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In the secvtion where you pick the Victor of the match, if anyone intereres, ect what do you use to get the best matches. I'd like to start a WWE, TNA, or ROH diary but have only had good success with a product I found in the forums. I'd like to leave the products as default and get good matches that way. I was reading a WWE diary where there were B+ and higher rated matches at the Royal Rumble. I'd like to be able to do the same.
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In my experience it's really easy to get high ratings in real world mods cos stats are usually fairly inflated... but as a general rule, to get the best match ratings you want to use the "all out match" note along with "call in ring" if you have workers with high psychology (at least B+ I'd say). Don't use notes like "keep strong", "dominate" or "protect" as each of these will lower the match ratings due to helping make one person look good (they'll get more overness/momentum). I find that decisive finishes help too. As a sports entertainment promotion, you should always remember to use long angles with your most over stars. A high rated angle will give you higher rated shows as any angle longer than 5 minutes will contribute to your show rating. So stick Cena, Austin and Rock into long promos/arguments/brawls each week and watch your ratings soar. :)
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