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Need some help!!!

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I have been running a game with my own fed AOW or All Out Wrestling.I have mixed some real world workers into the CV. WWE, TNA and A few others were added about four months into the game. I'm about a year into my game and my roster is stacked. Here is what I need help with: 1) The Rock is my world Champion and has been since day one, well the first show. Many have tried to beat him but no one has be able to, atleast not in a title match. Right now The Undertaker, HHH, Mick Foley, Edge, Runaway Train and Bryan Vessy are in the hunt right now. Well The Rocks one year as champion is coming up in two weeks. Do you think A) I should keep the belt on him for a few more months or B) Give it to one of the other guys, if so who? 2) For the past seven months Rey myst. Jr and RVD have been in a crazy feud. RVD won the High Impact belt and held it for three months. Rey Won in from him only to lose it back. Well Rey then hired CM Punk to help him out, only to have his plans back fire. Punk won the title on his third try. Well now Rey is talking about bringing in another "mystery worker" A.J Styles who is in my Child FED. I'm trying to write RVD out of the story lines due to him being late about 20 times. Do I keep RVD around and have the four men fight over the belt or cut RVD and watch him go to TNA or WWE? 3) how many worker do you keep in development? right now I have no less the 30 is that to many? I know most will never make it to the main roster but I do have three no names that are now HUGE stars. Thanks for the help
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You might want to post this in the TEW07 General Discussions section, you'll probably get better answers there as this section is for dynasties. But in brief, A) is your choice to make, unless it becomes a diary then people will give their opinion on what you are doing, B) again, your choice, although generally I phase people outwho are misbehaving over time to get others over and C) it depends on your budget. How many people you have in development depends on what you can afford, although I wouldn't advise keeping people on who you know won't get called up as it's a waste of money, unless you think the others will benefit from them being there (skills wise). But yeah, you'll get fuller, better answers in the General Discussions section.
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