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[QUOTE=Clarity;427232]Cheers bud Im kinda doing that.. Have both the front page and forums open and refresh between songs[/QUOTE] It's stuff like that (and me coming back every 5 minutes) that probably has Adam throwing money at his high class whores and slapping them with glee over how we are foaming at the mouth for just an editor. Can you imagine this place when the demo is due to be released? Or the game itself? It will be chaos.
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[QUOTE=jesterx7769;427240]I believe the word you meant was Armageddon.[/QUOTE] Man, that would be such a disappointment. June 8th, the game is released. We're all playing. Adam is counting his money. Boom! The literal Apocalypse ends the world after we've only had time to book a single show.
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[quote=Dischord;427238]It's stuff like that (and me coming back every 5 minutes) that probably has Adam throwing money at his high class whores and slapping them with glee over how we are foaming at the mouth for just an editor. [/quote] O.K. that is by far THE funniest thing I've ever read on the boards here! Such imagery! Adam does indeed have some enough rabid.
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[quote=TeemuFoundation;427144]Maybe this whole "TEW 2008" has been a hoax all the time! It's a conspiracy! There is no TEW 2008! [U][I][B]Hell, there might not even be any Adam Ryland. Has anyone of us ever seen Adam Ryland in person? Or do we possess any concrete evidence that there is an Adam Ryland in the UK? Maybe this TEW is just a devious communist plot![/B][/I][/U] I may be getting a little paranoid here.[/quote] You might be right... [url]http://web.archive.org/web/20030719112151/www.pwse.com/modules.php?name=Content&pa=showpage&pid=18[/url]
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