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TEW '08 Render Request Thread

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[SIZE="4"][B]Currently Pending Requests:[/B][/SIZE] [CENTER][QUOTE][B]Request from BluePrint83[/B] (25-5-08) [B]Renderer undertaking:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Haloed[/COLOR] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Ethnicity:[/B] Caucasian (USA) [B]Physique:[/B] Kinda like JBL in the WWE [B]Hair Style:[/B] Long shaggy look [B]General Look:[/B] Ugly guy [B]Additional Info:[/B] Scruffy Beard and name is Tex Winstrom. Also I saw a render earlier where it was made into a pic like what is used in 08. Thats what Im looking for.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE][B]Render Request:[/B] Ekmo (26-5-8) [B]Currently undertaking:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Blasphemywebleed[/COLOR] (Estimated completion: 1st Week of June) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Ethnicity:[/B] White British [B]Physique:[/B] Prettu big, Like Chris Masters [B]Hair Style:[/B] Smart [B]General Look:[/B] Smart [B]Additional Info:[/B] This is for my charactor in my TEW game, I would like him as much like JBL as possible (apart from the flab pack). He is starting off as an authority figure and will later become a wrestler[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Sensai of Mattitude (26-5-08)] [B]Currently Undertaking:[/B] [COLOR="Red"]Fleisch[/COLOR] [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Ethnicity:[/B] White [B]Physique:[/B] Just standard, really [B]Hair Style:[/B] Short-ish and messy [B]General Look:[/B] Intelligent and professional [B]Additional Info:[/B] Wearing a suit if possible, he's ideally gonna be my user character.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Arrows (26-5-8)] [B]Currently Undertaking:[/B] No-One [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Ethnicity:[/B] White [B]Physique:[/B] Toned, but not really muscular...or wimpy. [B]Hair Style:[/B] Short and spiked up. Dyed a goldenblonde, with dark brown roots visible underneath. If there's anyway to get away from the blockish looking style and the weird forehead V, that'd be nice. [B]General Look:[/B] Would have a teen heart throb-ish face, crystal blue eyes. Cold stare in his eyes, but a warm smile to completely contradict the eyes. [B]Additional Info:[/B] (As short as possible) That just about covers a headshot. If you decide to go full body, I'll include the rest here. White tape on both hands from the start of the fingers back to wrist tape. The right would have a black S on it, and the left a pink J, turned so if he held his hand straight out, it would look right to him. For the outfit, I'll let whoever decide which. Asylum Gear: [url]http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q77/Arrows_album/clopez.jpg[/url] With the green changed to navy blue, and Lopez changed to Arrows, with the same style lettering. If not those, I figure anything you can think would look good in navy blue/white without being too, over done.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=mk936 (27-5-8)]Gender: Male Ethnicity: White Physique: Fairly toned, John Morrison style Hair Style: Think Chris Jericho in 2005. But colored dark brown General Look: Pretty much just base the face, and hair off this photo - [url]http://www.hobotrashcan.com/interviews/photos/jericho2.jpg[/url] Additional Info: Add a necklace like the one in the above photo, but color it all black. Also add in facial hair like in the above photo.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=GDE71]Render Request: (27-5-8) Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian Physique: Needs to lose 10 pounds but muscular Hair Style: Adam Sandler in his new movie General Look: The girls would love him if he lost 10 pounds. Additional Info: Spoiled rich boy age 18[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Rathen4] (29-5-08) Gender: Male Ethnicity: White/British Pale Physique: Average joe, more arm tone/definition. Hair Style: Hidden General Look: A tall, slim brit who wears a mask with a flame motif on it. No tattoos or anything like that - just him and the mask. Additional Info: (As short as possible) uuhhh [/CENTER][/QUOTE]
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[SIZE="4"][B]Recently Completed Requests:[/B][/SIZE] [QUOTE]Request from BluePrint83 (25-5-08) Renderer undertaking: Haloed Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian (USA) Physique: Kinda like JBL in the WWE Hair Style: Long shaggy look General Look: Ugly guy Additional Info: Scruffy Beard and name is Tex Winstrom. Also I saw a render earlier where it was made into a pic like what is used in 08. Thats what Im looking for.[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Render Request from Trekkiemonsta: (25-5-8) Renderer Undertaking: Trell Gender: Male Ethnicity: Asian/Japanese Physique: Fairly toned, Johnny Nitro style. Hair Style: Long (shoulder length), kinda shaggy, Jushin Liger style. General Look: Arrogant youngster. Additional Info: Chinstrap beard with a goatee. If a chance, an alt as a masked wrestler, with a silvery/blue mask.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Midnightnick;428049]Question. Does this include Alt requests? If so, I'm still waiting on anyone to do an alt of any Huge C-Verse guy, adapted with a Viking Hat. Maybe Billy Jack Shearer, or Genghis Rahn?[/QUOTE]It would probably be easier to have a seperate thread for them
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[B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Ethnicity: [/B]White British [B]Physique:[/B] Prettu big, Like Chris Masters [B]Hair Style:[/B] Smart [B]General Look:[/B]Smart [B]Additional Info: [/B] This is for my charactor in my TEW game, I would like him as much like JBL as possible (apart from the flab pack). He is starting off as an authority figure and will later become a wrestler :) Thanks to anyone who does this :)
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[QUOTE=EkmO;428279][B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Ethnicity: [/B]White British [B]Physique:[/B] Prettu big, Like Chris Masters [B]Hair Style:[/B] Smart [B]General Look:[/B]Smart [B]Additional Info: [/B] This is for my charactor in my TEW game, I would like him as much like JBL as possible (apart from the flab pack). He is starting off as an authority figure and will later become a wrestler :) Thanks to anyone who does this :)[/QUOTE]Please re-read the first post, and get the request in the proper place.. No requests are to be made in this thread
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[QUOTE=GDE71;429113]Was my request not in the correct form?[/QUOTE]You only sent it 24 hours before that post. Give me chance to get it put up. Right.. So far there are 5 requests and no takers.. so... [B][CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"]REQUESTS ARE ON HOLD!![/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B]
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Wow. I apologize. It seemed like it had been 2 or 3 days. I must have a weird sense of time or something. I know I have a bad memory.....At least I think I do LOL Sorry, wasn't my intention to try to rush.
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[QUOTE]Request from BluePrint83 (25-5-08) Renderer undertaking: Haloed Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian (USA) Physique: Kinda like JBL in the WWE Hair Style: Long shaggy look General Look: Ugly guy Additional Info: Scruffy Beard and name is Tex Winstrom. Also I saw a render earlier where it was made into a pic like what is used in 08. Thats what Im looking for.[/QUOTE] Made two versions with different beards. Hope you like them. [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/requestv1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/requestv1small.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/requestv2.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r231/haloed114/requestv2small.jpg[/IMG] [QUOTE]Request from BluePrint83 (25-5-08) Renderer undertaking: Haloed Gender: Male Ethnicity: Caucasian (USA) Physique: Kinda like JBL in the WWE Hair Style: Long shaggy look General Look: Ugly guy Additional Info: Scruffy Beard and name is Tex Winstrom. Also I saw a render earlier where it was made into a pic like what is used in 08. Thats what Im looking for.[/QUOTE] Made two versions with different beards. Hope you like them.
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[quote]Render Request from Trekkiemonsta: (25-5-8) Renderer Undertaking: Trell Gender: Male Ethnicity: Asian/Japanese Physique: Fairly toned, Johnny Nitro style. Hair Style: Long (shoulder length), kinda shaggy, Jushin Liger style. General Look: Arrogant youngster. Additional Info: Chinstrap beard with a goatee. If a chance, an alt as a masked wrestler, with a silvery/blue mask.[/quote] non masked [IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/Trekkiemonsta.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/Render%20Cuts/Trekkiemonsta.jpg[/IMG] hair was the shaggiest I could get it,also wasn't sure what a chinstrap with a goatee was so i figure this might be close. I will attempt a masked version later as Daz Crashed after I tried to add a mask. Hope you like it :)
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[QUOTE=Trell;429798]non masked [IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/Trekkiemonsta.png[/IMG][IMG]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b29/EkimNosneb/Render%20Cuts/Trekkiemonsta.jpg[/IMG] hair was the shaggiest I could get it,also wasn't sure what a chinstrap with a goatee was so i figure this might be close. I will attempt a masked version later as Daz Crashed after I tried to add a mask. Hope you like it :)[/QUOTE] That is awesome, thanks a bunch Trell :D . Hair and beard are great, hair is just what I was looking for actually. Looking forward to the masked version :) .
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I love the way people follow the rules :rolleyes: please PM this form filled out to Clairy PING VON ERICH [quote] Render Request: Gender: Ethnicity: Physique: Hair Style: General Look: Additional Info: (As short as possible) [/quote] we are not doing requests in the forum like we did last year. thanks
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Sensai of Mattitudes request. If there's any changes you want, PM me so as we keep the thread clean and I'll ammend when I have some time. [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v260/Frontiergfx/Renders/MattitudeRequest.png[/IMG]
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Okay, here goes my first request: This guy is about 26 years old, 6'2 tall and weighing about 176lbs. He will play the role as a cool/****y authority figure. A black suit, white shirt and a black tie would be awsome. Pilot sunglasses would be cool too:) His hair is dark blonde, pretty short. Hope any of you guys will take this receipe, add a pinch of your awsome skills, and come back with what you end up with :P Thanks in advance. -d
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Come on guys, atleast make an attempt to read the rules on the first page. please PM this form filled out to Clairy DPRO [quote] Render Request: Gender: Ethnicity: Physique: Hair Style: General Look: Additional Info: (As short as possible) [/quote] we are not doing requests in the forum like we did last year. thanks
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[QUOTE=Trell;431767]Come on guys, atleast make an attempt to read the rules on the first page. please PM this form filled out to Clairy DPRO we are not doing requests in the forum like we did last year. thanks[/QUOTE] Cheers trell.. If you guys wont follow the rules, then i will close down this thread. Let me make 2 things clear... [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]1) THERES A FORM!!!! 2) REQUESTS ARE ON HOLD TO CLEAR THE BACKLOG![/COLOR][/SIZE] I have a few other projects in the works so time is lacking, and i cant troll this thread looking for requests. If i get one more put up here instead of PM'd then im closing this
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The way this thread is set up makes my decision not to do any more TEW render requests even more validity. For instance, Clarity ... you've got quite the lineup of renderers lined up to do these requests ... I assume you personally gathered this group together? Perhaps this thread should be titled "Clarity and Co.'s Render Request Thread" since you're not the only renderers on these boards, despite what you seem to think. I applaud your intention to try to keep the thread clean from a plethora of requests, but there are better ways to handle it. Even down to two separate threads, one for requests, one for completed requests. Instead, you set up some sort of deal where somehow you're entirely in charge of user requests. Exactly how did you come to the conclusion that you should have this role? Understand that this is not a criticism of yours or any other renderers work. You do good work. But stick to making pictures, and stop trying to be an administrator, okay?
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