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[quote=Jennie Bomb;426855]Ryland operates on UK time, so... could be as little as 40 minutes or so. :p[/quote] I always knew chicks can't handle they smoke.... Umm I always knew women were smarter than "us guys"
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;426889]i just checked (i know its sad) but adam released the links for TEW2007 Editor and the Demo and same with WMMA. And once it was 8am and the other times it was around 4-6PM so i guess me staying up is a silly idea :([/QUOTE]Well the front page has a seperate section for '08. Had links to screens, specs, support and features
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[QUOTE=Woodsmeister;426889]i just checked (i know its sad) but adam released the links for TEW2007 Editor and the Demo and same with WMMA. And once it was 8am and the other times it was around 4-6PM so i guess me staying up is a silly idea :([/QUOTE] come on, lets pull an all nighter and make mod magic
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I worry about some of you people anticipating the release of the editor. I mean seriously, I am dreading it for the sole fact that I know how long editing data takes, and that I would really want to get my data up to scratch within the week before release. >.<
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[QUOTE=Lukiep8;426937]I worry about some of you people anticipating the release of the editor. I mean seriously, I am dreading it for the sole fact that I know how long editing data takes, and that I would really want to get my data up to scratch within the week before release. >.<[/QUOTE] The data you dont share with anyone?
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[QUOTE=darthsiddus2;426972]you expect people to be civil after what happened with Lukie? forget it[/QUOTE] The way people are acting, you'd almost think Lukie threw a childish fit so bad that it castrated the only modern-day mod for 2007 that had a shot at being good, created an undercurrent of hostility throughout the entire TEW modding community, and could have killed the chances of there being a TEW 2008 all over a mod [i]nobody played[/i]. Oh, wait.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;426980]The way people are acting, you'd almost think Lukie threw a childish fit so bad that it castrated the only modern-day mod for 2007 that had a shot at being good, created an undercurrent of hostility throughout the entire TEW modding community, and could have killed the chances of there being a TEW 2008 all over a mod [i]nobody played[/i]. Oh, wait.[/QUOTE] Wait. Did I miss something? What happened? Can someone share the story?
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[QUOTE=Dischord;426981]Wait. Did I miss something? What happened? Can someone share the story?[/QUOTE] Basically that. However, it doesn't mean we can't try to be civil. I just personally think that this kind of stuff doesn't need to be on here. I feel the same way a lot of people do about the situation, yet constantly harping about it doesn't help anything. All it does is make things worse.
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[QUOTE=jagilki;426982]Basically that. However, it doesn't mean we can't try to be civil. I just personally think that this kind of stuff doesn't need to be on here. I feel the same way a lot of people do about the situation, yet constantly harping about it doesn't help anything. All it does is make things worse.[/QUOTE] I agree and Lukie actually went through and deleted all of his Japanese work for the last update of the mod so that someone can update and release the 1RC update if they chose to and got the proper permission. Just so this post isn't a total waste, I too am looking forward to the editor. Messing with the wrestler's individual personalities sounds too fun let alone exploring other areas of the game.
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