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What does the religous slider effect?

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Average worker 0%, unless you know they practice a faith that will affect what they will do within the wrestling business. Example: Sting didn't join the WWE as he wasn't comfortable with what they were doing in relation to his beliefs, or something like that. So with WWE's 'Risque' product setting and Sting's high religion setting, he didn't think he could risk working for them. Think it will also veto what gimmicks/angles they'll do too. Example: Kurt Angle walked out of ECW when they did the crucifix angle
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Shawn wont go back to the original dX angles because of his high religion stats. Taker is willing to work his charcter, because for the most part he doesn't care. Not that he hates god or isnt religious. It just doesnt bother him. A zero shouldnt mean a hatred of god, just that you'll do whatever the boss man says even if its risque. Religion isnt a factor in whether or not you'd do something.
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