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D.O.T.T. And so it begins

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[CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF on ESPN. Wednesday night before the Game of the Week.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Scheduled to appear.[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Fabulous Ones are scheduled to take on the Midnight Express guided by Jim Cornette. Which two of the Midnights will take on The Fabulous Ones?[/B] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]The "Living Legend" Larry Zybszko battles "Bullet" Bob Armstrong.[/B] Photobucket [B]Bruiser Brody[/B] Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF Intercontinental Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]Dutch Mantell battles for Randy Savage's Intercontinental Championship.[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Rock N Roll Express make their AWF debut.[/B] [B]Plus more. Watch great AWF action that can only be found on ESPN this Wednesday right before the Game of the Week. [/B] [/CENTER]
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;425697][CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF on ESPN. Wednesday night before the Game of the Week.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Scheduled to appear.[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Fabulous Ones are scheduled to take on the Midnight Express guided by Jim Cornette. Which two of the Midnights will take on The Fabulous Ones?[/B] [B]Midnights win with interference[/B] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]The "Living Legend" Larry Zybszko battles "Bullet" Bob Armstrong.[/B] [B]Bullet Bob wins, sticking it to Jim Barnett[/B] Photobucket [B]Bruiser Brody[/B] Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF Intercontinental Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]Dutch Mantell battles for Randy Savage's Intercontinental Championship.[/B] [B]Savage retains[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Rock N Roll Express make their AWF debut.[/B] [B]R&R go over in their debut[/B] [B]Plus more. Watch great AWF action that can only be found on ESPN this Wednesday right before the Game of the Week. [/B] [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Lakers over Bucks in GOTW
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[CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF on ESPN[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Week 3, January 1983 Louisville Arena, Louisville KY 5,000 Attendance[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket Lance Russell, Dave Brown, and Les Thatcher welcome us to the show. After some brief video showing last weeks highlights are shown they begin to run down tonight's card.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...W/Photobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] [B]Midnight Express lost to the Fabulous Ones:[/B] The Fabulous Ones seemed to have The Midnight Expresses number on this match. They were well prepared and countered everything Cornette and the Express threw at them. Fabulous Ones pick up the win at 4:44. After the match was over Cornette motioned to the back as Stan Lane and Steve Keirn were celebrating. Out came Norvell Austin and all three of the Midnight Express beat down The Fabulous Ones.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket Harley Race and Ivan Koloff are in the ring gloating about how they beat Jerry Lawler and Tommy Rich last week. But those two are not even in the same league as The Russian Bear and The True King, Harley Race. PhotobucketPhotobucket Tommy Rich and Jerry Lawler come out and tell us that if Koloff and Race are so tough then how about a tag match for later tonight? Race and Koloff agree.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Larry Zybsko beat Bob Armstrong:[/B] Bob was really fired up for this match. As he knew this one could be a catalyst for things to come if he could pull off the upset win. Larry would beg off and crawl thru the ropes and get in the fans face's at ringside. This happened on numerous time before Armstrong's anger would get the better of him and this was the opening that Zybszko needed. Larry would eventually roll Armstrong up but have his feet on the ropes for leverage to pick up the victory at 5:46.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]Photobucket [B][COLOR="Blue"]Bruiser Brody:[/COLOR][/B] I want to make something real clear here. Camera man, zoom in on this face. I want you to look real close to this face. I've been beat up before. I've been beat up by bigger guys, and I've been beat up by smaller guys. But one thing is for sure. Even if someone got some of my ***. I always got right back up. [CENTER][B]Before Brody could say anything else. [/B] Photobucket [/CENTER] Buzz Sawyer came in wielding a chair and floored Brody. After hitting Brody no less than seven times. [COLOR="Red"]Buzz Sawyer:[/COLOR] Get up from that big man.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] [B]Koko B. Ware and Bobby Eaton lost to The Rock N Roll Express:[/B] I good match that was fast paced. And surprisingly crisp. It ended up being a successful premier for the RNR Express as they pick up the win at 5:55.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket Jimmy Hart and The Iron Sheik are in the ring as we come back from commercial. Jimmy Hart asks if there is anybody out back that has the guts to do the Persian Club Challenge? Anybody at all? Photobucket Porkchop Cash answers the call. He asks for a demonstration and The Sheik complies. Cash gets ready to start, but at the last second backs off and says he needs to see one more time on how to do it. Hart is in disbelieve. The Sheik does it one more time. Cash gets ready to begin, but again backs off and asks one more time for a demonstration. The Sheik calls Porkchop a dumb idiot but complies and does it a third time. Cash goes to do the challenge. But again at the last minute backs off and says what the heck does this have to do with wrestling? Hart hits Porkchop with his megaphone, And The Iron Sheik lays the boots to Cash. Hart says next week you will pay for making the Sheik look bad.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Mark Youngblood lost to Greg Valentine:[/B] Valentine really took it too Youngblood. Almost acting like he was trying to send a statement to somebody. He picked up the win. After the match Greg grabs a microphone and tells everybody that will listen that this is just another victory of many for him here in the AWF.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF Intercontinental Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket(C)[/CENTER] [B]Dutch Mantell lost to Randy Savage:[/B] In a good match that saw Dutch hold control for most of the match as it looked like Randy Savage was off his game. The end saw Savage gain the win with a hand full of trunks.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]Photobucket Wahoo McDaniel is backstage. He tells us he doesn't like to brag. He just likes to win matches. He has high hopes here in the AWF. And he hopes politics don't come in play here as the more matches he wins, the more titles he gets. AWF get ready, because he sure is.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="blue"]AWF Television Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket(C)[/CENTER] [B]Dick Slater drew with Ronnie Garvin:[/B] We had to cut to commercial about midway thru this match but it was a good one. Both men put on a good showing in the ring as they seemed to have pretty good chemestry. The match ended in a draw as Time Ran out for the match. Both men were unhappy as they wanted to continue on.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket Jimmy Hart and Austin Idol are backstage talking. Austin tells Hart to line up some title shots for him. Hart explains that it has been tough for him to do so. Austin says he doesn't care, you are my manager so get it done. Austin walks away as Hart is standing there shaking his head.[/LEFT] [QUOTE][CENTER]Photobucket...VS...Photobucket[/CENTER] [B]Paul Orndorff beat The Flame:[/B] The Flame tried to jump Orndorff before the start of the match. But Orndorff cut him off and answered back with some stiff right hands. The Flame showed off some of his experience with a rake of the eyes and he remained in control for the next minute. But Paul is too powerful and regains control. Paul beats The Flame with a piledriver to pick up the win.[/QUOTE] [LEFT]PhotobucketPhotobucket Rich and Lawler talk about how they have had some differences in the past but they have mutually put it behind them as they are just two men from Memphis TN that want to show the world what they are capable of doing. Race and Koloff, prepare for a good ole fashion, woodshed beating.[/LEFT] [CENTER][B]...Fade to Comercial...[/B][/CENTER] [QUOTE][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket...VS...PhotobucketPhotobucket[/CENTER] [B]Jerry Lawler and Tommy Rich beat Ivan Koloff and Harley Race:[/B] A great match to end the show with. The end saw Rich tie up Ivan Koloff on the outside and Jerry Lawler hitting a 2d rope Fist Drop on Harley Race to pick up the win. [/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=KColl;426139]Enjoyed your card except for your Brody stuff. If this is a burial rather than leading somewhere, you're damaging one of your best pieces of talent for no good reason.[/QUOTE] I guarantee you it's not a burial. Unless Brody goes back to no showing or wont resign. Then sadly I have to do what I have to do. Thanks for the response. [QUOTE=jgriff3029;426189]Only 2-2 this time. :mad: Good card though. :p[/QUOTE] Thanks bud. Glad you enjoyed it. My problem here is that I have some soft spots for the Memphis area, Bill Dundee, Dutch Mantell, Stan Lane, Steve Keirn and such. But because of the roster make up now I don't want to kill off the big names I have. O the pains of being a promoter. Thanks for following and hope you continue to enjoy.
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;426192]I guarantee you it's not a burial. Unless Brody goes back to no showing or wont resign. Then sadly I have to do what I have to do. Thanks for the response. [/QUOTE] If nothing else, Sawyer - Brody would make for a great feud.
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[CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF on ESPN. Wednesday before the Game of the Week.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Scheduled to appear.[/B] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]After losing to The Iron Sheik's Challenge, Porkchop Cash is forced to go against The Iron Sheik.[/B] Arn Anderson masked...VS...Photobucket [B]Super Olympia takes on The Flame[/B] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]Randy Savage defends his Intercontinental Championship against Mr. Olympia.[/B] Photobucket [B]Jerry Lawler[/B] Photobucket [B]Harley Race[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Moondogs[/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]Plus more. AWF action right here on ESPN. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [QUOTE]Sorry guys I haven't been on as of late. Wanted to spend some time with my woman for a bit. Her birthday and all. Besides I didn't want to get to far ahead before TEW 08 comes out. But this is not dead by any means.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=cmdrsam;429105][CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]AWF on ESPN. Wednesday before the Game of the Week.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B]Scheduled to appear.[/B] Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]After losing to The Iron Sheik's Challenge, Porkchop Cash is forced to go against The Iron Sheik.[/B] Shiek wins Arn Anderson masked...VS...Photobucket [B]Super Olympia takes on The Flame[/B] Olympia Photobucket...VS...Photobucket [B]Randy Savage defends his Intercontinental Championship against Mr. Olympia.[/B] Savage wins Photobucket [B]Jerry Lawler[/B] Photobucket [B]Harley Race[/B] PhotobucketPhotobucket [B]The Moondogs[/B] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]Plus more. AWF action right here on ESPN. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/QUOTE] My predictions
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