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Real World Data Mod (KM)

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Howdy, Now that the data editor is out, I'm going to announce that I'm working on a Real World data mod for TEW08. This will include real world wrestling promotions and workers, as well as a few minor celebrities. It won't be as large as T-Zone, but I sure hope it will be accurate and detailed enough to still be fun. I'll be working on one promotion at a time, one area at a time. My friend, who isn't on the boards, will be working on all Japan Data. [B]There is no ETA on release[/B], and if at any time its decided that it won't be finished by us, I'm more then happy to throw out there for the community to pick at and use as a base if needed. This thread will be updated when each phase of the mod is complete. So once WWE has been created, there will be an update, maybe even a quick upload for people to look at it, and give some feedback. [U]Mod Status Report[/U] [B]Currently Working on:[/B] WWE - [I]Overness & Stat balancing with Game World[/I] [B]Next Promotion[/B]: TNA [B]Alter Egos[/B]: 113 [B]Angles[/B]: 433 (Default TEW08 Angles) [B]Dojo Graduates[/B]: 0 [B]Dojos[/B]: 0 [B]Events[/B]: 25 [B]Gimmicks[/B]: 215 [B]Hall of Immortals[/B]: 0 [B]Injuries[/B]: 91 (Default TEW08 Injuries, plus own) [B]Locations[/B]: 0 [B]Match Types[/B]: 122 (Default TEW08 Matches) [B]Move Sets[/B]: 143 [B]Moves[/B]: 246 [B]PPV Agreements[/B]: 2 [B]PPV Carriers[/B]: 45 [B]Promotion Pacts[/B]: 0 [B]Promotions[/B]: 2 [B]Stables[/B]: 6 [B]Start Injuries[/B]: 3 [B]Storylines[/B]: 37 ([I]Default TEW08 Storylines, with plans to release packs based on a years worth of Storylines - Example: WWE 07, TNA 07, etc[/I]) [B]Teams[/B]: 16 [B]Title Lineage[/B]: 46 [B]Titles[/B]: 12 [B]TV Networks[/B]: 106 ([I]Missing Japanese, Other European and Australian Networks[/I]) [B]TV Show Slots[/B]: 14 [B]TV Shows[/B]: 4 [B]User Characters[/B]: 1 [B]Worker Relations[/B]: 22 [B]Workers[/B]: 136
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[U]Mod Update[/U] [B]WWE[/B] WWE created Raw Roster completed (Workers, Announcers, Referees, Personalities) Alter Egos set for various wreslters ([I]Example - Bradshaw: JBL, Bradshaw (APA) and Justin 'Hawk' Bradshaw. Burchill: Burchill, Burchill (Pirate)) All WWE names have been assigned as Alter Egos too. this way if they are released by the WWE, and rehired later on in the game, they won't come in as their real life name. Example: Chris Masters won't come back Chris Mordesky.[/I] All Workers have their movesets - including alternative movesets if they are released by the WWE. ([I]Example: Paul London - has a WWE moveset, tamed down moves, and an Indy moveset, which is more high risk[/I]) Events Set TV Shows created TV Slots Set [B]World[/B] 100+ Networks created ([I]Still creating Japanese Networks, any advice would be appreciated. Likewise, some help with European Networks that AREN'T in Germany would be helpful too[/I])
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[QUOTE=ColtCabana;428330]Do you need help with Australian TV, PPV networks/ Arena's or has that be done?[/QUOTE] Any help would be great on those, as I have NO IDEA about the Australian wrestling scene or TV networks (outside of Fox8 and The Box). Credit will be given :)
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Not major updates on the mod today, other then the Smackdown roster is coming along nicely and should be complete soon, which means I'll start doing some stat balancing. So, if you have some spare time, and fancy helping the mod out a little, I'd be grateful if you could fill in this little spreadsheet for me, and email back to me at Chriswok[I]at[/I]hotmail.com It's basically asking you to rate who you think the top 20 are in the WWE at certain catorgories (SQ, Looks, Charisma, Mic, etc). It would really help balance out the stats. Thanks again, Chris
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;428796]Not major updates on the mod today, other then the Smackdown roster is coming along nicely and should be complete soon, which means I'll start doing some stat balancing. So, if you have some spare time, and fancy helping the mod out a little, I'd be grateful if you could fill in this little spreadsheet for me, and email back to me at Chriswok[I]at[/I]hotmail.com It's basically asking you to rate who you think the top 20 are in the WWE at certain catorgories (SQ, Looks, Charisma, Mic, etc). It would really help balance out the stats. Thanks again, Chris[/QUOTE] dude, that's scary... I honestly came on the boards to start a thread suggesting something very similar. My question was going to be who does everyone think is THE TOP in each of the stat categories. So that everyone can have a measuring stick to mod from.
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haha! That's pretty scary like Even the top dog at each stat would help, balance my opinion on worker 'x'. I know from past mods I've played that I've felt there's been some favortism/fanboi love towards wrestler 'Y' or whatever, trying to curve it out in this one.
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Just figured I would put in my 2 cents. This is the way I feel about the male roster of Smackdown! I hate womens wrestling so I can't rank on that subject but as for the men this is how I see it and I just went on the roster listed on the WWE website roster. If you need anything else please let me know.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;428804]haha! That's pretty scary like Even the top dog at each stat would help, balance my opinion on worker 'x'. I know from past mods I've played that I've felt there's been some favortism/fanboi love towards wrestler 'Y' or whatever, trying to curve it out in this one.[/QUOTE] I agree with this completely and as you can see in mine you will notice what some may consider favoritism towards but so you are aware I rank this guys based on my feelings on a performer not a fan. I have been a trained wrestler for 8 years now and with that said my opinion isn't the only right answer but it is one that I give as a judge of the performer not the gimmick and show.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;429142]Just figured I would put in my 2 cents. This is the way I feel about the male roster of Smackdown! I hate womens wrestling so I can't rank on that subject but as for the men this is how I see it and I just went on the roster listed on the WWE website roster. If you need anything else please let me know.[/QUOTE] Thank you, Machinesxe, more then what I was asking for and its all appreciated :D
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Well you can do Raw now if you want, the roster is place. ECW should be started tonight, and then tomorrow WWE Legends and stat balancing takes place. Hopefully, I'll get TNA done in time for the weekend and the 1 month demo period - so I might be able to release WWE/TNA data for the demo, no promises though.
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Thanks once again, machinesxe. :) --- The Smackdown Roster has been finished, so tonight its just a case of doing the ECW Roster and WWE Legends (people who you'd associate with the WWE, but are no longer part of their roster - Hulk Hogan, Macho Man Randy Savage, The Warrior, etc) then the WWE stat balance challenge begins! I'll also be looking over the rosters as a whole, to make sure theirs no one I've overlooked and left out by mistake. I've left out assigning the workers gimmicks yet, as I'm going to import the Default TEW08 gimmicks, and then add my own to those if they're needed. Just think this will balance the game better then making them all from scratch. Same with Match Types. After ECW/Legends have been created and added to the game, I'll be moving on to TNA. This shouldn't take me as long as WWE, since they only have '1 roster', but I won't rush over it. Once TNA is done, I'll take a jump back to the WWE and work their development promotion FCW. After that its a case of working down the American Promotions in order of how big they are, then moving onto the next country. --- [B]Mod Update[/B] [B]WWE[/B] Smackdown Roster complete Smackdown Moves & Movesets created and assigned Smackdown (and alternative) Alter Egos created and assigned - WWE Alter Egos, and their indy/development ones [IE - [I]Dave Batista (WWE) Leviathan (OVW) - While OVW might not have anything to do with the WWE anymore, it will make it easier to make other mods from this database in the future[/I]] Smackdown Tag Teams created & assigned [B]World[/B] Created several Australian/NZ TV networks and PPV carriers ([I]Thank you [B]ColtCabana[/B] for your suggestions and feedback[/I])
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This is sounding really interesting so far and I like that you have asked for input from others to keep your mod more accurate overall and as you said cut out of the fanboi mods. How many promotions will you be adding from UK and Europe? I can try and get you roster lists for each promotion in UK if you would like with Tag Team names etc but I am not very good at doing accurate stats so I wouldn't be overly good at helping you in that department.
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Just wondering what worker picture pack you plan to use on this. I could set that up and start working on some of the pictures one by one and using an original background for you Mod. Let me know if this is something you want and we can work this out. --- BTW I would be willing to split this duty with someone and we could break it down by promotion. That is if Chris even wants me to assist in this part of the mod.
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;429724]Just wondering what worker picture pack you plan to use on this. I could set that up and start working on some of the pictures one by one and using an original background for you Mod. Let me know if this is something you want and we can work this out. --- BTW I would be willing to split this duty with someone and we could break it down by promotion. That is if Chris even wants me to assist in this part of the mod.[/QUOTE] I was just selecting the best pictures from the [URL="http://www.bobinc.net/TEW07Downloads.html"]Bobinc Flash Packs[/URL] for the workers, taking a normal looking picture for their real life screen and bio, and gimmick pictures for their gimmick. Example - There's a normal Paul Burchill picture for the Paul Burchill screen, you'd visit via the 'workers' screen if trying to hire someone. A Paul Burchill (current gimmick) Picture for his WWE profile, and a Paul Burchill (Pirate Picture) assigned to his Pirate gimmick Profile. Just been going along assign them as I needed them really, thankfully they've all been there. I was doing it so that people could use whatever picture they liked best and it should hopefully work, granted that the pictures are named the same. I don't mind if you want to make a picture pack for the mod, any help is appreciated, just so far, thankfully, most of the pictures have been there from Bob's Flash Pack :) Add me to MSN if you want to talk about it though, Chris
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[U]Mod Update[/U] WWE Complete Raw, Smackdown & ECW roster created and assigned (This includes, workers, referees, road agents, announcers, personalities, managers, etc) WWE Titles created and champions assigned Current WWE Tag Teams created and assigned (Past tag teams will be created as mod progresses) Current WWE Groups created and assigned (Past stables will be created as mod progresses) WWE overness and stat balancing in progress. [B]Next[/B] - TNA
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Surprise! Just before I go to work, I thought, I'd upload this [B][U]TEST RELEASE[/U][/B] of what I've done so far. It [B][B]ONLY[/B] includes WWE[/B] as a [I]playable[/I] promotion so far. I borrowed the locations from Bobinc, so credit goes to who did those originally, I will find out and update the credit notes accordingly. Please use this thread for constructive feedback, and how to improve the balance of the game. I'm aware that some gimmicks haven't been set, or might be slightly off. Also, some overness still needs to be adjusted, as I'm getting used to the new 'importance' factor within the game. If you want pictures to appear, the [B]BobInc Flash Pack[/B] should work just fine, as should [B]RayW's logos[/B]. [B][I]THIS ISN'T A FULL RELEASE![/I][/B] With that said; [url]http://files.filefront.com/RealWorldrar/;10472224;/fileinfo.html[/url] Enjoy, Chris
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[U]Mod Update[/U] TNA complete All workers, Referees, Announcers, Road Agents, Personalities, etc All assigned gimmicks and pushes All titles created and assigned to current champions All teams and stables created All TV shows created and assigned to networks Now comes the process of balancing out the data a bit more so certain people don't appear where they shouldn't in regards to certain titles. I'll see how it goes and [I]might[/I] release a WWE/TNA version of the data later tonight. As it is, a number of things can happen depending how well the shows are booked. WWE can drop to Cult (something I'm trying to work on, as they drop from Global to Cult in one large swoop), or they can maintain their direction and remain the leading wrestling brand in the world. TNA can drop to Cult from National, or depending on well they're booked, grow at a steady pace over 12 months and break into a Global company ready to rival WWE, which I thought was nice.
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[QUOTE=Chriswok;435240][U]Mod Update[/U] TNA complete All workers, Referees, Announcers, Road Agents, Personalities, etc All assigned gimmicks and pushes All titles created and assigned to current champions All teams and stables created All TV shows created and assigned to networks Now comes the process of balancing out the data a bit more so certain people don't appear where they shouldn't in regards to certain titles. I'll see how it goes and [I]might[/I] release a WWE/TNA version of the data later tonight. As it is, a number of things can happen depending how well the shows are booked. WWE can drop to Cult (something I'm trying to work on, as they drop from Global to Cult in one large swoop), or they can maintain their direction and remain the leading wrestling brand in the world. TNA can drop to Cult from National, or depending on well they're booked, grow at a steady pace over 12 months and break into a Global company ready to rival WWE, which I thought was nice.[/QUOTE] I think WWE should be just barely International. It's no secret they're losing popularity and ratings. TNA should be Cult, and should reach National in 6 months or so. Even though they're #2, they still don't sign half of their people to contracts.
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[QUOTE=Von Dozier;435312]I think WWE should be just barely International. It's no secret they're losing popularity and ratings. TNA should be Cult, and should reach National in 6 months or so. Even though they're #2, they still don't sign half of their people to contracts.[/QUOTE] If TNA were cult by game standards they'd struggle to keep their TV deal, or sign WWE 'cast offs', which isn't really the case in real life. National suits them well, they're known across the states, maybe not well known but enough - having a national TV deal will do that. WWE are Global, they're not extremely global (still alot of work to do in Europe and Japan). You can always change it when the data is released though, that's the beauty of the editor.
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