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[B]*Various footage is shown of Ill Will training in all aspects of MMA in a VERY agressive matter, obviously upset with Team Forrest going 0-3.[/B] [B]*Later, in the house's confessional. . .[/B] [B]Ill Will:[/B] This is pure BS, bruh! We got Perry "I don't need a teammate" A-hole drinking all the booze in the house and NOW we are friggin' winless against Team Silva! If I had a message to anyone--besides J-Mo--it would be to Perry "Mascara": I hope to see you in the finals, TEAMMATE!
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Jackie Lewis Training under Anderson Silva has been great, the guy has unbelievable knowledge when it comes to striking. Our team is doing great so far going 3-0, but what's most important is that I won. At the end of the day this isn't really about teams, there's only one winner and it's going to be me.
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Perry Ponders..... [B]Perry Mascarin in the confessional[/B] Well.......I've have about 18 beers ton...ight.....*Burps* excuse me.....I did some good hard training this day and yesterday.......Why not for to get drunk tonight? The fight is days in....I mean days away....Nice hotel Chain though.....I don't care if no one wants to train together I got myself and my music......[B]Perry gets up and leaves as he is walking down the hall he is heard screaming[/B] "If Rocky didn't need Ricky......or Apollo.....I don't f****** need youuuuuuuuuu"
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]T.U.F. Season 8 Team Silva vs. Team Forrest[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]The show starts with further aftermath of last weeks last fight between Yujiro Hashin and Mike Tran. It shows Hashin talking about his loss. He says neither fighter fought their best and he would love a rematch against Tran. It then goes onto building up Dayu Hashimoto's kickboxing as he is preparing to go up against Lance McMahon before it starts saying how good Lance McMahon's wrestling is and how he was an undefeated D1 wrestler. We then get into the actual fight. [B]Lance McMahon vs. Dayu Hashimoto Sherdog's Prediction: Lance McMahon via Knock Out[/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Hashimoto throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep McMahon from coming inside. Hashimoto works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, McMahon responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Hashimoto backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. McMahon circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Hashimoto blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Hashimoto fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. McMahon covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Hashimoto though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. It looks like this round is going to the judges though, as there's only a few seconds remaining. Hashimoto throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. End of round 1. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Hashimoto.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Hashimoto starts strong, hitting a nice low kick and following in with a shot to the body. McMahon backs off, but just gets pushed up against the cage. Hashimoto presses the advantage and works a nice hook to the body. McMahon responds with an attempted sweep, and when that doesn't work, a punch that lands behind the ear. Hashimoto gets in a low kick as he backs off, and the fight returns towards the center. A thunderous kick connects from McMahon, catching Hashimoto hard across the chest. He staggers back up against the cage, looking stunned. McMahon follows in and scores with several punches. Hashimoto tries to cover up, but falls down and becomes overwhelmed with more punches. The referee has seen enough and jumps in to stop the match. [B]Official time of the TKO is 2:30 of the second round.[/B] Team Forrest swarm the cage as they get their first win of the series. McMahon is raised on the others shoulders as they cheer him. Team Silva is then shown comforting Hashimoto after his loss. We go to the training area where it shows Rob Williams training his heart out. It then goes on to show him on the confessional cam where he talks about how it's all aload of bs. He goes to say he has almost a hatred of his fellow Team Forrest member Perry Mascarin after he drank all the booze and that he won't train with anyone. It then shows Perry Mascarin with his drunken slurs about Rocky not needing anyone and neither does he. Rob Williams fight is next. [B]Rob Williams vs. Jacob Moore Sherdog's Prediction: Rob Williams via Knock Out[/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Moore seems to be growing in confidence over the past thirty seconds. He has just come up with four good separate straight rights, although I don't think any of them did too much damage. He moves in for another, but takes a wicked kick from Will. Moore looks wobbly, and his hands drop. Will sees it, and comes in with a solid right hand that drops Moore to the mat. Will follows up with more punches, and the referee has to get in there and stop it, Moore was not defending himself properly. I think it's the kick that did the most damage, it seemed to scramble his brains. [B]Official time of the TKO is 1:17 of the first round.[/B] Williams is jumping all over the place after the fight cleary very happy he has Team Forrest's second straight win to get it back to 3-2. Perry Mascarin is shown in the corner saying it was a fluke. Jacob Moore is still on the floor as doctors tend to him. We then go straight into another fight. [B]James Sabat vs. Kimitada Yamashi.ta Sherdog's Prediction: James Sabat via Knock Out[/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] There is some tentative circling to begin with, before they meet in the center for the first action of the round. It's a tight affair, both fighters heavily using the jab, but Sabat looks to get the better of it, landing with one crisp strike to the face in particular. Yama****a backs off, a little shaken. Replays show that it landed right on the nose. Sabat press the action, forcing Yama****a back against the cage and upping the tempo with rapid-fire lefts and rights, bobbing and weaving at the same time to keep from getting caught with a counter punch. Yama****a clinches up. Sabat is displaying a much more accomplished and confident striking game than Yama****a, the technique and speed with which the punches are being delivered is leaving Yama****a looking ragged in comparison. The pattern continues once they've been separated, with Sabat looking the sharper of the two. He isn't overwhelming Yama****a by any means, but he is comfortably controlling the pace and tempo of the round, and preventing Yama****a from stamping any sort of mark on it. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Sabat.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Sabat starts with a high kick, but Yama****a was well out of range. Both fighters circle. Sabat steps in and exchanges strikes with Yama****a, neither fighter gets a particular advantage from it. Yama****a parries away a nice right hand and gets in a crisp counter punch that catches Sabat on the shoulder. The round has been a little flat so far, neither of them is really forcing the issue. They enter into a clinch, which doesn't help matters, and that seems to last for an eternity before the referee separates them and tells them to get on with it. Sabat finally shows some fire, putting together a combination of two jabs, a cross, and an uppercut. Yama****a did well to defend it, bobbing and weaving out of the way and using his gloves to parry away anything that was too close. He uses a low kick to the thigh as a response, then steps in and unloads with two fine punches, although Sabat blocked them. Sabat scores the best punch of the round so far, coming in fast, ducking under a dangerous right hand, and catching Yama****a square in the face with a lunging overhand right. Yama****a backs off and covers up, clearly having felt that one, and unfortunately Sabat's attempts to follow up and thwarted as he gets tied up in a clinch near the cage. The time expires, with Sabat probably having stolen that round thanks to that one big punch. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Sabat.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Sabat and Yama****a circle to start. Yama****a throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Sabat sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Yama****a comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Sabat to slip a nice jab in, catching Yama****a just underneath the right eye. Sabat comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Yama****a misses with a right cross, then backs off. Sabat stalks him, forcing Yama****a back up against the cage. Sabat doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Yama****a throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Sabat pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Yama****a covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the cage, Sabat in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Sabat throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Yama****a comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Sabat parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Sabat's favour. The third round is over. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Sabat. James Sabat wins, with a score of 30-27 from two judges, 29-28 from the other.[/B] Sabt gets Team Silva back to winning ways and he is deservedly carried away by Team Silva after his tough fifteen minute war with Yamash.ita. And we are right into Donovan Couch's first fight of the season. [B]Donovan Couch vs. JaJuan Caballeros Sherdog's Prediction: Donovan Couch via Submission[/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The two competitors start slowly, circling and looking for an opening. Caballeros fakes shooting in for a takedown, but D.C. didn't buy it for a second. In comes Caballeros from an angle to the right, but D.C. had it covered all the way, and not only easily steps out of the way of the attempted right hand, but manages to score with a solid right hand to the side of the head. Caballeros felt that, and is forced to cover up quickly as D.C. steps in quickly and unloads with a flurry of powerful blows, looking to capitalise on the earlier strike. Caballeros is forced back against the cage, but to his credit, he did a good job defending those strikes and didn't seem to take any significant damage. D.C. doesn't get in too close, realising that it would likely mean getting caught in a clinch, so he stands slightly back instead and throws some low kicks and looping punches. Caballeros responds by throwing out some straight jabs, but neither fighter is really doing any damage to their opponent. D.C. clearly grows tired of the wait, and moves in to hit a body blow. It connects, but Caballeros is quick to tie him up in a clinch. That lasts quite a while, until the referee gets in there and breaks them up, telling them to fight. An exchange of punches goes nowhere, and they fall into a clinch. The referee separates them when nothing happens. D.C. scores with a stiff jab, and bobs and weaves to avoid all three of the rapid-fire punches that come back from Caballeros. Nicely done. Caballeros, realising that he is losing this round, comes forward with a sense of urgency, throwing right hands to put D.C. on the back foot. D.C. handles it well though, refusing to let Caballeros get an angle, and using some nice counter punches to the body to further cement the fact that this round is going to him on points. Time expires with Caballeros throwing increasingly desperate punches. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to D.C..[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Caballeros, providing the first moment of real action. D.C. hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Caballeros side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. D.C. is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The 2nd round ends. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to D.C..[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] A thunderous kick connects from Caballeros, catching D.C. hard across the chest. He staggers back up against the cage, looking stunned. Caballeros follows in and scores with several punches. D.C. tries to cover up, but falls down and becomes overwhelmed with more punches. The referee has seen enough and jumps in to stop the match. [B]Caballeros wins via 3rd round TKO with the official time being 1:38.[/B] Couch is distraught as he gets up. After winning the first two rounds he then loses it in the third. All he teamates ,apart from Perry Mascarin, try to console him after his upset loss. Caballeros is raised onto Team Silva's shoulders as he has got their 3 win lead above Team Forrest back. And we go to the final fight of the episode. [B]Perry Mascarin vs. Edgar Sanchez Sherdog's Prediction: Perry Mascarin via Knock Out[/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Tentative start to the round, the fighters are circling. P.M. throws out a couple of range-finding jabs, but they aren't anything that will trouble Sanchez. Kick to the thigh from Sanchez, but it lacked power. Sanchez looks to be working an angle. They get into a clinch, winding up with Sanchez having his back up against the cage. P.M. hits three big body shots, then a big uppercut that knocks Sanchez silly! He is on rubbery legs. P.M. starts unloading with punches, and Sanchez is reduced to covering up and desperately trying to hang on. The referee has had enough and pulls P.M. away, it'll go down as a TKO. [B]P.M. wins via 1st round TKO with the official time being 1:24.[/B] Mascarin celebrates his impressive win over Sanchez as Team Forrest celebrate their third win of the Quarter Finals.[/CENTER]
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[B]James Sabat post fight[/B] Post match we see Sabat being congratulated by the rest of team Silva and even the captain himself Anderson. [B]Sabat speaks[/B] All and all I was happy with my performance but im not happy I let it go the distance. But he was very good for a guy with no experience he has a very solid chin. But coming into my next fight I plan to put my best foot forward so expect to see a much better James Sabat.
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[B]D.C. Post Fight Interview[/B] Theres not a whole lot I can say. I came into the fight in shape, and mentally ready. I have no excuses for my loss, and I can only hope that I get a chance later on to show my skill.
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Perry Ponders..... Rob Williams? Rob Williams? Rob Williams looks like Robbie Williams and is most likely a homosexual..... What we witnessed was a fluke he was fighting a guy who I could have farted and knocked over. I could have tied my hands behind my back and beaten him with my butt cheeks. I told you all I have 13 fights under my f****** belt and thousands more from my street fighting days. I have my training routine.....Forrest shows me a few things in a few areas in the few areas I need improving on and i'm good....Sorry Eddie go back to Argentina or wherever the f*** ya came from cuz I knocked your a** out.....
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]T.U.F. Season 8 Team Silva vs. Team Forrest Episode Three Preview[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]UFC released the semi final bouts for T.U.F. season 8. They also announced that the shows viewers will also get to see a special exhibition fight between Heath Herring and Brad Morris. Here are the semi final bouts. [B][U]Light Heavyweight[/U][/B] Trent Riley (Silva) vs. James Sabat (Silva) Jackie Lewis (Silva) vs. Mike Tran (Silva [B][U]Heavyweight[/U][/B] Lance McMahon (Forrest) vs. JaJuan Caballeros (Silva) Perry Mascarin (Forrest) vs. Rob Williams (Forrest)[/CENTER]
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[B]Yujiro Hashin weighs in on living in the house with Perry Mascarin[/B] He's certainly hard to ignore. He's loud, and very self absorbed. He's got a lot of talent as he showed the world the other night when he scored the first round KO. I'm glad he's on my team, but I can't stand living with him. Maybe some of it is my fault for being so relaxed and quite, but I just can't manage to have a positive interaction with him
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[B]*Back at the TUF House Confessional. . .[/B] [B]Ill Will:[/B] Believe me when I say that my first was WAY too easy. Those jabs--[I]*someone off-camera says "Those were powershots, Will"*[/I]--okay, "Power Shots" didn't hurt me at all, just made me a little annoyed which is why I threw out that kick. When it caught him, shoot, bruh, I just jumped on it and did what I do best: Finish!! [B]Off Camera:[/B] What about you facing Perry in the semis? [B]Ill Will:[/B] Couldn't ask for a better situation. I can't stand jocks like him who swear up and dowm that they're talented and all that crap but his win was a fluke. If he doesn't get drunk before our fight, he just MIGHT have the chance to stand toe-to-toe with me. They guy has a simple as a pimple striking set which is punch, punch, punch. He can't match my skills at all and he damn sure can't knock me out. PM's got 13 fights? So do I. Everybody at home stay tuned for this one and please don't blink!! Ill Will, ya heard?!
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Perry Ponders..... [B]TUF House Confessional[/B] Well I got what I wanted a fight with Ill Will.....I just want to let you viewers out there know that i'm really not an a**hole. What i'm doing is getting in there and toying with these people, I want them to think i'm nothing more than a loud mouthed SOB who loves to drink and only knows how to punch. I've been working really hard on my Takedown defense and submission skills lately with Forrest and i'm confident. Rob has a lot of skill and he's a great fighter...sometimes I think he'd rather train than have sex. With that being said i'm pumped and ready for my fight I'm ready to put on one hell of a show for all you beautiful people out there.....
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[B]Mike Tran Blog on Yahoo.com[/B] Well, it is time for the semi-finals. Team Silva dominated the light heavyweight division and it's going to be interesting on how we train considering that we're going to be fighting each other. I'm not going to pull a Nick Diaz and trade teams to avoid training with my opponent. I respect Jackie and I enjoy training with him. Win or lose, I'm glad one of us will make it to the finals. As for my fight Yujiro Hashin. I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed with my performance, but it wasn't a complete failure because I did walk away with the win. I'm still feeling a tad bit uncomfortable with the extra weight, it's not what I am used to. Hopefully, I adjust over time.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]T.U.F. Season 8 Team Silva vs. Team Forrest[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]The show opens with the exhibition fight between Heath Herring and Brad Morris. [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Tentative start, neither fighter is willing to commit yet. Herring fires off a jab, but it was easily blocked. Morris fakes a kick, then comes in hard and fast with a takedown, sending Herring to the floor. The momentum causes Morris to almost go completely over the top though, and Herring is able to flip him to the side and end up on top, in the guard position. It takes a minute, but Herring's persistence allows him to pass guard and get to side control. Morris needs to try and get out of this quickly. Herring seems content to simply control the action at the moment, rather than trying to actually end the fight. He fires an occasional punch to the body, but other than that there's very little going on. Morris isn't being allowed to do much, and has the added problem of having a 265lb man across his chest, making it difficult to breathe properly. Herring tries to get an armbar on the far arm, but Morris links his hands together to stop the elbow getting hyper-extended. Herring drives a back-fist into the face, hitting right below the left eye, but Morris shifts his weight and manages to get himself into a better defensive position. The time expires with them in that position, with Herring having controlled the ground game entirely. End of round 1. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Herring.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] A couple of straight lefts from Morris start the round, but neither got past the gloves of Herring. They clinch, with Herring looking like he initiated it. They struggle for supremacy. Morris gets taken down, but traps Herring in guard. Herring immediately tries to pass guard, but Morris is not allowing it. Herring fires off some punches, but Morris blocks them before grabbing a butterfly guard to keep Herring trapped. They stay like that for a while before Herring breaks free, but only back into regular guard. Morris tries a cheeky guillotine attempt, but Herring easily defends it, I don't think Morris really thought that was going to work. Herring tries to get side control, but Morris defends it. Not the second time though, and Herring has the side. Morris has him tied up pretty well though, and the clock is running down. Herring gets in a firm couple of elbows to the ribs, but the time expires and the referee gets them to part. The second round is over. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Herring.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] The round begins with Morris taking the iniative, coming in quickly with a straight right and a leg kick. Herring replies with a snap jab and a wild left that misses by a long way. Morris goes for the takedown, but Herring sprawls. Morris tries to power through, but Herring uses that against him and turns it into a takedown of his own. They're quite close to the cage, which may help Morris defend this. Herring is in guard. He throws a couple of half-hearted jabs, then tries to pass, but Morris isn't allowing it. Morris pulls Herring in tight, locking up both his arms. Herring pulls free and again tries to pass guard. This has turned into a bit of a stalemate, the referee may be thinking of standing them up if nothing happens soon. Herring tries a big right hand, which Morris defends well. He has quite a high guard, Herring has to be wary not to fall into a triangle when leaning in like that. Morris once again drags Herring down into a clinch, and this time even tries to work a guillotine, but Herring easily deals with it and hands out two solid right hands to the ribs along the way. We're back to Herring trying to pass guard. Morris tries to throw a big punch and almost hands an armbar to Herring, but he realises the danger in time and manages to recover. The referee finally gets them back to their feet due to the lack of progress that has been made. Herring scores with a jab, then a second. Morris goes for a sweeping kick to the right knee, but it isn't fast enough and gives Herring enough time to take him down again. Herring quickly goes to pass guard, looking for side control, but Morris once again defends it. It looks like a frustrating round will end with them on the ground, and almost certainly has to go to Herring on points due to him being the aggressor and getting two takedowns in. The third round is over. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Herring. The official scores are in; two judges give 30-27, the other 29-28, all for Heath Herring.[/B] Next we go straight into the McMahon Caballeros fight. [B]Lance McMahon vs. JaJuan Caballeros Sherdog's Prediction: Lnce McMahon via Knock Out[/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The two competitors start slowly, circling and looking for an opening. McMahon fakes shooting in for a takedown, but Caballeros didn't buy it for a second. In comes McMahon from an angle to the right, but Caballeros had it covered all the way, and not only easily steps out of the way of the attempted right hand, but manages to score with a solid right hand to the side of the head. McMahon felt that, and is forced to cover up quickly as Caballeros steps in quickly and unloads with a flurry of powerful blows, looking to capitalise on the earlier strike. McMahon is forced back against the cage, but to his credit, he did a good job defending those strikes and didn't seem to take any significant damage. Caballeros doesn't get in too close, realising that it would likely mean getting caught in a clinch, so he stands slightly back instead and throws some low kicks and looping punches. McMahon responds by throwing out some straight jabs, but neither fighter is really doing any damage to their opponent. Caballeros clearly grows tired of the wait, and moves in to hit a body blow. It connects, but McMahon is quick to tie him up in a clinch. That lasts quite a while, until the referee gets in there and breaks them up, telling them to fight. Caballeros looks to be working an angle. Caballeros scores with a stiff jab, and bobs and weaves to avoid all three of the rapid-fire punches that come back from McMahon. Nicely done. McMahon, realising that he is losing this round, comes forward with a sense of urgency, throwing right hands to put Caballeros on the back foot. Caballeros handles it well though, refusing to let McMahon get an angle, and using some nice counter punches to the body to further cement the fact that this round is going to him on points. Time expires with McMahon throwing increasingly desperate punches. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Caballeros.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] McMahon isn't hanging around, right from the start Caballeros is forced onto the back foot by four hard shots, although none of them get through the gloves. Caballeros circles, steps in, then unloads a combination of punches, but McMahon weaves out of the way and scores with a beauty of a right hand, glancing above the right eye. That was some lovely counter punching from McMahon, the timing had to be perfect and it was. Caballeros is looking a bit frustrated, and uncorks a ragged-looking uppercut that missed by several inches. McMahon really should have taken advantage of that mistake, Caballeros was wide open for a moment there. McMahon hits a high kick, catching Caballeros on the shoulder. Jab from Caballeros finds the mark, but it didn't have much power behind it as he was leaning backward too much. McMahon fires off a couple of straight punches in response, but only finds gloves. They clinch, and the fight enters a lull. Caballeros scores with a knee from the clinch, it landed around the hip area of McMahon, who responds with a couple of shots to the ribs. The time runs out with them still clinched though. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to McMahon.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Right hand from McMahon was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Caballeros. McMahon follows up by coming in close, but Caballeros is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. Caballeros throws a nice combination of punches, and although none of them find anything but gloves, it does force McMahon backward against the cage. Caballeros follows in and scores with a superb jab. McMahon felt that. Caballeros tries a venomous kick to the thigh, but McMahon saw it coming; he catches the leg just below the knee, steps in, and puts Caballeros down to the canvas with a trip, done with a violent snap. Caballeros pulled guard though, stopping McMahon from getting around and into side control. McMahon fights his way out into half guard. Big clubbing blow from McMahon, Caballeros dealt with it well. McMahon half-stands, his right leg still trapped between Caballeros's, and starts unloading with a barrage of bombing right hands. Caballeros takes one right to the jaw, then another smashes hard into his nose. More devastating punches rain down, and the referee pulls McMahon off, preventing Caballeros from taking any more damage. [B]Official time of the TKO is 1:49 of the third.[/B] McMahon is praised on his performance and is wished good luck for the final. Team Forrest celebrate as McMahon's win meant that the Heavyweight final will definately be a all Team Forrest afair. Next is the Tran vs. Lewis fight. They build it up showing Lewis training with Silva's special guest Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira as Lewis is sharpening his BJJ skills. They then show Tran sparring with another one of Silva's special guests Light Heavyweight contender Lyoto Machida. [B]Jackie Lewis vs. Mike Tran Sherdog's Prediction: Mike Tran via TKO[/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Two jabs from the left hand of M. Tran set up a hard waist-high kick, but Lewis steps back to avoid it. Nice attempt though. M. Tran moves in closer, bobbing and weaving, and looks to score with a looping right hand, but Lewis uses the gloves to parry it away, then counter-strikes with a crisp jab and a kick to the knee. Good opening to the round, both fighters are looking lively. M. Tran finds himself backed up against the cage briefly, and has to scramble to safety to avoid a flurry of strikes. Lewis is working for position, and is currently looking the more composed of the two. Lewis gets caught with a solid right hand out of nowhere, and is rocked. M. Tran follows up with another one, and Lewis looks in trouble all of a sudden. He is backed up against the cage and M. Tran is unloading. The punches are raining down, Lewis is covering up. The referee has seen enough and stops the fight, clearly feeling that Lewis was unable to defend himself intelligently. [B]M. Tran wins. Official time of the TKO is 2:16 of the first round.[/B] Tran celebrates. He is a natural Middleweight but he could become the Ultimate Fighter at Light Heavyweight. Lewis showing pure class walks up to his fellow Team Silva member and shankes his hand and wishes him good luck for the final. Next up is Sabat vs. Riley. They show Sabat training his stand-up with team captain Anderson Silva. Then they show Riley getting his self ready for the fight by taping up his wrists and getting his gloves on as he looks very calm. [B][CENTER]James Sabat vs. Trent Riley Sherdog's Prediction: Trent Riley via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Tentative start, neither fighter is willing to commit yet. Sabat fires off a jab, but it was easily blocked. Riley fakes a kick, then comes in hard and fast with a takedown, sending Sabat to the floor. The momentum causes Riley to almost go completely over the top though, and Sabat is able to flip him to the side and end up on top, in the guard position. Sabat tries to grab an arm to work a submission, but Riley is defending it well by using short, sharp strikes to keep him back. Sabat tries to pass the guard, but has no luck. A punch from Sabat connects, but there was no real power behind it. Sabat fakes Riley out cleverly, and slips to a half mount. Riley manages to hit a firm elbow, then is forced to defend the full mount attempt. Sabat switches tactics and tries to work a kimura on the other arm, but Riley blocks it, squirms his leg free, and secures the guard again. Sabat looks frustrated at losing the half mount after having worked so hard to get it in the first place. Riley is liable to lose the round on points, but he has done a fine job of defending the submissions attempts so far. Sabat tries to secure a leglock, but the guard is tight and Riley is safe. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Sabat.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Slow start, both fighters are throwing tentative punches without threatening anything more powerful. Sabat puts together the first exciting moment, stringing together four punches in quick succession, but Riley defended well. Straight right from Riley in response, but it caught nothing but gloves. They start circling. The referee tells them to fight, the lack of action so far is worrying. They get in close and exchange body shots, Sabat probably getting the slightly better punches in, and then fall into a clinch. That goes nowhere, and the referee separates them. Riley gets a nice kick in just before the time expires, but it's unlikely that is going to stop the judges giving that round to Sabat. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Sabat.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Sabat starts the round like a house on fire, hitting three quick jabs and a vicious right hook. Riley covered up well, but at least one of the jabs got through and landed above the left eye. Riley backs up to buy some time, but Sabat keeps coming and lands a right hand to the body. Riley scores with a jab in return, then goes with a kick to the waist. Sabat catches the leg though and quickly rushes forward with a takedown. Riley pulls guard. Riley tries to push free, but Sabat forces him to go back to guard by raining down some jabs. Sabat reaches over and tries to apply some sort of neck vice, but Riley breaks it by bringing his arms up. Sabat steps through in an effort to mount Riley, but can only get to half guard as one of his legs gets trapped. Sabat throws some strikes, then tries to work an armbar on the closest arm. Riley rolls over and uses his free arm to keep that from happening. That goes on for quite a long time, with Sabat determined to try and work the arm free and get an armbar, while Riley uses everything at his disposal to block it. The round ends without Sabat having made the breakthrough, although he clearly ran away with the round in terms of points. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Sabat. All three judges give a score of 30-27 in favour of James Sabat.[/B] Sabat is given a standing ovation by all the fighters including the coaches, well all except for one and that one is Mike Tran who simply stares down Sabat. The next fight is possibly the most anticipated fight in T.U.F. history. Rob Williams vs. Perry Mascarin. They show a lengthly hype package. They start off by showing Mascarin complaining that Williams win last week was simply a fluke with the highlight being that Perry could of beaten him with his butt cheeks to win. He also badmouths Edgar Sanchez. They show Yujiro Hashin complaining about Mascarin and him being too loud and arrogant. They then show Williams hyping himself up saying his first win was easy. He then goes on to say he hates his fellow Team Forrest member Perry Mascarin and that he is always saying how good he is and that Mascarin won't be able to last the first round with him. He also says all Mascarin can do is get a lucky punch. Perry is then shown on the in-house camera saying that he is just doing an act and he can sdo much more than just punch as he has been training his ground game with Forrest alot recently. He then goes on to badmouth Williams once again saying he would rather train then have sex. [B][CENTER]Perry Mascarin vs. Rob Williams Sherdog's Prediction: Rob Williams via Submission[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Exchange of punches to start, nothing really hit though. They go into a clinch, and the pace disappears as both fighters try and get the advantage. Eventually the referee separates them. Jab from Will, who then has to react quickly to avoid a right hook that was aimed right at the chin. Will puts on a burst of energy and fires off a big sequence of punches, maybe twelve or thirteen in a row, although not many actually connected. P.M. covered up well, and gets in a couple of shots of his own before moving out of range again. Will looks to be working an angle. Low kick from P.M., almost to the groin, although it didn't look intentional. They come together in a clinch again, and it returns to a stalemate. Not a great round by anyone's standard, but that flurry should mean that Will will take the round on points. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Will.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Will starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep P.M. on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Will to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught P.M., but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Will, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. P.M. is looking a little lost so far, Will is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. Both fighters circle. Will leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. P.M. was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. P.M. comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for P.M. is that although Will clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. End of round 2. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Will.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. P.M. is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Will blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from P.M. is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Will is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before P.M. can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give P.M. some problems later on. P.M. moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Will is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of P.M. before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown P.M. off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. P.M. goes for a trip, but Will cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Will may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. That's the end of the round. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Will. The official scores are: 30-27 from all three judges for Rob Williams.[/B] Mascarin looks almost dead after his fight with Williams as he must be feeling distraught after his loss. Williams however is jumping around shouting and simply going crazy as the show goes off the air.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC Announces UFC 108: Huerta vs. Alvarez[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Today UFC announced 108: Huerta vs. Alvarez. Here is the card. [B][U]Maincard[/U][/B] UFC Lightweight Championship: Roger Huerta (27-1-1) vs. Eddie Alvarez (21-1) Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (18-6) vs. Rich Franklin (26-5) Andrei Arlovski (15-8) vs. Cheick Kongo (13-6) Yushin Okami (23-6) vs. Gegard Mousasi (24-3-1) BJ Penn (13-6-1) vs. Matt Arroto (8-2) [B][U]Undercard[/U][/B] Thiago Tavares (17-2) vs. Jim Miller (15-1) Glover Teixeira (10-4) vs. Tim Boetsch (8-4) James Lee (14-5) vs. CB Dollaway (9-1) Pedro Rizzo (18-11) vs. Fabricio Werdum (10-5-1) Ryan Schultz (21-11-1) vs. Corey Hill (3-1) Paul Kelly (8-3) vs. Nate Quarry (10-4)[/CENTER] OOC: The TUF final fights which will crown the ultimate fighter will be fought at UFC 109. I will post UFC 108 tomorrow along with the new rankings and the UFC 109 preview. then the following day I will post the UFC 109 results. So leave your comments on the results of the last episode of TUF and post your predictions for UFC 108 and then tomorrow you can post your thoughts on the TUF finals and UFC 109 and leave predictions tomorrow after I post the rankinsg and the preview.
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Dub's Picks UFC Lightweight Championship: [B]Roger Huerta[/B] (27-1-1) vs. Eddie Alvarez (21-1) [B]Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua[/B] (18-6) vs. Rich Franklin (26-5) [B]Andrei Arlovski [/B](15-8) vs. Cheick Kongo (13-6) Yushin Okami (23-6) vs. [B]Gegard Mousasi[/B] (24-3-1) [B]BJ Penn[/B] (13-6-1) vs. Matt Arroto (8-2) Undercard Thiago Tavares (17-2) vs. [B]Jim Miller[/B] (15-1) [B]Glover Teixeira[/B] (10-4) vs. Tim Boetsch (8-4) James Lee (14-5) vs. [B]CB Dollaway[/B] (9-1) Pedro Rizzo (18-11) vs. [B]Fabricio Werdum[/B] (10-5-1) Ryan Schultz (21-11-1) vs. [B]Corey Hill[/B] (3-1) Paul Kelly (8-3) vs. [B]Nate Quarry[/B] (10-4) Perry Ponders Well he won good for him didn't hurt me.......he got the decision win...good for him give yourself a nice pat on the back. Would you rather have a cookie Rob? i'll see you around......who knows maybe i'll see you in the octagon.....I gotta have a drink losing to that bum is depressing.....Instead of clapping for you i'll give you this *Shoots the middle finger and exits"
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UFC Lightweight Championship: [B]Roger Huerta (27-1-1)[/B] vs. Eddie Alvarez (21-1) [B]Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (18-6)[/B] vs. Rich Franklin (26-5) [B]Andrei Arlovski (15-8)[/B] vs. Cheick Kongo (13-6) Yushin Okami (23-6) vs. [B]Gegard Mousasi (24-3-1)[/B] [B]BJ Penn (13-6-1)[/B] vs. Matt Arroto (8-2) Undercard Thiago Tavares (17-2) vs.[B] Jim Miller (15-1)[/B] Glover Teixeira (10-4) vs. [B]Tim Boetsch (8-4)[/B] James Lee (14-5) vs. [B]CB Dollaway (9-1)[/B] Pedro Rizzo (18-11) vs. [B]Fabricio Werdum (10-5-1)[/B] Ryan Schultz (21-11-1) vs. [B]Corey Hill (3-1)[/B] Paul Kelly (8-3) vs. [B]Nate Quarry (10-4)[/B] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Onto the Finals[/B] So now it's time for the finals and place where I expected to be. The performance I put on was great. I clipped him with a clean shot and once that happens I'll finish it. It's going to feel great to train with my normal team in Las Vegas. We're going to game plan for James, and make sure I'm at the top of my game at 205. When I win the Ultimate Fighter, I'll take a few fights at 205, but I really want to work my way up through the middleweight rankings. So, I'll see everyone at the Final.
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UFC Lightweight Championship: Roger Huerta (27-1-1) vs. [B]Eddie Alvarez [/B](21-1) [B]Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua[/B] (18-6) vs. Rich Franklin (26-5) [B]Andrei Arlovski [/B](15-8) vs. Cheick Kongo (13-6) [B]Yushin Okami[/B] (23-6) vs. Gegard Mousasi (24-3-1) [B]BJ Penn [/B](13-6-1) vs. Matt Arroto (8-2) Undercard [B]Thiago Tavares[/B] (17-2) vs. Jim Miller (15-1) [B]Glover Teixeira[/B] (10-4) vs. Tim Boetsch (8-4) James Lee (14-5) vs. [B]CB Dollaway [/B](9-1) Pedro Rizzo (18-11) vs. [B]Fabricio Werdum[/B] (10-5-1) [B]Ryan Schultz [/B](21-11-1) vs. Corey Hill (3-1) Paul Kelly (8-3) vs. [B]Nate Quarry [/B](10-4) [B]Interview with James Sabat[/B] I was very pleased with my last fight he was game but I over matched him in everyway. Im extremely excited to be in the Ultimate Fighter Finals im fighting a very tough fighter so I expect it to be a tough fight but I think im a more complete fighter so im very hopeful that i'll hear Bruce Buffer announce me as the new "Ultimate Fighter" when it's all finished.
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UFC Lightweight Championship: Roger Huerta (27-1-1) vs. [B]Eddie Alvarez[/B] (21-1) [B]Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua[/B] (18-6) vs. Rich Franklin (26-5) Andrei Arlovski (15-8) vs. [B]Cheick Kongo [/B](13-6) Yushin Okami (23-6) vs.[B] Gegard Mousasi [/B](24-3-1) [B]BJ Penn [/B](13-6-1) vs. Matt Arroto (8-2) Undercard Thiago Tavares (17-2) vs. [B]Jim Miller[/B] (15-1) [B]Glover Teixeira[/B] (10-4) vs. Tim Boetsch (8-4) James Lee (14-5) vs. [B]CB Dollaway[/B] (9-1) Pedro Rizzo (18-11) vs. [B]Fabricio Werdum[/B] (10-5-1) [B]Ryan Schultz [/B](21-11-1) vs. Corey Hill (3-1) Paul Kelly (8-3) vs. [B]Nate Quarry[/B] (10-4) Donovan Couch : I'm hoping to get a fight on the finale card. It is ofcourse strictly up to the boss. But I'd love a chance to show off my skills since training with Team Silva.
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UFC Lightweight Championship: [B]Roger Huerta (27-1-1)[/B] vs. Eddie Alvarez (21-1) Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (18-6) vs. [B]Rich Franklin (26-5)[/B] [B]Andrei Arlovski (15-8)[/B] vs. Cheick Kongo (13-6) [B]Yushin Okami (23-6)[/B] vs. Gegard Mousasi (24-3-1) [B]BJ Penn (13-6-1)[/B] vs. Matt Arroto (8-2) Undercard [B]Thiago Tavares (17-2)[/B] vs. Jim Miller (15-1) [B]Glover Teixeira (10-4)[/B] vs. Tim Boetsch (8-4) James Lee (14-5) vs. [B]CB Dollaway (9-1)[/B] Pedro Rizzo (18-11) vs. [B]Fabricio Werdum (10-5-1)[/B] [B]Ryan Schultz (21-11-1)[/B] vs. Corey Hill (3-1) Paul Kelly (8-3) vs. [B]Nate Quarry (10-4)[/B] [B]Will Wonders. . .[/B] [B]Ill Will:[/B] You know, I have just seen the highlight package and I am kinda down a lil bit. PM was really tough to finish, in fact he was the first guy I couldn't finish in my whole career and I KNOW that I have fought way tougher dudes than him. PM is smart fighter and I totally respect him so much now. I hope Dana and the Fertita brothers see this and hear me say that I wanna face Perry Mascarin again ASAP!! Anyways, I'm into the finals against a kid with no record yet a very dangerous standup game nonetheless. I ain't come all this way to lose but if I do, it's been a helluva ride! Ill Will, ya heard!!
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC 108: Huerta vs, Alvarez[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][U][CENTER]Undercard[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]Paul Kelly (8-3) vs. Nate Quarry (10-4) Sherdog's Prediction: Paul Kelly via Submission[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] There's a few minor exchanges of punches to start the round, and Kelly gets the better of them. Neither fighter is throwing any bombs, but Kelly is showing the better technique, and has hit a few nice body shots. They come together again, and Kelly shows quick hands to get in three nice shots. Quarry definitely felt them. Neither fighter seems interested in taking this to the ground, they're just circling, throwing a few punches, then regrouping. Quarry is struggling to inflict much damage. He may need to switch tactics, as so far Kelly is looking very comfortable. Quarry comes in with left, but Kelly saw it coming and slipped in a great right hand counter punch. Quarry is getting frustrated. The remainder of the round is no different, as the occasional exchanges of strikes are clearly go the way of Kelly's superior technique. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 Kelly.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Quarry, providing the first moment of real action. Kelly hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Quarry side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Kelly is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Kelly.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] The fighters come together right in the center. Quarry throws out a jab, but Kelly bobs out of the way and uses a right hand to glance a blow off the side of the ribs in response. Kelly works an angle and storms in suddenly with three crisp jabs and a looping overhand punch, Quarry covered up quickly but at least one of the jabs hit home. Kelly is making Quarry look sluggish in comparison, such is the speed and crispness with which he is delivering strikes. Quarry hits a low kick before back-pedalling to avoid a clubbing blow. Quarry looks to be working an angle. They meet in the center to exchange a flurry of strikes that gets the crowd on their feet. Kelly got slightly the better of it, he definitely snuck through a right hand that rocked Quarry slightly. Quarry initiates a clinch, and the action grinds to a halt. Quarry looks out of ideas, he is being repeatedly lured into these exchange of strikes, but Kelly is clearly winning them. Quarry needs to find some way to deal with them. Not much time left in this round. The referee separates them. Kelly tries a speculative high kick, but Quarry saw it coming and was well out of range by the time it came. Quarry tries to work an angle, but Kelly is having none of it and fires off a straight right hand to keep him from stepping in. Comfortable round for Kelly, he will probably be disappointed not to have done more damage given his dominance of the striking in this round. That's the end of the round. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Kelly by 10-9. The official scores are: 30-27 (twice), 29-28 for Paul Kelly.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Kelly gets an important win for him because another loss may of seen him being cit from the UFC. [B][CENTER]Ryan Schultz (21-11-1) vs. Corey Hill (3-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Ryan Schultz via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] They touch gloves to begin. Schultz throws out a looping right hand, setting up a mid-level kick. The punch found gloves, the kick found nothing but thin air as Hill had stepped back in time. They meet in the center, exchanging a series of blows, and Schultz gets the better of it, scoring with a crisp jab that causes Hill to back up quickly. Sensing a chance, Schultz follows and forces him up against the cage with some jabs. Hill covers up, as two hard strikes find the gloves from Schultz. A right hand misses, and that is the chance Hill needs to quickly get out of trouble and back to the center. Great start to the round from Schultz. Hill forces Schultz back against the cage and comes in close to try and unload. Schultz pushes him away with a shove, palm across the face, and Hill loses his balance and is dumped onto the ground. Schultz leaps into action to follow up. A clubbing blow from Schultz connects, hitting home across the left cheek. Schultz gets into full mount, Hill is in enormous trouble from this position. Right hands rain down, and Hill can only cover up. One or two got through though, and there's blood coming from a cut below his left eye. Schultz pulls back and throws an absolute bomb, Hill brought his hands up to block but could do almost nothing against it, that had power to spare. Hill looks groggy, and that allows Schultz to start throwing a barrage of rights and lefts to the face. The referee has seen enough, he doesn't think Hill can defend himself, this match is over. [B]Schultz wins via 1st round TKO with the official time being 2:18.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Schultz improves his UFC record to 2-1 while Hill shows he isn't top class once again. [B][CENTER]Pedro Rizzo (18-11) vs. Fabricio Werdum (10-5-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Fabricio Werdum via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Werdum starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Rizzo on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Werdum to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Rizzo, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Werdum, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Rizzo is looking a little lost so far, Werdum is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. Rizzo throws out a few jabs, nothing too dangerous though, Werdum easily avoided them. Werdum leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Rizzo was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Rizzo comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Rizzo is that although Werdum clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. The first round is over. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Werdum by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Werdum is quickest out, and comes at Rizzo with a series of jabs and straight punches. Rizzo covered up well, and I don't think anything got through. Rizzo hits a body shot, but it didn't connect solidly. They get in close, and it's Werdum who takes it to the ground. Rizzo pulls guard. There's a lull, as Werdum tries to pass, and Rizzo defends it. Punches get thrown every so often, but it's really a stalemate at the moment. Rizzo almost gets a guillotine, but it's blocked and almost leads to a kimura for Werdum, but that too goes nowhere. The referee stands them up, but the time is almost over. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Werdum.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Werdum starts with a high kick, but Rizzo was well out of range. Werdum looks to be working an angle. Werdum steps in and exchanges strikes with Rizzo, neither fighter gets a particular advantage from it. Rizzo parries away a nice right hand and gets in a crisp counter punch that catches Werdum on the shoulder. The round has been a little flat so far, neither of them is really forcing the issue. They enter into a clinch, which doesn't help matters, and that seems to last for an eternity before the referee separates them and tells them to get on with it. Werdum finally shows some fire, putting together a combination of two jabs, a cross, and an uppercut. Rizzo did well to defend it, bobbing and weaving out of the way and using his gloves to parry away anything that was too close. He uses a low kick to the thigh as a response, then steps in and unloads with two fine punches, although Werdum blocked them. Werdum scores the best punch of the round so far, coming in fast, ducking under a dangerous right hand, and catching Rizzo square in the face with a lunging overhand right. Rizzo backs off and covers up, clearly having felt that one, and unfortunately Werdum's attempts to follow up and thwarted as he gets tied up in a clinch near the cage. The time expires, with Werdum probably having stolen that round thanks to that one big punch. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Werdum. All three judges give a score of 30-27 in favour of Fabricio Werdum.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Werdum rebounds after two straight losses with a win over Rizzo. Rizzo must be close to getting cut now. [B][CENTER]James Lee (14-5) vs. CB Dollaway (9-1) Sherdog's Prediction: James Lee via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Dollaway starts fast, unleashing a bomb of a right hand, but Lee avoids it without too much trouble. Dollaway isn't disheartened though, swinging two more huge punches, with Lee getting out the way each time, but being forced all over the place. Dollaway finally backs off a little, breathing hard. That was quite a frantic start. Lee opts to use that, and comes in to throw some jabs. Dollaway is backed up against the cage, covering up. Lee clinches. They struggle, and the fight enters a lull. Dollaway hits a knee strike to the hip. Lee slips one leg behind Dollaway and uses that as leverage for a big trip. Dollaway landed hard, with Lee on top. They're in half guard. It's to Dollaway's advantage that they're right next to the cage, that is blocking Lee from attacking the left hand side of the body. Dollaway is forced into action to defend a kimura attempt. Lee tries to step over to mount, but Dollaway keeps his legs in position and ends up almost rolled into a ball. Lee fires some stiff punches to the back, then one to the face. He reaches through and tries to secure an armbar, but has to be careful as he is in danger of getting picked off with a counter armbar too. Dollaway doesn't appear to be trying that though, instead trying to shift his weight so that he can get back up. Lee isn't allowing it though, and gets a couple more punches in before settling back into half guard. Dollaway ties him up in a snug clinch. The action halts, and time expires before Lee can get free. The first round is over. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Lee.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Dollaway starts tentatively, and scores with a few sharp leg kicks. A straight left connects, and Lee is forced backward to avoid an uppercut. Good start from Dollaway. Lee tries to come inside, but eats a kick to the thigh. They clinch briefly, but it goes nowhere. Looping right hand from Lee, but it only caught Dollaway on the shoulder. Another kick connects from Dollaway, and that sets up a nice combination to the body. The accuracy of his kicks has been excellent so far, and is keeping Lee from doing very much. Dollaway is looking the slightly more fit of the two fighters. Right hand from Lee, that one definitely registered, but I don't think it had much power behind it. The time ticks away without anything further of interest happening. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Dollaway.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] The round starts. They touch gloves. Lee throws a rapid-fire series of punches, forcing Dollaway to back off. Dollaway throws a nice kick that thumps into the rib cage. Another kick is thrown, this time aimed at the head, but Lee sees it coming and steps back. Dollaway advances and they meet in the center. Lee ducks a right hand, scores with a left to the gut. Dollaway throws a one-two combination, neither connecting, but it does allow him to follow up with a stinging kick to the ribs. A big red mark has appeared there. Lee bursts forward and goes for a big swing, Dollaway ducks under it, hits a right to the chest, then unloads another kick. This one hits the thigh, causing Lee to noticeably wince. It may have caught the very top of the knee judging from the replays. Lee tries to come in to get a measure of revenge, but is met with some low kicks that make sure that he can't get close enough to throw any bombs. Dollaway's impressively sharp kicking game is hurting Lee and allowing him to take firm control of this round. There's not much time left, and Lee is going to have to do something special to win this round now. He doesn't, as time expires without anything interesting happening. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Dollaway. The judges scores are unanimous, and give a score of 29-28 to CB Dollaway.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Dollaway gets a rebound win over James Lee in Lee's Middleweight debut. [B][CENTER]Glover Teixeira (10-4) vs. Tim Boetsch (8-4) Sherdog's Prediction: Glover Teixeira via Knock Out[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Boetsch throws the first punch of the round, a high searching jab that didn't carry a great deal of threat with it. Teixeira throws a one-two combination in return, neither connecting, then steps in and delivers a hard kick to the outside of the thigh. Boetsch steps back, throwing a right hand as he does to buy himself space. They circle, then move in again to exchange strikes, neither fighter getting a clear advantage. They come together again and the same result. It has become something of a stalemate at the moment. They come together to exchange strikes for the third time, and this time they wind up in a clinch. Teixeira hits a knee to the ribs. A couple of shots to the back from Boetsch. They struggle all the way back, with Boetsch ending up backed up against the cage. Teixeira hits another knee, but there wasn't much power behind it. Boetsch stomps downward onto his foot. Boetsch manages to reverse their positions, but that only lasts about thirty seconds before it gets reversed once more. Teixeira gets an arm free and tries to throw a big shot to the cheek, Boetsch ducks under it and gets the arm back under control. The referee finally breaks them up, and we're back to where we started. Boetsch tries a high kick to start, but Teixeira saw it coming and easily avoids it. They come back together in the center, and it's Teixeira who gets the first sustained attack of the round, hitting two hard body shots and a jab that caught Boetsch on the nose. Boetsch hits a straight right, enough to stop Teixeira from following up any further. The time expires with them standing. Not a great round for either of them or the crowd, it was very scrappy. That's the end of the round. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Teixeira.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] A crisp jab from Boetsch starts the round, it tagged Teixeira on the cheek. Straight right from Teixeira in response, glancing off the side of the head, albeit without much power. Boetsch steps in for an attack but is smothered by Teixeira who clinches. Boetsch has to react quickly to avoid being tossed to the ground, but can't stop being driven into the cage. Teixeira is virtually man-handling Boetsch with his wrestling ability. Up against the cage, Teixeira has the much stronger position. Right hand connects to the side of the body. And another. There isn't a great deal of power on them, but they're forming a big red mark on the body, and Boetsch can't really do a lot in response; he can't seem to wrestle Teixeira off, and he can't work into a position to unload any strikes either. Teixeira fires off another two punches, then goes for a trip. Boetsch spins out, almost falls, but manages to squirm out and back off quickly to the center. That was close, and Boetsch knows it. Teixeira throws a stinging jab, landing just above the left eye. Boetsch steps in and fires off one of his own, but Teixeira bobs out of the way and scores with a pair of solid shots to the body. Boetsch turns and swings, just as Teixeira also unloads...and it's Teixeira who connects first! Boetsch's hands drop and he is on rubbery legs. Teixeira follows up with a beauty of a right hand, and that drops Boetsch. The referee doesn't even wait for Teixeira to dive in to finish, he's seen enough, Boetsch is clearly on Dream Street. This bout is over! [B]Teixeira wins via TKO at 4:42 of the second round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Teixeira wins again and has still only been to a decision once in the UFC. If Texeira pulls off one of these wins over a big name he could be in line for a title shot. [B][CENTER]Thiago Tavares (17-2) vs. Jim Miller (15-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Jim Miller via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Tavares doesn't waste any time and throws two jabs to the face, but Miller easily side-steps both and circles to the left. Miller throws a head fake, then comes in fast from an angle with a looping punch, but misses and takes a glancing shot to the shoulder from a left hand counter. Miller throws a big right hand, but misses and is wide open, allowing Tavares to take him down with ease. Miller scrambles, Tavares tries to stay with him , and a battle for ground supremacy happens. Miller manages to sweep Tavares, and the frenetic grappling ends with Miller in Tavares's guard. Tavares brings his legs in and goes to a butterfly guard. Miller isn't really doing a great deal from this position so far. Tavares tries to push free, but Miller doesn't allow it. Miller springs into action, amusingly much in the manner of a large salmon going upstream, by leaping over the legs of Tavares and coming down with what can only be described as a belly flop. With good reason, that took Tavares by surprise, as well as most of the audience. Miller is now lying across the chest of Tavares, and throws some elbows to the stomach. Tavares fights back by bringing a knee up to strike Miller in the ribs. Miller hits a pair of fists to the face, then gets into a full mount. He starts punching away, and Tavares's attempts at deflecting them aren't entirely successful. Miller is picking his shots, and a good percentage of them are landing hard. A particularly big right hand smashes below the right eye of Tavares, and that's enough for the referee to call proceedings to a halt. [B]Miller wins. Miller wins via TKO at 1:22 of the first round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Miller gets a big win as he hands Tavares his second straight loss. Miller can't be too far away from a title shot. [B][U][CENTER]Maincard[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]BJ Penn (13-6-1) vs. Matt Arroto (8-2) Sherdog's Prediction: BJ Penn via Decision[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Penn misses with a right hand, and leaves himself open to a left hook. Penn goes down, although replays confirm that it was a stumble, Arroyo was a few inches away from connecting with that left. Arroyo tries to quickly mount Penn to capitalise, but is out-maneuvered almost immediately and Penn slips out and gets his back! Arroyo turtles up, and takes a few heavy shots to the ribs. Penn gets his legs around Arroyo and uses them to roll him over. Exposed, Arroyo tries to turn so that he is on top, but Penn has already rammed one arm around his throat and has a tight choke-hold applied. Arroyo is in big trouble, and obviously can't see a way out as he taps out pretty quickly. [B]Penn wins via 1st round rear choke submission with the official time being 0:49.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Penn is back with a big win over Arroyo. He will be happy to get this win after he lost two straight fights. Now it is Arroyo with two straight losses. [B][CENTER]Yushin Okami (23-6) vs. Gegard Mousasi (24-3-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Yushin Okami via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Mousasi throws a big head kick, but Okami ducks and back pedals to safety. If that had hit, this was all over, because Mousasi wasn't holding anything back on that missile of a kick. Okami regains his composure and advances, throwing a pair of looping rights. Mousasi throws a kick to the legs, then a range-finding left hand. Okami steps to the side to get a better angle, then steps in...and this time the scorching head kick that comes his way catches him unaware and lands flush to the side of the jaw! Okami goes completely limp as he crash-lands to the ground, that was a brutal knock out kick. [B]The official time of the knock out is 1:32 of round 1.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Mousasi is back from his loss to Bisping with a massive KO win over Okami. [B][CENTER]Andrei Arlovski (15-8) vs. Cheick Kongo (13-6) Sherdog's Prediction: Andrei Arlovski via Knock Out[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. Kongo is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Arlovski blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from Kongo is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Arlovski is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before Kongo can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give Kongo some problems later on. Kongo moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Arlovski is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of Kongo before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown Kongo off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. Kongo goes for a trip, but Arlovski cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Arlovski may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. That's the end of the round. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Arlovski.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Slow start; nearly a full minute of circling, occasional fakes, and long-range jabs. Neither fighter is creating much. Arlovski works an angle, but takes a low kick to the shin when he advances. They clinch, and end up with Kongo backed up against the cage. Arlovski gets a couple of right hands to the body, but his attempts at knee strikes are deflected by Kongo, who uses his legs well to defend. Arlovski pulls free and takes a step back, then powers in a right hand. Kongo gets out the way, ducks under a second right hand, and backs up to the center. Arlovski follows, and we're back to circling. Uninspiring action so far, they've both been fairly devoid of inspiration. Arlovski hits a couple of right hands, both hitting gloves, then a left hand to the body that connected. That was the best shot of the round so far. Kongo tags him with a flicked jab to the cheek, but it had virtually no power on it. Kongo leans in to a looping left, but it puts him off balance and it's only at the last second that he gets his chin out of the way of a vicious right cross that comes back. If that had hit, we may have had a knock out. Time runs out with them standing, circling again. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Arlovski.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Arlovski gets caught with a solid right hand out of nowhere, and is rocked. Kongo follows up with another one, and Arlovski looks in trouble all of a sudden. He is backed up against the cage and Kongo is unloading. The punches are raining down, Arlovski is covering up. The referee has seen enough and stops the fight, clearly feeling that Arlovski was unable to defend himself intelligently. Kongo wins. [B]Official time of the TKO is 0:45 of the third round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: **** [B]Notes[/B]: Kongo gets back to form after two straight KO losses to Rob Broughton and Tim Sylvia. [B][CENTER]Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (18-6) vs. Rich Franklin (26-5) Sherdog's Prediction: Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The round starts slowly, with both fighters circling, tentatively throwing out the occasional jab. Franklin is the first to make a positive move, stepping in to throw a right hand, although he probably wishes that he hadn't, as Rua picks him off with a crisp jab to the cheek. Franklin throws a wild punch as a counter, but Rua ducks and backs off out of range. They meet again in the center for an exchange of punches. Franklin gets a clubbing blow to the side of the head in, but takes a hard shot to the stomach in return. The early pattern seems to be that Franklin is looking for big punches, Rua is happy to avoid them and use quick counter punches instead. They clinch up, and Franklin manages to back Rua up against the cage. Franklin takes a half step backward and throws a big right hand to the head, but Rua ducks under at the last second, scores with a pair of punches to the gut, then darts out of trouble before Franklin can unload. Franklin may need to think about changing tactics, Rua is looking far sharper in these striking battles, and is beginning to control the pace and tempo of the round. Franklin fakes a right hand, then shoots out a low kick, catching Rua on the thigh. Rua presses forward for the first time, getting in close and using a couple of jabs to the body. Franklin gets a nice left hook in, glancing off the gloves, and then clinches up. Time ticks away and the round ends just a few seconds after the referee separates them. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Rua.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Exchange of punches to start, nothing really hit though. They go into a clinch, and the pace disappears as both fighters try and get the advantage. Eventually the referee separates them. Jab from Rua, who then has to react quickly to avoid a right hook that was aimed right at the chin. Rua puts on a burst of energy and fires off a big sequence of punches, maybe twelve or thirteen in a row, although not many actually connected. Franklin covered up well, and gets in a couple of shots of his own before moving out of range again. Franklin narrowly misses a right cross. Low kick from Franklin, almost to the groin, although it didn't look intentional. They come together in a clinch again, and it returns to a stalemate. Not a great round by anyone's standard, but that flurry should mean that Rua will take the round on points. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Rua by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Franklin throws the first punch of the round, a high searching jab that didn't carry a great deal of threat with it. Rua throws a one-two combination in return, neither connecting, then steps in and delivers a hard kick to the outside of the thigh. Franklin steps back, throwing a right hand as he does to buy himself space. They circle, then move in again to exchange strikes, neither fighter getting a clear advantage. They come together again and the same result. It has become something of a stalemate at the moment. They come together to exchange strikes for the third time, and this time they wind up in a clinch. Rua hits a knee to the ribs. A couple of shots to the back from Franklin. They struggle all the way back, with Franklin ending up backed up against the cage. Rua hits another knee, but there wasn't much power behind it. Franklin stomps downward onto his foot. Franklin manages to reverse their positions, but that only lasts about thirty seconds before it gets reversed once more. Rua gets an arm free and tries to throw a big shot to the cheek, Franklin ducks under it and gets the arm back under control. The referee finally breaks them up, and we're back to where we started. Franklin tries a high kick to start, but Rua saw it coming and easily avoids it. They come back together in the center, and it's Rua who gets the first sustained attack of the round, hitting two hard body shots and a jab that caught Franklin on the nose. Franklin hits a straight right, enough to stop Rua from following up any further. The time expires with them standing. Not a great round for either of them or the crowd, it was very scrappy. The third round is over. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Rua by 10-9. The official scores are: 30-27 from all three judges for Mauricio Rua.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: **** [B]Notes[/B]: Rua gets a big win over Franklin as he becomes only the fourth man to ever beat Franklin joining Lyoto Machida, Rashad Evans and Anderson Silva. [B][CENTER]UFC Lightweight Championship: Roger Huerta (27-1-1) vs. Eddie Alvarez (21-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Roger Huerta via Submission[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Huerta misses with a right hand, and leaves himself open to a left hook. Huerta goes down, although replays confirm that it was a stumble, Alvarez was a few inches away from connecting with that left. Alvarez tries to quickly mount Huerta to capitalise, but is out-maneuvered almost immediately and Huerta slips out and gets his back! Alvarez tries to fight out of it, but Huerta keeps position well. Hard shot to the ribs by Huerta. Can he capitalise on this great position though? He tries to apply a choke hold, but Alvarez defends it. However, in doing so, he leaves his left arm exposed, and Huerta is able to float over and trap it inbetween his legs. Huerta falls forward and pulls, forcing Alvarez to tap out rather than have his arm hyper-extended. [B]Huerta wins via 1st round armbar submission with the official time being 0:56. Roger Huerta retains the UFC Lightweight title.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ***** [B]Notes[/B]: Huerta gets yet another win and now there isn't much competition left for him in the Lightweight division so he may soon be thinking of a move up the Welterweight. [B][U]Post Show News [B]Attendance[/B]: 7,691 Fighter Bonuses[/U][/B] Submission of the Night: BJ Penn Knock Out of the Night: Gegard Mousasi Fight of the Night: Roger Huerta vs. Eddie Alvarez [B][U]Shock Release[/U][/B] UFC shockingly released top ten Light Heavyweight Glover Teixeira. [B][U]Signings[/U][/B] The UFC have recently signed Dan Evenson and Brock Lesner to UFC contracts.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC Announce New Rankings After UFC 108[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]UFC have released the new rankings following their UFC 108 event.[/CENTER] [B][U]Lightweight[/U][/B] 1. Roger Huerta 2. Jim Miller +3 3. Shinya Aoki 4. Jason Tabor 5. Eddie Alvarez -3 6. Billy Evangelista 7. Kenny Florian 8. Josh Neer +1 9. Jeremy Stephens +1 10. Vitor Ribeiro - New Entry [B][U]Welterweight[/U][/B] 1. Diego Sanchez 2. Jon Fitch 3. Yoshiyuki Yoshida 4. Matt Hughes 5. Dong Hyun Kim 6. Anthony Johnson 7. Dan Hardy 8. Matt Serra 9. BJ Penn +1 10. Thiago Alves -1 [B][U]Middleweight[/U][/B] 1. Anderson Silva 2. Forrest Griffin 3. Michael Bisping 4. Rousimar Palhales 5. Georges St. Pierre 6. Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza 7. Demian Maia 8. Cung Le 9. Gegard Mousasi - New Entry 10. Aaron Meisner -1 [B][U]Light Heavyweight[/U][/B] 1. Quinton Jackson 2. Lyoto Machida 3. Wanderlei Silva 4. Rashad Evans 5. Matt Hamill +1 6. Keith Jardine -1 7. James Sabat - New Entry 8. Thiago Silva 9. Mauricio ' Shogun' Rua - New Entry 10. Tomasz Drwal [B][U]Heavyweight[/U][/B] 1. Shane Carwin 2. Aleksander Emelianenko 3. Brock Lesner - New Entry 4. Dan Evensen - New Entry 5. Fedor Emelianenko -1 6. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira -3 7. Rolles Gracie -2 8. Sergei Kharitonov -2 9. Rob Williams - New Entry 10. Tim Sylvia -3 [B][U]P4P[/U][/B] 1. Roger Huerta 2. Quinton Jackson 3. Shane Carwin 4. Anderson Silva 5. Diego Sanchez 6. Lyoto Machida 7. Jon Fitch 8. Forrest Griffin +1 9. Michael Bisping - New Entry 10. Aleksander Emelianenko [B][U]New Signings[/U][/B] [B][U]Dan Evensen (15-3)[/U][/B] Evenson is currently one of the top Heavyweights in the world. He has good stand-up but you shouldn't underestimate his decent ground game either. Evensen is a former WVR and DREAM Heavyweight champion and is currently on a four fight win streak including a KO win over Assuerio Silva. [B][U]Brock Lesner (11-1)[/U][/B] Brock Lesner has already been in the UFC before so everyone knows what to expect from him. But he comes back now with refined skills and while outside the UFC he went 5-0 in a run which he won both the Pancrase King of Heavyweight title and also the IFL Heavyweight title. Lesner is capable of stepping right into a title shot against Shane Carwin but the next shot seems destined to go to Alekander Emelianenko.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC Announces 109: Silva vs. Forrest[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Today UFC announced 109: Silva vs. Forrest. Here is the card. [B][U]Maincard[/U][/B] UFC Middleweight Championship: Anderson Silva (25-4) vs. Forrest Griffin (20-5) Matt Hughes (43-8) vs. Thiago Alves (16-6) T.U.F. Light Heavyweight Final: James Sabat (13-0) vs. Mike Tran (7-3-1) Sean Sherk (33-5-1) vs. Josh Neer (29-7-1) T.U.F. Heavyweight Final: Rob Williams (12-3) vs. Donovan Couch (9-1-1) [B][U]Undercard[/U][/B] Nate Marquardt (26-10-2) vs. Siyar Bahadurzada (20-4-1) Nate Diaz (8-5) vs. Billy Evangelista (10-0) Jackie Lewis (7-1) vs. Yujiro Hashin (8-1) Ben Rothwell (30-10) vs. Lance McMahon (2-0) Tommy Speer (9-2) vs. Randy Shearer (2-0)[/CENTER] OOC: OK here is the deal on the Heavyweight final. Yes it waas supposed to be Williams vs. McMahon but when I went to book that fight I couldn't beacause it said the athletic comission won't allow it because they feel McMahon is outmatched. So I looked for a remetch between Williams and Mascarin but Mascarin is still recovering from their first fight. Then the last semi-finalist JaJuan got the same as McMahon did so I looked at the rest of the Heavyweights and Couch was the last human made one so he got the part. What really annoys me though is that the game wouldn't let McMahon fight Williams but it lets him fight the much more experianced Rothwell which jsut doesn't make sense. But the good thing is that it means that it is certain that a human made character is going to win. And also Williams you should feel lucky because I actually had McMahon as the favourite to win it all as his skills are out of this world. He has world class ground and pound alog with great stand-up. The only way you had a chance of really beating him barring a lucky punch was submission which he has decent defense of anyway. Anyway get in your thought of the situation and if you have a fight on the card get your roleplays in.
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