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D.O.T.T. And so it begins

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I have been in the business for several years. I have worked for Bill Watts, Jim Crockett, Vincent McMahon, and Eddie Graham. During the times I had put in for these people I learned how to set up the ring, backstage book keeping, and worked on creative departments. Wrestling is a job that once it takes; it gets in your blood. You crave it, you yearn for it. And it almost cost me my marriage. Always away from home, and on too many times, finding myself in difficult to explain situations. But I lived for the business. Eventually my wife accepted it, and tried to help me with it even if she didn’t understand it. We had done well for ourselves as I learned as much as I could from the various organizations I worked for. One night I decided to do some number crunching on my own finances and was amazed at what the final numbers were at. The stock market had treated me well. When I shared this news to my wife, she said something to this day still sends shivers down my back. “Maybe you should quit working for these stiffs and work for yourself, by doing what you love.” During the next couple of months I had pulled out most of my old contact list and tried to get a general feeling on who was going under and who was looking to sell. Then one day I caught wind that perhaps Jerry Jarrett was looking to be under the preverbal financial gun. We started negations with Jarrett with a few minor bugs we were looking like we could strike a deal. But an idea came floating into my head. I know there are several other owners who could be on the verge of going under as well, but either are too stubborn, or too embarrassed to admit it. I asked Jarrett to send word to Bob Giegel, Angelo Poffo, Ron Fuller, Wilbur Snyder, and Fritz Von Erich for a meeting and to bring their head bookers with them if feasible. I made a few calls myself to a few TV Executives. The most promising call was when I called an upstart TV station in Connecticut. They have been around for a few years now but still are looking for ways to fill their programming schedule. They had just signed a young professional football league, but they are still looking to take on risky projects. Although nothing was finalized we both agreed on principle if I could get enough players on board. The other owners, Jarrett and I meet in Nashville. And it started on a down note. Wilbur Snyder decided to no show us. And Fritz Von Erich told us to basically stick it. As we gathered in the conference room old friends and acquaintances greeted one another and the conversation was lively. I passed out folders with outlines and some notes to the owners and head bookers. [COLOR="Blue"][B]JERRY JARRET:[/B][/COLOR] Gentlemen, Gentlemen, may we get started? [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] Gentlemen, as you may be aware of, Jarrett has decided to sell his company to me. [COLOR="blue"][B]ANGELLO POFFO:[/B][/COLOR] Congratulations on that, but what in the hell does that have to do with us and why have this meeting? [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] Angello, I wanted to gather us together in hopes of banding together. Like it or not, the days of staying in your area are far over. As you can see in your notes I have a list of owners that Vince McMahon has had contact to offer tenders of buying. Why would he do such a thing? [COLOR="blue"][B]ANGELLO POFFO:[/B][/COLOR] Cause he is crazy and egotistical. [COLOR="blue"][B]BOB GEIGEL:[/B][/COLOR] Or he could be trying to go national now. [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] I personally agree with that assumption. Look boys as I see it there are some big fish out there looking to eat us up. I know Barnett in Georgia has been contacted. I also know Vern Gagne has been contacted. And even if Bill Watts hasn’t been contacted he is target at least. As I have it on good authority that McMahon has had several talks with some big names there about jumping ship. [COLOR="blue"][B]BOB GIEGEL:[/B][/COLOR] How do you propose to stop this tide? After all even if we in the NWA are scattered we could be in line to stop him. [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] In theory Bob you would be correct. But let’s take a look at the NWA. Jim Crockett, The current president on the NWA, also has a lot of great wrestlers. But not well known over the country. We have Jim Barnett in Georgia. He has a few big names there but more importantly has a TV station that can be viewed over the entire country. But your biggest flaw in my opinion is instead of being able to put belts on people on the fly. It has to be brought to a board where it is voted on. All of this takes weeks and by the time a decision is made it is too late to make a move as the momentum has already been lost. [COLOR="blue"][B]ANGELLO POFFO:[/B][/COLOR] This still doesn’t explain what the hell does it have to do with us. [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] Because what I am going to propose to you is this. All of us here run the risk of being on the menu board for McMahon, Crockett, and Fritz apparently. I propose that we band together. Now you all know that I know what your financial strengths and weakness’ are. And I won’t be afraid to exploit these. Now before you get all bent out of shape, You also know mine as I have included that information in the folders before you. [COLOR="blue"][B]BOB GIEGEL:[/B][/COLOR] Very impressive sir. [COLOR="blue"][B]JERRY JARRETT:[/B][/COLOR] Now you boys get why I am selling to him. [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] What I propose is this gentlemen. I buy you out as well. With conditions. That condition is this. I will have a clause that states if I fall, you regain your companies back at no cost. And with the added incentive is that a portion of the selling price be put in a fund where if I do fall you get that money as well. A collective moan is heard in the room. [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] Now I know gentlemen you all want to take some time to absorb what I have said. That is fine, but I will need a decision by tonight. As time is at critical asset we do not have gentlemen. Me and Jarrett walk out as the other owners and their bookers pour over the numbers and the other info I included in the folders. [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] Do you think they buy it? [COLOR="Blue"][B]JERRY JARRETT:[/B][/COLOR] Well son, you sold me. I think they might see the light. You know Vern is going to be pissed and will want his titles back right. [COLOR="blue"][B]MIKE COOPER:[/B][/COLOR] I know, but let me deal with that dinosaur.
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Well to say the meeting went well would have been an under statement. Not only did I grab some NWA territory, but AWA as well. Shock waves reverberated thru the industry. Was this marking the end of the NWA as we knew it? Jim Crockett called and threatened legal action. Verne Gagne called demanding his titles back. But I seemed to gain some trust when I assured Greg that I was not targeting his dad. Bill Watts called asking me if he was going to be pushed out, and if so he sure as hell wasn’t going down with out a fight. I made my calls to ESPN pitching idea after idea on a new show. Finally got a few face to face meetings armed with as much slick presentations as I could muster. The next few months seemed like a whirl wind of activity. Trying to set up TV Schedules, sifting thru each roster seeing who I wanted to keep, and who would could be added later. I gave directives for Central States, ICW, and SECW to wrap up their story-lines. We would now be called American Wrestling Federation. And we would be having tournaments to crown brand new champions. By the end of November we had crowned our champions. Harley Race would be our World Champion. Randy Savage our Intercontinental Champion. Our TV Champion would be Ronnie Garvin. And our Tag Champions would be the Moondogs. Also finalized the deal with ESPN. We have a trial period of one month in January to make our point. We get an unheard of at that time a 2 hour slot at 7 pm on weds days. But the catch is we have to do all of the editing and filming ourselves. They just air the product. Definitely a win win for them. If they don’t get the ratings the pull the plug. They get to many complaints, they pull the plug. And they don’t have to waste any man power to edit.
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December rolled around and the AWF was in full swing as we laid the basis for some upcoming feuds. I showed up at Central Sates, ICW, and SECW with the final rosters. I told those who would not to be on our roster that I wished them well. And If the needed a good word to be passed for them I would. Most knew they would not be on the final roster, some were surprises. And some just did not want to honor their deals. Like Bruiser Brody for Central States. He informed me that he had signed with Central States and therefor he had the power to nullify his contract. I informed MR. Brody that was not the case and he still had a valid contract. He then threatened to no show every show he was to be booked at. But Harley Race pulled Brody away before tempers ran hot. He told me he would have a talk with Brody but had no guarantees. Tempers from the other owners waned over the last month. We are at least on speaking terms again but no agreements have been reached. Vince McMahon has had nothing to say publicly about the recent events but one has to think he is fuming over the events. Jerry Jarrett, Bob Giegel, and Robert Fuller wanted to remain with me as they wanted to see first hand the direction we would be going in. I offered them spots on the booking committee and have them as Road Agents. Angelo Poffo wanted to stay away from the business for awhile since I decided to pick up both of his sons on the roster. AWF Roster as of December 1982 [COLOR="Red"]Main Event[/COLOR] Austin Idol= Managed by Jimmy Hart Jerry Lawler Super Destroyer Steve Kiern Harley Race= AWF World Heavyweight Champion Brusier Brody The Flame [COLOR="Blue"]Upper Midcard[/COLOR] Ronnie Garvin= AWF Tv Champion Mr. Olympia Hercules Ayala Moondog Spot= AWF World Tag Team Champion managed by Jimmy Hart Stan Lane Bullet Bob Armstrong Moondog Rex= AWF World Tag Team Champion managed by Jimmy Hart [COLOR="Red"]Midcard[/COLOR] Super Destroyer #2 Ricky Morton Norvell Austin= Managed by Jim Cornette Dennis Condrey= Managed by Jim Cornette Crusher Bloomfield= Managed by Jimmy Hart Super Olympia Randy Savage= AWF Intercontinental Champion Dutch Mantell Porkchop Cash Bill Dundee [COLOR="Blue"]Lower midcard[/COLOR] Robert Gibson Mark Youngblood Lanny Poffo Randy Rose= Managed by Jim Cornette Bobby Eaton [COLOR="Red"]Openers[/COLOR] Terry Taylor Koko B Ware Hercules Hernandez Brad Armstrong Announce crew is Lance Russell, Les Thorton, and Dave Brown
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[CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF Wrestling on ESPN. Before the NBA Game of the week. Wedsday at 7 PM.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Scheduled to appear. Photobucket [COLOR="Red"]Jerry "The King" Lawler[/COLOR] Photobucket [COLOR="red"]Six Time NWA World Champion and current AWF World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race[/COLOR] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket [COLOR="red"]Bruiser Brody takes on Lanny Poffo.[/COLOR] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket.../w Photobucket Ronnie Garvin defends his AWF TV Championship against Austin Idol with the infamous "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart PhotobucketPhotobucket.../W PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket [COLOR="red"]The Moondogs defend their AWF World Tag Team Belts against The Fabulous Ones.[/COLOR] Plus more. Come see the very best in AWF Wrestling. Wedsday on ESPN. [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;421841] AWF Roster as of December 1982 [COLOR="Red"]Main Event[/COLOR] Austin Idol= Managed by Jimmy Hart Jerry Lawler Super Destroyer Steve Kiern Harley Race= AWF World Heavyweight Champion Brusier Brody The Flame [COLOR="Blue"]Upper Midcard[/COLOR] Ronnie Garvin= AWF Tv Champion Mr. Olympia Hercules Ayala Moondog Spot= AWF World Tag Team Champion managed by Jimmy Hart Stan Lane Bullet Bob Armstrong Moondog Rex= AWF World Tag Team Champion managed by Jimmy Hart [COLOR="Red"]Midcard[/COLOR] Super Destroyer #2 Ricky Morton Norvell Austin= Managed by Jim Cornette Dennis Condrey= Managed by Jim Cornette Crusher Bloomfield= Managed by Jimmy Hart Super Olympia Randy Savage= AWF Intercontinental Champion Dutch Mantell Porkchop Cash Bill Dundee [COLOR="Blue"]Lower midcard[/COLOR] Robert Gibson Mark Youngblood Lanny Poffo Randy Rose= Managed by Jim Cornette Bobby Eaton [COLOR="Red"]Openers[/COLOR] Terry Taylor Koko B Ware Hercules Hernandez Brad Armstrong Announce crew is Lance Russell, Les Thorton, and Dave Brown[/QUOTE] Damn fine crew.
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[CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF on ESPN[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]WEDNESDAY, WEEK 1, 1983 Jackson Oman Arena: Jackson TN ATTENDANCE: 5,000[/B] [/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Lance Russell, Dave Brown, and Les Thatcher welcome us to the show. And tell us that we have a great show lined up for us tonight. They explain to those who are not aware that the CWA out of Memphis, Central States out of Kansas City, SECW out of Knoxville TN. and ICW out of Lexington TN have combined to form AWF, American Wrestling Federation. Then they run down the current champions. Although some of the faces may be new, AWF promises to bring the very best of action packed wrestling to us. Photobucket [B]Harley Race comes to the announcers table. He tells us that he is a former multi time NWA World Champion and how he has wrestled all over the globe. He also tells us that he is the very best wrestling in the business right now.[/B] Photobucket [B]Jerry Lawler comes into the scene.[/B] [COLOR="Blue"]Jerry Lawler:[/COLOR] Excuse me Harley. Did I hear you say you are the very best wrestler in the world today? Well, I've got a little proposition with you champ. I say prove it tonight. [COLOR="Red"]Harley Race:[/COLOR] Lawler, It says right here on the top of this belt. World, Heavyweight, Champion. I am the very best wrestler and this belt says so. I can out wrestle you anyday of the week. And I'll be more than glad to show you tonight, that not only can I out think you, but out wrestle you. [COLOR="Blue"]Jerry Lawler:[/COLOR] Well champ. I never claimed I know to many wrestling holds. But I will match this right hand of mine against anybody in the world.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [/CENTER] [B]Bruiser Brody beat Lanny Poffo:[/B] Bruiser ran over Poffo with power move after power move. Almost toying with his man like a cat would a mouse. Poffo got a couple of weak punches to the stomach which only seemed to annoy Brody. He lands a Running Knee Drop on Poffo at 5:35 to pick up the victory. After the match was over Brody did a brief beatdown on Poffo eventually kicking Lanny out of the ring like he was yesterday's garbage. [/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket The Rock and Roll Express are featured in a rock and roll music video. Highlighting some of their high flying and fast paced moves. They will be appearing soon. So stay tuned. Rock N Roll forever baby.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jimmy Hart and The Moondogs are backstage. The Moondogs don't say anything but are seen chewing on over sized ham bones and occasionally rubbing their head as Jimmy talks. Harts tells us that these are the world champs. The belts are theirs. And it doesn't matter who it is, The Rock n Roll Express, The Fabulous Ones, The Destroyers, line em baby, because The Moondogs will plow them down.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]"Super Star" Bill Dundee beat Bobby Eaton:[/B] In a entertaining match that saw Eaton go on the offense before the bell would ring. Eaton even got in a few top turnbuckle moves on Dundee. But eventually Dundee using his ring savvy turned the tables on Eaton landing a Piledriver at 5:45 to gain the victory.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket Randy Savage, the reigning AWF Intercontinental Champion tells us that the madness as begun. He is the hottest thing in the universe and how this belt is only the beginning. He puts everybody on notice he will become world champion very soon. And how he will show everybody including some dirty cowboy piece of crap named Dutch Mantell.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket We come back from commercial and our announcers tell us that indeed the match has been made. Jerry Lawler will be facing Harley Race for the AWF title tonight. They also go over the statements from Savage before the break and wonder what it was all about.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Bob Armstrong beat Hercules Hernandez:[/B] Hernadez looked impressive at the start of the match as he was able to muscle Armstrong around like a rag doll. Armstrong locked in a Sleeper Hold on Hernandez out of no where to slow the bag man down. The end saw Armstrong land a Bulldog on Hernadez at 6:29 to pick up the win.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket [COLOR="Red"]Austin Idol:[/COLOR] You see its pretty simple. I am the prettiest man in professional wrestling today. Any I'm hungry for gold. Garvin shine that belt up real tight. Because it's coming home with me big daddy. [COLOR="red"]Jimmy Hart:[/COLOR] Another client, another championship. HAHAHA. Come on Idol,let gets ready baby. PhotobucketPhotobucket Ronnie Garvin tells us he is walking down that aisle in a few moments, and he is going take this right hand of his, knock Idol's block off. And if Jimmy Hart wants to get involved, Garvin is gonna knock his block off too.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="red"]AWF TV Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket.../w...Photobucket...VS...Photobucket(C)[/CENTER] [B]Austin Idol lost to Ronnie Garvin:[/B] The best match of the night so far. These two really tore into one another. Idol would get in command of the match but when it looked like Garvin was gonna make a comeback, Jimmy Hart would distract him giving Idol the chance to regain control. But that would happen one to many times as Garvin was about to drill Hart, Idol tried to clothesline Garvin from behind. Garvin ducks and Idol hits Hart instead sending him out to the canvas below. Garvin landed a huge right hand that practically knocked Idol out to pick up the win. Afterwards as Garvin has left the ring, Idol starts complaining to referee Jerry Calhoun about making a fast count. Jerry says no way he was very deliberate in his pace. Idol gets very frustrated and is about to hit Jerry when Garvin comes running back to the ring and starts punching Idol. Idol and Hart make a quick getaway back to the backstage area as Jerry Calhoun raises Ronnie Garvin's hand up in victory one more time. [/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket The scene shifts to the back as we see The Fabulous Ones getting ready for their match coming up next.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]AWF World Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket(C).../w...Photobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] [B]The Moondogs beat The Fabulous Ones:[/B] A brutal match to say the least. Moondogs played the heel part to perfection. Jimmy Hart was still selling the affects of being hit by Austin Idol earlier tonight. When they were in command Stan Lane and Steve Keirn made some quick tags to one another displaying that they have alot of experience as a tag team. But when it looked like they were about to go for the victory. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jim Cornette, Dennis Coundry, Randy Rose, and Norvell Austin made their way down acting like they were scouting either the Moondogs or The Fabulous Ones. This distracted both teams for a few moments. Eventually Moondog Rex scored a roll up victory with a hand full of tights to pick up the win. After the bell rang Cornette unleashes his troops and they proceed to beat the tar out of The Fabulous Ones. Eventually AWF officials were able to stop the mugging. Cornette and his men make their way to the back gloating over what they have done. [/QUOTE] [LEFT] PhotobucketPhotobucket Harley Race is backstage and tells us that he will beat the so called King of Memphis easily tonight making just another name added to Race's resume of those he has beaten.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]AWF World Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket(C)[/CENTER] [B]Jerry Lawler lost to Harley Race:[/B] The best match of the night. These two men put on a show. Race looked to embarrass Jerry at the opening of the match. He looked like he was going to tie up with Jerry, and has Jerry was about to lock up with Race, Harley would slap him. He did this two times. On the third attempt Jerry clocked Race right between the eyes staggering the champ. Race would regain control with a rake to the eyes. The ending saw Race about to go for a piledriver when Lawler reverses it. Lawler now looks poised to land a piledriver and score the upset victory when Race reverses it. Race lands the piledriver and adds insult to injury with a hand full of tights to pick up a hard fought victory at the 19:35 point.[/QUOTE] [B]The show ends as we see Harley Race holding up his championship looking down at his vanquished opponent Jerry Lawler.[/B]
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[QUOTE=tristram;422022]If I was a divorcee, I'd do my ex wife to see Bruiser Brody and Randy Savage up against each other... madness v madness.[/QUOTE] Thanks for stopping by. That would have been great match I think. Might have to stick around and see if I pull the trigger on that one.;)
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[QUOTE=jgriff3029;421469]you've got me hooked.:p[/QUOTE] Sorry I didnt get back to you jgriff hope you enjoy the show.
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[QUOTE=KColl;422172]Damn fine crew.[/QUOTE] Hopefully there are some gems in that rag tag group. ;) But you never know I might have some more to add to it.
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The first show went of with out a hitch. We had some shadow fans in the audience asking how they felt about the show. Most of the fans thought the show was awesome. Over all not to bad of a night for the first time the entire roster was assembled and working together. As I poured over the gate receipts from the evening before the phone rang. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] Hello. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Voice:[/B][/COLOR] Good Morning Mr. Cooper, Matt Brock from Pro Wrestling Illustrated here. I just wanted to give you a courtesy call. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] Courtesy call for what? [COLOR="blue"][B]Matt Brock:[/B][/COLOR] I was in attendance last night at your show, and we will be using your organization in an article for the magazine. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] Outstanding. How did you enjoy yourself? [COLOR="blue"][B]Matt Brock:[/B][/COLOR] Enjoyed the show immensely. I want to give you a heads up on the article. First we will recognize you and your organizations World Title. Hopefully giving you some legitimacy to your belts sir. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] Thank you but why do I feel there is bad news to this? [COLOR="blue"][B]Matt Brock:[/B][/COLOR] Well, there is, but not to horrible. Unfortunately because of the short time you have been around. We feel that Vince McMahon, Vern Gagne, Jim Crockett, and even Jim Barnett are way ahead of you in prestige in American wrestling. It’s not a knock on you, we feel if you continue what you started last night, you will have a long and prosperous road ahead of you. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] I understand Matt, but I personally think you are wrong. Anytime you have a roster that consists of Harley Race, Jerry Lawler, and Bruiser Brody should be pulling even with anybody. But I do appreciate the time you took to call me and I look forward to the article sir. [COLOR="blue"][B]Matt Brock:[/B][/COLOR] Again sir, we are not knocking you, we just felt this was a fair way to handle reporting on you. I already took the liberty of having one of the magazines pulled and forwarded to you Mr. Cooper. Good day sir. The rest of the week was spent negotiating deals with Vern Gagne, Jim Crockett, and Eddie Graham. I wanted to assure them that AWF wants to remain an independent organization, and in an effort to not steal each others workers we could work together and use our collective rosters with out screwing each other over. Bill Watts on the other hand was not so sure as he declined my offer. He felt he couldn’t trust me since I had just acquired all of that talent and territory north of him. But did not rule out perhaps working together in the future. My magazine arrived as I scanned over the articles and felt PWI did a fair job at reporting on me. Also received a manila folder with an unknown address from Connecticut. Had some huge photos of Bob Backland, Afa, Sika, Grand Wizard, and more from the WWF. I chuckled a bit as I saw a hand written note. When I come to your neck of the woods. I’m gonna show how to run a truly awesome sports entertainment business. Signed, Vince K. McMahon. P.S. here is to a short life span to your business. Vince, always a kidder. I wander what I could do to him, mm, I mean for him.
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[CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF Wrestling on ESPN. Before the NBA Game of the week. Wednesday at 7 PM.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Scheduled to appear. PhotobucketPhotobucket AWF World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race. Photobucket Jerry "The King" Lawler Photobucket...VS...Photobucket "The Dirty Dutchman" Dutch Mantell takes on new comer Fit Finlay. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jim Cornette and his camp explain their actions from last week. Photobucket AWF World Tag Team championship PhotobucketArn Anderson masked...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket../WPhotobucket The Masked Olympians battle the reigning tag champions The Moondogs with their manager Jimmy Hart. Photobucket AWF TV Championship Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Tiger Chung Lee battles current Champion Ronnie Garvin. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Plus more. Only on ESPN can you see great AWF action. Right before the Bulls-Clippers game this Wednesday on ESPN.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=jgriff3029;423334]Gotta say, I'm really into this. You have given me a lot of ideas for my own game. Will be reading often.:)[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=darthsiddus2;423190]I gotta say man you got me hooked. I will be reading[/QUOTE] Thank you I think this was the main reason why I gave up on my other diary's because even if the views went up nobody really seemed to be responding. All I ask is throw me a bone every now and then. And I hope to keep you all entertained.
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;423358][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF Wrestling on ESPN. Before the NBA Game of the week. Wednesday at 7 PM.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Scheduled to appear. PhotobucketPhotobucket AWF World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race. Photobucket Jerry "The King" Lawler Photobucket...VS...Photobucket "[B]The Dirty Dutchman" Dutch Mantell [/B]takes on new comer Fit Finlay. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jim Cornette and his camp explain their actions from last week. Photobucket AWF World Tag Team championship PhotobucketArn Anderson masked...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket../WPhotobucket The Masked Olympians battle the reigning tag champions [B]The Moondogs [/B]with their manager Jimmy Hart. Photobucket AWF TV Championship Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Tiger Chung Lee battles current [B]Champion Ronnie Garvin[/B]. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Plus more. Only on ESPN can you see great AWF action. Right before the [B]Bulls[/B]-Clippers game this Wednesday on ESPN.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] My predictions: and even in 1983, Clippers don't win:D
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;423358][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF Wrestling on ESPN. Before the NBA Game of the week. Wednesday at 7 PM.[/COLOR][/SIZE] Scheduled to appear. PhotobucketPhotobucket AWF World Heavyweight Champion Harley Race. Photobucket Jerry "The King" Lawler Photobucket...VS...Photobucket "The Dirty Dutchman" Dutch Mantell takes on new comer Fit Finlay. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jim Cornette and his camp explain their actions from last week. Photobucket AWF World Tag Team championship PhotobucketArn Anderson masked...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket../WPhotobucket The Masked Olympians battle the reigning tag champions The Moondogs with their manager Jimmy Hart. Photobucket AWF TV Championship Photobucket...VS...Photobucket Tiger Chung Lee battles current Champion Ronnie Garvin. [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Plus more. Only on ESPN can you see great AWF action. Right before the Bulls-Clippers game this Wednesday on ESPN.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [COLOR="Red"]Poor Clippers[/COLOR] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Mantell Like to see the Masked Olympians go over Rugged Ronnie Garvin
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[CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucket [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="5"]AWF on ESPN[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]Week 2, January 1983 Atlanta Civic Center: Atlanta GA 4,633 attendance[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Lane Russell, Les Thatcher, and Dave Brown welcome us to another exciting evening of AWF Wrestling. Coming to you from Atlanta Georgia. They give a brief run down of events that happened last week. Notably about the Harley Race and Jerry Lawler match. Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jerry Lawler:[/COLOR][/B] You know something? It gets very discouraging every time I get close to a title shot, something or someone wants to try and cheat me out of it. Now Harley, you may have beaten me, or I might of kicked out of that piledriver last week. But one thing is for sure. We will never know now will we? [CENTER][B]Before Lawler can get another word out, Harley Race comes from the backstage area.[/B][/CENTER] Photobucket [B][COLOR="Red"]Harley Race:[/COLOR][/B] Lawler, I am an eight time world heavyweight champion. Can you name anybody else in the business today who can beat that? You could never beat me on my worst day. But I'll tell you what Lawler. Since your so ready for a match tonight. You will get one. But it wont be against me. But my business associate, The Russian Bear, Ivan Koloff.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Jerry Lawler lost to Ivan Koloff[/B] In an impromptu match. Needless to say it was a very good opening match. Jerry almost pulled off a victory, but as he went to the second rope and was ready to deliver his flying fist drop, Race came down and distracted him long enough for Ivan to get to his feet and deliver a body slam on Lawler. Koloff then applied a Bear Hug on Lawler that forces Jerry to give up. After the match is over Race and Koloff start laying the boots to Jerry Lawler. AWF Officials come down and try and stop the two from doing anymore damage to Jerry. Photobucket Tommy "Wildfire" Rich comes running from the backstage area and was a house on fire. He pounds on Koloff, then Race, then back to Koloff. Rich takes Koloff and throws him out of the ring. Race tries to sneak up on Rich but Rich is too fast in turning around and Race backs off and slithers out of the ring. Tommy Rich and other AWF Officials attend to Jerry Lawler as our announcers talk about what an awesome beginning to tonights show as we fade to commercial.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]...Fade To Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tommy Rich:[/COLOR][/B] Harley Race says he is the very best in the world today. He says this and he says that. He ain't nothing but a lowdown, yellow dog. He has been ducking me for years. I ask AWF, no, I beg the AWF, not for a title shot. But just for a single match against Race.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Fit Finlay lost to Dutch Mantell:[/B] Fit Finlay is young and raw but did show signs of what he could become. He didn't back down, and showed that he has potential in this business. But tonight it was Mantell who is on a mission. He lands a piledriver on Finlay to pick up the win at 5:11.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]After the match Dutch Mantell makes his way to the announcers table.[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]Dutch Mantell:[/COLOR][/B] You know Lance, 1983 is a brand new year. And usually in new years everybody want to lay claim as this is going to be their year. Savage you and I have been doing this thing now in several other areas. And I am sick of it. Man up if you dare Savage. Put that belt up against me next week, and I am sure I will take it away from you boy. PhotobucketPhotobucket In another video package showcasing the high flying and fast paced highlights of the Rock n Roll Express. They will be in action, right here next week on AWF on ESPN. [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]The Flame lost to Wahoo McDaniel:[/B] A great match showcasing two veterans. The Flame jumped Wahoo right from the start before the bell had rang. But Wahoo fired back with his trademark chops. Wahoo gets the win at 5:51 with a chop to the top of The Flame's head and covers for the pin.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket The announcers talk about how the AWF has become the hottest promotion in the industry today as the apparent introduction of some of the businesses biggest names want to be here in the AWF. They also announce a end of the month supercard named AWF Genesis. PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Jim Cornette and his clients come out from the backstage area and make their way to the announcers booth half way thru the above mentioned segment. Norvell Austin grabs a microphone away from Lance Russell and hands it to Cornette. Cornette goes on a spree how he has the hottest group in the AWF today. They attacked the Fabulous Ones not to help out his friend Jimmy Hart. O no, friendship is off to the side when it comes to wrestling. But the Midnight Expresse attacked the Fabulous Ones because of one thing. One thing only, and thats to drive those pretty boys out of here. Cornette explains not only does he have three of the most ruggedly handsome men in the business, but they will do what it takes to get the job done. PhotobucketPhotobucket Jimmy Hart and Iron Sheik are backstage. Jimmy says he hears what Cornette said but will address that at another time. He says the Iron Sheik is here and he says that the Sheik is so strong nobody will be able to stop him. Hart and The Sheik will have a challenge for anybody in the AWF to do next week.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF TV CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Tiger Chung Lee lost to Ronnie Garvin:[/B] Tiger and Ronnie put a good match that entertained the fans. Tiger lays in some good offensive moves with his chops and leg thrusts. But in the end it is Garvin who picks up the win with a Garvin Stomp at 5:48.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket The Fabulous Ones are backstage. You wanted our attention Cornette. You sure as hell have it. Bring your Midnight Express here next week and lets have a match. [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]The scene shift to ringside where we find Larry Zybszko with a microphone.[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Red"]Larry Zybszko:[/COLOR][/B] Excuse me, I cant understand a word you are saying. For those who do not know me, who am I kidding, everybody knows who I am. I am Larry Zybszko. I am a Living legend. Shut up out there when I am talking. I am here because there is a lot of talk out there that this is the place to be. So far I have to say, I am not impressed. Jerry Lawler, Dutch Mantell, Bill Dundee, who are these idiots? Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bob Armstrong:[/COLOR][/B] Larry, Larry why is it you are always running your mouth? I don't care why you are here. They don't care why you are here. But I'll tell you what big boy. Lets see what you are made of next week shall we? [B][COLOR="red"]Larry Zybszko:[/COLOR][/B] Well if it ain't the hick of all hicks. Ok Armstrong, I am game. And I'm gonna show you and the rest of these ingrates why they call me a living legend. [/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF World Tag Team Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketArn Anderson masked...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket.../WPhotobucket[/CENTER] [B]The Masked Olympians lost to The Moondogs:[/B] Two pretty equal teams matched against one another here. And they put on an Ok match. But due to the constant interference from Jimmy Hart allowed Moon Dog Spike to get the victory on Super Olympia at 8:45.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]Tommy Rich:[/COLOR][/B] I finally have my chance against you Harley Race. I have in my hand the contract that was just signed by myself and your lawyer. It may not be for the belt, but thats ok. I get my hands on you instead.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket.../WPhotobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Austin Idol beat Bill Dundee:[/B] Good match. But probably more important than the match. There seems to be trouble brewing in the Hart Family. Jimmy almost cost his man the match but Idol was able to prevail and lock on the Las Vegas Leg Lock to secure the win. Afterwards referee Bobby Whitlock went to raise Idol's arm up in victory, Jimmy Hart went to raise Idol's other arm when Austin jerked it away. Hart took a step back and clapped for his man instead. [/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket [B][COLOR="Red"]Harley Race:[/COLOR][/B] So you have felt that I have been ducking you for years now do you Tommy Rich? Well after tonight, you will be wishing to yourself I had ducked you. I am the greatest thing in wrestling today boy. And tonight I am going to show you why I am an 8 time champion.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Harley Race beat Tommy Rich:[/B] In the best match of the night and the year so far, these two put on a show. Back and forth they went. Race gained what looked like the upper hand when he dragged Rich out of the ring and pummeled him there. Race went to throw Rich in the guard rail but Rich reversed it. Tommy was on the offense from that point on. He rolls Race into the ring but Race rolls Rich up with a hand full of tights to pick up the win at the end of the match. The show comes to an end as we see Race walking back to the backstage area gloating about his victory. Rich is in the ring pounding on the mat after a missed opportunity for beating Race. [/QUOTE]
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The show was over and I was unusually tired. I wanted to have quick chat with our planted fans to gain some insight on how the fans reacted to the show. Also perhaps to thank the workers in the back for putting on a great show. You know, the usual ra-ra speech. When all of a sudden I heard the sound of tables being over turned and the sounds of items being thrown and landing against the wall, floor and elsewhere. And yelling, lots of yelling. O lord what the heck is going on now. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Ronnie Garvin:[/COLOR][/B] Mike, you better be careful brother. Brody has lost it. Great, so much for a quick night. Well let's go see if one Frank Goodish alias Bruiser Brody is going to kill me or what. [B][COLOR="blue"]Mike Cooper:[/COLOR][/B] FRANK, CALM DOWN MAN, what the hell is going on here? [B][COLOR="blue"]Bruiser Brody:[/COLOR][/B] I cant freaking believe you. I thought to myself, Mike, he ain't like them other promoters, no, This one is different. This one is an honorable man. This could be the one that makes me come back home and work exclusively state side. So I freaking clear my schedule, and show up. How do I get repaid, BY NOT F***ING BEING PUT ON THE SHOW. Not even F***ing mentioned once. [B][COLOR="blue"]Mike Cooper:[/COLOR][/B] Well Frank, I'll be honest here man. Lets face it, you ain't got the greatest reputation for being a loyal worker. But thats my fault, I blame myself for buying into that. What I should have done is base my decisions on you on your current work ethic. Not the past. So you say you want to work here in the states. Well I'll tell you what. You show up next week, don't screw me over, but actually show the hell up. And bring your A-Game with you to pal. Because if you bring that lame ass C Rated crap you did last week, I'll pay Japan what they are paying you now to not work there anymore. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bruiser Brody:[/COLOR][/B] O I'll show up, don't you F***ing worry about that. Just bring your damn check book with you too. I'll show you A F***ing game. As he rambles on, I make my exit out of the room and give a long deep exhale. Did I just stand up to that maniac? O crap, and I even promised him , daring him to bring his A-game. Who the hell am I going to find crazy enough to work with him now? So much for my night now. I have calls to make.
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As I am sitting in my office pondering over penciled in names for ideas on who to face Brody. My assistant buzzes me and tell me a Mr. Barnett on line one. [B][COLOR="blue"]Mike Cooper:[/COLOR][/B] Jim, how the hell are you? [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Barnett:[/COLOR][/B] Don't Jim me you son of a ****. [B][COLOR="blue"]Mike Cooper:[/COLOR][/B] Why the hostility Jim? What's up? [B][COLOR="blue"]Jim Barnett:[/COLOR][/B] You know why. You come into my territory. My home city basically and run a event. And to make it worse you use one of my top guys and have him lose. And now you want to act all Mr. Innocent. [B][COLOR="blue"]Mike Cooper:[/COLOR][/B] First off Jim, I apologize. I should have told you I was coming. I'm not sorry for coming, but I should have told you. I needed a big name town to hold my show because here in Nashville, the venue I planned on using was booked early for a convention. [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jim Barnett:[/COLOR][/B] I don't care Mike. This is one of the things that is pushing me to say the hell with it and just get out of the business. There use to be a time where we showed each other respect. And if you did cross over into someone else's territory, you sure as hell didn't go into his home city. If you ever pull that rookie maneuver again I'll make sure its your last one. [B][COLOR="blue"]Mike Cooper:[/COLOR][/B] Jim there is.... And before I could say anything else he hung up. Gonna be one of those days I guess. Barnett is a smart business man. But this too shall pass. Now back to ideas on who to put on next weeks show.
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[QUOTE=jgriff3029;424891]3 for 3 on my predictions, yeah me! Just glad you didn't announce Tommy and Harley before hand, would have missed that one. I'm interested in seeing how you backstage feud with Brody goes. BTW, who womn the Clipper-Bulls game? :D[/QUOTE] You sir are four for four. Bulls ran away with it in the 4th quarter.:D
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