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Supreme Wrestling Federation - Supremacy Part II

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[B][I]Foreword ...[/I][/B] It had been a long time since I'd even thought about professional wrestling. After all, since I was sixteen years of age I started training for a Mixed Martial Arts career. In fact, I was quite good at it. So good, in fact, that when I debuted at twenty years of age, in five years I racked up the record of 23 - 2 in professional fights, my two losses coming at the hands of Raul Hughs, now a professional wrestler himself, and James Foster, the best MMA wrestler in the world. Those two losses are nothing to be ashamed of, as are my twenty three wins, with sixteen coming by TKO. After five years, however, I realised the wear and tear of MMA was weakening me mentally and psyically, that I had too, for the time being at least, find something else to bring in the money. Looking at Buddy Garner, Mike Watson and Raul Hughs, I realised that the way to go was to professional wrestling. In fact, I had a rather famous wrestling relative who I knew could get me connections. However, it seemed my fame as one of the top MMA competitors in the world had put a strain between us, so TCW was certainly not an option. And then, after two months in unemployment, I happened to be walking through my home of Albany, New York when I saw the sign ... [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/SWF.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I remebered it well. After all, Jerry Eisen was a huge Mixed Martial Arts fan and we had gotten to know each other after shows that he would come to watch. Actually, I was a little worried at the frequency he turned up to watch me, but nevertheless. Of course I knew about the SWF, so I went into the arena, and I eventually caught sight of Jerry. "[COLOR="SlateGray"]Seth, my man! How the hell are ya?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]Same old, same old. I was just wondering about getting a job, actually. I'm leaving MMA for a bit and thought it would be cool to try my hand at professional wrestling. After all, submission wrestling was my style, I have experience.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="SlateGray"]Don't even talk, man. Your a nationally known name and face! You'll be great for business, man, MMA sensation gate crashes professional wrestling! I can see it now! Come on, I'll take you to Dad.[/COLOR]" Ah, Daddy dearest. The man that Jerry looked up too with all his heart and admired. However, the world knew him much differently. As the ruthless Richard Eisen. Richard's office wasn't that spectacular, but that could be attributed to the building we were in. Richard was sat, looking at a monitor observing his show and at the same time seemed to be filing through a thousand other things at the same time. Still, you can't build an empire without being able to multi-task. Jerry just strolled in though, casual as anything and I followed. I found it hard to be nervous around people anymore, mainly because if they start something I'll choke them out. "[COLOR="SlateGray"]Dad! Dad I've got somebody for you to meet![/COLOR]" [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/RichardEisen.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "[COLOR="Green"]Oh, come on Jerry! I've got all this crap to get through and you're arranging meetings for me?! Get the hell outta here![/COLOR]" "[COLOR="SlateGray"]No, Dad. You seriously have to meet this guy. He wants a job.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Green"]Oh, does he know? Oh, let me roll out the welcome wagon and ...[/COLOR]" Eisen looked up from his desk and laid eyes first on Jerry, and then me standing to the side of him. Although he wouldn't admit it, I saw his jaw drop. Then again, I am 6 foot 2. "[COLOR="green"]Well! Mr. Hawkins, I knew you were looking for employment, but I didn't think I'd see you come here. After all, aren't you related to that young, Tommy trained kid?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]You mean Wolf. He's my half brother.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Green"]Well, I assumed you'd follow him over into the carnivorous clutches of Cornell.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]Certain circumstances saw that plan crumble, Wolf seems jealous of my popularity over in Japan and here in the US too.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Green"]Well, seeing as you are one of MMA's most marketable faces, it was only your own talent that got you to where you are today, and I respect that. Because you see that is what I had to do, and I respect people who are like me. And if I'm not mistaken, you are only ...twenty six years old?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]I'm twenty five right now, Mr. Eisen. Twenty six this year.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="SlateGray"]See Dad, a lot of potential! We've got somebody almost ready to jump the main event straight from the off! He's over with the MMA crowd, and that will translate.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Green"]Mr. Hawkins, I'd be glad to draw you up an eighteen month contract right here, right now. How does that sound?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]Richard ...that sounds fan -[/COLOR]" Jerry cut me off. "[COLOR="SlateGray"]And![/COLOR]" Me and Richard both looked at him in confusion. "[COLOR="slategray"]I want you to make him head booker.[/COLOR]" My eyes widened. I was known a lot for my creativity. A lot of the ways in which to promote myself in GAMMA were my own ideas, I even got to supernova in Alpha 1 by promoting my matches so well, but this seemed like a step too far. Richard's intake of breath was enough to tell me he thought the same. "[COLOR="Green"]And why in the hell would I do that, son?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="SlateGray"]Dad, you've seen it like I have; the ratings are going down, Sam just doesn't have the passion for booking that he did before. We're suffering because of it. Seth has fresh ideas, fresh talent. He's known as one of the most creative guys in the world of Mixed Martial Arts.[/COLOR]" I knew I could handle being a head booker, I knew that I have good ideas about how to put asses in seats, but to be thrust into the head booker position of an International Professional Wrestling company ...my head was spinning. "[COLOR="Green"]I suppose that Keith has been kind of distant with the booking lately. Then again, I hear he's deep in training, making sure his last few years wrestling are some of his best. Trying to go out with a bang. Alright Seth, tell me what your ideas are if you were to be head booker?[/COLOR]" Gulp. "[COLOR="Navy"]First of all, I'd bring in some talent to your development system, assuming you have one -[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="SlateGray"]We do, it's called RIPW.[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]Right, so I'd send some talent down to RIPW, looking to increase their popularity for when they debut. The talent who are at the level of popularity or talent would come straight up to the roster. This offers the chance to create new starts, freshen up the scene, offer up some new matches so the public don't get tired of seeing the same two guys go one on one every week. Next, I'd book storylines in an episodic fashion, so the public can keep up and not be confused by the intertwining three or four storylines you see on soap opera television. If the public can see a real issue between a number of people, and are excited to see what happens next, new fans right there. I have loads of other ideas up here.[/COLOR]" I tapped my temple twice. Richard looked on, slightly unsure. "[COLOR="SlateGray"]Oh Dad, come on! If it works, then you have a win win situation. If it doesn't, just put Sam Keith back on the book in a few months time, no harm no foul![/COLOR]" Eisen is a sucker for whatever his kids want. In the magical words of nepotism, Richard said ..."[COLOR="Green"]Alright. Hawkins, you've got the book. That means a bit of extra pay but a lot of extra pressure. You up for this, boy?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]I'm ready for anything, Mr. Eisen.[/COLOR]" That's what he liked to hear, he sent me on my way as I wondered just what the hell had actually happened. Out of the blue, two months after leaving my zone of MMA, I had wound up holding arguably the third highest position of power in the biggest force in pro wrestling. Three months later, in March 2007, lets see where this takes us. [size=1][B]Out Of Character:[/B] Alright guys, this is my last attempt at a dynasty before I buy TEW 08 whenever that may be. I had my most fun as a diary writer when I was doing Supremacy a while back, and so I decided to show my new game as Supremacy Part II. I hope you enjoy. A hundred thanks go to Trell for letting me use one of his renders as my user character.[/size]
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[CENTER]Professional Wrestling doesn't know me. But they will. I am ... [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Hawkins2.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="Navy"]SETH HAWKINS[/COLOR][/B] And I'm here to revolutionize the SWF.[/CENTER] [B][I][U][COLOR="Navy"]Biography[/COLOR][/U][/I] Style:[/B] MMA Crossover [Technical Specialist] [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Hometown:[/B] Albany, New York [B]Height & Weight:[/B] 6'2'' / 255 lbs [Heavyweight] [B]Average Homeland Popularity:[/B] B+ [B]Card Position:[/B] Upper Midcard [B]Bio:[/B] Seth Hawkins is the half brother of TCW star Wolf, and thanks to his own successful career in Mixed Martial Arts, he has a very loyal fanbase too. His MMA career went 23-2 over a period of five years, and realising the wear and tear on his body, made the transition to professional wrestling. Luckily, being a good friend of MMA fan Jerry Eisen, he not only managed to gain employment with the SWF, but become head booker. [B]Worker Relationships:[/B] Blood Relative of Wolf Hawkins. Strong Friendship with Jerry Eisen. Strong Friendship with Duane Stone. Split Up with Jenny Playmate. Dating Dawn The Cheerleader. [B]Finisher(s):[/B] [Primary] Coquina Clutch (Submission) [Secondary] Cross Arm Exploder Suplex (Pinfall)
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[B][I]In Summary of January to End Of February[/I][/B] In the past three months of the Supreme Wrestling Federation, things have changed slowly but surely. All the champions are still holding onto their championships, but new challenges have presented themselves. After defeating Christian Faith with help from the Guru in January and retaining his championship by disqualifying himself in February, he has a new challenge; the winner of the Fight For The Right tournament Angry Gilmore. Gilmore has felt constantly overlooked in the SWF and has taken it upon himself to use his championship oppourtunity now. Rich Money has been having problems with Groucho Bling and more recently his tag team partner Elmo Benson. The Tag Team Champions the Biggz have been under fire from the fans, mainly because of Brett, and have been battling those Dirty White Boyz, now managed by the hustling Carl Batch. The Shooting Star Champion Zimmy Bumfhole has had a rough ride too, with hungry young stars Akima Brave, Fredrique Antonio Garcia, and even Marc DuBois and his brother Randy Bumfhole, aiming for the belt. Richard Eisen has found somebody to back in his company; new face and egomaniac Darryl Devine. Devine has claimed that he is the new face of Supremacy, and the chairman of the SWF apparently agrees with him. MMA sensation Seth Hawkins has made his presence felt, going undefeated since his debut, winning every match with his patented Coquina Clutch. He looks to aim for any title at the moment. Sam Keith has refound a fire and been putting on fantastic matches with just about everyone, whereas Remo and Steve Frehley have been fueding over who the real 'Destroyer' is. Recently, Eric Eisen put a bounty on the head of Jack Bruce (a callback to my previous SWF diary) out of pure jealousy. [B]New faces[/B] are ...Carl Batch (Manager), Darryl Devine, Pat Deacon (road agent), Seth Hawkins, and Shooter Sean Deeley.
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The atmosphere backstage, even at the end of February, was still unnerving to be a part of. The start of my third month in the company, and I still get sly looks from the people who think I've been handed everything to me on a platter. Which, in honesty, I have. But that doesn't mean I haven't worked my ass off since January. I even see Christian Faith shooting evil eyes as me when I walk by him, despite the fact I pushed his popularity to a new high the way I booked him in his World title fued with Runaway Train, when Keith probably wouldn't have booked him in a world title fued based on his age. Luckily, Sam Keith was one man who was surprisingly behind me, mainly as I had managed to put him back into the elite. After all, Sam Keith was one of the only names I knew in professional wrestling before starting the job. Making sure everything was booked right, I turned around and looked up, and right there in my face, beaming as always ... [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/DawnTheCheerleader.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Dawn "The Cheerleader", although backstage we knew her as just Dawn. Dawn was one of the people who made it worth all the backstabbing and talk about me when I wasn't around. I found out from Jerry that Enygma had actually campaigned to have me fired because I booked him to lose to Marc DuBois, which he eventually agreed too. Still, sweet, pretty Dawn helped me out and made me feel welcome ...if you know what I mean. "[COLOR="Pink"]How ya doing sweetie?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Navy"]Not too bad, thank you. Better since you showed up, I'll have to admit.[/COLOR]" She giggled as I pulled her in close and went to kiss her, but just before I could, DuBois himself walked up behind me and slapped me around the back of the head. "[COLOR="YellowGreen"]Puh-leaaaaaaaase! Can you not learn to keep it in your pants, Hawkins?![/COLOR]" I just laughed as DuBois walked over to Robbie Retro and the Bumfhole brothers, who shared a laugh over DuBois' joke. The young guys around here, and technically I'm one of them, loved to play jokes on people backstage. "[COLOR="Navy"]Dawn, I've got work to do finishing off this booking sheet. We'll catch up later?[/COLOR]" "[COLOR="Pink"]Of course! See ya later![/COLOR]" She pecked me on the cheek and walked off as I pencilled in the last undercard match, ready to send it to the boss for his final confirmation.
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[CENTER][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Supreme TV Preview[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] [B]Jumbo Shrimp[/B] vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Both of these men have some momentum to make up. For a while now, and ever since semi time tag team partner Angry Gilmore started to strike out on his own, Joe Sexy has been looking to start his own singles career to no avail. As the big man in the Underwater Union, Jumbo Shrimp has often found himself overmatched by other monsters of the SWF including World champion Runaway Train in recent months. Can Shrimp come back from the deep? Or will Sexy prove that the SWF stands for Sexy Wrestling Federation?[/COLOR] [B]Christian Faith[/B] vs. [B]Enygma[/B] [COLOR="royalblue"]Enygma has fallen very far in the fans eyes ever since losing the World Heavyweight title. His career has gone from weakness to weakness as he looks in despair for something to boost him back into the limelight. That could very well be Christian Faith. Faith has just come off battling Runaway Train for the World Heavyweight Championship, despite people saying he's too old, and actually defeated the champion by DQ at Nothing To Lose. Although not winning the title, Faith's momentum and popularity are higher than they have been in years. If Enygma pulls off the win, he could be back in title contention. If Faith wins, he may well be challenging again after the Train / Gilmore dispute is over.[/color] [B]Elmo Benson[/B] vs. [B]Sam Keith[/B] [color="royalblue"]The legendary Sam Keith has undergone a career renaissance in recent months, showing the kind of form that made him a multi-time World champion. He'll have his work cut out in the form of young, hungry Elmo Benson who came runner up in the Fight For The Right tournament and wants to make that extra step up to the main event scene. His high energy offence will certainly be in contrast to Faith's classic approach, but it will make for some great television![/color] [SIZE="1"][B]Hardcore Match[/SIZE] Steve Frehley[/B] vs. [B]Remo[/B] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]In the main event of the evening, we see two of the most popular, hardest hitting wrestlers in the world go head to head once more in the 'Destroyer' versus 'Destroyer' fued. They met at January's When Hell Freezes Over event where Remo used a chair to cheat his way to victory, and again at Nothing To Lose in a tag match, where Remo and tag partner Squeeky McClean defeated Frehley and Skull DeBones, again under questionable circumstances. Tonight, there can be no DQ's and Frehley can play by Remo's rules and use as much outside assistance as he needs. Who will destroy the other in this battle of the ultimate destroyers?[/COLOR]
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[CENTER][SIZE="3"][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]SWF Supreme TV[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE] Tuesday, Week 4, February 2007 - V.Thompson Arena[/CENTER] Hello, and welcome to the Supreme Wrestling Federation and our flagship broadcast Supreme TV! The V.Thompson Arena is going wild and are ready for some of the best sports entertainment action in the world! Our announcers are Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and the beautiful Ana Garcia! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Michaels:[/COLOR][/B] Hello everybody, thank you for tuning in to the best action on the planet on a weekly basis, Supreme TV! We've got some great matches for you tonight as always, but first I'm sitting here with my broadcast collegues, Mr. Duane Fry and the lovely Ms. Ana Garcia! [B][COLOR="Sienna"]Fry:[/COLOR][/B] Thanks Pete! [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Garcia:[/COLOR][/B] Thank you both of you. So, what do you think about the main even tonight? Its a huge one for sure! [B][COLOR="Sienna"]Fry:[/COLOR][/B] Undoubtedly, Remo and Steve Frehley, this match should be a pay per view main event, hardcore rules but we're giving it to you tonight on free television ...because Richard Eisen is just that great! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Michaels:[/COLOR][/B] Onto the first match of the evening! [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/JumboShrimp.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/JoeSexy.jpg[/IMG] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Jumbo Shrip[/B][/COLOR] vs. [COLOR="royalblue"][B]Joe Sexy[/B][/COLOR][/CENTER] I laugh every time I see Jumbo Shrimp, a pretty big dude dressed up like a moron. Still, this is the world of gimmicks. Joe Sexy, with his lothario style attitude (behind the scenes as well), struts out ****y and we get it underway. The match is pretty much straight brawling but the crowd are into it as Sexy nails a few clotheslines that don't send the Shrimp down, and Jumbo catches him in a powerslam for a near fall. Sexy eventually fights his way back, and catches Jumbo in a front atomic drop, following up with a clothesline. Sexy drops an elbow on the sternum and tries to cover to no avail. Jumbo gets back up and goes to suplex Sexy, but Joe lands on his feet and runs Shrimp into the ropes, rolling backwards into a roll up, 1 ...2 ...3 and its over! - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]B[/COLOR][/B] After both men have made their way to the back, the Supreme Screen comes on and Christian Faith is on the screen! The fans pop for the legendary, multi-time SWF World champion, but he has no time to enjoy the fans adoration. [B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Faith:[/COLOR][/B] I am here for one reason, and I am here for one reason only. I am here to talk about Squeeky McClean. Crowd jeers, of course. [B][COLOR="deepskyblue"]Faith:[/COLOR][/B] McClean, you and your gimmicky named ass made things personal last week when you decided to take a shot at me. Why you did that was something you made clear, because I couldn't win the World Heavyweight Championship from Runaway Train. Now, Squeeky, while that may be true, the fact that you taunted me about it when the closest you've ever come to recognition is the North American belt is something I cannot comprehend. I've been to the top of the mountain, McClean, and it doesn't bother me if I never get there again, but you, you will never make it. So McClean, in order to prove that I can 'still win', I challenge you to a match at Awesome Impact! If your man enough, accept my challenge, and then if you beat me ...then you can taunt all you want. The Supreme Screen shuts down after a very good promo from Faith as he starts another major storyline. - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] Some native drums kick in and out to a good (enough) reaction come the Samoan Wildboyz, Akima Brave and Kid Toma! They hop around for a bit, amping themselves up for an apparent tag team match coming up next, when a horn blares out and steam erupts from both sides of the stage. It can only mean one thing. First, the Guru, and secondly, the World Heavyweight Champion, Runaway Train! The fans hate him as his massive frame strolls towards the ring, steps over the top ropes and proceeds to massacre both. Akima makes the first move but Train scoops him up and throws him into the turnbuckle, and boots Toma in the face. He stomps on both of them and delivers the Train Wreck (running powerbomb) to Toma! Then, the bell gets rung, and somehow, its made an official match! - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]C[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/RunawayTrain.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/KidToma.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/AkimaBrave.jpg[/IMG] [B][size="1"]Handicap Match[/size] [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Runaway Train[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="royalblue"]The Samoan Wildboyz[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Kid Toma is already down and out from the Train Wreck that he just recieved a few moments earlier. Train continues to work over Akima, delivering elbow shots to his face and whipping him into the oposite turnbuckles. Akima stumbles out of the turnbuckle and into a huge clothesline! Toma is slumped on the apron now, pulling himself up as Akima gets thrown into the ropes, but Toma makes a blind tag! Big boot to Akima! Toma is up on the top rope, crossbody ...Train catches him! Gutbuster! Toma is writhing in pain and is back up. Train flips him up onto his shoulders - Train Wreck! Toma feels the powerbomb a second time! Train covers with one foot, one ...two ...three, it is systematic. The World Heavyweight Champion has his hand raised, perhaps sending a message to Angry Gilmore! - [B][COLOR="royalblue"]C+[/COLOR][/B] Backstage, Jerry Eisen is standing by with the ultra confident looking Rich Money by his side. Money has his North American Championship draped over his shoulder. [B][COLOR="SlateGray"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR][/B] Rich, we understand that you wanted to say a few words tonight about Groucho Bling, who has been giving you some trouble while fighting you for your North American title. [B][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Money:[/COLOR][/B] Whoa whoa whoa! Trouble? Groucho has been giving me ...trouble? Well, Jerry, allow me to explain to you what trouble would be. Trouble would be actually giving me a worthy match or opposition for this title. At the moment, the only trouble I've been having is to go out of my way to beat his ass every time I have to face him. Tell me something, is he not out of contention yet? Because there are plenty of other serious wrestlers who deserve a shot at Money. On second thoughts, there is nobody worthy of facing me, but there are people who would give me a better chance to show my skills than this job boy. [B][COLOR="SlateGray"]Jerry Eisen:[/COLOR][/B] And at this time we are joined by your semi-frequent tag partner, and facing Steve Frehley in the main event tonight, The Destroyer, Remo! Remo, you and Frehley have been at each others throats since the end of December. Tonight, you face each other in a hardcore match, no rules, anything goes. Your thoughts? [B]Remo:[/B] My thoughts on the matter are as simple as this. Frehley set himself up for the biggest fall of his career tonight. Bigger than when he lost his undefeated streak and his title in one night. Because tonight, the 'Dark Destroyer' will get proved as an imposter, because when I use every single weapon at my expense to drive Frehley into the mat and out of a career, I will prove, via destruction, who the true Destroyer is. Remo laughs and walks off screen along with Rich Money, as Jerry is left looking kinda scared by it all. - (Money promo)[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]B-[/COLOR][/B] - (Remo promo)[B][COLOR="royalblue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Enygma.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/ChristianFaith.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Enyma[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="royalblue"]Christian Faith[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Enygma actually comes out to jeers, despite his supposed 'face' allignment. To be fair, I've wrestled him since I've been here. He makes things really awkward, still believing he should be undefeated, or so he told me. Faith gets a much better reaction. They lock up with Faith taking advantage, whipping Enygma into the ropes and nailing a dropkick, rare for a forty year old. Faith sets him up for a suplex but Enygma resists and uses a leg take down on Christian, aiming for a leg lock but Faith kicks the masked man off. After more high jinks, the two end up dodging numerous clotheslines, before they both colide! The referee starts his ten count ...Faith up at five, and Enygma at six. Faith swings at Enygma who ducks and manages to pull out a DDT! He covers, one ...two, Faith kicks out. The match continues on with some hard hits until Enygma goes for the Enygma Variation, but Faith reverses it into a powerslam! Faith goes up top ...Leap Of Faith! The big body splash connects! One ...two ...three! - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]B[/COLOR][/B] Faith gets to his feet and has his hand raised by Ric Young, but it doesn't last long as the boos set in and Squeeky McClean jumps the guard rail! Chair in hand! Faith turns to see what the comotion is about, and bad move, gets cracked in the cranium! Squeeky lays into Faith with some huge chair shots, crack again and again on the back of the former World champion! After busting Faith wide open, Squeeky grabs a mic ... [B][COLOR="DarkSlateGray"]McClean:[/COLOR][/B] Faith! At Awesome Impact - you're on! - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A*[/COLOR][/B] After that, some intimidating music hits, and by now, the fans all know who it is. The jeers set in as the inevitable face walks out from behind the curtain ... [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Hawkins2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The deadliest man in the SWF and our resident MMA expert is in the house! A smirk on his face, and a hoody and jeans on rather than his traditional singlet, Seth Hawkins makes his way into the ring, grabbing a microphone. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Seth Hawkins:[/COLOR][/B] About two weeks ago now, I, Seth Hawkins, set out a challenge for anyone on the SWF roster, or hell, the entire world, to come out and accept my offer for a match, and therefore an inevitable loss, at Awesome Impact. But seeing as every single last person I've fought in this company has been choked out by yours truly, it seems that nobody wants to suffer the humiliation of the legitimate fighter beating them at their own game, so this is a last chance. Anybody who wants to try and prove themselves against me, come out now, unless you want me to go straight to Eisen for him to find me some competition. Who wants to be the next victim? I'll give you a countdown; ten ...nine ...eight ...seven ...six ...five ...four ...three ...two ...one ...zero! Oh, nobody? Fine by me, all you morons in the audience, I'll see you at Awesome Impact to choke out another one of your pathetic heroes! Hawkins starts to step through the ropes to massive jeers, but the crowd turn their frowns upside down when a short xylophone intro hits the sound system, followed by a light rock riff - [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/LobsterWarrior.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] And Lobster Warrior comes onto the stage! The fans pop for the guy, who also has a microphone. [B][COLOR="Navy"]Hawkins:[/COLOR][/B] Hey Lobby, I thought I choked you out already?! Why do you want to suffer the indignity of having it happen a second time, this time on pay per view? [B][COLOR="Red"]Lobster:[/COLOR][/B] Hawkins, you've annoyed me, the fans and every last fish in the sea with your attitude. You may be a Mixed Martial Arts fighter, but we're professional wrestlers, and its a different world. You've choked out my friend Jumbo Shrimp, and you attacked Calamari backstage, so this time, on behalf of my friends beneath the sea, it's personal! [B][COLOR="Navy"]Hawkins:[/COLOR][/B] I'll tell you what; it would be my pleasure to destroy you again! I'll see you at Awesome Impact! - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]B[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Garcia:[/COLOR][/B] A lot of exciting stuff going on tonight! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Michaels:[/COLOR][/B] You said it, Ana! We've seen Christian Faith versus Squeeky McClean and Lobster Warrior versus Seth Hawkins scheduled for Awesome Impact, only three weeks away! [B][COLOR="Sienna"]Fry:[/COLOR][/B] And what is only three [I]days[/I] away? The premier of SWF's brand new television show on GNN, starting at midnight, SWF Elite! Some great matches will be scheduled to kick the show off in style, so make sure you tune in! [B][COLOR="Blue"]Michaels:[/COLOR][/B] Ana will be on hand, but me and Duane will get a rest as Jerry Eisen will take over announcing duties! [B][COLOR="Sienna"]Fry:[/COLOR][/B] Not that I need one, but when you get to your age Pete, you start needing breaks, huh? [B][COLOR="SeaGreen"]Garcia:[/COLOR][/B] And before we have a brawl, our penultimate match is next with Sam Keith against Elmo Benson! It's going to be great, I can guarentee that! - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]B[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/ElmoBenson.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/SamKeith.jpg[/IMG] [B][COLOR="royalblue"]Elmo Benson[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="royalblue"]Sam Keith[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] One half of High Concept, Elmo Benson, comes flying out of the curtain and sprints to the ring, ready for this huge match after coming off on the losing end of the Fight For The Right tournament. The legendary Sam Keith is next out to jeers as he scowls his patented scowl. The two lock up as Keith uses his experience to avoid any turns Elmo can do and manages to slip into a hammerlock. Elmo goes for the ropes but Keith pulls him away and rolls out, grabbing Benson by the wrist and utilising a wrist lock. Benson rolls onto his back, kips up, arm drag! Keith is back up, another arm drag! Elmo pops up as Keith charges in again and ducks a lariat, Benson turns, arm drag by Keith! The Master Of The Proton Lock grabs Elmo in a front lock and drives him back into the turnbuckle, unleasing a torrent of punches to the midsection. Elmo boots Keith in the face and is to the second rope - missile dropkick! 1 ...2 ...Keith kicks out. The match stays at a quick pace, proving Keith can still keep up and his efforts recently are working. The drama, and therefore crowd noise, escelates throughout as Keith keeps trying to lock in the Proton Lock and Elmo always finds a way out of it! Keith lands a suplex, rolls through, second suplex, rolls through, third! Three rolling suplexes from Keith as Benson is in trouble! Keith whips Benson into the ropes, dips his head to early and smack! Gets a kick in the chops! Benson charges back to the ropes as Keith lifts his head, running enzuigiri kick, known as Shockwave From Next Year! Cover! One ...two ...thr-NO! Keith kicks out! Keith is looking out of it as Benson goes up top and waits for Keith to stand ...double axe handle, but Keith counters by grabbing Elmo by the head and arm, takes him over, NEUTRON PLEX! Keith's first finisher from years ago conencts hard, one ...two ...three! Keith wins a PPV main event calibre match. My only worry is that we may have peaked too soon. - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A*[/COLOR][/B] After that, we're backstage once more, this time with Steve Frehley. The most recent SWF Champion before Train, the fans pop for him as he looks set to deliver his take on tonights main event. [B][COLOR="Gray"]Frehley:[/COLOR][/B] Remo! You want to prove something tonight? You want to prove that your the true destroyer? Remo, you may be able to cause destruction, maybe better than anyone else in the world, but the one person you lose out to is me. You've attacked me when I wasn't looking, you've cheated your way to victory over me these past few months, but tonight? With no rules, nothing holding me back from unleashing my true fury? You will be the one left destroyed. After that, the Supreme Screen lights up and has Frehley, smirking and clenching his fists, and then freezing, and Remo, looking purely intimidating, before he freezes too, as it tells us the main event is next. - (Promo)[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] - (Hype)[B][COLOR="royalblue"]B+[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/Remo.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm96/Shmoestah/SteveFrehley.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="1"][B]Hardcore Match[/B][/SIZE] [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Remo[/COLOR][/B] vs. [B][COLOR="royalblue"]Steve Frehley[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] My worries about peaking too soon seemed to be unfounded as the crowd were the hottest they had been all night for this one, not burnt out by the previous match. Instead of waiting in the ring, Remo instead pulls a trash can lid out from under the ring and waits at the bottom of the ramp! Frehley comes out with a nightstick, and its on! Remo charges up the ramp as Frehley charges down, and both aim their weapons, clashing them together again and again! Frehley smashes the lid in half and swings for Remo, who ducks and rocks the dark destroyer with a right hand! Frehley drops his nightstick and punches back, with both men trading heavy blows on the ramp. Remo drives Frehley into the guard rail and charges in, but Frehley ducks and sends Remo gut first into the rail, before clotheslining him into the fans, before following! The two battle through the fans and trade massive chair shots, causing Frehley to get a busted nose! Frehley doesn't seem to care though, as he battes back! The two approach the fan rail on the other side of the building, with over seven thousand fans in attendance, and Remo traps Frehley in a face lock! Remo delivers two knees to the gut, before throwing Frehley over the guard rail with a single arm suplex! Frehley crashes to ringside as Remo grabs a chair from a fan in the front row and waits on Frehley. Steve gets up slowly as Remo rushes, but Frehley moves and Remo hits the turnbuckle full force! Remo turns around, and Frehley boots the chair back into his face! The intensity carries on through with numerous weapons coming out. Frehley sprays Remo in the face with a fire extinguisher, but Remo gets him back with a cookie tray! Eventually, Frehley pulls out a table! The fans pop for it as he sets it up in the corner, but he turns around, kick to the gut! Remo has set a chair on the floor and lifts Frehley up for the Destroyer, a sit out tombstone piledriver! Frehley uses all his might and forces Remo over, landing square on top of him, one ...two ...Remo kicks out! Frehley smashes Remo with the hardest clothesline of the night, sending him down hard! Frehley crouches down in the corner, his eyes fixed on Remo. Both men are breathing hard as blood continues to flow from Frehley's nose. Remo claws himself up, but he's in front of the table, Frehley moves like lightning - Dark Destroyer Spear! Through the table! The fans explode after seeing that spot, but referee Darren Smith checks on the both. Neither are moving, Frehley has a far away look in his eyes as Remo doesn't even have his eyes open. Smith calls the announcer over - its a double knock out! - [B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A*[/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]A[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER] Damn pleased overall, my first 'A' rated card with the SWF, and two fantastic matches to top of the evening. Hopefully, the first edition of Elite will go down this well on Friday night.
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