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June 2008 Mod *IN PROGRESS*

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I'm currently getting started working on a stats update, or mod, for TEW 08. I'd like to have it ready to drop as soon as the full version of the game is released, but I've got a question first. Would you all prefer if I took my time and created everyone completely from scratch? Or would you prefer a mod with as many promotions and workers in it as possible? If you'd prefer more quantity than quality for the first version, then I'd just make all of the workers using the Quick Add feature, and then would edit them based on suggestions for future installments of the update. So I guess I'm just asking what you're wanting out of the gate. Quality or Quantity to start?
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[QUOTE=Gabriel;427550]I'm currently getting started working on a stats update, or mod, for TEW 08. I'd like to have it ready to drop as soon as the full version of the game is released, but I've got a question first. Would you all prefer if I took my time and created everyone completely from scratch? Or would you prefer a mod with as many promotions and workers in it as possible? If you'd prefer more quantity than quality for the first version, then I'd just make all of the workers using the Quick Add feature, and then would edit them based on suggestions for future installments of the update. So I guess I'm just asking what you're wanting out of the gate. Quality or Quantity to start?[/QUOTE] Quality. I personally don't even take one look at half the people in T-Zone. You should hand make the major promotion workers and quick add some of the indy promotion workers.
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If I'm creating from scratch, then I'm expecting only to have the WWE done, up to date as of June 1st... and it might not be out until the middle of the month. If I quick add people, I could probably have WWE, TNA, a couple of American indy's, New Japan and NOAH all ready to go by the 8th... maybe. WWE and TNA for sure. I plan on releasing a mod that's up to date to the beginning of each month. That's not to say I will release one every 30 days... just that you'll get mods up to date as of June, July, August and so on. Even if August doesn't come until November.
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I do have MSN. My address is [email]one.dark.flame@hotmail.com[/email] I'm not sure how you intend to help, but I suppose having someone work on the other things while I do promotions/workers wouldn't be too bad of an idea.
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I want this to be my own thing really. When it's done, I'll let anyone who wants to, use it for their own stuff, with the understanding that it's quid-pro-quo. So if they use it, and add things I don't have, I can add things from what they did to my next version of the mod, and so forth and yadda yadda. Plus, this way, I can have everything organized from the beginning, so as to make sure that when I go through and update things later on, nothing gets left out.
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UPDATE: Figured I'd update you all on what's going on so far, before I head off to bed. Locations: 1 Moves: 23 Promotions: 1 Titles: 2 TV Networks: 1 TV Show Slots: 1 TV Shows: 1 Workers: 8 I'm basically doing this chronologically starting with the first even in May, which was RAW on May 5th at the Air Canada Center in Toronto, Ontario. So the locations I will be adding personally will all have been visited by WWE for tv or PPV in May. The promotion is, obviously, the WWE. The May 5th RAW will have added 40 workers alone by the time I get through everyone who appeared on the show. EkmO is helping out with, I believe, injuries and storylines or angles. I can't remember exactly, but thanks to EkmO for his help. I'll update again tomorrow night before I go to bed, to keep everyone in the loop, and hopefully keep me on my toes and working.
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Off the top of my head, I could definately use some help with the Gimmicks portion of the mod. You would likely have to send the file through to me via MSN. You could always upload it to Rapidshare or Megaupload, but MSN is probably easiest, especially when dealing with just one data file.
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I was hoping to have a Beta out today, but it's looking more like late Monday or Tuesday (Pacific Time). Right now, we're looking at 40-odd workers, minus referees and road agents which I still need to add. It's just WWE, but right now that's all I'm concerned with. When I do release the Beta, I'll basically be looking for suggestions on stat adjustments and just general requests that people have. I have my own list of things I want to add, but will definately be taking requests and mixing those in as well.
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