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Suggestion with Haitus

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So, I know we are getting into the final hour of the game but one thing that would be cool to see to add some realism would be the ability to go into Haitus after the start of the game. I'm not sure If my games are unlike others as I have never seen someone go into Haitus after the start of the game... Only if they were on Haitus to start with. What could possibly happen to add to this would be this: * I know every superstar has a morale percentage with the promotion they are working for and if it falls to low... That's when they are unhappy with the company and may not re-sign/cause trouble, etc. Maybe, There could be another morale level that has to do with the industry. They could be independent of eachother in the sense that if a worker is unhappy with their current company they may show that... but will still have a high level of morale with the industry (Ensuring that they would most likely sign with a new company after his contract is up). The other could happen where your morale is low with the current company and the morale with the industry starts to fall due to them "falling out with their love of wrestling". This would have them go into a Haitus period after their contract runs up. * You could potentially talk someone out of Haitus is you are a popular enough company... however, Depending on the level of morale with the industry.. It could be a hard sell. * Some come back... Some never do. (ie: Chris Jericho vs. Goldberg) I know this is nit pick... however... it would be cool to see something like this happen as it would add a new sense of realism to the game.. Plus would also make you have to take into consideration when someone decides to leave the industry for a short period of time (or possibly forever).
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Great idea, with the internet feature it could add a new level to it. Like a worker went on hiatus with a promise to return the promotion they were with, but they signed with their top competition. Could set up relationships and some interesting scenarios.
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