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I have a request for my new promotion I created in my game. TNT Championship Wrestling [U]Logo[/U] I like a logo with the pic below in it but without the 2. Instead maybe TNT in place of the 2. [url]http://allnodcoms.com/tnt_files/tnt2f.jpg[/url] [U]Belt[/U] Any real world belt with TNT on it.
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[quote=BluePrint83;423100]Thanks. How do I get the images to JPG instead of PNG.[/quote] Here you go [IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/TEW/TNT.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/TEW/TNTbelt.jpg[/IMG]
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