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NYCW: Tradition Still Lives

Guest The Aussie

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Guest The Aussie
*December 20th, 2006* "So then, Curtis" The man sitting across the table from me said," You've finished with Japan?" I nodded slightly, I had suffered a number of neck injuries from my five years working the Japanese circuit and I didn't want to strain it any further. My name is Curtis Hughes, you probably haven't heard of me but I gained a decent amount of success while working Japan and my native Canada. The strong style just became too much for me though and I moved back to America where I only worked for a short while with New York City Wrestling where I had a minor run as a lower-midcard heel. However, I did become friends with the man sitting across from me, Derek Bradford who is better known as The Stomper. He had noticed that I had a good mind for the business and often consulted me for ideas while I worked in Japan. I alerted him that I was thinking of retiring when I came back from Japan and he arranged a meeting between us when I came back to North America. So I decided to bite the bullet and meet with him, he was partially retired from the ring and probably was going to slowly press me into working part-time with his company. I seriously wasn't expecting his next statement. "I want you to come in as our Head Booker" Derek said bluntly as we sat in the coffee shop that we had met up in. My response was one of complete surprise as I sprayed him with a mouthful of coffee. "What about Bailey?" I asked, talking about the current head booker Black Hat Bailey. "He hasn't taken to the role of Booker as well as either of us had hoped. He was turning us around but he has also cost us a significant amount of money. Can you believe that he was running two shows a month?" I shook my head, It was a terrible idea for a promotion the size of NYCW to try and expand too quickly. As I stood up, I asked Derek what limitations he was giving me as booker If I accepted. "The first is simple. Make us more popular than what we currently are within two years" Derek said as he handed me a sheet of paper detailing his plans for expansion "And what about limitations for hirings?" I asked as I pored over the sheet. "We can't have workers that have a glass jaw and I think that we should be focusing on building up a second generation of wrestlers. Don't grab anyone older than 35" He said simply as I tried to prevent myself from laughing to death at the thought of there not being able to hire anyone past there mid 30s, It was a hilarious thought. "You have a deal" I stated as I stood up and stuck my hand out. It was a fun way for me to phase myself out of being an active worker. Now all I had to do was find a place to live in New York now that I had actually gotten a job that I wouldn't have to nearly kill myself through. OOC: If some things may be similar to any of Dragonmacks NYCW diaries than you can be assured that I was inspired by him. His long-running NYCW Dynasty is my favourite on the board and I just wish that I could be half as succesful as he is with his.
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Guest The Aussie
We here at NYCW would like to announce the card for the upcoming show [B]NYCW Rush Hour[/B] which is to be held on the second Saturday of January. Alan Parent v Maverick Watson The opening bout will see the debut of "The Calgary Crippler" Alan Parent and Maverick Watson, two workers bought in as part of the youth policy being implemented by the NYCW braintrust. Could either of these young men be a champion in the making? One cannot tell but it should be quite a match. A mystery team v [COLOR="Red"]Sammy the Shark and Sayeed Ali[/COLOR] Originally, the second team was going to consist of Sammy the Shark and Rodger Dodger. However, Rodger was signed to a developmental contract with RIPW and Sammy had to find a new partner to take on this unknown team. Sammy had to make do with hiring Sayeed Ali as his bodyguard to be his teammate. Can Sammy and Sayeed walk out the winners or will the mystery team prove too much for them? [COLOR="Red"]The New York Doll[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Masked Mauler[/COLOR] A match between two workers trying their hardest to make an impact in NYCW. Which man will move further up the pecking order by picking up a valuable win? [COLOR="Blue"]American Machine[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Coyote Dynamite[/COLOR] American Machine and Whistler were denied a title win last month at NYCW Queens Christmas Bash when Wiley Coyote slipped away with the titles. Can American Machine earn a second chance at the titles by winning tonight? Or will the veteran Coyote Dynamite be able to power himself to another win? [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Wiley Steinway[/COLOR] Black Hat Bailey is one of the craftiest grapplers to ever set foot in the NYCW ring while Wiley Steinway has been as dominant a tag champion as one can get, winning the tag titles four times. Can the cheating Black Hat win or will Steinway brawl away and make it two big wins on two successive shows? [COLOR="Blue"]Whistler[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR] Whistelr took offense when Frank cheated his way to victory last month against the new Mark Smart, stating that a real american doesn't need to cheat to win. Frank responded by spitting in his face later in the show, leading to the announcement of this match. [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Lee Wright[/COLOR] Curtis Hughes has returned to the NYCW ring after a seven year career spent in Japan. He takes to the ring against fellow veteran of the Japanese circuit Lee Wright, This match could tear the house down as both men will go the whole nine yards to beat one another. [COLOR="Red"] Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR] issues an open challenge to the NYCW roster. Who will accept challenge of the King of the Bling? Find out at the show
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Guest The Aussie
Before the show, I came to the decision that we couldn't afford to keep Rock Downpour on as a permanent announcer. I spoke to him and he was quite accepting of the contract ermination and hoped to come back at a later date. On a side note, I got rid of Land Mass and Rodger Dodger walked out on us. No big loss though as neither had a slightest hint of talent and Dodger thought that he was worth $1,400 per show. -NYCW Rush Hour- -Opening Bout- [B] [COLOR="Red"]Alan Parent[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Maverick Watson[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Both workers are making their debut tonight. Parent doesn’t seem to have a personality yet but Watson comes down to the ring wearing a Hockey Jersey and carrying a hockey stick. However, he is actually working a hockey fan gimmick, as he doesn’t wrestle wearing the jersey. Both guys put on a decent match; Parent acts as the heel worker who is constantly cheating while Watson is the face here. The finish comes when Watson goes for a DDT but Parent escapes and nails a very nice Exploder, that the announcers call the Parent-Plex, for a pinfall at the five minute mark. They did seem to click but it wasn’t a great match by any stretch. Rating: E+ [B] [COLOR="Red"]The Diamond Brothers (Gareth Diamond & Dave Diamond)[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Sammy the Shark & Sayeed Ali [/COLOR][/B] The debuting Diamond Brothers (Gareth Wayne and Dazzling Dave Diamond) come to the ring acting totally opposite to one another; Gareth bullies any members of the audience that he can get close to while Dave puts the moves onto any women he can see. The Diamond Bros aren’t facing particularly tough opponents in Sammy the Shark and the debuting Sayeed Ali who is acting as the bodyguard of Sammy. The Diamond Bros out brawl the opposition and Gareth easily picks up the pinfall after dropping Sammy with a big Shoulderbreaker. It was actually a pretty decent bout overall and definitely left both men looking good in the end. Rating: D- The [COLOR="Red"]New York Doll[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Red"]The Masked Mauler[/COLOR] are standing in the middle of the ring preparing to face off against one another when tribal music begins playing which is followed by a giant of a man. Some fans recognize the man as the Tribal Warrior and boo loudly when he runs down to the ring, throwing punches and kicks at the two men in the ring. The New York Doll is thrown to the outside of the ring with a press-slam from Tribal Warrior while Mauler is on the ground. Warrior than turns on Mauler and hoists him to his feet, Warrior than runs across the ring and crushes Mauler with a running Big Boot. After the damage is done; Warrior exits the ring and heads to the back, all the while yelling in Samoan at the crowd. Rating: E- [B] [COLOR="Blue"]American Machine[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Coyote Dynamite[/COLOR][/B] Another brawling bout which is not nearly as good as what I had hoped; The brawl ends quickly when the Machine plants Dynamite with a Powerslam for the win. Rating: E+ [B] [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Wiley Steinway[/COLOR] [/B] Steinway came into this match swinging and actually looked good throughout the match as he had Bailey on the defensive. One slip up ends this explosive attack as Bailey capitalizes on a missed clothesline and begins to unload strikes on his right arm before performing an impressive swinging neckbreaker before than locking in the Dragon Clutch Sleeper that he calls the Bailey Breaker. A pretty good match from the two that I was not expecting from Wiley. A solid bout that would have been the Main Event if I knew it would turn out that well. Rating: D+ [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Whistler[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR][/B] The "Real American” Whistler comes out to battle with the forever cheating Honest Frank in the battle between two of the most popular and charismatic workers on the roster. The two scrap for five minutes before Whistler decks Frank with the Rebel Yell (Lariat) for the pinfall. Rating: D- [B] [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] is in the ring and cuts his regular spiel on the mic referring to everyone in the Gymnasium as a bunch of Honkies and that nobody could take away his Bling. He then makes an open challenge to anyone backstage to try and take him on tonight. Rating: C As Phunk stands in the ring waiting for someone to accept his challenge for the Main Event when ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ begins to play. Nobody knows who is coming out and are pleasantly surprised when [[B]COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/COLOR][/B] runs down to the ring and slides under the ropes. He snatches the mic from Phunks hands and states that he will be taking up his offer tonight. Rating: C- [B] [COLOR="Red"] Lee Wright[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes[/COLOR][/B] A Japan style bout with both of us trying to out grapple and brawl one another, both of us were heels so the fans didn’t know who to cheer. Things get hectic at about the ten minute mark and all gets too much for referee Michael Bull who stops the bout after twelve minutes. Wright was getting tired towards the end of the bout but it was a good enough bout to warrant a future rematch. Perhaps I might also give it a proper finish next time Rating: D- [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Whistler[/COLOR][/B] is walking backstage singing the American national anthem when [B][COLOR="Red"]Tribal Warrior[/COLOR][/B] runs up from behind him and drops him with a flurry of stomps and punches setting the seeds for a bout between the two. Rating: E+ [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash©[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Rick Sanders[/COLOR] for the Tri-State Regional title[/B] Sanders and Flash put on a nice mat-based bout as both men keep things ground based. The finish comes when Sanders runs in for a splash in the corner which Flash counters with a very nice Flash Bang (Stungun) onto the turnbuckle before covering him for the pinfall and retaining his championship. The match was good and both men had a nice match that lasted eighteen minutes and should be a surefire feud soon. Rating: D [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR] cuts a promo on [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] and saying that he would never lose to someone like him. He then states that Jack ain’t got the right to a title match tonight and that if he beats him then he’ll give him a match at the next show. Rating: C [B] [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/COLOR][/B] Phunk and Marlowe put on another strong brawl for the night and a nice way to cap off my first night on the book. Marlowe even looked like he was about to cap off the bout when he nailed Phunk with his Suplex-Powerslam (The Jungle Jack-Hammer to Puro fans) and Phunk gets his feet on the bottom rope which breaks the 3 count. Phunk is set up for another Jungle Jack-Hammer but the champion thumps Marlowe in the side of the head with a pair of brass knuckles before DDTing him hard for a pinfall victory. Rating: D+ Overall Rating: Some of our production crew mingled with the fans after the show and came back with the opinion that it was a good show but was somewhat lacking in out-of-ring segments. I’m not too concerned with this though, I might tinker with the match ratio and see if the fans will adapt to a show with less angles. Most people wanted to rate the show a D which I was perfectly fine with.
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Guest The Aussie
I met up with Derek a few weeks later at a nice little bar as a way of celebrating a successful first show. He pointed out the fact that I had spent a fair amount of money on the show while I pointed out that I had signed a few workers that could help mold the promotion. When we got past these details, we started looking at how other promotions were doing at the time. I pulled up the results of NOTBPW Big City Crawl and had a good little chuckle at how when the promotion had tried something different, it didn't do well at all. The worst thing that they had done was that they had put Dan Stone Jr in the undercard against Alysian Scottsfield. I couldn't understand how they could put Dan Freaking Stone Jr in a throwaway bout but I was glad that they moved him back into the upper midcard. I looked at the shows done lately by TCW and SWF and considered them to appear to be shockingly average. I was genuinely frustrated that they had hired Freddie Datsun yet had him taking part in openers against the Nation of Filth. It was my turn to give some good news; My good friends Larry and Bryan Vessey had called me and informed me that Cameron, Larry's son, was making his professional debut that month. Derek seemed interested at this, he respected the Vesseys greatly and wanted Cameron all the best. I then pitched Derek a proposition for the following show. It was a 12-man tournament to crown the best of New York, this would then allow the winner a title shot at the following show. Derek liked my idea and gave me his blessings for the show. The first big move in my booking career would take place next month at The Weston Gymnasium in New York City.
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Guest The Aussie
[I]Pulled from NYCW.com [/I] The editors of NYCW.com are proud to announce the tournament brackets for the Best of New York tournament. We have signed a top worker from Japan in Kobra Koshiro, a top talent from BHOTWG in Japan. Also signed are Shawn Gonzalez, a top name in DAVE and a star during the East Coast Wars of the 90's, Masked Cougar of CZCW and Captain USA of USPW and former NYCW fame. [B] NYCW Best of New York[/B] Round One: Shawn Gonzalez v Honest Frank Kobra Koshiro v Steve Flash Curtis Hughes v American Machine Black Hat Bailey v Whistler Jungle Jack v Lee Wright Captain USA V Masked Cougar Round 2: Gonzalez/ Honest Frank v Koshiro/ Flash Hughes/ American Machine v Bailey/ Whistler Jungle Jack/ Wright v Captain USA/ Masked Cougar Round 3: The winners of each of the second round bouts will face off in a triple threat bout. ---------- Be sure not to miss NYCW Best of New York, showing live next Saturday.
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Guest The Aussie
-Best of New York- Preshow: [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Wiley Coyote[/COLOR] (Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite) beat [COLOR="Red"]Alan Parent[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Phenomenal Tiger[/COLOR][/B] [B] Notes: [/B]A small bout to just give two of my youngest workers some exposure. Parent and Tiger (Formerly Phenomenal E aka Ed Larkins) are just a random tandem and I don’t think that it would have much point and therefore had Wiley Coyote run over them before Coyote Dynamite crunched Parent with a massive spinebuster. [B] Rating:[/B] E+ Main Show: [SIZE="4"] -First Round-[/SIZE] [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B] Notes:[/B] A fairly nice way to start off the show, these two have some history in the past from the East-Coast wars while in XFW, both being multi-time XFW World champions. Frank never made it in DAVE when the wars finished while Gonzalez’s’ career took off. When Frank came out, he looked like he would be giving it all but Gonzalez takes it to the mat very quickly which catches Frank off guard and he is never really able to get into the bout with Gonzalez making Honest Frank tap after locking in the Latino Crab. [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR][/B] beat [B][COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR][/B] by submission [B]Rating:[/B] D+ [B] [COLOR="Blue"] “Kobra” Koshiro Ino[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] [/B] [B]Notes:[/B] I can’t really think of a bigger mismatch in styles; Flash is a great Canadian-style mat worker who is easily our most talented worker on the roster while Koshiro Ino is a talented heavyweight Japanese-style brawler. There was just something weird that happened out there; everything just clicked out there. Both workers tried to match each other in their chosen style before Koshiro pulled off a surprise submission victory by locking on a Kobra Klutch out of nowhere. Still, holy crap was that match sweet. [B] [COLOR="Blue"] “Kobra” Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] beat [B][COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating:[/B] C- [B] [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]American Machine[/COLOR] [/B] [B] Notes:[/B] While there are good instances of chemistry between workers, this bout was an example of poor chemistry. Machine just couldn’t take on my style, as a puroresu worker should never be put against a worker that is based primarily in being a muscleman. Machine proved that he shouldn’t be put against any one that isn’t a heavyweight brawler. I mercifully ended this after nearly decapitating Machine with a spinning backfist but this bout wasn’t enough to get any o f the fans into it. [B] [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]American Machine[/COLOR][/B] [B] Rating:[/B] D- [B] [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Whistler[/COLOR][/B] [B] Notes:[/B] Whistler did his usual thing in the ring (i.e. walking down to the ring swinging his flag while drawing the fans in) however he seems to never deliver once he enters the ring. Bailey is a solid worker and can carry anyone to a good bout so Whistler is watchable in the ring but he never looks dangerous in the ring. Whistler attempts to hit a Rebel Yell quite early in the match but misses which concludes in the same fashion as what happened between Bailey and Steinway last month. Bailey works over Whistlers arm and makes him tap to the Bailey Breaker quite easily.[B] [COLOR="Red"] Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]Whistler[/COLOR][/B] [B] Rating:[/B] D+ [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Lee Wright[/COLOR][/B] [B] Notes:[/B] Something must have worked out there as this bout was what is called a squash match. Jack just runs down and hits a couple of power moves on Wright before pinning him with his Suplex-Powerslam for the pin. Jack looks absolutely untouchable out there and is a likely finalist. [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Red"]Lee Wright[/COLOR] [/B] Rating: C-[B] [COLOR="Blue"] Captain USA [/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/B] [B] Notes:[/B] I don’t really know why I put these two in the final match of this round as this is even more of a clash in styles than the Koshiro/ Flash bout. I don’t even know why you would need to be told who would win this bout as Captain USA is moderately over with the fans in the tri-state area because of his prior career with NYCW a few years ago. Captain USA throws Cougar around for a little while before finishing him off with the Hail to the Chief (Full Nelson Slam) for a pinfall victory. [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Captain USA [/COLOR][/B] beat [B][COLOR="Blue"]Masked Cougar[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating:[/B] D- [SIZE="4"][B]-Second Round-[/B][/SIZE] [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]"Kobra" Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/B] [B]Notes: [/B] Wow, just wow. This is the best match that I have ever booked. This one was a totally unexpected result as both men were absolutely brilliant out there. Both men entered a slugfest all around the ring as both men beat the hell out of one another using punches and kicks. When things were slowed down and taken to the mat didn’t result in any rest holds though as both men were constantly reversing and, in Koshiros case, powering out of holds. Koshiro looked like he had the match won when he hit a very nice powerbomb off of the top rope but Gonzalez somehow kicked out. The big brawler seemed frustrated at this and ran in for a big mafia kick when Gonzalez stood up but the Latino veteran took out Koshiros other leg and made him tap with a Latino Crab, advancing him into the final round but gaining both men much respect from the crowd. [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]"Kobra" Koshiro Ino [/COLOR][/B] [B] Rating: C [/B][B] [COLOR="Red"] Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes [/COLOR][/B] [B]Notes:[/B] This was a colossal let down somehow. Both of us should have been able to put on a good match but it turned out merely average. The end came when I attempted to hit him with a Backfist but Bailey ducked it and locked on a very nice standing Dragon Sleeper for the submission victory. [B] [COLOR="Red"] Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes [/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating:[/B] D [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Captain USA[/COLOR][/B] [B]Notes: [/B]Eh, Thunder never strikes twice (except for with Koshiro Ino but never mind him) and yet these two men put on a pretty weak match. The timing of many moves were off and Captain USA didn’t take many of Jungle Jacks moves particularly well. The result was never in dispute as Jack dominated the Captain throughout the few minutes that the match lasted but the match just didn’t work. [COLOR="Blue"][B] Jungle Jack[/B][/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"][B]Captain USA[/B][/COLOR] by pinfall after a Suplex-Powerslam. [B]Rating:[/B] D- [SIZE="4"][B] - Final Round-[/B][/SIZE] [B] [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR][/B] [B]Notes:[/B] A great way to cap off a nice show with the main event of our tournament. The match was contended under elimination rules and it looked like Gonzalez would be an early elimination in the bout. This was not to be as Bailey drilled Jungle Jack in the back of the head with a chair while the ref wasn’t looking and eliminated him via pinfall. (Take that offensive stereotype towards the hard heads of Pacific islanders) Bailey and Gonzalez then start a nice suplex rally as each bounces back after each suplex, it takes a very stiff looking Brainbuster from Bailey to put him down. Bailey then puts Gonzalez in a Latino crab but Gonzalez escapes by reaching the ropes. As Gonzalez makes it to his feet steadily, Bailey drops him again and begins to choke out Gonzalez with the Bailey Breaker that Marv Earnest states is a blood choke which prevents the blood from reaching the brain, eventually making the victim pass out. This is exactly what happens, giving Black Hat Bailey his first ever truly major victory In NYCW. [B] [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating:[/B] C- As Bailey celebrates in the ring with his trophy, he beckons for a microphone from one of the ringside hands. As he starts speaking; he indicates that this tournament was only the first title (of sorts) that he’s gotten in NYCW but it is nowhere near his last. He then states that he is more than ready to take on Grandmaster Phunk at NYCW Brooklyn Bash next month. [B] Rating:[/B] C- Overall: I once again had some of the guys mixing in with the crowd and they came back saying that the fans enjoyed the quality of some matches but were underwhelmed overall as it didn’t even try to continue any storylines. [B] Rating:[/B] D-
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So far so good. You're doing a good job of differentiating this from D-Mack's NYCW diary, even if the tournament thing was lifted. My only advice on booking is this: remember, NYCW have a strong heel/face divide, so don't run any face/face or heel/heel matches. They don't do as well as face/heel matches, as was shown by the Hughes/Bailey match.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=1PWfan;422584]So far so good. You're doing a good job of differentiating this from D-Mack's NYCW diary, even if the tournament thing was lifted. My only advice on booking is this: remember, NYCW have a strong heel/face divide, so don't run any face/face or heel/heel matches. They don't do as well as face/heel matches, as was shown by the Hughes/Bailey match.[/QUOTE] Yeah. I'm unashamed of admitting that I pinched that idea
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[QUOTE=The Aussie;423254]Yeah. I'm unashamed of admitting that I pinched that idea[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=1PWfan;422584]So far so good. You're doing a good job of differentiating this from D-Mack's NYCW diary, even if the tournament thing was lifted. My only advice on booking is this: remember, NYCW have a strong heel/face divide, so don't run any face/face or heel/heel matches. They don't do as well as face/heel matches, as was shown by the Hughes/Bailey match.[/QUOTE] That's okay. I stole the tournament idea from MAW's Rip Chord Invitational and the name from Bri Fidelity's 05 NYCW diary. :D
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Guest The Aussie
I caught up with Shawn Gonzalez backstage after the tournament concluded, he looked pretty banged up but he was still congratulating everyone on putting on a good show. He had strapped up his right shoulder because of a rough bump he took earlier in the show during his match against Koshiro Ino. I also noticed the fact that he looked bothered about something but I couldn't tell what, he had received a fairly nice pay day for wrestling. "How are you doing Shawn?" I asked him as I passed him a beer. Shawn grunted as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture which he handed to me. "Who's this?" I asked as I glanced at it, not knowing what this was about. "He's my younger brother" He said quietly as he cracked open the beer that I handed him. "What about him?" "He debuted just last month as a wrestler. I was wondering if you could do me a favor by hiring him" "Why not put in a good word with Phil over at DAVE?" I inquired as to why he hadn't tried to ask his boss Phil Vilbert. "I don't really want him getting acquainted with wrestling there. He's a tough kid and all but he doesn't really deal well with violence" Shawn replied as he shook his head at the query, he seemed kind of depressed as he seemed prepared to explain this. "How so? You just said he was tough" "He's spent the last five years in jail for a few assault charges. He wants to get out of that sort of life and sees becoming a wrestler as a good way to try and distance himself from it. You seem like you are running a pretty good place here and I'm sure he would like it here" He stated as he took the photo back from me and put it into his pocket again. "You know what Shawn" I stated, "I like you, you're a pretty great guy and I can only trust that you brother takes after you. I'll give him a try out and see how it rolls from there." I shook Shawn's hand and decided to call it a night. I had some planning to do for next month
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Finally, someone signs Carlos Gonzales! Seriously, though, this is going to be interesting. Carlos is a bit of an unknown quality in dynasty terms, as I've never seen him signed up early on. He's not that great, stat-wise, but I'm interested to see what you do with him.
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Guest The Aussie
[I]Taken from NYCW.com[/I] The card for NYCW Brooklyn Bash has been announced and what a card it will be! Some men will be fighting for respect while others will be fighting for a break. Be there on the second Saturday of March to catch the hard hitting NYCW action. -NYCW Brooklyn Bash- [B][COLOR="Red"] Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR][/B] for the NYCW Empire championship Both men are thugs in their own way and both have a taste for the gold; Can Black Hat Bailey win his first NYCW major title or will Phunk slink out with the title again? [COLOR="Blue"] "Kobra" Koshiro Ino[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Steve Flash[/COLOR] for the NYCW Tri-State Regional championship After both men tore the house down at NYCW Best of New York, this match was signed. Will this bout match their previous one and will the championship change hands from the veteran Steve Flash to the Japanese Powerhouse Koshiro Ino? [COLOR="Blue"]"Lone Wolf" Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR] Honest Frank made this challenge to his former rival from XFW as an attempt for payback after his disappointing loss at our previous show. Will lightning strike twice for Gonzalez or will Frank beat the DAVE stalwart? [COLOR="Blue"]Wiley Coyote [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Blue"]American Made Men[/COLOR] Wiley Coyote have been doing well with the titles since winning them late last year, crowning themselves four time NYCW tag champions. Taking them on tonight are the two men that last held the tag titles. This match will not be a 5 star mat-classic but it is what is commonly known as a brawl. Which powerful team will walk out champions? [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack Marlowe[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]The New York Doll[/COLOR] Jack Marlowe made his debut just two months ago and immediately made a splash by main eventing the previous two events. Will the "Wild man from Japan" continue making his impact in NYCW or will the New York Doll somehow walk out a winner? [COLOR="Red"]Gareth Diamond[/COLOR] v[COLOR="Red"] The Masked Mauler[/COLOR] The Masked Mauler is desperate for a win while Gareth Diamond has only wrestled one match and has already won more matches than Mauler did last year. Can The Mauler finally break his losing streak or will the brutish Texan Gareth Diamond take another win? [COLOR="Red"] Curtis Hughes[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Maverick Watson[/COLOR] Both men have made a career in both Japan and Canada but will youth energy that Watson brings to the ring prevail over experience? Or will Hughes' deadly backfist end yet another bout? [COLOR="Red"] Sammy the Shark[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Phenomenal Tiger[/COLOR] Sammy is a conman at heart and has stolen both the money of NYCW and victories. Will the debuting Phenomenal Tiger topple Sammy and gain some payback on behalf of the roster? Will Sammy cheat his way to victory? Will Sayeed Ali get involved on behalf of his employer?
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Guest The Aussie
-NYCW Brooklyn Bash- Dark Match: [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Cameron Vessey [/COLOR]v [COLOR="Red"]Alan Parent[/COLOR][/B] Notes: This was Cameron’s first ever match period and I knew that I was pushing it to put him against the relatively inexperienced Alan Parent. I had Derek fully script the match as both guys didn’t have a full grasp of in-ring psychology. Both of the kids looked pretty good out there and will likely have a long career at NYCW. Vessey drops Parent with the Vessey Driver for the pinfall victory. So far, so good for Cameron. [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Cameron Vessey[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Red"]Alan Parent[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D Opener: [B] [COLOR="Red"]Sammy the Shark [/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Phenomenal Tiger[/COLOR][/B] Notes: A rare singles bout for Sammy as I’m still trying to develop him into a solid worker. Sammy plays the sneaky cheating heel very well while Phenomenal Tiger does his usual high-speed offence including a very nifty triple jump senton using the turnbuckles. Tiger almost has this won when he pulls off a very crisp underhook powerbomb when Sammys bodyguard Sayeed Ali runs down to the ring and crushes Tiger with the G.B.H Driver (Death Valley Driver) which allows Sammy to crawl over and pick up the pinfall. [B][COLOR="Red"]Sammy the Shark [/COLOR]beat [COLOR="Blue"]Phenomenal Tiger[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D- [B] [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Maverick Watson[/COLOR][/B] Notes: A short Japanese-style bout between two workers with experience from Japan. Watson doesn’t look particularly strong during this bout as I work over his neck before nailing a huge German Suplex with a bridge, easily pinning the young man and denying him his first win. [B] [COLOR="Red"]Curtis Hughes[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]Maverick Watson[/COLOR] [/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D [B] [COLOR="Red"]Gareth Diamond[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Masked Mauler[/COLOR][/B] Notes: The more talented of the Diamond brothers takes to the ring against the Masked Mauler; our more over jobber, which doesn’t really say much considering that a jobber, doesn’t need to be over. I don’t think that this match even needs to have the result explained as Gareth absolutely kills the Mauler with a big Shoulderbreaker. Squish, Splish, Squash. [B] [COLOR="Red"]Gareth Diamond[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Red"]Masked Mauler[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating[/B]: E+ [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]The New York Doll[/COLOR][/B] Notes: You actually thought that there would be any form of contest in this bout? You thought wrong as Jungle Jack just threw around The New York Doll before crushing him with a Suplex-Powerslam for the pin. [B] [COLOR="Blue"]Jungle Jack[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Red"]The New York Doll[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D+ [COLOR="Red"] Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR] comes down to the ring carrying his Best of New York trophy and reminds the crowd that he will be fighting for the Empire championship tonight. Before he can get too ****y and make too large claims, Phunk runs down to the ring and drills him with his cane and taunts him with the championship. [B]Rating[/B]: C- [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Wiley Coyote[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]American Made Men[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Just your everyday brawling tag bout as the members of both teams enter a fairly high-impact slugfest that lasts a few minutes before the more experienced team of Wiley Coyote isolate American Machine in their corner. They both take it in turns slamming him down and set him up for a double backdrop that Marv nicknames the ‘Hit the Highway’ but he escapes by using a double side-leg sweep. This sets up a hot tag moment where Whistler cleans house with a few clothesline and punches. The ref takes a stray elbow and is decked but none of the workers in the ring pay attention to his being taken out of the equation. As Whistler stands in the ring and hypes up the crowd for the Rebel Yell but he is attacked from behind by Tribal Warrior who drills Whistler in the back of the head with the Head Hunter Special. Dynamite takes advantage by crawling over and pinning him while the referee counts the pin while somehow missing out on the fact that Warrior was standing on the outside of the ring almost right behind him. [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Wiley Coyote[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]American Made Men[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D- As Wiley Coyote head to the back, [COLOR="Red"]Tribal Warrior[/COLOR] enters the ring again and begins beating Whistler into the mat again and again. Before being pulled off by American Machine who forces him out of the ring before checking up on Whistler. [B] Rating[/B]: E- [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR][/B] Notes: A rematch of the Best of New York with Frank coming out to prove that he can still go. While Shawn is just too old for me to sign a proper contract to have work for us, I guess that I can milk talent trades for all its worth with him. Gonzalez spent the bout targeting the leg of Honest Frank and locking in a number of painful looking leg wrenches, including a very nice looking cross-legged firemans carry which Frank sells like his knees just blew out on the landing. He never makes it back to his feet and taps within seconds of having the Latino Crab locked in. A solid bout between the two, this proves that I made the right decision of picking up Shawn for another couple of appearances. [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Shawn Gonzalez[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Red"]Honest Frank[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating[/B]: D+ [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Steve Flash[/COLOR] v [COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Wow. Just wow. I didn’t even know that they could top the matches that Koshiro had at Best of New York and yet I was proven completely wrong. A big highlight was when Flash went low for a leg takedown but Koshiro is able to catch him in a facelock and lift him up for a somewhat rushed looking brainbuster. Flash sells it like he was nearly killed by it but somehow makes it to his feet. Koshiro seems amazed that Flash stood up and claps for a moment in respect of the gutsy Flash before The finish came when Flash landed on his feet after a Back Drop attempt and Irish Whipped him before landing a Flash Bang for the pinfall. As both men left the arena, they left to a chant of “that was awesome”. And that it was [B] [COLOR="Blue"] Steve Flash[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Blue"]Koshiro Ino[/COLOR][/B] [B]Rating[/B]: C [COLOR="Red"]Phunk [/COLOR]cuts a promo on Black Hat Bailey, claiming that the bling is where it always will be. He then starts to go into unexpected territory in his interview, claiming that Bailey was one of the wrestlers in SWF that had held him back and never let him step into the ring. He then makes the threat that he would prefer to end Baileys career so that he doesn’t have to put up with his crap. [B]Rating[/B]: C [B] [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR] V [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR][/B] Notes: Eh, the end result was probably never going to be as good as the previous match and the crowd reaction was also never going to be great because of it being two heel workers which leaves the fans not knowing who to cheer. That said, it was still a solid match although not even close to being a quality main event as it seemed phoned in at times because both men looked like they weren’t feeling the match. As stated, not a terrible match but we have had better matches in our history. The end came when Bailey grabbed Phunks pimp cane and attempted a shot on Phunk but Phunk sidesteps it and plants Bailey headfirst with an insane looking DDT. [B] [COLOR="Red"]Grandmaster Phunk[/COLOR] beat [COLOR="Red"]Black Hat Bailey[/COLOR][/B] [B] Rating:[/B] D Overall: While the audience filed out of the gymnasium, I again had a few of the backstage crew mingle with the crowd and ask what they though of the show. The feedback was pretty good, the fans saw Flash and that Japanese guy (Koshiro Ino) as the MVPs of the show, their match tore the house down. [B]Overall Rating: [/B]D+
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Guest The Aussie
The Night After A group of workers for NYCW decided to meet up the night after the show at a local bar to celebrate my current success within the promotion. Koshiro, Derek (The Stomper), Lee Wright, Shawn & Carlos Gonzalez and Anthony Bailey (Black Hat Bailey) were all seated around the table when I walked in, it being notable that Koshiro was speaking English better than what he had used to the last few weeks. I introduced myself to Carlos, this was the first time that I'd met him as Shawn organized for him to come here. He nodded politely to and introduced himself quietly, obviously not wanting to draw too much attention from the overs. I could tell that he kept to himself but something drew my attention concerning him, he had multiple tattoos on his arms but a very simple tattoo on his right wrist. "What does that tattoo mean?" I asked, indicating towards his right wrist. "This?" He said in a surprised way "It's indicates my beliefs. I follow the Straight Edge lifestyle" I knew about such a way of life although I considered it to be a pretty boring way; drug free, alcohol free and don't take part in promiscuous sex. I did however realize a perfect character for him to portray once he debuted. "Carlos, how would you like to play up to your Straight Edge lifestyle when you debut?" I asked, drawing an interested look from him. "Wouldn't a straight edge good guy be kind of dull? You know, too clean cut?" He responded, obviously not looking at things the way that I was. "I'm thinking as an arrogant heel, one who flaunts being Clean Made and thinks that he is morally superior to others" I stated bluntly, nothing how Carlos was smiling widely and nodding heavily. He was obviously entertaining the idea of playing such a character. I moved around the table and sat between Koshiro and Lee who were having a good talk about life in Japan. They seemed to be having a little bit of difficulty in their conversation though, they both seemed to speak only the basics of each of the languages. I decided to act as the buffer between the two but I generally didn't pay attention as I was mostly focusing on my beer. Derek grabbed my attention when he asked me about what had happened that month. I replied that a few minor promotions had grown in size and that Vita had posed nude for an Adult magazine. "Is she hot?" Derek asked, thinking what the average man would. "Oh yeah. On an unrelated note, we have hired Vita to a pay-per-apperance contract for nine months" "Unrelated?" Derek asked "Completely Unrelated" "Bull***" "Would I lie about such a thing?" I asked innocently, not caring about the large grin on the faces of the others around me. After about an hour of drinking and celebration, we were ready to leave. Koshiro had put down more than a few brews and had to be carried our by Lee and Anthony.
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Cool stuff. You're already doing a good job of fleshign out the backstage stories, which is something D-Mack didn't do so much at the start, so good for you. Plus, you're doign a great job at making your NYCW stand out in-ring from other attempts. But how much odes Koshiro Ino cost? I can't imagine he's cheap.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=1PWfan;425036]Cool stuff. You're already doing a good job of fleshign out the backstage stories, which is something D-Mack didn't do so much at the start, so good for you. Plus, you're doign a great job at making your NYCW stand out in-ring from other attempts. But how much odes Koshiro Ino cost? I can't imagine he's cheap.[/QUOTE] 900 a pop. His popularity in America isn't huge alaround but his matches with Flash are killing my balance
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[QUOTE=1PWfan;425036]Cool stuff. You're already doing a good job of fleshign out the backstage stories, which is something D-Mack didn't do so much at the start, so good for you. Plus, you're doign a great job at making your NYCW stand out in-ring from other attempts. But how much odes Koshiro Ino cost? I can't imagine he's cheap.[/QUOTE] Since I already know I am not a great creative writer, I concentrated on making my diary about the storylines in the shows, building talent and dealing with the issues of a small promotion trying to grow while managing money and replacing constantly departing star wrestlers. If I occasionally got a creative bug, then I would do a spotlight article on either the current wrestling scene, or a promotion, or some weird trend from my gameworld. Hopefully I succeeded in capturing people's interest with that, as there is no way I can create full blown personas and characters like Monkeypox, or come close to the amount of humor J Silver has. :D
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[QUOTE=Dragonmack;425249]Since I already know I am not a great creative writer, I concentrated on making my diary about the storylines in the shows, building talent and dealing with the issues of a small promotion trying to grow while managing money and replacing constantly departing star wrestlers. If I occasionally got a creative bug, then I would do a spotlight article on either the current wrestling scene, or a promotion, or some weird trend from my gameworld.[/QUOTE] Which is, and was, a really great way of doing things, and something that made you stand out (I don't mind telling you that my own diaries are kinda inspired by the way you write stuff). So, it's cool that The_Aussie is taking a different approach: the more ways people look at NYCW, the better (I'm certainly bringing my NYCW diary back for 2k8, barring a disaster or something really cool happening in Britain).
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Guest The Aussie
To my readers: Small problem occuring in my camp (our house); I'm reformatting my PC in a couple of days and so the diary will go for a couple more shows than be put on short term hiatus while I get everything sorted out.
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