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ECW 2000 - Reliving, Refocusing, Revitalizing

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With 2001 only a month away, Paul Heyman sat biting his nails in a chair in a run down hotel before the next ECW show. His TV show was gone. His workers, not happy. PPV is still available but that is the next thing to go, it is inevitable. "This is a sinking god damned ship!" Heyman yells, "how the **** do I fix this mess?" Then a sly smile spreads over Heyman's lips as he watches some tapes from rookie independant wrestlers. "This may be what I'm looking for, who cares if it doesn't work, our back is against the wall anyway", Heyman says to no one. He quickly gets on the phone and makes plans for his next show, a new, now weekly house show every Friday night.
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[B]ECW Roster[/B] World Champion: Steve Corino Television Champion: Rhino Tag Champions: The FBI [B]Main Eventers[/B] Rhino Psicosis Justin Credible Rob Van Dam Jerry Lynn Tommy Dreamer Scott Hall The Sandman [B]Upper Midcarders[/B] Spike Dudley Roadkill New Jack Pierre Outlette Mikey Whipreck Little Guido Tajiri Balls Mahoney Steve Corino [B]Midcarders[/B] Julio Dinero Kid Kash Super Crazy Christian York Chilly Willy Simon Diamond Teddy Hart Tony DeVito EZ Money Johnny Swinger [B]Lower Midcarders[/B] Tommy Mamaluke Danny Doring Vic Grimes Chris Hamrick Joey Matthews Brian Kendrick [B]Openers[/B] Chris Chetti CW Anderson Austin Aries
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 1, December 2000 [B]Main Event[/B] NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH! Scott Hall vs Justin Credible ECW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH! Rhino (c) vs Spike Dudley INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT TRIPLE THREAT MATCH! Super Crazy vs Tajiri vs Psicosis ECW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH! The FBI (c) vs Jerry Lynn & Kid Kash TEDDY HART DEBUTS IN ECW! Teddy Hart vs Christian York Plus more!
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 1, December 2000 [B]Main Event[/B] NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH! [B]Scott Hall[/B] vs Justin Credible ECW TELEVISION TITLE MATCH! [B]Rhino (c)[/B] vs Spike Dudley INTERNATIONAL INCIDENT TRIPLE THREAT MATCH! Super Crazy vs [B]Tajiri[/B] vs Jerry Lynn ECW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH! The FBI (c) vs [B]Jerry Lynn & Kid Kash[/B] TEDDY HART DEBUTS IN ECW! [B]Teddy Hart[/B] vs Christian York Plus more!
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 1, December 2000 Live from the Alumni Hall (Tri City) 5000 People -- SELLOUT! Pre-Show Dark Match Spanky defeated Austin Aries in 7:49 by pinfall with a Left Turn At The Alberque (C) Pre-Show Dark Match Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill defeated The Hot Commodity in 7:47 when Danny Doring defeated Julio Dinero by pinfall with a Bareback (D+) The crowd is buzzing for live ECW action when the riffs from Snapcase hit, and out comes none other then the Impact Player himself Justin Credible. Credible jaws with fans at ringside before rolling into the ring and grabbing a mic. He promises tonight he'll get his crack at the ECW World Title when he bitch slaps Scott Hall back to Atlanta where he belongs. He then promises once he wins he is going shower Scott Hall's bloody body with a fifth of Jack, just like he would want it! (B) Teddy Hart defeated Christian York in 8:21 by pinfall with a Hart Attack (C-) Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash defeated Little Guido and Tony Mamaluke in 12:51 when Jerry Lynn defeated Tony Mamaluke by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash win the ECW World Tag Team titles (C) Tommy Dreamer comes out to the ring to a huge ECW chant. He says that while their may be a Number One contender match tonight, Dreamer wants a shot next week vs Corino. Out of nowhere, "Debonaire" by Dope plays, bringing the ECW TV Champ Rhino to the ring. Rhino says he speaks on behalf of Corino when he says no shot in a hell to his title shot, but he can get a match with Rhino next week if he has the balls (C+) Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Psicosis and Super Crazy in 13:49 when Yoshihiro Tajiri defeated Super Crazy by pinfall with a Buzzsaw Kick (C) Rhino defeated Little Spike Dudley in 10:11 by pinfall with a Gore. Rhino makes defence number 1 of his ECW Television title (B-) "Walk" by Kilgore plays and the ECW arena blows up into a massive "R-V-D, R-V-D" chant. Van Dam says he is sick to his stomach about how things are going in ECW right now and he plans on changing that by bringing more five star matches to the fans. He then offers Tajiri a match next week to prove how good he truly is! (B+) Scott Hall defeated Justin Credible in 17:42 by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge (C+) Show Rating: B -
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[B]ECW News Update![/B] Wednesday, Week 2, December 2000 [B]ECW Signs Two![/B] ECW has come to terms with two young independant wrestlers, Chris Hero & CM Punk. Both men have worked together in other promotions and are expected to both debut in the upcoming weeks. [B]ECW On the Road Lineup Announced![/B] [B]Main Event[/B] ECW TELEVISION MATCH! Rhino (c) vs Tommy Dreamer SPECIAL CHALLENGE MATCH! Rob Van Dam vs Tajiri STREET FIGHT! New Jack vs Balls Mahoney Plus .. - Justin Credible makes an a challenge - Steve Corino is in the house - What is next for Scott Hall?
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 2, December 2000 Pizzitola Center (New England) 2000 People -- SELLOUT! New Jack defeated Balls Mahoney in 10:27 by pinfall with a 187 Diving Chairshot (C) Justin Credible comes out to the ring, still obviously irked from last week's loss to Scott Hall. He rips away the microphone from Joey Styles and says that he knows ECW has hired a bunch of young punks, so if any of them want to try and make a name for themselves, then be his guest! (C) Spanky defeated Justin Credible in 10:29 by pinfall with a Left Turn At The Alberque (C) After the match, a stunned Justin Credible decides to extract revenge by forcing Spanky through a table (C) Steve Corino comes out to the ring as the carnage is cleaned up and issues a warning to Scott Hall: DO NOT come to Massacre on 34th Street, because you'll get hooked back on painkillers if you do as he plans on breaking Scott Hall's neck (C+) Teddy Hart defeated Psicosis in 10:41 by pinfall with a Triple Bypass (C) A music video plays hyping "Mr. PPV" Rob Van Dam (B) Rob Van Dam defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri in 12:37 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash (C+) Rhino defeated Tommy Dreamer in 13:53 by pinfall with a Gore. Rhino makes defence number 2 of his ECW Television title (B) Show Rating: B -
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[B]ECW News Update![/B] Wednesday, Week 3, December 2000 [B]Psicosis to AAA[/B] - In news that isn't too shocking, lucha libre star Psicosis has parted ways with ECW to go home and wrestle for the AAA promotion. We here at ECW wish him only the best in all future endeavors. [B]Massacre on 34th Street News[/B] - We have our Main Event already signed, sealed and delievered for the Massacre on 34th Street as Steve Corino defends his ECW World Title vs Scott Hall, but we now have word of another match as ECW Tag Team Champions Jerry Lynn & Kid Kash will defend their titles vs the International Duo of Tajiri and Super Crazy! Expect more news in the coming days! [B]ECW On the Road Card Released[/B] [B]MAIN EVENT[/B] Tommy Dreamer & The Sandman vs Steve Corino & Rhino Scott Hall vs Little Guido Jerry Lynn vs Tajiri Kid Kash vs Super Crazy Plus .. - Rob Van Dam will address the ECW faithful! - Justin Credible looks for revenge - Teddy Hart gets a crack at starting his ECW Career 3-0! All this and more as ECW goes On the Road!
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 3, December 2000 Dickens Athletic Center (Great Lakes) 2000 People -- SELLOUT! Pre-Show Dark Match Chris Hero and CM Punk defeated Simon Diamond \ Swinger in 7:41 when Chris Hero defeated Swinger by pinfall with a Hero's Welcome (C-) Pre-Show Dark Match Austin Aries defeated Julio Dinero in 7:42 by pinfall with a Brainbuster (C-) Teddy Hart defeated Mikey Whipwreck in 10:07 by pinfall with a Hart Attack (C-) Rob Van Dam hits the ring to "R-V-D" chants as the ECW crowd goes wild. RVD is out to officially demand an ECW Television Title match vs Rhino at the Massacre on 34th Street in two weeks! (B+) Jerry Lynn defeated Yoshihiro Tajiri in 10:38 by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver (C-) Super Crazy defeated Kid Kash in 7:35 by pinfall with a Crazy Bomb (C-) In the ring Spanky comes out to give an interview regarding his upset win vs Justin Credible last week when Credible emerges from the crowd with a Singapore Cane and levels Spanky. The attack continues until Balls Mahoney comes out for the save. (D) Scott Hall defeated Little Guido in 14:49 by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge (B-) In the back Rhino & Corino hype up tonights Main Event (B) Steve Corino and Rhino defeated The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer in 15:58 when Steve Corino defeated Tommy Dreamer by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb (C) The winners continue to the assault on Dreamer and Sandman until RVD and Scott Hall make the save (B) Show Rating: C
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 4, December 2000 UCF Arena (Southeast) 5000 People -- SELLOUT! Pre-Show Dark Match New Jack defeated Austin Aries in 7:48 by pinfall with a 187 Diving Chairshot (C-) Pre-Show Dark Match Teddy Hart defeated Chris Hero in 7:40 by pinfall with a Triple Bypass (D) Tommy Dreamer is in the ring, hyping up the crowd for tonight's show when Justin Credible comes out from the crowd like last week, and levels him with his Singapore Cane before splitting (C+) CM Punk defeated Spanky in 9:55 by pinfall with a Pepsi Plunge (D+) Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash defeated Simon Diamond \ Swinger in 11:49 when Jerry Lynn defeated Swinger by pinfall with a TKO. Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash make defence number 1 of their ECW World Tag Team titles (C-) The Sandman comes out to the ring calling out anyone who has the balls for a match this Sunday at the Massacre on 34th Street (C) Justin Credible defeated Little Spike Dudley in 9:47 by pinfall with a That's Incredible (C-) Tommy Dreamer defeated Mikey Whipwreck in 10:44 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT (C+) RVD and Scott Hall collectivley hype up their Main Event match tonight (B-) Rob Van Dam and Scott Hall drew with Steve Corino and Rhino in 19:44 when the referee lost control and stopped the match (C+) Show Rating: C+
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[B]ECW Massacre on 34th Street[/B] Sunday, Week 4, December 2000 Nassau Colliseum (Tri City) 12000 People -- SELLOUT! Live on PPV A video airs hyping tonight's main event ECW World Title match between Scott Hall and Steve Corino (B) Spanky defeated Austin Aries in 8:54 by pinfall with a Sliced Bread No. 2 (C) Teddy Hart defeated Danny Doring in 11:42 by pinfall with a Hart Attack (C+) Balls Mahoney is warming up backstage, and talking to some friends when Justin Credible appears out of nowhere, spearing Balls down and unloading on him with vicious rights and lefts before other wrestlers come in and break it up (C) CM Punk defeated Chris Chetti in 10:47 by submission with a Devil's Lock (D+) Scott Hall is backstage talking about how ECW gave him another shot, and tonight he repays them for their trust in him by winning the ECW World Title (B-) Tommy Dreamer defeated Vic Grimes in 7:54 by pinfall with a Dreamer DDT (B+) Justin Credible defeated Balls Mahoney in 14:58 by pinfall with a That's Incredible (C+) Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash defeated Super Crazy and Yoshihiro Tajiri in 15:47 when Jerry Lynn defeated Super Crazy by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver. Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash make defence number 2 of their ECW World Tag Team titles (C) The Sandman defeated New Jack in 14:59 by pinfall with a White Russian Leg Sweep (C+) Justin Credible comes to the ring to let everyone know he is the best wrestler and ECW and it's his time to let everyone know it! (B-) Little Guido defeated Little Spike Dudley in 13:40 by pinfall with a Sicillian Slice (C+) Rob Van Dam defeated Rhino in 14:59 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash. Rob Van Dam wins the ECW Television title (B) As RVD celebrates his title win, Rhino comes back in and Gores him. He then proceeds to put RVD through a table at ringside as the crowd pelts him with trash (B+) Steve Corino defeated Scott Hall in 16:44 by pinfall following interference from Jack Victory. Steve Corino makes defence number 2 of his ECW World Title (B-) Show Rating: B -
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 1, January 2001 Live from the Cleveland Grays Armory (Great Lakes) 1000 People -- SELLOUT! Pre-Show Dark Match Austin Aries defeated Danny Doring in 8:10 by pinfall with a 450 Splash (C-) Pre-Show Dark Match Jerry Lynn and Kid Kash defeated Chris Hero and CM Punk in 7:33 when Jerry Lynn defeated CM Punk by pinfall with a Cradle Piledriver (C-) Steve Corino comes out to tout his successful title defense last week at the PPV, and says now that he has rid ECW of Scott Hall, anyone who wants a shot, has it. Unfortunatley he is cut off by Paul Heyman, who says what happened last week was a mockery of the ECW World Title, and at Guilty as Charged, there will be a rematch for the title, only this time inside of a steel cage! (B-) Scott Hall defeated Simon Diamond in 9:51 by pinfall with an Outsider's Edge (C-) A video package focusing on Scott Hall plays (B-) The Sandman defeated Rhino in 15:28 by pinfall following interference from Rob Van Dam (C+) Teddy Hart defeated Spanky in 10:37 by pinfall with a Hart Attack (C+) After the match Teddy Hart gets on the mic and promises he not the future of the ECW .. HE IS ECW (C) Justin Credible defeated Balls Mahoney in 9:58 by pinfall with a That's Incredible (C) Rob Van Dam defeated Little Guido in 18:50 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash. Rob Van Dam makes defence number 1 of his ECW Television title (B-) Show Rating: C +
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[B]ECW On the Road[/B] Friday, Week 2, January 2001 Live from the Conte Forum (New England) 7989 People Pre-Show Dark Match Spanky defeated Austin Aries in 7:41 by pinfall with a Sliced Bread No. 2 (C+) Pre-Show Dark Match Kid Kash defeated CM Punk in 7:57 by pinfall with a Money Maker (C-) Getting ready for his match with Teddy Hart, Spike Dudley is stretching out when Steve Corino wallops him with his ECW World Title. Thankfully Scott Hall is nearby and chases Corino off (C) Teddy Hart defeated Little Spike Dudley in 15:44 by pinfall with a Hart Attack (C+) Rhino comes out and lets everyone know he is using his rematch clause to get a shot at the ECW TV Title at Guilty as Charged (B-) Rob Van Dam defeated Super Crazy in 17:33 by pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash. Rob Van Dam makes defence number 2 of his ECW Television title (C) Continuing his string of attacks on unknowing wrestlers, Justin Credible finds another victim, this time Tajiri (C) Steve Corino defeated The Sandman in 16:23 by pinfall with a Northern Lights Bomb. Steve Corino makes defence number 2 of his ECW World Heavyweight title (C+) Show Rating: C +
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