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Looking For Creative Minds

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[FONT="Arial"]I'm currently (and slowly) developing my first mod for TEW 08. I've tried several times but always get stuck. So I've decided to finally seek a few creative people to help me. The biggest problem I run into is that I know NOTHING about Japanese and Mexican wrestling outside of the bare minimum. So when it comes time to get down to these parts, I stall. So, I'm looking for people to help me expand those parts of my game. Although I would still love input on other nations too including the US. The mod is entirely fictional, though I might throw in a few of my favorite real world wrestlers and figures. If anyone is interested and has knowledge outside of American wrestling, your help would be awesome and appreciated. Granted, I would love peoples input and or ideas for the US scene as well. If you're interested, respond or PM me. I'll send you the basic idea I have going.[/FONT]
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[QUOTE=Dischord;429405][FONT="Arial"]I'm currently (and slowly) developing my first mod for TEW 08. I've tried several times but always get stuck. So I've decided to finally seek a few creative people to help me. The biggest problem I run into is that I know NOTHING about Japanese and Mexican wrestling outside of the bare minimum. So when it comes time to get down to these parts, I stall. So, I'm looking for people to help me expand those parts of my game. Although I would still love input on other nations too including the US. The mod is entirely fictional, though I might throw in a few of my favorite real world wrestlers and figures. If anyone is interested and has knowledge outside of American wrestling, your help would be awesome and appreciated. Granted, I would love peoples input and or ideas for the US scene as well. If you're interested, respond or PM me. I'll send you the basic idea I have going.[/FONT][/QUOTE] ============= forlan has allowed the use of his tewzone data from 07 so maybe use the japan and mexico data from this
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[QUOTE=Michael Wayne;429436]since when? I haven't seen any indication.[/QUOTE] In the thread for his new mod. [QUOTE]With that said i am officially announcing that any T-Zone real life data in the past is now free for anyone to use and modify as they like, i'd love to see a good real world mod for 2008 come out .....id be willing to help via pm and whatnot too if any information was needed for anything.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=Dischord;429445]As I've said the mod is fictional but I will look into how his Japanese and Mexican promotions are set up. I'll still need help creating characters and such.[/QUOTE] If its fictional I don't see the problem you make it the way you want it to be. :D Just read about Lucha and Puerosu on wikipedia.
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