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has anyone ever turned a profit on it on a consistent basis? I had a month or two with my SHIMMER save where I did. but even now with WWE (and I've got crazy over people in the ME scene, including guys like Goldberg, Austin, Hogan etc that I signed) I'm still not turning a profit. Has anyone been able to do it? And if so, how?
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With WWE, it's insanely easy to make a profit, usually what I do is run house shows throughout USA, Canada, and one more foreign area usually Mexico. I usually run about 6-9 house shows a week with the brand split, making myself sometimes over $1,000,000 exta dollars.
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and he did not ask " how do you make a profit running house shows" now did he? I have not been able to, and have treid every setting possible. At 1 point in my last game with USPW i had 15 guys with A popularity and lost money on merch. so... :S
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[QUOTE=troy10;421822]With WWE, it's insanely easy to make a profit, usually what I do is run house shows throughout USA, Canada, and one more foreign area usually Mexico. I usually run about 6-9 house shows a week with the brand split, making myself sometimes over $1,000,000 exta dollars.[/QUOTE] I'm far from struggling financially. I'm talking about merchandise. Please pay attention. ;)
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