders momentum up, Youth Energy hit the Youthful Moment on Ash Campbell for the win. [/LIST] [COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Egocentric[/COLOR] in 6:21 by pinfall when [COLOR="blue"]Shane Nelson[/COLOR] defeated [COLOR="red"]Ash Campbell[/COLOR] by pinfall with a Youthful Moment. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_cminus.jpg[/IMG] ***** [COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] are celebrating their victory over Egocentric when [COLOR="red"]Revolution[/COLOR] suddenly hop the barrier, dive into the ring and jump [COLOR="blue"]Lee Rivera[/COLOR] and [COLOR="blue"]Shane Nelson[/COLOR] from behind. [COLOR="red"]Jay Chord[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Primus Allen[/COLOR] pummel both men and then hit their Revolving Victory finisher on both [COLOR="blue"]Rivera[/COLOR] and [COLOR="blue"]Nelson[/COLOR], leaving them out cold on the canvas. [COLOR="red"]Chord[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Allen[/COLOR] walk off but not before taking the CGC World Tag Team titles with them as a souvenir of the destruction. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_eplus.jpg[/IMG] ***** [COLOR="red"]Sayeed Ali[/COLOR] with a sick smile on his face is backstage and he walks upto [COLOR="blue"]Wanda Fish's[/COLOR] dressing room, knocks on the door and enters, closing the door behind him. Loud crashing noises are heard then silence as the door opens and a smiling [COLOR="blue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] and [COLOR="blue"]Wanda Fish[/COLOR] walk out. The camera looks inside and shows [COLOR="red"]Ali[/COLOR] out cold on the floor with a steelchair draped across his chest. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_c.jpg[/IMG] ***** A tribute video showcasing [COLOR="blue"]Ed Monton's[/COLOR] career is played to hype up the possibility [COLOR="blue"]Monton[/COLOR] might be retiring tonight if he loses his match against [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR]. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_cplus.jpg[/IMG] ***** [U][B]CGC Canadian [/B]- Loser Retires[/U] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/DavisWayneNewton.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/EdMonton.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*]The crowd are really into the match as Ed Monton has the majority of the early action against Davis Wayne Newton. [*]Newton uses some underhanded tactics with a couple of eye rakes on Monton to regain control of the match. [*]Newton locks on the STF in the middle of the ring but maybe down to the fans willing him on, Monton makes it to the ropes to keep his hopes alive. [*]The match swings back to Ed Monton when he reverses a Fisherman's Suplex attempt by Newton and hits his Fallaway Slam finisher, makes the cover but Newton somehow kicks out. [*]Newton goes for a second Fallaway Slam but this time, Newton reverses it into the Fisherman's Suplex for the three count and steals the win. [/LIST] [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Ed Monton[/COLOR] in 12:17 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_b.jpg[/IMG] ***** A clearly tired [COLOR="blue"]Ed Monton[/COLOR] uses the ropes to get back up onto his feet as [COLOR="blue"]George DeColt[/COLOR] comes down to the ring, microphone in hand. [COLOR="blue"]George[/COLOR] thanks [COLOR="blue"]Ed[/COLOR] for his years of service to CGC and the crowd show their appreciation with loud cheering as [COLOR="blue"]George[/COLOR] holds [COLOR="blue"]Ed's[/COLOR] arm aloft. [COLOR="blue"]George[/COLOR] gives the microphone to [COLOR="blue"]Ed[/COLOR] and Ed thanks the fans for their support through the years and says he hopes to stay on behind the scenes to bring through the next generation of CGC. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_dplus.jpg[/IMG] ***** [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/AlexDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*]Alex DeColt takes early control of the match, using his mat wrestling skills to tie down Steve Frehley. [*]Alex continues to control the match with some impressive sustained moves including a picture perfect snap suplex. [*]The match swung back to Frehley when after rolling out of the ring, he grabbed hold of Alex's head as he tried to pull him back into the ring and snapped his throat across the top rope, sending him flying backwards holding his throat. [*]Frehley starts taking Alex apart with some huge right hands and several vicious boots to the face and lower back. [*]The end of the match comes when Frehley missed a big boot and then walks right into a DeColt Driver, giving Alex the pinfall and victory. [/LIST] [COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR] in 9:41 by pinfall with a DeColt Driver. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_b.jpg[/IMG] ***** [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] is in the ring which has been completely changed into something resembling a VIP room, with a huge plasma screen in the middle and two luxury stools placed either side of the screen with microphones placed on both stool seats. [COLOR="red"]Bruce[/COLOR] picks up one of the microphones and welcomes the fans to the very first edition of his new chat segment, The New York Minute!. He says he'll waste no time in getting out his first ever guest, [COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt![/COLOR]. [COLOR="blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] comes down to the ring to huge cheers from the crowd and claps a few hands before climbing into the ring and picking up the other microphone. [COLOR="red"]Bruce[/COLOR] thanks [COLOR="blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] for agreeing to be a part of the most historic moment in CGC but that's not the only reason he invited him tonight. [COLOR="red"]Bruce[/COLOR] asks [COLOR="blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] why he continues to get into the ring with him when everyone knows that [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] is the greatest wrestler to ever set foot in a CGC wrestling ring. [COLOR="blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] laughs before replying that he has never backed down from anyone in his life and [COLOR="red"]Bruce[/COLOR] must be deluded if he seriously thinks he's the greatest wrestler ever in CGC. [COLOR="red"]Bruce[/COLOR] says if he wants proof then he'll give him proof and goes to hit [COLOR="blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] with his microphone but [COLOR="blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] sees it coming, ducks and hits the DeColt .45 on [COLOR="red"]Bruce[/COLOR]. [COLOR="blue"]Ricky[/COLOR] leaves to huge cheers as [COLOR="red"]Bruce[/COLOR] is left on his back, in the middle of the ring. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_cplus.jpg[/IMG] ***** [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/SteveDeColt.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/icon_vs.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/Vengeance.jpg[/IMG] [LIST] [*]The start of the match sees Steve DeColt reluctant to try to go blow for blow with Vengeance. [*]Vengeance dominates the early going by using Steve as his personal punchbag with some brutal punches. [*]Steve takes back control of the match when Vengeance misses a running big boot and gets hung up in the ropes and Steve jumps on the opening like a viper. [*]Vengeance is struggling to get back into the match as Steve works on his legs with several kicks and submission moves including a boston crab. [*]The end of the match comes when Vengeance goes for the Skull Krusher but Steve jumps out of the back and hits the DeColt Stampede and pins Vengeance with the help of a handful of the tights for the three count. [*] [/LIST] [COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] in 11:31 by pinfall with a DeColt Stampede. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_bplus.jpg[/IMG] ***** [B][U]Show Rating[/U][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/grade_b.jpg[/IMG] TV Show Rating - [B]6.95[/B] [QUOTE][B]WRITERS NOTES:[/B] The Ed Monton final match came off really nicely and the main event went extremely well with some definite chemistry between Steve DeColt and Vengeance, might save that for a future feud :).[/QUOTE] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v729/bj_stfc/CGC_alt.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="Red"][B][SIZE="5"]CGC HIT NATIONAL!!![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR] After another great show, CGC have finally broken through to National status and much of the praise must go to the head booker Jack Avatar who has slowly but surely moved the promotion forward. There is expected to be a flurry of contract negotiations as CGC look to get their roster onto written contracts and there are also rumours that there will be a few new faces being brought in as they expand the current roster in preparation for possibly extending their tv show to two hours or maybe signing up for a second hourly show so they can showcase more people. House shows will also be restarted now CGC are National to help maintain their popularity in Canada and across the border in the USA. CGC have already announced that their first permanent signing will be the recently retired Ed Monton as a road agent for the company.[/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]CGC Breaking New Territory[/U][/B] [B]Wednesday, Week 1 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] West Texas Coliseum (Mid South, USA) [B]Attendance -[/B] 2,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR][/B] def. [B][COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="red"]Agent 69[/COLOR][/B] & [B][COLOR="blue"]Amber Allen[/COLOR][/B] [B]C-[/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR][/B] def. [B][COLOR="blue"]Christian Faith[/COLOR][/B] [B]B+[/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR][/B] def. [B][COLOR="red"]John Maverick[/COLOR][/B] [B]B[/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR][/B] & [B][COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] drew with [B][COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR][/B], [B][COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] & [B][COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR][/B] [B]B[/B] Show Rating [B]B[/B] PPV Buy Rate [B]0.09[/B][/FONT] [QUOTE][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Sunday, Week 1 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] Waterloo University Arena (Ontario, Canada) [B][COLOR="blue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="red"]Nate Johnson[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR][/B] & [B][COLOR="red"]?????[/COLOR][/B] vs [B][COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR][/B] & [B][COLOR="blue"]?????[/COLOR][/B] [B][U]Open Challenge[/U][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="blue"]?????[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR][/B] Predictions and comments welcome :).[/QUOTE] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][QUOTE][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"][B][U]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sunday, Week 1 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] Waterloo University Arena (Ontario, Canada) [B]Attendance[/B] - 5,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Nate Johnson[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Jack Avatar[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] and [COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt [/COLOR]def. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]John Maverick[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Show Rating [B]B[/B] TV Show Rating [B]6.98[/B][/QUOTE] [B]CGC Breaking New Territory[/B] [B]Wednesday, Week 2 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] War Memorial Auditorium (Mid West, USA) [B]Attendance[/B] - 2,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR] [B]C[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] Show Rating [B]B+[/B] PPV Buy Rate [B]0.09[/B] [QUOTE][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Sunday, Week 2 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] Molson Palais des Sports (Quebec, Canada) [B]Attendace -[/B] 5,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [COLOR="blue"]Benson Crane[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Greg Gauge[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] [COLOR="red"]Marc DuBois[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Christian Faith[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Lobster Man[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR], [COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR], [COLOR="red"]John McClean[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR], [COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] and [COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] Show Rating [B]B+[/B] TV Show Rating [B]6.94[/B][/QUOTE] [B]CGC Breaking New Territory[/B] [B]Wednesday, Week 3 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] The Den (New England, USA) [B]Attendance -[/B] 2,000 SELL OUT! [COLOR="blue"]Alicia Strong[/COLOR] and [COLOR="blue"]Amber Allen[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Agent 69[/COLOR] and [COLOR="red"]Cherry Bomb[/COLOR] [B]C-[/B] [COLOR="red"]Acid[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR] [B]C+[/B] [COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] Show Rating [B]B[/B] PPV Buy Rate [B]0.09[/B] [B]--------------------------------------------------------------------------[/B] August has been an extremely busy month for CGC after we hit National level last month which means we could sign everyone on the roster to exclusive written contracts. We are delighted to announce that a new hourly weekly tv show will debut next month called CGC Maple Leaf Wrestling which will be every Wednesday which means we'll be moving the CGC Breaking New Territory USA shows to Monday Nights and CGC Title Bout Wrestling will continue to be on Sundays as usual. We have also restarted house shows in both Canada and USA on Tuesdays and Thursdays, giving our workers Friday and Saturday off except when a pay per view is on that Friday. [B][U]IN[/U][/B] Acid [B](DAVE)[/B] Elmo Benson [B](SWF)[/B] Renamed to Benson Crane Frankie Perez [B]CZCW[/B] Greg Gauge [B](None)[/B] Grouch Bling [B](SWF)[/B] Renamed to Greg Wright Joey Minnesota [B](DAVE)[/B] Lobster Warrior [B](SWF)[/B] Renamed to Lobster Man Marc DuBois [B](SWF)[/B] Matthew Gauge [B](None)[/B] Ray Johnson [B](None)[/B] Shane Sneer [B](DAVE)[/B] [B][U]OUT[/U][/B] Jaime Quine Kashmir Singh Benson Crane and Greg Wright will be teaming up still but in a renamed tag team called High Flying Fun. The Gauge twin brothers will be teaming up as Team Gauge. We will be making two announcing teams, Mitch Naess and Duke Hazzard will cover the pay per views and Title Bout Wrestling and Remmington Remus and Shane Sneer will be covering the USA Breaking New Territory and the new tv show Maple Leaf Wrestling. We don't plan to split up into two brands at this point but might need to be considered at a later date. [QUOTE][B]WRITERS NOTES:[/B] Carried onto next pay per view so thought i'd go with a recap of the shows leading upto CGC The Battle Beyond and also go over the changes that have happened in the past couple of weeks in-game. I'll have the full card for CGC The Battle Beyond up tomorrow :).[/QUOTE][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][B][U]CGC The Battle Beyond Preview[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Location -[/B] Kamloops Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia, Canada) [B][COLOR="blue"]Amber Allen[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="red"]Agent 69[/COLOR][/B] Amber Allen has been mentored by CGC Women's champion Alicia Strong for the past few weeks and Alicia has set up this match against her title rival Agent 69. Can Amber rise to the challenge or will Agent 69 make an example of her to prove a point to Alicia?. [B][U]CGC World Tag Team[/U] [COLOR="blue"]Youth Energy[/COLOR] (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) vs. [COLOR="red"]Revolution[/COLOR] (Jay Chord & Primus Allen)[/B] Revolution have been impressive in recent weeks but didn't quite have enough at the last pay per view to defeat the CGC World Tag Team champions Youth Energy. Can the young pretenders find a way to victory this time or will Youth Energy continue to dominate the tag team division?. [B][COLOR="blue"]Whippy The Clown[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="red"]Sayeed Ali[/COLOR][/B] The feud between Whippy The Clown and Sayeed Ali has been heating up over the past month or so with Whippy having the lovely Wanda Fish on his arm but we still haven't found out the reasons for Sayeed Ali's hatred towards Whippy. Can Whippy take the victory with Wanda in his corner or will Sayeed continue to brutalise anyone that gets in his path?. [B][COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR][/B] Having both recently debuted, Vengeance has all the momentum with some impressive performances and victories but Steve Frehley with his bad ass attitude and aggressive style can never be counted out. Can Vengeance continue his recent good run or will Frehley spoil the party?. [B][COLOR="blue"]Jack DeColt[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="red"]John McClean[/COLOR][/B] John McClean has got lost in the pack in recent weeks but has decided that to get back on the ladder, he'd target a DeColt brother. Can McClean make a name for himself by winning or will Jack DeColt prove why he's a son of the legendary George DeColt?. [B][U]CGC Canadian[/U] [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="blue"]Lobster Man[/COLOR][/B] The recently returned Lobster Man holds a victory over CGC Canadian champion Davis Wayne Newton on Title Bout Wrestling and Newton is on a not very impressive losing streak recently. Will Newton continue his losing streak against Lobster Man or will he show exactly why he's the champion by taking the victory and retaining his title?. [B][COLOR="red"]Jack Bruce[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="blue"]Ricky DeColt[/COLOR][/B] Ricky DeColt is starting to fulfil the huge potential he has but Jack Bruce is not impressed, saying he's not in the same class as the greatest wrestler in CGC history. Can Ricky prove a point to Bruce by defeating him or will Bruce win to further inflate his huge ego?. [B][U]CGC World - Two Out Of Three Falls[/U] [COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR][/B] The blood feud between the two brothers Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt has been waging for over six months since Steve turned on Alex and defeated him for the CGC World title. Will this finally see a end to their feud or will it just add fuel to the fire?. [QUOTE][B][U]QUICK PICKS[/U][/B] Amber Allen vs. Agent 69 Youth Energy vs. Revolution Whippy The Clown vs. Sayeed Ali Vengeance vs. Steve Frehley Jack DeColt vs. John McClean Davis Wayne Newton vs. Lobster Man Jack Bruce vs. Ricky DeColt Steve DeColt vs. Alex DeColt[/QUOTE] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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Amber Allen vs. [B]Agent 69[/B] Agent 69 is top and she'll take this win with help from Cherry Bomb. [B]Youth Energy[/B] vs. Revolution Not yet Jay Chord not yet. Whippy The Clown vs. [B]Sayeed Ali[/B] Whippy the Clown won't get this win he needs to take some serious beatings before he comes out as the big hero. [B]Vengeance[/B] vs. Steve Frehley I just like Vengeance. [B]Jack DeColt[/B] vs. John McClean McCLean won't win but it'll be a DQ and he'll beat the snot out of Jack. Davis Wayne Newton vs. [B]Lobster Man[/B] It's really hard to pick against the Lobster. [B]Jack Bruce[/B] vs. Ricky DeColt Bruce will win by cheating. [B]Steve DeColt[/B] vs. Alex DeColt Steve will win fairly and maybe another face will step up to feud with him.
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]CGC The Battle Beyond[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Friday, Week 3 August 2008[/B] [B]Location - [/B] Victoria Royal Athletic Park (British Columbia, Canada) [B]Attendance -[/B] 10,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [B]Agent 69 w/ Cherry Bomb def. Amber Allen w/ Alicia Strong[/B] Despite the lack of chemistry between Agent 69 and Amber Allen, they still put on a decent match. Agent 69 picks up the victory when Cherry Bomb attacks Alicia Strong on the outside, distracting Amber and Agent 69 hit From Russia With Love on her for the win. [B]C+[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B][U]CGC World Tag Team[/U][/B] [B]Youth Energy (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) def. Revolution (Jay Chord & Primus Allen)[/B] An ok match between the two teams but was expecting more. Revolution are definitely future tag team title holders but Youth Energy showed them how far they've got to go. Youth Energy get the win and retain their titles after hitting a Youthful Moment on Jay and Shane makes the cover for the three count. [B]C[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Davis Wayne Newton:[/B] [COLOR="red"]"The past few weeks have been a minor blip in the glorious career of Davis Wayne Newton and tonight, I will prove once again why I am the CGC Canadian champion by defeating that stupidly dressed Lobster idiot!."[/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Sayeed Ali def. Whippy The Clown[/B] This was a brutal match to say the least as Sayeed and Whippy really laid into each other, which I'd expect from Sayeed but not from Whippy. The end of the match sees Whippy go for a Clowning Around but Sayeed reversed it into the G.B.H. Driver for the pinfall. [B]C+[/B] [B]**********[/B] After the match, Whippy The Clown is still down on the mat as Sayeed Ali is celebrating the victory but Ali stops and looks at Whippy. Ali's sick smile returns to his face as he grabs hold of Whippy and lays into him as Wanda screams at him to stop, which he does but only after laying out Whippy with another G.B.H. Driver before walking off. [B]C[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Alex DeColt:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]"Tonight is the night that I finally gain my revenge against my former brother Steve who stabbed me in the back to steal my title away from me. Steve should know that I'm prepared to put everything on the line to take back what is rightfully mine - the CGC World title!."[/COLOR] [B]A[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Vengeance def. Steve Frehley[/B] A suprisingly mediocre match between the former SWF wrestlers despite the matching up in wrestling styles. Vengeance gets the win after hitting the Skull Krusher on Steve Frehley for the pinfall to continue his recent push. [B]C+[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Jack Bruce:[/B] [COLOR="red"]"I've been asking myself lately why I would lower myself to wrestle a second rate wrestler in Ricky DeColt. It's not like i've anything to prove being the greatest wrestler in CGC History but tonight, I will prove to anyone beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ricky is a backyard wrestler compared to the greatness that is Jack Bruce!." [/COLOR][B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] A video is played that recaps John McClean brutally attacking Jack DeColt to hype up their upcoming match. [B]B-[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Jack DeColt def. John McClean[/B] A really good match that was open all the way throughout with both men having their moments. Towards the end, Jack gets up a head of steam and tries to lock in his End Of Days submission hold but McClean hits a brutal low blow, giving the referee no choice but to disqualify him. [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Lobster Man:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]"Tonight I make a triumphant return to CGC pay per views when I defeat Davis Wayne Newton for the CGC Canadian Title. Newton doesn't like the way I dress but he should know that if you make a Lobster angry, his claws will do the talking!."[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] A video is played recapping Lobster Man coming back and defeating Davis Wayne Newton on Title Bout Wrestling to hype their match coming up next. [B]B[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B][U]CGC Canadian[/U] Lobster Man def. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] A tremendous match as both men showed why they're some of the top wrestlers on the CGC roster. The fans are firmly behind Lobster Man when he attempts the Lobster Trap on Newton but Newton dives out of the ring. Newton disappears under the ring as Lobster jumps outside and drags him out, picks him up but is met with a fist full of brass knuckles straight to the face. The referee sees it and awards the match to Lobster by DQ, but Newton looks pretty pleased with himself as he retains his title. [B]A[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Ricky DeColt:[/B] [COLOR="blue"]"Jack Bruce talks about being the greatest wrestling in CGC history but he must not check his facts as there's only one man that is that and it's my father George. So I dedicate my match tonight to my father and I make the promise that I will shut Bruce up once and for all and bring his ego down several notches."[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] A video is played that goes over the long running feud between Jack Bruce and Ricky DeColt, including Ricky gaining some revenge against Bruce on Bruce's talk show segment New York Minute on Title Bout Wrestling. [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Jack Bruce drew with Ricky DeColt [/B] Another top quality match between Jack Bruce and Ricky DeColt with the fans buying into the visable brewing hatred between the two men. The end of the match sees Bruce and Ricky get into a huge brawl outside the ring and into the crowd and they're so into beating the hell out of each other that they don't notice the referee count them both out. [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Steve DeColt:[/B] [COLOR="red"]"My brother talks like he wouldn't have done exactly the same as me if he had the chance to win the CGC World title. He knows deep down he would have done whatever was necessary to make it to the top. I will beat some respect into my brother tonight and after the match, he will know why I am the CGC World champion!."[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] A long video is played recapping the bloody feud between both brothers, including Steve turning on Alex and defeating him for the CGC World Title in January. [B]B[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B][U]CGC World - Two Out Of Three Falls[/U] Steve DeColt def. Alex DeColt[/B] Match of the night, if not of the year as Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt took each other to their very limits and the fans couldn't get enough of the tension and rage between the two brothers. Steve took control early on to go 1-0 up by picking up the first fall with a DeColt Stampede on Alex, Alex hit back almost straight away with a DeColt driver to level things up at 1-1. The end of the match saw several reversals as both brothers tried to finish off the other until Alex went for a second DeColt Driver but Steve jumped out of the back and rolled up Alex and used his feet on the ropes for leverage to steal the victory and retain the CGC World title. [B]A*[/B] [B]**********[/B] Steve DeColt holds his title in the air and boasts to the crowd that no-one can defeat him as he is the most dominant champion that CGC has ever seen. Suddenly the lights go out and when they come back on, Steve DeColt turns round and is met by Vengeance standing in front of him. Steve freaks out but is met by a onslaught from Vengeance as the fans go nuts. Vengeance goes for the Skull Krusher but Steve somehow escapes and goes running up the aisle as quick as he can. Vengeance stands in the ring and signals that Steve is a dead man walking. [B]B[/B] [B]**********[/B] Show Rating [B]B+[/B] PPV Buy Rate [B]0.39[/B] [QUOTE][B]WRITERS NOTES:[/B] The final match between Steve DeColt and Alex DeColt came off extremely well and was equally impressed with the Newton/Lobster, Bruce/Ricky and Jack/McClean matches. The attack by Vengeance on Steve sets up a potentially huge feud between the two so hopefully it'll return on it's promise :).[/QUOTE] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Sunday, Week 3 August 2008[/B] [COLOR="blue"]High Flying Fun[/COLOR] (Benson Crane & Greg Wright) vs. [COLOR="red"]Team Gauge[/COLOR] (Greg Gauge & Matthew Gauge) [COLOR="red"]Acid[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="blue"]Jacob Jett[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"]Alex DeColt[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="red"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR] [COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] & [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] & [COLOR="blue"]Lobster Man[/COLOR] [QUOTE][B][U]QUICK PICKS[/U][/B] High Flying Fun vs. Team Gauge Acid vs. Jacob Jett Alex DeColt vs. Steve Frehley Steve DeColt & Davis Wayne Newton vs. Vengeance & Lobster Man[/QUOTE] [/CENTER][/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"][B][U]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/U][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Sunday, Week 3 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] Pengrowth Place (The Prairies, Canada) [B]Attendance -[/B] 2,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] The show begins with CGC World champion Steve DeColt already in the ring, looking not best pleased. [B]Steve DeColt:[/B] [COLOR="red"]"After my glorious victory over my former brother Alex at The Battle Beyond, I was subjected to a unprovoked attack from Vengeance. No-one makes Steve DeColt look stupid so I guarantee that by the end of tonight, Vengeance will know why I am the CGC World champion!."[/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]High Flying Fun def. Team Gauge[/B] This was your standard tag team match with the match being pretty even. High Flying Fun take another victory over Team Gauge with a new double team move on Matthew Gauge called the High Fly Over and Greg Wright makes the cover for the three count. [B]C+[/B] [B]**********[/B] George DeColt is shown backstage in his office and he says that the entrants for this year's CGC Last Man Standing tournament will be announced on next week's CGC Title Bout Wrestling. [B]C-[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Acid def. Jacob Jett[/B] A very decent high flying match between Acid and Jacob Jett with some nice spots. In the end, Acid has too much for Jett and takes the win after hitting a Acid Rain Bomb. [B]C+[/B] [B]**********[/B] Whippy The Clown is backstage in the locker room when Sayeed Ali walks in. Whippy stands up and they go nose to nose. Ali tells Whippy to back off but Whippy tells him that the time for jokes is ended, it's time for action. Whippy knocks Ali down with a vicious right hand but Ali picks up a nearby chair and throws it at Whippy who ducks, only for Wanda Fish who just entered to get met in the face by it. The sick smile appears again on Ali's face as he looks pretty pleased that Wanda got hit instead as he walks off. An angry Whippy shouts for medics as he checks on Wanda. [B]C[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Alex DeColt def. Steve Frehley[/B] Despite Steve Frehley's best efforts, Alex DeColt looks like a man on a mission after losing at The Battle Beyond. Alex seals the dominant victory after a DeColt Driver. [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] The music of Marc DuBois plays as he walks down to the ring to loud boos and jeers from the crowd. [B]Marc DuBois:[/B] [COLOR="red"]"When will the has-been Christian Faith know when to give up?. He's wrestled a future hall of famer in myself and lost both times. You'd think he'd have worked out by now that he'll never defeat me..."[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] Marc DuBois is stopped in his tracks as Christian Faith comes running down to the ring. Both men trade blows as the crowd goes crazy, DuBois tries to lock on the Model Solution but Faith reverses it and locks in the Test Of Faith. DuBois taps like mad as Faith keeps it locked in until officials run down to break things up. Faith smiles as he walks off as DuBois is left rolling round in pain on the mat. [B]C[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Steve DeColt & Davis Wayne Newton def. Vengeance & Lobster Man[/B] A great main event match with the focus mainly on Steve refusing to face Vengeance. This went out of the window when Vengeance dragged him into the ring and started brutalising Steve and it soon spilled to the outside, leaving Newton and Lobster in the ring but with the referee momentarily distracted by Vengeance and Steve brawling, Newton low blows Lobster and then locks in the STF, leaving Lobster no choice but to tap out for the submission. [B]B+[/B] [B]**********[/B] After the end of the match, Vengeance is brawling in the ring with Newton when a chair wielding Steve DeColt connects with a chairshot straight to Vengeance's head. Sadly for Steve and Newton, it has no effect on Vengeance who grabs both Steve and Newton's throats and hits a huge double chokeslam on them. Vengeance is left standing tall over their prone bodies as the show ends. [B]B[/B] [B]**********[/B] Show Rating [B]B[/B] TV Show Rating [B]6.92[/B][/FONT][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]CGC Breaking New Territory[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Wednesday, Week 4 August 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] Washington State Gymnasium (North West, USA) [B]Attendance -[/B] 1,962 [B]Joey Minnesota def. Jack Avatar[/B] [B]C[/B] [B]Youth Energy[/B] (Lee Rivera & Shane Nelson) [B]def. The Specialists[/B] (Bobby Thomas & Nate Johnson) [B]D+[/B] [B]Christian Faith def. John Maverick[/B] [B]B+[/B] [B]Ricky DeColt def. Jack Bruce[/B] [B]A[/B] Show Rating [B]B[/B] PPV Buy Rate [B]0.05[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B][U][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Sunday, Week 4 August 2008[/B] [B]Bad Ass Brawlers[/B] (Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Frankie Perez) vs. [B]Egocentric[/B] (Ash Campbell & Casey Valentine) These two young teams will fight it out in a match that could go either way and help make people take notice of the winning team. [B]Whippy The Clown vs. Sayeed Ali[/B] The feud between Whippy The Clown and Sayeed Ali is threatening to boil over after Wanda go caught in the crossfire after a flying chair thrown by Ali missed Whippy and hit her. Whippy has demanded this match to make Ali pay for what he did. [B]Lobster Man vs. Ryan Powell[/B] After Davis Wayne Newton used dubious means to make Lobster Man tap out last week, Lobster will be looking to get back to winning ways against Ryan Powell but don't count out Newton making his presence known. [B]Steve DeColt vs. Vengeance[/B] In what is either a very brave or very stupid move, Steve DeColt has demanded a match against Vengeance after being chokeslammed last week. Vengeance will be looking forward to the chance to inflict more damage on Steve but Steve always has something up his sleeve so this could be explosive. [B]Participants Announced[/B] George DeColt also announced last week that the eight participants in the CGC Last Man Standing tournament to be held at CGC Last Man Standing will be announced on Title Bout Wrestling. [QUOTE][B][U]QUICK PICKS[/U][/B] Bad Ass Brawlers vs. Egocentric Whippy The Clown vs. Sayeed Ali Lobster Man vs. Ryan Powell Steve DeColt vs. Vengeance[/QUOTE] [/CENTER][/FONT]
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[CENTER][FONT="Tahoma"][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]CGC Title Bout Wrestling[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Sunday, Week 4 August 2008[/B] [B]Location - [/B]Smallwood Field (The Maritimes, Canada) [B]Attendance -[/B] 2,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Bad Ass Brawlers[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Egocentric[/COLOR][/B] Pretty good match between the two young teams. Bad Ass Brawlers picked up the win when they hit the Bad Ass Bomb on Ash Campbell for the pinfall. [B]C-[/B] [B]**********[/B] Jack Bruce is in the ring and he calls out Ricky DeColt. Ricky comes down to the ring and before Bruce can talk, grabs the microphone and throws it down to the mat. Bruce looks furious and he goes nose to nose with Ricky as the tension can be felt by the fans in the arena. They both take a step back then launch themselves at each other, brawling around the ring. This brings out several officials and wrestlers running down to the ring to pull them apart before it descends into complete chaos. Ricky shouts at Bruce that this isn't over, while Bruce shouts he'll make Ricky pay for this as the officials struggle to keep them apart. [B]B-[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Whippy The Clown w/ Wanda Fish[/COLOR] drew with [COLOR="red"]Sayeed Ali[/COLOR][/B] This match quickly turned into both men just brawling and trying to knock each other's head off. In the end, the referee lost control as Whippy and Ali brawled on the outside and up the ramp and they both got counted out, though they didn't seem to care. [B]B-[/B] [B]**********[/B] After the match, Sayeed Ali low blows Whippy The Clown and rolls him back into the ring. Ali puts a table into the ring, sets it up then picks up Whippy and hits a G.B.H. Driver right through the table. Wanda tries to get into the ring but Ali warns her to back off. Ali stands over a laid out Whippy and raises his fists in the air. [B]D+[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B][COLOR="blue"]Lobster Man[/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"]Ryan Powell[/COLOR][/B] A surprisingly really good match as Ryan Powell raised his game but it still wasn't enough as Lobster Man finished Powell with the Lobster Trap for the three count. [B]A[/B] [B]**********[/B] Davis Wayne Newton music plays and he comes out to the top of the ramp, clapping his hands. [COLOR="red"][B]Davis Wayne Newton:[/B] "Very impressive Lobster but can you repeat that against me at CGC Last Man Standing? I'm willing to put my CGC Canadian Title on the line but you have to put something up as well. If you lose, you have to lose your mask and costume and can never use it again as long as you are in CGC!.[/COLOR] [COLOR="blue"][B]Lobster Man:[/B] "Do you think that would stop me fighting you? YOU'RE ON!".[/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [B]**********[/B] [B]Steve DeColt def. Vengeance[/B] A tremendous main event which the fans loved as Steve DeColt and Vengeance put on a match full of tension. Vengeance looked like winning the match as he went for the Skull Krusher on Steve but suddenly Davis Wayne Newton and Jay Chord ran down to the ring which distracts the referee as he tells them to go to the back, which gives Primus Allen the opportunity to jump the rail and hit a running Powerslam on Vengeance. Allen jumps out of the ring and Steve makes the easy cover for the victory. [B]A*[/B] [B]**********[/B] Steve DeColt, Davis Wayne Newton, Jay Chord and Primus Allen raise their arms in the air and stand tall over the body of Vengeance, who is out cold on the mat as the show ends. [B]C-[/B] Show Rating [B]A[/B] TV Show Rating [B]6.96[/B] [QUOTE][B]WRITERS NOTES:[/B] Yes I know that the CGC Last Man Standing entrants were meant to be announced but still working out who'll be in it :). Really good main event between Steve DeColt and Vengeance, their feud is coming along very nicely.[/QUOTE] [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE][FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B][U][SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]CGC Breaking New Territory[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B] [B]Monday, Week 1 September 2008[/B] [B]Location -[/B] The Arkansas Colliseum (South East, USA) [B]Attendance -[/B] 2,000 [B]SELL OUT![/B] [B][COLOR="red"]John McClean[/COLOR][/B] def. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jack Avatar[/B][/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [COLOR="red"][B]Marc DuBois[/B][/COLOR] def. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jack Giedroyc[/B][/COLOR] [B]B[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky DeColt[/B][/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"][B]John Maverick[/B][/COLOR] [B]B-[/B] [COLOR="blue"][B]Alex DeColt[/B][/COLOR] def. [COLOR="red"][B]Steve Frehley[/B][/COLOR] [B]B+[/B] Show Rating [B]B[/B] PPV Buy Rate [B]0.09[/B][/CENTER][/FONT][/QUOTE] [CENTER][B][U][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="red"][SIZE="5"]CGC Maple Leaf Wrestling Preview[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B] [B]Wednesday, Week 1 September 2008[/B] The debut of CGC Maple Leaf Wrestling happens tonight and the matches are looking like making it a night to remember. [B][COLOR="red"]Team Gauge[/COLOR][/B] (Greg Gauge & Matthew Gauge) vs. [B][COLOR="blue"]Bad Ass Brawlers[/COLOR][/B] (Bulldozer Brandon Smith & Frankie Perez) After their impressive win over Egocentric, Bad Ass Brawlers will be looking to keep their momentum going but they will have a very difficult job against Team Gauge who will be looking to make their mark in CGC. [B][COLOR="blue"]Christian Faith[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="red"]John Maverick[/COLOR][/B] This promises to be a great match between the two veterans with Faith wanting to make a point to Marc DuBois and John Maverick will want to remind everyone that he's still here and ready to show what he can do. [B][COLOR="blue"]Vengeance[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="red"]Davis Wayne Newton[/COLOR][/B] Vengeance will be looking for some revenge on Revolution member Davis Wayne Newton after the attack by Revolution on Title Bout Wrestling but Newton isn't the CGC Canadian champion for no reason. [B][COLOR="red"]Steve DeColt[/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="blue"]Lobster Man[/COLOR][/B] A great main event will see CGC World champion Steve DeColt take on Lobster Man and you can be sure that Steve will look to make an example of Lobster to make a point to Vengeance whilst also doing damage leading into Lobster's match against Revolution member Davis Wayne Newton at CGC Last Man Standing but don't count out Lobster as he has the skill to make Steve pay. [B]4 Participants Announced[/B] The legendary George DeColt will be live in the arena as he will be announcing four of the eight participants for the CGC Last Man Standing tournament and the fans have been speculating who they will be. [QUOTE][B][U]QUICK PICKS[/U][/B] Team Gauge vs. Bad Ass Brawlers Christian Faith vs. John Maverick Vengeance vs. Davis Wayne Newton Steve DeColt vs. Lobster Man[/QUOTE] [/CENTER][/FONT]
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