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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]NWA PRESENTS GREAT AMERICAN BASH![/SIZE] Sunday, Week 4, July 1983 Memorial Coliseum Winston-Salem, North Carolina Attendance: 9,455 [QUOTE][B]The show begins with a video showing a limousine pulling up to the front of the Memorial Coliseum. The driver gets out and opens the door and out steps Ric Flair! Ric lets loose a 'Whoooo' and heads into the building with that NWA World Heavyweight Title around his waist.[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MrWrestlingII2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/HarleyRace2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mr. Wrestling II vs. Harley Race[/SIZE] It's the streak and the mask against the King in our opening bout here. The crowd stood on their feet during the beginning of this bout as technical wrestling abounded. A definite catch as catch can bout between the two with Race using a little bit of cheating during the bout to gain the advantage. Toward the end of the match, Mr. Wrestling II started his comeback but it was quashed by Race. Race whipped Mr. Wrestling II into the ropes and put his head down but Mr. Wrestling II came back with that Million Dollar Knee Lift! Mr. Wrestling II made a quick cover on the stunned Harley Race: 1...2...3! The streak continues! Winner: Mr. Wrestling II Match Time: 20:01 Match Rating: B- Mr. Wrestling II got up and celebrated by going over to a corner and raising his arms but this gave Race a chance to get back up. He ran over to the corner and hit Mr. Wrestling II with a double sledge to the back, bring Wrestling II back down to the mat. Race went right after the mask of Mr. Wrestling II! He worked on the laces but Mr. Wrestling II was able to snapmare him over and Mr. Wrestling II took off before Race could get back to him! ------ [QUOTE][B]Another tape began to play for the fans here. This one began high within the mountains where you could almost come face to face with clouds. It focused in on one mountain in particular where Jake Roberts was sitting, stroking the head of a snake. [U][COLOR=RED]Jake Roberts[/U] Some people want to call me the original sinner. Some people want to call me a snake. My name is Jake Roberts and I'll soon be within the Mid-Atlantic area. Remember that the truth in life can be a brutal thing. And the truth is that when I come to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling all of the other wrestlers are going to become snake-bit.[/COLOR] Jake laughs as he strokes the head of that snake and the video fades.[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JohnnyWeaver.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimmyValiant.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Johnny Weaver vs. Jimmy Valiant[/SIZE] Johnny Weaver looking for revenge here against the Boogie Woogie Man in this match but the fans didn't seem to care as much. They worked hard to get the fans into it, moving the match back and forth between the two but it wasn't that great of a match. Valiant finally put the finish to the match with a rollup and his feet on the ropes! Winner: Jimmy Valiant Match Time: 9:31 Match Rating: D+ ------ [QUOTE][B]Another video began to play. This one showing the training habits of a new wrestler coming to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. It went Rocky-style with eating raw eggs and working out over and over again. [COLOR=BLUE]Rick Martel... Coming Soon To MACW...[/COLOR][/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BugsyMcGraw.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match One Man Gang vs. Bugsy McGraw[/SIZE] Despite the great chemistry in the ring between these two men, the fans didn't seem to much care for either of these two superstars. Sir Oliver Humperdink tried to get the fans riled up and did so a little bit. In the ring, the One Man Gang dominated Bugsy McGraw and he ended the match by pinfall with the 747 Splash! Winner: One Man Gang Match Time: 5:31 Match Rating: D+ ------ The crowd was shocked as the next athlete walked out from the back toward the ring. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] This man isn't scheduled to be here, Bobby. What's going on?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Shut up and let's hear what he has to say.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]The Masked Superstar[/U] Each and every one of you know who I am. I am the best wrestler ever to come through this territory. I have beaten everybody there is to beat here and up north. So I am coming out here saying that I will be at Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling this week and I am offering the sum of $1,000 to anyone who can break my Superstar Clutch. Of course no one can do it so I'm not really worried.[/COLOR] He shakes his head and exits the ring. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JosLeduc.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DoryFunkJr.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jos Leduc vs. Dory Funk, Jr.[/SIZE] The Canadian Wildman came out brawling early against the Texas Brawler. Dory Funk, Jr. took every shot that Leduc had to give him and came firing back with a 'U.S.A.' chant coming from the crowd. Funk used some technical moves on Leduc, surprising the Canadian Wildman and Funk went to work on his legs. It was shortly after that he locked on the Funk Spinning Toe Hold and Leduc had no choice but to submit! Winner: Dory Funk, Jr. Match Time: 12:51 Match Rating: C+ ------ The attention turned down to the podium where Tony Schiavone was standing. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Hello wrestling fans, Tony Schiavone here with two of the men who will be in the War Games main event later on tonight: Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. Ricky, how do you prepare for a match like this?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ricky Steamboat[/U] Well, Tony, there isn't much of a way that you can prepare for this match. It's something we've never been in before. It's a brand new style of match and one where we know we're going to be in for the fight of our lives.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Jay?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Jay Youngblood[/U] We'll be in the fight of our lives, Tony, but we plan on coming out on top. Along with Dusty Rhodes and Dick Murdoch we're going to prove why we are the best.[/COLOR] And as Jay Youngblood walked off with his partner he was noticably limping. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GreatKabuki2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MagicDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickyMorton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RobertGibson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. The Rock and Roll Express[/SIZE] After having seen this match several times, the fans weren't as into this high flying contest as they have been within the past. Gary Hart was down at ringside for Kabuki and Dragon but even he couldn't help Kabuki and Dragon beat the Rock and Roll Express. Robert Gibson got the pin on Magic Dragon following the Double Dropkick. Winners: The Rock and Roll Express Match Time: 5:57 Match Rating: D+ ------ Backstage, Greg Valentine was standing by. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Greg Valentine[/U] Wahoo McDaniel, you're a tough competitor, a veteran in the ring. You and I have both gone back and forth. I've broken your legs before. Tonight, I make a symbol out of you. A symbol that I am back and that I am going to get my United States title back around my waist. Beware the Hammer![/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/WahooMcDaniel.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Greg Valentine vs. Wahoo McDaniel[/SIZE] Bobby Heenan spent a lot of the match making fun of Native Americans in his commentary on Wahoo McDaniel. These two veterans have met before but the fans were definitely looking forward to this bout and got behind Wahoo as he took the advantage on the Hammer. The momentum went back and forth and Valentine weaseled out of an End of the Trail attempt and chop-blocked Wahoo in the back of the knee! Valentine locked in a Figure 4 Leglock and got the submission victory! Winner: Greg Valentine Match Time: 9:35 Match Rating: B Following the bout, Valentine would NOT release the Figure 4 Leglock! Wahoo cried out in pain but Valentine did not let go! It took the Rock and Roll Express and Sweet Brown Sugar to pull Valentine off a possibly injured Wahoo! ------ [QUOTE][B]Still to come.... The Brisco Brothers against the Midnight Express The Assassin against Paul Jones Dick Slater taking on Mike Rotundo Tommy Rich defending his United States Heavyweight Title against Ivan Kolof And War Games: The Match Beyond![/B][/QUOTE] ((OOC: there's still time to get in your predictions for those remaining matches!))[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]NWA PRESENTS GREAT AMERICAN BASH![/SIZE] Sunday, Week 4, July 1983 Memorial Coliseum Winston-Salem, North Carolina Attendance: 9,455 Following the intermission, David Crockett was standing at the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]David Crockett[/U] Hello everyone and in just a few moments we are going to get back to action inside the ring. But right now I am standing here with one of the top tag teams in Mid-Atlantic: The Brisco Brothers. Jack, how are you doing?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jack Brisco[/U] I've been better. That attack last Wednesday took a lot out of me.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]David Crockett[/U] Do you have any idea who it was that attacked you?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jack Brisco[/U] I had my back turned the entire time, David, so I'm not sure who attacked me. We can be sure that Jim Cornette had a hand in it though.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]David Crockett[/U] So you'll be looking for revenge tonight for that attack?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jack Brisco[/U] We'll see.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JackBrisco.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobbyEaton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DennisCondrey.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Brisco Brothers vs. The Midnight Express[/SIZE] The Briscos walked out to the ring following the interview and then Jim Cornette escorted the Midnight Express down to the ring, still shouting into the camera that they had nothing to do with the attack on Jack Brisco. Jerry Brisco started out the match with Dennis Condrey and did a good technical job at the start but tried to spend too much time on his own and that caught up with him as the Midnight Express used some quick tags to keep a fresh man in. The first several minutes of the bout had the Midnight Express bringing down Jerry and focusing in on his neck. They went for a Veg-O-Matic but Jack broke it up and then headed back to the corner, holding his neck. Jerry crawled over and made the tag and Jack came into the ring, bringing down both Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey with double leg takedowns. He hit several suplexes on legal man Bobby Eaton and then made the tag back to Jerry. Jerry came back in and laid a Double Arm Suplex on Eaton and made the cover: 1...2...3!! The Brisco Brothers won it! Winners: the Brisco Brothers Match Time: 8:03 Match Rating: C+ Jim Cornette looked upset at ringside as his team lost this match. Jerry went over to check on his brother when the crowd looked startled at two men who came out from the back and headed into the ring. One of them knocked Jerry into his brother! Jack fell off the apron and hit the mats on the floor hard. They grabbed Jerry and hit a double gutbuster on the Brisco Brother! They then went outside the ring and right after Jack! One of them began biting Jack in the forehead, busting him open! The other grabbed a chair and swung it, hitting Jack Brisco in the head with it as well as his partner! His partner just looked up at him and pushed him. The pushed man pushed back and they both just smiled at each other and walked off with the damage done. Just who are these two nuts? ------ The attention turns down toward the podium and Tony Schiavone. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Hello everyone. My special guest at this time is a man who is about to step into the squared circle and meet up with his former charge, Mr. Paul Jones. Paul, tonight, you are going to go one on one with the Assassin. Any last minute thoughts?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Paul Jones[/U] Yeah, the Assassin is going to learn tonight that he is nothing without me. The reason he was a top wrestler is because he was managed by Number One Paul Jones. And tonight I am going to prove it by beating him 1-2-3 in the middle of the ring.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TheAssassin.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/PaulJones.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Assassin vs. Paul Jones[/SIZE] A very good match between these two that mixed both brawling and the sweet science of wrestling in it. Number One Paul Jones made his comeback late but the Assassin pulled referee Randy Anderson right in front of a clothesline attempt, knocking down the referee in the process! Jones looked down at the referee and then back toward the Assassin, trying another clothesline but the Assassin ducked and nailed Jones with a big boot. The Assassin moved over to a corner and pulled an object from his trunks, loading up his mask! He went to the fallen Paul Jones and mounted him, giving him a headbutt! And another! And another! And another! Paul Jones started to bleed from these headbutts! The Assassin made a cover as the referee started to come to: 1...2...3! The Assassin wins it by rather dubious means. Winner: The Assassin Match Time: 9:54 Match Rating: C The bell sounds but the Assassin isn't done! Now that he has the win, he headbutts Paul Jones again! The Assassin pulls Paul Jones up and levels him with that Running Powerslam before raising his arms in victory. Paul Jones is NOT moving at all. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MikeRotundo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickSlater.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mike Rotundo vs. Dick Slater[/SIZE] Two mishmashed styles here that put on an average bout as the veteran Mr. Unpredictable Dick Slater took on Iron Mike Rotundo. Rotundo's technical style kept Slater off-balance throughout the course of the match. Slater would try a hold but Rotundo would find a counter for it. Rotundo eventually put Slater away with the STF submission. Winner: Mike Rotundo Match Time: 7:51 Match Rating: C ------ [QUOTE][B]A video begins to play for the fans highlighting the recent troubles between Tommy Rich and Ivan Koloff, ending with the brutal attack by Koloff on Rich in that parking lot. Will Tommy Rich even be able to wrestle here tonight?[/B][/QUOTE] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TommyRich2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]United States Heavyweight Title Match Tommy Rich vs. Ivan Koloff[/SIZE] The Russian Bear came out first and stood in the corner waiting for his opponent. After several minutes, Tommy Wildfire Rich finally came out but his right arm was in a sling and a cast and he had multiple bandages on his face. He slipped into the ring and handed the United States Heavyweight Title over to referee Stu Schwartz and apparently he's going to wrestle tonight! Doctors have advised against him wrestling tonight but he's going to ignore their orders. The bell sounds and we're going to have a match. Wildfire Tommy Rich spent the first several minutes avoiding Ivan Koloff. Bobby Heenan compared Rich to a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest in this match. Eventually Koloff caught Rich and the Russian Bear turned his entire focus to the arm of Tommy Rich, removing the sling and giving it a hard stomp! Rich whimpered out in pain as Koloff continued his assault. The Russian Bear slowly dissected the United States Heavyweight Champion, even breaking open the cuts on Rich's forehead to leave him wearing a crimson mask. Koloff went so far as to swing Rich's arm against the post! But no matter what Koloff did, whenever he went for a pinfall Tommy Rich would kick out. At around the 12 minute mark, Koloff decided he'd had enough and went for the kill with the Bear Hug. Tommy Rich was having the life squeezed out of him by the Russian Bear. The crowd started chanting..'U.S.A., U.S.A!' They were trying to get Rich back involved in the match but Tommy Rich was fading fast. Referee Stu Schwartz stepped in and raised Tommy Rich's good arm once...it fell. He raised it a second time...it fell. He raised it a third time...it didn't fall! Tommy Rich is not entirely out of it! Rich bangs his cast against the side of Ivan Koloff's head! The Russian Bear clamps down harder on the Bear Hug, causing a cry of pain to escape from Wildfire. Rich gets more energy from the crowd, though, and bangs the cast against Koloff's head again. And again. He boxes the ears of the Russian Bear and Koloff finally lets go of the hold and Tommy Rich falls to his knees. Tommy Rich may have used all his energy to get out of that hold. Ivan Koloff grabs Wildfire and whips him into the ropes. Koloff steps forward with a Russian Si-No! Tommy Rich ducks it and hits a neckbreaker on Ivan Koloff! The crowd is on their feet as Tommy Rich slowly gets to his. He pulls a winded Ivan Koloff up and sets him up with one good arm...WILDFIRE DRIVER!! Where did Tommy Rich find the energy to hit that move??? Tommy Rich is lying on the mat beside Ivan Koloff! Both men are down! Rich slowly raises his good arm. He puts it on Ivan Koloff's chest: 1...2...3!!! Tommy Rich has done it! He beat Ivan Koloff somehow! Winner: Tommy Rich Match Time: 20:01 Match Rating: C+ ------ As fans are buzzing about Tommy Rich's come from behind victory, the focus turns backstage where Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors are in their locker room. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Gentlemen, the time is upon us. This is where the good become great and the great become legends. This is the first ever War Games. Tonight each and every one of us earns our respect. Road Warriors, you're gonna earn even more respect tonight than you did when you beat Steamboat and Youngblood for those belts. Enforcer, tonight you're going to do your thing. And I am going to prove to everyone why I am the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and why I am the man. Whooooo.[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JayYoungblood.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]War Games: The Match Beyond Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors vs. The Texas Outlaws, Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood[/SIZE] [QUOTE][B][U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Welcome ladies and gentlemen to our main attraction of the evening. It's going to be a one fall match contested inside War Games: The Match Beyond! The rules of this contest are simple: each team will send out one man to start things off and these two will wrestle inside these two rings enclosed by a single steel cage for five minutes. During this time, a coin toss in the back will determine which team gets the 2 on 1 advantage as wrestlers will come out alternately in 2 minute intervals until all 8 men are inside the ring. Once all 8 men are in, the Match Beyond begins where you can only win by submission or surrender. Now, let's introduce the first wrestler to come out for each team.[/COLOR] 'Thus Spake Zarathustra' begins to play. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] From Charlotte, North Carolina. He is the current holder of the NWA World Heavyweight Title. He is the Nature Boy Ric Flair![/COLOR] Ric comes out to some boos and some 'whooo's' from the crowd. Most people can't stand his attitude but some people love him, including Bobby Heenan, who talks about Flair being a stand-up guy for being the first man to enter the ring for his team. Ric slides inside the cage and tests it a little with his hands. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] On the other side of the coin, he is from Waxahachie, Texas and weighs in tonight at 277 pounds introducing the Texas Outlaw Dick Murdoch![/COLOR] Murdoch came out to cheers from the crowd, walking toward the ring. These two men have a long night ahead of themselves. The cage door is locked when Murdoch steps inside and he looks across toward Ric Flair as the bell sounds and the five minute time limit begins.[/B][/QUOTE] The two men met in the center of the ring and began jawwing with each other. Flair pushed Murdoch and Murdoch pushed Flair. Flair went sprawling back onto his bottom in the corner. Murdoch followed him in and began an attack with vicious forearms and punches on Flair, hip-tossing the Nature Boy out of the corner. Flair got up and ran right into a clothesline from Murdoch! Dick Murdoch is fired up! Murdoch whips Flair into the ropes and catches him with a knee to the gut, sending Flair to the mat. Murdoch drops an elbow and then picks Flair up, running him head-first into the steel cage! Flair bounces off and falls face-first to the canvas. [QUOTE][B]Within the backstage area, the coin flip is being determined. Dusty Rhodes calls heads for his team and the coin shows up...tails! So Flair's team will have the two on one advantage.[/B][/QUOTE] Back inside the ring, Murdoch has kept the advantage, suplexing Flair and keeping up the brawling. The buzzer sounds and out comes Arn Anderson racing to the ring! Ric Flair's Enforcer moves inside the cage and meets Murdoch with an exchange of right hands! Both men punching away until Murdoch starts to get the advantage, hitting Anderson with several rights in a row until Ric Flair chop blocks Murdoch from behind. Murdoch falls to his knees and Flair hits him with a forearm to the back of the head. Flair and Anderson take turns punching away at Dick Murdoch! Anderson runs Murdoch right into the cage and Murdoch bounces off to the mat below. The buzzer sounds and out from the back runs Dusty Rhodes! The American Dream gets down as quick as he can and slides into the ring, standing in the far ring and challenging Flair or Anderson to come and meet him in the other ring. Flair looks at Anderson and they both move through the ropes and head over to the other side. Dusty fires off shots at both of them as soon as they enter the cage! Bionic Elbow for Anderson! The same for Flair! Dusty does a little playing to the crowd before dropping an elbow on Anderson and laying on him but there's no pinfalls here! Dick Murdoch slowly moves to that other side and drops a knee to the head of Flair! The Texas Outlaws look dominant in that side of the cage! But just as the Texas Outlaws begin to dominate, the buzzer sounds and out comes Road Warrior Animal! Paul Ellering comes down to ringside and Animal moves inside the ring and to that far ring, clotheslining Dick Murdoch and then one on Dusty Rhodes! He tosses Murdoch across the ring...POWERSLAM! He grabs Dusty and tosses him head-first into the steel cage! Animal stands tall in the middle of that ring. He checks on Flair and Anderson, helping his teammates up. Flair and Anderson go after Dusty while Animal goes after Murdoch. Animal busts open Murdoch with a forearm shot! Flair and Anderson grind Dusty's head into the steel cage and Dusty is starting to look like hamburger meat! Animal brings Murdoch to the other ring so we have Flair and Anderson double-teaming Dusty on one side and Animal and Dick Murdoch on the other side. Dick Murdoch starts fighting back and it's a brawl in that ring back and forth between the two wrestlers. Flair and Anderson continue their attack on Dusty Rhodes. Dusty tries to fight back but it's hard to shake a 2 on 1 advantage. And the buzzer sounds and out running from the back comes Ricky The Dragon Steamboat! Paul Ellering tries to block Steamboat's path but Steamboat pushes him out of the way and climbs into the ring! Steamboat goes right after Arn Anderson with punches and we have a 3 on 3 donnybrook inside the cage. Dusty Rhodes starts to come back on Flair even though Dusty is bleeding like a stuck pig! Dusty runs Flair into three seperate sides of the cage, busting the Nature Boy open. Flair and Murdoch have both been in there since the beginning and must be exhausted by now! Murdoch grabs Animal and lifts him up in a Texas Brainbuster, connecting on the Road Warrior! Murdoch goes to that other cage and Dusty whips Flair into the ropes...double clothesline by the Texas Outlaws on Flair! Double clothesline on Anderson! Ricky Steamboat grabs the fallen Arn Anderson and lifts him up in a double chicken wing! Anderson cries out in pain! Animal comes back in and lays a double sledge on Ricky Steamboat to break the hold! The buzzer sounds and out comes the final participant: Road Warrior Hawk! Hawk runs down to the ring and climbs inside the cage, joining his partner Animal! They take down Steamboat with a double shoulderblock and high five each other. Flair and Dusty move into the other cage where Flair goes after Dusty's knee! Ric hits a chopblock and focuses in on the knee of the American Dream in that cage. Arn Anderson battles with Dick Murdoch, raking his face but getting rammed into the steel cage for his trouble. Murdoch has busted open the Enforcer! Arn Anderson, Dick Murdoch, Dusty Rhodes and Ric Flair are all busted open! The Road Warriors double team Ricky Steamboat, setting him up for a version of their Doomsday Device which connects and has Hawk nearly hitting his head on the top of the cage. Animal makes a cover but pinfalls don't count! The Road Warriors go after Dick Murdoch...Double DDT! Murdoch is lying hurt on the ground! And the final buzzer sounds and out comes Jay Youngblood limping toward the ring! He makes it down and slips inside... ~...THE MATCH BEYOND BEGINS...!~ ~...Submit or Surrender...~ Youngblood checks on Steamboat and attacks Animal from behind! Youngblood fights both the Road Warriors as Dusty has turned the tables on Ric Flair and locked in the Figure 4! Dusty Rhodes has the Figure 4 Leglock on Ric Flair! Flair cries out in pain! Arn Anderson stomps Dick Murdoch and chokes him on the ropes, raking his face against the steel cage! Jay Youngblood and Ricky Steamboat are battling the Road Warriors! Anderson brings Murdoch over into the cage with Flair and Dusty, dropping a knee on Dusty Rhodes, breaking the Figure 4! Ricky Steamboat catches Hawk with a Flying Body Press! Animal catches Jay Youngblood and lifts him up in a military press slam, hitting his back against the top of the cage in the process! Animal drops Youngblood hard to the mat. Flair bounces off the ropes, dropping a knee across the forehead of Dusty Rhodes. Dick Murdoch rakes the face of Arn Anderson, fighting back against him. Animal tosses Jay Youngblood across to the other ring and the Road Warriors focus on Ricky Steamboat! They're choking the life out of him! Dick Murdoch sees it and heads over to that side while Flair sees Jay Youngblood lying on the mat and turns his attention to him! Youngblood throws a punch to Flair! He is beginning to fight back! Arn Anderson gets up slowly but he's cut off by Dusty Rhodes! The American Dream brings Arn into the corner and begins punching away while Jay Youngblood lays out Flair with a chop! Youngblood is on fire in this ring while Dick Murdoch and Ricky Steamboat battle with the Road Warriors on the other side! Flair manages to rake the eyes of Jay Youngblood and fall into a corner. Paul Ellering slips a small object through one of the holes of the cage! It's brass knucks! Flair slips the knucks on and walks over, punching Dusty in the back of the head before turning to Youngblood and punching him! He drops a fist to the knee and then lets out a 'Whoooooo' before locking the Figure 4 Leglock on Jay Youngblood! Arn Anderson hits Dusty with the DDT! The Road Warriors keep Murdoch and Steamboat busy while Jay Youngblood is stuck in the Figure 4! Youngblood cries out his pain, trying to hold on! The bell sounds! Jay Youngblood has given it up!! Flair, Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors win the first ever War Games match! What a way to end the show! Thanks for watching! Winners: Ric Flair, Arn Anderson and the Road Warriors Match Time: 27:26 Match Rating: C- ------ Overall Rating: C+ ((feedback on this card would be muchly appreciated. :-)))[/B][/CENTER]
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Very nice couple of shows, sorry I missed the last one.... to answer the previous question, either WCCW or, as previously mentioned, Mid-South... Really enjoyed the Bash, Jake Roberts should be huge and I look forward to seeing how you book him and how far he goes. Keep up the good work
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[QUOTE=tizzyt;429054]Very nice couple of shows, sorry I missed the last one.... to answer the previous question, either WCCW or, as previously mentioned, Mid-South... Really enjoyed the Bash, Jake Roberts should be huge and I look forward to seeing how you book him and how far he goes. Keep up the good work[/QUOTE] Thanks for your comments! I always appreciate getting feedback. Jake The Snake is always fun to book. I have some good plans upcoming for him. So I have 2 votes for WCCW and 2 for Mid-South so far. Keep the votes coming everyone!
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I think when TEW 08 hits, in addition to continuing my joint diary that I have going on right now ([url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=30708[/url]) [SIZE="1"]CHEAP PLUG!!!! [/SIZE] I might also start up a DOTT diary.. or just wait until then to do my OVW : We Just Got the "F" out diary.... not sure yet which... I'm gonna LOVE pulling double duty (heh.. "duty")
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The Great American Bash was a monetary success for the company. We ended the month with $925,450 in the bank for Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -On a sadder note, former wrestler Don Curtis passed away on Monday. It is being talked about as a drug-related death but no one knows for sure. Our hearts go out to the Curtis family. -Bobo Brazil, The Fabulous Moolah and Bob Orton, Sr. headlined the retirement list. -Sir Oliver Humperdink left Championship Wrestling of Florida. -Dick Murdoch left Mid-South Wrestling. -Mark Fleming signed an exclusive PPA deal with MACW.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from The Delaware Field House in Newark, Delaware and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Mr. Wrestling II puts his streak on the line against Greg Valentine[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Mike Rotundo vs. The Assassin[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Jake Roberts debuts against Bugsy McGraw[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Winners Face the Road Warriors at the Clash: The Texas Outlaws vs. The Midnight Express[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Ivan Koloff vs. Jim Duggan[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Plus news on the NWA World Title picture for the Clash of the Champions[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Plus the debut of the Masked Superstar's Superstar Clutch Challenge.[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 1, August 1983 Delaware Field House Newark, Delaware Attendance: 5,000 [QUOTE][B]The show opens with highlights from the Great American Bash, centering on the War Games main event where Ric Flair made Jay Youngblood submit to the Figure 4 Leglock.[/B][/QUOTE] Inside the arena, 'Also sprach Zarathustra' began to play through the building. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! I'm Bob Caudle alongside Bobby the Brain Heenan. Bobby, it looks like we're going to kick things off with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] And there he is, fans. YOUR NWA World Heavyweight Champion Ric Flair! The man who won War Games last Sunday night![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Somebody told me that there's a party going down in Newark, Delaware tonight! Whooooo! Last Sunday night the Road Warriors, Arn Anderson and myself knew that we were going to bleed, we were going to sweat and we were going to pay the price but we also knew we were going to come out a winner. Whoooooo. And tonight since I don't seem to have a match on the card, the party is going to start a little early. I'm gonna head back, get into my limousine and take the first highway out of Newark to find a real city to party in.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] The fans really don't like that![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] As far as defending my NWA World Heavyweight Title at Clash of the Champions? I've beaten them all so whoever Jim Crockett, Jr. came up with is fine with me. Now it's time for me to get out of this stinking town.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/IvanKoloff.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimDuggan.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Ivan Koloff vs. Jim Duggan[/SIZE] The Russian Bear came out to boos from the crowd and when Hacksaw Jim Duggan came down with his 2X4 he started a large 'U.S.A.' chant with the crowd. Koloff covered his ears, yelling at the crowd to shut up. The bell sounded and Koloff came out fighting, working over Hacksaw. Koloff dominated the bout much to boos from the crowd. He used a reverse chinlock to wear down Duggan and then set him up for the Russian Sickle but Duggan ducked! They both turned and Duggan began punching away on Koloff, winding one up and nailing Koloff with a left hand! Duggan hit a backbreaker on Koloff and then bounced off the ropes, dropping an Old Glory Knee Drop! Duggan made a cover: 1...2...3! Hacksaw Jim Duggan gets the upset victory and rolls out of the ring quickly! Winner: Jim Duggan Match Time: 5:13 Match Rating: D+ Ivan Koloff slowly recovered and picked up a microphone. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ivan Koloff[/U] I cannot believe I lost to stupid American! This is outrage! I am going to return home to Mother Russia. America is making me soft. I will return there and get stronger and come back better than ever.[/COLOR] Koloff drops the microphone and heads toward the back. Is he really leaving? ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobbyEaton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DennisCondrey.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Winners Face the Road Warriors at the Clash: The Texas Outlaws vs. The Midnight Express[/SIZE] A very good tag team match here between two teams looking to move on to the Clash of the Champions and a shot at the NWA World Tag Team Titles. They each used some interesting moves, including Dick Murdoch using a few moves from the top rope. Jim Cornette interfered on behalf of the Midnight Express but it wasn't enough. Murdoch hit Bobby Eaton with the Calf Branding and managed to pick up the pinfall and get the victory. Winners: The Texas Outlaws Match Time: 5:36 Match Rating: C+ But instead of the Texas Outlaws' music playing, 'Iron Man' began to play and Paul Ellering led the Road Warriors out! The Road Warriors hit the ring and a brawl began between all four men there! Animal took Murdoch down and began punching him! Hawk body slammed Dusty Rhodes and then hit a top rope clothesline! The Road Warriors stood over the Texas Outlaws in a victorious manner. ------ The attention turned down to the announcers. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] What a dastardly attack by the Road Warriors after the match, Brain.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] You know what I always say: kick them while they're down. They're easier to reach.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Come on, Brain. Get off it. But right now we have the honour of announcing to the world who is going to get the NWA World Title shot at the Clash of The Champions![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Ric Flair said earlier it doesn't matter who he faces and I believe him.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Nevertheless, it is my duty to announce that the main event for the Clash of the Champions will be Ric Flair defending his NWA World Heavyweight Title against....Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat![/COLOR] The crowd pops, cheering for the Dragon and his title shot at the Clash! [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Not that guy! That's not fair to Flair![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] That is the match that Jim Crockett, Jr. made! And I hope everyone will tune in to the Clash to see this great bout. And speaking of great bouts, we are about to see the debut of Jake 'The Snake' Roberts.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JakeRoberts2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BugsyMcGraw.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jake Roberts vs. Bugsy McGraw[/SIZE] Jake Roberts came down to the ring carrying a large burlap sack over his shoulder. He set the sack in his corner and climbed into the ring, sitting down in the corner and staring up at Bugsy McGraw, his opponent. Once Jake sprang into action at the sound of the bell he dominated his opponent. Bob Caudle and Bobby Heenan put over Jake's career, including some here with the NWA. Jake finished Bugsy with a DDT and a pinfall: 1...2...3. Winner: Jake Roberts Match Time: 5:36 Match Rating: D+ Following the pinfall, Jake walked over to his corner and picked up the sack, untying it and revealing a rather large snake! He smiled as he walked over to the fallen Bugsy McGraw and he laid the snake upon his unconcious opponent, watching it slither over McGraw's body. ------ [QUOTE][B]A video begins to play showing highlights of Rick Martel, a wrestler coming soon to Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. In the background, the Eye of the Tiger begins to play as Martel lifts weights and then begins to run along a path, gathering a crowd to follow him. He raises his arms in victory as he reaches his destination.[/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MikeRotundo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TheAssassin.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mike Rotundo vs. The Assassin[/SIZE] Both of these men are coming off major victories at Great American Bash where Mike Rotundo made Dick Slater submit to an STF while The Assassin pinned Paul Jones. A very good back and forth contest, getting the crowd into it where they can. And oddly enough Jake Roberts came walking out during the bout when Rotundo had the advantage. Rotundo whipped the Assassin toward the ropes and the referee accidentally stepped in the way so that Randy Anderson and the Assassin bumped heads, knocking them both to the mat. Rotundo quickly locked the Assassin into the STF! The Assassin screamed, yelling about the pain! And Jake Roberts slithered inside the ring under the bottom rope. He stomped on the back of Rotundo to break the hold and lifted him quickly...DDT! Roberts woke up the referee and then slithered out of the ring and walked to the back as the Assassin made the pinfall: 1...2...3! Winner: The Assassin Match Time: 4:42 Match Rating: D+ ------ The crowd booed as another masked wrestler came out: The Masked Superstar. He slid into the ring and told the crowd that he said there would be a $1,000 Superstar Clutch Challenge here tonight and then awaited the man who would challenge him. After a moment, Porkchop Cash walked out to some cheers from the crowd! Porkchop slid into the ring and got face-to-mask with the Masked Superstar. The Masked Superstar shoved him backward a step and then locked on the Superstar Clutch! Porkchop tried to fight and gave it a valiant effort before he had to give up. The Masked Superstar tossed Porkchop down and raised his arms in victory. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MrWrestlingII.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GregValentine.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mr. Wrestling II vs. Greg Valentine[/SIZE] And it's main event time as Mr. Wrestling II puts his winning streak on the line against the former United States Heavyweight Champion Greg The Hammer Valentine. Three straight segments with a masked wrestler as well. But onto the main event as Bobby Heenan proclaims that he already knows who Mr. Wrestling II is. Who? He's the guy in the ring with the mask on. A very technical bout for the first couple of minutes with both men jockeying for position with takedowns and headlocks and hammerlocks and armbars. Finally Valentine takes control with a greco roman mask pull, using the mask to pull Mr. Wrestling II down to the mat. Valentine goes right to the knees for the next couple of minutes, dropping a knee to knee and an elbow smash to the knee and even wrapping Mr. Wrestling II's knee around the ringpost. Valentine makes a cover after that: 1...2...kickout! Mr. Wrestling II still has some juice left! The crowd tries to pull Mr. Wrestling II back into the match and he avoids a Hammer Elbow drop, leaving Valentine holding his arm! Mr. Wrestling II brings Valentine down with a double leg takedown into an armbar up top! Valentine shakes his head as referee Tommy Young asks if he wants to give it up! Mr. Wrestling II gives Valentine a standing vertical suplex where he lets the blood rush all the way to the brain of Valentine before bringing him crashing down to the mat. Mr. Wrestling II quickly tosses Valentine into the ropes and locks on a Sleeperhold! Valentine's arms flail all about as Mr. Wrestling II cinches the hold in tighter and Valentine starts to fade. Mr. Wrestling II pushes all his weight into Valentine as Valentine begins to slump down to the mat. Referee Tommy Young grabs Valentine's arm....it falls once....it falls twice...someone is running toward the ring!...it falls a third time! That's it! The Hammer is out! Winner: Mr. Wrestling II Match Time: 6:46 Match Rating: B While Mr. Wrestling II's arms are busy with Greg Valentine, Harley Race slides inside the ring and kicks Wrestling II in the ribs from the side! The King lifts II up and hits his own version of the jumping knee lift before moving outside and heading to the top turnbuckle...DIVING HEADBUTT CONNECTS!!! Mr. Wrestling II is down and Harley Race smiles at him, going for the mask! But we're out of time! We'll see you next week! ------ Overall Rating: B- TV Rating: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The MACW wrestling show came through a lot better on tape than we thought it would. The fans are already getting excited for the Clash of the Champions. -Speaking of the Clash, several matches have already been lined up for it: Ric Flair defends the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Ricky Steamboat, the Texas Outlaws get a shot at the Road Warriors and the NWA World Tag Team Title belts and after his attack on Mike Rotundo at the last show, Jake Roberts will face Mike Rotundo in the ring with more matches to come.. -Senior referee Tommy Young has re-signed with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. -Several new shows will be debuting next season, including SWCW Riptide and CMLL Guerra Extrema. -The last Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling drew a .79 rating with half hours of .80 and .79. -The American Dream Dusty Rhodes gave the performance of the night at the last Championship Wrestling from Florida card when he teamed with Blackjack Mulligan to defeat Barry Windham and Ron Bass. -Commentator Lord Alfred Hayes decided he didn't like the direction the WWF was going in and chose to leave the World Wrestling Federation. -We have received word that Jake The Snake Roberts was offered a position with the WWF. This is something we'll have to keep a very close eye on. -Bob Orton, Jr. chose to re-sign with us on a short-term deal of 3 months.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from The North Carolina State Fair Arena in Raleigh, North Carolina and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]Jos Leduc vs. Ricky Steamboat[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]Jerry Brisco vs. Harley Race[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Winner Fights Tommy Rich for U.S. Title at Clash: Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Arn Anderson[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Road Warriors vs. Porkchop Cash and Bugsy McGraw[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Winner Fights One Man Gang for Mid-Atlantic Title at Clash: Bob Orton, Jr. vs. the Great Kabuki[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Plus Ric Flair responds to the announcement of Ricky Steamboat being his opponent.[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 2, August 1983 North Carolina State Fair Arena Raleigh, North Carolina Attendance: 5,000 The show begins with no music but Ric Flair storming down toward the announcers at the podium! He picks up a microphone. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Listen here Jim Crockett, how dare you decide just who will face the NWA World Heavyweight Champion! I am the Champion. I hold the belt. Do you understand me? All the challengers have to go through me! I never agreed to fight Ricky Steamboat again. He had his chance and he blew it. So you can find me another challenger at the Clash of the Champions and you better let me know by the end of this show![/COLOR] Ric tosses down the microphone and storms off angrily. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobOrtonJr.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GreatKabuki2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Winner Faces One Man Gang for the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title At The Clash of the Champions Bob Orton, Jr. vs. The Great Kabuki[/SIZE] Gary Hart led the Great Kabuki down to the ring for this match against Cowboy Bob Orton, Jr. The announcers spent a lot of time talking about what they just heard from Ric Flair where he refused to face Ricky Steamboat at the Clash. Inside the ring was a pretty good bout. Gary Hart tried to interfere a couple of times but Orton shrugged him off. He got the Great Kabuki up and nailed a Running Powerslam, getting the pinfall victory. But will he be able to do that against the One Man Gang? Winner: Bob Orton, Jr. Match Time: 4:29 Match Rating: C Speaking of the One Man Gang, he and Sir Oliver Humperdink came running down after the bout and the Gang attacked Orton from behind while he was getting his cowboy hat! The One Man Gang lifted Orton in a Front Suplex and then bounced off the ropes...747 SPLASH! Orton is down, clutching his ribs as the One Man Gang stands over him with an evil look on his eyes. ------ [QUOTE][B]A video began to play showing Rick Martel punching a piece of meat inside a meat locker. He's got a trainer yelling at him to punch harder. He'll never be a Champion like that. Then it flashes to him training in the ring, showing some great wrestling holds, taking down a random athlete while 'Gonna Fly Now' from Rocky begins to play in the background. Another flash to him running again with the crowd around him. The crowd begins to chant.."Ricky! Ricky! Ricky!"..Rick Martel raises his arms in the air, pumping his fists. Rick Martel Coming Soon To MACW![/B][/QUOTE] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/PorkchopCash.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BugsyMcGraw.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Non-Title The Road Warriors vs. Porkchop Cash and Bugsy McGraw[/SIZE] Paul Ellering led the Road Warriors down to the ring for this non-title encounter against Porkchop and Bugsy. Porkchop and Bugsy weren't much against the power of Animal and the speed of Hawk as the Champs dominated the match. Animal showed his strength as he lifted Porkchop onto his shoulders and Hawk finished the Doomsday Device with the Flying Clothesline! Hawk made the cover and got the pinfall victory. Winners: The Road Warriors Match Time: 3:55 Match Rating: D+ ------ Jim Crockett, Jr. came down to the announer's podium. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Ladies and Gentlemen, we are being joined here by Jim Crockett, Jr. Jim, we heard the comments earlier from Ric Flair about the title match at the Clash of the Champions. What are your thoughts?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jim Crockett, Jr.[/U] I think he may be right in some ways. He is the Champion. So I am going to give the Champion the chance to pick his challenger. However, however, in order to do that he has to win a six man tag team match next week. Ric Flair will team with the Road Warriors to take on Ricky Steamboat and the Texas Outlaws next week![/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bob Caudle[/U] WOW! What a match next week! And right now we have Tony Schiavone standing by with Ricky Steamboat.[/COLOR] ------ A backstage video begins to play with Tony Schiavone and Ricky Steamboat. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] Thanks, Bob. I am standing here beside the possible challenger for the NWA World Heavyweight Title at the Clash of the Champions Ricky The Dragon Steamboat. Ricky, you heard the edict from Jim Crockett, Jr. only moments ago and the words from Ric Flair earlier. Your thoughts?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ricky Steamboat[/U] I think that Ric Flair knows I should have won the NWA World Heavyweight Title the last time I faced him. I had him pinned in the middle of the ring and if there had been just a few more seconds left I would be the Champion and he would be the challenger. But next week I will take him on in the six man tag match and my team will win the match and then at the Clash of the Champions that belt is mine.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DoryFunkJr.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Winner Fights Tommy Rich for U.S. Title at Clash Dory Funk, Jr. vs. Arn Anderson[/SIZE] The winner of this bout might have it a little easier because of Tommy Rich's arm injury. He is still in that cast. The crowd truly seemed to enjoy the match here as these two brawlers went back and forth in an above average match. Dory nearly got the Funk Spinning Toe Hold on a couple of times but Anderson reached the ropes. Out of nowhere, Anderson nailed Funk with that Anderson Spinebuster and made a quick cover: 1...2...3! And the Enforcer is going on to the Clash! Winner: Arn Anderson Match Time: 5:31 Match Rating: C+ ------ [QUOTE][B]A video fades in to a snowy area somewhere within Moscow, Russia. Ivan Koloff is seen within what almost looks like a barn, speaking to someone. Their voices cannot be heard just yet. Suddenly a door opens within the barn and a very large bear comes out, running toward Ivan Koloff! Ivan ducks and spears the bear to the ground! He gains numerous scratches as he fights with the bear and then finally a sickening crack can be heard as Ivan stands up, having snapped the bear's neck and he smiles toward the camera, howing that he is definitely regaining his form.[/B][/QUOTE] ------ The attention turns toward the podium. [U][COLOR=RED]David Crockett[/U] Mike Rotundo, last week you were in a match with the Assassin and Jake the Snake Roberts came out and attacked you, leading to a loss in that match. Can you shed any light on why The Snake attacked you?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Mike Rotundo[/U] Honestly, I have no idea, David. I was minding my own business wrestling a match when he came in and interfered. But at the Clash of the Champions I am going to get my chance at revenge when I take him on one on one. This time, Jake, there will be no attacking me from behind. And snake's fangs can't sink through Iron.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/HarleyRace2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jerry Brisco vs. Harley Race[/SIZE] Definitely the best match on the card as these two mat-based wrestlers collide. The start of the match was very good catch as catch can wrestling with holds and counterholds being implemented until Race used a cheap shot forearm near the throat of Brisco to take the advantage and lead the dance throughout the rest of the match. Race was finally able to pick up a pinfall following a Piledriver. Winner: Harley Race Match Time: 7:56 Match Rating: B Following the match, Harley Race grabbed a microphone. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Harley Race[/U] Mr. Wrestling II, at the Clash of the Champions I'm not only coming after your winning streak but I'm also coming after your mask! Let's make this easier. At the Clash of the Champions, when I beat you, then you will unmask voluntarily. If and this is highly unlikely but if you can beat me......you can shave my head bald![/COLOR] WOW!! It's mask and winning streak vs. hair! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JosLeduc.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Jos Leduc vs. Ricky Steamboat[/SIZE] And it's our main event of the evening as the Canadian Wildman takes on the Dragon! Jos Leduc started the match off brawling against the Dragon. He nailed Steamboat with backbreakers and rammed the Dragon's back into the corner. He even sent Steamboat outside the ring and rammed his back against the steel post before tossing him back inside the ring. Leduc made a cover but only got a two count. Leduc tried to whip Steamboat toward the turnbuckles again but Steamboat reversed it, sending Leduc into the corner and then up and over with a backdrop! The Dragon got pumped up with the crowd! Steamboat dropped Leduc with an armdrag and then a dropkick and a body slam! He went to the top turnbuckle as Leduc was slowly getting to his feet. Leduc turned toward him as Steamboat leaped into the air: Flying Cross Body to the mat! Steamboat made the cover: 1...2...Ric Flair is running down toward the ring!...3!! Winner: Ricky Steamboat Match Time: 7:41 Match Rating: C+ Flair slides in and gives Steamboat an immediate kick to the head before hitting him with the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt! Flair places the belt down and wraps Steamboat in a Figure 4 Leglock after the beating he took at the hands of Jos Leduc! Steamboat is crying out in pain as Flair puts the pressure on, grabbing the ropes for extra leverage! This is how he broke Jay Youngblood's leg! Referees and officials come running down to get the hold broken and we're out of time. See you next week! ------ Overall Rating: B- TV Rating: To Be Announced[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -Fans are eagerly anticipating our six man tag team main event next week on Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling! It has major implications for the Clash of the Champions. -More matches have been added to the Clash as of this past week, including Bob Orton, Jr. taking on the One Man Gang for the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title, Jake Roberts taking on Mike Rotundo and Tommy Rich defending the United States Heavyweight Title against Arn Anderson. -Mr. Wrestling II put on the performance of the night at the last Mid-South Wrestling show as he defeated Kamala the Ugandan Giant in the main event. -Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling drew a .82 rating with half hours of .82 apiece. -The Junkyard Dog signed to wrestle for the World Wrestling Federation. -Negotiations with U.S. Syndication Medium 1, U.S. Syndication Medium 2, TBS and USA Network have fallen through due to the presence of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling already. -Dusty Rhodes was the star of the last Championship Wrestling From Florida card in his loss to Snake Roberts. -No word as of yet on whether or not Jake Roberts will be leaving us for the World Wrestling Federation. But no news is good news, right?
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Wednesday night from The McAlister Field House in Charleston, South Carolina and broadcast Saturday night on TV Local - Mid Atlantic[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]MID-ATLANTIC CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]If Ricky Steamboat's team wins, he faces Ric Flair at the Clash: Ricky Steamboat and The Texas Outlaws vs. Ric Flair and The Road Warriors[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]The Great Kabuki vs. Jerry Brisco[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Bob Orton, Jr. vs. Dick Slater[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Arn Anderson vs. Jim Duggan[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Harley Race vs. Jack Brisco[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Plus another edition of the Masked Superstar's Superstar Clutch Challenge.[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE] Wednesday, Week 3, August 1983 McAlister Field House Charleston, South Carolina Attendance: 5,000 The show kicks off with the sell-out crowd cheering wildly for Mr. Wrestling II as he talks at the podium with the interview already in progress. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Mr. Wrestling II[/U] And Harley Race, this mask means a lot to me. It is a symbol of who I am. However, I don't plan on losing. At the Clash of the Champions, I will be shaving your head. So, yes, I accept![/COLOR] [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/HarleyRace2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JackBrisco.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Harley Race vs. Jack Brisco[/SIZE] A very solid technical match to kick things off here with Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. Race beat Jack's brother Jerry last week and he continued the streak here by finishing off Jack with a Piledriver. Winner: Harley Race Match Time: 6:31 Match Rating: B Following the match, those two mysterious wrestlers came running toward the ring and attacked Jack Brisco with a chair apiece! They took turns slamming them into the back of Jack Brisco before leaving as quickly as they came. Just who are these guys?!?! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JimDuggan.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Arn Anderson vs. Jim Duggan[/SIZE] These two heavy hitters came out here for this match with Duggan getting that U.S.A. chant started at the beginning. Inside the ring, these two didn't seem to click at all and it left the fans with a bad taste within their mouth. Anderson dominated the match and caught Duggan with an Anderson Spinebuster and a pinfall victory. Winner: Arn Anderson Match Time: 3:56 Match Rating: D+ ------ The Masked Superstar came down to the ring next and invited any superstar who wanted to try their hand at getting the money from him to come on down. A masked wrestler came down to the ring and slid inside, ready to challenge the Masked Superstar for the Superstar Clutch Challenge. The Masked Superstar locked in the hold and the mysterious wrestler seemed to waste no time in submitting! The Masked Superstar shook his head and ripped the mask off the mysterious wrestler to reveal...Kelly Kiniski! The Masked Superstar stomped on Kiniski and rolled him out of the ring. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobOrtonJr.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickSlater.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Bob Orton, Jr. vs. Dick Slater[/SIZE] Orton won a shot at the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title last week and does battle with Dick Slater this week. A decent match where the commentators talked mostly about the main event coming up. Orton got the pinfall following a Superplex on Dick Slater! Winner: Bob Orton, Jr. Match Time: 2:36 Match Rating: C- Following the match, Sir Oliver Humperdink came out and distracted Bob Orton, Jr. while One Man Gang came up behind him and attacked him. OMG nailed Orton with the Front Supex again and then the 747 Splash. ------ The focus turns down toward the podium where Bobby Heenan is standing by. [U][COLOR=RED]Bobby Heenan[/U] Good evening humanoids, Bobby the Brain Heenan here alongside one of the newest and best MACW superstars: Jake The Snake Roberts. Jake, you made your debut inside the ring this month and already you're looking at taking on Mike Rotundo. Your thoughts heading toward the Clash?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Jake Roberts[/U] Well, Bobby, it goes like this. Mike Rotundo wants to say some things about my attacking him inside the ring a couple of weeks ago. He's lucky I didn't do more damage to him. He's lucky I didn't hurt him worse because you know that once a snake bites you, you only have moments to get medical attention before the poison courses through your veins and the snake finishes you off. Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do at the Clash of the Champions. I am going to finish off Mike Rotundo at the Clash. Trust me.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GreatKabuki2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Great Kabuki vs. Jerry Brisco[/SIZE] Jerry was not in a good mood coming down for this match against the Great Kabuki after what happened to his brother earlier in the evening. He was looking to make short work out of the Great Kabuki but the Kabuki had other ideas. Gary Hart used a little interference to fight against Brisco but Brisco started his comeback when the two mysterious men came down to ringside! Brisco got distracted and was sprayed right in the face with that mysterious mist! The men came into the ring and slammed Brisco in the back with the chair, causing the DQ. Winner: Jerry Brisco Match Time: 5:56 Match Rating: C The men weren't done after the bell sounded. No, they got set up and banged chairs on either side of Brisco's head and he collapsed to the mat! They cheered on each other as officials came down to ringside to break things up and they got pulled away from Jerry Brisco. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]If Ricky Steamboat's team wins, he faces Ric Flair at the Clash: Ricky Steamboat and The Texas Outlaws vs. Ric Flair and The Road Warriors[/SIZE] And it's time for the main event! Ricky Steamboat leads out the Texas Outlaws for this 6 man tag team encounter. If Steamboat wins, he gets the NWA World Title shot at the Clash. If Flair wins, he gets to pick his opponent. Ric Flair and Paul Ellering lead out the Road Warriors and a pier six brawl inside the ring starts the match until things finally settle down with Dusty Rhodes and Road Warrior Animal inside the ring. Dusty looked good inside the ring early and made the tag to Murdoch and that's when the bad guys took over. It was quick tags on the Flair side of the ring as they turned their focus to the leg of Murdoch as a wear-down tactic. Flair used some restholds in there to keep things at a nice methodical pace. And he tagged out to Hawk, who perched up on the turnbuckles. Murdoch was lying on the mat when Hawk leapt and Murdoch put his good foot into the air! Hawk hit the foot hard and fell to the mat. The crowd cheered on Murdoch as he began crawling toward that opposite corner. Hawk tagged in Flair and Flair came over quickly but Murdoch leaped and made the tag to Ricky Steamboat! The Dragon took down Flair with a chop and then hit the Road Warriors with some closed fists! He turned back to Flair and whipped him into the turnbuckles! Flair flipped up and over the turnbuckles and began running across the ring, climbing the corner but he got caught! The Dragon slammed him off the turnbuckles! The Road Warriors came in but they got cut off by the Texas Outlaws! Everyone is brawling inside the ring! Steamboat goes over to Flair and lifts him in that Double Chicken Wing! Flair shakes his head, not wanting to give up! He doesn't want to face the Dragon at the Clash! Road Warrior Animal gets free and rushes over but it's too late! Flair gives it up! Animal gets cut off by Dick Murdoch as Steamboat releases Flair and the Championship team heads out of the ring! Winners: Ricky Steamboat and the Texas Outlaws Match Time: 8:57 Match Rating: B- Ricky Steamboat and the Texas Outlaws stare down Ric Flair and the Road Warriors following the bout. We'll see you at the Clash! Overall Rating: C+[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U][SIZE=4]D.O.T.T.: Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling[/SIZE][/U][/CENTER] -The fans are definitely ready to see Ricky Steamboat get another opportunity against Ric Flair. But can the Dragon take the NWA World Heavyweight Title from the Nature Boy? -Kelly Kiniski was released from his MACW contract. -The Masked Superstar extended his deal with HCW. -Jim Crockett, Jr. is taking a calculated risk at this point. He has spoken with the authorities of TV Local - Mid Atlantic and they have agreed to release him from his television contract there to pursue other offers. -Jos Leduc has agreed to a short-term contract extension with MACW. -Dusty Rhodes was the star of Championship Wrestling From Florida's Last Tango In Tampa Revisited when he wrestled to a no contest with Heavyweight Champion Purple Haze. -Harley Race was the star of Central States Wrestling Wrestling at the Chase (Aug) when he teamed with Super Destroyer to defeat Tank Patton and Mark Romero. -Fans are very unhappy about the fact that the last Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling was NOT shown on TV Local - Mid Atlantic. -Dusty Rhodes was the star of the Wrestling From Florida show from Championship Wrestling From Florida when he, again, fought The Purple Haze to a no contest. -Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling will be returning on the TBS network! The contract length will be for 3 seasons and will be shown from 11:00 PM to 12:30 AM on Sunday nights, taped on Wednesday nights. -Also, MACW Monday Nitro will be making it's debut on the ESPN network next month. The contract length will be for 3 seasons and it will be a live show from 11:00 PM to 12:30 AM on Monday nights. -In the match of the night at the end of month AWA show, Nick Bockwinkel successfully defended the AWA World Heavyweight Title against Ricky Steamboat. -The Masked Superstar was the wrestler of the evening at the HCW Big Show in August as he defeated Butch Reed in the best match of the evening. -Tully Blanchard, Randy Savage, Dynamite Kid, Ole Anderson and Ted DiBiase all rejected offers for negotiation.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR=BLUE]L I V E this Sunday night from The Cassell Coliseum in Blacksburg, Virginia[/B][/COLOR] [B][SIZE=6]NWA PRESENTS CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS II![/SIZE][/B] [U][B][SIZE=4]MAIN EVENT![/SIZE][/B][/U] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match: Ric Flair defends against Ricky Steamboat[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=BLUE][SIZE=4][B]-PLUS!-[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][B]United States Heavyweight Title Match: Tommy Rich defends against Arn Anderson[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Road Warriors defend against the Texas Outlaws[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match: One Man Gang defends against Bob Orton, Jr.[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mask vs. Hair: Mr. Wrestling II vs. Harley Race[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Mike Rotundo vs. Jake Roberts[/B][/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. The Brisco Brothers[/B][/QUOTE] Predictions/Comments/Questions/Concerns Always Appreciated![/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=Xlimey;437527]Another dynasty I really like.....Guess I have a thing for the 80's. No predictions except that Flair and Steamboat will put on an A rated match :)[/QUOTE] Thanks for the comment! I really appreciate it. I just went through and did up the Clash card through the game so it should be coming soon. :-)
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[CENTER][B][SIZE=5]NWA PRESENTS CLASH OF THE CHAMPIONS II![/SIZE] Sunday, Week 4, August 1983 Cassell Coliseum Blacksburg, Virginia Attendance: 8,644 [QUOTE][B][I][CENTER]...Two Men... ...Considered Two Of The Best Wrestlers... ...In One Ring... ...Tonight... ...Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat... ...NWA World Heavyweight Title On The Line...[/CENTER][/I][/B][/QUOTE] Fireworks explode inside the Cassell Coliseum as fans are on their feet for the second ever Clash of the Champions! Attention turns inside the ring to Bob Caudle and Bobby Heenan. [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Hello everyone and welcome to the second ever Clash of the Champions right here in Blacksburg, Virginia! I'm Bob Caudle alongside Bobby The Brain Heenan and Bobby tonight we are going to have some excellent matchups.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] For once I agree with you, Caudle. If you look at the lineup right here from top to bottom we have some of the greatest action these humanoids have ever witnessed, including my man Ric Flair defending the NWA World Heavyweight Title against that punk Ricky Steamboat.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] That should be an amazing matchup, Bobby Heenan. There won't be any time limits to save Ric Flair's title this time around.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Ric Flair doesn't need time limit draws against some guy like Ricky Steamboat. He was getting ready to kick out when that time limit sounded. If you were paying one bit of attention you would know that.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=RED]Bob Caudle[/U] Right. Anyway, we are getting ready to kick off our in-ring action here so you and I better head down to our broadcast position. We are about to see the Road Warriors defend their NWA World Tag Team Titles against the Texas Outlaws.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorAnimal.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RoadWarriorHawk.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DustyRhodes.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/DickMurdoch.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Tag Team Titles Match The Road Warriors vs. The Texas Outlaws[/SIZE] And what a way to kick off the Clash of the Champions! The crowd rises in boos when 'Iron Man' plays and Paul Ellering leads down the NWA World Tag Team Champions the Road Warriors to the ring in a rather unprecedented move as the Champions usually come out last. It shows that the Road Warriors have no fear against the Texas Outlaws. The crowd bursts into cheers when the Texas Outlaws come out, high-fiving the fans at ringside and looking toward the ring and the Road Warriors. These are two tough Texans with no-nonsense attitudes against two fighters from the streets of Chicago. A brawl kicked off the match between all four men in the ring with the Texas Outlaws actually getting the advantage and knocking the Road Warriors out of the ring. The Road Warriors paced around outside a moment before Animal stepped in against Dusty Rhodes. The American Dream looked really good in there against Animal, using some well-placed Bionic Elbows and a few punches to go in with that before he tagged out to Dick Murdoch. Murdoch took a rake to the eyes by Animal and the Road Warriors took the advantage there. They used quick tags in and out, keeping Murdoch in their corner and beating him with that Chicago street-style brawling. Murdoch was able to dodge an Animal clothesline though and took Animal down with a clothesline of his own. The crowd cheered on their feet as Murdoch attempted to make it to the corner. Animal tagged in Hawk just as Paul Ellering got up on the apron! Referee Tommy Young went over to Ellering, trying to get him down when Murdoch made the tag! The Coliseum erupted as Rhodes came in and went right after Hawk but Tommy Young turned around and pushed Rhodes back! Young didn't see the tag! Paul Ellering slid inside the ring with that rolled up copy of the Wall Street Journal and NAILED Murdoch in the head with it and....Murdoch went down?!?! Hawk made a quick cover and Animal stopped Rhodes from interfering: 1...2...3!! Winners: The Road Warriors Match Time: 5:31 Match Rating: C+ Following the match, Paul Ellering slid inside the ring and ordered the Road Warriors to attack Dusty Rhodes! Dusty fought back but the odds were too great in the favor of the Champs! The Road Warriors held Dusty on either side and Paul Ellering nailed Dusty with a shot from that magazine! Ellering unrolled the magazine after that to show...a brick?? He had a brick hidden inside the magazine! That's why Murdoch and Rhodes went down! The crowd boos this turn of events! ------ The attention turns down to the podium and Mr. Wrestling II. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Mr. Wrestling II[/U] Harley Race, tonight you learn just how important my mask is to me when we step inside that ring together. I have been wearing this mask for quite some time now and it is a symbol of my wrestling career. Tonight, I am putting my wrestling career on the line when I face you in our mask vs. hair match. But I am confident that my winning streak will remain intact after tonight's match but your hair will not. I'll see you in the ring.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/OneManGang.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/BobOrtonJr.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title Match One Man Gang vs. Bob Orton, Jr.[/SIZE] Orton is already in the ring as the attention focuses there and Sir Oliver Humperdink leads the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion the One Man Gang out to the ring. One Man Gang has been on a tear since seperating from his partner Kelly Kiniski and winning the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title at NWA Capital Combat. Bob Orton, Jr. defeated the Great Kabuki for this shot at the One Man Gang's title. As Sir Oliver Humperdink watched on, the One Man Gang dominated the early-going of the bout and it looked like he was well on his way to an easy title defense. He threw Orton around the ring and then outside the ring where Sir Oliver Humperdink added in a few stomps before he set Orton up in front of the ringpost. The One Man Gang came outside the ring and backed up slightly before he ran toward Orton and Orton ducked out of the way at the very last moment! The Gang nailed the ringpost hard, rocking the big man! Orton started his comeback, throwing the Gang back into the ring and showing some awesome power against his much larger opponent. He got the One Man Gang in the corner and punched away at him until the One Man Gang began climbing the turnbuckles to get away! Orton took full advantage, going up with him, stunning the Gang with fists of fury before... OH... MY...! Bob Orton, Jr. hit the One Man Gang with a Superplex!! The ring rocked with the force of the impact! Orton makes the cover: 1...2...3!!! We have a brand new Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion! Winner: Bob Orton, Jr. Match Time: 8:17 Match Rating: C- ------ The attention turns down to the podium where Harley Race is standing by. [U][COLOR=GREEN]Harley Race[/U] Mr. Wrestling II speaks of tradition? I am tradition. I am a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The fans call me Handsome Harley Race, not bald Harley Race so tonight is about more than me taking that mask off your body when I beat you. It's about keeping up the legacy of Handsome Harley Race. I am the King, Mr. Wrestling II and tonight you are going to find out why.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/GreatKabuki2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MagicDragon.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JackBrisco.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JerryBrisco.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]The Great Kabuki and Magic Dragon vs. The Brisco Brothers[/SIZE] Gary Hart's International Team getting one more shot at defeating the Brisco Brothers here tonight. But the Briscos have other things on their mind as they have continually been beaten down by these mysterious two men on a seemingly weekly basis. For some reason security is letting them through. The Briscos were a little off their game tonight against Kabuki and Dragon due to their injuries they suffered this past Wednesday night at the MACW taping. However, they were again mostly dominant in this bout against Kabuki and Dragon. Jack Brisco got the pinfall on Magic Dragon with a Superplex. Winners: The Brisco Brothers Match Time: 13:13 Match Rating: C- Following the bout, those two mysterious men came out again with chairs and attacked the Brisco Brothers! The Briscos were in no shape to fight them off and one of the mysterious men busted open Jerry Brisco! Jerry was bleeding like a stuck pig by the end of the attack. As the two men were ushered out by officials, EMT's came out with a stretcher and slid Jerry Brisco on it while officials helped Jack as best they could inside the ring. What a cowardly attack! Just who are these guys and what do they have against the Brisco Brothers?!?! ------ The attention turns toward the podium where Tony Schiavone is there. [U][COLOR=RED]Tony Schiavone[/U] What a cowardly attack by those two men. Tomorrow night, we will find out their identities on the very first episode of MACW Monday Nitro so make sure you tune in. But right now I have a man who is very much focused on his match tonight. Ricky Steamboat, tonight you have a shot at Ric Flair and the NWA World Heavyweight Title. What is running through your mind as you get ready for your match tonight?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ricky Steamboat[/U] Tony, thanks for having me. Tonight, I am stepping into the ring to take on the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Tonight, there won't be any time limit to keep me from beating you for the title, Ric. You won't be saved by the bell or saved by anyone else coming down and interfering. Tonight, it will be Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat one on one in the center of the ring with the winner taking all. And tonight, Ric Flair, you're going to be burned by the Dragon.[/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MikeRotundo.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/JakeRoberts2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mike Rotundo vs. Jake Roberts[/SIZE] Mike Rotundo was already in the ring when Jake the Snake Roberts came out with the snake handler's bag in hand and over his shoulder. He placed it in the corner and slid into the ring on his belly, sitting in the corner and waiting for the bell. When the bell sounded, this athletic contest between these two began. Rotundo started out, trying to outwrestle Jake The Snake and got several near falls on inside cradles on the Snake. Jake slithered out of the ring to catch a break. When Jake came back into the ring, he raked the eyes of Rotundo and began his advantage, focusing in on the neck of Rotundo with knees to the throat and other illegal chokes that had referee Randy Anderson warning Roberts several times. Rotundo started a bit of a comeback later in the match but it was thwarted by Roberts. Jake hit Rotundo with a Short-Arm Clothesline and then made a signal, lifting Rotundo and hitting the DDT! Jake made the cover: 1...2...3! Winner: Jake Roberts Match Time: 12:58 Match Rating: C+ Following the match, Jake walked over to his corner and opened the bag, pulling that large python snake out of the bag! He walked over to Rotundo and dropped the snake on top of him, smiling and laughing as the snake slithered over Rotundo's body. ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/TommyRich2.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/ArnAnderson.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]United States Heavyweight Title Match Tommy Rich vs. Arn Anderson[/SIZE] Arn Anderson came out to the ring first and stood in the corner as the crowd cheered when the United States Heavyweight Champion Wildfire Tommy Rich came out. The referee for this match is Senior Official Tommy Young. Wildfire has had his arm in a cast since it was attacked by Ivan Koloff last month and Double A went right after the arm early. Tommy Rich used some superior speed to move away from Anderson but it can be seen early that the arm will definitely be a liability for Rich. Anderson mostly dominated this match, keeping his focus on the arm of Wildfire Tommy Rich. Rich was in writhing pain by the end of the match but he began his comeback with the cheers from the crowd at his back. He rolled up Ric Flair's Enforcer in an Inside Cradle: 1...2...Anderson reverses it so that Rich's shoulders are pinned on the mat!: 1...Anderson grabs a handful of tights!...2...3!! We have a NEW U.S. Champ! Winner: Arn Anderson Match Time: 12:31 Match Rating: B ------ The attention turns down toward the podium with Bobby The Brain Heenan. [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Good evening humanoids. Bobby The Brain Heenan down here with the REAL World's Heavyweight Champion, the MAN Nature Boy Ric Flair! Ric, it's a real honor to be standing here beside you.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] Bobby, it's a pleasure to be standing beside someone as smart as you.[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=BLUE]Bobby Heenan[/U] Tonight, Jim Crockett thinks he's going to get the belt off of you, Ric, by placing you in a match with that hamandegger Ricky Steamboat. Are you ready for the match tonight, Ric?[/COLOR] [U][COLOR=GREEN]Ric Flair[/U] There have been many of the greats within the past that have staked the claim that they are going to beat Ric Flair. Jack Brisco, Jerry Brisco, Jimmy Valiant, Dusty Rhodes, the list is endless. The only thing is that all of those people were either pinned on the mat or had their legs snapped in the Figure 4 Leglock. Either way they all lost to Ric Flair. Ricky Steamboat, tonight is not going to be any different. You are a great wrestler, a great showcase for the National Wrestling Alliance but you're not Ric Flair. You're not a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun! Whoooo. Tonight, Ricky, when you walk that aisle you're going to find out truly what I mean when I say to be the man, you have to beat the man because tonight you are taking on the man. Whoooooo. And this big gold belt right here proves that I am the man. But before I go finish getting ready I want to congratulate my best friend, my Enforcer Arn Anderson on winning the United States Heavyweight Title. Right now, we have some of the best champions in the world: I am the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Arn is the United States Heavyweight Champion and the Road Warriors hold the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Life is good for the Nature Boy. Whooooo![/COLOR] ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/MrWrestlingII.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/HarleyRace2.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]Mask vs. Hair Mr. Wrestling II vs. Harley Race[/SIZE] Our Semi-Main Event of the evening. It's Mr. Wrestling II's mask and winning streak on the line against Harley Race's golden locks! Will he still be Handsome Harley Race?? The match started off at a slow pace with a lot of posturing for position. The first five minutes neither man gained a real big advantage as they exchanged wrestling holds. The crowd cheered when Mr. Wrestling II knocked Harley Race out of the ring and referee Randy Anderson began the count as Race paced around the ring before sliding back in the ring. Mr. Wrestling II turned a focus to the arm of Harley Race with an armdrag into an armbar. Mr. Wrestling II quickly turned that into a cross arm breaker but Race moved to the ropes and referee Randy Anderson had to break that hold. The two met in the center of the ring again and Race slapped Mr. Wrestling II! Wrestling II tripped up Race and began punching away at the head of Handsome Harley! Race turned things around and went after the mask of Mr. Wrestling II but II fought him off and slid out of the ring. The match continued with neither man getting the true advantage for the first ten minutes before Race began to get a solid advantage. Race hit some solid forearm and elbow smashes to the back of Mr. Wrestling II's neck, stunning him sharply. Race hit a double underhook suplex on Mr. Wrestling II and made the cover: 1...2...kickout! Mr. Wrestling II kicked out! Race continued his focus on the back of the neck of Mr. Wrestling II. He locked in a reverse chinlock on his opponent, burying his face down into the mat. As Mr. Wrestling II started to fade, Race used his fingers to try and begin unlacing the mask! The crowd cheered for Mr. Wrestling II, trying to get him back into the match! Race got a couple of the laces undone but Mr. Wrestling II began to sit up! Race's eyes went wide as he tried to work harder at the mask! Mr. Wrestling II got to his feet and slammed a few elbows into the gut of Race before whipping him across the ring! Mr. Wrestling II flipped Race up and over with a back body drop! Wrestling II knelt slightly, setting up Race. He ran over...MILLION DOLLAR KNEE LIFT!!! Race went down hard! Mr. Wrestling II makes the cover: 1...2...3!!! Mr. Wrestling II has done it! Winner: Mr. Wrestling II Match Time: 28:43 Match Rating: B- Mr. Wrestling II adjusts his mask, looking down at Harley Race for a moment and you can just imagine he is smiling underneath that mask! Several wrestlers come out from the back with the barber shears! They hand them to Mr. Wrestling II, holding Race down and Mr. Wrestling II gets to shaving those locks of Handsome Harley Race! Mr. Wrestling II tosses the hair into the crowd before Race is finally let go and he grabs at the hair, visibly upset and running to the back! ------ [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RicFlair.jpg[/IMG] vs. [IMG]http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/DOTT/RickySteamboat.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=4]NWA World Heavyweight Title Match Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat[/SIZE] Ricky Steamboat walks out to cheers from the crowd, sliding inside the ring after high fiving some of the crowd and then the crowd boos as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion walks out. Ric Flair slides into the ring and removes his robe, handing Tommy Young the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt. It all comes down to this. One fall to a finish. Tommy Young checks Ricky Steamboat and then checks Ric Flair for foreign objects before calling for the bell to start the match. Ric looked across the ring at Ricky, both of them with their game faces on. Ric smirked and gave a little strut along the ropes, ducking underneath when Ricky came over, forcing Tommy Young to pull Steamboat back. Flair circled around the ring with Steamboat and the two locked up in the center of the ring! Flair pulled Steamboat into a side headlock, wrenching it in several times before Steamboat pulled him back to the ropes and shot him off. Steamboat leapfrogged Flair and then dropped down, flipping Flair across the ring before nipping up to his feet and looking across the ring at Ric Flair, who was sitting within the corner as they both got to their feet. Another lockup occured in the center of the ring and Flair slowly pushed Steamboat into the corner, leaving Tommy Young to begin the five count. Flair started to pull back but then chopped Steamboat hard across the chest! Steamboat fired back with a chop of his own! Back and forth with chops, each man matching the other before Steamboat started firing several in a row, causing Flair to get into the ropes again and referee Tommy Young broke them up. The crowd clapped their appreciation of the action in the ring. The two men circled once more and locked up in the center of the ring. Flair pushed Steamboat into the corner once again and laid in with a vicious chop before whipping Steamboat across...reversed! Flair goes into the corner HARD! Steamboat follows him in but tastes Flair's shoe leather, staggering away and Flair drops a shoulder to the right knee of the Dragon. The Dragon goes down and Flair lays in a stomp to the knee of Steamboat. And then several more before dragging Steamboat's leg over to the ropes, laying it on that bottom rope and making a leap, landing HARD upon the leg of Steamboat and the Dragon winces in pain. Flair drags Steamboat back to the center of the ring and makes the cover: 1...2...kickout! Flair gets back up and drops an elbow on Steamboat! A second one! A third! For the next several minutes, Flair continues his advantage, wearing the Dragon down much to the chagrin of the fans here in Blacksburg. Flair finally went for the Figure 4 Leglock but Steamboat reversed it into a small package...fans moved to their feet... 1... 2... Kickout!!! Ric Flair kicked out of the small package, shaking his head! He pushed the referee and got up in his face for several moments before turning back to Steamboat, who punched him in the gut! The Dragon hit another shot to the gut! And another as he got to his feet! Flair rakes the eyes of Steamboat and backs him into the corner, chopping HARD against the chest of Steamboat. Steamboat fires back! Again! And again! The Dragon turns Flair into the corner and goes up, raising his fist to cheers from the crowd and begins laying into Ric Flair: 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10!! Steamboat drops down and whips Flair across the ring! Flair flips over the top turnbuckle and races across to climb another one where he's met by a limping Ricky Steamboat! Steamboat body slams Flair off the turnbuckles but grabs his knee, falling to the mat! The Dragon looks to the referee, pointing to his leg. He is obviously in a lot of pain. It looks like, maybe, his knee gave out on him with that body slam. Flair is slowly getting to his feet. He walks over and lifts Steamboat up but Steamboat slumps in the corner, finding it hard to put any weight on that leg! Flair chops the chest of Steamboat! Again! And again! Another hard knife-edge chop to the Dragon! Flair with a snap mare on Steamboat to the mat. The Nature Boy bounces off the ropes: Knee Drop by Flair! The Nature Boy gives a strut across the ring before making a cover.... 1... 2... Shoulder UP!!! The crowd is on it's feet, raising their fists as Steamboat gets that shoulder up! He's still alive in this one! Flair really looks like he's getting frustrated! He gets up and grabs the leg, hooking on the Figure 4 Leglock! Steamboat sits up in pure and utter terror and agony as Flair has his patented Figure 4 Leglock on! It's only a matter of time...isn't it? The crowd is cheering on the Dragon, doing whatever they can to get him to break the hold! Steamboat sits up slightly and begins pulling, straining to get to the ropes. Flair wrenches in the hold tighter. Referee Tommy Young asks Steamboat if he's gonna give it up: Ye-------No-----Ye----No----Ye----NO! Ricky Steamboat got to the ropes! Referee Tommy Young tells Ric Flair to break the hold but Flair doesn't want to! Tommy Young has to intervene physically to get the hold broken! Flair gets up in the face of the referee again and Tommy Young threatens to disqualify Flair! Steamboat is slowly getting to his feet, mustering energy from somewhere way deep down. He moves toward Flair with a clothesline but Flair pushes Tommy Young in the way! Referee Tommy Young hits head to head with Ricky Steamboat! Both Young and Steamboat hit the mat hard as Ric Flair slides over in the corner, smiling to himself. The Nature Boy reaches down in his trunks and removes something...it's a chain! Ric Flair has a chain! He pulls up to his feet and walks over to the Dragon, pulling the Dragon to his feet. Flair sets and throws a fist...Steamboat ducks! Steamboat catches Flair in an atomic drop and the chain goes flying out of the ring! Flair turns around and charges Steamboat: POWERSLAM!! The Dragon is limping but getting energy from this packed house here at the second ever Clash of the Champions! Steamboat moves over to the turnbuckles and begins to climb slowly because of the knee injury. Flair is also slow to get up but he charges toward Steamboat and gets punched down for his trouble! Steamboat gets to the top as Flair is slowly getting to his feet. Flair turns and Steamboat flies...FLYING CROSS BODY! Flair hits the mat and referee Tommy Young crawls over as Steamboat hooks the leg: 1... 2... 3!!!! Winner: Ricky Steamboat Match Time: 29:56 Match Rating: A He has done it! We have a brand NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion! The belt is slid into the ring and given to the Dragon! Ricky Steamboat holds it up and the roof has blown off this place from the crowd noise! Steamboat holds up the NWA World Heavyweight Title belt, crying in the center of the ring! What a victory for the Dragon! He's doing this for Jay Youngblood, his best friend and tag team partner injured at the hands of the Nature Boy! And what a way to end the Clash! Overall Rating: B-[/B][/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=BYU 14;444495]Fair and Steamboat lived up to the hype, great write up!! Have you converted your game yet, or still using 2007?[/QUOTE] Thanks for the compliment on the write-up. I am kinda proud of that one and hope it kept you on the edge of your seat in determining who was going to win. lol. Right now, I don't have the full version of 2008 but with today being my birthday I am hoping to get it today.
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[QUOTE=angeldelayette;444509]Thanks for the compliment on the write-up. I am kinda proud of that one and hope it kept you on the edge of your seat in determining who was going to win. lol. Right now, I don't have the full version of 2008 but with today being my birthday I am hoping to get it today.[/QUOTE] Good luck, you are going to really like the way the new version works with DOTT. The regional battles are a real nice addition. I am using 2008 for my MSCW dynasty and am thinking about just editing everything when the new DOTT comes out to match things now so I can continue the dynasty. The onyl thing that will probably change that is if I go out of business, which is a distinct probability if I don't get a real good TV this next time around......
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