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SWF - Strange Days

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[I]Monday, week 1 of January 2007[/I] A rumour has it that SWF made major changes in their creative team. Allegedly, Supreme Wrestling Federation replaced Sam Keith as head booker today. A completely unknown young wrestler known only as ”Millennium Warrior” has taken over the duties effective immediately. SWF spokespersons have so far refused to comment the rumour.
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SWF, huh? Speaking as someone who's tried playing them, good luck. It can be tough putting together enough storylines to fill the roster. Filling out the gaps isn't easy either. Still, if you can do it right, the SWF are brilliant to read (just look at NoNeck's SWF 2011 dynasty). My only piece of advice is this: overness is what counts, at least at first. And find someone with decent psychology who you can put in the main event.
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[I]Tuesday, week 1, January 2007[/I] [SIZE="4"]Supreme TV[/SIZE] From a sold out (10,000) Wisconsin Gardens in the Great Lakes territory Announcers: Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia A video plays hyping tonight’s Main Event: Christian Faith vs. Jack Bruce vs. Big Smack Scott vs. Remo. The winner will be named #1 contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Title. [B]B+[/B] [B]Match 1[/B] - #1 contenders for SWF World Tag Team Titles: Sexual Aggression defeated High Concept in 11:40 when Angry Gilmore defeated Elmo Benson by pinfall with an Anger Management. [B]C+[/B] The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Sexual Aggression vs. The Biggz Boyz at When Hell Freezes Over. [B]C+[/B] [B]Match 2[/B] – for the SWF North American Title: Rich Money defeated Robbie Retro in 9:37 by pinfall. Rich Money makes defence number 1 of his SWF North American title. [B]B[/B] Jerry Eisen is in the ring with Dawn The Cheerleader and Jessie. He leads them through a standard bikini contest. Dawn The Cheerleader is announced as the winner. [B]C[/B] Rich Money comes up to Dawn The Cheerleader and asks her out on a date, but she rejects the proposal. [B]C+[/B] [B]Match 3[/B]: Steve Frehley defeated Eric Eisen in 14:57 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet. [B]A*[/B] [B]Match 4 [/B]– for the SWF World Heavyweight Title: Runaway Train defeated Enygma in 3:40 by pinfall with a Train Wreck. Runaway Train makes defence number 1 of his SWF World Heavyweight title. [B]B[/B] Squeeky McClean does an interview in which he challenges Enygma to a match next week. Enygma comes out and accepts. [B]C+[/B] [B]Match 5[/B] - 4-way elimination to name #1 contender for SWF World Heavyweight Title: Christian Faith defeated Remo, Jack Bruce and Big Smack Scott in 14:42; the order of elimination was Big Smack Scott first, then Jack Bruce, and finally Remo. [B]B+[/B] Immediately after the bell, Richard Eisen enters the ring to announce Christian Faith #1 contender. Runaway Train also comes out, and he and Faith has a long staredown. Eisen tells them to cool down and save it for When Hell Freezes Over. [B]B[/B] Final Show Rating: [B]B[/B] (27.56 on America-Sports-1)
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[I]Tuesday, week 2 of January 2007[/I] [SIZE="4"]Supreme TV[/SIZE] From the Connecticut Symphony Hall in the New England Attendance: 7,874 The show starts with Dawn The Cheerleader standing backstage. Rich Money comes up to her and tells her that he has a table at the finest establishment in town tonight. If she will join him on a date, he will treat her like a queen, giving her all the luxury gifts a woman like she deserves. Dawn looks shocked and asks what kind of girl Rich thinks she is. Rich Money says that she will regret this, and walks away. [B]B-[/B] Skull DeBones passes by and laughs at the rejected casanova, who looks absolutely furious. [B]B[/B] [B]Match 1:[/B] Skull DeBones defeated Enforcer Roberts in 7:52 by pinfall with a Six Feet Under. [B]B-[/B] Kurt Laramee and Death Row are together, and make the announcement that they are going to be allies from now on, watching each others back. They call their little group ”The Streetwise Connection”. [B]D+[/B] [B]Match 2:[/B] The Almighty Dollar defeated High Concept in 8:08 when Remo defeated Elmo Benson by pinfall with The Destroyer. [B]B+[/B] Sexual Aggression had an interview hyping their match with The Biggz Boyz at When Hell Freezes Over. [B]C+[/B] Skull DeBones is backstage, where he discovers Dawn The Cheerleader on the floor. Skull DeBones checks on her. Dawn says that she was attacked, but did not see the attacker. She is helped to medical attention by Skull. [B]B-[/B] [B]Match 3:[/B] Squeeky McClean defeated Enygma in 12:45 by submission after blatantly cheating. [B]C+[/B] Skull DeBones does an interview in which he challenges Rich Money. Rich Money comes out and accepts, setting up a singles bout between the two at When Hell Freezes Over. [B]B+[/B] Christian Faith had an interview hyping his upcoming singles match with Runaway Train. [B]B+[/B] [B]Match 4:[/B] Christian Faith defeated Eric Eisen in 6:35 when Eric Eisen was disqualified when Runaway Train ran in and attacked Christian Faith. [B]B+[/B] Eric Eisen is backstage with Richard Eisen. He asks to be given a chance to wrestle Steve Frehley at When Hell Freezes Over, and Richard Eisen accepts the request. [B]B-[/B] [B]Match 5:[/B] Steve Frehley defeated Sam Keith in 15:32 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet. [B]A[/B] Christian Faith and Runaway Train are in the ring, and are squaring off, unhappy about something. The argument soon turns physical, and they are joined by Jack Bruce and Remo for a wild brawl, with the chaos spilling out all around ringside. Eventually a number of officials and other wrestlers have to hit the ring and pull them apart before they kill each other. [B]B+[/B] Final Show Rating: [B]B[/B] (28.38 on America-Sports-1) [QUOTE]Line-up for When Hell Freezes Over: The Underwater Union vs The Streetwise Connection - D Six-way ladder match for the SWF Shooting Star Title, including Zimmy Bumfhole (c) and Marc DuBois - D Enygma vs Sam Keith - C The Biggz Boyz (c) w/Jessie vs Sexual Aggression for the SWF World Tag Team Titles - C Jack Bruce vs Squeeky McClean – A Skull DeBones w/Dawn The Cheerleader vs Rich Money (c) for the SWF North American Title – C+ Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen – B- Christian Faith vs Runaway Train (c) for the SWF World Heavyweight Title - A[/QUOTE]
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[I]Thursday, week 2 of January 2007[/I] [SIZE="4"]SWF When Hell Freezes Over[/SIZE] From the Iowa State Fayre in the Mid-West territory Attendance: 15,000 (Sold Out!) At the very beginning of the show, right after Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia have welcomed everyone, Calamari Kid is seen backstage talking to someone. Suddenly, all thre members of The Streetwise Connection attack him, leaving him down and out. The announcers note that it is uncertain if he will be able to make it to the ring at all. After all, the six-man tag match is next! [B]D[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 1 – The Underwater Union vs The Streetwise Connection (6-man tag):[/SIZE] Surprisingly, Calamari Kid does come out together with his partners, Jumbo Shrimp and Lobster Warrior. He looks dazed and confused though, and as the match starts, his partners avoid tagging him in. After some methodical double and triple teaming from Kurt Laramee, Shady K and Knuckles, Jumbo Shrimp is down and out on the floor, and Lobster Warrior is very much a “face in peril”. Warrioir has no choice but to tag Kid in. Kid seems to have trouble focusing though. At one point, he sets Kurt Laramee up for a moonsault from the top turnbuckle, but fails to see that Knuckles pulls him away for a tag to Shady K. Kid performs a picture perfect moonsault straight to the cleared canvas, and is then put away by Shady K. Peter Michaels and Ana Garcia note that this was an excellent display of The Streetwise Connection’s dirty but deadly tactics. Kurt Laramee and Death Row defeated Jumbo Shrimp and The Underwater Union in 7:54 when Shady K defeated Calamari Kid by pinfall with a K Killer. [B]C[/B] Jack Bruce is backstage and spots his opponent for the night, Squeeky McClean. He goes over and mockingly offers to buy the “straight edge superstar” a drink later tonight, as a way to say sorry for the beating he is about to receive. Squeeky laughs at him and says that won’t be the case, and beside he doesn’t drink and Jack knows that. “That’s not what I’ve heard, man. According to my sources, you were seen in some joint in Hartford just a couple of nights ago with a bottle in one hand and what would pass for a beautiful lady by your standards in the other…” This makes Squeeky absolutely furious, and he advances at Jack, but stops as he sees Richard Eisen approaching. “Guys, don’t wreck the backstage area! Save it for your match!” The cold iron look in Eisen’s eyes makes Squeeky back off, grumbling. [B]B+[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 2 – Six-way Ladder Match for the SWF Shooting Star Title:[/SIZE] A couple of new masked faces are introduced to the SWF fans in this match. Fumihiro Ota and Millennium Warrior both make their official debuts. All six men perform well in this spotfest, but eventually Zimmy shows why he is the champion by running up the ladder and grabbing his title belt. Zimmy Bumfhole defeated Marc DuBois, Fumihiro Ota, Akima Brave, Millennium Warrior and Frederique Antonio Garcia in 14:41 when Zimmy Bumfhole retrieved the item. Zimmy Bumfhole makes defence number 1 of his SWF Shooting Star title. [B]C+[/B] After the match, Zimmy Bumfhole grabs a microphone. He says that after this display, no one can doubt that he is dominant in the Shooting Star division. And to prove it, he will take on any challengers from now on. He stands silent for a few moments, but no immediate challenger emerges. Eventually, he decides he has waited long enough. ”The open challenge will stand for as long as I am the champion.”, he states before he leaves. [B]C-[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 3 – Enygma vs Sam Keith:[/SIZE] The match quality is steadily picking up here. Sam Keith and Enygma both looked good out there, and it was a very open match. Eventually the grizzled veteran got the best of his opponent. Sam Keith defeated Enygma in 12:51 by submission with a Proton Lock. [B]B[/B] Next, Runaway Train, together with his new manager Duane Fry, cuts an interview about his upcoming match with Christian Faith, where he says he does not see Faith as a legitimate threat to his reign. He says that the match will be fought, but there is no doubt it will end a Train Wreck for Christian Faith. [B]B+[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 4 – The Biggz Boyz (c) w/Jessie vs Sexual Aggression for the SWF World Tag Team Titles:[/SIZE] The crowd really does not like Brett Biggz. All the way through this hard fought match, they boo him whenever he is in the ring and cheer the opponents on when they punch him. The cheers for Gilmore and Sexy turn into loud boos the second Bart is tagged in though, and the crowd really does not like Joe Sexy when he puts Bart away with the One Night Stand. Sexual Aggression defeated The Biggz Boyz in 18:01 when Joe Sexy defeated Bart Biggz by pinfall with an One Night Stand. Sexual Aggression win the SWF World Tag Team titles. [B]C[/B] After winning the titles, Joe Sexy and Angry Gilmore celebrate in the ring. [B]B-[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 5 – Jack Bruce vs Squeeky McClean:[/SIZE] Ana Garcia proves that even though she is great at giving Color Commentary, she can still improve. Jack and Squeeky put up a spectacular fight, but the PPV audience miss out on some of it due to her lack of timing. Squeeky frantically tries to make Jack pay for his remarks earlier, but eventually it is Squeeky who is on his back for the 1-2-3. Jack Bruce defeated Squeeky McClean in 11:16 by pinfall with a New York Minute. [B]B+[/B] Backstage, Christian Faith is interviewed. He warns Runaway Train that if he thinks their match tonight is a foregone conclusion, then he is clearly on the wrong track. Christian says that he has his sights set at the World title, and has good faith that he will win it tonight. [B]B+[/B] Next, the lights dim and Skull DeBones comes to the ring. He gets a microphone and vows to avenge the vicious attack Rich Money clearly made on Dawn a couple of nights ago. He will not rest until Rich has been put Six Feet Under. [B]B[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 6 – Skull DeBones w/Dawn The Cheerleader vs Rich Money (c) for the North American Title:[/SIZE] DeBones is on fire tonight! He throws everything he has at the stunned Rich Money. Rich tries to beg off on numerous occasions, but the onslaught just continues. Suddenly, Big Smack Scott appears at ringside, and distracts referee Ric Young by harassing Dawn. Rich quickly capitalizes with a low blow followed by a brass knuckle punch to DeBones skull. Rich just manages to throw the knuckles out of the ring and cover DeBones before referee Young turns around and makes the three count. Rich Money defeated Skull DeBones in 8:32 by pinfall following interference from Big Smack Scott. Rich Money makes defence number 2 of his SWF North American title. [B]A[/B] With Skull DeBones still out, Big Smack Scott and Enforcer Roberts, who comes out of hiding, attack Dawn The Cheerleader. She is quickly hooded and dragged to the back, kicking and screaming. [B]B-[/B] While the announcers try to regain the power of speech after the ghastly act from Roberts and Scott, Steve Frehley is seen backstage. He tells everyone how pitiful Eric Eisen is. “A man who runs to daddy to get what he wants is no man at all, but a whiney little boy!”. He says that had Eric come forward like a man and challenged him to a rematch, he would have accepted it and even respected the action. Now, he has nothing but contempt for the young Eisen. [B]B+[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 7 – Steve Frehley vs Eric Eisen:[/SIZE] No problem for Frehley in a good match, that still was not nearly as spectacular as the one last week. Steve Frehley defeated Eric Eisen in 9:59 by pinfall with a Frehley's Comet. [B]B+[/B] [SIZE="3"]Match 8 – Christian Faith vs Runaway Train (c) for the SWF World Heavyweight Title:[/SIZE] Train starts the match with a flurry of offense, clearly trying to end it early. Faith manages to survive though, and it becomes a much more open match than Train would have wanted. Several near falls by both competitors fail to bring an end to the match. It is only when the fight spills to the ringside area and neither wrestler is able to make it back in time that the bell is called. Runaway Train drew with Christian Faith in 15:55 following a double count out. Runaway Train makes defence number 2 of his SWF World Heavyweight title. [B]B[/B] Show Rating: [B]B[/B] (PPV buyrate 6.69)
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Nice one. Can I just say as well, you're doing a good job putting together some very interesting stories without indulging in massively epic promo's and complicated segments. I for one can't wait to find out what happened to Dawn the Cheerleader, or whether The Underwater Union will get revenge (hint: they better).
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