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TEW '08 Render Request Thread

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[QUOTE=Harts4Life;431838]The way this thread is set up makes my decision not to do any more TEW render requests even more validity. For instance, Clarity ... you've got quite the lineup of renderers lined up to do these requests ... I assume you personally gathered this group together? Perhaps this thread should be titled "Clarity and Co.'s Render Request Thread" since you're not the only renderers on these boards, despite what you seem to think.[/QUOTE]It was set up so that when the requests came in i would put them all up on the first page and [U]anyone[/U] could do them. Oh and congratulations on becoming telepathic. [QUOTE]I applaud your intention to try to keep the thread clean from a plethora of requests, but there are better ways to handle it. Even down to [two separate threads, one for requests, one for completed requests. Instead, you set up some sort of deal where somehow you're entirely in charge of user requests. Exactly how did you come to the conclusion that you should have this role?[/QUOTE]All im doing is making sure that requests are easily accessable (via the first page). If there are better ways to have handled it, then feel free to start it [QUOTE]Understand that this is not a criticism of yours or any other renderers work. You do good work. But stick to making pictures, and stop trying to be an administrator, okay?[/QUOTE]Duely noted.. Will stop being helpful and let it go back to the old way. Will get this thread closed
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I'm sticking with Clarity on this one. I believe this thread will be better if we keep it the way it is and put them in an orderly fashion. people have to stop being lazy and check out the first page to see if there are any rules out there. if we let it get back to the way it was last year it will just be a mess of undone render requests cause they will get lost in the shuffle. I dont normally argue but if you dont like it Harts then stay out of the thread, it is not hurting anyone with the way we are having this set up. Keep up the awesome work on organization Clarity. ;)
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KEEP IT LIKE IT IS I'm in the queue but I know it'll be frigging worth it in the long run. At least claritys taken the time to stop this stuff getting totally out of hand. The way I read it - everyone was welcoem to have a go at any renders requested. So pull the stick out eh?
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;432022]KEEP IT LIKE IT IS I'm in the queue but I know it'll be frigging worth it in the long run. At least claritys taken the time to stop this stuff getting totally out of hand. The way I read it - everyone was welcoem to have a go at any renders requested. So pull the stick out eh?[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=GDE71;432027]I for one hope that the people that did the form correctly will eventually get their renders done. Please don't punish us for people who can't read.[/QUOTE] I have a little bit of spare time at the moment and will try to do both of yours tonight or tomorrow, as well as Ekmos.
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Hmmm, I'm late getting to it, but I guess change doesn't always go down to well. Since the first post has been edited, I can't really comment too much on the set up or if renderers were included or excluded. Credit to Clarity though for trying to get everything so organised, but it looks more like this thread (or a new version) will be organised chaos at best.
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[QUOTE=Harts4Life;431838]The way this thread is set up makes my decision not to do any more TEW render requests even more validity. For instance, Clarity ... you've got quite the lineup of renderers lined up to do these requests ... I assume you personally gathered this group together? Perhaps this thread should be titled "Clarity and Co.'s Render Request Thread" since you're not the only renderers on these boards, despite what you seem to think. I applaud your intention to try to keep the thread clean from a plethora of requests, but there are better ways to handle it. Even down to two separate threads, one for requests, one for completed requests. Instead, you set up some sort of deal where somehow you're entirely in charge of user requests. Exactly how did you come to the conclusion that you should have this role? Understand that this is not a criticism of yours or any other renderers work. You do good work. But stick to making pictures, and stop trying to be an administrator, okay?[/QUOTE] I'm guessing Clarity was setting this up so we do not having to spend 20 minutes going through pages upon pages deciphering what everyone wants. It was a good idea, and I was quite psyched up to do some requests for people but as it seems to have fallen to the wayside, I'm not going to be doing any requests (whether people care or not). Seeing as we do these for free, I think Clarity was well within his right to keep it tidy and ask people to use a form. Don't like it? Go create your own thread and create renders for people. I don't think your post was needed to be honest and has kind of done nothing but delay people getting any renders. As for your little comment [quote]I assume you personally gathered this group together? Perhaps this thread should be titled "Clarity and Co.'s Render Request Thread" since you're not the only renderers on these boards, despite what you seem to think. [/quote], I don't know or speak to Clarity, or any other renderer as I tend to try and keep myself to myself online as I don't need "Internet friends".
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