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WWE: Spring Cleaning

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Ok, so this is my first attempt at a diary, I've been lurking for the past weeks in this forum, and since I've become addicted to TEW, I might as well try and do a diary. I'm using the Italian data, Hurryzone I think. The diary starts the day after Wrestlemania... [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Welcome To Fabulous Stamford![/SIZE][/CENTER] [IMG]http://i257.photobucket.com/albums/hh233/tonydrichards/wwf.jpg[/IMG] Vince McMahon: Bastards.... [I]*knock knock*[/I] Vince McMahon: Come in John Laurinatis: Mr McMahon... I was just told that you were here in Stamford, aren't you flying down to Miami for Raw? Vince McMahon: Well John, before Mania, I made a decision: it's time for me to take less TV time, only appear when needed, I won't be at RAW because that wouldn't make any sense, I'm not needed there, I'm being informed about the fundamental plot points of the show, but I won't be appearing as often as I used to. Sure, as the illegitimate son storyline reaches a decisive point, I'll be needed a lot, just not tonight. John Laurinatis: Not to sound arrogant or something like that...but...why wasn't I informed? Vince McMahon: Shush, you're not needed either, go away, I've got some self praising to do! [I]John leaves, Vince gets up and goes near a full body mirror, and, like the maniac he is, starts talking to it[/I] Vince McMahon: I'm a media mogul! I've got a friggin star on the Walk of Fame, I'm a wrestling visionary, I'm making sh*tloads of money year after year. And yet...I'm not liking the way the product is being presented, weren't we supposed to be preparing the fans of today for a future "Attitude Era"? I liked Mania, we seem to give our best at Mania, but why are there people that hate us... Wait, this sounds a bit stupid, since when does Vincent Kennedy McMahon worry about some low budget wrestling fans? Ah never mind, I'll just put some more effort on creative, just so no one bitches how we always go downhill after [I]*low, maniacal voice*[/I] RASSLEMANIAAAAA!! [I]He sits on his chair and continues to look at the World Wildlife Fund logo, his computer is on, we can read what's on it: "wwe.com/raw"...[/I] (Just a little thing to kick things off, I will be writing this from Vince's perspective by the way. Raw preview coming up)
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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Monday Night RAW Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE] Just 24 hours away from the spectacle that was Wrestlemania 24, WWE RAW comes to you live from the American Airlines Arena in Miami. We're sure to experience heavy Wrestlemania fallout! And what better way to kick off the road to Backlash with a Wrestlemania rematch? That's right, tonight's main event will be a Triple Threat rematch: Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena. But this time, it's not for the WWE title, it's to determine the Backlash main event! If either John Cena or Triple H win, they will face the champion at Backlash, if Randy Orton wins, he can pick either Cena or Triple H AND pick the match stipulation! Expect a great match here! Another match that will help WWE's next PPV Backlash take shape is a #1 Contender match for the Intercontinental title. Carlito takes on Mr Kennedy, both brash youngsters, who will get a shot at Jericho? Shawn Michaels has a special announcement to make just 24 hours after defeating Ric Flair (consequentially ending his illustrious career). What will the Heartbreak Kid have to say? Is it regarding his Wrestlemania classic against the Nature Boy? Or is he aiming for something else? Tune in to find out! The Women's title has been under the firm grasp of Beth Phoenix for nearly six months, is it time for a change? Mickie James sure hopes so, as she will try to end the Glamazon's impressive title reign. Also, get ready for some tag team action! Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly will defend their titles against the Redneck Wrecking Crew, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Can they regain the titles they lost at the RAW XV Anniversary? One thing's for sure: Rhodes and Holly have a tough test ahead. All of this and more! Tune in this Monday night on the USA Network for Monday Night Raw! Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena Carlito vs Mr Kennedy Beth Phoenix vs Mickie James for the Women's title Holly & Rhodes vs Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch for the World Tag Team Titles Predictions and feedback are welcome. Show should be up sometime tommorow, I've got everything simmed up to next week's Smackdown.
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[QUOTE]This should be an interesting read, I'll definitely be checking it out to see where this goes[/QUOTE] Randy Orton vs [B]Triple H[/B] vs John Cena Carlito vs [B]Mr Kennedy[/B] Beth Phoenix vs [B]Mickie James[/B] for the Women's title Holly & Rhodes vs [B]Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch[/B] for the World Tag Team Titles
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  • 2 weeks later...
[CENTER][Center] [SIZE="4"]WWE Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]Monday Night RAW![/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Live from the American Airlines Arena in Miami![/SIZE] [B]The Raw theme hits, as the usual fireworks blast, the camera then zooms in on some fans while the theme dies down[/B] f[B] -JR-[/B] Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night Raw! Good ol' Jim Ross alongside Jerry "The King" Lawler, coming live from a sold out American Airlines arena, just 24 hours away from Wrestlemania! *TIME TO PLAY THE GAME!* [B]-King- [/B] And speaking of Wrestlemania...here comes The Game, Triple H! [B]-JR-[/B] Triple H was involved in a Triple Threat match last night for the WWE Title, a match he almost won. [B]-King- [/B] Triple H was so close he could smell it! After Pedigreeing John Cena, he went for the cover, but Randy Orton punted him and covered Cena instead! I bet he's not in a good mood [B]-Triple H-[/B] Last night....Wrestlemania 24...I, Triple H, was about to win the most coveted prize in the wrestling business for the seventh time, becoming a 12 time World champion...but that didn't happen because of a man that I mentored, a man that I educated and molded into a cold, calculist, opportunist and intelligent wrestler. Just when I thought I had Cena pinned, Randy Orton took advantage and punted me, he won, using the same strategies that I taught him. A part of me is proud to have created a great champion. But the other part of me is frustrated, angry, mad, because I LOST! And since I wasn't pinned, I know that I deserve... [B]Triple H is interrupted by John Cena, who is greeted with the usual mixed reaction[/B] [B]-King- [/B] It's John Cena! Things are heating up! [B]-John Cena-[/B] Woah woah woah hold it right there! Now I agree when you say that you taught Orton well, I agree when you say that he outsmarted both of us, I agree when you that Randy is a hell of a champion, what I don't agree is when you say that you are the only one that deserves a title shot! It's true, I was the one who got pinned last night, but I put up on helluva fight, so did you, but to award you a title match at Backlash? It's crazy! Haven't you read the match card? It says: Wrestlemania Rematch, Randy Orton vs Triple H vs John Cena, and you know the stipulations don't you? If one of us win, we get to face Orton at Backlash, if Orton wins, he can pick either one of us as his opponent. No one's going to get handed a title shot, if you want it so badly, you'll prove it, and so will I! [B]-Triple H-[/B] Look John, I only asked for the shot for your and Orton's well being, because, you see, if I do have to step inside that ring tonight, I'll- *HEY!* [B]Randy Orton appears at the stage, WWE Title around his shoulder, and mic in hand[/B] [B]-Randy Orton-[/B] Guys, come on, you can trash talk all you want, you can make all the promises you want, because, as Hunter put it, I'm the best WWE champion ever- [B]-Triple H-[/B] Easy there junior, I sure as hell didn't say that! [B]-Randy Orton-[/B] It doesn't matter, because I am the best WWE champion ever! I am a One Man Dynasty, a dynasty that is far from over, and when I beat both of you tonight again, I'll just pick one of you randomly, because I don't care who faces me at Backlash, the outcome will be the same: R....K....O! [B]Orton drops the mic and poses[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ [B]The same Wrestlemania recap video that played last night is shown, recapping the entire event[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ValVenis.jpg[/IMG] Santino Marella lashed out his frustrations against Val Venis in a generic 3 minute squash match. He pinned Venis following an impressive neckbreaker [B]Santino Marella defeated Val Venis in 3:33 by pinfall[/B] [B]C-[/B] [B]Santino grabs a mic[/B] [B]-Santino-[/B] Did you see that! I, Santino Marella, disposed of this pig in three minuti! Imma star! And I hope that my partner can dispose of Mistar Kennedy in a same fahshion.. [B]Rating[/B] C+ [B]Shawn Michaels is seen walking backstage[/B] [B]-JR-[/B] Shawn Michaels' announcement is coming up ladies and gentlemen, don't miss it! [B]Rating[/B] B *OH...OH...SHAWN!* [B]Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring with street clothes and his hat, he's got a emotionless expression, one that we aren't used to. He calmly grabs the mic, as the crowd give him a standing ovation[/B] [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] Last night, I gave...Ric Flair... Mr Wrestlemania, and I defeated him in perhaps the best match of the night, consequentially retiring a man that I truly love and respect. After the match, after the dust was settled, I got a "Thank You" from Ric, a simple, yet meaningful "Thank You". I didn't thank him back, because those two words aren't enough to express the feeling I had inside of him everytime I watched a Flair classic. And being able to actually participate in a Flair classic...It's unbelievable... [B]-JR-[/B] I can tell that those words are coming from deep inside Shawn Michaels' heart [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] And then I thought: "What better way to say "Thank You" to Ric Flair, than to organize a one night tournament? I talked with Vince, and at Backlash, it's on: The Ric Flair Invitational, a eight man free for all tournament, the winner will receive a shot at a world title of choosing at Judgement Day. I'll be in it. And whoever wants to participate in the tournament just talk to me, I'll be backstage at every RAW, Smackdown! and ECW show looking for participants, I think there's no better way to give back to Ric Flair than by organizing a tournament where people compete in his sport, the Ric Flair sport, aka Professional Wrestling [B]-JR-[/B] We just heard a blockbuster announcement! A one night tournament will be held at Backlash! [B]-King-[/B] It's gonna be great! [B]Rating[/B] B+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWEWomens.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/MickieJames2.jpg[/IMG] A good women’s bout, these two are the current staples of a very weakened women’s division, the challenger took it to Phoenix early on, outwrestling, outbrawling, and outflying the champion, she hit a very good DDT but only managed a two count. The turning point of the match was when Micke’s cross body attempt was caught by Phoenix, who followed it up with a Fallaway Slam. She began manhandling James, choking her out with the ring ropes, stomping her on the corner. And crushing her with powerful elbows. Eventually Phoenix’s viciousness cost her the match, after disobeying a 5 count, the referee disqualified Phoenix, Mickie won the match, but the title is still in the firm grasp of Beth Phoenix. [B] Mickie James defeated Beth Phoenix in 6:32 by DQ[/B] [B]C+[/B] [B]Beth Phoenix continued the relentless assault on Mickie, smacking away on the challenger, she eventually picked her up and delivered the Fisherwoman’s Suplex, leaving James montionless in the ring[/B] [B]Rating[/B] C [B]The camera rolls backstage, where Paul Burchill is talking with Katie Lea[/B] [B]-Paul Burchill-[/B] I personally find it outrageous that Mr Kennedy and Carlito get a shot at the Intercontinental champion and I don't! Haven't I proved my worth yet? Haven't I proved that I, "The Ripper", am a force to be reckoned with? I'm telling you sis, if I had a shot against our rather fruity Intercontinental champion, I'd fully take it and end Jericho's reign. [B]He gets a pat in the shoulder, Burchill quickly turns to find himself face to face with Chris Jericho[/B] [B]-Chris Jericho-[/B] Nice speech there Burchill. But let me get this straight. You say that if you had a shot against me, the so called "fruity" Intercontinental champion, you'd take it and end my title reign? Well, since I don't have a scheduled match tonight, and I'm curious to see how bad of a beating I can give to an assclown like yourself, I'm daring you to take me on right now! [B]-Paul Burchill-[/B] Really? Well then I'll see you in the ring, let's go sis [B]Burchill grabs Katie Lea by her hand and walks away, Jericho stands there, apparently looking at Lea's "rear end"[/B] [B]-Chris Jericho-[/B] This is gonna be easy... [B]Rating[/B] C+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Y2J.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/PaulBurchill.jpg[/IMG] A short, but awesome, match. Turns out these two have great chemistry. Burchill tried to impress Jericho and Katie, hitting some high impact clotheslines...or at least trying, Jericho dodged all of his attempts and nailed an enziguri, from which Burchill kicked out, but Jericho remained in control with a surfboard, and once he had stretched Burchill long enough, he went for the Codebreaker, which was reversed into a clothesline. Burchill began taunting instead of capitalizing, and the veteran Jericho took advantage, nailing a picture perfect Codebreaker. [B]Chris Jericho defeated Paul Burchill in 5:44 by pinfall [/B] [B]B+[/B] [B]We cut backstage where Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly are preparing themselves for the upcoming match[/B] [B]-Hardcore Holly-[/B] You ready boy? [B]-Cody Rhodes-[/B] Yeah, I'm ready. [B]-Hardcore Holly-[/B] Then let's go. [B]-Cody Rhodes-[/B] Wait, before our match, I just wanted to thank you for helping me grow as a wrestler for the past months, I think it'll help me for the rest of my career. [B]Holly just stared at him[/B] [B]-Hardcore Holly-[/B] You're welcome, now let's go, we got to defend our titles. [B]Rating[/B] C- [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WorldTagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/HardcoreHolly.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/CodyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/LanceCade.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/TrevorMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] A solid tag team bout. With lots of double team action. Cade and Murdoch proved to be the better team in the early goings, isolating Cody Rhodes in their corner, quickly tagging in an out, each managed to take some shots on Rhodes. Their first pinfall attempt came when Cade back suplexed Murdoch onto Cody, landing in a leg drop. But Holly broke the two count, and as the ref got distracted argueing with Holly, the challengers managed to take it to Rhodes double team style. Eventually the hot tag came, and Holly tore the house down with clotheslines to both Cade and Murdoch. And when Rhodes recovered, things just improved for the champs. As Cade was disposed of by Rhodes, Holly landed the Alabama Slam for the 3 [B]Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes defeated Murdoch and Cade in 8:49 by pinfall. . Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhode make defence number 1 of their WWE World Tag Team titles.[/B] [B]C+[/B] [B]A hype video promoting Umaga's path of destruction (the awesome double Samoan Drop included) is shown[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JimDuggan.jpg[/IMG] Jim Duggan received a good pop by the crowd, the "USA" chants were echoing throughout the Miami Airlines Arena. But after 2 minutes of total destruction, the only thing that echoed was the sound of Duggan collapsing to the mat after a vicious Samoan Spike [B]Umaga defeated Jim Duggan in 2:08 by pinfall[/B] [B]B-[/B] -COMMERCIAL- [B]As we return from commercials, William Regal is in his office, drinking tea, when Umaga bursts inside, scaring the living hell out of William Regal. He begins yelling in Samoan[/B] [B]-William Regal-[/B] Goodness me! What do you want Youmanga? [B]More random babbling by Umaga[/B] [B]-William Regal[/B] I can't understand what in the bloody hell you're saying! [B]The babbling intensifies[/B] [B]-William Regal-[/B] What? I don't speak Samoan? [B]He lets out a huge roar[/B] [B]-William Regal-[/B] Please don't hurt me... [B]Umaga punches a hole through the wall and rips off the door, angrily leaving the GM's room[/B] [B]-William Regal-[/B] I need a vacation... [B]Rating[/B] B+ [B]Jericho is walking backstage with his usual ****y look, he greats some employees backstage and keeps walking, until he stops[/B] [B]-Chris Jericho-[/B] Oh great... [B]The camera zooms out, Mr Kennedy is standing there looking at him[/B] [B]-Chris Jericho-[/B] Don't you have a match next? [B]-Mr Kennedy-[/B] I have, but I shouldn't, I shouldn't be wrestling for a shot at the Intercontinental title, no, I should be making my first WWE Title defense tonight! But that isn't happening, you know why? Because I lost the Money in the Bank match! I was once again relegated to fighting for the Intercontinental championship! [B]-Chris Jericho-[/B] Cry me a river... [B]-Mr Kennedy-[/B] Real funny Chris, real funny, you're so fruity that you're already singing Justin Timberlake! [B]The crowd let's out a big "OoOoh"[/B] [B]-Chris Jericho-[/B] I should kick your ass right here, right now! [B]-Mr Kennedy-[/B] You know what's also very funny? The look on your face when I beat you at Backlash for that title. Winning the Intercontinental title will be the first step, after that, I will become WWE Champion, and I will become the third person in history to hold both the WWE and the Intercontinental champion. And that's a promise, a promise made by MISTEEEEER KENNEDY.......KEEENAAADAAAY! [B]-JR-[/B] Mr Kennedy takes on Carlito....NEXT! [B]Rating[/B] B+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/MrKennedy.jpg[/IMG] Not as good as the people were hoping it would, but it was entertaining nonetheless. The match started out with some mat wrestling, both men scouting each other, trying to gain a upper hand. Carlito gains control after a snap suplex, he regulates the pace of the match for several minutes with headlocks, arm scissors, and body scissors, Carlito's superior athleticism is also showcased: Kennedy broke out of a headlock and tried a clothesline, Carlito avoided and hit a great springboard elbow for a two count. Kennedy began to mount a comeback, reversing a DDT and throwing Carlito to the corner, he began landing some haymakers, eventually he hit a superplex. The match was very even until Carlito landed a Springboard clothesline onto the ref after Kennedy ducked, this gave a golden opportunity for the Green Bay Loudmouth to capitalise with a Mic Check, but what happened next shocked everyone: JBL landed a Clothesline from Hell on Kennedy out of nowhere! He threw Carlito on top of Kennedy and woke up the ref, the rest is history... [B]Carlito defeated Mr.Kennedy in 15:51 by pinfall following interference from John Bradshaw Layfield.[/B] [B]B-[/B] [B]After the match, JBL grabs a steel chair from the outside and hits Kennedy right in the head with it, he then delivers another Clothesline from Hell, leaving Kennedy a bloody mess[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B [B]-King-[/B] What the hell was that? [B]-JR-[/B] I don't know King, JBL just viciously assaulted Kennedy for no reason! But regardless of that, Carlito won the match, that means that he will take on Chris Jericho at Backlash for the Intercontinental title [B]Rating[/B] B+ [B]A hype video plays hyping John Cena, Triple H, and the champion Randy Orton[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ [B]-JR-[/B] We are moments away from the Wrestlemania rematch! Triple H, John Cena, Randy Orton in a triple threat match! This time it's to decide the main event at Backlash, if either Triple H or John Cena win, they'll take on Randy Orton for the title, if Randy Orton wins it, he can chose either one of them. It's NEXT! [B]Rating[/B] B+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] Wow, this match was definitely better than the triple threat 24 hours ago! Cena and HHH teamed up in the early goings, double teaming Randy Orton, after both hitting signature moves (HHH's Spine Buster and Cena's Back Powerslam) they focused on each other. A slug fest that lasted for almost an eternity ensued, HHH took advantage thanks to his experience, after a missed right hand by Cena, he hit a chop block (of course, a lot of WOOs were heard) and locked in a Indian Deathlock, Cena endured the hold for three minutes until Orton hit a punt on HHH, but it only got a two. Minutes later it was Orton who was punishing John Cena, using a sleeper hold to wear down the 3 time WWE champion, but Triple H got back into the equation with a clothesline to the champ. Hunter tried to Pedigree Cena but he reversed it into a back body drop, Orton tried to sneak in but Cena was watching and lifted him up for the F-U, only to get chop blocked by HHH. Aproaching the 18 minute mark, and Triple H is in control, punching away Orton, he picks him up and throws him to the ropes, landing a Spinebuster! He hits Cena in the head knee first, making sure that he's down and out, he picks Orton up, Orton counters...RKO....HHH counters! Kick to the gut...Pedigree! Triple H is going to Backlash! But wait! Cena grabs Triple H's feet and pulls him away from Orton...STFU!! In the center of the ring! After a minute or so of struggle, it's over! Triple H taps! [B]John Cena defeated Randy Orton and Triple H in 22:53 when John Cena defeated HHH by submission[/B] [B]A*[/B] [B]John Cena is celebrating in the ring, HHH has already made his way to the back, Randy Orton is getting up, he turns Cena and tries the RKO, but Cena reverses and lifts him up for the F-U, another reversal and they end up staring each other, face to face, as RAW comes to an end[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ [B][SIZE="4"]Final Rating[/SIZE] [SIZE="3"]B+[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] (sorry about the delay, I got sidetracked with other things, but this diary will live! ECW preview coming up)
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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Purple"]ECW on Sci-Fi Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] We've got a new ECW champion in the house! Kane defeated 23 other men in a pre Wrestlemania battle royal to get a shot at Chavo Guerrero in the grandest stage of them all, and he didn't disappoint. Having recently been traded from Smackdown! to ECW, Kane disposed of the ECW champion in a astoundishing eight seconds! But tonight, the Big Red Machine has a tough task ahead, as he makes his first title defense against none other than Smackdown! superstar Edge! The Rated R Superstars comes from a loss to the Deadman at 'Mania, and hopes to make an impact by beating Undertaker's brother for the ECW Title. Kane's title win in eight seconds wasn't the only historic achievement by ECW superstars last Sunday, CM Punk became the first ECW superstar to win the Money in the Bank Ladder match! He looks to capitalize on the momentum gained by gaining a win this Tuesday, as he teams up with Jesse and Festus to take on Elijah Burke and the WWE Tag Team champions Miz and Morrison in six man tag team action. Shelton Benjamin seeks to continue his quest to prove that he truly is ECW's Gold Standard, that's why he made an open challenge to anyone in the world to face him in a match tonight, that's right, anyone from the WWE roster, from the audience, the hot dog seller, the ringside photographer, anyone! Who will step up? Kane vs Edge for the ECW Title CM Punk/Jesse/Festus vs Elijah Burke/Miz/John Morrison Shelton Benjamin vs ???
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]WWE Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="6"]ECW on Sci-Fi[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ECW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Live from the Louisville Gardens in Louisville, Kentucky[/SIZE] [B]"Don't Question My Heart" plays while the fireworks blast, we cut to Joey Styles (OOC- Thank god Adamle debuted two weeks later) and Tazz[/B] [B]-Joey Styles-[/B] Hi and welcome to another edition of ECW on Sci-Fi! Joey Styles and Tazz here and partner, are you ready for tonight's main event! [B]-Tazz-[/B] Of course Joey! After a huge Wrestlemania, what better way to follow it up with a huge main event? Kane vs Edge! [B]-Joey Styles-[/B] We have a great show coming up and- [B]Joey is interrupted by "This Fire Burns". CM Punk makes his way to the ring accompanied by his money in the bank briefcase[/B] [B]-Joey Styles-[/B] And here comes Mr Money in the Bank CM Punk! it was only 48 hours ago that this man participated in the Money in the Bank ladder match, in which he outsmarted Chris Jericho to win it! [B]-Tazz-[/B] I'm proud of this guy Joey! He brought Money in the Bank to the land of extreme! [B]-CM Punk-[/B] Thank you, thank you. This has been the best two weeks of my entire life! Imagine how it feels like to win a seven man ladder match in front of 70 000 people and receive a guaranteed world title shot! It's huge! And now that I am Mr Money in the Bank, one could say that I'm just one step away from becoming a two time world champion. Because with this briefcase comes a guaranteed world title shot anywhere, anytime, I could cash it in tonight after the main event, or I could wait until Backlash and cash it in after Randy Orton vs John Cena. I can become a world champion again in a snap of a finger! [B]And the crowd seems to enjoy it[/B] [B]-CM Punk-[/B] So the reason that I came out here is to put every world champion in the WWE on notice. Everytime you step into that ring, you better kiss your title, because you never know when that kiss might be the last one you give. *I WANT MY CLOSE UP BABY!* [B]The crowd immediately begins booing, as Elijah Burke makes his way to the ring[/B] [B]-Elijah Burke-[/B] Wow, congratulations Punk, really, to win a Money in the Bank ladder match...that's a huge feat! But, you see, after you won it, everybody had the same opinion: "If Elijah was in it, he would have won it". Because trust me, if I was in the Money in the Bank, I'd be standing there with the briefcase, gloating about how great I am. [B]-CM Punk-[/B] Since when do you need a briefcase to gloat about yourself Elijah? The only thing you need is a microphone... Anyways, I see you here bragging about how you would've won it if you were there, so, since I'm feeling generous, how about you put your money where your mouth is? How about you and me face eachother at Backlash in a ladder match for this baby? [B]Elijah smiles[/B] [B]-Elijah Burke-[/B] Great idea! Well then, I, the Paragon of Virtue, declare myself the future Mr Money in the Bank! [B]Armando Estrada's music plays, as he appears on the ramp[/B] [B]-Armando Estrada-[/B] Well then, it's settled HAHA, CM Punk will be putting his briefcase on the line against Elijah Burke at Backlash! [B]Elijah and Punk engage in a staredown[/B] [B]-Tazz-[/B] I think Punk just got manipulated by Elijah! [B]-Joey Styles-[/B] I'm afraid you're right, Elijah managed to get inside the head of Punk and get what he wanted: a shot at the Money in the Bank briefcase. This could mean trouble for Punk... [B]-Armando Estrada-[/B] Oh, and in another announcement, my amigo Chavo Guerrero has invoked his rematch clause, therefor, at Backlash, Chavo will face whoever the ECW champion might be at that time, estan escutando? Thank you [B]Rating[/B] B+ for the Elijah/Punk confrontation, and C+ for the Chavo vs Kane/Edge announcement [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/KofiKingston.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/BallsMahoney.jpg[/IMG] Kofi was quick to dispose of Mahoney, as the "Jamaican me crazy" youngster hit the Jamacain Buzzsaw in record time for the 3 [B]Kofi Kingston defeated Balls Mahoney in 1:33 by pinfall [/B] [B]C-[/B] [B]Kofi is celebrating in the ring, BUT~!, Matt Striker comes out and orders Big Daddy V to attack him, he leaves the Jamaican superstar beaten up badly after a minute or two[/B] [B]Rating[/B] C [B]We cut backstage where John Morrison is talking with The Miz[/B] [B]-John Morrison-[/B] Tonight, we're going to prove that we're the best team in the WWE. [B]-The Miz-[/B] Damn right! [B]Elijah Burke barges in, startling the champs[/B] [B]-John Morrison-[/B] What's this all about? [B]-The Miz-[/B] Don't you know how to knock? [B]-Elijah Burke-[/B] What? Were you making out? [B]-John Morrison-[/B] Men don't make out in the Palace of Wisdom! [B]-Elijah Burke-[/B] Ok...I just want to know if you're ready for our 3 man tag match? [B]-The Miz-[/B] Dude, we're always ready! [B]-John Morrison-[/B] Yeah, remember we are the winners, they are the losers [B]Both robot-like lift their WWE tag team championships[/B] [B]-Elijah Burke-[/B] Good, because I want to prove to Punk that I'm the rightful Mr Money in the Bank, and I'm sure you want to reaffirm yourselves as the champs by taking it to Jesse and Festus. [B]-The Miz-[/B] You're correct [B]-John Morrison-[/B] I beg to differ on the Money in the Bank statement, because everyone knows I, John Morrison, was the true main attraction in the match, but I'll let it pass, let's go. [B]They all stand up and exit the locker room[/B] [B]Rating[/B] C [B]-Joey Styles-[/B] You heard it, those three will team up to take on CM Punk and Smackdown's Jesse and Festus, and it's next! [B]Rating[/B] C [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/CMPunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Jesse.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Festus.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ElijahBurke.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JohnMorrisson.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Miz.jpg[/IMG] Not that bad. Of course, Festus was the starting guy for Punk's team, as he tore through Elijah Burke in the usual post bell fury, after delivering a huge clothesline, he tagged in Punk. And things got more interesting, eventually Burke's team took control, isolating Jesse (the son of Terry Gordy by the way) and working on the smallest man in the match. Morrison almost got the 3 with the corkscrew neckbreaker, but Punk broke the 3. Eventually Jesse got the hot tag, and Festus once again demolished everybody, Elijah Burke had no alternative, he exited the ring and rang the bell, Festus returned to his vegetative state, Jesse tagged himself in out of desperation, and as Morrison and Miz attacked Punk, Elijah hits the Elijah Experience (Jeff Jarret's The Stroke) for the 3. [B]Elijah Burke, John Morrison and The Miz defeated CM Punk and Jesse & Festus in 7:35 when Elijah Burke defeated Jesse by pinfall[/B] [B]B-[/B] [B]Post match, after the bell rang, Festus got mad again and double clotheslined Morrison and Miz, Elijah escaped the ring quick enough to avoid damage[/B] [B]Rating[/B] C -COMMERCIAL [B]Shelton Benjamin is in the ring with a mic[/B] [B]-Shelton Benjamin-[/B] Hi, this is ECW's Gold Standard, Shelton Benjamin. And not only am I raising the bar in ECW in terms of athleticism and wrestling skills, I've raised the bar in terms of endurance, in terms of toughness, because, in case you missed it, 48 hours ago, I took a 6 feet fall from a ladder only to land back first...you guessed it...into a ladder! And despite all of that, I'm still here, I'm standing here, awaiting for someone to answer my open challenge that I've been issued, I'm in a crusade to prove that I'm the best wrestler in the WWE, and I dare anyone who disagrees with me to come out here right now and face me! [B]Benjamin awaits his opponent[/B] [B]Rating[/B] C+ [B]-Shelton Benjamin-[/B] Exactly what I thought. No one dares to face me, everyone is scared because everyone knows that I'm the best, everyone knows that with my new mindset, with my new determination, there AIN'T NO STOPPIN ME NO- *OH....OH....SHAAAWN!* [B]The crowd goes wild, Benjamin drops the mic and goes nuts, Shawn Michaels comes out in full wrestling gear, he grabs a mic[/B] [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] So here I was backstage gathering participants for the Ric Flair Invitational, I've got two guys, one from RAW and one from ECW already in by the way, when I hear you bragging about how you survived a 6 feet fall, how you're the Gold Standard, and how you're the best wrestler in the WWE, and quite frankly I beg to differ, so why don't we settle this like grown ups? I accept your open challenge, and believe me, you will be stopped by the SHOWSTOPPAH! [B]He drops the mic and takes off his new t-shirt (available only on wweshop.com) and gets into fighting stance as a ref comes down[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/SheltonBenjamin.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] Gold! These two put on another classic! Who doesn't remember those two classics in 2005? Michaels and Benjamin showed off their excellent athleticism early on, as both of them reversed back suplexes and landed on his feet! The match started out with some amateur wrestling, both of them trying to get the other on his back, Michaels eventually drew first blood with a huge chop, but Benjamin was quick to respond with a great lariat. After a minute or two of rest holds by Benjamin, Michaels hit a back suplex and gained control, he tried a vertical suplex but benjamin countered into a German. He tried a Dragon whip, but Michaels saw it coming and hit an inverted atomic drop, he then hit the flying forearm and signaled for the elbow drop, he missed the elbow and Benjamin capitalised with a superkick of his own which got a two. The match was reaching a climax, as Benjamin was ready to hit the reverse STO, but Michaels saw it coming and hit an extremely dangerous tiger suplex, he signaled for some Sweet Chin Music, Shelton got up, Michaels went for the kick, but Benjamin ducked and left the ring, and apparently the match, as he yelled no more, the ref counted to ten [B]Shawn Michaels defeated Shelton Benjamin in 13:31 by count out.[/B] [B]A[/B] [B]We cut backstage to Edge, who is staring to the camera[/B] [B]-Edge-[/B] Next, I have to take on the Big Red Machine, and Undertaker's brother Kane. I remember that time where Kane won the WWE championship, and held it for a record breaking one day. Tonight, I'm gonna make Kane's ECW title reign last for another record breaking two days. It's deja vu time Kane! Oh, and when I win the ECW title, I'm coming after the World Heavyweight Title, Undertaker, you might've won at Mania, but I'm coming for you! So if you're watching, and I know you are, I'm going to do to Kane what I'll do to you: destruction! [B]Rating[/B] B [B]-Tazz-[/B] That was intense [B]-Joey Styles-[/B] Can a revenge thirsty Edge dethrone Kane? We'll find out next! [B]Rating[/B] B [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ECWWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Kane.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Edge.jpg[/IMG] An alright match, even though a short one. Kane upped his game in order to stand toe to toe with a very intense Edge. The challenger tried to take Kane down using his superior mobility, and eventually took him down with a spike DDT, but Kane's stiff uppercuts made their presence felt after not so long. The champion seemed to take control after a big boot, but the tides turned when the Edgeheads made their presence known, they tried to interfere but Kane quickly double chokeslammed them, Kane managed to avoid a spear by Edge, who ended up colliding with Chavo Guerrero, who was standing in the apron yelling at the ref, this gave Kane the time to lift Edge up for a Tombstone and the 3 [B]Kane defeated Edge in 10:48 by pinfall. Kane makes defence number 1 of his ECW Heavyweight title.[/B] [B]B[/B] [B]Post match, Chavo tries to sneak attack Kane, but the champ turns the tides and ends up Chokeslamming the former ECW champion, the show ends with Kane celebrating[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B [SIZE="3"][B]Final Rating B[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/SDBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Friday Night Smackdown! Preview[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE] The winds of change have arrived at Smackdown! as the family's stranglehold on Friday nights appears to have been weakened after Undertaker dethroning Edge for the World Heavyweight title. When will Edge get his rematch? Will it be against the Deadman? Or against someone else? In an attempt to restore the previously existing dominance of the "Familia". Vickie Guerrero announced that Undertaker would defend his World Heavyweight championship against Chavo Guerrero as Friday's main event. Can Guerrero do it? The Ballin' MVP has a huge task ahead this Friday night: he has to defend his United States Championship against none other than Batista! The Animal comes off a huge win against Umaga, and wouldn't mind to add some gold around his waist. But is MVP in the right mindset after Matt Hardy made his shocking return? Speaking of Matt Hardy, he will make his in ring return this Friday, as he takes on Chuck Palumbo. All titles will be on the line tonight! That's right, Miz and Morrison take on Deuce n' Domino for the WWE tag team titles, and the Cruiserweight championship makes his return in a five man match! Undertaker vs Chavo Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Title MVP vs Batista for the United States title Matt Hardy vs Chuck Palumbo The Miz/John Morrison vs Deuce n’ Domino for the WWE Tag Team Titles Jimmy Wang Yang vs Nunzio vs Shannon Moore vs Ron Killings vs Jamie Noble for the Cruiserweight Championship of the World
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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/internet.jpg[/IMG] Colt Cabana has been called up from FCW to the main roster, it's still unknown which brand he's going to be in. Early reports say that Backlash will be a one time only 4 hour pay per view, in order to fit in the Ric Flair Invitational matches. This was apparently Vince's idea, and is set to become an anuall tourney, destined to replace the inactive King of the Ring, with the extra appeal of a guaranteed title shot, much similar to the Money in the Bank one, except it can't be cashed in anytime anywhere. The strong feeling backstage is that Randy Orton's WWE title reign has impressed everyone, and it seems to be set to last, since I doubt they'll put it on Cena again. The news from beyond the ring! Brought to you by the biggest MMA mark: Da Meltz!
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[B]Undertaker [/B]vs Chavo Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Title [B]MVP [/B]vs Batista for the United States title [B]Matt Hardy [/B]vs Chuck Palumbo [B]The Miz/John Morrison [/B]vs Deuce n’ Domino for the WWE Tag Team Titles Jimmy Wang Yang vs Nunzio vs Shannon Moore vs [B]Ron Killings [/B]
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[B]Undertaker[/B] vs Chavo Guerrero for the World Heavyweight Title [B]MVP[/B] vs Batista for the United States title [B]Matt Hardy[/B] vs Chuck Palumbo [B]The Miz/John Morrison[/B] vs Deuce n’ Domino for the WWE Tag Team Titles [B]Jimmy Wang Yang [/B]vs Nunzio vs Shannon Moore vs Ron Killings Glad to see you are going to be using Colt Cabana. I like where this diary is going. Keep up the good work!
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]WWE Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="6"]Friday Night Smackdown![/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Smackdown.png[/IMG][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Taped in the Lousiville Gardens in Lousiville, Kentucky[/SIZE] [B]We're greeted with the usual pyro as another edition of Friday Night Smackdown begins![/B] [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! I'm Michael Cole alongside The Coach and we're in for a huge night: four, count them, four title matches! We'll see the return of the Cruiserweight title, the WWE tag titles will be defended, so will the United States title! [B]-Coach-[/B] What a great night this is going to be! *OH...OH...SHAAAWN* [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Here comes the RAW superstar Shawn Michaels! The Heartbreak Kid has been making his presence known across all three brands promoting his Ric Flair Invitional which will take place at Backlash. [B]-Coach-[/B] On RAW he made the announcement, on ECW he defeated Shelton Benjamin, I wonder what he wants tonight... [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] As announced last Monday on RAW, the Ric Flair Invitational is an eight man tournament which will be held at Backlash in honor of Ric Flair. The winner not only gets all the bragging rights, but he also gets a title match contract, a contract that he can sign at any time in order to receive a title shot at the nearest PPV. Let me just give you a quick update concerning the tournament... [B]He takes out a small paper which appears to have a list of names, he counts them[/B] [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] So far 5 people have secured a spot in the tournament, so only 3 participants are left, I'd like to confirm at least one participant, I'll announce the others in due time, the first man to sign into the tournament, a man that hopes to win it, and not only pay tribute to a great friend and wrestler, but also to get a World Title shot, that man is none other than.....Shawn Michaels! [B]The crowd pops[/B] [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] That's right, I'm in the tournament, so watch out, because the Heartbreak Kid is determined to win it, no one can stop me, no one can stop HBK, and no one will be able to stop Sweet Chin Music! *YOU THINK YOU KNOW ME....* [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] It's Edge! [B]-Coach-[/B] This just got more interesting! [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Edge lost the World Heavyweight Championship to The Undertaker at Wrestlemania in a classic main event...but what is he doing here? [B]-Edge-[/B] Blah blah blah all I've been hearing this week is you hyping this supposed tournament to pay tribute to the greatness that was Ric Flair, when everyone knows that this is just a way for you to get a title shot! [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Some serious accusations by Edge! [B]-Edge-[/B] Yeah, I'm not dumb Shawn, but let's forget that for a moment, your hero, Edge, is here to say that I've already talked to my beloved fiancé and Smackdown! General Manager Vickie Guerrero and it's on: at Backlash, I get my rematch, whether it's against Undertaker or my friend Chavo, it doesn't matter, I'll get another shot and I promise to not disappoint you, my great fans! Thank you! [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] Excuse me? I pretty much ignored the crap coming out of your mouth except the part when you accused me of not being sincere when it comes to the purpose of the Ric Flair Invitational. I've made myself pretty clear, the goal is to pay respect to a man that dedicated 35 years to entertain us. [B]-Edge-[/B] Yet you couldn't restrain yourself from putting in a title shot, don't worry, you'll probably win it since I'm going to be too busy reclaiming MY World Heavyweight title, but let me congratulate you on another job, or lack of "jobs", well do- [B]Edge didn't manage to end that sentence since Shawn Michaels decided he had heard enough and delivered some Sweet Chin Music, knocking Edge out cold[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ for both the hype and the confrontation [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWEWorldCruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JimmyWangYang.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Nunzio.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ShannonMoore.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/RonKillings.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JamieNoble.jpg[/IMG] It was good for what it's worth. Ron Killings made his debut and looked good in the get go, knocking down Nunzio, Moore and Noble with spinning heel kicks, while Jimmy Wang Yang awaited an opportunity to floor Killings with a springboard lariat. Other highlights included Noble, Killings, and Nunzio being involved in a tower of doom, Noble powerbombed Killings who was attempting to superplex Nunzio. These were samples of things to come in the revived Cruiser division. Nearing the end, Jimmy Wang Yang was battling Nunzio, Yang hit an enziguri and covered, but Killings broke the count, only to get hit with a hotshot by Moore, the partners then began to punch eachother, Jimmy once again took the advantage with a Pele kick, but he didn't see Noble on the top rope, he hit a cross body on Yang, and hit the Tiger Bomb on Moore for the 3 [B]Jamie Noble defeated Jimmy Wang Yang, Nunzio, Shannon Moore and Ron Killings in 11:54 when Jamie Noble defeated Shannon Moore by pinfall. Jamie Noble wins the WWE Cruiserweight title.[/B] [B]C+[/B] [B]Jamie Noble has already left ringside, Jimmy Wang Yanf is helping Shannon Moore up, the crowd applauds the showing of partnership, that's until...[/B] *WEEEEEEELLL...IT'S THE BIG SHOOW!* [B]Big Show comes out to a warm reaction, he still has his chin a bit sore after getting smacked by Mayweather at Mania, he enters the ring, and, instead of attacking them, he helps both men up, and raises their hands, but not for long, as he pulls the famous SWERVE~! and lifts both men up at the same time for double chokeslams[/B] [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] I think this is Big Show's way of saying that he's back on Friday Nights! [B]Show asks for a mic[/B] [B]-Coach-[/B] Think again Michael [B]-Big Show-[/B] It damn sure fells good to be back at doing what I do best: kick some ass! And since the World's Largest Athlete is back on Smackdown!, I would like to challenge none other than The Undertaker for a non title match next week! Just to prove that I'm better than ever! And regarding Backlash, let's just sa I've already got plans...WOOO! [B]He drops the mic and poses[/B] [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Big Show vs The Undertaker as next week's main event? That could be HUGE! [B]-Coach-[/B] And I doubt that our World Champion would deny an opportunity to make a statement against possibly one of the most dangerous competitors on Friday Night Smackdown! [B]Rating[/B] B for the attack; B+ for the challenge [B]We cut backstage where Edge, Chavo, the Edgeheads, and Vickie Guerrero are sitting in their locker room[/B] [B]-Curt Hawkins-[/B] You are so gonna kick Undertaker's ass tonight Chavo! [B]-Zack Ryder-[/B] Like totally yeah! [B]-Vickie Guerrero-[/B] And even if you fall short Chavo, which I hope you don't. My beloved Edge will seal the deal at Backlash and bring the title back to the Familia. [B]-Chavo Guerrero-[/B] By the way, Edge, are you better? That Sweet Chin Music looked ugly man... [B]-Edge-[/B] I'm getting better, I'll deal with Shawn next week! [B]-Vickie Guerrero-[/B] You want a match against him? I can arrange that. [B]Edge smiles[/B] [B]-Edge-[/B] Did I ever say how much I love you? [B]The fans begin booing in disgust, as Edge and Vickie kiss, Chavo and the Edgeheads are all smiling[/B] [B]-Coach-[/B] What an happy family... [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Two blockbusters made for next week! First Undertaker vs Big Show, now Edge vs Shawn Michaels! [B]Rating[/B] B+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Finlay.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/KennyDykstra.jpg[/IMG] Finlay took his frustrations out on the young Kenny Dykstra, he completely pummeled on the former tag team champion. Hitting a variety of Belly to Belly suplexes, and also delivering some stiff uppercuts in the corner. He finished Dykstra off with a Celtic Cross [B]Finlay defeated Kenny Dykstra in 4:43 by pinfall[/B] [B]C[/B] [B]Post match, Finlay embraces Hornswoggle, he then picks a mic[/B] [B]-Finlay-[/B] Bradshaw! I'm not done with you! I don't know why you attacked Kennedy, neither do I care, but I want a rematch, and by god I'll get one! [B]Rating[/B] B- [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Finlay's thirst for revenge is still alive! Coming up next, our second title match of the night, Morrison and The Miz take on Deuce n' Domino! [B]A graphic appears[/B] [B]-Coach-[/B] Can the team from the other side of the track regain the gold? Or will the athletic duo retain? [B]Rating[/B] B- -COMMERCIAL- [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWETagTeam.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWETagTeam.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Miz.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JohnMorrisson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Deuce.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Domino.jpg[/IMG] Not anything special, but solid. Deuce n' Domino were the main aggressors early in the match, using their smash mouth style to isolate Miz, Deuce tried a swinging neckbreaker for the 3 early in the match, but Morrison broke the 3 and helped Miz regain control, disposing of Domino with one of his athletic kicks. The champs pretty much regained full control of the match, working as a well oiled engine to wear down both Deuce and Domino. The ending came when Cherry tripped Morrison, giving Domino enough time to snapmare Morrison and put him in position for Deuce to hit the Crack Em in the mouth, but Miz hit a cross body on Deuce, taking him out of the picture, while Morrison fought back and hit the Corkscrew Neckbreaker. [B]The Miz and John Morrison defeated Deuce 'n' Domino in 13:07 when John Morrison defeated Domino by pinfall[/B] [B]C[/B] [B]Morrison and The Miz celebrate in the ring[/B] [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Another successful defence by John Morrison and The Miz. [B]-Coach-[/B] The sky's the limit for these two! [B]We cut backstage to Matt Hardy, the crowd immediately pops[/B] [B]-Matt Hardy-[/B] It's been one hell of a year...one year of my life dedicated to become United States champion, each and every time I fell short, and at one point, I even thought that the man that held the very thing I craved, was a nice person. That's right, I thought that MVP was not a ****y, self centered, egotistical jerk. We were the tag team champions, but then, you attacked me, still afraid to give me another title shot, we lost the tag team titles, and I got injured. Which brings me to Wrestlemania. I took away the Money in the Bank briefcase from you, and it felt good. But my journey...it ain't over...at Backlash, it ends Porter, a year long journey...it ends! [B]Rating[/B] B [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/MattHardy.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ChuckPalumbo.jpg[/IMG] As soon as the match began, it was all Hardy, he took the big man down immediately with strong right hands, the aggression continued as he grounded Palumbo with a very vicious Triangle Choke, the first time Hardy was seen using this submission hold. Chuck managed to get some offensive in after a strong clothesline. Palumbo proved his worth, weakening Hardy with a harsh pounding, he even managed to hit a superplex, but Hardy would not be denied, he fought back, he hit a dropkick and then the top rope axehandle, he signaled for the Twist of Fate, but Chuck threw him into the ropes, the Big Boot missed and gave Hardy an opening to hit the Twist of Fate, but he didn't pin him, he picked Palumbo up and hit another Twist of Fate, and then he hit a third Twist of Fate. Hardy's ruthlessness culminated in a top rope legdrop, which got him the win. [B]Matt Hardy defeated Chuck Palumbo in 12:37 by pinfall[/B] [B]C+[/B] [B]Post match, MVP slides in the ring and tries to hit Hardy with the belt, but Matt ducks and puts him into position for a Twist of Fate, but MVP reverses and rolls out of the ring before any further damage[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B [B]-Coach-[/B] Matt Hardy is back and is looking for revenge, let's hope that MVP can counter that momentum and retain at Backlash. [B]A graphic appears[/B] [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] But will MVP make it to Backlash as the United States champion? The longest reigning United States champion in WWE history faces a tough challenge in the name of Batista. The Animal is on a roll after defeating Umaga at Wrestlemania, can he dethrone MVP? [B]Rating[/B] A [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWEUnitedStates.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/MVP.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Batista.jpg[/IMG] MVP tried to avoid Batista in the get go by exiting the ring, but the Animal quickly caught him and began punishing him using whatever's available, including the barrier, ring post, steel steps. After a good while spent wearing down the champ outside the ring, they finally entered the ring, where MVP tried to catch Batista off guard with a well placed kick to the abdomen, followed up with a snap DDT, but to no avail, the Animal kicked out. Porter began wearing the big man down with a sleeper, but Batista back suplexed him to get out of that situation. As the match continued, it was very clear how it was unfolding: Batista delivering big moves while MVP tried a quick assault. The formula seemed to wear down both men, in the end, MVP's agility and smartness paid off: after Batista landing head first into the ring post, Porter quickly hit a German and dropped the Ballin' Elbow for a convincing win. [B]Montel Vontavious Porter defeated Batista in 16:10 by pinfall. . Montel Vontavious Porter makes defence number 1 of his WWE United States title.[/B] [B]B-[/B] [B]Post match, Matt Hardy came out and tried to attack MVP, but the champ ducked the clothesline and tried to hit him with a Boot, but Hardy ducked as well, and the two ended up staring down eachother in the ring, with the crowd absolutely loving it.[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ -COMMERCIAL- [B]We return backstage, where Edge and Hawkins and Ryder are walking[/B] [B]-Edge-[/B] Next week, I'm gonna beat Shawn Michaels, and give Undertaker a taste of what's to come at Backlash [B]-Zack Ryder-[/B] But what if Chavo beats Undertaker? [B]-Edge-[/B] I've got a huge deal of respect for Chavo, but Undertaker is unstoppable as of late, and if anyone's going to put an halt on the Deadman, that person is me! [B]-Curt Hawkins-[/B] I agree. [B]-Zack Ryder-[/B] Yeah me too! [B]Suddenly the lights go out, the crowd immediately pops, when the lights return, Hawkins and Ryder are nowhere to be found, Edge is confused, he turns to see none other than The Undertaker staring down at him. Surprisingly, he doesn't back down[/B] [B]-Edge-[/B] What do you want? Still trying to play your little games with me Deadman? I'm not afraid! [B]-Undertaker-[/B] You see Edge, every mortal that has stood in front of me has said that exact same thing at one point, and yet every single one of them fell. At Wrestlemania, you fell as well. And at Backlash, you will once again fall. Expect no such thing as mercy, because if you look closely into my eyes, you will realise that I have no mercy on mortals like you. At Backlash, I will put you and your..."Familia"...to rest. That is a guarantee! [B]He rolls his eyes as the lights go out[/B] [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] Undertaker takes on Chavo Guerrero...NEXT! [B]Rating[/B] B- for Edge and the Edgeheads talking; B+ for the Taker/Edge confrontation [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Undertaker.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ChavoGuerrero.jpg[/IMG] A good back and forth match. Chavo put on one helluva fight against the World Heavyweight champion. Taking it to the Deadman early on with some stiff kicks, but Taker immediately shoved him away and launched a vicious assault in the corner with the stiff right hands. He finished it off with a hip toss from the corner into the center of the ring, where he began working on Chavo's arm with armbars, arm scissors, simple textbook stomps. Everything possible to weaken his prey. As the match continued, Chavo began gaining some momentum after Taker landed face first into an unprotected turnbuckle, hitting some leg lariats, and even a good hurricanrana. At one point, Chavo had him down for the Frogsplash, but Taker sat up and quickly chokeslammed him off the turnbuckle. That's when Edge and the Edgeheads tried to interfere, but Taker delivered uppercuts to everyone of them, keeping them outside of the ring. The World champion delivered a Tombstone and put Guerrero in the deadly Gogoplata, which immediately prompted Chavo to tap, leaving him coughing blood. [B]The Undertaker defeated Chavo Guerrero in 18:37 by submission. The Undertaker makes defence number 1 of his World Heavyweight title[/B] [B]B[/B] [B]Edge and his goonies tried to interfere once again, and even managed to take Undertaker down with a 3 on 1 assault, but eventually the fire burst from the stage as Kane's music played. But the ECW champion didn't come from the stage, he came from under the ring, and immediately delivered uppercuts to everyone, he chokeslammed Hawkins and Ryder and grabbed Edge, Taker sat up and punched Edge several times, culminating in a Tombstone.[/B] [B]-Michael Cole-[/B] There's one family that has been dominating the WWE for ten years and counting! The true family, the Brothers of Destruction, and once again, they stand tall, as their enemies do not! [B]Smackdown ends with Taker and Kane celebrating[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B [SIZE="4"][B]Final Rating B[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Mtm2k6;414652]I'm liking this, looks to be an interesting read. Plus the Ric Flair Invitational sounds cool, can't wait to see who's in it. Benjamin to win it ;)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the kind words. My goal with the Flair Invitational was to make something different to catch the reader's attention, while possibly elevating someone on the roster (or cement someone's position in the top;) ). Glad you're liking it and I hope that you and everyone else that's liking this diary to keep reading. A brief news column is coming up, followed by the RAW preview.
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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/internet.jpg[/IMG] There's a strong rumor floating backstage that Jonathan Coachman is going to be replaced by either Michael Hayes, Mick Foley, or Dusty Rhodes. Clearly everyone hasn't been much impressed by Coach's color commentary, and feel that any of the names proposed would do much better. There's still no leaks on who the participants in the Ric Flair Invitational will be, but based on last week's developments, some are sure to be a lock: - Shawn Michaels (duh) - Triple H (after losing a shot at the gold, and being pretty much without anything to do, and since he's got a strong connection with Ric, it's almost a lock) - Big Show (he hinted at such during last Smackdown) - Mr Kennedy (think about it, he's attacked by JBL, and while the logical thing would be for him to face Bradshaw at Backlash, they're hinting for another JBL/Finlay, so a surprise entrance in the tournament would be more likely) - Shelton Benjamin (after that unconclusive match with Shawn Michaels, it's pretty much a given that they'll meet again at Backlash Of course, we're talking about the WWE, where plans change every day, so don't be surprised if some of these aren't in the Ric Flair Invitational, but one thing's for sure, expect Shawn Michaels to win it.
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[QUOTE=tristram;414864]Quite enjoyed it, friend. You have a natural art of building up the main events. Keep up the great start, mate.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the feedback, it means a lot coming from one of the legends here in the dynasty forum. [QUOTE=JamesFosterFan021] Have HHH, Batista and Orton (pulling the double duty) in there. Hire Arn Anderson. My bracket would be: HBK v. Benjamin HHH v. Batista Orton v. Arn Anderson Mr. Kennedy v. .....COLT CABANA! Otherwise, I'm liking it![/QUOTE] Thanks. Some interesting suggestions there... Who knows? Maybe Double A and Steamboat might make a special appearence. Steamboat vs Michaels... Ya never know... RAW preview is coming up!
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