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I'm back.


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The last time I visited this site was the 27/12/07 (or 12/27/07 if you like) and the reason I have been away for so long is because my laptop was damaged just after that and I've only just been able to afford a PC. Firstly I have to apologise for not being able to participate in the TCW E-Fed (lack of Internet access) and to ask how would I go about getting my TEW 07 and WMMA license on my new computer (as I have lost all my data/files on my old laptop) Thanks.
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[QUOTE=Blasphemywebleed;423515]Welcome back. Forward your purchase receipts on to Scott Vibert and explain the situation. If you don't have the purchase receipt emails then email him with as much information about the purchase as possible.[/QUOTE] Thanks. Will do, as soon as I can find those e-mails.
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[QUOTE=joose2001;423528]OR just wait a few weeks for TEW08 to come out :p Good to see your back tho (I too am also back for a bit after a long abscence)[/QUOTE] Thanks. I'm just starting to read all about TEW 08 and I'm very excited about it, still I used to go back and play 05 and EWR occasionally so I'd like to have 07. :)
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