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Alyx Macquarie vs. [B]Trehawke Phillips[/B] [B]Inferno[/B] vs. Debonair David Peterson [B]The Melbourne Blondes ©[/B] vs. Crime Wave (APW Tag Title Match) Big Daddy Horne vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] [I]Side Note: Swoop is the future unless he becomes a unreliable egomaniac.[/I] [B]Harry Simonson ©[/B] vs. Lanny Williams (APW Commonwealth Title Match)
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At risk of this getting swallowed up by better diaries, let's see... Comments on the event are very much desired pretty please! Is there anything you'd like to know about characters you're not familiar with? Interaction :D [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary2.png[/img]
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Great second show. I wouldn't worry about being swallowed up by 'better' diaries - this looks like it can hold its own, and you may have an advantage in that you're the first person to use these guys in a dynasty and we don't have the preconceived notions that we have of guys like Force, Giedroyc and Peak. Of course, you also aren't quite as likely to get 16 replies about buying merchandise as people who use Jimmy F, but you can't have EVERYTHING. Quick Picks: [B] Blake Belushi [/B]vs. Trehawke Phillips [B]Boo Smithson [/B]vs. Inferno (Submission match – DDP’s GM Competition Pick) [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B]© vs. Debonair David Peterson (Inferno’s GM Competition Pick) (Single fall for the APW Australian Title) [B]Big Daddy Horne[/B] vs. Vance Sturt Harry Simonson vs. [B]Nathan McKenzie [/B]vs. Lanny Williams © (Elimination match for the APW Commonwealth Title)
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[B]Boo Smithson [/B]vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes (DDP’s GM choice). Alyx Maquarie vs. [B]Inferno[/B] (Inferno’s GM choice). [B]The Melbourne Blondes [/B]© vs. Crimewave vs. The Rising Suns (Elimination match for the tag team titles) [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B]vs. NZ Pitbull Harry Simonson vs. [B]Nathan McKenzie[/B] Still don't really know these guys well enough to make greatly reasoned choices, but I'm getting there thanks mainly to this diary. Really enjoying the shows so far. I'd just make 2 suggestions for improvement... 1) Make the match result clearer. You didn't actually say what the result in the Smithson vs Inferno match was on the last show. 2) Split up the text in the conversations somehow because it's a bit difficult to follow who is saying what. I'd suggest either leaving a line between each new speaker or colour coding each different speaker.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;434850]Also Marcel on a personal note - congrats on the DotM - and I got my first teaching post secured the other day. Starting september in a gorgeous little school in Essex. Key stage two (not sure what year yet). Just thought you'd like to know :)[/QUOTE] Firstly...DOTM voting isn't over yet!! Secondly and far more importantly...congrats on getting the teaching post. Will PM you further on that rather than take up diary space! :D
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[B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes [I]Smithson is too much of a... prospect if you will to lose to WLW.[/I] [B]Alyx Maquarie[/B] vs. Inferno [I]You wouldn't put yourself over a "star", would you? ;)[/I] The Melbourne Blondes © vs. Crimewave vs. [B]The Rising Suns[/B] [I]Time for the pretty boys to lose their titles and show the world how much better the Suns are![/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. NZ Pitbull [I]No way will Swoop lose. Ever. :p[/I] Harry Simonson vs. [B]Nathan McKenzie[/B] [I]Harry just had a year-long title reign, plus Nate is 19 and will be a huge star in the future.[/I] After reading through your diary, I've noticed a few similarities between ours... Lanny defeats Harry for the title, Swoop is being pushed to the moon, and NZ Pitbull's Open Challenge. Guess that shows how obvious the APW roster is when it comes to stars :p
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[img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary4.png[/img] ------ Beachfront Breakdown Aftermath: from [email]thebook@apw.net[/email] to [email]McMinister@apw.net[/email] date 02 May 2008 17:42 subject ACFA Week2 Hope the trip to Thailand is going well, buddy – make sure you check between the legs beforehand though. Just ask Big Daddy Horne about that one. I’ll keep it short. Rick Stantz got in another blow up with a fan. Not sure if it was the same one but I figured sod it. Gave him a stern warning but he seems to think I’ve completely blown it out of proportion. I’m seriously going to have to look at finding a new partner for Belushi just in case he screws up a few more times or he actually punches this bloke. I don’t suppose you’ve heard anything about moving the shows to twice monthly? We can seriously do it and it’d work wonders! Sturt’s contact is up, and to be honest with the restrictions you’ve set on safe workers I really don’t think I’ll even bother trying negotiations. Maybe we’ll see him further down the line. We’ve got the Caged Showdown event next month, as I’m sure you’re aware. Personally, there are a few matches I’d like to see. Firstly, I want to see Wilkes take on Smithson again as I feel they both got a lot from the last match so we’ll see if they can not botch this one. I want to see Stantz in singles action, so I’ll give him a pop at Stan Standish. Also, I’d like to see Peterson vs. McCarthy II just to test the kid in a gimmick match inside the cage. Peterson wants NZ Pitbull to take on Belushi as his GM pick, but as my pick will be the main event. Big Mac, Lanny and Harry taking each other on inside a steel cage for the Commonwealth title. I know some of the matches are getting a bit repetitive but honestly they’re coming out nicely so far so I’m gonna try to stick with the format. Cheers. Inferno. --- Quick Picks: Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. Boo Smithson (Aussie Rules Match - there MUST be a winner) Rick Stantz vs. Spiffy Stan Standish New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Blake Belushi Swoop McCarthy vs. Debonair David Peterson (Steel Cage Match for the Australian Title) Nathan McKenzie vs. Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson (Steel Cage Match for the Commonwealth Title)
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Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] [I]Boo has the potential to be pretty good, and Wilkes is the new bloke in town.[/I] Rick Stantz vs. [B]Spiffy Stan Standish[/B] [I]Stantz has potential, but Standish is better at this stage.[/I] [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs. Blake Belushi [I]Belushi isn't as good as Stantz, and NZ Pit Bull can teach him a lot.[/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Debonair David Peterson (Steel Cage Match for the Australian Title) Can't let Swoop lose to DDP can ya? :p [B]Nathan McKenzie[/B] vs. Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson (Steel Cage Match for the Commonwealth Title) [I]Actually a tough one to pick, but Mac is young, and a good run of dominance will definitely stamp his status as a star.[/I] And by the way, the two pictures for the Nathan McKenzie/Harry Simonson match are of Swoop and Darling. You forgot to change them. It confused me for a second.
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