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ACFA starts it's 5th recruiting season

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Plenty of open teams - we currently have 64 owners. ACFA is the only totally fictional Bowl Bound College Football league - a member of the Total Sportsworld [url]www.totalsportsworld.net[/url] family. Team unis are customizable and this league is a feeder league for the [url]www.thenflsim.net[/url]. Once the new football game comes out - we will still be a feeder league for a pro league. Check out the owners page [url]www.theacfa.net[/url], join the forum and send me aPM to asaintsfan with your name: email: what team you want: I will get you set up - we are on week 2 of recruiting - get in now.
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  • 2 years later...
The ACFA Now On SimNation [COLOR="Navy"]Fellas, I am happy to be back in the ACFA - a great BBCF league with fictional teams and Conferences. Several open teams available as the 2018 season enters Week 2! Check out the new website address: [url]http://www.theacfa.org/[/url] Cheers, Jay[/COLOR]
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  • 1 month later...
ACFA Is Fun! [COLOR="Navy"]Very happy in my return to this fine league. For "Custom" teams this is outstanding! We are closing out the 2018 soon and the new one is right around the corner so grab an open team and join the fun!! Cheers, Jay[/COLOR]
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