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TNA ~ Cross The Line

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[CENTER][IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNAWorldHeavyweight.jpg[/IMG] [B]Samoa Joe[/B] [IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNATelevision.jpg[/IMG] [B]James Storm[/B] [IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNAXDivision.jpg[/IMG] [B]Petey Williams[/B] [IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNAKnockouts.jpg[/IMG] [B]Awsome Kong[/B] [IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNAWorldTagteam.jpg[/IMG] [B]LAX[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNALogo2.jpg[/IMG] [B]AJ Styles Alex Shelley Angelina Love Awsome Kong BG James Black Reign Booker T Brother Devon Brother Ray Chris Sabin Christian Cage Christy Hemme Curry Man Elix Skipper Eric Young Gail Kim Hernandez Homicide Jacqueline James Mitchell James Storm Jay Lethal Jeff Jarrett Jim Cornette Jimmy Rave Johnny Devine Kaz Karen Angle Kevin Nash Kip James Kurt Angle Lance Hoyt Matt Morgan ODB Peyton Banks Petey Williams Raisha Saeed Rellik Rhaka Khan Rhino Robert Roode Roxxi Salinas Samoe Joe Scott Steiner Shark Boy Sharmell SoCal Val Sonjay Dutt Sting Tomko Traci Brooks Velvet Sky[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNT.jpg[/IMG] [B](L) Lifetime (W) Written Deal (D) Developmental Deal (P) Pay Per Appearance Deal (R) Injury/Storyline Rehab Hermie Sadler (Owner/Announcer) (L) Willie Urbina (Announcer) (W) Crystal Louthan (Interviewer) (D) Shane Sewell (Referee) (W) Maven (Trainer) (W) Austin Creed (D) Sylvain Grenier (D) Caleb Konley (P) Charlie Dreamer (P) Daffney (P) Chris Masters (P) Jerry Lynn (P) Joey Matthews (P) Spike Dudley (P) Scotty 2 Hotty (P)[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNA.jpg[/IMG] [B]UWF Becomes TNA Developmental Territory[/B] TNA General Manager Jim Cornette announced today during a press conference that the UWF owned by nascar driver Hermie Sadler have agreed to become the developmental territory for TNA. UWF also has underwent a name change to better suit this relationship. UWF will be referred as TNT Pro Wrestling. The UWF roster will all move to TNTPW in hopes of earning a contract with TNA. Austin Creed, Shane Sewell (Referee), Willie Urbina (Announcer), Sylvain Grenier, and Crystal Louthan have been sent to TNTPW for training and. More signing to TNTPW are expected later this week.[/CENTER]
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Thanks for reading guys. I'll be getting my Impact Preview posted this afternoon and have results from that Impact posted later today as well. Little busy this morning with taking my girlfriend to get a tooth puled so once thats done I'll get working on this. Also have a neat news article to post that some may find interesting.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/TNA.jpg[/IMG] [B]TNA, Hogan Reach Deal[/B] TNAwrestling.com has learned of a breaking news story regarding Hulk Hogan and TNA. Weks ago when Hogan had mentioned his intent to open a new promotion he mentioned unhappy talent in the WWE and undiscovered talent as well. Hogan was qouted as saying. "There are a lot of unhappy campers in the WWE and there are also a new breed of wrestlers that Vince McMahon hasn't explored yet, that we have." Early this morning it was announced due to the legal troubles the Hogan family is going through these plans have been canceled. Hogan has hopwever passed this information on to TNA's own Jeff Jarrett in hopes of him taking on the WWE. Whether TNA signs these wrestlers remains to be seen. The plan appears to be Hogan hoping TNA can weaken the WWE until Hogan gets through his personal matters to finish the job with his own promotion. Stay tuned for more news on this story.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll81/JLWoodson3/Diary/Impact.jpg[/IMG] Roxxi & ODB vs The Beutiful People X Division Championship Petey Williams vs Shark Boy King of the Moutain Qualifier Tomko vs Christian Cage King of the Moutain Qualifier Rhino vs James Storm Booker T & Team 3D vs Samoa Joe & LAX Plus news regarding the upcoming TNA X Cup. AJ Styles has also promised revenge on Kurt Angle, Tomko, Team 3D, and Booker T. What does he have planned.[/CENTER]
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[B]Roxxi & ODB[/B] vs The Beutiful People X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs Shark Boy King of the Moutain Qualifier Tomko vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] King of the Moutain Qualifier [B]Rhino[/B] vs James Storm Booker T & Team 3D vs [B]Samoa Joe & LAX[/B]
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[B]Roxxi & ODB[/B] vs The Beutiful People X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs Shark Boy King of the Moutain Qualifier Tomko vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] King of the Moutain Qualifier [B]Rhino[/B] vs James Storm Booker T & Team 3D vs [B]Samoa Joe & LAX[/B]
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Roxxi & ODB vs [B]The Beutiful People[/B] X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs Shark Boy King of the Moutain Qualifier Tomko vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] King of the Moutain Qualifier Rhino vs [B]James Storm[/B] Booker T & Team 3D vs [B]Samoa Joe & LAX[/B]
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Roxxi & ODB vs [B]The Beutiful People[/B] X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs Shark Boy King of the Moutain Qualifier Tomko vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] King of the Moutain Qualifier Rhino vs [B]James Storm[/B] [B]Booker T & Team 3D[/B] vs Samoa Joe & LAX Looks pretty good so far, you've got yourself a reader.
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Roxxi & ODB vs [B]The Beutiful People[/B] X Division Championship [B]Petey Williams[/B] vs Shark Boy King of the Moutain Qualifier Tomko vs [B]Christian Cage[/B] King of the Moutain Qualifier Rhino vs [B]James Storm[/B] [B]Booker T & Team 3D[/B] vs Samoa Joe & LAX
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