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Logo/Picture Request Thread

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey, i'd really appreciate anybody who could do some work on this. What I'd like is a banner, in the picture folder going into the spare folder there is a picture it's random_male22, i'd like that picture in the corner and then total discretion to the artist here but randommale22 in one corner or wherever you see fit and the txt reads: Ramaeno Ramaelli's Wrestling Revolution. The next banner, on one side i'd like a picture of The Grand Avatar and on the other side random_male22 and in between an awesome, impactful logo in the middle of the banner of whatever you see fit, lightning bolts, electricity barbed wire, whatever and it should say THE SPORTS COMPANY. This next request is something more like a poster if you will. Like a movie poster or more specifically a PPV poster. It'd have an empty ring but a totally packed arena in the background maybe a spotlight on the center of the ring, the audience in shadows, lots of shadows so that the spotlight can focus on the ring.... on the top of the poster it should read: "LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW" and the heart of the poster will be at the bottom where it will say "THE TOUGHMAN TOURNAMENT" and smaller font beneath that: "WHO WILL SURVIVE" and then promotional stuff underneath saying something like "LIVE PRIZEFIGHTING TOURNAMENT ONLY ON PPV CALL YOUR CABLE OPERATOR FOR ORDERING INFORMATION" etc. etc. im sure if you're reading this thread in the first place youre a long time fan like i am so i'm sure you, like i, have seen many posters, promotional materials etc. so can come up with something really cool. I appreciate the time and effort guys. I have so many logo/banner/etc needs so if anybody feels like being creative please shoot me a PM here I'd really appreciate it alot. Thank you. My email is [email]thegraveyard@aol.com[/email] so stuff can be sent there too... Again thanks so much!!!!!
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