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New E-Fed


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Hey guys - I've just been shown a brand new (as in 2 days old) e-fed that someone I used to fed with has started up. Currently I'm the only member - and that is crap. So I was thinking maybe there'd be people here interested in joining it. It doesn't look like it's going to take a lot of effort and with TEW2008 coming up it could be a good way to pick up gimmicks/storylines and really get your wrestling enthusiasm going. Here's the link: [url]http://iwc.fwrestling.com/[/url] I must stress - I am NOT the creator - I'm just a participant that wanted to spread the word.
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1. it's got roughkut on the splash page... thumbs up. 2. it's got sin wrestling on the splash page... thumbs up (sw hall of famer here) 3. it's got vwf on the splash page... Triple B is a hell of a fed head, thumbs up. I'll have a look later, and if it's on rk, review it there.
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I have a question, maybe I just missed it on the page. What kind of e-fed is it? Angle based, rp based, a mix, something else? I've been wanting to get back into efedding as it's been a few years since I ran/actively worked in one. I'm also assuming it's all original, and not real world wrestlers, yes?
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It's all original but you're welcome to have a picture base that is a real life wrestler just to help put a mental image for people. It's a mix - it will be storyline and angle driven but in blowout/important matches I believe the winner will be determined by RP strength. Again, I don't know for sure. You'd be very welcome to join.
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