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Let contract expire by accident. How do I get him back?

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Because of not paying attention, I recently lost Adam White (nooooooooooooo!) by letting his contract expire. He is now not interested in returning to my promotion and is quickly signed by Alpha or Gamma. How do I get to keep him? I'm not above cheating to keep him for as long as it doesn't require leet hax0r skillz. In my current save game, he has 3 days left on his contract. Any way to extend the contract?
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Hmm... if you don't have enough time to re-sign him with the 3 days you might want to try using the back-up files for that save to take you back to the last Sunday of your game. Just copy and paste them into the normal spot for save games and see if that helps. Other than that, you might have to make do without him... which is weird, cos I done the exact same thing you did. :(
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The editor doesn't seem to let me edit contracts for games in progress. No dice. Going back to a backup game sounds good. How do I do that? My last file is 042.mma. What do I need to copy or delete to go back a few saves?
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Within your save game folder there will be another folder called "Back up". Copy all the files from that and paste them over your save game, this should take you back to the last Sunday. If you are already on a Sunday then you'll just to back to the start of that day... bad things only happen in my games on Saturday nights so going back never helps me. :p
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Is there a way to? I'm trying to have 14 people per division, but right now I only have 13 in my Super Heavy division. There are 3 other people in that division, but they won't speak to me cause I cut them after losing so many times. Can I change a fighters weight in the editor to become part of the division?
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I have done this a few times before, as far as I know you just have to wait for them to get a few fights elsewhere and then hopefully bring them back. [QUOTE=BlackJackRob21;425546]I'm trying to have 14 people per division, but right now I only have 13 in my Super Heavy division. There are 3 other people in that division, but they won't speak to me cause I cut them after losing so many times. Can I change a fighters weight in the editor to become part of the division?[/QUOTE] Yes you can change their fighting weight.
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[QUOTE=grits207;425625]I have done this a few times before, as far as I know you just have to wait for them to get a few fights elsewhere and then hopefully bring them back. Yes you can change their fighting weight.[/QUOTE] Yeah, normally I'd do this but it's Adam "I am totally overpowered" White we're talking about. Fat chance of any of the other promotions letting HIM go. But then again, Gamma and Alpha cut both Jeff Carlton and James Foster in my game, so maybe I'll get lucky and have them 'tard out.
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