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WWE: The Backlash Begins

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[CENTER]No Fancy backstory from this one, kicks off the night after WrestleMania 24, the results of which where: [IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s250/evlddd/WrestleMania24logoNEW.jpg[/IMG] Belfast Brawl - JBL defeated Finlay CM Punk won the Money In The Bank Match Raw v Smackdown - Batista def Umaga ECW Title - Kane def Chavo Guerero Career Threatening Match - Shawn Michaels def Ric Flair Bunnymania Match - Beth Phoenix and Melina def Maria and Ashley WWE Championship - Randy Orton def triple H ad John Cena No DQ - Floyd Mayweather def The Big Show World Heavyweight Championship - The Undertaker def Edge [IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s250/evlddd/RAW.jpg[/IMG] [I]31st March 2008[/I] At WrestleMania XXIV Randy Orton shocked the world when he defeated both John Cena and Triple H to retain the WWE Championship. Now that Orton has proved himself be defeating two of RAW’s best who could possibly step up to the plate to challenge for the title now? Ric Flair’s legendary 36 year career came to an emotional end at the hands of Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. Ric Flair will come to RAW this week to make a farewell address to the fans and the superstars in attendance. Also last night at WrestleMania CM Punk became Mr. Money in the Bank. Chris Jericho, who was only two rungs away from the briefcase has requested a match against Punk tonight on RAW. That match has been granted, and the two will go one on one. [B]Full Card[/B] Shawn Michaels V. Mr. Kennedy CM Punk V. Chris Jericho [B]World Tag Team Championship Match[/B]: Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes V. Carlito & Santino Marella Beth Phoenix V. Ashley Paul London V. Charlie Haas Snitsky V. Super Crazy[/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Rated r;397061][CENTER] [B]Full Card[/B] [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] V. Mr. Kennedy [B]CM Punk[/B] V. Chris Jericho [B]World Tag Team Championship Match[/B]: Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes V. [B]Carlito & Santino Marella[/B] [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] V. Ashley [B][B]Paul London[/B] V. Charlie Haas Snitsky[/B] V. Super Crazy[/CENTER][/QUOTE] Should be a good read, I'll be checking it out
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haha yes was waiting for the first wwe after wrestlemania dynasty :) good luck dude looks like a solid first show [B]Shawn Michaels[/B] V. Mr. Kennedy [B]CM Punk[/B] V. Chris Jericho World Tag Team Championship Match: Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes V. [B]Carlito & Santino Marella[/B] [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] V. Ashley Paul London V. [B]Charlie Haas[/B] [B]Snitsky[/B] V. Super Crazy
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[B]Shawn Michaels[/B] V. Mr. Kennedy CM Punk V. [B]Chris Jericho[/B] World Tag Team Title Match: [B] Holly & Rhodes[/B] V. Carlito & Santino [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] V. Ashley [B]Paul London[/B] V. Charlie Haas [B]Snitsky[/B] V. Super Crazy
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This will be very entertaining. Especially to see where this goes compared to actual WWE programming over the next few months. Full Card Shawn Michaels V. [B]Mr. Kennedy[/B] (HBK's to emotionally distracted to win after retiring flair) [B]CM Punk[/B] V. Chris Jericho (Not smart to dent the momentum of Mr MITB the night after he wins it) World Tag Team Championship Match: [B]Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes [/B]V. Carlito & Santino Marella (Santino is just plain a pain in the ass and worthless) [B]Beth Phoenix[/B] V. Ashley (Glamzon) Paul London V. [B]Charlie Haas[/B] (Just a guess) [B]Snitsky[/B] V. Super Crazy (Bulid the monster)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s250/evlddd/RAW.jpg[/IMG] The RAW opening video package aired, followed by a massive video featuring highlight from WrestleMania 24, ending with a picture of Ric Flair leaving after his career ending loss to Shawn Michaels. This was followed by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler running down tonight’s card. Ric Flair’s theme hit the speakers as the Nature boy made his way to the ring to kick off RAW. Flair got an incredible reaction from the fans in attendance, and the noise was deafening. Flair cut a lengthy promo on everything he has done in the wrestling business, from forming the Four Horsemen to winning 16 world championships. Flair then proceeded to thank everyone for their support over the years, as well as thanking all the wrestlers who has stepped in the ring with him. Flair then left in tears, with a lot of the fans in tears as well. [B]Snitsky defeated Super Crazy in 6:34 by pinfall with an Egoist Schwein[/B] Snitsky and Super Crazy have no chemistry what so ever, which didn’t exactly make for a great match, so it is just as well that this one didn’t go very long. Snitsky came out strong in the opening minute, hitting some strong brutal shots to Crazy, who seemed out of it after a few minutes. Crazy never looked close to winning, and was quickly put away after the Egoist Schwein. [I]Rating: D+[/I] RAW then cut to Paul London backstage looking for Brian Kendrick after last week’s RAW, where Kendrick walked out on his partner. A staff member ran up to London, and told him his match is next. London stormed off, shouting “Kendrick, where the hell are you?” [B]Charlie Haas defeated Paul London in 9:53 by pinfall following interference from Brian Kendrick[/B] A great match that saw two equally matched competitors face off. Haas looked really strong early on, putting on one of his best performances in years. Haas used quick technical moves to keep London from utilizing his quick high adrenaline style, and did just that. London managed to fight back though after hitting a dropkick out of nowhere, nearly taking his opponents head off. London fought back, hitting a great combination of quick moves, and nearly finishing Haas off with a massive hurricarana, which only got a near fall. Brian Kendrick’s music hit, and he made his way to ringside. The distraction meant that Haas could roll London up, and get the three count. [I]Rating: B-[/I] Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler put over the fact that Vince McMahon had something important to say later on RAW, and that he would be appearing soon. CM Punk was backstage prior to his match against Chris Jericho later in the night. Punk cut a promo on how he won Money in the Bank, and that now he has the title shot he does not intend to waste it. Punk then promised that Chris Jericho is going to lose to him again later tonight. [B]Beth Phoenix defeated Ashley in 6:10 by pinfall with a Down in Flames[/B] A dominant display from Phoenix proved exactly why she is the Women’s champion. Ashley looked decent in the opening minutes, but was quickly taken out by Phoenix, who just prolonged the punishment. Eventually Phoenix put Ashley away with the Down in Flames, which looked like it knocked Ashley out. [I]Rating: C+[/I] A pre taped sit down interview between Jim Ross and Shawn Michaels was shown. Ross asked Michaels how he was feeling about WrestleMania 24. Michaels cut a long promo on the match, saying that it was the best match he has had in a long time, but that it was also the most heartbreaking. Ross ended the interview by asking Michaels what he is going to do now, to which Michaels replied that he doesn’t even know if he can continue wrestling after everything that has happened. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon made his way to the ring, the mother of all boos. McMahon told the fans to shut up, before cutting a promo on how JBL defeated Finlay, and claiming that his problems with Finlay and Hornswoggle were over, and that he wanted nothing more to do with them. McMahon then announced that next week will be WWE draft week, where all three shows will feature tri branded matches, and the winner of each match will win a draft for their show. He then announced that there will be 16 wrestlers drafted, and that everyone is eligible. [B]World Tag Team Championship Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes defeated Carlito & Santino Marella in 13:15 when Hardcore Holly defeated Santino Marella by pinfall with a Falcon Arrow[/B] This match was much better than anyone expected, mainly due to the excellent performances from Carlito and Hardcore Holly, who really seemed to carry this match. The match went back and forth, with Carlito and Marella using good technical moves to keep Rhodes from getting the tag. Rhodes was destroyed until about ten minutes into the match when he got the hot tag to Holly. Holly took out both Carlito and Marella, eventually taking Carlito out with a big dropkick, and following up with the Falcon Arrow on Marella for the win. [I]Rating: C+[/I] Mr. Kennedy was interviewed backstage about his main event match with Shawn Michaels. Kennedy hyped the match and how tonight he proves to everyone that CM Punk’s win at WrestleMania was nothing compared to the true Mr. Money in the bank, Mr. Kennedy. RAW then cut to Randy Orton in the ring, which is decorated with a red carpet. Orton cut a promo on how last night at WrestleMania 24 he did what nobody thought he could do when he defeated both Triple H and John Cena to retain his WWE Championship. Orton then showed a lengthy video package on his career, before thanking everyone for coming. Orton then posed with the WWE Championship as the crowd erupted into boos. [B]CM Punk defeated Chris Jericho in 15:34 by submission with an Anaconda Vice[/B] An incredible match, and easily the second best match of the night, just behind the main event. Both Punk and Jericho came out quick in the opening minutes, exchanging technical moves and counters between each other. Punk worked away at Jericho’s left arm throughout the match using stiff kicks and submission moves with the intent on stopping any chances of using the Walls of Jericho. Jericho however didn’t need the walls of Jericho to fight back, proving that he doesn’t just rely on the same move set time after time. Jericho began using speedy grapples and strikes, and nearly got the win with a rollup. Jericho eventually went for the Codebreaker, but Punk reversed it, sending Jericho to the ground, and locking in the Anaconda Vice. Jericho attempted to hold on, but eventually tapped to the deadly submission move. [I]Rating: A[/I] RAW cut to John Cena backstage, talking to Maria. Triple H walked up to him, and there was a tense moment when the two looked like they were about to come to blows. Triple H eventually warned Cena to keep out of his way, because he is the reason that there is not a new WWE Champion right now. Triple H walked off, with Cena staring at him. [B]Mr. Kennedy defeated Shawn Michaels in 17:17 by pinfall with a Green Bay Plunge[/B] This was an incredible match, and definitely the match of the night, and a potential match of the year candidate. Michaels seemed disillusioned in the early parts of the match, as if he didn’t really want to be there. Kennedy capitalized on this, taking control in the early parts of the match, working away at Michaels back. Michaels eventually got going, and fought back, showing the old HBK spirit to take control. Michaels managed to lock in the sharpshooter, and had it locked in for a solid three minutes before Kennedy managed to reach the bottom rope. As Michaels really got going Kennedy started shouting “What about Flair” which stopped Michaels in his tracks. Michaels actually fell to his knees, and Kennedy nailed Michaels with a brutal knee to the skull. Kennedy followed up with the Green Bay Plunge to get the win and end RAW. [I]Rating: A*[/I] [I]Final Show Rating: A[/I][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s250/evlddd/ECW.jpg[/IMG] At WrestleMania 24 Kane not only defeated 23 other men in a battle royal, but then went on to defeat Chavo Guerrero for the ECW Championship in eight seconds. Chavo has to be looking to get the title back, but will have to defeat the new Mr. Money in the Bank, CM Punk. Kane will also be in action against one half of the WWE tag team champions, The Miz. [B]Full Card[/B] CM Punk V. Chavo Guerrero Kane V. The Miz Elijah Burke & Shelton Benjamin V. Tommy Dreamer & Stevie Richards Kofi Kingston V. Nunzio[/CENTER]
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Full Card [B]CM Punk[/B] V. Chavo Guerrero (Continue to keep Mr. MITB strong plu slets move Chavo out of the title picture) [B]Kane[/B] V. The Miz (You cant have your new champion who just dominated the previsous champion 2 nights earlier lose in his first match as champ) [B]Elijah Burke & Shelton Benjamin[/B] V. Tommy Dreamer & Stevie Richards (The ECW Originals are dying. Shelton Benjamin could become something big if pushed right. On the other hand I have always liked Tommy Dreamer and would love to see him recieve a big push and he and Richards competeing for the tag titles would help push him in the right direction.) [B]Kofi Kingston [/B]V. Nunzio ( I honestly dont know who either of these guys are. So I'll just guess. Now I dont follow ECW as well so I this may not be as good lol.
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