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Angry, Frustrated And Getting Done

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I had all the system requirements and paid the exact price you wished for. Ok my Dad paid but I had to pay him which means I noww have to miss out on a very important gig that all my friends are going too. So TEW does promote social deprevation then. Because your game does not work on Vista (yes I tried all the tips and ideas you gave me) I can now not play my game for longer than 10 minutes without thenving to restart my laptop taking another 5 minutes so all in all I'm getting about 40 minutes an hour when really your glitches shouldn't be happening. I don't know how you lot managed to screw it up so i don't work on Vista (Thank you Bill Gates you tard) but I'm getting done again tomorrow because my dad's credit card has £17 less for some usless junk I downloaded. So unless someone can actually help me ith this instead of useful hips and tints I suggest 1. Someone gets me a refund 2. Someone gets me a new laptop or 3. Someone figures how to get TEW 2008 to work on a vista and this disgruntled customer gets a free copy because all in all my gamepla is less than enjoyable. STJ
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Dude, did you seriously JUST buy TEW 07? I mean, it's a great game but the newest version (one that is more Vista compatible) comes out in less than, what, two weeks? The demo is out the 1st of June and the full game a week later.
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[QUOTE]I don't know how you lot managed to screw it up so i don't work on Vista (Thank you Bill Gates you tard) but I'm getting done again tomorrow because my dad's credit card has £17 less for some usless junk I downloaded.[/QUOTE] TEW 07 was in development before Vista was launched, its impossible to guage programming on a platform that doesnt exist at the time. [QUOTE]So unless someone can actually help me ith this instead of useful hips and tints I suggest 1. Someone gets me a refund 2. Someone gets me a new laptop or 3. Someone figures how to get TEW 2008 to work on a vista and this disgruntled customer gets a free copy because all in all my gamepla is less than enjoyable. STJ[/QUOTE] There is adequate warning on the purchase page that users have experienced problems with TEW 07 on the Vista platform. You are advised to try the demo first to see if it works for you. I ask that people leave this thread alone for Adam, there is no need to post in here adding fuel to the fire as it were.
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[QUOTE=DaBlaze;428582]I doubt the sequel will be as good though, The sequel never is. :([/QUOTE] by that logic EWR is better than TEW 07. by that logic EWR 1.0 > EWR 4.5 > TEW 04 > TEW 05 > TEW 07 The truth is the exact opposite. They are no so much sequels as advancements on the game play and game engine.
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