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I was just wondering at what point is it better for a match to be called in ring compaired to a road angent scripting it. I got Cripper Ray with A+ psycology, and while no one else on the roster even comes close, some are hitting around B- to a low A. what 1's should be calling there own stuff?
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I'm not really sure what the "official" call is for when to use the "Call in the ring" note, however, I tend to use it when the competitors have at least a B- in psychology. If a worker is anywhere from a C- to a C+... I'll allow the note when they are facing someone with a B+ for psychology or higher. That way I know the other person is probably talented enough to hide the limited psych person. It tends to work out pretty well.
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My opinion on the matter is that the different notes basically amount to the amount of pre-planning of the match vs the ability to feed off the live crowd. If you script something you are less likely to have a bad match due to bad psychology but similarly you are taking something away from a match in the spontaneity, ability to react to a crowd and the workers themselves. Having no notes means you kinda balance things between the road agent and the workers so you have a balance of pre-planned spots vs crowd reactions. And call in ring pretty much ignores the road agent in favour of letting the guys in the ring do what they want. If you've got someone in the ring who really knows their ring psychology then you don't need someone to tell them what to do. As for how I apply this... Scripting: If no-one in the match has at least C- psych then I'm going to get someone to script their match. nothing: If no-one in the match has higher than a B then I'm likely to not add anything at all, often I don't even for guys with better psychology. Call in Ring: Guys like Sam Keith don't need to be told what to do, they know waaaay better than I do and can lead anyone through a match. I put this note on for my top guys, especially on PPV where they can go All Out too. :)
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