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WCW-Monday Night Wars: Montreal Aftermath '98

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Starting to notice a downward trend in my TV ratings despite seemingly putting on better-and-better shows each week...so I've seen if advance booking matches has any effect. Not that [most of] the matches I booked in advance ([i]El Dandy/Juventud, Goldberg/Villano V & Sid Vicious/Jim Duggan[/i]) are going to be ratings-grabbers anyway...though I think that Harlem Heat/Public Enemy/Los Guerreros just [i]might[/i] sway some people. And though Hall/Luger is a rematch from just last week they were both over enough in this time to be considered draws, right? ...right? Anyway, on with the show: [SIZE="6"]WCW [i]Nitro[/i]: Monday, Week 1, February '98[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#1:[/b] [i]nWo warns The Big Show & Sting[/i] [b](B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Hollywood Hogan & Ted DiBiase swagger out to the entrance ramp, with Sid Vicious standing closely behind. DiBiase warns both Sting and Big Show not to cross the nWo or they will [b]*pay*[/b] dearly for it. Hogan grabs the mic and-pointing to his hand-claims that "[i]the [/i]nWo[i] is where the power lies, brother![/i]" and that he deserves another shot at "[i]my nWo Championship[/i]" due to the results of the [i]Souled Out[/i] rematch. Sid punctuates, claiming that The Big Show is "[i]...only half the man that I am![/i]" and that the [b]*real*[/b] giant of the nWo is here. All 3 saunter backstage afterwards.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#2:[/b] [u]Ultimo Dragon/Super Calo/Funaki vs. Silver King/Prince Iaukea/Villano V[/u] [b](D+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]The usual lucha-style 3-on-3 match held in the burgeoning Cruiserweight division of WCW, an expected high-flying spotfest that ended in 5:27 when Super Calo pinned Prince Iaukea in the third fall. [b]*[/b][i] The performance of Ultimo Dragon stood out as being good.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#3:[/b] [i]Luger/Hall hype video[/i] [b](B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A video hyping tonight's Luger/Hall main-event plays over the TurnerTron.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#4:[/b] [u]Scott Steiner vs. La Parka[/u] [b](C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]La Parka's usual pre-match mannerisms were cut short when Steiner blindsided him. Scott dominated the majority of the match, talking down to La Parka throughout. At 2:48, Parka passed out while in the Steiner Recliner and Scott was judged the winner of the match.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#5:[/b] [i]Scott Steiner taunts Rick Steiner[/i] [b](B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Scott grabs a mic and blasts his brother Rick, boasting that "[i]Mom and dad were so happy when I was born! They finally had a son![/i]".[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#6:[/b] [u]WCW Cruiserweight Championship: El Dandy (c) vs. Juventud Guerrera[/u] [b](C-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]An usual match: Juventud repeatedly attempted to hit some high-flying aerobatic maneuvers, but was repeatedly thwarted or evaded by a cowardly El Dandy, who spent the majority of the match stalling or cheating by any means he could get away with. At one stage, this lead to the referee being knocked out after Dandy tricked Guerrera into hitting him with an overshot missile dropkick. Juvi managed to finally hit his Splash Mountain at close to the 6-minute mark, but was thrown off the top rope by an interfering Ernest Miller. Before The Cat could do too much damage, Dean Malenko ran in and sent Miller crashing to the outside, then hitting El Dandy with a Brainbuster and leaving the ringside area. As the referee was finally coming to, Juventud hit his Juvi Driver and pinned Dandy in 8:04.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#7:[/b] [i]Dean Malenko saves Juventud Guerrera from El Dandy & Ernest Miller[/i] [b](D+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]El Dandy, enraged at losing his Cruiserweight Title, immediately jumps the new Champion-Juventud-and pastes him with the belt. His associate, Ernest Miller, quickly scampers back into the ring to join the assault. Before too much damage can be done, Dean Malenko returns with a chair in hand and chases off the heels.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#8:[/b] [u]William Regal vs. Glacier[/u] [b](C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]William Regal's usual crisp stiffness was on full display here, the Briton not holding back at all on Glacier. Despite this, the match was quite back-and-forth, with Glacier's martial arts expertise meshing with Regal's brawling. Regal rolled up Glacier at 3:41 and pinned him, getting away with hooking the tights.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#9:[/b] [u]Dean Malenko vs. Chris Kanyon[/u] [b](B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Kanyon stalled in the earlier portions of this match, before Malenko just took the match to him and threw him all over the place. Despite this, Kanyon seemed to hold much of his own, with several exchanges of mat wrestling holds between the two. El Dandy ran in and attempted to attack Dean, but Malenko managed to throw him over the top rope, accidentally shoving down the referee in the process: who had no choice but to disqualify Malenko at the 1:55 mark. [b]*[/b][i] Dean Malenko and Chris Kanyon have pretty good chemistry: it lifted the match. This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#10:[/b] [i]El Dandy & Ernest Miller attack Dean Malenko[/i] [b](D)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]While Malenko talks to referee Mark Curtis about his decision, he is jumped by both the interfering-earlier El Dandy and Ernest Miller. The two hit him with chairs and quickly escape, leaving Malenko beaten on the mat.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#11:[/b] [i]Rey Mysterio Jr. unexpectedly arrives[/i] [b](C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Backstage, the cameras manage to find Rey Mysterio Jr., who was not slated to be at tonight's show. He is seen heading down towards the officials.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#12:[/b] [u]The Renegade, Armstrong Brothers & Norman Smiley vs. The Flock (Lodi/Riggs/Sick Boy/Van Hammer)[/u] [b](D-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A tepid brawl between some of the lowest-card performers in WCW ended via disqualification at the 5:01 mark when Perry Saturn ran in and attacked The Renegade. [b]*[/b][i] Lodi seemed off his game tonight.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#13:[/b] [i]Nasty Boys taunt Public Enemy[/i] [b](C-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]The Nasty Boys slouch backstage in their ([i]filthy[/i]) locker room and swear that there's no way that the Public Enemy can win the Tag Titles tonight.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#14:[/b] [u]WCW Tag Team Championship: Harlem Heat (c) vs. Public Enemy vs. Los Guerreros [TORNADO TRIPLE THREAT][/u] [b](C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A huge brawl between the Tag Champions and two of the fastest-rising tag teams in WCW, the match was a Pier 6 brawl for almost its entirety. The Guerreros' usual cheating strategy wouldn't work here due to the relaxed rules, which resulted in the Public Enemy quickly turning the match hardcore. The Public Enemy brought tables into the match numerous times, which eventually lead to their loss as Johnny Grunge got Frog Splashed through a stack of tables by Los Guerreros while Harlem Heat hit Rocco Rock with their Heat Seeker, Booker T pinning him in 12:47. [b]*[/b][i] Booker T looked good out there.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#15:[/b] [i]Nasty Boys beatdown Public Enemy[/i] [b](C-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]As the Johnny Grunge and Rocco Rock stagger away from the broken wood remains of several tables, the Nasty Boys run out and beat both members of the Public Enemy down with shovels.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#16:[/b] [i]Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair: challenges Bret Hart to a rematch[/i] [b](B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Backstage, Tony Schiavone is interviewing Ric Flair, who quickly grabs the mic and challenges Bret Hart to a rematch of their [i]Souled Out[/i] encounter.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#17:[/b] [u]Fit Finlay vs. Virgil[/u] [b](D)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Virgil did not manage to hit a single offensive move in the match, stalling and being punched out by Finlay throughout. nWo referee Nick Patrick quickly counted out Fit in 2:52 after Scott Norton ran in and abused Finlay with the ringbell.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#18:[/b] [i]Rey Mysterio Jr. challenges Chris Jericho[/i] [b](C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Rey Mysterio Jr. comes out to the ring, mic in-hand, claiming that what Chris Jericho did at [i]Souled Out[/i] was completely uncalled for, citing his rematch clause for the TV Title and challenging him [b]TONIGHT![/b]. Jericho's music and video play, but he never appears: so Rey heads backstage to look for him.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#19:[/b] [i]Sid warns Big Show[/i] [b](B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Before his match starts, Sid grabs the mic and threatens the Big Show: "[i]I don't care how big you are! I'll Powerbomb you as easily as my next victim here! Stay out of my way![/i]".[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#20:[/b] [u]Sid Vicious vs. Jim Duggan[/u] [b](C-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Complete squash: Hacksaw attempted to rally the crowd with his usual cry, only to walk right into a Big Boot. Sid pummeled and threw Duggan around like a ragdoll for the rest of the match, Powerbombing him at 1:36 and pinning him with just a foot.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#21:[/b] [u]Diamond Dallas Page vs. Hugh Morrus[/u] [b](B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A quick, fast-paced brawl with Morrus getting in a surprising amount of offense in a brief heat sequence, before DDP turned the tides and pinned him with the Diamond Clash in 2:58. [b]*[/b][i] This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#22:[/b] [i]Kimberly's stalker confesses[/i] [b](B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Buff Bagwell appears on the TurnerTron and the camera pans back, to reveal Kimberly bound to a chair. He brags that she is now his hostage...and slave, with a lecherous grin.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#23:[/b] [i]Chris Jericho bloodies Rey Mysterio Jr.[/i] [b](B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Rey Mysterio Jr. knocks on a door backstage, only for it to fly forward and hit him square in the face: Chris Jericho jumps out and continues to bash Rey's face in, using the TV Title belt. Blood begins to gush out of a tear in the Mysterio mask, causing Jericho to sneer and walk off full of sickening pride.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#24:[/b] [i]Jimmy Hart unveils Faces of Fear[/i] [b](D)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Jimmy Hart walks out and announces that he's signed a tag team as his new clients: The Faces of Fear, Meng & The Barbarian![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#25:[/b] [u]Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart vs. Randy Savage & Konnan[/u] [b](B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A very fast-paced match between the veteran "Harts" and the two nWo members, the majority of it was dominated by the power moves of Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart. Randy Savage managed to pin Davey Boy Smith after hitting with his Savage Strikes at the 6:57 mark. [b]*[/b][i] Konnan seemed off his game tonight. Randy Savage came out of the match looking good. This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#26:[/b] [i]Bret Hart agrees to rematch with Ric Flair[/i] [b](B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Bret Hart walks out and says that he'll give Ric Flair a rematch: on WCW [i]Saturday Night[/i] later this week![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#27:[/b] [i]Piper's Pit: Raven[/i] [b](B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Raven appears on Piper's Pit, he cuts a morose interview claiming that he has big plans for WCW and that everyone in the company should be on notice.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#28:[/b] [u]Goldberg vs. Villano IV[/u] [b](C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Much like his partner "V", Villano IV bumped like a wildman for all of Goldberg's power offense and fell to the Jackhammer in 2:52.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#29:[/b] [i]Hollywood Hogan demands a Title match from J.J. Dillon[/i] [b](B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Hollywood Hogan bursts into the office of WCW Commissioner J.J. Dillon, demanding a restart of his match with Sting at [i]Souled Out[/i] as a result of its no-decision. Dillon says that Hogan is just as much to blame as Sting for the double disqualification and has no right to a rematch. Hollywood snaps and punches Dillon square in the temple, busting him wide open. Hogan storms off while Dillon reels from the assault.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#30:[/b] [i]Eric Bischoff appoints Rick Rude as guest referee[/i] [b](B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Eric Bischoff stands at the podium and announces that, as the main event match is to determine the number one contender to his client's US Title, "Ravishing" Rick Rude will be the guest referee for the Hall/Luger match.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#31:[/b] [u]United States Championship #1 Contender: Scott Hall vs. Lex Luger[/u] [b](C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Rude was an obviously biased referee throughout the match, repeatedly making calls that favoured Hall and/or were biased against Luger. Even with the one-sided officiating, Luger seemed poised to win after managing to lock Hall in the Human Torture Rack: only for Curt Hennig & Kevin Nash to run in and break it up, with Rude allowing this blatant interference. Sting quickly ran in and assaulted Hennig & Nash with his baseball bat before turning towards Hall, however Rick Rude quickly called for Luger to be disqualified at the 6:42 mark and fled the ring.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]#32:[/b] [i]Sting & The Big Show save Lex Luger from nWo[/i] [b](B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]As Sting helps up Lex Luger, Curt Hennig and The Outsiders jump the best friends and are backed up when Hogan & Sid run-in as well. The numbers eventually catch up to Sting & Luger: but just as they fall, The Big Show runs in and cleans house, chasing off the nWo quintet. Show stares down Sid as he retreats up the aisle.[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][B]Overall Rating: (C+) TV Rating: 38.69[/B][/SIZE] Methinks that this show is a "success" purely based off of the fact that I got almost every single worker on my roster on the card. Though I guess if you're looking at this from a match-based standpoint it was...slightly above average, if that? Despite last week being a better show with a higher overall quality of matches, I got a slight ratings bump this week: I'm going to credit it to the advanced bookings... In other news, the TV networks are now looking for shows for the new season and accepting offers. With any luck WCW [i]Thunder[/i] will start airing in a few game weeks.
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Success! I got exactly what I wanted for the [i]Thunder[/i] tapings: 1.5 hours, airing on a Thursday night. When it starts airing, I can "tier" my shows so that [i]Nitro[/i] can be main-event/upper-midcard backed-up by the undercard, [i]Thunder[/i] can be upper-midcard to lower-midcard with the odd main-event calibre match while [i]Saturday Night[/i] can be midcard to the jobbers. Also, yet another minor tweak to the formatting. [SIZE="6"]WCW [i]Saturday Night[/i]: Saturday, Week 1, February '98[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#1:[/b] [u]The Big Show vs. Konnan[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Well it's The Big Squash: Big Show completely dominated this match, he was on offense virtually the entire time and Konnan never even got a rallying heat sequence. Show pinned Konnan at the 1:56 mark after a Showstopper Chokeslam.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#2:[/b] [i]Gene Okerlund interviews The Big Show: challenges Sid Vicious[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Catching up with him after his match, Gene Okerlund attempts to interview The Big Show, but he uses this time to lay down a challenge to Sid Vicious instead.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#3:[/b] [u]Alex Wright vs. Psicosis[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Two of the rising cruiserweight stars of WCW gave the crowd a surprisingly "conservative" mat-based wrestling match, with numerous sequences of counters and reversals. Despite this, both of them would still occasionally go to the air for some stunning aerial action. After a complicated series of reversals to near-falls, Psicosis managed to pin Alex Wright in 5:43 while using the ropes for leverage. [b]*[/b] [i]Alex Wright and Psicosis have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#4:[/b] [u]William Regal vs. Norman Smiley[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Mostly a showcase for William Regal to display his stiff, hard-hitting brawling: which Norman Smiley sold appropriately. Full of Regal ramping up heel mannerisms: he frequently taunted the crowd while cheating in any way possible, regularly behind the referee's back. Hooking the tights, Regal won at 3:39 by pinfall.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#5:[/b] [i]Chris Jericho brags about injuring Rey Mysterio Jr.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Chris Jericho, TV Title slung ****ily over his shoulder, brags about his brutal attack on Rey Mysterio Jr. on [i]Nitro[/i] earlier this week-"[i]roll the footage, production truck monkeys![/i]"-and says that even worse will happen to Rey if he dares to try and reclaim the TV Title.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#6:[/b] [u]Perry Saturn vs. The Renegade[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A hard-hitting, aggressive power-based match, with both performers working as stiff as they felt they felt they could get away with. Eventually, Renegade managed to rally, no-selling Saturn's strikes and pinned him after the Gorilla Press Drop in 6:04. [b]*[/b] [i]Perry Saturn and The Renegade have pretty good chemistry, and it lifted the match. Perry Saturn looked good out there.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#7:[/b] [i]Buff Bagwell threatens Kimberly[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]An "outside" feed cuts into the TitanTron, showing Kimberly bound to a chair and gagged while Buff Bagwell rubs his hands suggestively on her shoulders.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#8:[/b] [u]Dean Malenko & Juventud Guerrera vs. El Dandy & Ernest Miller[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]El Dandy spent the majority of this match on the apron, avoiding Dean Malenko as much as he possibly could: as a result, Ernest Miller was little more than a ragdoll punching bag for "The Man of 1,000 Holds" and then a crash-mat for the Cruiserweight Champion, Juventud Guerrera. Dandy eventually walked out on his parter, easily allowing Juvi to pin The Cat in 4:36 following a 450° Splash.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#9:[/b] [u]Goldberg vs. Yuji Nagata[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Goldberg, though dominant as usual, didn't absolutely destroy Nagata with basic power moves: throughout the match, he directed his attacks on Yuji's back, working it over with some new spine-wrenching submission holds, though he still pinned him with the Jackhammer at the 3:23 mark. [b]*[/b] [i]This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#10:[/b] [i]Rick Rude hypes nWo[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A vignette "[i]paid for, by the New World Order[/i]" broadcasts over the TurnerTron, with "Ravishing" Rick Rude hyping up all the principal members of the nWo: Hollywood Hogan, The Outsiders, Randy Savage, Sid Vicious & Curt Hennig.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#11:[/b] [i]Tony Schiavone interviews Ric Flair RE: Bret Hart[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Ric Flair is being interviewed backstage by Tony Schiavone, who both hype the upcoming rematch with Bret Hart.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (A)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]#12:[/b] [u]Bret Hart vs. Ric Flair[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Barely half-a-step below their previous match at [i]Souled Out[/i], the two "franchise" veterans once again engaged in an instant classic of an old-school, technical mat wrestling match ending once again in an abrupt fashion, as the Nature Boy hooked the Hitman's tights after a roll-up, pinning him in 12:45. [b]*[/b] [i]This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="6"][b]Overall Rating: (B) TV Rating: 23.98[/b][/SIZE] My newest personal goal is to try and raise WCW to global level, so I can actually sign workers away from the WWF.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Well, after a somewhat lengthy absence due to illness, I return with yet another installment of 1998 World Championship Wrestling! [SIZE="6"][b]WCW [i]Nitro[/i]: Monday, Week 2, February '98[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#1: [i]Eric Bischoff books Sting against Scott Norton[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Inside Bischoff's office, he informs Sting that, as a consequence of his recent actions, he will have to defend his WCW World Title against Scott Norton...tonight![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#2: [u]Psicosis vs. Ultimo Dragon[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A hectic contest between two premiere cruiserweights, the two foreign juniors fought a match that was almost entirely even and back-and-forth throughout, with Ultimo Dragon winning at the 13:09 mark after pinning Psicosis with an Asai DDT.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#3: [i]Lex Luger challenges Scott Hall: Buff Bagwell accepts instead[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Lex Luger is in the ring and calls out Scott Hall, demanding that he "[i]face me like a man[/i]" in a match tonight, after their previous two matches had non-finishes. Instead...Buff Bagwell swaggers out, announces that he's filling in for Hall-since he wants to stay focused on his tag match-tonight and will be kicking Luger's ass instead.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#4: [u]Los Guerreros vs. Davey Boy Smith & Jim Neidhart[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]An instant-classic tag contest, with the Guerreros doing their usual "Lie, Cheat & Steal" mugging throughout to gain advantages. Neidhart & Davey Boy dominated the match with their power offense, with "The Anvil" pinning Eddie Guerrero in 8:33 after the Anvil Flatnner.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#5: [u]Raven vs. Rick Steiner [HARDCORE][/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A stiff-as-Hell brawl mixed inbetween brutal hardcore hijinx, a bloody Rick Steiner pinned Raven at 7:12 after Suplexing him through a table. [b]*[/b] [i]Raven and Rick Steiner didn't seem to click and it made for an awkward bout. However, this match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#6: [i]Scott Steiner attacks Rick Steiner[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]As Rick Steiner staggers to his feet and begins a small celebration, Scott Steiner runs in and beats Rick down, leaving him lying in a pool of his own blood.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#7: [u]WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Juventud Guerrera (c) vs. El Dandy[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A slower-paced match than usual, with both luchadores opting to work over their opponent and attempt to wear them down before busting out high-risk aerial moves. At 7:41, Juventud pinned El Dandy with a Dragon Suplex.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#8: [i]Dean Malenko saves Juventud Guerrera from El Dandy[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]El Dandy, furious at his loss, snatches the Cruiserweight Championship away from Juvi and attacks him, whipping him with the strap. Dean Malenko runs in and El Dandy immediately drops the belt, fleeing in terror.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (D)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#9: [i]Rey Mysterio Jr. hypes his injury[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Over the TurnerTron, a video plays showing Rey Mysterio Jr. in a hospital bed, vowing to return to action as soon as possible and promising his fans that he will get revenge on the one who caused his injury: Chris Jericho![/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#10: [u]Goldberg vs. Virgil & Ted DiBiase[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Ted DiBiase spent the majority of this match avoiding or distracting Goldberg, while Virgil took the majority of the punishment. Despite this, Virgil was eventually incapacitated by a Spear, allowing Goldberg to dominate DiBiase and to pin him with the Jackhammer at 3:35. [b]*[/b] [i]Virgil & Ted DiBiase had great chemistry when teaming together. Goldberg looked good out there.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#11: [u]Lex Luger vs. Buff Bagwell[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A power match between the two, with both of them pausing to taunt each other by showing off their physiques. Bagwell submitted to Luger's Torture Rack in 5:05. [b]*[/b] [i]This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#12: [i]Buff Bagwell tricks Diamond Dallas Page[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Bagwell crawls over to a mic and calls out Diamond Dallas Page, claiming that if he ever wants to see Kimberly again, he'd better show up: DDP runs out, only to be blindsided by The Disciple & Konnan, who beat him down.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B-)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#13: [i]Sid Vicious refuses the challenge from Big Show[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Backstage, Sid Vicious refuses the challenge laid down by Big Show, claiming "[i]I don't have matches with rookie wannabes![/i]" and begins to head towards the ring for his match.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#14: [u]Sid Vicious vs. Fit Finlay[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Sid Vicious dominated as expected, with Fit Finlay only managing to get one brief heat sequence and a few hope spots where he managed to beat Sid back with some stiff forearms. Sid pinned Finlay with a Powerbomb at 3:48.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#15: [i]Big Show saves Fit Finlay from Sid Vicious[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Sid, enraged that Finlay managed to get in a few good shots at him, hits a second Powerbomb and attempts to initiate a third when Big Show runs in and attacks him, throwing him over the top rope and out of the ring. Sid retreats, glaring at Big Show as he limps back up the aisle.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#16: [i]Rick Rude orders Curt Henning to severely beatdown Lex Luger[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Luger is backstage, headed for Commissioner J.J. Dillon's office, when he bumps into Rick Rude, who shouts out "[i]Now![/i]" and instructs Curt Hennig as he delivers a vicious beatdown on Luger, leaving him a bloody heap.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#17: [u]WCW Tag Team Championship: Harlem Heat (c) vs. Perry Saturn & Stevie Richards[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Harlem Heat used their speedy power offense against a "pinball" Stevie Richards, Booker T pinning him at the 6:54 mark following a Heat Seeker. [b]*[/b] [i]Booker T looked excellent out there.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#18: [u]William Regal vs. Big Show[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Big Show dominated this match, with Regal pulling out every stall tactic in the book in an attempt to evade the giant for as long as possible. At 4:54, Sid ran in and attacked Big Show, causing him to win by disqualification.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#19: [i]Sid Vicious attacks Big Show[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Even after the bell has rung, Sid continues to attack Show: culminating in actually hitting the Powerbomb on him, to the astonishment of the live audience.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#20: [i]Piper's Pit: Randy Savage[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]On the set of Piper's Pit, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper interviews the "Macho Man" Randy Savage about what his future plans are, subtly taunting him: Savage eventually snaps and attacks Piper, laying him out after a series of Savage Strikes.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#21: [u]The Outsiders vs. Nasty Boys[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]A stiff, powerhouse brawl between the two veteran, ex-WCW Tag Champion teams with numerous rule-bending moments, Kevin Nash was eventually disqualified at the 4:38 mark after hitting Jerry Saggs with a chair. [b]*[/b] [i]The performance of Kevin Nash stood out as being good. Scott Hall looked good out there.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#22: [i]The Outsiders abuse Mark Curtis[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]After being disqualified, The Outsiders attack referee Mark Curtis, beating him down to the mat.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (C+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#23: [i]Ric Flair respects Bret Hart[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Recapping their match on [i]Saturday Night[/i] last week, Ric Flair praises Bret Hart for giving him an excellent, challenging match.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#24: [u]WCW World Championship: Sting (c) vs. Scott Norton[/u][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]Sting and Norton exchanged numerous powerhouse moves, with Norton's deceptive speed and Sting's pure athleticism adding an extra layer to the contest. Sting worked Norton's legs for most of the match, allowing him to win by submission in 7:50 after clinching in the Scorpion Deathlock. [b]*[/b] [i]Scott Norton seemed off his game tonight. This match lifted the crowd.[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]#25: [i]Ted DiBiase leads Hollywood Hogan & Sid Vicious attack on Sting[/i][/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]As Sting is celebrating his win and defense of the World Title, he is blindsided by Hogan & Sid, who beat him down while Ted DiBiase "directs traffic" while occasionally putting in some hits of his own. The 3 nWo members leave Sting lying in the centre of the ring, beaten.[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][b]Rating: (B+)[/b][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][b]Overall Rating: (B-) TV Rating: 40.04[/b][/SIZE] It appears that advance booking is starting to pay off!
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