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WCW 1998: A prequel to "Death of WCW"

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Good God, Tristram, you're weird. You also made me laugh out loud several times in that last show. Particularly the valets convinient parking and Harlem Heat's "McDonalds... I'm loving it" lines. Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]Eddie Guerrero[/B] [I]Either way, the Cruiserweight Division is promoted, so it's all good. I'd love to Eddy moving up the card soon[/I] [B]'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan[/B] v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan [I]Hacksaw 4 Life. Hogan to get squashed by a cenile old man running around with a plank of wood yelling at the top of his voice[/I] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr (c)[/B] v Psicosis [I]Too soon after winning it to lose it[/I] nWo United States Championship: [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c)[/B] v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko [I]This match is toooooo sweeeeeet. Malenko is obviously a god but DDP will retain, unless Flair and Benoit have some shenanigans in mind ,which would be wicked[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Evan Karagias [I]Evan Karagias, huh? Did he really debut this early? Amazing how time flies. If Regal couldn't get beat on Thunder in that good a match then he certainly won't be losing tonight[/I] Masahiro Chono, Hiroyoshi Tenzan and the Great Muta v [B]Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart, 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] [I]Neidhart probably need shis first win, Davey Boy needs something to do and it's Bret freakin' Hart- the guy should be right up there amongst the best of them.[/I] [B]Harlem Heat[/B] v Latin Passion [I]The McDonalds lovers to take this one[/I] Disco Inferno v [B]Scott Hall[/B] [I]I know you like Disco but Hall needs to look good[/I] nWo World Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c)[/B] v Public Enemy [I]It just wouldn't make sense to let Public Enemy take the straps right now[/I] Bill Goldberg v [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B] [I]After 28,000 consecutive wins the streak is over. Scott Norton squashes him cleanly in the shocker of the night[/I] Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] [I]Please, please, please don't let Bagwell take this one! I know you're high on the guy and I've accepted that character flaw, but please not at the expense of the Nature WOOOO Boy.[/I]
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[QUOTE=keefmoon;522380] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Evan Karagias [I]Evan Karagias, huh? Did he really debut this early? Amazing how time flies. If Regal couldn't get beat on Thunder in that good a match then he certainly won't be losing tonight[/I] [/I][/QUOTE] He graduated from the Power Plant in 1997 and was used as a jobber a lot on Saturday Night. He was known back then as Evan Courageous.
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Chavo Guerrero Jr v [B]Eddie Guerrero [/B] 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan v [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan [/B] WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] (c) v Psicosis nWo United States Championship: 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v [B]'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] -I cann a DQ or something along those lines WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Evan Karagias Masahiro Chono, Hiroyoshi Tenzan and the Great Muta v [B]Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart, 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart [/B] [B]Harlem Heat[/B] v Latin Passion Disco Inferno v [B]Scott Hall[/B] nWo World Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig[/B] (c) v Public Enemy [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B] Or I riot....
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/nitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The click of hooves is heard, as 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson, co-owner of World Championship Wrestling makes his way to the ring. He is in a black t-shirt that has written on the front [I]DDT: D=Destructive D=Determined T=Truth[/I]. He is course wearing his familiar glasses, and the hair is still balding away, but Arn Anderson is was and always will be a legend. It's like Jenna J, to be fair she hasn't got the best Rockie Mountain Range or even the best Grand Canyon, but you know what she stands for (or lies down for?). With Arn, you know he's going to be determined to tell the truth, and stand up for the best advances of professional wrestling. "It sure is fantastic being back here in Hartford, Connetticutt. You know, my friend Tully Blanchard and I tagged here on numerous occassions, and I can tell you every damn time I entered this ring... in front of YOU people... whether you loved me, or you hated me, you know you got your money's worth. You know I took a beating, but I gave a hell of a good one back. And when I look around the gallows of professional wrestling these days, very few men I look at in the eye and get the same feeling. For Arn Anderson, knocking a man's teeth out was about respect. It was about being the best. For some of those guys in the back, it's all about... the bottom line. The money. They couldn't care less about you fans. But if there's one man... one man, who night in, night out, busts his a$$, and has done so for two decades.... if there's one man who personifies what it means to be true to yourself, to be true to... you. It's ..... Nature Boy.... RIC FLAIR! COME ON DOWN HERE!" That music can only mean one thing, get off the old lady, strap yourself in, because here comes the 'Nature Boy'! And tonight, he is styling and profiling in a red sequined robe, as he gets to the bottom of the ramp he puts his arms out to the side in magesty as the pyros go off behind him. Flair continues down to the ring, gets in the ring, struts, and gives a hearty hug to Arn Anderson. "Ric! All my life, I've looked up to you. The darkest moment of my life Ric, was back in 1996 when I honestly didn't know if our friendship could be recovered. But it was more than that Ric, it was a brotherhood. You were my brother. We may have come from different wombs but by god man, we both came from the same school of hard knocks. So tonight, on the TurnerTron, right here in Hartford... we've got a very special tribute to you. Roll it, boys!" [QUOTE][I]Legacy Pageantry Supremacy Leadership ICON 'Nature Boy' Ri..[/I][/QUOTE] Suddenly the footage is cut, just as it was about to show 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair about to lock in a Figure Four on 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes back in the day to win one of his coveted, illustrious NWA World Heavyweight Championships. [CENTER]n.....W.....o NN...NN...NEW WORLD ORDER FF...FF...FOR LIFE TOOO SWEEEEEEEEET[/CENTER] Well who do we have underneath the Turner Tron, none other than 'Easy-E' himself, the biggest coward in our sport, Eric Bischoff, the leader of the New World Order and in a 50/50 far from harmonious and certainly acrimonious relationship with Arn Anderson over leading World Championship Wrestling. The crowd boos relentlessy, as Bischoff bows to the crowd... "Stop it! Stop it! God, you guys are just too much. It's great being back in nWo country..." "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Flair says as he rips the microphone off Anderson. "You! You are a coward. You are a liar. You are a cheat. You are a disgrace to this sport. They say diamonds are forever pal, but I'd trade it all in right now for you to walk down that aisle, and face your fears..." "That's not going to happen, Ric. But I'll tell you what, tonight, in this very ring I'm going to give you... Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell. The very man you are going to face at Spring Stampede. But what's more Ric, I'm going to give you him in a.... no disqualification match..." The crowd sense what is up and boo Bischoff more and more. "God I'm good, god I love my job! Enjoy it Ric! How generous of me to give you such a fine and dandy tribute. So why you take your hick short sighted goose of a friend there back to the back, and get ready for tonight's match.... pal. Because if you don't, this may be the last night of your career. Learn to live with THAT... pal!" Suddenly the Storm-trooper music starts, and that can only mean one thing. Shall we let the crowd tell you? GILLBERG GILLBERG GILLBERG Woops, sorry, wrong piped in chanting... GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLDBERG What the, this is just wrong, man. Goldberg shouldn't come out here in anything other than wrestling short tights. Not a 'You're Next' T-Shirt and Jeans. Where the hell is the local hired police goons? "What the hell do you want?" "WANT?" "Yeah...WANT. W....A.....N.....T.... Capice?" "To let you know, HOGAN... YOU'RE NEXT!" "Hold up, junior, that's all well and good, but first of all... tonight, you will have to get by... Scott Norton! Now how do you like that?" Goldberg gets in Bischoff's face, and after an uncompromising stare down begins to grin, and nod his head sadistically. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Chavo Guerrero Jr v Eddie Guerrero[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Handshake time? Not likely. The scent of dispproval eminating across the ring meant we were in for some seriously good lucha libre. No quarter asked for, none given as these two waisted no time in locking up and speeding up the tempo from the outset. This was an extremely fast paced match, except for one part where both men circled each other in anticipation after both men jostled their way out of their opponents finisher, Eddie wriggled out of the Brainbuster DDT, and Chavo rolled out of the way of the Frog Splash. But try as Chavo might, he just did not have the experience edge on his uncle, who showed his experience and hunger in withstanding an enormous effort from his nephew to record victory courtesy of a low blow, into a shoulder breaker, which gave Eddie time to climb to the top and hit the Five Star Frogsplash. Great start to Nitro. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Eddie Guerrero[/CENTER] After the break, we heard the familiar tunes of the Scottish bagpipes, and here comes William Wall.. I mean 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. The ring has been geared up in Tartin splendour, and we have three stools. Piper gets in the ring, and takes the microphone from David Penzer. "Tonight on Piper's Den, we are going to have a very special show. You see, tonight, I have randomly drawn two names to give their insight into the current state of pro wrasslin. So without further adieu, I want to invite my first guest.... 'Total Package' LEX LUGER!" And here comes Luger, posing like a jabronie as normal. Someone needs to tell him the mullet went out in the 80s... which was of course the period where he deficated himself and rang like a squeeling sissie when he opposed Bruiser Brody. Luger gets in the ring, and looks apprehensive about who is the other guest. "And you! Yeah, that's right, you..." Piper points out Raven, who merely strolls over the guardrail, takes a microphone and steps into the ring. He walks up to Luger and almost dismissively walks straight past him. Raven throws the stool to the ground, and assumes a position sitting on the bottom turnbuckle. "I see you two have met?" Piper smiles, realising he's got a roving zoo in the Den tonight. "Lex Luger, you have been around for a good decade. And my oh my, hasn't the world of wrestling changed." "That it has Roddy, that it has." "Do you think for the better?" "I'm not sure Roddy..." "You're not sure?" Raven intervenes. "You're not sure? Well, aren't you the expert? The ... ''Total Package''...?" "That's right, unlike you you bum, I have made a career of myself and never b****ed and moaned when things don't go my way." "Is that right? I grew up as a loner Luger, I live as a loner, I fight my own fight, and I enjoy the pain of it all. Not just my opponents. Unlike you..." "Whoa...whoa... what do you mean?" "That poor man must be rolling in his grave, Luger. The first man who really tried to stand up to you, Bruiser Brody. How did you react? Did you react like a man? Did you react like a pro wrestler should? Or did you act like a coward seeking the refuge of safety? You see, you've been a conformist all your life, Luger. Wherever you could seek the shelter of pity, you've ran." "Well why don't you do something about it? Man up for once." Raven stands, and walks towards Luger. The two man stand toe to toe, Raven grins evilly. Roddy Piper looks concerned, and for a good reason, as Reese strides into the ring, distracting Luger... given Raven time to hit the EVENFLOW! Luger is knocked out in the centre of the ring, as Raven gets down on his stomach, and looks into the glazed eyes of Luger, smiles again and exits the ring. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two ever greens in the ring here, a slow, slow, slow match. Duggan even seemed to be mounting some sort of offensive, as he strutted around the ring... HO! HO! USA! USA! But just as he appeared to make some sort of unlikely progress, 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash came down to ringside and pulled on the foot of Duggan. This allowed Hogan to recover and hitting a thumping right fist into his skull. Hogan sent Duggan into the ropes, big boot to the head! He puts his sagging hand to his ageing ear, turns up the aide a bit louder so he can hear the fans, and hits the leg drop on Duggan. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Hulk Hogan[/CENTER] As Nash gets in the ring to celebrate with Hogan, from the crowd comes GOLDBERG! Hogan though notices at the last second, and moves Nash in the direction of the oncoming Goldberg, leaving Nash to get SPEARED! [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Rey Mysterio Jr (c) v Psicosis[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] From one pace of match to an altogether another type. Fast, furious, absolutely lucha libre carnage here tonight. Psicosis is tall by way of usual lucha libre conventions, and he wears one hell of a cool mask. But Rey tonight was in his absolute element, and after giving a sharp paced paced match he finished it off with the Springboard Hurricanrana. One though should not discount the amazing performance put on here by Psicosis as well. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL WCW Cruiserweight Champion, Rey Mysterio Jr[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene OKkerlund is standing by with the three members of the Hart family, by way of marriage. This is one extremely close knit unit, as Bret 'The Hitman' Hart stands behind Okerlund waving proudly the Canadian national flag. The red and white maple leaf looks respendit there tonight. "Well, I thank you guys, now I have with me 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith, Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart and Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Tonight you three gentlemen have the task of taking on the best of the Orient, the gang members of nWo Japan, Masahiro Chono, Great Muta and Hiroyoshi Tenzan." "Well chaps, tonight is. The Hart family is able to bring Matilda to the ring with us and show Mother England, these proud American colonialists and my good friend from Canada, Bret Hart, exactly what it means to be true to your roots. You see old chap, the Oriental way is not about what Chono and his pack of wolves is all about, jolly good sport. So what punishment lies in store for them, Jimmy my boy?" Neidhart walks forward, laughing hysterically and manaically before grapping hold of his goattee and pulling down on it with his eyes locked on the camera. "Cruel and unusual, Davey Boy! Pain! Plunder! HAHAHAHAHA! VICTORY!" As the Anvil slaps himself in the face and laughs, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart moves forward. "Gene, tonight it's simple. Tonight it's about respect. It's about pledging honour in the Hart family, for the Dungeon, and for World Championship Wrestling. Tonight we show the New World Order what it is to be true to yourself. What it is to be legitimate. What it is not to need to screw a man over ten fold. Tonight, they will find out why the Hart family is... the Excellence of Execution." Jim Neidhart laughs some more, as Matilda barks and leads the family off screen. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]nWo United States Championship 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Speaking of legitimacy, standing opposite Diamond Dallas Page is a man who defines the word. The man who is a second generation superstar, no gimmick needed, just a no nonsense quality wrestler. A man who knows how to grind a man down and take all the respect in the world. A man of ethics, but a man who was deceived by Page who used a set of brass knucks to bloody Malenko, and set him up for the Diamond Cutter! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL nWo United States Champion, Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER] We cut backstage, where 'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash is standing toe to toe with 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan. "Dude, I swear, I didn't do that on purpose..." "This big dog knows when someone's chewing his bone, Hogan. You used me..." "Brother, honestly I didn't..." "I swear to God, if you don't give me the truth right here, right now, Hogan, I'm going to Jackknife you right through the concrete. And I'm not kidding, either... BRO!" Hogan looks around apprehensively. "Look, brother, sometimes a man has to do whatever it ta.." "Yo..." Scott Hall says as he walks onto the scene, separating the two man coincidentally. "How many... times do I have to walk around here and see you two complaining? I think you all need to be cheered up, after all, we are the nWo and we ride together, so tonight boys, I'm going to give you a little bit of entertainment. I'm going to destroy... Disco Inferno. He's going down.." "Down where?" Nash asks. "Down there." Hall retorts. "Where's there?" "You know where..." "Brother, I can't wait to see it..." Hogan laughs as he tries to change the story, but Nash and Hall look at each and walk away, leaving the big orange M&M all on his lonesome. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW World Television Championship 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v 'Wipe Out' Evan Karagias[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] "Yo yo yo, you know what time it is?" Le Roux exhaulted on the microphone as the two men came out in singlets and board shorts. "It's time to ride the Pipiline Feva, baby," Karagias responded. "SURF'S UP!" Sorry, Evan, the surf wasn't up tonight, and this gimmick is still making you look like a douche. The Regal Stretch left Karagias whining like Cartman when kitty takes his pork pie. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Steven Regal[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with the New World Order's brat, Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell who is down on one knee posing for the girls. (And some guys, notably keefmoon). "Buff Bagwell, what is the meaning of this?" "All this... splendour Gene?" "No, this issue you have with Ric Flair." "Ric Flair... is a show pony Gen-o. He is holding back the revolution of perfection. He is holding back genuine superstars like myself. So tonight Ric, I'm going to stop you even making it to Spring Stampede. You see tonight, you see what it is to become a genuine superstar Blockbuster, AHAHAHA! I'm so good, baby!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Six Man Tag Match Masahiro Chono, Hiroyoshi Tenzan and The Great Muta v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Six man tag match lucha... no, not lucha libre action. A slow paced match if you will, with a lot of wiley veterans from around the globe y'all. A lot of cheating and hooplah from the Japanese, but at the end of the day, after an exhaustive period of counter attack and the test of will, Bret Hart ended it with a Sharpshooter on Tenzan for the win. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart, Jim Neidhart and Davey Boy Smith[/CENTER] After the break... [CENTER]n.....W......o NN...NEW WORLD ORDER... FF...FF...FOR LIFE[/CENTER] And here comes 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho who has with him a thick book, who only last week was within a split second of deceitfully obtaining the WCW World Heavyweight Championship off the greatest survivor in our sport today, the solitary warrior Sting. Jericho looks above, as he continues his walk to the ring, ever mindful of his prey. "Welcome to... MONDAY NIGHT JERICHO! I am your host, the ayotollah of rock n rolla! The man with the heart of a lion. Your paragon of good virtue... your next World Heavyweight Champion.... CHRIS JERICHO, for your viewing pleasure and for the addiction of my millions... and I mean TRILLIONS... of adoring Jerichoholics. He opens up the book, and turns to the middle. "You see, it's official. This here is the official United States Medical Diary. And on page 755... it officially now lists Jerichoholism as being a genuine ... affliction. Not a disease, but an affliction. Much like wcw.com this past week listed my official list of 1004 holds, starting with the arm drag takedown and ending with the arm drag snapmere. So it's official, you don't need to be scared anymore, you can use it at work on your doctor's certificates, Jerichoholism is here to stay. And there's only one known cure, a good dose of your future World Heavyweight Champion, your paragon of good virtue, your ayatollah of rock n rolla! CHRIS... JERICHO! And fortunately for all you fans, you will no longer need to dial 1800 Jericho to get your fix of Jericho for your Jerichoholism, you will be able to catch me right here, on Monday Night Jericho! You see, not only is this show named after me, but once I beat down Sting at Spring Stampede, it appears to me that the World Heavyweight Champion would be a pretty important part of the show. So Sting you bottom feeding toe rag, come Spring Stampede, I'm doing this for ALLLLL my millions, and TRILLIONS of Jerichoholics... come Spring Stampede, the good doctor Jericho provides respite to the affliction and as for you Sting, your back will be snapped in two by the Liontamer. Thank you people, enjoy the rest of your MONDAY NIGHT JERICHO!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Latin Passion v Harlem Heat[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Poor Juventud and Hector Garza tonight stood no chance with the reunited, rejuvenated, deceptive Harlem Heat combining and using all manner of traitorous tactics to gain the pinfall courtesy of the Scissor Kick on Garza. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Harlem Heat[/CENTER] [QUOTE][U]From the Turner Tron[/U] "The Savage's cordially advise they are currently on a romantic vacation, but will be returning one week from Thunder. We thank you for your kind letters and cards, Lots of love/Dig It Ooh Yeah, Miss Elizabeth and Macho Man Randy Savage"[/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Scott Hall v Disco Inferno[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] DISCO FEVER! DISCO FEVER! DISCO FEVER! YEAH YEAH YEAH! Squash. Splat. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Scott Hall [I]...n....W....o... NN...NN...NEW WORLD ORDER FF...FOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] And here comes the nWo Tag Team Champions, Konnan and Curt Hennig. Hennig has a white towel draped over his shoulder, as he chews gum, and Konnan still is wearing the same drawers. 'Ravishing' Rick Rude is in a suit following behind, I just hope he's hard of smelling because those drawers are gosh darn off! "Cut the damn music! hat I'd like to have right now is for all you fat, out of shape, inner-city sweathogs to keep the noise down while I take my suit off and show you what a real sexy man is supposed to look like..." Konnan snatches the microphone from Rick Rude. "Whoa whoa whoa. Holmes. Esse you can't be saying that. This is a.... family.... show. No frontal nudity here esse. ORALE! ARIBA LA RAZA! Aaah yeah, we about to get bowdy bowdy and..." ROWDY ROWDY... "Ahhh yeah!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]nWo Tag Team Championships 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v Public Enemy[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Bring out your tables boys, but Konnan can be heard complaining to Nick Patrick that "This is a family show, no nudity, no splinters esse..." Patrick motions for the tables to go to the back, so Public Enemy look to take them back, but as they do turn around Henning rushes Johnny Grunge and brings him to the ring with Rocco Rock oblivious to it all. Nick Patrick is busy arguing with Konnan, as Rick Rude jumps in the ring and gives Johnny Grunge a Rude Awakening. Hennig places his right boot over his fallen carcus, with Hennig grabbing the white towel and pretending to wipe the sweat from his brow. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL nWo Tag Team Champions, Konnan and Curt Hennig[/CENTER] After the break, the Storm-trooper music starts... we cut to the back, where Goldberg smashes his head into the blue locker room door, and is escorted by Hartford's finest to the Gorilla Position... GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! He gets to the bottom of the ramp as the exhausting pyros fire up around him, consuming his every piece of his body before exploding. Goldberg steps out breathing fumes and thrusting his arms right and left before continuing his walk to the ring. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Scott 'Flash' Norton v Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Norton tried to power up against Goldberg, but Goldberg merely shook it all off. Hogan strolled down the aisle, and as Norton distracted Charles Robinson lashed him from behind with the Hollywood leather belt. And again! And again! But Goldberg just turned around and smiled, pulling Hogan by the little hair he had up to the apron. Norton ran in trying to use the distraction but Goldberg while holding Hogan hit a standing side kick straight to Norton's skull. Hogan looked petrified, but frantically broke loose, scrambling to the steel barricades, and running. Norton slowly got back up... SPEAR! Here it is... JACKHAMMER! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/CENTER] Goldberg goes to the corner where the WCW cameraman is standing on the apron and gets in the face of the lens... "HOGAN! YOU'RE NEXT!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair v Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two men with so many contrasts it beggers belief. One at the tail end of a triumphant career, the other at the beginning of a career with loads of potential, but little in the name of actual performance. Buff posed in front of Ric, before Flair strutted. Buff then turned to the fans and posed, allowing Flair to deliver the low blow. Flair is still the dirtiest player in the game. Flair started to dominate his young opponent, before the Outsiders came to ringside and attempted to cause a flurry of danger for Flair. Flair attempted to withhold them all, but finally the Outsiders took advantage. Nash looked to set up for the Jackknife, but Bret Hart came charging the ring with a steel chair, running off the Outsiders. Bagwell was still posing on the opposite side of the ring, which allowed Flair to grab him from behind, INSIDE CRADLE! 1...2...3! Flair's feet were on the ropes, another dirty trick from the master! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Ric Flair[/CENTER] Post match, Bagwell got back to his feet and was passed a sledgehammer by Scott Hall. Bagwell pounded it into the back of the unwaivering Flair, who fell to his knees. Bagwell posed over his fallen corpse, as Nitro went off the air.
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Thunder: Public Enemy v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit The Giant v Scott 'Flash' Norton WCW Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Ultimo Dragon Booker T v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart Bill Goldberg v Wrath The Steiners v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Sting (c) v Raven
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GREAT show Tristram - I'm so glad that this one is back (I can't say it enough) Public Enemy v [B]'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [B]The Giant[/B] v Scott 'Flash' Norton WCW Television Championship:[B] 'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon Booker T v [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] v Wrath The Steiners v [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting (c)[/B] v Raven [I]As much as I would LOVE to see Raven be the one to uncrown Sting... I just don't see Sting allowing it to happen.... damned born again champions[/I]
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[quote][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Rumours regarding World Championship Wrestling are abound. They are reported as follows; [LIST] [*]Randy Savage's face turn away from the New World Order was due to him requiring time out for rehabilitation on his right knee. He is expected back in in-ring action in the next week or two. [*]Officials within WCW have moved to broaden the depth of the tag team division. While many within the company believe longstanding teams like the Steiner Brothers and Harlem Heat are staples of this division, they felt new blood was needed. Expect a shock change in title to Disco Inferno and Alex Wright in the coming weeks. [*]Expect WCW to continue it's internationalisation. It is understood the brand is recording record sales of merchandise in Japan, the United Kingdom and Mexico and this has prompted the Talent division to begin scouting the Orient again. [*]Terry Bollea, better known as Hulk Hogan, has his contract come up in the next 90 days. Officials are still undecided what to do with him. They may be tempted to make a clean cut and move towards a more future orientated roster. Some insiders are sceptical what this could mean for WCW favourite Ric Flair. [*]Despite recent discussions within the WCW boardroom, there is no move mooted to separate the highly successful New World Order franchise into a heel and face division. It is understood that Kevin Nash was slated to front up the face New World Order group known as the Wolfpack due to his growing popularity, but several storylines are still mapped out for Nash as a heel in the New World Order. [*]It is widely expected that Sting will go over Chris Jericho at Spring Stampede. Officials remain tightlipped but it is anticipated that Jericho is still a good six months away from landing a major title win. Expect the Giant and Diamond Dallas Page to be battling with Sting and Bret Hart in a four way match for the title by the time Starrcade 1998 comes around. [/LIST] More news as it comes to hand.[/quote] ...
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Public Enemy v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Benoit almost looks in awe of the man he is accompaning to the ring, and as a mark of respect, he opens the ropes for the legend himself to enter the ring. This time Public Enemy come sans the table, but still try to whoop it up with the kids at ringside. Perhaps they should have focussed more on the wrestling, because what they got was a textbook demonstration of wrestling excellence from the Nature Boy and the Next Big Thing. It was finished off in a calculated manner when Benoit sent a message to the rest of the WCW locker room of his amazing potential when he made Rocco Rock tap out to the Crippler Crossface. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via submission, Ric Flair and Chris Benoit[/CENTER] Post match, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund came into the ring as Flair hugged Benoit, celebrating winning the bout. "Alright fans, I'm here with the 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair and 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit. Now, Chris, I'd like to ask you your thoughts on the current simmering situation that is building between yourself and Diamond Dallas Page of the New World Order?" Benoit just enlargens his nostrils in frustration... "Actions speak louder than words, retribution for the pain and anguish of this once great organisation rests squarely on your shoulders Page, I will extinguish your career as you gasp for breath from the Crippler Crossface. That's a fact." "Ric Flair, I have to ask you, you have been rather outspoken on your comments regarding the leader of the New World Order and also co-President of World Championship Wrestling, Eric Bischoff." "MEAN BY GOD GENE... Did somebody tell me there was a party going on in Atlanta, GEORGIAAAAA?? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Tonight by god Chris Benoit, you styled and profiled brother, pal you sent out a very clear message. Come Spring Stampede my friend, you will hold aloft the United States Championship. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Now let me make this very clear so there is no misunderstanding, sooner or later Eric Bischoff, SOONER OR LATER! WOOOOOOOOO!!! You are going to walk that aisle and face your fears, pal. For years you've been screwing over these great fans, but I've said it before and I'll say it again pal, you can try all you want with whatever cheap diversery tactics you need to pal, but diamonds are forever, and so is WC.." BOOM! From behind Buff Bagwell has slammed a steel chair over the head of Ric Flair. As Chris Benoit turns around, he gets one too! Bagwell stands above the corspe of Flair and poses, before turning around... SPEAR! SPEAR! SPEAR! "Bill Goldberg," Gene ponders, "what in the world ..." "Hold it. Hold it! Who the hell do you think you are, pal?" Eric Bischoff says as he walks beneath the Turner Tron. Flair is slowly coming to, but gets up and falls on his nose still dazed from the calamity of the chair shot. "Firstly, you! You Ric Flair! You've been running your mouth about this and about that, and you know, I gave you Buff Bagwell at Spring Stampede. But I know what would hurt you more than your perceived problems with my leadership, pal. Or this supposed conflict of interest I have. You see, the best way to attack you is to hit you in the hip pocket. And what better way to do it than to remove you from Spring Stampede. No Pay-Per-View bonus for you, pal. Now, onto you, Goldberg. Out here you've been running your mouth about an absolute legend of this sport. 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan. Let me just tell you, you are pathetic. You are a nobody. You can dream pal, but you ain't getting Hogan at Spring Stampede. But I'll tell you who you are getting, and what's more, with a $200,000 bounty on your head in a No Disqualification match... and that's the very man you just speared. You see, Buff is now without a match at Spring Stampede, and the New World Order is all about evolving the world of professional wrestling and making money. And the fact is, taking you out would be an evolution forward and $200,000 would be a just reward for a true hero like Buff Bagwell! God I love this job!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Scott 'Flash' Norton v the Giant[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Norton tried to bring it, oh yes he did, but he should have brought a body bag, because soon enough the big man chokeslammed him to hell and back. Another message sent loud and clear to the nWo. Don't mess with WCW. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, the Giant[/CENTER] The click of hooves is heard around the arena, that can only mean one thing. 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson strolls forward under the Turner Tron with a microphone in his hand. "Eric, Eric, very impressive. You screwed these great fans out of another great showdown, and what's more you took my great friend out of the equation. Pal, have you not figured it out yet? Sorry, sorry to disgress. You see, removing Hogan from the cross hairs of Goldberg kind of... well, left him free. So big man, Giant... I've got a special surprise for you. You've got Hogan... AT SPRING STAMPEDE! Bischoff, you screw with my friend Ric Flair and I'll make your life a living hell, and that's a promise! That's the truth!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Ultimo Dragon[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two diametrically opposed wrestlers. One a northern British snob, a technical expert from the school of rough house hard knocks, the other a Japanese superstar who has held many many titles around the Orient. And he's looking for another here in WCW. And indeed he was thoroughly on top of Regal, out pacing the Blackpooler. Regal escaped to the outside to ponder his next thought, but as Ultimo Dragon went for a suicide plancha, Regal took David Penzers cheer and held it up, letting the Dragon fly face first into the unforgiving steel chair! Mickey Jay immediately called for the bell. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via disqualification, Ultimo Dragon, but STILL WCW Television Champion, Steven Regal[/CENTER] Regal smiled, realising his ponderous act to take down an unstoppable Ultimo Dragon had helped him retain the prized gold. He bowed to the fans, inciting them further when, the click of hooves was heard again... "You know Steven Regal, the T on my shirt stands for truth. And truth means justice. And while you retained your title here, Ultimo Dragon will be getting a rematch... at Spring Stampede!" Regal looked absolutely horrified and looked to attack Dragon some more. "And if you lay another hand on him, I'll strip you of your title. Now, that's justice! Times are changing here in WCW!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v Booker T[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The match of the night, a five star smorgasbord. Booker T has been yearning an opportunity like this to take down an established worldwide superstar and truly announce himself on the map. His wrestling style is unique, and he is ultra charismatic. There is no denying this man will eventually make the transition from tag team legend to singles superstar. Largely he's been carrying his brother Stevie Ray, and tonight gave WCW road agents a great opportunity to see how he could go against an outstanding talent in his own right. Booker even jived it up with submission moves to try and wear down Hart, which caused the veteran to leave the ring and get his breath back. But he was followed by Booker T who ambushed him and tried to use the steel steps in his favour, but Bret Hart reversed the Irish Whip and the veteran had forced Booker into a mistake. He took Booker back into the ring, and despite a brief reprise was able to slow down Booker, and methodically set him up for the Sharpshooter. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Bret Hart[/CENTER] We cut immediately backstage, where Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart is being savagely attacked by the Outsiders! BANG! Head first into the unforgiving concrete wall. Neidhart is knocked out, and bloodied. "Yo, Kev, I wonder if Bret Hart got the message..." Bret Hart immediately took the microphone from David Penzer... "Message? The message that you two are cowards? That you would do anything to screw a man over for your own gain? Yeah, I've heard that message loud and clear since I've come here to WCW. It seems everywhere I go lately one of the Hart's always ends up getting screwed. But you all keep making the same mistake, when you attack a Hart family member, you've got to make the kill. Because when you don't you can guarantee revenge will come back twice as hard as the first offence. So the challenge is short and sweet, Kev, Scott Hall, I'm sick of you screwing over these fans. I'm sick of the nWo screwing over the pursuits of wrestling excellence. So at Spring Stampede, a certain British Bulldog and myself will gladly teach you a lesson straight from the Dungeon. You'll find out why they call me the Excellence of Execution. You see, you two will walk out, but you'll be carried out. Why? Because I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best...there ever will be!" [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Wrath v Bill Goldberg[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Wrath is the man who, excuse the pun, has to endure Goldberg's wrath tonight. Goldberg is very angry for being denied Hogan, and he sends the evergreen legend a reminder of his powers, as he destroys the incomparable Wrath in a matter of seconds. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Bill Goldberg[/CENTER] We cut backstage, where 'Mean' Gene Okerlund has with him the undisputed World Heavyweight Champion, Sting. "Alright guys, I'm back here with Sting, and Sting, tonight you have a very special announcement." "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The Stinger is back, baby! And it sure feels good. It feels good to start seeing the demons that have engulfed WCW being vanquished by a united front. Whether it be Hart, or Flair, or the Giant, or Goldberg... or the Stinger. But there are still some who stand in the way. And tonight, the Stinger is going to give one of those an opportunity to learn, or if they're good enough, take away my title. So tonight, Raven! You better believe, because you are going to be engulfed also ... Achachacha... Loner boy, tonight... IT'S SHOWTIME FOLKS!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]The Steiner Brothers v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] This is a monumental occassion for Chris Jericho to get an opportunity to tag with the most highly paid professional wrestler of all time, Hogan. Jericho aspires to reach the financial heights of Hogan. But if anything, it was Hogan learning the lessons tonight as he watched Jericho wrestle an excellent match. His performance was stunning, it was exillarating, it was world class. Hogan slowed it down badly, and allowed the Steiners to seek some retribution and get back into the match. But just as they did, Harlem Heat came down to ringside, causing the Steiners to get frustrated and turn their back on Hogan. Hogan reached for a tag in on Jericho who clotheslined Scott over the top rope, and drop kicked Rick. Jericho went to the ropes... Lionsault! Here's the cover...1...2...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Hulk Hogan and Chris Jericho[/CENTER] Scott Steiner gets up off the floor and chases Harlem Heat to the back, there is some serious tension building here. Jericho poses and glazes his hands over his waist announcing he wants Sting's title, and is confident of getting it at Spring Stampede. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Sting (c) v Raven[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] The opportunity of a lifetime. Here stands Raven, a loner, a nobody. A man who has stood for pain, but pain has not brought him the recognition a man who wrestles truly craves. And tonight stood the chance to get that recognition. A chance to announce himself as the new franchise of professional wrestling. He has all the attributes, he is an outstanding worker and a good entertainer. He is an all around quality athlete, so Sting would not be in for an easy ride here. If anything, this was one of the matches that truly pushed the Stinger in his reign. Raven was mounting a ferocious amount of offence, with Sting periodically biting off a slice of revenge and mounting a largely ineffective attack. Anytime Sting looked to be winding Raven up, Raven would find a shortcut. And anytime Raven looked to be sealing the deal, Sting would find a veteran escape. Whether it to be retreat to the outside, or somehow push off Raven two times as he put him in the clutches of the Evenflow DDT. Chris Jericho walked to ringside, along with Kevin Nash. Nash went to the opposite side of the ring and distracted Nick Patrick. Jericho got up on the apron, grabbed Sting and choked him against the ropes, Sting stumbled back... EVENFLOW DDT! Nash got away from the referee, and Patrick started counting...1....2....THRE... NO! NO! NO! NO! Sting got his foot on the rope. How did he do that? What presence of mind. Raven went back on the attack, as Nash queried Patrick, Lex Luger ran down and clotheslined Jericho. With Nick Patrick still distracted, Luger got in the ring and delivered his Bionic Elbow! Nash tried to get Patrick to turn around, but it was too late, as Luger put Sting over Raven. 1.....2........ Wait a second, Sting sat up. He shook his head, he would not let himself win this way. He pulled Raven up, and told Nick Patrick to send Nash, Jericho and Luger to the back. Raven shook his head and went back to the attack, with Sting still increasingly troubled by the Evenflow DDT's he had received. Crushing kick to the sternum by Raven, he goes for it.. NO! Sting pushes away, Sting whips Raven into the corner... STINGER SPLASH! And he quickly goes for the SCORPION DEATH LOCK! Raven smiles, he laughs, he enjoys it, and he keeps holding on. No thought of preservation, he just laps it up. He tries eventually to get Sting off, but he can't, and then his resistance becomes limp. It becomes futile. He's out of it, the pain was even too much for him, and he is goodnight nurse! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Sting[/CENTER] As Sting celebrates, Chris Jericho and Lex Luger both storm back in the ring. Jericho and Sting start pushing each other as Sting puts the belt on the ground. Both men dare not to look away from each other, with Jericho eventually taking a hopeful look at the title. Luger for his part gets Raven up and looks to go for the Torture Rack, but before he can hit it Reese has hit the ring and forced him out of there, saving his master.
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Monday Nitro Card Eddie Guerrero, 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka, Silver King and Psicosis v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr, 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko Yuji Nagata v Lodi 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v Raven, Kidman and 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus WCW Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Hector Garza Non Title Match: Harlem Heat v nWo Tag Team Champions 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig v The Steiner Brothers Disco Inferno v Scott 'Flash' Norton v Masahiro Chono 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay v 'Total Package' Lex Luger 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit and the Giant v nWo United States Champion 'Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho
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Another great show as always Eddie Guerrero, 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka, Silver King and Psicosis v [B]WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr, 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] Yuji Nagata v [B]Lodi[/B] [B]'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) [B]Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon[/B] v Raven, Kidman and 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Hector Garza Non Title Match: [B]Harlem Heat[/B] v nWo Tag Team Champions 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig v The Steiner Brothers Disco Inferno v [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B] v Masahiro Chono 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay v [B]'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] [B]'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit and the Giant[/B] v nWo United States Champion 'Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho
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Guest cmdrsam
I never do will with prediction darn you. ;) You always trip me up with one or two that you left hints at that I miss. Still a fine read my friend.
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[QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/banner.jpg[/IMG][/center] ATLANTA, GA - News is arising out of World Championship Wrestling that Hollywood Hulk Hogan had refused to do the job to Bill Goldberg at WCW's Pay-Per-View Spring Stampede, and thus the last second change to planned matches going into the Pay-Per-View. It is understood Hogan, real name Terry Bollea, has a close personal friendship with Paul Wight, stage name the Giant, and the match with the Giant was seen as a peace offering to get Hogan onto the Pay-Per-View. Some insiders within WCW claim Wight is about to abandon his friendship with Bollea and shoot on him in a shoot-screwjob finish at Pay-Per-View, although this is seen as unlikely prospect given how tight the two men are backstage. The Executive Committee is said to be splintering at the moment, with new Head of Creative Mark Daniels said to be extremely angered by Hogan's stance, and President Eric Bischoff lis eading a backstage faction supporting Hogan. Bischoff is understood to believe that Hogan brings leadership and ratings to the growing wrestling conglomerate. Bischoff regards Hogan's locker-room leadership as being more in line with the needs of the modern day WCW compared to other veterans Ric Flair and Sting. Hogan's contract is up within the next 90 days and it is understood Vince McMahon is interested on bringing Hogan back into the World Wrestling Federation. This is despite the WWF taking off recently with a lot of younger names, and also the alleged decision to force Bret Hart out was seen as a cost cutting measure. However, financial results are on the rise and there is said to be cash in the kitty for a man of Hogan's standing. It is understood if Hogan does sign with the WWF that there will be a considerable lay off until his appearance, with Survivor Series 1998 seen to be the logical timeframe. The possible scenario would be for Hogan to interfere in an Undertaker-Austin match, causing Austin to lose the WWF Championship, with Hogan picking it up at the Capital Carnage Pay-Per-View, and losing it back to Steve Austin at Wrestlemania.[/QUOTE] ...
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Sorry haven't replied, yours is one that I have to actually dedicate time to sit down and read every word to do it justice and don't always have the time. Another great show. The strength of this (aside from your articulate writing and good booking) is the sense of humour. It's never a chore reading this. And while Jericho is getting the Jesus push at the moment it's Benoit's that stands out for me. It really, really works. Eddie Guerrero, 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka, Silver King and Psicosis v [B]WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr, 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B] [I]Frankly, the total of their importance is greater than the other teams[/I] [B]Yuji Nagata[/B] v Lodi [I]God knows. Unusual decision for a match, I'll give you that[/I] [B]'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B] v Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) [I]Nice to see you are introducing new people even though you have a big roster, but Davey and Neidhart should win this every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I think Bulldog is suffering from the All Star roster as he has a lot to offer but not as much as many others[/I] Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v [B]Raven, Kidman and 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus[/B] [I]Numbers advantage, although I think it won't be long until Kanyon gets a push[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Hector Garza [I]Regal is doing a good job holding on to the belt and I think he is the definition of this belt really, he sums up what it stands for and what it should do[/I] Non Title Match: [B]Harlem Heat[/B] v nWo Tag Team Champions 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig v The Steiner Brothers [I]Great team that get the V in the non-title, but it could be Steiners. I'd mark hard for a Heat v Steiners feud, maybe resulting in both Booker and Scott breaking out[/I] Disco Inferno v [B]Scott 'Flash' Norton[/B] v Masahiro Chono [I]Toughie. I don't think Chono really is WCW enough, I don't see him getting pushed, I know you like Disco but Norton needs to look a bit dominant every now and again[/I] 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay v [B]'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] [I]Not a fan of Luger in the slightest and a big fan of Finlay, but I imagine Luger will need the win whereas Finlay isn't doing much at the mo. At leats he should drag Luger to a decent match[/I] 'Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit and the Giant v [B]nWo United States Champion 'Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page and 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/B] [I]But I sense a reversal in the results at the PPV. The heels look strong for now but Giant and Benoit are on the up. Not that DDP isn't, he could be your franchise player, but hey, his partner is Hogan. I'm hoping he doesn't win at the PPV because Giant beating him would send out a huge message[/I] [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart[/B] v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [I]I'm worried Jericho is starting to get a little too pushed when there are alternatives. And Hart is probably THE alternative. I'd love Stinger v Hart some point in the future[/I] I'm really loving the out of ring stuff, they realyl add so much to this. While I'm sure you aren't offering actual storylines for the future they are interesting to look at and the whole thing with Hogan is interesting. I wonder what will happen with Goldberg now he's lost his huge breakthrough match
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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry to those reading for the delays, I've just been flat out with work and studies, and a posting issue came into the mix also. Plus Wonder Years returned to TV and I was kinda a mad Wonder Years fan, come on who couldn't have loved Winnie Cooper when they were the same age? [CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/nitro.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [SIZE="4"][CENTER][B]Episode: This is the dawning of the age of...[/B][/CENTER][/SIZE] As we pan around the arena with the pyrotechnics going off ad nauseum, we very quickly focus to the centre of the ring where 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper, the Hot Rod himself, is already in the ring. The usual Nitro ring mat has been covered in tartan, and he has three stools in the centre of the ring. "It's time once again for your reality check, it's time for PIPER'S...DEN! Ladies and gentiles, my first guest.... Buff, 'not the Stuff' Bagwell!" [CENTER]n....W....o NNN...NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER FF..FF..FOR LIFE TOOOO SWEEEET[/CENTER] And there he is, posing at the top of the ramp in his black and white top hat as he strolls down the ring, arrogantly as usual. He gets in the ring, goes to the opposite turnbuckle and strides it to pose once more. "And without further adieu, your opponent at Spring Stampede...GOLDBERG!" [I]GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG![/I] The fans are going nuts, or else the piped in chants are doing an effective cover up as the storm trooper music starts, and WCW's hottest new commodity, the undefeated Goldberg smacks his head on the locker room door in his dressing room, and is escorted by several members of the local police department through the back. He walks through the gorilla position and to the bottom of the ramp, where smoke consumes him completely before four pyros burst out behind him as he thrusts his right and left arm upward and shakes his head expelling the excessive smoke from his breathing domain. He strides in the ring and Bagwell laughs, arrogantly standing aside from Goldberg, before both men take a seat on opposite stools. "Bagwell, Bischoff has run you up the flagpole, pal" Piper offers. "Ahahahaha... He's making me famous. And you know why? Because when I end Goldberg's streak, they won't be talking about how shrewd Hollywood Hogan was to avoid Goldberg, but they'll be talking about how Goldberg didn't deserve to face Hogan. Ahahahaha, I'm the stuff and I'm the rea.." "The Stuff?" Piper retaliates. "Pal, you couldn't get a date with a $20 bill stuck to your forehead. Hell, you couldn't get a date even if the navy had just docked! Speaking of Hogan, I'm the reason HE lost his hair. Speaking of that, Goldberg..." [I]GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG![/I] "You must feel highly ... angered that Hogan has managed to dodge you once again. Do you have anything you want to say to Buff Bagwell?" Goldberg just snarls, his nostrils enlargening, but he sits there motionless except for his eyes narrowing on Bagwell. He then stands up and looks to leave, but Bagwell grabs the stool and smashes it over his head! Goldberg is down! He's down! Bagwell is posing to the crowd. WAIT A SECOND! GOLDBERG SAT UP! Bagwell hasn't noticed. Goldberg side kicks Bagwell to the back of the head and gets in the spear stance position, but Bagwell realises what's coming and smartly rolls out of the ring! "That's Goldberg's message," Mike Tenay says at commentary. "Well ahhhh Prafessssaaaaa, I think Buff Bagwell is going to find out who weally is da sssstuff here in dubbya cee dubbya," Dusty Rhodes offers to his play by play call team mate. Tony Schiavone says his smartest comment in commentary ever. That's right, he said nothing. Question, why can't we have Bobby in action tonight? I can barely understand Dusty. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Eddie Guerrero, 'The Chairman of WCW' La Parka, Silver King and Psicosis v WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr and 'The Man of 1000 Holds' Dean Malenko[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] An eight man calvalcade of diverse excellence here, as some of the best luchas combine with Malenko to put on a sizzling opening match here on Nitro. Let's see the WWF compete with this, hmmm keefy? :D This is the true reason why WCW at this stage is kicking the WWF's bottom (did I do good this time?) You know what we really need here, Lodi holding up a sign reading "If it is raining, bring your La Parka." That was one of my favourite ones. But alas he's not with the Flock tonight. 11 minutes of high flying explosive action occurred here, the main highlights was a minute journey of Rey versus Eddie as the ring was cleared out. It was slower paced than the rest of the match as the two men slowly tried to work each other, but it was a tease and a half as neither man was able to lay a dominant move on the other. Finally, La Parka made the cardinal mistake of dancing without the steel chair as a platform, particularly with his back to the ever present youngster Juventud Guerrera who was able to hit an inverted DDT on La Parka, and then pick him up for the Juvi Driver. Quickly he took him to the corner, and as Eddie came into break it up, Rey skirted around the ring and hit a missile drop kick on Eddie, who also took out his team mate Psicosis to the floor. Rey then went through the ropes in a suicide plancha as Juventud got to the top.... 450 SPLASH! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Rey Mysterio Jr, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr and Dean Malenko[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is doing up the buttons on his black jacket, as Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell, still panting in apprehension bursts past him... "Okerlund...ahahaha... Let me assure you, Goldberg is... STUFFED! And I'll tell you why Geno-machino, because the streak is hanging above his head like a noose, and I'm going to be the one to tighten it and end it all for him. Ahahahaha..." Bagwell looks around the corner nervously before walking away with an arrogant smirk on his face. [CENTER][I][SIZE="4"]BACKSTREET'S BACK... ALRIGHT![/SIZE] Everybody YEAH Rock your body YEAH Everybody YEAH Rock your body YEAH BACKSTREET'S BACK... ALRIGHT! Oh my god we're back again Brothers sisters everybody sing Gonna bring the flavour Show you how Gotta question for you better answer now Yeyeah Am I original YEAH Am I the only one YEAH[/I][/CENTER] Nope, sorry, no, I can't go any further reciting Lodi's new theme song. And here he is, all in pink, his blond hair is spiked with.... gel? No. Come on, he was a member of the Flock, they don't wash! I'm assuming he isn't anymore. Lodi blows kisses to the crowd before getting in the ring and opening up his sack... of envelopes. What did you think I meant? "Chicago, we love you! And you ... love.... us. Tonight marks the debut of my new fashion session for you all, known as Lodi's Lovebite. That's right, whenever you now drive down Rodeo Drive you will know that little naughty number to surprise your man with. Or, if you need relationship advice darlings, who better to ask than the love of your life, Lodi! My first letter comes to me from ... Sandy. Now is that Sandy with a Y or an I? I is so sexy. Y is just cute too. Ahem... Dear Lodi, in the past few weeks I've been feeling rather nauseus. I'm twelve years old and I've been feeling some odd cramps on my lower abdominum.... hmmmm, Sandy, with an I I bet, I think I know the problem without reading too much further. Sometimes honey if you haven't worked out in a while your ab muscles can lose their flex. Not like mine honey, you can note mine are cute and adorable and strong as an ox. Grooowwwwlll. So what I propose to introduce you to is some stomach crun..." Finally, this sharade is interrupted, and here comes Yuji Nagata, it sounds like he's had enough of Lodi's Lovebite. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Lodi v Yuji Nagata[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Lodi immediately pushed Nagata in the chest, asking what the hell was going on. He then laid down, and Nagata covered him but Lodi pushed him off at two. On his face was a smile, he seemingly enjoyed Nagata covering him. Yuji looked shocked as Lodi stood up and bent over in front of him, shouting out "Inside cradle me, with a handful of tights," Nagata refused and began complaining to the referee, this allowed Lodi to come from behind and put an inside cradle on Nagata...1.....2.....sick...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Lodi[/CENTER] Backstage, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart is waving around his Canadian flag in the Hart Family dressing room, as 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart sit on the dressing room bench. Smith is patting Matilda, while Neidhart is laughing like a maniac. "Tonight Davey Boy and Jim, tonight you take the traditions of the Dungeon, of the love you have for Stu, and you show the world what it is to be true. Not to be screwed. For tonight, you are the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Pipeline Feva ('Wipeout' Evan Karagias and 'Cutback' Lash Le Roux) v 'British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith and Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] "Yo yo yo, you know what time it is?" Le Roux exhaulted on the microphone as the two men came out in singlets and board shorts. "It's time to ride the Pipiline Feva, baby," Karagias responded. "SURF'S UP!" Surf's up side ya head fellas, Davey Boy and the Anvil were in no mood for frivolities. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Davey Boy Smith and Jim Neidhart[/CENTER] The Click of Hooves is heard around the arena as 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson strolls down to ringside. The fans are on their feet almost bowing for Anderson (as they should). "A lot of you fine people wished for a day when Arn Anderson assumed power. Where I was able to provide leadership. But sometimes I will have to make decisions that isn't going to appease everybody. Harmony is not the name of the game son, and sometimes you have to break a man's heart to show him the light. The New World Order is one of those such groups who tonight I feel will not be too happy with me. But sometimes, you have to break their hearts to show them the light. And to break their hearts sometimes you have to follow the old analogy, they attack one of ours in the back, we put two of theirs in a body bag. And tonight will be no difference. You see, the wheels of change are upon us and some of the revolutions on the horizon are blinding like the light, they will cause all sorts of untold havoc. But they will also bring about retribution, sometimes retribution though isn't retribution in everyone's eyes so again no apologies if you don't like what happens. Lately the New World Order has thought it would be prudent to attack a few of the guys from the locker room and use them like rag dolls. I've said it before, I'll say it again, make it a damn good strike and make sure you finish the man's career or else payback can come back with a vengeance. So tonight, Hulk Hogan, I understand you want to avoid Goldberg. I hear you, I wouldn't want to lose to him right now either. Thank god for contracts, huh? And Diamond Dallas Page, you are the biggest Benedict Arnold professional sports has ever seen. Let me put your efforts in perspective. Your efforts rival the 1919 Chicago White Sox. It is as if you were standing on the mound, in White Sox colours, throwing lollipops. Which don't surprise me one bit, Page. I never trusted you, and you will notice over the years I always treated you with respect, nor did I invite you into my circle of trust. You tell us the deceit you caused started years ago, and I have no cause to doubt you. But what I do have cause to do is to punish you. Again, some people here in nWo colours won't like what I'm about to do it, but tough, I'm here and that's how it's going to be. Tonight, Page, Hogan you will face CHRIS BENOIT.... and.... THE GIANT! Retribution is going to be sweet!" Backstage, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan has Eric Bischoff in the corner of the nWo dressing room. Bischoff is shaking his head in disgust, really knowing there is nothing he can do. "Brother, this is a travesty dude. You hold the power brother. You are nWo for life, aren't you? If you are dude, make sure this match doesn't happen..." "Hogan, stop right there, pal. Don't you dare ever challenge me as the leader of the nWo. There is nothing I can do, and you know it." "Dude, it's times like these that make my future decisions a whole lot easier, brother." Bischoff sighs a sigh of dissatisfaction as Hogan storms off. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Perry Saturn and 'The Innovator of Offence' Chris Kanyon v Raven, Kidman and 'The Laughing Man' Hugh Morrus[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Raven and his two stooges Morrus and Kidman were here to teach a lesson to Saturn and Kanyon who had so vigilantly defied the Flock, Saturn by turning away from it and Kanyon who as Mortis had been so desperate to get in but was now his own man not needing Raven's touch to get over. The heat here is intense, but Raven as cowardly as he is sat back and allowed his premiere stars to do most of the talking for him. It was a good, clean, even cut type match until Saturn made the mistake of trying to haul Raven back into the ring, and as he was distracted this allowed Kidman to jump to the top rope and hit a neckbreaker on Saturn. Kanyon came for the save but was sent over the top rope with a hip throw from Kidman. Morrus went to the top looking for the No Laughing Matter, but Raven ushered him away, got in the ring and ended it all with the Evenflow DDT. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, Kidman, Hugh Morrus and Raven[/CENTER] "What an effort by Saturn and Kanyon guys," Tenay exhaults. "Well babah live and in kulah I thought they had them there Prafesssaaa...." "I thought so too Dusty, I really did, but the third man Raven barely raised a sweat." "Well daddy he is a shrewd operataaaaa that is fa sssurrree..." "Speaking of shrewd operators, at Thunder Randy Savage will return. The Madness is back." "That will be the greatest return in the history of Thunder, guys," Schiavone adds. Inciteful Tony, keep up the good work. Post match, Raven took a microphone from David Penzer and slumped to the corner. "Did you see that?" He says with a ring above his eye, as he sits in the corner of the ring. "He's barely getting up now. Lex Luger, did you see that? Did you see the authority of the Flock? My mideons do the work for me, and let me tell you, Mideon's aren't all fat, overweight and hopelessly devoted to B-rated shows. The mideons of the Flock are useful, they are loyal, they are decisive. And their courageous leader knows when to strike. Like I know how to strike you down, Luger. You have on magazine covers, you have a little roar thing on the Nitro theme intro, hell, you've got World Heavyweight Championship shots. What about me, Luger? What about Raven? I've paid my dues, I've come from hell to give my soul to the pursuit of pain, both giving, and taking. The world is about to annoint me Luger, at your expense. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quoth the Raven, nevermore." [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Hector Garza[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] A contrasting battle of two distinctly different characters. But a decisive victory ensued for the aristocratic Regal, as he plundered Garza with the Regal Stretch. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW Television Champion, Steven Regal[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho is turned around facing the Nitro logo, as 'Mean' Gene Okerlund stands facing the camera. "Alright guys, I thank you. I'm back here tonight with the number one challenger to the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, I speak of 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho." Jericho turns around with a big arrogant expansive smile on his face. "In only a few days time Chris Jericho, you will face Sting for a shot at the WCW World Heavyweight Championship. But still people have questions regarding your authenticity, your right to contest for the Championship. What do you have to say about that?" "Say about that? Well firstly Play-it-again-Sam, I say shut the hell up! I say sit back and listen to a real man, you bottom feeding trashbag. And I say praise the lord for tonight it is a great experience to stand next to me, the man this show is named after. Monday Night Jericho! And for all you Jerichoholics out there, tonight is the dawning of the age of Jerichoqius. Jerichoqius. And to prove the dawning has truth to it, to prove it has .... authenticity... tonight I challenge a man many regard as the best there is. Indeed, the best there was. But NOT the best there ever will be. You see tonight is a challenge between past, and future. Tonight Geno, I will prove my crudentials. You see tonight, I will put the number one contendership on the line. Tonight, I challenge Bret 'The Hitman' Hart, to a battle of Canada. Tonight, I show the world jus..." Just then, the leather jacketed clad Bret 'The Hitman' Hart walks onto the scene and stands opposite Jericho. "Tonight," Hart adds, "You will find out why they call me the Excellence of Execution. And Canada's finest." Jericho smiles and nods, and stares into the eyes of Bret Hart, as we fade away. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Non Title Match Harlem Heat v The Steiner Brothers v nWo Tag Team Champions 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Always worringly at ringside was 'Ravishing' Rick Rude, the great equaliser, the great balancing act, the man who knows how to assist his clients in maintaining composure with assured plays to steam roll the opponents out of a match. Clearly this left the Steiners feeling a little concerned, but not Harlem Heat who with their recent changes in attitude are more direct, more assertive, and quite frankly have learned to fight fire with fire at whatever cost, including moral cost. Harlem Heat were dominating the contest, showcasing all their wares and highlighting why many regard them as the greatest tag team of our generation. Stevie Ray is savage, and Booker T is more subtle. But together as a package they are dominant. The Champions were struggling to contend with it, but the Steiner Brothers were holding their own. The match wore on and on, with all three teams having great winning opportunities thwarted by last second tag resistance. 'Ravishing' Rick Rude came up onto the apron and went to hit Rick Steiner, but Steiner reversed an Irish Whip and sent Stevie Ray into Rude, with both men tumbling to the outside. Konnan went to check on his manager, as Booker T was distracted Rick Steiner hit an inverted DDT. He then tagged in Scott, and as Curt Hennig came charging in, Scott Steiner sent him over the top rope with an amazing clothesline. Scott took Booker to the top rope, both men started exchanging punches, but eventually Scott got control.... FRANKENSTEINER! 1.....2.... here comes Konnan but here comes Rick Steiner also to run him off...3! [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, The Steiner Brothers[/CENTER] Post match, the Steiners celebrated, but Konnan and Hennig grabbed the belts and ran both men out of the ring with trying to use the belts as weapons. "Ora Le! ARIBA LA RAZA! At Spring Stampede cujos we're gonna to get bawdy bawdy..." And Rawdy Rawdy! "Ahhh yeah! Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat, at Spring Stampede this match will be repeated, with the Championships on the line. Ora Le! ARIBA LA RAZA!" Rude grabs the microphone from Konnan. "Now all your nasty sweathogs out there, stand and appreciate a real appetiser, the Ravishing one himself. Steiner Brothers, Harlem Heat, the nWo will claim revenge and you will find out what kind of Rude Awakening you are in for. You see, the match at Spring Stampede will be NO DISQUALIFICATION!" [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Scott 'Flash' Norton v Masahiro Chono v Disco Inferno[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Disco for the love of god man, stop the boogie oogie and concentrate. After hitting a Chartbuster on Masahiro Chono, a brilliant wrestler in his own right, he lost discipline and while dancing allowed Bagwell to slip into the ring and hit a neckbreaker, giving Norton time to turn him around and hit the Shoulder Breaker for the pinfall. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Scott Norton[/CENTER] Backstage, we show Goldberg watching on. Looking extremely angry at Bagwell's interaction. [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]'Total Package' Lex Luger v 'The Belfast Bruiser' Fit Finlay[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Luger looked fired up. He'd heard all the talk from Raven, and now was his opportunity to impress the man in the front row. Finlay seemed to have been lost recently in the shuffle with his ally 'Lord' Steven Regal spending more time in the singles division defending his Television Championship, so this was his opportunity to impress as a competitor in his own right. Sadly for Finlay though, Luger was on a roll, and clearly motivated for this and despite some very sick stiff shots from Finlay, Luger came back to take back control and end it with the Torture Rack. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Lex Luger[/CENTER] Backstage, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page are playing paper, scissors, rock.. "1.....2......3" Hogan gives out paper, Page scissors. Hogan looks annoyed. "Brother, I'm the leader of the nWo dude, you should have to face off against the Giant first out of respect, dude..." "Whoa, whoa whoa. Get this, man, I'm the Master of the Diamond Cutter. The most dangerous move in the history of our sport. And here's more, I designed the nWo. All those years ago, I designed it. I'm the leader of this soul-train, man." "Brother, the nWo is built on the house that Hogan built." "Yeah, well, you lost paper-scissors-rock, man, and besides, what better save in the business is there if we strike trouble than for me to come and Diamond Cut a couple of their backsides (very good I'm proud of myself, keep up my own good work) to hell and back." Hogan reluctantly accepts the situation, and the two men get up and begin walking. 'Cos walking is what you do after a paper-scissors-rock contest. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]The Giant and 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit v 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan and 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Four of the best in the business, Benoit on the rise, Giant already has a stellar career in such a short time, Diamond Dallas Page having come from the brink of nowhere to become a key player and of course the house that Hulk *cough*stole from Andre*cough* built Hogan. A true battle of attrition between the nWo leaders and two of the cornerstones of the powerful WCW resistance. It's like watching Darth Vader on one hand with Hogan against Luke Skywalker in Benoit. Chewbacca is the Giant and ... Lando Carillion as DDP, the evil turncoat. I so hope to hell that Hogan doesn't drop to one knee and announce to Chris Benoit that he is his father. The only thing that I think stops the WCW writing team from booking such nonsense would be the fact that Hogan and Benoit have very different dental records and thus such a story would not be believable, and besides Hogan would undoubtedly use his Creative Control card to stop it as there's no way at his desired kayfabe age of 24 could he sire Benoit. I would not call this a scientific match of excellence, despite having Benoit in there, and Page is more than presentable also. The tension here was overbooked and overplayed. When the Giant appeared to be clearing house and seating up for a Chokeslam chowder, Buff Bagwell came racing in with a steel chair and took out the Giant. But look, here comes Goldberg! Bagwell and Goldberg are brawling in the center of the ring, this one is over, this is pandamonium. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] No result due to double disqualification[/CENTER] Post match, security cleared the ring, as 'Mean' Gene Okerlund made his way to the ring with 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan remaining in the ring. "Alright guys, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, was this a plan? Was this a plan to defy the Giant clear access at you? You've already side stepped one challenge from Goldberg, are you running?" "Brother, how dare you talk like that to a legend like myself, dude. I built this house. If it wasn't me all these toothless hicks would be shacked up in their caravan watching reruns of Gorgeous George. I am professional wrestling brother, and the more things change the more things remain the same brother. You see, the more 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan is at the forefront of revolutionising professional wrestling for these fans, the more these fans boo the name Hogan. I used to say my prayers, I used to take my vitamins, and what did I get? Abuse. They have no respect, dude. And here I am, changing the face of professional wrestling yet infidels like Goldberg and the Giant cowardly come and want to take my place at the throne of professional wrestling, brother. When they were in primary school dude, I was building the foundations. I was taking the cheap pay-cheques, I was wrestling in front of 100 people 7 nights a week, brother. But eventually they came because they saw who I was brother, word got around. Even Hollywood came to town and I had to bolster up Sylvester Stallone. And soon those cheap pay-cheques turned into million dollar contracts. And then million dollar merchandising contracts. And why do they keep coming? Because I am the leader, I am what professional wrestilng is. I am the industry. And instead of saying thank you, brother, after a short period they assume they're at my level. Well I'm sick of it brother, sick of it. I am the Icon, and I demand respect. Look at my pythons dude, Goldberg, the Giant, they don't want any of this..." Hogan is facing the other way as the Giant re-enters the ring. "It's like I say brother, as my pythons wrap around another want to be Hogan, the more things change the more things stay the same. Whose gonna stop me, brother?" The crowd is going crazy, and eventually Hogan, after posing, realises someone is behind him, and gulps. He turns around, and there is the Giant. The Giant towers over Hogan, but as he goes for the Chokeslam, Hogan somehow manages to poke the Giant in the eye and get the hell out of the ring and run straight to the back. [SIZE="4"][B][CENTER]For the Number One Contendership to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship Bret 'The Hitman' Hart v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/CENTER][/B][/SIZE] This is Hart's biggest moment in WCW. Here is his opportunity to send a clear message to the nWo, as well as lay claim to the greatest title in our coveted sport. And opposing him, a rookie who has ascended at an astronimical rate to the top echelon of professional wrestling. Ultra charismatic and a fantastic worker, Chris Jericho is the future of wrestling. He perhaps is the now of wrestling too. Either man knows that this would be a poignant moment in their careers, whether it be Hart's long career, or Jericho's evolving career. You could sense the nerves perspiring on either competitor, as the shows lights smothered them, knowing that tonight was an opportunity to show case their abilities in the ring. Many columns have been promoted on these two competitors, but tonight was their first real opportunity to highlight a show against one another. It was a rare opportunity to spotlight Canadian's technical in ring proficiency in professional wrestling's main American spectrum. It was conventional, well thought out, albeit a little slow. This was not a lucha libre highlight reels match, it was a match where every move was poetic, symbolic and augured well to tell a story about dominance, about attitude, about their future, their past, their mutual respect yet loathing of each other's attitude towards the sport. Jericho's newly brazened way of win at all costs as part of the New World Order has stood him well, but tonight he was gaining a master class from the Excellence of Execution, who took him to school with some amazing submission holds. Eventually at the 18 and a half minute mark, after in ring excellence and out of ring roughhouse tactics, Hart began to sieze the moment. Carp Diem indeed, as Jericho reeled Hart went to the second rope and hit a diving headbutt into the middrift of Jericho. Hart then stomped at the knee, before wrapping around... turning around... SHARPSHOOTER! SHARPSHOOTER! Jericho wailed in agony. This was a moment of despair. All his dreams were coming down around him. Jericho appeared consigned to lose, it even appeared that he may have nodded his head in the manner to give up, but Mickey Jay claimed he had not submitted. Eventually Jericho was able to power his way to the rope. Hart looked famished, he looked gobsmacked. How did he get to the rope? Eventually Hart released, and he began arguing with Mickey Jay. Hart was adamant Jericho had submitted. Jericho got back to his feet, hopping on his left leg and immediately took Hart down by suprise with a low heel kick. Hart dropped to the mat, and immediately Jericho looked to sieze the moment. Hart tried to kick Jericho away, but Jericho shook his head in defiance. Hart tried again but Jericho's eyes were fueled with passion, eventually despite all kinds of counter technical attempts, Jericho had got Hart into the Lion Tamer! Hart's eyes were peeled with pain, as he looked up at the time keeper, who signalled to referee Mickey Jay that there was just half a minute remaining. Jericho arched back on Hart in the center of the ring, pulling all power onto the lower back of Hart. Hart screamed, knowing he could not reach the rope. The time keeper called out to Mickey Jay, 20 seconds. Mickey Jay checked on Hart, no movement, he continued to shriek. 15 seconds. Still no movement. Suddenly, almost uncontrollably Hart began to tap! He began to tap! With just four seconds remaining, with a last lean back surge from Jericho, he could take no more! He could take no more! Jericho's eyes widened in disbelief, he had just defeated an immortal of Canadian wrestling, a man that deep down he respected and idolised. Chris Jericho had made it to the top. Chris Jericho had proven he was the real deal. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Chris Jericho[/CENTER] Jericho slumped to the mat after having his arm lofted up, as a video hit the Turner-Tron. [QUOTE]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ... "The count down to your own destruction awaits. Your heartbeat is about to flatline. Prepare for the call of destiny. The vultures circle with envy. Prepare to be Stung."[/quote]
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[CENTER][QUOTE][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder1.jpg[/IMG] [B]Quick Picks[/B] Non Title Match: WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair Goldberg v Stevie Ray WCW Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Disco Inferno Booker T v Scott Steiner nWo Tag Team Championships: 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) nWo United States Championship: 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/QUOTE][/CENTER] ...
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Great show, and I'm glad that you chose to come back. And thanks for the little mention! Non Title Match: WCW Cruiserweight Champion [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair [I]Flair to get screwed[/I] Goldberg v [B]Stevie Ray[/B] [I]Time for the fruity booty streak, me thinks[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal[/B] (c) v Disco Inferno [I]Regal looks realyl strong in this, kudos[/I] [B]Booker T[/B] v Scott Steiner [I]I can't bring myself to like Steiner after the way he tarnished his career post-WCW. He was great in his day but I can't get his match with HHH at Royal rumble out of my head, and hence I no longer have any time for him.[/I] nWo Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig [/B](c) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) [I]Don't think it's time for them to pass the straps on just yet, especially considering Heat and Steiners on the lookout[/I] nWo United States Championship: 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v [B]'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit [/B] [I]Don't know why, just fancy Benoit to get one over on the nWo and putting himself at the forefront on WCW storylines. The pop would be huge too if he won[/I] Have to say, I'm not sure on this Jericho push. I like that you're promoting young talent but I still don't know if I can buy him as the number one contender already. I feel like he still needs to earn his way there are bit more like Benoit is doing. And I would have loved to see a Bret Hart - Sting title match, both men representing all that is good about WCW to find out who the better man is. But hey, that is just me. This diary is good enough and your previous writing efforts make me think you have something in mind...
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Non Title Match: WCW Cruiserweight Champion [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair Rey to geta push [B]Goldberg[/B] v Stevie Ray Please no. Not to Stevie WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Disco Inferno Regal will break this kid's neck [B]Booker T[/B] v Scott Steiner Booker holds so much more to the table nWo Tag Team Championships: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c)[/B] v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza) I don't see theme dropping the titles yet nWo United States Championship: [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c)[/B] v 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit The only way I see Benoit winning against DDP is by DQ
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/stampede.gif[/IMG] [I]Live from Charlotte, North Carolina[/I] [SIZE="5"][B]The Card[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]WCW Cruiserweight Championship Rey Mysterio Jr (c) v Eddie Guerrero[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Rey_Mysterio.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/EddyGuerrero2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/wcwcruiserweightso5.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Ultimo Dragon[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/StevenRegal2.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Ultimo_Dragon8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-WCWworldtvbelt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]nWo Tag Team Championships - No Disqualifications 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v The Steiner Brothers v Harlem Heat[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Konnan.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/CurtHennig.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/RickSteiner2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottSteiner-1.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BookerT1999.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Stevie_Ray-01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/225px-WCWworldtagbelt.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]The Outsiders v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ScottHall9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/KevinNash4.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BretHart6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Davey_Boy_Smith5.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v The Giant[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/HulkHogan3.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Big_Show.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v Goldberg[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/BuffBagwell4.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Goldberg.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]'Total Package' Lex Luger v Raven[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/LexLuger4.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Raven.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="4"]nWo United States Championship 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/DiamondDallasPage.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisBenoit4.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][B]WCW World Heavyweight Championship Sting (c) v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho[/B][/SIZE] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/Sting.jpg[/IMG] V [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/ChrisJericho2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/WCWChampionship.jpg[/IMG] [/center] Quick Picks: WCW Cruiserweight Championship: Rey Mysterio Jr (c) v Eddie Guerrero WCW Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Ultimo Dragon nWo Tag Team Championships - No Disqualifications: 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v The Steiner Brothers v Harlem Heat The Outsiders v Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v The Giant Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v Goldberg 'Total Package' Lex Luger v Raven nWo United States Championship: 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit WCW World Heavyweight Championship: Sting (c) v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho
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Okay so from this card we can see that Regal, Hennig & Konnan and probably DDP all retain their titles at Thunder! :p Nonetheless this looks like a fantastic little card, can't wait for the PPV WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr (c) [/B]v Eddie Guerrero [I]Well, the fans are the winners here[/I] WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon [I]He's just such a good champion, he deserves to hang on the title for a while yet, starting a little "Greatest TV Champion" thing, maybe get a match against Ricky Steamboat who takes exception, man, the possibilities...[/I] nWo Tag Team Championships - No Disqualifications: 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] v Harlem Heat [I]Not a huge fan of the Konnan/Hennig team, even though I like them individually. I expect Booker and Scott will break out at some point soon though[/I] The Outsiders v [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith[/B] [I]Gives Hart a reason to chase the title[/I] 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan v [B]The Giant[/B] [I]I think Hogan's on the way out and Giant is about the only guy I imagine he'll job to![/I] Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]Goldberg[/B] [I]I know, I know, I make jokes about some jobber breaking the Streak. But I won't even do it as a joke here... please don't let it be Bagwell![/I] 'Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]Raven[/B] [I]Toughie. On one hand you're eager not to job out the old guard too soon, on the other I know how valuable you think Raven is. Raven sneaks this one but by God is it a dirty finish[/I] nWo United States Championship: 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v [B]'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit[/B] [I]I just think Benoit winning the strap would be a huge blow to the nWo, possibly, the first in the gradual collapse of the nWo that I'm sure you're going to book and Benoit is a perfect person to book to get it going. By beating DDP he gets shoved in to the spotlight and rightfully so[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting (c)[/B] v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [I]I have a sneaky feeling Jericho will steal this one, maybe through botched interference or something, but I hope not. I just think it's too soon for him and Sting still is da man for WCW at this point[/I] Looks cracking though!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w17/tristramwcw/thunder1.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="5"][B]Episode: The Wind of Change is Nearing[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][B]Non Title Match WCW Cruiserweight Champion Rey Mysterio Jr v 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] On the brink of an historic Cruiserweight Championship defence, Rey appeared a little apprehensive. The commentators noted this and this allowed the veteran Flair into the game. Rey was constantly looking over his shoulders, but in between paranoia rushes rebounded with some crisp fast action, allowing Flair to sell as only Flair can, included with the famous face flop from the top rope. Flair always seemed to have some sort of control, often reciting the handbook from the 'dirtiest player in the game', but Rey just seemed distracted. This allowed Flair, when Rey noticed Eddie at the top of the ramp, to give him a low blow, roll him up, and work on the legs until he got Rey to submit to the figure four leglock. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, Ric Flair[/CENTER] At the top of the ramp, the cameras zoomed in on Eddie Guerrero, who merely smiled, conceitedly. He shook his head in disbelief at how the young champion had become so distracted against such a veteran, and laughed as he walked to the back. Backstage, 'Macho Man' Randy Savage entered the arena with Miss Elizabeth on his arm. Liz was looking as radiant as usual. As he rounded a corner, he ran into Eric Bischoff. Bischoff arrogantly had the nWo cap on backwards, and laughed as he saw Savage. "What the hell are you laughing at yeah?" "What am I laughing at? What am I NOT laughing at, Randy. You were once a powerful professional wrestler, World Heavyweight Champion even. Heck, at one stage I had you in the nWo. God, what a mistake that was. Look at you now, you're the Kevin Arnold of wrestling. But you'll always be duped by Winn.. I mean Miss Elizabeth. Madness, I'll tell you about madness, losing your identity Randy, losing your identity." "Oooh yeah you listen up and you listen good yeah. I love this woman and she will be my inspiration. I don't need you, and I don't need the New World Order, yeah. Dig it!" Savage narrowed his brow before storming off. [CENTER][I]BACKSTREET'S BACK... ALRIGHT! Everybody YEAH Rock your body YEAH Everybody YEAH Rock your body YEAH BACKSTREET'S BACK... ALRIGHT! Oh my god we're back again Brothers sisters everybody sing Gonna bring the flavour Show you how Gotta question for you better answer now Yeyeah Am I original YEAH Am I the only one YEAH[/I][/CENTER] Lodi's Lovebite is back again, and here comes Lodi. Oh my, look at the tights. All pink, and on the back a Diamond Cutter logo, with the words "Bang This Page". Sick. He gets in the ring, with the satchel of letters, and pulls one out. "Hello my pretty people. How are we all doing? Are we feeling special? You should feel special, because each and every one of you is. Yay for you. Now as you all know, I'm going around the country talking you through all your problems, as a loving man would. Here's a letter I received from Stephen Haustin. Thanks for writing, Stephen. Dear Lodi, I was wondering what your idea of the best aftershave was. I'm an ageing gentlemen with a drinking problem and I'm losing my hair, if not my mind, but I want to stay a true man for my lady friends. Signed, Stephen Haustin. Well Stephen, thanks for writing. I have always admired Armani for Men. Cha cha cha, I love it tiger. It just sends goosebumps all over your body. I'll tell you what else I'd like to tell you, Stephen, and it's about Disco Inferno 'ChartBuster' move rip offs, so Stephen..." Lodi's microphone is cut out, and then Goldberg's storm-trooper music begins. "HO BOY!" Tenay comments. "We know what that means." "This hamenegger is lucky Mike, it's Stevie Ray whose in this man's path, not Lodi." GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! GOLDBERG! [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Goldberg v Stevie Ray[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Stevie Ray came to the ring and started trying to rake the eyes of Goldberg and for a small period it seemed as if he may have been inflicting damage on Goldberg. But Stevie Ray then turned and smiled to the crowd, and by the time he turned back... SPEAR! Then the jackhammer. Get the spatula... [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Goldberg[/CENTER] [QUOTE][U]Video[/U] "Brother, what the hell is the meaning of this? I am the icon brother, I don't need to listen to this." "You're right... Hogan..." Piper says as he gets right up in his face. "You don't have to listen to... this. But you do... have to listen... to THAT!" We cut back to the TurnerTron where Goldberg is in the same dim light, smiling and whispering... "You're NEXT!" .... "Banzai! Desu Hogan from nWo America..." Chono says as he bows his head. Hogan clenches his right fist before pounding it into his open left palm. "Brother, if you EVER scare me like that again..." he says as Chono looks on confused... "What's the matter Idol Hogan?" "Brother, I've got this maniac Bill Goldberg stalking me around, I...I... dude, I'm sorry brother..." Hogan walks off, still looking apprehensive. ... GOLDBERG! YES! NO! If he's here, that means.... oh for God's sakes, not again. "HOGAN!" As Goldberg shouts out, Hogan runs, our camera man is bobbing up and down like Christy Canyon, making this a very scrambled scene, but Hogan pushes through some glass doors, knocking over a kid who must have been lost or something... like, Kid the wrestling is inside, they don't wrestle in the carpark, that's ECW... Hogan though carries on, and orders Alfred to drive the Hoganmobile the hell out of here. Goldberg runs through the same door, and thankfully his Harley Davidson is in the first spot near the door, and he is able to ride off into the sunset after Hogan. Those valets sure know how to pick a good spot for the wrestlers. ... GOLDBERG GOLDBERG GOLDBERG What the, this is just wrong, man. Goldberg shouldn't come out here in anything other than wrestling short tights. Not a 'You're Next' T-Shirt and Jeans. Where the hell is the local hired police goons? "What the hell do you want?" "WANT?" "Yeah...WANT. W....A.....N.....T.... Capice?" "To let you know, HOGAN... YOU'RE NEXT!" "Hold up, junior, that's all well and good, but first of all... tonight, you will have to get by... Scott Norton! Now how do you like that?" ... Bischoff: "Out here you've been running your mouth about an absolute legend of this sport. 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan. Let me just tell you, you are pathetic. You are a nobody. You can dream pal, but you ain't getting Hogan at Spring Stampede. But I'll tell you who you are getting, and what's more, with a $200,000 bounty on your head in a No Disqualification match... and that's the very man you just speared. You see, Buff is now without a match at Spring Stampede, and the New World Order is all about evolving the world of professional wrestling and making money. And the fact is, taking you out would be an evolution forward and $200,000 would be a just reward for a true hero like Buff Bagwell! ... You must feel highly ... angered that Hogan has managed to dodge you once again. Do you have anything you want to say to Buff Bagwell?" Goldberg just snarls, his nostrils enlargening, but he sits there motionless except for his eyes narrowing on Bagwell. He then stands up and looks to leave, but Bagwell grabs the stool and smashes it over his head! Goldberg is down! He's down! Bagwell is posing to the crowd. WAIT A SECOND! GOLDBERG SAT UP! Bagwell hasn't noticed. Goldberg side kicks Bagwell to the back of the head and gets in the spear stance position, but Bagwell realises what's coming and smartly rolls out of the ring![/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U]Video[/U] The click of hooves is heard around the arena, that can only mean one thing. 'The Enforcer' Arn Anderson strolls forward under the Turner Tron with a microphone in his hand. "Eric, Eric, very impressive. You screwed these great fans out of another great showdown, and what's more you took my great friend out of the equation. Pal, have you not figured it out yet? Sorry, sorry to disgress. You see, removing Hogan from the cross hairs of Goldberg kind of... well, left him free. So big man, Giant... I've got a special surprise for you. You've got Hogan... AT SPRING STAMPEDE! Bischoff, you screw with my friend Ric Flair and I'll make your life a living hell, and that's a promise! That's the truth!" ... Again, some people here in nWo colours won't like what I'm about to do it, but tough, I'm here and that's how it's going to be. Tonight, Page, Hogan you will face CHRIS BENOIT.... and.... THE GIANT! Retribution is going to be sweet!" Backstage, 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan has Eric Bischoff in the corner of the nWo dressing room. Bischoff is shaking his head in disgust, really knowing there is nothing he can do. "Brother, this is a travesty dude. You hold the power brother. You are nWo for life, aren't you? If you are dude, make sure this match doesn't happen..." "Hogan, stop right there, pal. Don't you dare ever challenge me as the leader of the nWo. There is nothing I can do, and you know it." "Dude, it's times like these that make my future decisions a whole lot easier, brother." Bischoff sighs a sigh of dissatisfaction as Hogan storms off. ... "Alright guys, Hollywood Hulk Hogan, was this a plan? Was this a plan to defy the Giant clear access at you? You've already side stepped one challenge from Goldberg, are you running?" "Brother, how dare you talk like that to a legend like myself, dude. I built this house. If it wasn't me all these toothless hicks would be shacked up in their caravan watching reruns of Gorgeous George. I am professional wrestling brother, and the more things change the more things remain the same brother. You see, the more 'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan is at the forefront of revolutionising professional wrestling for these fans, the more these fans boo the name Hogan. I used to say my prayers, I used to take my vitamins, and what did I get? Abuse. They have no respect, dude. And here I am, changing the face of professional wrestling yet infidels like Goldberg and the Giant cowardly come and want to take my place at the throne of professional wrestling, brother. When they were in primary school dude, I was building the foundations. I was taking the cheap pay-cheques, I was wrestling in front of 100 people 7 nights a week, brother. But eventually they came because they saw who I was brother, word got around. Even Hollywood came to town and I had to bolster up Sylvester Stallone. And soon those cheap pay-cheques turned into million dollar contracts. And then million dollar merchandising contracts. And why do they keep coming? Because I am the leader, I am what professional wrestilng is. I am the industry. And instead of saying thank you, brother, after a short period they assume they're at my level. Well I'm sick of it brother, sick of it. I am the Icon, and I demand respect. Look at my pythons dude, Goldberg, the Giant, they don't want any of this..." Hogan is facing the other way as the Giant re-enters the ring. "It's like I say brother, as my pythons wrap around another want to be Hogan, the more things change the more things stay the same. Whose gonna stop me, brother?" The crowd is going crazy, and eventually Hogan, after posing, realises someone is behind him, and gulps. He turns around, and there is the Giant. The Giant towers over Hogan, but as he goes for the Chokeslam, Hogan somehow manages to poke the Giant in the eye and get the hell out of the ring and run straight to the back.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][U]Video[/U] "Did you see that?" He says with a ring above his eye, as he sits in the corner of the ring. "He's barely getting up now. Lex Luger, did you see that? Did you see the authority of the Flock? My mideons do the work for me, and let me tell you, Mideon's aren't all fat, overweight and hopelessly devoted to B-rated shows. The mideons of the Flock are useful, they are loyal, they are decisive. And their courageous leader knows when to strike. Like I know how to strike you down, Luger. You have on magazine covers, you have a little roar thing on the Nitro theme intro, hell, you've got World Heavyweight Championship shots. What about me, Luger? What about Raven? I've paid my dues, I've come from hell to give my soul to the pursuit of pain, both giving, and taking. The world is about to annoint me Luger, at your expense. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. Quoth the Raven, nevermore."[/QUOTE] "Wow, what a night it promises to be", Tenay interludes. "And don't forget also, the World Tag Team Championships go on the line, with Konnan and Curt Hennig agreeing to defend the straps in a triple threat, no disqualification match against the most experienced tag teams in the world of professional wrestling, the Steiner Brothers and Harlem Heat." "Mike, if Konnan and Hennig can even survive against those four guys, they'll have my respect," Heenan adds. "Don't forget also, the situation involving Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith, who will take on the Outsiders at Spring Stampede. Bret Hart has come to WCW vowing to clean up screwjobs in professional wrestling." "But what nobody told him Mike was what the Outsiders were about," Heenan retorts. "These guys will break rules, they'll even break necks to cash cheques. After all, that's what this business is about and Bret Hart may be about to learn that the hard way." [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]WCW Television Championship 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v Disco Inferno[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Disco Fever! Disco Fever! Disco Fever! Yeah yeah yeah! No no no no! Regal Stretch finishes the poser off quite quickly. Poor disco. Disco is dead baby. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via submission, and STILL WCW Television Champion, 'Lord' Steven Regal[/CENTER] "Also at Spring Stampede," Tenay adds, "The United States Championship, that coveted title is put on the line by Diamond Dallas Page. Don't forget that Diamond Dallas Page, who turned on all the fans to join the New World Order has claimed he is the brains trust behind the formation of the nWo, almost a decade ago when he managed Hall and Nash when they were first in WCW." "I'll tell you one hamenegger who is WCW through and through and has been deeply upset about the nWo tags being sprayed on the title," Heenan comments. "And that man is the most dangerous professional wrestler alive today in my opinion. He walks around without a full set of teeth, but he doesn't care. He was squeezed to hell and back by Stu Hart in the dungeon, but he doesn't care. And if you think he cares if he has to stomp a hole in Diamond Dallas Page to take back the United States Championship, you're wrong. I think Page is in for a whole lot of hurt." "One though should not forget just the sort of tactics Diamond Dallas Page would undertake the hold the title. As devious as he is, he cherishes that title and come hell or high water Benoit will have to pull one out of the fire to defy Diamond Dallas Page and his very liberal definition of how to use the rules to retain the title." "Tony, I gotta tell you, if the hameneggers at home don't want to order this Pay-Per-View, they might as well write in a letter to Lodi asking which shrink is his favourite." [QUOTE][U]Video[/U] [I]For the World Heavyweight Championship[/I] The action went back and forward for what seemed the longest time, as both men became bloodied, and mortified as various attempts at claiming the ultimate prize in professional wrestling went unrewarded. Sting had tried the Scorpion Death Drop, but Jericho somehow kicked out. Jericho had tried the Lion Tamer, but Sting was unwilling to acceed and hand over the gold. Jericho even undid the top turnbuckle and pounded Sting's head mercilessly causing blood to spill everywhere, but Sting somehow was able to maintain control of his faculties and beat the 3 count. Time and time again both men were face first on the mat, not knowing where to go, how to get out of it. It simply appeared as if neither men knew how to quit, despite the enormous adversity being thrust on them by their outstanding opponents. Finally Sting was able to grab some momentum, STINGER SPLASH! And again... STINGER SPLASH! He tries again, but Jericho moves... Sting knocked himself unconcious on the top turnbuckle, he hit REALLY hard! Jericho staggers and is also basically out... but he's fallen on top of STING! STING IS OUT! 1.......2........ DING DING DING! What the hell is going on? David Penzer is walking forward to referee Mickey Jay who is as confused as any. Jericho is still laying motionless with Sting in the centre of the ring. "Oh my god" Schiavone exclaims, "we've...we've.... ran out of time." "Hamenegger, I tell you what we have done, is we've seen a new World Heavyweight Champion." "The match is a draw though," Zbysko adds. "Yeah but this man is so good it's only a matter of time. I managed many great wrestlers guys, but this guy is the one I want on my books." ... [I]For all the pride and honour in professional wrestling, an immortal defends the prestige of a generation[/I] 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 ... "The count down to your own destruction awaits. Your heartbeat is about to flatline. Prepare for the call of destiny. The vultures circle with envy. Prepare to be Stung."[/QUOTE] [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]Scott Steiner v Booker T[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Both men want the World Tag Team Championships back around their waists at Spring Stampede, and will stop at nothing to enjoy a psychological victory boost here tonight. This one was back and forward, with fists flying everywhere. Booker T and Steiner went to the top rope, with Steiner setting up Booker for the Frankensteiner. But Booker pushed him off, Steiner landed on his feet, but he could not avoid the Harlem Hangover. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via pinfall, Booker T[/CENTER] The Bagpipes bleer out across the arena, and here he comes, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. The ring is covered in the tartan, with two stools, and the feisty Scotsmen gets in the ring. [CENTER][I]n...W...o NN..NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER FF..FFOR LIFE[/I][/CENTER] And with the backing of Jimi Hendrix's brilliant Voodoo Child Slight Rerun, the veteran Hogan comes down to the thunderous boos of the audience. He gets in the ring and after realising he's without his hearing aid, puts his hand to his air to try and understand the views of the fans. They think you suck. So do we. "Well, after all these years, you're still alive," Piper begins. "That's some sort of achievement." Piper puts his right hand out. Hogan looks around to the crowd, not sure whether he should accept it. Finally he goes to accept it, but Piper pulls his hand away. "But, maybe for not much longer. You see Hogan, you avoided a sure fire trip to intensive care with Goldberg, but what you did was incite a 550 pound, 7 foot 4 monster. A man with fists bigger than your arms. I remember all those years ago pal, a little man like me sent you bald. What's this monster going to do to you at Spring Stampede?" "Dude, brother, you're talking to an icon. I built this house. I demand some respect. I deserve respect. If it wasn't for me, you'd be selling ash tries in Glasgow." "Oh yeah?" "Yeah brother." "Yeah?" "Yes." "I find that hard to believe, because..." The Giant starts strolling to the ring, but Hogan is unaware. "You see, I'm so intelligent that my brains works so fast that I could switch off the light and be in bed asleep by the time the light goes out. I'm so fast Hogan, that I could spit into a headwind, duck and let it hit the old lady behind me. But speaking of fast..." The Giant stands behind Hogan, who realises what's going on, and begins to shake and tremble. He turns around and gets on his knees, pleading for acceptance. The Giant smiles, and as he launches his right fist to the sky, Hogan rolls out of the ring and scampers to the back. Piper laughs as Hogan cowers. [CENTER][SIZE="4"][B]nWo Tag Team Championships 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v Latin Passion (Juventud Guerrera and Hector Garza)[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Two of the best up and coming luchadores tagging together in the name of latino fire against the champions. But what Juventud, who was stealing the show, didn't anticipate was the brutal Rude Awakening he was to receive, while Hennig distracted Mickey Jay, at the hands of Rick Rude. [CENTER][B]Your Winners:[/B] Via pinfall, and STILL nWo Tag Team Champions, Konnan and Curt Hennig[/CENTER] "Those hameneggers will stop at nothing to win Mike," Heenan comments. "It's sickening, it's sad, but there's more where that came from because don't forget, the triple threat match at Spring Stampede is a No Disqualification match." "Tenay that plays right into their hands." "And how." Backstage, 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing by with the number one contender to the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho. "Alright guys, I'm back here with Chris Jericho.." "Announce it properly Geno-Machino." "Jer-ic-ho?" "No you moron, the next World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho. Try it again, Play-it-again Sam." Okerlund rolls his eyes, "The next World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho," Okerlund adds without any enthusiasm. "You think? Oh thank you, oh thank you Geno for your support. You have no idea how much it means to me." Jericho's cynacism turns to a serious face. "Why don't you hit the bricks, you bottom feeding trash bag. Your paragon of good virtue is going to speak now.... Go on, run along." "But this is my interview.." "And this is my fist... That's better. Now onto you, Sting. At Spring Stampede, all my millions, and billions, and trillions of raving mad Jerichoholics are going to see their finest hour. Their finest moment. The so called immortal Sting is going to lose his venom. The ayatollah of rock n' rolla baby is on such a roll that you cannot possibly stop me. You got lucky a couple of weeks ago Sting, that Championship was mine. But remember this, at Spring Stampede, there is no time limit. So I don't care if I have to drain you to the point that you tap your glove covered hand on my Jerichoholic mat, you will hand over that Championship to me. There is nothing surer, Junior. So prepare to honour your NEW nWo World Heavyweight Champion, your new hero,.... Chris...... JERICHO!" [CENTER]n...W...o NN..NNN...NEW WORLD ORDER FFF..FFFF..FOR LIFE[/CENTER] Smells Like Teen Spirit backs the nWo propaganda drivel as the nWo United States Champion, 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page ambles down to the ring. He has a rather concerned look on his face, to the point where he has even come out without his brilliantly beautiful old lady. "Yo..." The fans boo vociferously. "Yeah yeah, you love me, you hate me, but one thing's for sure, you'll never forget me. Tonight I could distracted by ... Lodi. Yeah, you're hearing me pal, but you can forget what's on your wrestling attire, pal. It will never happen. Now, onto business. At Spring Stampede there has been some suggestion that Chris Benoit is going to take my Championship, there's talk he's the next big thing, there's talk...blah blah blah blah. That's all it is, talk and suggestion. And I'm going to prove it, right here, right now, you see Benoit, if you've got the courage, why don't you come on down and let's have a Championship match right here, right now. And let me assure you, and only you and not Lodi, you will... FEEL...THE...BANG!" [CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]nWo United States Championship 'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c) v 'The Rabid Wolvering' Chris Benoit[/SIZE][/B][/CENTER] Benoit is intense, his eyes are locked and loaded on Page. A minute into the match after some vicious reverse knife edge chops you can see Page physically revolted at his dare to get Benoit into the ring. It is misfiring severely. Page though tries to sneak on a Diamond Cutter, but Benoit drops his head, and pulls Page through... CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! CRIPPLER CROSSFACE! Eric Bischoff comes down to ringside and begins distracting referee Charles Robinson, finally Benoit relents and begins to interact with Bischoff. Ric Flair races down to the ring and chases off Bischoff, but while this is happening Diamond Dallas Page is rolling out of the ring. Gripping his head and gasping for air he begins walking to the back, shrugging away at Charles Robinson who calls for the bell. [CENTER][B]Your Winner:[/B] Via count out, Chris Benoit, but STILL nWo United States Champion, Diamond Dallas Page[/CENTER] [QUOTE][U]Video:[/U] "It's coming... [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]HONOUR![/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE]
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What?! What do you mean honour is coming?! Damn tease! [QUOTE=tristram;534917]SPEAR! Then the jackhammer. Get the spatula[/QUOTE] Awesome. It's these little jokey touches that I just adore in this diary. You know, along with the booking and writing style. And the fact that it's pure quality. :p Another great show. Love Benoit pwning DDP, REALLY loved Hogan getting owned on the microphone, loved you owning him in the write up ("They think you suck. So do we") and all in all it worked. Nothing all that huge happened, but it served to get interest raised for the PPV and kept me interested all the way through. That's how you book, right there.
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Didn't even noticed you had the full card posted mate, must have missed that post. Here goes... WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr[/B] (c) v Eddie Guerrero [I]I know how high you are on Rey Rey, and he's just got to prove to Eddie that he's better, before moving on to greater things.[/I] WCW Television Championship: 'Lord' Steven Regal (c) v [B]Ultimo Dragon[/B] [I]Regal is too good for this belt now. Time to move on.[/I] nWo Tag Team Championships - No Disqualifications: 'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c) v [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] v Harlem Heat [I]Weren't Harlem Heat feuding a few months ago? The sudden reunion bugs me a little. The Steiners to win here, perhaps to cause a schism between Konnan and Hennig?[/I] The Outsiders v [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith[/B] [I]By DQ, following nWo interference.[/I] [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/B] v The Giant [I]The Hulkster needs momentum, before Goldberg gets his shot. He'll cheat to get it though.[/I] Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]Goldberg[/B] [I]It's Goldberg. It'll take more than The Stuff to stop that machine.[/I] 'Total Package' Lex Luger v [B]Raven[/B] [I]Probably with the Flock's help.[/I] nWo United States Championship: [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c)[/B] v 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit [I]Benoit won on Thunder, and probably could have won cleanly. DDP with the tainted victory.[/I] WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting (c)[/B] v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho [I]As well as you're pushing Jericho, you're a talented enough booker to know he's not quite ready for the title, but this title shot will certainly lock him into that main event spot, and next time he'll be ready.[/I]
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WCW Cruiserweight Championship: [B]Rey Mysterio Jr (c)[/B] v Eddie Guerrero WCW Television Championship: [B]'Lord' Steven Regal (c)[/B] v Ultimo Dragon nWo Tag Team Championships - No Disqualifications: [B]'K-Dawg' Konnan and Curt Hennig (c)[/B] v The Steiner Brothers v Harlem Heat The Outsiders v [B]Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and 'The British Bulldog' Davey Boy Smith[/B] [B]'Hollywood' Hulk Hogan[/B] v The Giant Buff 'The Stuff' Bagwell v [B]Goldberg[/B] [B]'Total Package' Lex Luger[/B] v Raven nWo United States Championship: [B]'The Master of the Diamond Cutter' Diamond Dallas Page (c)[/B] v 'The Rabid Wolverine' Chris Benoit WCW World Heavyweight Championship: [B]Sting (c)[/B] v 'Lionheart' Chris Jericho
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