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D.O.T.T. - Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]NWA PRESENTS WRESTLEWAR![/SIZE] Sunday, Week 4, April 1983 Memorial Auditorium Greenville, South Carolina Attendance: 7,843 [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/HarleyRace2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Dusty Rhodes vs. Harley Race[/SIZE] Westlewar kicks off inside the ring with the entrance of the American Dream to cheers from the crowd. The Dream stands inside, waiting and the crowd rises in boos as Harley Race comes out, making his return to MACW. Race climbs inside the ring and the match is on with a brawl in the center of the ring. Rights and lefts fired away by both Dusty and Harley. Dusty blocks a punch and begins jabbing away at Race, winding up and knocking Race to the mat! King Harley quickly moves back toward the corner, looking up surprised at the American Dream. Race slowed the match down slightly, moving about inside the ring and not moving right in to lock up with the Dream. Finally Race moved in and a collar and elbow tie up with Dusty pushing Race into the corner. Referee Tommy Young steps in and tries to get a clean break but Race gets in a cheap shot on Dusty. The crowd boos as Race takes the advantage and focuses in on the neck of the American Dream, using vertical suplexes and German suplexes. Dusty fought back during this match but the King was too much as he finished off Dusty with a Falling Headbutt off the top turnbuckle. Winner: Harley Race Match Time: 15:05 Match Rating: B+ ------ A music video shows highlights of the Road Warriors as they head toward their NWA World Tag Team Titles Match with Steamboat and Youngblood. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JayYoungblood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. The Road Warriors[/SIZE] Paul Ellering led Animal and Hawk down to the ring to boos from the crowd. They removed their spiked shoulderpads and waited for the entrance of Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. The crowd cheered for the Champs but as soon as they hit the ring they were attacked by the Road Warriors! Steamboat fired back against Hawk and both of them went through the ropes as Animal worked over Jay Youngblood inside the ring. Animal focused on the back of Youngblood, ramming him against the turnbuckles and then whipping him across the ring and catching him in a powerslam! Animal made the cover: 1...2...broken up by Steamboat! Referee Tommy Young went to push Steamboat out of the ring and Animal took advantage, choking the life out of Jay Youngblood! The referee finally turned around and Animal tagged out to Hawk. Hawk went to the second turnbuckle, waiting for Youngblood to get up. He flew forward, nailing Youngblood with a shoulder tackle off the top! He made the cover and only got a two count as Youngblood got the shoulder up. Hawk whipped Youngblood into the ropes and bounced off the ropes himself but Youngblood ducked a clothesline! They both bounced off the ropes again and both hit a clothesline on the other! They both hit the mat with the crowd cheering for Youngblood to get up! They are both crawling toward their corner. Hawk makes the tag and Animal comes running in but in comes Steamboat from the tag! The Dragon ducks an Animal clothesline and kicks him in the gut before chopping his chest hard! Steamboat hits a dropkick on Animal, knocking him back in the corner. Steamboat climbs up and begins punching away on Animal! Steamboat gets to 7 before Animal walks forward and drops an inverted atomic drop. Animal moves over to his corner and begins unscrewing one of the spikes from the shoulderpads! He holds it in his hand, waiting for Steamboat to come over and then hits him in the head with the spike! The referee calls for the bell immediately! Winners: Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood Match Time: 6:08 Match Rating: C Following the sounding of the bell, Hawk comes in and knocks Youngblood off the apron as Animal drives the spike into Steamboat's forehead, busting him open! Blood is dripping down Boat's face as Animal drives the spike so sick and twistedly while Paul Ellering watches on with a smile. Several officials come running into the ring to break things up and Ellering calls off his team with the damage done. ------ Attention turns down to the podium where Ric Flair has stepped up. [U][COLOR=RED]Ric Flair[/U] For those of you people who came here tonight thinking that Jimmy Valiant is going to be the man to get the job done against Ric Flair you can all go home unhappy. The man that you're looking at is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion for a reason. Boogie Woogie Man, you think that you can step up against the Nature Boy? Tonight, you're gonna walk an aisle that's bigger than you are, brother. Whoooo. You have never been close to my league and you never will be. I've beaten Dusty Rhodes, the Briscos, the Funks and the list goes on and on and on. Who have you beaten? Bill Mulkey? Tonight, you're going to find out why I say to be the man, you have to beat the man and this belt right here insures that I am the man. Whoooo.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TommyRich.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]United States Heavyweight Title Match Greg Valentine vs. Tommy Rich[/SIZE] Wildfire has been on fire ever since coming to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling and tonight he gets the chance to become a Champion but Greg the Hammer Valentine has something to say about that. These two did not seem to click inside the ring and it brought the match rating down slightly. Valentine focused on the knee of Tommy Rich during most of the match with Rich being on the defensive. The crowd got Wildfire back into it late and Rich began firing away on the Hammer! The Hammer was shocked as Rich fought him on one leg, dropping him with a suplex and going for that Bionic Elbow before Valentine rolled out of the ring and grabbed his United States Heavyweight Title belt. He waved his arm toward the ring as he walked off, done with this match and Tommy Rich picks up the victory via countout but the belt does not change hands. Winner: Tommy Rich Match Time: 12:57 Match Rating: C+ ------ The attention turns toward the podium where the crowd boos as Ivan Koloff steps out. [U][COLOR=RED]Ivan Koloff[/U] Listen up Americans because I have challenge for you. This Wednesday night, Ivan Koloff will be at Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling television show. I am challenging any American to step into the ring with Ivan Koloff. The Russian Bear will once again prove Russian superiority against any American wrestler that chooses to step inside the ring.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickyMorton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RobertGibson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobbyEaton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DennisCondrey.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Debut Match The Rock and Roll Express vs. The Midnight Express[/SIZE] The Midnight Express were, of course, accompanied to the ring by their manager James E. Cornette. This was a good tag team match, showcasing the talents of both teams with the Rock and Roll Express preferring a high flying battle while Eaton and Condrey worked to keep them grounded. Each team showed some double team moves, showing that this is not the first time they've tagged together. In the end, it was the interference of Jim Cornette that got the win for the Midnights, following a tennis racket shot! Winners: The Midnight Express Match Time: 11:45 Match Rating: D+ ------ A video begins to play showcasing highlights of Wahoo McDaniel against Jos Leduc as we prepare for that encounter tonight! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/WahooMcDaniel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JosLeduc.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jos Leduc[/SIZE] This match was a brawl from start to finish as most people would expect from these two big men. Some of the highlights include early chops by Wahoo across the chest of Leduc. Leduc worked in some backbreakers when he had the advantage and Wahoo started a comeback near the end that resulted within a brawl that had them both push away the referee! The referee tried to seperate them again and again he got pushed back. Randy Anderson stepped in again and this time he got punched to the mat! This made him call for the bell. Winner: Double Disqualification Match Time: 12:39 Match Rating: B- The brawl didn't stop following the sound of the bell. Wahoo and Jos Leduc brawled all the way to the back, signifying this feud is far from over! ------ The focus turned down to the podium where Tony Schiavone was standing by with Jimmy Valiant. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Hello everyone. I hope you've enjoyed your wrestling action so far as we head toward our main event of the evening where this man Jimmy Valiant will take on Ric Flair for the NWA World Heavyweight Title. A big match for you, Mr. Valiant. Your thoughts?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jimmy Valiant[/U] I'll tell you what, Tony, the Boogie Woogie Man has been preparing for this day for all his life. You know what I'm saying? I've got the opportunity of a lifetime taking on Ric Flair for the NWA Title and I don't intend to blow it. Ric Flair, you may say that I'm not worthy of a title shot but the Championship Committee obviously feels that I am and tonight I am going to prove why, daddy![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimmyValiant.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair vs. Jimmy Valiant[/SIZE] Valiant headed on down to the ring and waited as the theme to 2001 A Space Odyssey began to play. The crowd rose in a mix of boos and cheers for the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair and his Enforcer Arn Anderson. The referee for this match is Tommy Young. When the bell sounded the two men circled one another and then locked up with Valiant pushing Flair into the corner. Flair raised his arms, signifying that he was going to give a clean break and Valiant stepped back. Flair flashed him a grin and then began strutting along the ropes, turning as Valiant took a step toward him. They locked up again and Flair turned Valiant into the turnbuckle with Valiant raising his arms this time for a break. Flair slowly released but chopped the chest of Valiant, the sound echoing up into the rafters! Flair pushes Valiant back some and nails another chop and then another before Valiant grabs Flair and turns HIM around, laying into Flair's chest with chops of his own and punches to boot! Valiant backs up and Flair puts up his fists, only to fall flat on his face and slide out of the ring, conversing with Arn Anderson at ringside. After a few moments, Flair returns to the ring and looks across at Valiant before meeting him in the center and locking up. Flair turns it into a side headlock, wrenching on the neck and head of Valiant. The Boogie Woogie Man brings Flair backward to the ropes and then shoots him off. Valiant drops down and Flair jumps over. Flair comes back as Valiant pops up and locks in a sleeperhold on the Nature Boy! Flair's arms flail for a moment in surprise as he tries to fight off the hold. Flair slowly gets readjusted, moving it to more of a headlock before he grabs the knee of Valiant and lifts him up, dropping knee across knee there and bringing Valiant to the mat. The Nature Boy grabs Valiant's leg and begins giving three stomps to the knee. For the next several minutes, Flair focuses on the leg and the knee in particular of Valiant, holding on to the advantage. Flair does a little showboating at this time to boos from the crowd, giving Valiant a small break in the action. Flair moves Valiant to the center of the ring, crying out..'it's over!'..he picks up the leg and leans in but Valiant rolls him up in a small package! 1... 2... Kickout!! Arn Anderson goes crazy at ringside as Flair barely kicks out of the small package by Valiant! The Boogie Woogie Man moves to his knees as Flair pops up quickly and Valiant catches Flair with a right hand to the gut! Another one! A third one as Valiant reaches his feet and brings Flair head first into the corner buckle! The Boogie Woogie Man runs the Nature Boy to the opposite corner and BAM! against the turnbuckle pad! Valiant points to another and again the same result! He finishes it off with the fourth turnbuckle and Flair tries to throw a punch but it's ducked by Valiant and Flair lands flat on his face! Valiant makes a cover: 1..2..shoulder up! Somehow, the Nature Boy got a shoulder up but Valiant has the advantage. The Boogie Woogie picks up Flair and whips him across toward the turnbuckle and Flair flips over the turnbuckle to the ring apron! Flair runs across and climbs the turnbuckle but gets caught by Valiant! Slam off the turnbuckle by the Boogie Woogie Man! Valiant comes out of the corner and drops the Boogie Woogie Elbow Drop on Flair! He makes the cover: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5...??? There's no referee! Arn Anderson has climbed onto the apron and is distracting the official! Valiant gets up and sees this, moving over to threaten Anderson with a right hand! The argument ensues between Valiant, Anderson and referee Tommy Young while Flair recovers. Flair comes over toward Valiant and drops him with a chop block to the back of the knee! Valiant falls like a ton of bricks! Arn drops off the apron as Flair rolls Valiant into a small package: 1... 2... 3...! Winner: Ric Flair Match Time: 12:31 Match Rating: A The small package is broken after the bell sounds and Arn Anderson comes in with the NWA World Title belt! He smashes it against Valiant's head, handing the belt to Flair before picking up Valiant and dropping him in a Spinebuster slam! Flair brings the belt down to Valiant's face, telling him this is the closest he'll ever come to holding this belt! Flair motions for Arn to pick up Valiant and Valiant is like a dead weight in Anderson's arms as Arn holds him up. The crowd suddenly cheers as out from the back runs Dusty Rhodes! Flair doesn't see him but Arn does! Flair brings the belt back and Dusty grabs it! Flair turns around and gets smashed in the face with the belt by the American Dream! Arn releases Jimmy Valiant and grabs Flair, pulling him out quickly! The Dream lays the belt down inside the ring as he checks on Jimmy Valiant. Ric Flair reaches in just long enough to grab his belt and the show ends with Dusty Rhodes staring down Ric Flair. Overall Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The tv ratings for the go-home show of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling were definitely raised back up. The first half hour got a .69 rating, while the second got a .77 rating with our main event of Ric Flair defeating Blackjack Mulligan. -Wrestlewar was a definite success, seeing Ric Flair defeat Jimmy Valiant in the main event of the evening in what has been deemed the best match of 1983 so far. -Masanobu Fuchi and Dizzy Ed Hogan have both been released from their contracts. We wish them the best in the future. -Results from the NWA Board Meeting suggest that the National Wrestling Alliance will no longer comply with those who continue to work with World Wrestling Federation superstars. -Maple Leaf Wrestling run by Frank Tunney, World Wrestling Council run by Victor Jovica, Pacific Northwest Wrestling run by Don Owen, International Wrestling (Montreal) run by Gino Brito, Houston Championship Wrestling run by Paul Boesch and Central States Wrestling run by Bob Geigel have all been placed on warning to get out of their agreements with Vince McMahon and the World Wrestling Federation or the NWA will be coming down hard. -Jim Crockett, Jr. has already agreed that they have been removed from having working agreements with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -International Wrestling (Montreal) has taken exception to this new rule set down by Jim Crockett, Jr. and declared war on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -Maple Leaf Wrestling has also made an offer to Wahoo McDaniel. -Stampede Wrestling and Southwest Championship Wrestling lost their television shows.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from the JMU Convocation Center in Harrisonburg, Virginia and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Jos Leduc vs. Dusty Rhodes[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: Mike Rotundo vs. The Great Kabuki[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Ivan Koloff's Open Challenge![/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Brisco Brothers vs. The House of Humperdink[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Dick Slater vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw vs. Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr.[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 1, May 1983 JMU Convocation Center Harrisonburg, Virginia Attendance: 5,000 The show opens with the crowd rising in boos as out from the back walks the man who retained the NWA World Heavyweight Title Sunday night in a match with Jimmy Valiant by less than civilized means and that man is the Nature Boy Ric Flair along with his Enforcer Arn Anderson! Flair slides into the ring and snatches away the microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Ric Flair[/U] Once again, the world needed a reminder of why this belt is around my waist and they got it last Sunday night at Wrestlewar. Jimmy the Boogie Woogie Tootie Frooty Man Valiant just couldn't get the job done. As a matter of fact, there is no one in that dressing room right now that can take this belt away from me. And that includes you, Dusty Rhodes. Take a look last night, pal. I won my match. I beat Jimmy Valiant. What happened to you, Big Dust? You lost in the opening match to Harley Race. You've got Ric Flair, the NWA World Champion Whoooo styling and profiling with all the pretty ladies. Then you've got Dusty Rhodes losing in opening matches and driving a pickup truck. I think that's comparing apples to oranges because you can tell that I am the man and you're just another wannabe. You think you wanna walk that aisle against Ric Flair and Double A the Enforcer Arn Anderson but you're gonna learn quickly that to be the man, you have to beat the man and you just can't get the job done. Whooooo![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RufusRJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BugsyMcGraw.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TerryFunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DoryFunkJr.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Rufus R. Jones and Bugsy McGraw vs. Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr.[/SIZE] Rufus and Bugsy drew the unenviable position of having to face off with both Funks in this opening contest. As one might imagine, the Funks dominated with quick tags in and out, working over both Rufus and Bugsy. Terry got the pinfall on Rufus, following the Texas Piledriver. Winners: Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. (Pinfall) Match Time: 2:55 Match Rating: D+ ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickSlater.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/WahooMcDaniel.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Dick Slater vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/SIZE] Two veterans of the squared circle facing off with one another in this next contest. During the match, Jos Leduc came down to ringside and joined the commentary booth, taking whatever time he could to lay down insults to Wahoo, even when Wahoo had the advantage. The two men didn't seem to click inside the ring but as veterans the made the most of it. Wahoo got the submission victory following an Indian Deathlock. Winner: Wahoo McDaniel (Submission) Match Time: 3:46 Match Rating: C ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JackBrisco.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/KellyKiniski.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Brisco Brothers vs. The House of Humperdink[/SIZE] The crowd was on their feet for the return of the Brisco Brothers to Mid-Atlantic. They had been gone all last month. During this match, the One Man Gang gave the Briscos trouble whenever he was in the ring but when Kiniski came in, the Briscos seized the advantage against the smaller man. Jerry Brisco got the submission win against Kelly Kiniski with the Figure 4 Leglock. Winners: The Brisco Brothers (Submission) Match Time: 5:22 Match Rating: C- Following the match, Kiniski got into an argument with Sir Oliver Humperdink and pushed the larger man! This caused the One Man Gang to attack Kiniski from behind with a double axehandle! Kiniski staggered forward and the OMG picked him up in preparation for a backbreaker and then just dropped him to the mat! Sir Oliver Humperdink pointed and One Man Gang bounced off the ropes, landing with that 747 Splash that got the crowd booing! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/wrestlertemplate.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ivan Koloff's Open Challenge![/SIZE] The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff came out to the ring and leaned against the corner, waiting to see just who would come out to face him in this open challenge. The opponent? Out comes one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions Jay Youngblood! The announcers explained that Ricky Steamboat couldn't be in the building tonight because of injuries suffered at the hands of the Road Warriors. The crowd didn't really get into this match all the way as the wrestlers didn't seem to click within the ring and it showed. The Russian Bear mostly dominated Youngblood but the crowd got the Champ back into the match with a 'U.S.A.' chant. Just as it looked like Youngblood might seal up the upset, he was attacked from behind by the Road Warriors, causing the DQ! Winner: Jay Youngblood (Disqualification) Match Time: 4:52 Match Rating: D+ The bell sounded but the Road Warriors continued their attack on Youngblood at the instruction of Precious Paul Ellering! Animal gave Youngblood a military press slam while Hawk was over in the corner, unscrewing one of the spikes from their shoulderpads! Not again! Animal held Youngblood down and Hawk drove the spike into his forehead, pressing it in hard as Youngblood cried out in pain, blood dripping down his face while the crowd looked on in shock! The Road Warriors raised their arms in victory with Paul Ellering as the three of them stood in the center of the ring. ------ When the ring was cleared, Johnny Weaver came down and stood inside the ring. [U][COLOR=RED]Johnny Weaver[/U] Hello wrestling fans. Johnny Weaver here and I'd just like to announce my special guest at this time. He is the manager of the Midnight Express. Here is Jim Cornette![/COLOR] The crowd booed as Cornette walked out in bright red suit carrying his usual tennis racket. He slid into the ring and pulled the microphone down to his mouth. [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jim Cornette[/U] Before we get things started in the ring here I'd like to tell everyone that tonight is a celebration of the first of many wins here in Mid-Atlantic by my Midnight Express. And what would a party be without cake?[/COLOR] Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey wheeled out a large cake and brought it down to the ring, standing outside the ring and looking up toward it. [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jim Cornette[/U] Not only are my Midnight Express the best wrestlers here in Mid-Atlantic but they are also the best dancers. Beautiful Bobby, Loverboy go out there and show them how it's done![/COLOR] Eaton and Condrey turned their back to the ring, dancing with the front row as Jim Cornette popped open a bottle of expensive champagne. But there was a sudden disturbance in the crowd behind Cornette. Cornette was oblivious as the Rock and Roll Express slipped into the ring behind him! The crowd cheered their approval as Robert Gibson walked up behind Cornette and grabbed him by the jacket, shoving him through the ropes and right into the cake! Cornette screamed out loud in anger, catching the attention of the Midnight Express but the Rock and Rollers were already making their way back through the crowd! What an embarassment for Jim Cornette and Johnny Weaver is just laughing hard inside the ring. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MikeRotundo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GreatKabuki.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match Mike Rotundo vs. The Great Kabuki[/SIZE] Another match where the combatants just don't seem to click at all within the ring as the two contrasting styles went one on one with the mat wrestling of Rotundo and the martial arts of the Great Kabuki. And don't forget the managerial expertise of Gary Hart at ringside for Kabuki. This was a very open back and forth match with Rotundo playing the plucky underdog in this one. Rotundo began his comeback after a long advantage by Kabuki and was getting ready to lift Kabuki into the Airplane Spin when Kabuki blew that green mist right into the eyes of Rotundo! This was done in plain sight of the referee, who had no choice but to call for the immediate DQ as Rotundo rubbed his eyes in pain! Winner: Mike Rotundo (Disqualification) Match Time: 3:55 Match Rating: D ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JosLeduc.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jos Leduc vs. Dusty Rhodes[/SIZE] Definitely a short match by main event standards but these two brawlers made the most of it. Every hit between the two looked vicious and they sold every blow. Leduc was booed heavily against the fan favorite American Dream but seemed to keep up with Dusty in every blow but the match against Wahoo last Sunday definitely had taken it's toll on Leduc. Dusty blocked a punch from Leduc and began his advantage that culminated with a Bionic Elbow and then a Weaver Lock! That Weaver Lock got the submission victory for the American Dream! Winner: Dusty Rhodes (Submission) Match Time: 4:56 Match Rating: C+ Following the win, Dusty Rhodes was attacked in the ring by Ric Flair and Arn Anderson! Flair and Anderson double-teamed the Dream and Anderson hit a Spinebuster on Dusty before Flair went to work on the leg! He locked Dusty in a Figure 4 Leglock while Arn stood guard and Bob Caudle cried out that we're out of time! Overall Rating: C TV Rating: .75[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The tv ratings were pretty good for Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling this week. -The first half hour got a .71 rating, while the second got a .79 rating. -MLW's Ringside Wrestling lost it's television slot. -MACW is proud to announce the signing of Dick Murdoch to a short-term deal. -NJPW's World Pro Wrestling has lost it's television slot. -MACW is pleased to announce the signing of Eddie Sharkey to a Road Agent position. -MACW is proud to announce the signing of Gene Kiniski to a Road Agent position. -Wahoo McDaniel signed a deal with Maple Leaf Wrestling. Jim Crockett, Jr. doesn't really care for that signing but won't stand in his way. -MACW has released Mike Davis and Ken Timbs. We wish them all the best.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from Cameron Hall in Lexington, Virginia and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Ric Flair and Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]The Road Warriors vs. Johnny Weaver and Sweet Brown Sugar[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Bobby Eaton vs. Robert Gibson[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Bob Orton, Jr. vs. Jos Leduc[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]One Man Gang vs. Abe Jacobs[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 2, May 1983 Cameron Hall Lexington, Virginia Attendance: 5,000 The show opens inside Cameron Hall with the sounds of Also Sprach Zarathustra booming through the loudspeakers. The crowd boos as Ric Flair and Arn Anderson step out from the back and head toward the ring. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle alongside David Crockett. David, it looks like we're going to get an interview with Ric Flair to kick things off.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett(Voiceover)[/U] The crowd really doesn't seem to like the Champ![/COLOR] Flair and Anderson climb inside the ring and Ric walks over, picking up a microphone. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] First of all, if you continue to give me an entrance like that I'll never be back within this dump of a town, do you hear me?[/COLOR] The crowd boos even more! Arn Anderson tries to get the crowd to quiet down but that just makes them even more hostile. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] Somehow I think they would appreciate that, David.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Do you all know who I am? I'm the Nature Boy Ric Flair, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Whoooo. I'm the best this business has to offer. My suit that I'm wearing costs more than each and every one of your houses do because I only get the best. Dusty Rhodes, I know you're listening in the back. You're probably still nursing the wounds that my Enforcer and I gave you last week but try to prop yourself up in front of the monitor back there because I have something to say to you. You are in the past in this industry. You used to carry the load for Mid-Atlantic and for the NWA but not anymore pal. Right now, the load is being carried by yours truly. Whoooo. The Nature Boy Ric Flair. I've bled, I've sweat and I've paid the price each and every night to hold on to this NWA World Heavyweight Title. I've beaten the best out there and still come back for more because that's the type of person I am. Dusty Rhodes, though I am a fighting Champion, I don't see any reason why I should be giving you a shot for this belt. You give me a reason if you can hobble yourself out here.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] Wow! Ric Flair challenging Dusty Rhodes to come out to the ring! We're waiting to see as Ric Flair stands inside the ring talking to his Enforcer. The curtains are parting and that's the American Dream, alright, but he hasn't come alone! He's come out to the top of the ramp with the Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] Let me tell you something, Ric Flair. You may have locked that Figure 4 on these old knees here but that doesn't mean a thing because I'm right out here standing tall. Tonight's main event is a tag team match where I'm teaming with this man: Jimmy Valiant against you and Arn Anderson. If I can get a pinfall on you then I earn a title shot against you at the end of the month. What do you say?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] I say: what's in it for me, jack? Not that I think you're ever gonna be capable of pinning these shoulders to the mat but what do I get when I make you submit to the Figure 4 Leglock?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] If I can't beat you tonight in tag team action then I will no longer receive any title shots while you're still the champ. What do you say, Champ?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] I say, you're on![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett(Voiceover)[/U] Wow! Some high stakes in tonight's tag team main event, Bob![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] Indeed there is, David. I am definitely looking forward to that.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/AbeJacobs.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]One Man Gang vs. Abe Jacobs[/SIZE] The OMG is accompanied down to the ring by Sir Oliver Humperdink for this matchup with the veteran New Zealander Abe Jacobs. As he has done in previous matchups, the One Man Gang dominates his opponent in short order but the crowd doesn't seem to care. Sir Oliver looks on proudly as the One Man Gang hits a Front Suplex on Abe Jacobs and gets the pinfall win. Winner: One Man Gang Match Time: 2:42 Match Rating: D- The attention moves down to the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] An impressive victory for the One Man Gang tonight. We're going to see if we can get any words with him and his manager Sir Oliver Humperdink. Sir Oliver, last week, you and the One Man Gang turned on Kelly Kiniski. Do you want to give us the reasons why?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Sir Oliver Humperdink[/U] It's fairly simple when you think about it, Caudle. Even you should be able to understand that Kiniski was the weak link in the House of Humperdink. He was always the one that got pinned in the tag matches so why would we want to keep a loser like that around?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] You realize he has challenged the One Man Gang to a match at the end of the month, right?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Sir Oliver Humperdink[/U] If that loser wants to give the One Man Gang a night off in such an easy match then I say go for it. Then we can move on to bigger and better things like the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] That was Sir Oliver Humperdink there, manager of the One Man Gang. Let's head back up to the ring for our next match.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobOrtonJr.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JosLeduc.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Bob Orton, Jr. vs. Jos Leduc[/SIZE] Cowboy Bob Orton, Jr. started out strong in this match with the Canadian Wildman, surprising Leduc with his intensity. But once Leduc caught Orton in a reversal into the turnbuckles it was all Leduc. The Canadian Wildman finished off Orton with a Bear Hug and a submission victory. Winner: Jos Leduc Match Time: 5:42 Match Rating: C ------ [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] Last week, we had an interesting encounter when Jim Cornette came out to celebrate the first win of the Midnight Express. The celebration didn't quite go like Cornette planned it. Let's head to the videotape to show you exactly what happened.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]Eaton and Condrey turned their back to the ring, dancing with the front row as Jim Cornette popped open a bottle of expensive champagne. But there was a sudden disturbance in the crowd behind Cornette. Cornette was oblivious as the Rock and Roll Express slipped into the ring behind him! The crowd cheered their approval as Robert Gibson walked up behind Cornette and grabbed him by the jacket, shoving him through the ropes and right into the cake! Cornette screamed out loud in anger, catching the attention of the Midnight Express but the Rock and Rollers were already making their way back through the crowd! What an embarassment for Jim Cornette and Johnny Weaver is just laughing hard inside the ring.[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobbyEaton.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RobertGibson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Bobby Eaton vs. Robert Gibson[/SIZE] Eaton came out accompanied by Jim Cornette. Cornette did NOT look happy about that video being shown. The crowd cheered for the entrance of Robert Gibson, one half of the Rock and Roll Express. This was a pretty evenly contested bout with some good mat-wrestling early. Jim Cornette tripped Gibson when he came off the ropes but the referee didn't see it and Eaton gained the advantage. He set Gibson up for the Alabama Jam but Gibson rolled out of the way at the last second and Eaton was in pain! Cornette looked astonished at ringside as Gibson pushed Eaton into the corner and began wailing punches away on him to the crowd's count: 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10! Gibson dropped down and Eaton fell to the mat. The Rock and Roll Expresser climbed to the top turnbuckles, waiting for Eaton to get back up and nailed a dropkick off the turnbuckles! Gibson quickly slid into a cover: 1...2...3!! Robert Gibson picks up the victory, quickly rolling out of the ring as Cornette comes into it! Winner: Robert Gibson Match Time: 4:54 Match Rating: D ------ [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] Earlier this evening David Crockett and myself were handed a tape from Paul Ellering that shows some workout footage of the Road Warriors. Let's head to the tape![/COLOR] And the tape begins to play, showing the Road Warriors lifting weights and running in the snow. Animal is actually shown attached to a car and pulling it down the road while Paul Ellering urges him on! Several more scenes of weightlifting are shown to the tune of 'Iron Man' before it fades back to the arena. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JohnnyWeaver.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/SweetBrownSugar2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Road Warriors vs. Johnny Weaver and Sweet Brown Sugar[/SIZE] The Road Warriors headed down to the ring with their manager Paul Ellering for this match against Johnny Weaver and Sweet Brown Sugar. The veteran Weaver tried to gain a quick advantage against the Road Warriors but was stopped quickly within his tracks by the raw power of Road Warrior Animal. The Road Warriors no-sold all of the offense by Weaver and the quick Sweet Brown Sugar. When Sugar was tagged in, he went to the top turnbuckles and leapt with a flying cross body but instead was caught and turned into a powerslam by Animal, crushing the lightweight! Ellering signalled for things to be over and Hawk ascended the turnbuckles as Animal lifted SBS on his shoulders...DOOMSDAY DEVICE! It sent Sweet Brown Sugar on a 360 ride! Hawk knocked Weaver off the apron as Animal put his palms down on Sugar's chest: 1...2...3! Winners: The Road Warriors Match Time: 5:36 Match Rating: D [U][COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett[/U] An impressive win for the Road Warriors here tonight. Ricky Steamboat has not been seen since their match at Wrestlewar where he was bloodied at the hands of the Road Warriors but we have this videotape from Steamboat's hospital room that everyone needs to see.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]The videotape begins to roll, showing Ricky Steamboat with a big bandage on his forehead lying within a hospital bed. The NWA World Tag Team Title belt is lying over his waist in full view of the camera. [U][COLOR=RED]Ricky Steamboat[/U] I'd like to thank everyone for their cards and show of support during these tough times. The Road Warriors really did a number on me at Wrestlewar. I'm not going to lie about that. But at the end of the month I will be returning with my partner Jay Youngblood inside that very ring to do battle against the Road Warriors! Hawk, Animal, Paul Ellering: all you've served to do is to make a Dragon angry and at the end of the month I will be breathing fire on you![/COLOR] Ricky coughs several times as he gets worked up and nurses come in to check on him, telling him he should rest as we fade back to the arena.[/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimmyValiant.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]If Dusty Rhodes wins, he gets an NWA World Heavyweight Title Shot If Ric Flair wins, Dusty Rhodes no longer gets any NWA World Heavyweight Title Shots until Ric Flair loses the belt Ric Flair and Arn Anderson vs. Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant[/SIZE] The crowd booed the entrance of Flair and Anderson and cheered as Dusty and Jimmy came running down to the ring and slid inside! It was a brawl to start things off with as Dusty went after Flair and Valiant after Anderson. Valiant blames the Enforcer for costing HIM the NWA World Title! Flair and Anderson were knocked out of the ring and had to regroup as the crowd cheered on the American Dream and the Boogie Woogie Man! Flair and Anderson paced their side of the ring, talking to one another as referee Randy Anderson began the count. Flair climbed up on the apron and Anderson slid into the ring as Dusty went to the outside, making it Anderson against Valiant to start things off with. They locked up in the center of the ring and Anderson moved into a side headlock on Valiant. He wrenched it in hard and then flipped Valiant to the mat, getting a two count on Valiant with a side headlock pin. Valiant rolled Anderson's shoulders over and got a 1 count before Anderson moved back up. They slowly got to their feet and Valiant pulled Anderson back toward the ropes and then shot him across. Anderson with a big shoulderblock to Valiant, sending him to the mat! The Enforcer bounced off the ropes again and did a leap frog over Valiant, coming back the opposite side and it was Valiant who did the leap frog but Anderson stopped and dropped Valiant with a neckbreaker! What a move by the Enforcer! He gave a look toward Dusty before moving Valiant over into his own corner and tagging out to Flair. The Nature Boy lifted Valiant in the corner and Anderson held him while Flair laid in with several vicious chops to the chest! The referee tried to get Anderson to break and the Enforcer did so before the count of five. Flair pulled Valiant out of the corner and hooked him, raising him up in a high vertical suplex and holding him there while the blood rushed to the brain of the Boogie Woogie Man! Then sent him crashing down hard to the mat! Flair got back up quickly and bounced off the ropes, walking toward Valiant and dropping a knee across the forehead! Flair smiled as he gave a little strut along the ring and released a Whoooo near Dusty Rhodes, taunting him! Dusty came into the ring and Flair backed off, using the referee to keep Dusty back! Arn Anderson came into the ring and began choking Valiant as Flair clapped his hands behind the referee's back and slid out of the ring and onto the apron! Referee Randy Anderson came back, seeing Arn choking Valiant and began the count to break the hold. Anderson released at 4 and then the referee began to question whether or not a tag was really made. Of course Flair and Arn say there was and the referee heard something so he lets it go. Double A places his knee across Valiant's windpipe, choking the oxygen out of him for 4 seconds before releasing and doing it again for another 4 seconds. Anderson smiles as he is in control and drags his thumb across his throat. He lifts up the hurt Valiant and whips him into the ropes, setting for the Spinebuster but Valiant hits a kick to the head! Anderson leaned in too soon and Valiant caught him right in the head with a solid kick! Valiant with a clothesline that drops both men to the mat! The crowd cheers for the Boogie Woogie Man and his body begins to shake on the mat, responding to the clapping cheers for him.. Cameron Hall is on their feet as both Anderson and Valiant crawl toward their corners. Anderson makes the tag to Flair, who comes running in just in time for Valiant to tag out to Dusty! The crowd here at Cameron Hall erupts as a fresh American Dream comes inside the ring with Flair begging off and stepping back! Arn Anderson slips to his feet and leaps for Dusty but Dusty ducks a clothesline and begins peppering Anderson with rights and lefts! He has some for Flair, staggering both men. DOUBLE NOGGIN KNOCKERS! Flair and Anderson hit heads by Dusty! Anderson takes a Bionic Elbow that knocks him to the mat! Dusty turns to Flair and does a little shake and bake before hitting him with the Bionic Elbow! Dusty moves over to the corner and comes running out, dropping an elbow on Flair! He makes the cover: 1...2...Jimmy Valiant stops Arn Anderson from interfering...3!!! Dusty has won it! He has won a title shot! Winners: Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant Match Time: 9:34 Match Rating: C- Dusty and Jimmy celebrate, sliding out of the ring and leaving the ring to Flair and Anderson. The American Dream looks toward Flair and begins motioning around his waist, showing that he wants the belt and that's all the time we have left! Overall Rating: C- TV Rating: Coming Soon[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -Despite our best efforts, fans did not find anything spectacular about Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling this week. We'll just have to work harder. -TV Local - Mid Atlantic has agreed to renew Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling for 1 more season. -Paul Jones has agreed to a contract extension with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -Private Jim Nelson has been released from his MACW contract. -Robert Gibson has come down with an African Sleeping Sickness and will be gone for around 20 days. -Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling received a tv rating of .69. The first half hour got a .66 rating and the second got a .73 rating. -ICW All stars lost their slot. As did Championship Wrestling -Sgt. Slaughter and Tully Blanchard both rejected negotiations with MACW. -MACW is proud to announce the signing of Mr. Wrestling II to the roster. -Don Muraco, Jerry Lawler, J.J. Dillon and Ole Anderson also rejected negotiations.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from the Dedmon Center in Radford, Virginia and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Dick Murdoch vs. Dusty Rhodes[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Terry Funk vs. Jerry Brisco[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Jimmy Valiant vs. Dick Slater[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Tommy Rich vs. Rick Harris[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 3, May 1983 Dedmon Center Radford, Virginia Attendance: 5,000 The show opens within the Dedmon Center with the cameras focusing in on the crowd! Some of them are wearing Dusty Rhodes t-shirts, other holding up signs and trying to get on tv. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to the Dedmon Center in Radford, Virginia and Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle alongside David Crockett...[/COLOR] Caudle is interrupted by the sound of the music for Dusty Rhodes, who comes out to a lot of cheers from the fans! [U][COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett(Voiceover)[/U] And it looks like something is about to happen early here as we have the American Dream Dusty Rhodes coming out to the ring![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] The fans are definitely on the side of the Dream as he heads toward the very first Clash of the Champions and a match with Ric Flair. Let's listen in to what he has to say.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] First of all, it's good to be here in Radford, Virginia, if you will! I'd like to ask for a little indulgence here as I came out to speak about my match at Clash of the Champions with the Nature Boy Ric Flair.[/COLOR] Boos erupt from the crowd at the mention of Flair's name! [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] The crowd here in Radford really doesn't like him![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] I see that you all know exactly who I'm talking about. Ric Flair, I've been around this company for a very long time. I've been the face of the National Wrestling Alliance. I've been where you are. The pressure is certainly mounting on you, isn't it? The pressure of being the Champ. At the Clash, I will remove that pressure from you. I will take that NWA World Heavyweight Title belt off your hands. I will....[/COLOR] [COLOR=GREEN]You will shut your mouth![/COLOR] The crowd turned toward the entrance, expecting to see Ric Flair... [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(Voiceover)[/U] It's Dick Murdoch! Dusty Rhodes' opponent later tonight is headed down to the ring![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Dick Murdoch[/U] Dusty Rhodes, it's been a very long time, hasn't it? Tonight, I'm going to show you exactly what you've been missing. Tonight, you're gonna remember what it's like to be a Texas Outlaw.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] Dicky Murdoch, it's always a pleasure. I've grown and evolved past those days, you know. I don't deny my Texas roots but I'm here in Mid-Atlantic, in Radford, Virginia and at the end of the month I'll be fighting for the NWA World Heavyweight Title while you don't even have a match at the Clash.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Dick Murdoch[/U] No, I don't have a match at the Clash but that's alright because tonight I'm going to prove exactly who the best Texas Outlaw is. I'm going to prove that YOU should not be fighting for the NWA Title but it should be ME: The Texas Outlaw Dick Murdoch![/COLOR] Dusty and Dick get nose to nose before officials come running out from the back and seperate the two. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TommyRich.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BlackBart.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Tommy Rich vs. Rick Harris[/SIZE] Wildfire Tommy Rich has another match at the Clash with Greg Valentine but tonight he has to take on Rick Harris. Rich dominated the match much to no one's surprise. He is proving to be a worthwhile opponent to Greg Valentine and the U.S. Title. Rich finished the match with a Lou Thesz Press and pinning combination as Greg Valentine came running to the ring. Winner: Tommy Rich Match Time: 4:29 Match Rating: D+ Tommy Rich slowly got up from Rick Harris and turned, getting SMACKED in the face by the United States Heavyweight Title! Greg Valentine stands over Rich, holding the U.S. Title close to his face and yelling at him that this is the closest he'll ever come to the belt! ------ [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] What a dastardly attack by Greg Valentine.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett[/U] Definitely cowardly.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] On a brighter note, coming soon to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling is a true veteran and a man that everyone can be proud of. In less than a month, he'll be here in MACW. Introducing Mr. Wrestling II![/COLOR] [QUOTE]A video begins to play showing the accomplishments of Mr. Wrestling II, taken mostly from Georgia Championship Wrestling with their permission![/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimmyValiant.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickSlater.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jimmy Valiant vs. Dick Slater[/SIZE] At the Clash of the Champions in a little over a week, Jimmy Valiant will be looking for revenge against Arn Anderson but tonight he has to focus on a tough veteran challenger in Dirty Dick Slater. Slater definitely put up a good fight against the Boogie Woogie Man. The match went back and forth for it's short duration and Boogie Woogie was just too much, taking Slater down and nailing the Boogie Woogie Elbow Drop for the pinfall victory! Winner: Jimmy Valiant Match Time: 5:33 Match Rating: C+ Valiant got up to celebrate but he turned into a left fist from Arn Anderson! The Enforcer stomped on the already spent Jimmy Valiant, dropping a knee on his arm before picking him up and whipping him into the ropes, catching him with a Spinebuster slam! Anderson stood over Valiant and spit on him much to the crowd's disgust. ------ The attention turned down to the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Hello everyone and thank you for watching Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle along with David Crockett and our special guest: Jim Crockett, Jr. Jim, we have a big event coming in a little over a week in the Clash of the Champions.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/U] Yes, indeed, we do, Bob. I am proud to announce the Clash of the Champions a week from Sunday with a main event of Ric Flair defending the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Dusty Rhodes![/COLOR] [COLOR=GREEN]Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute![/COLOR] The men are interrupted by the presence of THEE NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair! [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] I never agreed to give Dusty Rhodes a title shot. In fact, last week, I remember saying how he didn't deserve a title shot![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/U] You did say that, Mr. Flair, but you also said you would give him a title shot IF he beat you later on that evening and we have video evidence of the fact that he did INDEED beat you in the middle of the ring.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] That's not fair! Everyone knows he cheated! He held my tights to beat me last week. Everyone here knows that he can't beat me in a clean match so why even have the match?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/U] If you're so confident, then prove it at the Clash of the Champions because this main event is signed, sealed and WILL be delivered![/COLOR] Flair's face turns red and he storms out of the set in a rage! [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Let's head back up to the ring.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TerryFunk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Terry Funk vs. Jerry Brisco[/SIZE] Two veterans of the squared circle in this encounter as Terry Funk takes on Jerry Brisco! The crowd really got into this match as it seemed that both men went after the legs of the other. Each of them have submission moves focusing in on the legs. Terry used Dory Funk, Jr. on the outside to distract the referee while he tangled Brisco's leg in the ropes and stretched it out! But Brisco came back from that and continued the fight! Eventually, Brisco locked in the Figure 4 Leglock in the center of the ring! Terry Funk struggled and fought but couldn't break the hold! Eventually, the referee called for the bell, ending the match himself. Winner: Jerry Brisco Match Time: 5:40 Match Rating: B- Jerry let go of the hold and got his hand raised by Referee Tommy Young. His brother came in to celebrate with him but both were attacked from behind by the Funks! Terry and Dory worked over the legs of the Brisco Brothers, much to the disgust of the fans until officials came out to break things up! [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] What a horrible act by the Funks here tonight![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett[/U] But the Briscos will get their shot for revenge at the Clash of the Champions in a tag team match just recently signed: The Brisco Brothers against the Funks![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Dick Murdoch vs. Dusty Rhodes[/SIZE] What a main event! Two veteran wrestlers who are former partners going one on one here. Everyone knew from the outset that this wasn't going to be a technical wrestling clinic. As a matter of fact, it was a big Texas brawl here from the outset with the referee Stu Schwartz having a hard time keeping things under control early on. Murdoch took the advantage at the midway point and began focusing on the head and neck of Rhodes with neckbreakers and stomps to the head. The crowd got behind the American Dream at this point as Murdoch locked in a reverse chinlock! Murdoch worked the hold in tight and Stu asked Dusty if he wanted to give it up but Dusty wouldn't budge. The crowd began clapping their hands and Dusty used it to fire himself up, getting to his feet and turning into the hold, dropping Murdoch with a back drop and both men ended up on the mat! Neither man looked ready to move as the referee began his count. At 3, they were stirring. At 5, they were both to their knees and they began slinging punches at one another as they battled to their feet! Dusty began taking the advantage, hooking Murdoch in a vertical suplex and dropping him face-first to the mat! The American Dream lifted Murdoch and whipped him into the ropes, catching him with that dreaded Weaver Lock! Dusty cinched it in tight and Murdoch began to fade. As Murdoch dropped to his knees, the referee called for the bell and this match was over! Winner: Dusty Rhodes Match Time: 13:14 Match Rating: C Following the match, Ric Flair came running down to the ring and slid inside, preparing to hit Dusty with the belt. Dusty turned and DUCKED a belt shot! Flair came bouncing off the ropes back into a few rights and lefts from the American Dream and then a Bionic Elbow that sent the Champ to the mat! Dusty lifted Flair up and whipped him hard into the turnbuckle! Flair flipped up and over the turnbuckle, running along the apron right into a Dusty Rhodes clothesline that sent Flair down and out outside the ring! Flair just stared up at Dusty as the show came to a close. Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: Coming Soon[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The fans really seemed to praise this week's edition of MACW. -Obviously, the Midnight Express/Rock and Roll Express feud has been put on hold until Robert Gibson's return. -Ray Stevens is staying with WWF. -Gene Okerland is staying with AWA. -Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling drew a .74 rating with half hour 1 getting a .70 rating and half hour 2 getting a .78 rating. -Randy Savage rejected negotiations. -Big John Studd and Tiger Chung Lee are remaining with the WWF.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from The Civic Center in Salem, Virginia and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Ivan Koloff vs. Dusty Rhodes[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. The Brisco Brothers[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Title Match: Ric Flair vs. Mike Rotundo[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Road Warriors vs. Rufus R. Jones and Porkchop Cash[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]One Man Gang vs. Angelo Mosca Jr.[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 4, May 1983 Civic Center Salem, Virginia Attendance: 5,000 The show opens and instead of focusing in on the fans like usual, the focus is on the podium with Bob Caudle and David Crockett. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Hello wrestling fans and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle alongside David Crockett and tonight we are going to kick things off here with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Nature Boy Ric Flair![/COLOR] The crowd boos as Flair walks out with that NWA World Title around his waist. He heads right over to the podium. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Bob Caudle, David Crockett it's good to be here in Salem, Virginia tonight. Whoooo.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]David Crockett[/U] Yes, Ric, well we brought you out here tonight to talk about your match at the Clash of the Champions with the American Dream Dusty Rhodes...[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Let me interrupt you there for a second, David. Do you know who I am? I am the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. I decide who we talk about and who we don't talk about. Do you understand me? And I don't want to waste any more breath talking about that overweight loser. Do you get what I'm saying?[/COLOR] Flair is interrupted by the presence of none other than the American Dream himself, walking out from the back. Ric raises his hands for a moment. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Look, big man, this is my mic time, not yours. So why don't you just go and sit in the back and have another beer and let the big boys talk.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] Listen to me, Ric Flair and you listen good. You come out here and you shoot your mouth off day in and day out about what you can do. At the Clash of the Champions, I'm gonna prove that all you got in your gut is butterflies, daddy. You better hold on to that belt real tight, sleep with it for the next night or two because at the Clash it's coming home to the American Dream.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Is that so, Dusty? I don't think you would survive a run with this belt. It doesn't include driving a pickup truck and picking up some skanky looking women like those who live here in Salem, Virginia. It involves riding in limousines, riding in leer jets and being the best that the NWA has to offer day in and day out. I don't think you have what it takes.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] Is that so?[/COLOR] And Dusty punches Flair, beginning a wild brawl between the two around the podium that is quickly broken up by wrestlers and officials coming out and standing between the two with both of them yelling at the other one, kicking and screaming. These two will do battle at Clash of the Champions and there will be no one there to stop them! [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Let's head on up to ringside for our first bout of the evening.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/AngeloMoscaJr.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]One Man Gang vs. Angelo Mosca, Jr.[/SIZE] Of course the Gang was accompanied to the ring by his manager Sir Oliver Humperdink to take on the son of king kong. But this wasn't even a match worth watching. The crowd didn't care for it and One Man Gang dominated on his way toward the Clash and a battle with Kelly Kiniski. One Man Gang got the pinfall when he dropped a 747 Splash on top of Mosca, Jr. Winner: One Man Gang Match Time: 3:51 Match Rating: E+ ------ [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(V.O.)[/U] Ladies and Gentlemen, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood are both out of the hospital now. MACW cameras caught up with them and this is what they had to say about their upcoming match with the Road Warriors.[/COLOR] [QUOTE]A video begins to play with an MACW background and Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood in front of it. [U][COLOR=BLUE]Ricky Steamboat[/U] Road Warriors, I know you're listening. My partner and I have been working around the clock training and getting ready for this rematch despite the injuries that set us back. These belts mean everything to Jay and myself. And at the Clash of the Champions, you're NOT going to take them from us.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RufusRJones.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/PorkchopCash.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Road Warriors vs. Rufus R. Jones and Porkchop Cash[/SIZE] Rufus and Porkchop both looked intimidated in the corner as the Road Warriors came out with their manager Paul Ellering. As we have seen in the past, Rufus and Porkchop are definitely no match for the Road Warriors and that showed here tonight as the Roadies dominated the match from start to finish with Rufus and Porkchop not getting in any offense at all that worked. Finally, Ellering gave the signal and it was the Freight Train that got nailed by the Doomsday Device. Hawk made the cover and it was all she wrote. Winners: The Road Warriors Match Time: 3:52 Match Rating: D ------ [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle(V.O.)[/U] What a devastating team the Road Warriors make! I'd hate to be in Steamboat or Youngblood's shoes right now. But let's head to a videotape of a man who will soon be making his debut here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Let's see: Mr. Wrestling II![/COLOR] [QUOTE]Another video of Mr. Wrestling II begins to play, showing him wrestling all over the world and taking on all comers, ending the match with that Running Knee Lift of his. And he is coming soon to MACW![/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MikeRotundo.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair vs. Mike Rotundo[/SIZE] The Nature Boy showing that he will defend the belt against all comers as he defends it here tonight against the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion 'Iron' Mike Rotundo. Rotundo actually showed some decent offense in this match, surprising Flair, who realized that he needed to get serious or he would be losing his belt. Flair looked really good and crisp inside the ring, not a surprise to anyone. He finally finished off Rotundo with a Small Package that got him the win. Winner: Ric Flair Match Time: 6:03 Match Rating: C+ ------ The cameras focus in on the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Hello everyone. Tony Schiavone down here at ringside and my special guest coming out here at this time is the United States Heavyweight Champion and will be defending that belt at the Clash of the Champions against Tommy Rich. Everyone, please welcome Greg The Hammer Valentine![/COLOR] Valentine comes out to a chorus of boos from the crowd, which he just shrugs off as he joins Schiavone at ringside. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Mr. Valentine, it seems that these fans don't really like you that much.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Greg Valentine[/U] I don't really like them either.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] This coming Sunday night the fans will definitely be in the corner of your opponent Wildfire Tommy Rich. At Wrestlewar, you ended up walking out and getting counted out in your encounter with Rich. What do you plan to do differently at the Clash?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Greg Valentine[/U] Tommy Rich didn't deserve to be in the same ring with me. I'm sick and tired of people coming up to me on the street and asking me why I left the ring at Wrestlewar. At the Clash of the Champions, I am going to prove why I didn't waste any more of my time with Wildfire. I am going to make him submit to my Figure 4 Leglock and that's all I've got to say.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Well, then, it's back up to the ring.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GreatKabuki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MagicDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JackBrisco.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. The Brisco Brothers[/SIZE] The Briscos will be in action on Sunday night against the Funks but they better not overlook Gary Hart's team tonight. This was a very good back and forth match with Jerry Brisco playing a little face-in-peril during the bout. Once he got the hot tag to his brother, though, Kabuki and Dragon were taken down to the mat and Jack Brisco began the mat wrestling. He was able to draw out a pinfall on Magic Dragon using an Oklahoma Roll. Winners: The Brisco Brothers Match Time: 6:35 Match Rating: C- ------ The focus returns to the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Another big win for the Briscos as they head into action this Sunday night against Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. At this time, I'd like to bring out another man who will be in action this Sunday night: Wahoo McDaniel![/COLOR] The crowd cheers for Wahoo as he walks out and joins Bob Caudle. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Thank you for being here tonight, Mr. McDaniel.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Wahoo McDaniel[/U] You can call me Wahoo. And it's good to be here.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Alright, Wahoo, this Sunday night you take on a man you went to a draw with last month at Wrestlewar: Jos Leduc. Any changes in strategy you want to let us in on?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Wahoo McDaniel[/U] I don't need to change my strategy, Bob. It's Jos Leduc that's going to havr to adjust to me. I am full steam ahead all day every day and Sunday night is going to be no different. Jos, I know you're watching and thinking to yourself that you have butterflies in your stomach and you don't know what you're going to do when you get in the ring with Wahoo and all these Wahoo fans but I'll do my best to make it quick.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Wahoo McDaniel, everyone! Now let's head back to the ring for our main event![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ivan Koloff vs. Dusty Rhodes[/SIZE] The Russian Bear took many boos from the crowd when he headed up to the ring with the fans cheering on Dusty when he made his way to the ring. Two large, tough athletes meeting face to face in the center of the ring and like last week this one was a brawl from the start and the crowd was into it. When Koloff began getting the advantage and working over the back of Dusty, the crowd began their 'U.S.A.' chant, which made Koloff cover his ears a moment, yelling at the crowd to shut up. This gave Dusty the little bit of time he needed to slightly recover and throw some punches into Koloff's chest. The crowd cheered as the American Dream started to come back against the Russian Bear! Dusty slammed Koloff to the mat and hit a big splash for a two count! The American Dream lifted Koloff and brought him in a corner, raising up and beginning to punch away on Koloff: 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10! Dusty dropped down and whipped Koloff to the opposite corner with authority! Dusty came charging in as Koloff bounced off the turnbuckles and locked in a Weaver Lock! Koloff fought and struggled against the hold but eventually he succumbed to it. Winner: Dusty Rhodes Match Time: 7:50 Match Rating: B- As Dusty began to celebrate, Ric Flair and Arn Anderson circled the ring like sharks. Dusty looked down and knew he was outnumbered but he was ready to fight when Jimmy Valiant came running down and inside the ring! Dusty and Jimmy stood tall, looking down at Flair and Anderson. Flair signalled to Arn and they slid into the ring and as the brawl began the show was off the air. Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: Soon To Come[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -We got more praise from the fans over this week's tv. -Word around the rumour mill is that the Masked Superstar might soon be released from his WWF contract. -Angelo Mosca, Jr. re-signed with MACW. -Jim Cornette and Koko B. Ware are having issues with one another due to Bobby Eaton's new Midnight Express team. -Don Kernodle extended his deal with the WWF. -MACW drew a .77 tv rating. The first half hour was a .73 while the second half hour got a .82.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Sunday night from the Civic Center in Roanoke, Virginia[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]NWA PRESENTS CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS I![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends against Dusty Rhodes[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]United States Heavyweight Title Match: Greg Valentine defends against Tommy Rich[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against The Road Warriors[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jos Leduc[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Terry Funk and Dory Funk Jr. vs. The Brisco Brothers[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]One Man Gang vs. Kelly Kiniski[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Arn Anderson vs. Jimmy Valiant[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]NWA PRESENTS CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS I![/SIZE] Sunday, Week 4, May 1983 Civic Center Roanoke, Virginia Attendance: 8,892 As fans are getting settled into their seats with their popcorn and drinks the loud sounds of the Theme From 2001: A Space Odyssey begins to play and the crowd boos loudly as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair walks out toward the ring in that luxurious blue robe with the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt around his waist. He slides inside and is handed a microphone. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] I heard that there is a party going on in Roanoke, Virginia tonight. Whooo! It's a celebration for when the Nature Boy defeats the American Dream tonight in this very ring. Dusty Rhodes, you and I, we go way back, brother. But the fact of the matter is that you just don't have what it takes to win this belt from me. You are not a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss-stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun like Ric Flair! Whoooo! When you walk that aisle tonight and you're looking up into the ring, remember, Dusty Rhodes, to be the man, you have to beat the man. And this shiny gold belt around my waist proves each and every night that I AM the man. Whoooo![/COLOR] Ric drops the microphone and slips out of the ring, standing down at ringside. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimmyValiant.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Arn Anderson vs. Jimmy Valiant[/SIZE] Ric stayed at ringside to show his support for his Enforcer Arn Anderson as Arn came out to the ring and they discussed strategy. The Boogie Woogie Man came out to some cheers from the crowd and headed right into the ring. Boogie Woogie discussed something with referee Stu Schwartz after the bell sounded and Stu leaned in toward Ric Flair and pointed toward the back! Ric was incensed! But he doesn't have a manager's license and this match is going to be fair! After a warning that he would DQ Arn Anderson, Ric finally walked to the back. Inside the ring, Anderson and Valiant went to lock up but Valiant dodged it and gave a little strut, mocking Flair! Anderson tried to move in from behind but Valiant turned back quickly and Anderson put up his fists! The first few minutes of the actual bout went along these lines before Anderson caught Valiant with a knee to the gut and began with the advantage. The two wrestlers did not seem to click in this match and that led to an awkward bout between the two. The Boogie Woogie Man fought back during the match and the advantage went back and forth between the two until Anderson caught Valiant with a Spinebuster out of nowhere! Anderson made the cover and placed his feet on the ropes: 1...2...3!! Arn Anderson picks up the win! Winner: Arn Anderson (pinfall) Match Time: 12:45 Match Rating: D ------ The attention turns down toward the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Hello everyone in Roanoke, Virginia! I hope you're all enjoying this show so far. I have with me right now one of the competitors in our next match: The Canadian Wildman Jos Leduc. Jos, tonight you take on Wahoo McDaniel. Last month, the two of you went to a double DQ. What's going to be different tonight?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jos Leduc[/U] You think I'm a Wild Man, Bob Caudle? Really? I'm impressed that you've been paying that much attention to me inside the ring. The difference tonight is that I am going to tear Wahoo's head off and eat it! Wahoo is nothing and I've proven that time and time again. Tonight is just another day on the job.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/WahooMcDaniel.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JosLeduc.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Wahoo McDaniel vs. Jos Leduc[/SIZE] Wahoo came out from the back and he was immediately attacked by Leduc! The brawl was on outside the ring between the two with rights and lefts, knocking the headdress off Wahoo! They fought back toward the ring and finally made it inside after Jos smacked Wahoo into the ring apron. The brawl continued inside the ring with Jos biting Wahoo! Eventually, Wahoo DID get busted open by Jos Leduc! The crowd gasped at the viciousness of the Canadian Wild Man! Jos played to the crowd, spitting blood at them to boos from the crowd! This gave Wahoo some time to come back from being hurt and once he felt the blood on his forehead he seemed to get incensed! It fired him up as he ignored shots from Jos Leduc! He began doing his Native American War Dance around the ring, chopping Leduc and bringing Leduc to the mat! Wahoo picked up Leduc and whipped him into the ropes. He lifted him up: Native American Drop! He makes the cover, hooking the near leg: 1...2...Leduc gets his foot on the ropes! That far leg got to the ropes and Wahoo shakes his head. Wahoo pulls Leduc away from the ropes and leans down, getting his eyes raked by Leduc! Jos Leduc quickly slides out of the ring and reaches underneath it??? Leduc comes back up and slides inside the ring behind Wahoo...wrapping a leather strap around his throat!!! The referee calls for the bell as Leduc begins choking out Wahoo with the strap! Winner: Wahoo McDaniel (DQ) Match Time: 18:53 Match Rating: B- Leduc doesn't let go of Wahoo following the signalling of the bell! He's choking McDaniel out to the mat with that leather strap! He finally releases him and begins whipping him with that strap on the back, leaving red welts on the back of Wahoo McDaniel! Jos looks outside the ring and gets a vicious look on his face. He slides outside the ring. Where is he going? Oh no! He's got that Native American headdress of Wahoo McDaniel's! He slides back into the ring, putting it on and mocking Wahoo's war dance as the crowd boos! Leduc finally takes it off and begins to shred it with his hands, letting the feathers fall on top of the fallen Wahoo McDaniel! What a disgrace! Finally, several wrestlers come down to the ring and Leduc sees discretion as the better part of valor. ------ The attention returns to the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Sir Oliver Humperdink[/U] Tonight is the next step that my One Man Gang takes toward greatness. Kelly Kiniski, we are going to prove that you were the weak link in the House of Humperdink. And after that it's on to Mike Rotundo and the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/KellyKiniski.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]One Man Gang vs. Kelly Kiniski[/SIZE] Sir Oliver led his charge, the One Man Gang down to the ring where they waited the arrival of Kelly Kiniski. Kiniski made his way down to some cheers from the crowd, sliding into the ring and the match was on. The One Man Gang dominated this bout against the young Kiniski. And they showed some great chemistry in the ring that helped the Gang look even better. The One Man Gang took Kiniski down with a Front Suplex and then nailed him with the 747 Splash to pick up the victory. Winner: One Man Gang (pinfall) Match Time: 7:51 Match Rating: D+ ------ The attention returned to the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Hello wrestling fans, I hope you've been enjoying the Mid-Atlantic Wrestling action! Tony Schiavone here along with a man who is going to be in the main event tonight taking on Ric Flair for the NWA World Title: The American Dream Dusty Rhodes. Dusty, Ric had some pretty tough words for you earlier tonight. Are you ready for this match?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Dusty Rhodes[/U] Let me tell you, Tony Schiavone, Ric Flair has been right about some things about the American Dream. I don't ride in limousines or leer jets or any of those other fancy things that he does. I'm the humble son of a plumber and just like each and every one of these fans watching wrestling today. But I do have a talent. A talent for wrestling, if you will. Slick Ric, tonight I'm going to prove that I'm just a little bit better than you think I am. I got that silver studded saddle and I'm ready for that long, hard ride because when you're headed for stardom, it's a long hard ride, daddy.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] That's the American Dream, Dusty Rhodes, everyone! Let's head on back up to the ring.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TerryFunk.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DoryFunkJr.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JackBrisco.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. vs. The Brisco Brothers[/SIZE] Dory and Jack Brisco kicked off the match with some quick holds and athletic amateur wrestling. Dory slightly surprised Jack with his moves and the crowd was definitely appreciative of this true wrestling. Jack finally settled into an armbar, which began a long series of restholds with the Briscos focusing on the arm of Dory Funk, Jr. with quick tags and continuous working over of the arm. Dory used the hair of Jerry Brisco to bring him back into a corner and raked his eyes before punching him with that good hand, good arm. He quickly tagged out to Terry Funk and the Funks took over for the next ten minutes, wearing down on Jerry Brisco and always keeping him inches shy of making the tag to his brother. It was during a reverse chinlock by Dory Funk, Jr. that Jerry began making his comeback, dropping Dory with a back drop that had both men lying on the mat. They both began crawling toward their corners and each made the tag! Jack took down Terry with a double leg takedown! He ducked a wild swing by Dory Funk, Jr and hit him with an atomic drop! Referee Stu Schwartz grabbed Dory and began escorting him back into the corner as Jack turned his attention back toward Terry and he got NAILED with a branding iron that Terry had brought to the ring! Jerry lie down outside the ring, having obviously gotten knocked off the apron! Terry tosses the branding iron out of the ring and sets up Jack: TEXAS PILEDRIVER!!!! He makes the cover: 1...2...3!!! The Funks win it! Winners: Terry Funk and Dory Funk, Jr. (pinfall) Match Time: 20:13 Match Rating: C ------ The attention returns to the podium. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Paul Ellering[/U] Tonight everything comes to a head. Those cowards, Steamboat and Youngblood, return to the ring with our belts. Think about it, we've got the power in Animal, the speed in Hawk and the brains in myself Precious Paul Ellering! Tonight, the belts come home to us.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JayYoungblood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match Steamboat and Youngblood vs. The Road Warriors[/SIZE] The Dragon and Youngblood came out to massive cheers from the crowd! Both of them had bandages on their foreheads as a result of the attack by the Road Warriors before. And as soon as they hit the ring, the match was on. This was a much better match than a lot of people thought it would be with the power of the Road Warriors going against the expertise of Steamboat and Youngblood. The Champs got in more offensive moves against the Road Warriors than anyone else has here. But in the end it was a bloody Steamboat that got lifted into the Doomsday Device! Hawk came off with that Clothesline and made the cover: 1...2...3!! We have NEW NWA World Tag Team Champions! Winners: The Road Warriors (pinfall) Match Time: 6:05 Match Rating: C+ Following the match, Paul Ellering guided the Road Warriors in an attack on Steamboat and Youngblood, leaving the former Champs bloody in the ring and the Road Warriors holding their newly won gold high in the air! ------ The shocked crowd turns their attention to the podium once more. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Congratulations to the Road Warriors on winning the NWA World Tag Team Titles. My guest at this time is no stranger to winning gold himself. He will soon be making his debut here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Please welcome Mr. Wrestling II![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Mr. Wrestling II[/U] Thank you, Tony. It's good to be here against some of the toughest competition that wrestling has.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Is there anyone here in MACW you would like to face?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Mr. Wrestling II[/U] Of course I would like to face the Champ Ric Flair. I think that any wrestler would want to test his mettle against the man wearing the gold.[/COLOR] Mr. Wrestling II's words are halted by the presence of Paul Jones and the Assassin! [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Paul Jones[/U] Look, everyone knows I am Number 1 and I've got number 1 A right here beside me in the Assassin. You mention Ric Flair, Mr. Wrestling II, but what about my man? What about the Assassin? Are you afraid of getting your ass kicked?[/COLOR] The Assassin pushes Mr. Wrestling II and Tony steps away as they go face to face! A series of officials comes down to break this up. What a confrontation! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TommyRich2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]United States Heavyweight Title Match Greg Valentine vs. Tommy Rich[/SIZE] The Hammer defending his U.S. title belt here against Wildfire. This was a pretty open match with Rich focusing in on Valentine's back with moves like a surfboard and backbreaker while Valentine focused in on Rich's leg, stomping on it and using a kneebar to make Rich scream out in pain late in the match but Rich would never submit. The hold was broken and Valentine went for the Figure 4 Leglock but Rich rolled him into a Small Package: 1...2..Kickout! Valentine managed to kick out! But this put Tommy Rich on the offensive. Wildfire fired up the crowd continuing to focus on the back of Valentine! He pushed Valentine in the corner and raised up for some punches: 1..2..3..4..5..Valentine takes several steps forward out of the corner and just drops Rich to the mat HARD! Tommy Rich is stunned! Valentine makes a quick cover and grabs the tights of Tommy Rich where the referee can't see: 1...2..3!!! Greg Valentine retains his belt by rather dubious means! Winner: Greg Valentine (pinfall) Match Time: 17:36 Match Rating: C Greg Valentine slides out to grab his belt but he's met outside the ring by Tommy Rich! Wildfire throws punches and he and Valentine battle all the way to the back! ------ [QUOTE]A video begins to play, showing the history between the American Dream Dusty Rhodes and the Nature Boy Ric Flair as we head toward this historic contest at the first ever Clash of the Champions![/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair vs. Dusty Rhodes[/SIZE] And it's time for the main event of the evening! A one fall contest for the NWA World Heavyweight Title! The American Dream Dusty Rhodes comes down to the ring first, the crowd cheering him on and it's electric here in the Civic Center as Dusty stares down toward the entrance ramp. Then out comes the Nature Boy Ric Flair in that blue sequined robe with the NWA World Title belt around his waist and his Enforcer Arn Anderson at his side. Arn holds up his manager's license to prove that he, indeed, can be at ringside. Ric slides into the ring and hands the belt to the referee for the evening: Tommy Young. The robe is removed and Flair and Rhodes stare at each other from opposite sides of the ring before Tommy Young calls for the bell. The two men circle each other inside the ring with neither willing to close it out just yet. Flair slaps his chest slightly, getting ready, stretching on the ropes and releases a 'Whooooo' that is echoed by a few fans in attendance though it is mostly boos that Flair receives. Flair and Rhodes begin to move closer and Flair avoids a lock-up attempt, running his fingers through his hair and giving a little strut along the ring. Dusty imitates the strut to cheers from the crowd! They move to the center of the ring again and finally they do lock up! Dusty pushes Flair down to the mat, showing the strength difference between the two as Flair sits in the corner. Arn comes over and they talk for a moment before Flair pulls himself back up as Dusty does a little strut. They circle each other again and lock up once more with Dusty pushing Flair back toward the corner. Flair turns it at the last moment, sending Dusty into the turnbuckle. Referee Tommy Young is there, beginning the five count but Flair breaks at three, chopping the chest HARD of the American Dream! Flair with another chop and another on the Dream! Dusty grabs Flair and turns him around, putting HIM in the corner and boxing away into the chest and head of Flair with those jabs! Dusty grabs Flair's arm and whips him across the ring! Flair flips up and over the turnbuckles and Dusty clotheslines him off the apron to the floor where Arn Anderson is standing! Dusty and Arn jaw slightly before Arn turns his attention to Flair. The Enforcer helps Flair stand back up slowly and they talk over strategy some more before Flair rolls back inside the ring. Another lock up. This one ends up with a Flair side headlock on Rhodes and he wrenches it in tight. Dusty quickly manages to push Flair off and to the ropes. Flair comes back and runs right into the brick wall of the American Dream, hitting the mat hard and crawling back some. Flair gets to his feet against the ropes and steps toward Dusty, daring him to bounce off the ropes and try that against Flair! Is he kidding me? Dusty just laughs and then goes against the ropes and his leg is grabbed by Arn Anderson! Dusty doesn't fall, instead he turns toward Anderson, giving Flair an opening for a knee to the back! Flair chokes the American Dream against the ropes before kicking out the back of his knee. For the next several minutes, Flair goes on the attack on the knee of the American Dream with an elbow drop to the knee as well as a kneebar that makes Dusty Rhodes cry out with pain. Flair holds on to the hold until Dusty gets to the ropes and referee Tommy Young forces the hold to be broken. Flair moves the knee toward the ropes and sets it on the bottom rope, leaping and coming down hard on the leg with his full weight. This will definitely make it hard for the Dream to stand in this match. But Flair helps the Dream up in the corner and begins punching him like Rhodes did to him earlier, ending with a slick ric chop to the chest! Another one! And a third one! A european uppercut to the head and Flair lowers slightly with a snap mare, bringing Dusty to the mat. Flair continues his attack by placing his knee solidly in the back of Dusty Rhodes and bringing in a reverse chinlock. The crowd is solidly in the favor of Dusty Rhodes, cheering and trying to bring him back in this contest but he seems to be fading and Flair is all smiles! Dusty's arm drops once...Dusty arms drops twice...Dusty's arm drops...no! It stays up! The crowd begins clapping and Dusty's arm shakes with the rhythm of the claps as the American Dream begins to fight to his feet! Flair jumps on Dusty's back with a Sleeperhold and Dusty just falls right back to the mat, crushing Flair in the process. Flair's shoulders are down: 1...2...Shoulder up! Flair nearly lost it there! Arn cries out his support for Flair as the crowd cheers for Dusty Rhodes and both men are slowly making it to their feet. Dusty charges at Flair, who ducks a clothesline but Tommy Young was behind Flair and Young goes down with a Dusty Rhodes' clothesline! Dusty's eyes go wide at that. He didn't mean to do it! His attention turns back toward Flair, who is looking back toward the Dream...and begging off! Wait a second, Arn Anderson hits the ring! He slides inside while the referee is down and hits a chop block to the knee of Dusty Rhodes from behind! Dusty falls like a pile of bricks to the mat! Flair smiles and bounces off the ropes, dropping a knee to the American Dream as Arn works to wake up the referee. Flair moves around and releases a 'Whooooo'.... FIGURE 4 LEGLOCK!!! Flair locks in his patented hold on the American Dream! Dusty Rhodes is down and hurt and the referee is waking up and crawling toward the combatants. Arn is outside the ring smiling as he watches and the referee...calls for the bell! This match is over! Winner: Ric Flair (submission) Match Time: 27:44 Match Rating: B+ Arn Anderson slides into the ring with the belt and smashes it against the head of Dusty Rhodes! Dusty can't defend himself, still trapped within that Figure 4 Leglock! Flair grabs the ropes and uses them for leverage! Dusty cries out in pain! The match is over! Come on, Flair! Finally Flair breaks the hold and Arn hands him the belt and the two of them stand over the fallen American Dream with their arms raised to end the show. Overall Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -Jim Crockett, Jr. is said to be not very happy with the way that Ric Flair kept his NWA World Title belt and a rematch between Flair and Dusty just might be on the horizon! -The Road Warriors have been a dominant tag team since arriving here in MACW and they are the NEW NWA World Tag Team Champs. Congratulations to them! -Dick the Bruiser, the Great Goliath, Sweet Daddy Siki, Jackie Pallo and Rip Hawk are all planning to retire next month. -Mae Young and Ricky Romero both announced their retirements. -Central States' Wrestling At The Chase and CMLL's Consejo Mundial de Lucha Libre both ended their television runs. -Angelo Mosca, Jr. has been released from his contract. We wish him all the best. -The AWA agreement has been moved to a working agreement between our two companies rather than non-aggression. -ASW have released us from our non-aggression pact but refuse to institute a Working Agreement. -Fritz Von Erich of WCCW has refused to even meet with us.
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Liking this mate, this was indeed a golden era of wrestling. Loved the spot where you have the Texas Outlaws feud for a night culminating in them going at each other's throats... Keep up the great work, I am deifnitely reading.
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[QUOTE=tristram;418624]Liking this mate, this was indeed a golden era of wrestling. Loved the spot where you have the Texas Outlaws feud for a night culminating in them going at each other's throats... Keep up the great work, I am deifnitely reading.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Trell;418648]Great work, I am a big fan of MACW. Like the way you are booking so far. Keep up the great work. :)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the comments, guys! I really and truly appreciate it! I am really enjoying your WCW 1998 diary, tristram. I hope I do the old-school WCW proud. (Old-school, of course, because eventually Mid-Atlantic becomes WCW by way of being bought by Ted Turner.)
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from Paul Arena in Boiling Springs, North Carolina and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]One Man Gang vs. Bugsy McGraw[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mr. Wrestling II vs. Rick Harris[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Non-Title. If Tommy Rich wins, he gets another U.S. Title shot at Capital Combat: Greg Valentine vs. Tommy Rich[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 1, June 1983 Paul Arena Boiling Springs, North Carolina Attendance: 5,000 [QUOTE]The show begins with a video showing highlights from the Clash of the Champions I, specifically the main event where Ric Flair defeated Dusty Rhodes to retain the NWA World Heavyweight Title.[/QUOTE] Inside the arena, the attention moves to the podium where Jim Crockett, Jr. is standing alone. [U][COLOR=RED]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/U] Good evening wrestling fans. As you all know, I am Jim Crockett and I am here to make a major announcement for our next major event: Capital Combat. As everyone just saw, Ric Flair used rather dubious methods to defend the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Dusty Rhodes. Therefore, it is the thoughts of the NWA Championship Committee that Dusty Rhodes get a rematch at Capital Combat. In order to ensure that there is no interference, the match will be contested inside the confines of a steel cage! Remember to buy your tickets early. Thank you very much.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TommyRich.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]If Tommy Rich Wins, He Gets A U.S. Title Shot At Capital Combat Greg Valentine vs. Tommy Rich[/SIZE] These two men definitely know each other really well, having fought each other this past Sunday where Valentine got the win using the tights. Valentine looked supremely confident within the ring facing Wildfire Tommy Rich. This was a very very good match that got the fans warmed up for the rest of the television show. Valentine continued his work on the leg of Rich while Wildfire came back and focused in on the back of the Hammer. Rich started getting fired up late in the bout and Valentine was shocked when Rich hit him with a Bionic Elbow! Wildfire made the cover: 1...2...3!! Tommy Rich gets another shot at the U.S. Heavyweight Title! Winner: Tommy Rich Match Time: 9:56 Match Rating: B- ------ The attention turns toward the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tony Schiavone here along with Paul Jones and the Assassin. Last Sunday at the Clash of the Champions the two of you made a bit of an impact challenging Mr. Wrestling II. It looks like you might get your match at Capital Combat.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Paul Jones[/U] Lord, it's hard to be humble when you're number one, Tony Schiavone. Mr. Wrestling II has been getting a lot of praise from the fans and from people like you but at Capital Combat, my Assassin is going to step up and prove that he's nothing more than a pretender to the throne. He may be Mr. Wrestling number two but he's going to feel a blow from number one.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MrWrestlingII.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BlackBart.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mr. Wrestling II vs. Rick Harris[/SIZE] Wrestling II's debut match here at Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling is going up against Rick Harris. Wrestling II dominated the match with both some brawling moves and also his technical expertise. Harris barely got any offense in at all before Wrestling II hit that Running Knee Lift and got the pinfall victory. Winner: Mr. Wrestling II Match Time: 4:25 Match Rating: D+ Following the match, Mr. Wrestling II was attacked from behind by the Assassin and Paul Jones! The Assassin hit a Running Powerslam on Mr. Wrestling II as Paul Jones smiled down at him, wiping his hands of him. ------ And we return to Tony Schiavone. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] We are back here at Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. I am now joined by the brand new NWA World Tag Team Champions the Road Warriors and their manager Paul Ellering. Paul, congratulations on winning those belts.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Paul Ellering[/U] Was there ever any doubt in anyone's mind exactly what was going to happen, Schiavone? My Road Warriors here have proven that there is no tag team within the NWA more devestating than they are. Listen up Steamboat and Youngblood, we have learned that you have no spine, no backbone. As a matter of fact, your wishbone is where your backbone should be. Everyone knows you can't stand up to Hawk and Animal here. At Capital Combat, it's gonna be the end of your careers. You'll be getting your rematch for the belts alright but it's gonna be a domination for my team.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BugsyMcGraw.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]One Man Gang vs. Bugsy McGraw[/SIZE] Sir Oliver Humperdink brings down his devestating warrior in the One Man Gang to face off against Bugsy McGraw. The OMG dominated this match with McGraw barely getting in any offensive moves. Despite the fact that these two men showed obvious chemistry within the ring, the fans didn't warm up too much to the match. The One Man Gang nailed the 747 Splash on McGraw to pick up the win. Winner: One Man Gang Match Time: 3:02 Match Rating: D+ ------ [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Before we go to our main event, I would like to welcome out here one of the participants: The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff.[/COLOR] Ivan comes out to boos from the crowd and chants of 'U.S.A., U.S.A' [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Ivan, tonight you take on the American Dream. Your thoughts going into this match?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Ivan Koloff[/U] Russian Bear need not think about match with American Dream. Dusty Rhodes is common American trash just like each and every one of you out there watching in America. Only real country with real athletes is Mother Russia. Ric Flair, NWA Champion, will not have to worry about facing Dusty Rhodes at Capital Combat because Ivan Koloff will be destroying him tonight![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Dusty Rhodes vs. Ivan Koloff[/SIZE] And it's main event time with Dusty Rhodes taking on the Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. As they look at each other from across the ring, Ric Flair steps out and heads to the commentator's booth! He takes a microphone and joins the announcers on commentary throughout the match. Dusty starts the match off hot against the Russian Bear with a few elbows, one of them knocking Koloff to the outside. Ivan looked up angrily inside the ring before climbing back in and charging at Rhodes! Dusty sidestepped him and sent him right into the turnbuckle. The American Dream pounded away on Ivan Koloff with rights and lefts and a big left sent Koloff to the mat. The crowd cheered on Dusty! Dusty lifted Koloff but Koloff got a few shots in to the bellie wellie of Rhodes and a rake to the eyes! The Russian Bear turned his focus to the back of the American Dream, using a backbreaker and stomps to wear down the Dream. Koloff went with a reverse chinlock to continue the process but the American Dream reached up and snap mared Koloff over top to the mat in front of him. Dusty Rhodes reached back and held his back as he used his other hand to help himself to his feet. Koloff was up quickly and Rhodes ducked a Russian Sickle and began jabs to Koloff. Ric said he needed to go and took off toward the ring! Dusty did a little flip, flop and fly with Koloff and a left hand sent the Russian Bear to the mat. Dusty turned as Flair slid into the ring and the American Dream downed the Nature Boy with a Bionic Elbow! A Second one! And a third one sent Flair sliding out of the ring. Dusty turned back toward Koloff and dropped a big elbow on the Russian Bear! He picked him up and stared down at Flair as he locked on the Weaver Lock and it was only a matter of time before Koloff gave up! Winner: Dusty Rhodes Match Time: 11:32 Match Rating: B- Dusty released the hold and stared down at Flair as the show came to it's end with the two men standing there who will wage war at Capital Combat inside a steel cage for Ric Flair's NWA World Heavyweight Title belt! Overall Rating: B- TV Rating: Coming Soon[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -Fans definitely enjoyed our Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling show. -Our roster is definitely slightly bloated with several wrestlers complaining about not being on enough shows. -Arn Anderson extended his contract with HCW. -Robert Gibson has returned from his sickness. -Bob Orton, Jr. extended his contract with us. -We drew an overall .80 tv rating with the first half hour being .80 and the second half hour being .79. -Terry Funk will be leaving MACW at the end of the month. -A new colour commentator has been signed for MACW. He will be making his debut this week as David Crockett transitions to a backstage role.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from Ramsey Center in Cullowhee, North Carolina and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Dusty Rhodes vs. Harley Race[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Non Title: Ric Flair vs. Jack Brisco[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Midnight Express vs. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Dick Slater vs. Tommy Rich[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Jos Leduc vs. Jimmy Valiant[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]A Press Conference showing the signing of the cage match between Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes at Capital Combat[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Debut of a new colour commentator![/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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