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D.O.T.T. - Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

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Guest cmdrsam
I'm still reading bud. Sorry I did not give you my predictions on the last one. You have some tough picks this card.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 2, July 1983 Raleigh County Armory Civic Center Beckley, West Virginia Attendance: 5,000 The show begins with the crowd cheering as the focus is on Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood at the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Ricky Steamboat[/U] Tonight, Mid-Atlantic Wrestling fans, sit back and relax as my brother and I take on Ric Flair and Arn Anderson. Ric, everyone here knows our history. We've wrestled up and down the road and at the end of the month we'll both be in a match we've never wrestled in. But that's at the end of the month. Tonight is a tag team encounter. I hope you're ready for it because we sure are.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimmyValiant.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DoryFunkJr.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jimmy Valiant vs. Dory Funk, Jr.[/SIZE] The in-ring portion of tonight begins with the crowd booing Jimmy Valiant and cheering Dory Funk, Jr. Who would have thought that this would happen even a month or two ago? This was a big brawling match between the two wrestlers with the texan taking on more of a leading role. Valiant came back and locked Funk into a Sleeperhold and eventually Dory Funk, Jr. fell unconcious. Winner: Jimmy Valiant Match Time: 4:58 Match Rating: C- [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Hello humanoids. I'm down here at the podium and about to be joined by a man who wisened up here lately. He was known as the Boogie Woogie Man Jimmy Valiant. Jimmy, thank you for being here.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jimmy Valiant[/U] Thank you, Bobby. It's nice to finally have an interviewer that's worth his salt.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Last week, Jimmy, you did something that a lot of us have wanted to do for a long time: smack Johnny Weaver. I gotta ask you: how did that feel?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jimmy Valiant[/U] Honestly, Bobby? It felt great! I can't wait to do it again at the Great American Bash![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] So, you're gonna get him in the ring at the Bash?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jimmy Valiant[/U] That's right, Bobby! And I'm gonna Boogie all over him![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] You heard it here first, humanoids! Jimmy Valiant is gonna boogie all over that hamandegger.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickSlater.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/PaulJones.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Dick Slater vs. Paul Jones[/SIZE] This was mostly a brawling match between the two with Paul Jones showing some interesting technical moves. Number One really showed off his stuff and picked up the submission victory with a Sleeperhold. Winner: Paul Jones Match Time: 4:39 Match Rating: C ------ [QUOTE][B]The sound of crickets chirping could be heard against a blank, black screen. As light slightly faded in, the scenery of a swamp could be seen within the background. The camera panned around the swamp, showing various animals, including an alligator sliding into the water. Then as the camera turned toward the left, a snake could be seen slithering toward the camera. It leapt and as it's fangs went down the screen, the following words bled downward... [COLOR=RED]The Snake...Coming Soon...To MACW.[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimDuggan.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match One Man Gang vs. Jim Duggan[/SIZE] Jim Duggan came down to the ring first with the 2X4 in hand and when he hit the ring, he started a 'U.S.A., U.S.A.' chant before Sir Oliver Humperdink brought the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion the One Man Gang down to the ring. These two tough brawlers showed great chemistry within the ring with each other in what was a better match than a lot of people thought it might be. The One Man Gang picked up the pinfall following a Front Suplex on Duggan. Winner: One Man Gang Match Time: 4:32 Match Rating: C- Following the match, the One Man Gang continued stomping on Duggan, hitting another Front Suplex and getting set up for a 747 Splash but in came Bugsy McGraw! Bugsy hit the Gang with several forearm shots to the chest and then knocked him out of the ring! Bugsy checked on Duggan. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TheAssassin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/WahooMcDaniel.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Assassin vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/SIZE] Another brawling encounter as the Assassin and Wahoo took turns with punches in the center of the ring. As the match wore on, Paul Jones came walking out from the back and Bobby Heenan commented that Jones must be coming out to apologize to the Assassin and beg for his forgiveness. As the Assassin lifted Wahoo up, he saw Paul Jones at ringside and dropped Wahoo, going over and jawwing with Paul Jones! This gave Wahoo the opportunity to recover and when the Assassin turned back around, Wahoo nailed him with a knife edge chop and then whipped him into the ropes, lifting him up for the End of the Trail! The Assassin got dropped with that version of the Samoan Drop and Wahoo made the cover, getting the 3 count as Paul Jones celebrated at ringside! Winner: Wahoo McDaniel Match Time: 4:40 Match Rating: C+ ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JayYoungblood.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Ric Flair and Arn Anderson[/SIZE] What a main event encounter we have here. As Flair and Anderson made their way to the ring first, Flair grabbed the microphone from the ring announcer. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Steamboat, Youngblood this is your last chance not to take the beating of your lifetime in this ring tonight. Just stay in the back and let Stu Schwartz here count you out.[/COLOR] Flair's words were interrupted by the presence of Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood running from the back. Flair and Anderson quickly got out of the ring and Steamboat and Youngblood played to the crowd for a moment. Anderson and Youngblood started off this technically charged contest with Youngblood focusing on the arm of the Enforcer and using some early tags with Ricky Steamboat to keep Anderson off his game a little bit. After a near fall pinfall, Anderson slid back and made the tag to the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Flair came out and pushed Steamboat back in the corner and laid into him with a knife-edge chop! Steamboat fired back with a chop of his own! And it was back and forth until Steamboat started getting the advantage and Flair flopped to the mat. Steamboat quickly went for the Double Arm Chicken Wing but got hit in the back by the Enforcer. This gave Flair and Anderson the advantage at that point and they used it, focusing on the knee of Ricky Steamboat as Flair usually does. The heel team used quick tags in and out to keep a fresh man in the ring and got several near falls on Steamboat. Anderson locked in a front face lock on Steamboat but Steamboat got to his feet and began pushing toward his corner with Jay Youngblood reaching out. Step by step they moved toward the corner. Inches away but Anderson released Steamboat and turned, punching Youngblood with that left hand and knocking him off the apron! But Anderson turned into a chop by Steamboat! Steamboat knocked Anderson into the corner and began chopping away on the Enforcer! Ric Flair came in, drawing the referee's attention and Steamboat made the tag! Jay Youngblood came in but the referee turned around and...began pushing Youngblood out of the ring! He didn't see the tag! Anderson rakes the eyes of the Dragon and drags him back to the corner, tagging in Flair. Flair returned his focus to the knee of Steamboat with the crowd just itching for a tag to Jay Youngblood as Steamboat's partner watches on. Flair moved Steamboat to the center of the ring and bounced off the ropes, driving a knee to the forehead of the Dragon, giving a strut and releasing a 'Whooooo' that drew the ire and boos from the crowd. Flair moved to the corner and came running out, dropping an elbow...NO! He missed! Steamboat rolls to the side as Flair misses another elbow drop! Steamboat crawls through Flair's legs, leaps and makes the tag! In comes Jay Youngblood with a clothesline to Flair! He knocks Arn Anderson off the apron and then returns his attention to Flair! Youngblood catches Flair in a Powerslam: 1...2...broken up by the Enforcer! The referee grabs Arn and is escorting him out of the ring as Flair rakes the eyes of Jay Youngblood, who had been playing to the crowd too much! Ricky Steamboat comes in and takes a shot between the legs by Flair as Anderson keeps the referee distracted! Flair tosses Youngblood out of the ring and rolls Steamboat into a Small Package! The referee turns around: 1...2...3!! He pinned the wrong person! Referee Stu Schwartz didn't realize it was the wrong man! Flair and Anderson get out of the ring, raising their hands in victory! I can't believe it! Winners: Ric Flair and Arn Anderson Match Time: 9:50 Match Rating: C ------ Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: .77[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from The Civic Center in Wheeling, West Virginia and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match, 10 Minute Time Limit: Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Greg Valentine vs. Mr. Wrestling II[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Dick Slater vs. Johnny Weaver[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Rock and Roll Express vs. The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Ivan Koloff and Jos Leduc vs. United States Heavyweight Champion Tommy Rich and Dory Funk, Jr.[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=BYU 14;427233]Just catching up on this one. Excellent presentation, I will be following from now on.[/QUOTE] Thanks for your comments and reading. If you have any suggestions or anything like that feel free to toss them out there. Predictions are always nice too. ;) But it's always nice to have another reader.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 3, July 1983 Civic Center Wheeling, West Virginia Attendance: 5,000 [QUOTE][B]A video begins the show. The scene is the parking garage where Ricky Steamboat is walking toward the building. A limousine pulls up in front of Steamboat, stopping him in his tracks. The door opens up to reveal the NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair! Both Flair and Steamboat are in street clothes with Flair wearing shades over his eyes. Flair gives Steamboat a large smile. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Well, well, well. If it isn't my challenger tonight for my NWA World Heavyweight Title. Didn't I just pin you last week, Steamboat?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Ricky Steamboat[/U] You got lucky, Ric. But it won't happen again tonight. Tonight, I am walking out of this building the NWA World Heavyweight Champion.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] You can think that all you want, Ricky. But the fact of the matter is that tonight after I beat you in the middle of the ring maybe I'll let your wife take a ride on Space Mountain.[/COLOR] Ricky slaps the sunglasses off Flair's face! The two of them going nose to nose in the parking lot! The limo door opens again and out walks the Road Warriors and Arn Anderson, standing behind Ric Flair! Ricky Steamboat shakes his head and turns, walking off.[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JosLeduc.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TommyRich2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DoryFunkJr.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ivan Koloff and Jos Leduc vs. Tommy Rich and Dory Funk, Jr.[/SIZE] These 4 men will be meeting at Great American Bash when Tommy Rich defends his United States Heavyweight Title against Ivan Koloff and Dory Funk, Jr. takes on Jos Leduc. This was a largely brawling style of matchup between the 4 men. Ivan Koloff was slightly off his game tonight in this match, giving Rich and Funk the advantage several times. The Russian Bear came back toward the end and won this international battle when he locked a Bear Hug on Tommy Rich and got the submission victory. Winners: Ivan Koloff and Jos Leduc Match Time: 5:36 Match Rating: C+ Koloff swung Rich back and forth while Leduc laid out Dory Funk, Jr. Koloff finally dropped Rich and headed out of the ring, picking up his Russian flag and the United States Heavyweight Title belt. He slid back in the ring and laid the U.S. Heavyweight Title on Rich's waist and then the Russian flag over them both to boos from the crowd and chants of 'U.S.A.' ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickyMorton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RobertGibson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GreatKabuki.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MagicDragon.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Rock and Roll Express vs. The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon[/SIZE] These two teams have met several times within the past and Gary Hart had his team ready for this contest. This was an even contest until some botched interference came from Hart, leading to a Double Dropkick from the Rock and Roll Express on Magic Dragon. Ricky Morton got the cover and the 3 count. Winners: The Rock and Roll Express Match Time: 3:37 Match Rating: C- ------ The attention turned down to the podium where the American Dream came out to cheers from the crowd. [U][COLOR=PURPLE]Dusty Rhodes[/U] Professional Wrestling fans, I know that you're all looking forward to the Great American Bash. What a party it's gonna be for the summer, daddy! We're gonna get funky like a monkey inside the War Games cage. The American Dream is gonna be teaming up with the Texas Outlaw Dick Murdoch, the Dragon Ricky Steamboat and his partner the Native American Jay Youngblood against that dastardly team of The Nature Boy Ric Flair, The Enforcer Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors. There will be no interference, if you will. We're gonna be riding the edge of a lightning bolt, daddy, so come and see us![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickSlater.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JohnnyWeaver.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Dick Slater vs. Johnny Weaver[/SIZE] A pretty good brawling match between the two veterans. Weaver will be taking on Jimmy Valiant at GAB while Slater will be facing Mike Rotundo. The announcers talked some about their GAB opponents during the match and lo and behold Jimmy Valiant came down to ringside as Weaver was about to lock on the Weaver Lock. Weaver took a swipe at Valiant, who dodged out of the way but it gave Slater some time to recover. Slater hit Weaver with a knee to the back, sending him out of the ring. Dirty Dick Slater distracted the official while the Boogie Woogie Man rammed Weaver into the side of the ring before tossing him back inside. Slater grabbed Weaver and hit the Leaping Piledriver! Slater made the cover and picked up the victory. Winner: Dick Slater Match Time: 6:27 Match Rating: C+ ------ Several 'Whoooo's went out through the crowd as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion walked out from the back and stood at the podium. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] I want every one of you from the ticket taker to the fan in the back row to the fat boy sitting up front eating a hot dog to shut your mouth when I'm out here talking.[/COLOR] Flair definitely raised the ire of boos through the crowd. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Now tonight I have to defend the most precious item I have in the world today: The NWA World Heavyweight Title against a man who hasn't even proven himself worthy to challenge for this gold. Ricky Steamboat, tonight you're going to get just a taste of what you're going to feel at War Games. You smacked my face earlier tonight? That's fine because when you walk that aisle you're stepping into my ring. I own that ring because I have proven myself to be the best. I am the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Whooooo. And that is not gonna change tonight, Steamboat, because to be the man you have to beat the man and with the leer jets, the pretty women wanting to ride space mountain, the long stretch limousines, the parties I have proven myself to be the man. You want this belt? Come and try to take it from me. Whooooo[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MrWrestlingII.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Greg Valentine vs. Mr. Wrestling II[/SIZE] A very very good technical bout here tonight as the Hammer takes on the second incarnation of Mr. Wrestling II. Early in the bout saw some quick exchanges and counters between the two in an amateur wrestling style. They showed a great chemistry inside the ring and the crowd really got into it as it looked so real. Mr. Wrestling II took the advantage late in the bout and was able to hit Valentine with that Million Dollar Knee Lift and get the pinfall, leaving fans wanting more between these two. Winner: Mr. Wrestling II Match Time: 3:35 Match Rating: B+ After seeing such a fine technical exhibition, the crowd booed when Harley Race came down and attacked Mr. Wrestling II from behind! Race got a chair from ringside and smacked it against Wrestling II's back! He lifted the masked wrestler and dropped him with a deadly, wicked Piledriver. The King looked down at Mr. Wrestling II and grabbed a microphone. [U][COLOR=RED]Harley Race[/U] At Great American Bash, I'm not only going to beat you. I'm not only going to take your winning streak but I am going to take your mask as well.[/COLOR] Race dropped the microphone and left the ring. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match 10 Minute Time Limit Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat[/SIZE] The crowd cheered for the arrival of the challenger, the Dragon Ricky Steamboat. He leaned into one corner and waited as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion walked out to boos from the crowd, sliding inside the ring, handing the belt to referee Tommy Young. He got his boots checked by the official and then the bell sounded as the crowd anticipated this NWA World Heavyweight Title bout. The first several minutes of the match was a back and forth technical contest where Steamboat brought Flair down with a double leg and Flair reversed it into a headlock and then a hammerlock that Steamboat reversed until Flair got to the ropes and then slid out of the ring, running his fingers through his hair. Steamboat walked over to the ropes and Flair grabebd his legs, tripping him up and pulling him outside the ring. He laid a chop into the chest of Steamboat and grabbed him by the head running him toward the ringpost. Steamboat put a leg up to block and instead ran Flair's head into the ringpost! Flair staggered and was barely able to stay upright. Steamboat tossed Flair back in the ring and joined him back inside since he can't win the title on the outside of the ring. Steamboat spent the next several minutes with the advantage, working over the arm of Flair in armbars and hammerlocks and knee drops to the arm of Flair with Flair crying out in pain. Steamboat laid Flair's arm behind his back and body slammed him to the mat, making a cover: 1...2...kickout! Flair kicked out of that pinning predicament and Steamboat motioned toward the turnbuckles. He went outside and began climbing as fans around the world were on their feet and flashbulbs went off throughout the building. Steamboat raised his arms in the air as Flair slowly got to his feet, staggering slightly. He turned and Steamboat leapt....but Flair ducked! The Nature Boy ducked the Cross Body and Steamboat hit the mat hard, rolling nearly out of the ring and clutching his chest. Flair slowly got to his feet and stalked toward the Dragon, slowly picking him up and placing him in a corner, delivering a chop to the chest! He gave another one! And another one! Five minutes remaining in the contest! Five minutes! Flair gave a quick kick to the knee of Steamboat and then reached down and picked it up, dropping knee to knee on the Dragon. Ricky Steamboat cried out in pain and Flair drew the knee over to the bottom rope, stomping on it before leaping and coming crashing down on the leg of the Dragon. For the next three minutes, Flair continued his focus on the knee of Steamboat, keeping the Dragon on the mat during this part of the contest. As the two minute part sounded, Flair lifted Steamboat's legs and began locking on the Figure 4 Leglock but Steamboat reversed it into a small package: 1...2...kickout by Flair! Steamboat came within half a count of being the next NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Flair got back up quickly and gave a stomp to the Dragon, lifting him and moving him over into the corner. Flair gave another hard knife edge chop but Steamboat suddenly got a second wind and nailed Flair with a chop! It was a chop fest back and forth as the announcer called out the 1 minute mark! Steamboat started getting the advantage. He took down Flair with a hard clothesline at the 30 second mark! Steamboat quickly moved over to the turnbuckles and climbed to the top as Flair was slow to get to his feet. More flashbulbs went off as Steamboat raised his arms and Flair finally got to his feet and turned around. Steamboat leapt from the turnbuckles and...CONNECTED! He connected with the Flying Cross Body and hooked the leg: 1... 2... 3!!! That's it! Referee Tommy Young signals for the bell and we have a NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion! Winner: Ricky Steamboat Match Time: 10:02 Match Rating: A* Steamboat celebrates inside the ring as the crowd goes wild seeing Ric Flair dethroned! Referee Tommy Young goes to get the belt and he has a conversation with the timekeeper. Ricky Steamboat moves to each corner, celebrating with the fans on all sides. Ric Flair rolls out of the ring, walking over to the referee and timekeeper, snatching up the NWA World Title belt! What's going on??? [U][COLOR=RED]Ring Announcer[/U] Ladies and gentlemen, the time limit expired before referee Tommy Young's hand came down for the third time. Therefore, this match is a time limit draw and Ric Flair is still the NWA World Heavyweight Champion.[/COLOR] Ricky Steamboat looks stunned in the ring as Ric Flair heads for the back. Ricky Steamboat came within several inches of being the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. And we're out of time! Winner: Time Limit Draw Match Time: 10:00 Match Rating: A* ------ Overall Rating: B TV Rating: .82[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The Flair/Steamboat finish caused quite a buzz in the wrestling industry with many people saying that it is the best match this year. -Tommy Rich may soon be wearing out his welcome in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. He has arrived late to several cards and been warned on numerous occassions and then gets upset when he is warned to the point that he has started saying some things about NWA representative Eric Baker. -Road Warrior Hawk also arrived late to the last card. The video that opened the show was taped earlier in the day but this is one reason why they chose not to use the Road Warriors in the rest of the action. -Ric Flair has signed a contract extension with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -Several top superstars have rejected negotiations, including Tully Blanchard, Ole Anderson, Jerry Lawler, J.J. Dillon, Ted DiBiase, Gino Hernandez, David Von Erich, Sgt. Slaughter, Tito Santana, Jim Brunzell, Randy Savage and Big John Studd. But never say never here in MACW. -For you Japan fans, Akira Maeda left New Japan Pro Wrestling. -Several talents have been released from their MACW contracts, including Vinnie Valentino, Rufus R. Jones, Rick Harris and Abe Jacobs. -Those releases make room for some new talent that will be debuting here soon in the Mid-Atlantic area. -Former MACW wrestler Roddy Piper put in the performance of the night at the WWF's King of the Ring, defeating Jimmy Superfly Snuka.
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;426822]I'm a little surprised too but I think the youth of Arn Anderson and Jay Youngblood hurt things.[/QUOTE] Yeah you forget how young Arn Anderson is. He's not the worker he is two years later.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from The Richmond Arena in Richmond, Virginia and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair vs. Jay Youngblood[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Road Warrior Hawk vs. Ricky Steamboat[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mark Fleming and Sweet Brown Sugar vs. The Midnight Express[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Jim Duggan vs. Greg Valentine[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Dusty Rhodes vs. Jimmy Valiant[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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I used to LOVE when the babyface would "win" only to find out that the time limit expired right before hand... I think Flair - Luger had something like that back in 88 or 89 and I marked like wild when it happened, excellent show, definitely loving what you've got going on here, although I may not post all of the time, I'm a huge fan
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NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: [B]Ric Flair[/B] vs. Jay Youngblood -PLUS!- Road Warrior Hawk vs. [B]Ricky Steamboat[/B] Mark Fleming and Sweet Brown Sugar vs. [B]The Midnight Express[/B] Jim Duggan vs. [B]Greg Valentine[/B] [B]Dusty Rhodes[/B] vs. Jimmy Valiant
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[QUOTE=tizzyt;427899]I used to LOVE when the babyface would "win" only to find out that the time limit expired right before hand... I think Flair - Luger had something like that back in 88 or 89 and I marked like wild when it happened, excellent show, definitely loving what you've got going on here, although I may not post all of the time, I'm a huge fan[/QUOTE] Glad to hear you enjoyed it. The little swerve ending is always fun to get people involved. Thanks for the compliments. Glad to have more readers. If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to add them in. I'm always willing to listen.
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 4, July 1983 Richmond Arena Richmond, Virginia Attendance: 5,000 The cameras pan around the Richmond Arena as fans stand on their feet trying to get on camera and holding up their signs. Slowly the focus turns to the podium where Bob Caudle and Bobby Heenan are standing side by side. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle along with my broadcast partner: Bobby the Brain Heenan. Bobby, tonight we are going to see many of the men in action who will be in the War Games match at Great American Bash.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Are you done talking, Caudle? Nobody wants to listen to you. They want to listen to the Brain. And I say that this War Games match isn't fair! It isn't fair to Flair! Dusty Rhodes has to count for at least 2 or 3 men, doesn't he?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] I don't think so, Bobby. As a matter of fact, he's going to be in our opening match coming up right now.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Come on, Jimmy![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimmyValiant.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Dusty Rhodes vs. Jimmy Valiant[/SIZE] An excellent opening match between these two former friends. Dusty tried to appeal to Valiant early in the match but Jimmy just poked him in the eye and started off with the advantage. He went after the knee of the American Dream, working him over during the match. The crowd got Dusty back into it and Dusty started firing back. Jimmy Valiant tried to escape the ring but Johnny Weaver came out stopping him! Valiant went back into the ring where he fell victim to the Bionic Elbow and a pinfall by the American Dream. Winner: Dusty Rhodes Match Time: 8:24 Match Rating: B ------ The cameras focus back in on the announcers. [U][COLOR=Blue]Bobby Heenan[/U] You see? Not only is it a handicap match facing him but he uses other people to cheat to win![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] I don't know about that, Bobby. It seems to me that Weaver stopped a countout. But what I do know is that next week we will be seeing the in-ring debut of Jake The Snake Roberts. We've been seeing several videos for this guy, Bobby. He looks like a real tough guy.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=Blue]Bobby Heenan[/U] Anyone that can hang out with reptiles gets my respect. After all, look at what I have to put up with on a weekly basis.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimDuggan.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jim Duggan vs. Greg Valentine[/SIZE] Two hard-hitting superstars in the ring. Hacksaw Jim Duggan got the U.S.A. chant started early and used crowd momentum early in the match but Valentine came back and dominated a lot of the match. Bobby Heenan spent the match poking fun at Hacksaw and Valentine picked up the win following a Hammer Elbowdrop. Winner: Greg Valentine Match Time: 4:33 Match Rating: C+ ------ [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Bobby, we've got some action backstage![/COLOR] The cameras move backstage to show Jack Brisco lying on the ground bloodied and not moving. Paramedics are on the scene and Jack Brisco doesn't seem to be coherent enough to find out what happened. [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] He slipped and fell to the ground, Caudle! Jack Brisco just knocked himself cold![/COLOR] The paramedics are bringing in a brace and a stretcher and it looks like they're gonna have to stretcher him out! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MarkFleming.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/SweetBrownSugar2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobbyEaton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DennisCondrey.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mark Fleming and Sweet Brown Sugar vs. The Midnight Express[/SIZE] Jim Cornette led the Midnight Express out to a booing crowd. Obviously they think that the Express had something to do with Jack Brisco's injury. Mark Fleming and Sweet Brown Sugar were already inside the ring and the Midnight Express showed their good tag team fundamentals inside the ring against Fleming and Sugar. Mark Fleming was a little off his game tonight but Dennis Condrey looked good out there. In the end, Dennis Condrey locked Fleming in a Bear Hug and turned him down so that Bobby Eaton could fly with a leg drop. It's the Veg-O-Matic! Eaton made the cover and got the pinfall. Winners: The Midnight Express Match Time: 3:31 Match Rating: D+ Following the match, Jim Cornette came down to the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] A good win out there tonight for your Midnight Express team, Jim Cornette. But we have to wonder if that's the first action your team saw tonight.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jim Cornette[/U] What are you getting at, Caudle?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] We all saw what happened to Jack Brisco just a few days before the Brisco Brothers take on your Midnight Express. Are you sayng you had nothing to do with it?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jim Cornette[/U] Of course that's what I'm saying, Caudle. What kind of man do you take me for? What kind of men do you take my Midnight Express for? We don't need any type of extra advantage going into the match with the Brisco Brothers. I can't believe you would insinuate that, Bob Caudle. I thought you were better than that. I'm gonna go call my momma.[/COLOR] Jim Cornette wanders off. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Jim Cornette says the Midnight Express didn't have anything to do with it? Maybe we'll find out this Sunday.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Road Warrior Hawk vs. Ricky Steamboat[/SIZE] This was definitely a high flying battle between these two superstars. Paul Ellering and Road Warrior Animal stood at ringside for Hawk while Steamboat had Jay Youngblood in his corner. Hawk showed a little more technical skills in the bout, surprising Steamboat a little bit. But Steamboat started making his comeback early and Animal grabbed him by the ankle when he bounced off the ropes, tripping him up right in front of the referee! Jay Youngblood came running over to fend off Animal as the referee called for the bell, DQing Hawk. Winner: Ricky Steamboat Match Time: 3:57 Match Rating: C ------ [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Humanoids of all ages, I was handed this videotape to play by a true powerhouse in the wrestling ring: The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. Idiots in the back run the footage.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]The footage shows a mall parking lot panned out to show a lot of the parking lot itself. Tommy Rich, the United States Champion, is shown walking down the aisle toward his car. He gets out his key and steps to the back of his car when he is hit from behind by Ivan Koloff! The Russian Bear rams Rich's head into the windshield. A second time breaks the windshield and busts Rich open! Ivan Koloff opens the car door and puts Tommy Rich's arm inside the car and SLAMS the car door shut on the arm! Tommy Rich drops to his knees in pain as Ivan stands over him, kicking him in the head! Ivan walks off, laughing as security comes running over, checking on Tommy Rich.[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JayYoungblood.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair vs. Jay Youngblood[/SIZE] And it's main event time as Ric Flair defends the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Ricky Steamboat's partner Jay Youngblood. We already saw Youngblood earlier tonight helping out his partner when Animal decided to interfere but right now he's getting his shot at the NWA World Heavyweight Title. Ric Flair definitely underestimated his opponent early on. Youngblood got a quick roll-up when Flair turned his back: 1... 2... 3...! No, wait, it's only 2! Youngblood put his thumb and index finger inches apart to show Flair how close he came to losing his NWA World Heavyweight Title. Flair went right back after Youngblood and opened up with some hard chops to the chest of the Native American! Flair hip-tossed Youngblood out of the corner and then went right to work on the legs of Jay Youngblood. The next few minutes of the bout were focused on Ric Flair and his dissecting of Jay Youngblood's legs, focusing in on that right knee of the challenger. Flair went so far as to ram Youngblood's knee against the steel ringpost. Senior Referee Tommy Young could have called for a DQ there but he wanted the match to go on. There needs to be a decisive winner here in this NWA World Heavyweight Title contest. Flair brought Youngblood back into a corner and laid a couple of hard knife-edge chops to Youngblood's chest before whipping him across...no, Youngblood staggered a couple of steps and went down, clutching his right knee in pain. Flair smiled and gave a little strut and a 'Whoooooo' seeing how much damage he's done to Youngblood's knee. Flair came back to Youngblood and Youngblood punched him in the gut! Youngblood stood up slowly and laid some chops into the chest of the Nature Boy! Jay Youngblood caught fire as he backed Flair into a corner and whipped the Nature Boy across with authority, falling to the mat as he did it! Flair flipped up and over the turnbuckles, landing on the apron. He ran the apron and climbed the corner but Youngblood is there! Flair cries out 'NOOOO!!' but Jay Youngblood body slams him off the turnbuckle and then falls, clutching his knee in pain. Jay Youngblood is truly in a lot of pain here, folks! Referee Tommy Young might wanna think about stopping this match. Jay Youngblood uses the ropes to stand and walk toward Flair. Out of nowhere, Flair trips up Youngblood and wraps in the Figure 4 Leglock quickly! Jay Youngblood has nowhere to go and Flair pulls him back from the ropes to the center of the ring! Jay Youngblood shakes his head. He doesn't wanna give. But...but...but....he has to give! That's it! Flair wins! Winner: Ric Flair Match Time: 9:11 Match Rating: B Following the match, the Road Warriors and Arn Anderson came running down and slid into the ring, each taking turns stomping on Jay Youngblood until Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat and Dick Murdoch all came out! We have a brawl with all eight of our War Games participants! And we're out of time! We'll see you at the Great American Bash! ------ Overall Rating: C+ TV Rating: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;428596]A question for my readers: When TEW 08 and the NEW D.O.T.T. comes out, I wanna know: which federation would you like me to try and take over: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling World Wrestling Federation World Class Championship Wrestling[/QUOTE] As in run? I'd like to see WCCW. Freebirds v The Von Erichs, and of course a host of outstanding wrestlers to boot. I wonder, if the Von Erich's hadn't self destructed, if perhaps WCCW may have taken off as much as Jim Crockett Promotions and the World Wrestling Federation.
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[QUOTE=tristram;428668]As in run? I'd like to see WCCW. Freebirds v The Von Erichs, and of course a host of outstanding wrestlers to boot. I wonder, if the Von Erich's hadn't self destructed, if perhaps WCCW may have taken off as much as Jim Crockett Promotions and the World Wrestling Federation.[/QUOTE] I always thought WCCW might be interesting to run simply because I remember watching some of it during some of the later stages. So I know names like Gentleman Chris Adams, Iceman King Parsons, Sunshine, King Kong Bundy and of course the Freebirds and the Von Erichs.
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;428596]A question for my readers: When TEW 08 and the NEW D.O.T.T. comes out, I wanna know: which federation would you like me to try and take over: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling World Wrestling Federation World Class Championship Wrestling[/QUOTE] None of the above! Seriously, I would love to see you making a run at running the legendary Mid-South area. Failing that, another run at Mid-Atlantic.
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[QUOTE=KColl;428705]None of the above! Seriously, I would love to see you making a run at running the legendary Mid-South area. Failing that, another run at Mid-Atlantic.[/QUOTE] Mid-South with Bill Watts wouldn't be a bad territory to run. I know several of the superstars there as well. But it's up to all the people, all my readers to let me know which everyone would like to see. :D
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The Great American Bash is coming soon with a main event of War Games. 2 rings enclosed by a steel cage with staggered entries and the Match Beyond where it's submit or surrender. -Fans enjoyed the last Mid-Atlantic show and seem to be hyped about the upcoming Bash. The matches they are most looking forward to are, of course, the main event, Tommy Rich defending the United States Title against Ivan Koloff and Mr. Wrestling defending his winning streak against Harley Race. -As reported last time, Tommy Wildfire Rich seems to be getting on everyone's nerves in the backstage area. His days just may be numbered here in Mid-Atlantic. -Jake Roberts and Paul Ellering both arrived late at the last show. -The last Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling show drew a .78 rating with half hours of .78 apiece.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Sunday night from The Memorial Coliseum in Winston-Salem, North Carolina[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]NWA PRESENTS GREAT AMERICAN BASH![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]WAR GAMES: THE MATCH BEYOND: Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors vs. Dusty Rhodes, Dick Murdoch, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]United States Heavyweight Title Match: Wildfire Tommy Rich defends against The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mr. Wrestling II defends his undefeated streak against Harley Race[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang defends against Bugsy McGraw[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon w/Gary Hart vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Jos Leduc vs. Dory Funk, Jr.[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Greg Valentine vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Johnny Weaver looks for revenge against Jimmy Valiant[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Brisco Brothers vs. The Midnight Express. Will Jack Brisco be ready?[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mike Rotundo vs. Dick Slater[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Assassin vs. Paul Jones[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]GREAT AMERICAN BASH PREVIEW![/SIZE][/B] [QUOTE][B]WAR GAMES: THE MATCH BEYOND: Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors vs. Dusty Rhodes, Dick Murdoch, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/B] [I]Our main event of the evening has to be one of the most anticipated matches in the history of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. The match itself is a brand new concept where two seperate rings will be enclosed by a steel cage on all sides. Two men start in the ring for five minutes and then every two minutes a new superstar will enter until all eight men are in the ring. Then the Match Beyond begins where it is submit or surrender. Ric Flair has faced nearly every member of the opposing team the past few weeks, defending his NWA World Heavyweight Title. Ricky Steamboat came within an eyelash of winning that belt a week ago. Arn Anderson has been surprisingly quiet here lately, only escorting Ric Flair to the ring and doing his job as Enforcer whenever Ric Flair needs it. The Road Warriors won the NWA World Tag Team Titles from Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood and haven't looked back since. They have truly been a dominant team here in Mid-Atlantic since their arrival, despite their one loss to the Texas Outlaws team of Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch. They will definitely be looking to avenge that loss here. Dusty Rhodes is coming off a big win a few days ago against Jimmy The Boogie Woogie Man Valiant and a few weeks ago teamed with Dick Murdoch to defeat the Road Warriors. But at the last major card he lost to Ric Flair inside a steel cage. Will he avenge that loss here at the Bash? Dick Murdoch has been surprisingly quiet here lately since his return to being known as a good guy after coming out to help make the save for the Dream at the end of the last major card. But everyone knows that the Texas Outlaw is always up for a major fight and War Games just may be right down his alley. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood have been wrestling both tag team and singles matches since losing the NWA World Tag Team Titles to the Road Warriors. Both of them came close to winning the NWA World Heavyweight Title from Ric Flair two weeks in a row. Will their high flying style work within War Games? 8 men... 2 rings... enclosed steel cage... the main event! War Games: The Match Beyond live and at the Great American Bash.[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]United States Heavyweight Title Match: Wildfire Tommy Rich defends against The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff[/B] [I]Tommy Rich fought long and hard against Greg the Hammer Valentine for several months before finally coming up on the winning end against him for the United States Heavyweight Title. Wildfire has been on fire ever since but now comes across one of his biggest challenges in the Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. Ivan recently attacked Tommy Rich in the parking lot of a shopping mall, smashing Rich's arm in a car door. Word has it that Rich's arm has been placed in a cast and he has been advised by doctors not to wrestle but Tommy Rich is shrugging off the doctor's orders to be there for this advertised title defense. Is that bravado gonna cost Wildfire his title or can he will up enough strength from the fans around the United States to successfully defend the U.S. Title against Russian Aggression? There's only one way to find out. Tune in to the Great American Bash.[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mr. Wrestling II defends his undefeated streak against Harley Race [/B] [I]Mr. Wrestling II has been undefeated since his arrival here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling and he has the fans behind him. There is one man that isn't behind him, though. That man is known as the King of Professional Wrestling and is a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion in Harley Race. Race has made it known that he not only wants to take away Mr. Wrestling II's undefeated streak but he wants the mask as well. Mr. Wrestling II hasn't spoken much about the recent rash of attacks by Harley Race but it has been known that he has been training for this match and it could be a springboard for Mr. Wrestling II toward the main event.[/I][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Brisco Brothers vs. The Midnight Express.[/B] [I]Two top tag teams looking to move up the rankings within Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling as the brother team of the Briscos take on the Midnight Express with Jim Cornette in their corner. Jack Brisco was recently attacked backstage and had to be stretchered out of the building. Jim Cornette claims that the Midnight Express has nothing to do with this attack but it's very ironic considering the fact that the Midnight Express take on the Brisco Brothers here at the Bash. Jack Brisco will be at the Great American Bash. But what condition will he be in?[/I][/QUOTE] [B]Plus there will be many more matches included at the Great American Bash this Sunday! Make sure you tune in![/B][/CENTER]
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