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APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You.

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Ah well, it's not hard for the reader to figure it out if they're paying attention. Has Rick Stantz been causing any trouble behind the scenes for you? He's been behind three incidents in the first three months for me.
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[IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary5.png[/IMG] [QUOTE]Quick Picks Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. Cole Taylor Inferno vs. Debonair David Peterson (DDP’s GM pick) Swoop McCarthy vs. Boo Smithson (Inferno’s GM pick) Harry Simonson vs. Big Daddy Horne Nathan McKenzie vs. Lanny Williams[/QUOTE]
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Imitation is the finest form of flattery :) I've always wondered how the bookers being ousted would react, and have never looked at that in a diary before - so it was high on my priorities here. Thanks for the bookmark :)
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Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] [I]Wilkes is better right now, but Taylor is a fine prospect, and my favourite of the young ones (as is obvious in my diary).[/I] Inferno vs. [B]Debonair David Peterson[/B] (DDP’s GM pick) [I]Dunno why... just can't see Inferno winning this way.[/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Boo Smithson (Inferno’s GM pick) [I]Psh. Psh. Psh.[/I] [B]Harry Simonson[/B] vs. Big Daddy Horne [I]Can't see BDH beating ANYONE, especially the Hitman.[/I] [B]Nathan McKenzie[/B] vs. Lanny Williams [I]Don't see Big Mac giving it up yet.[/I]
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  • 2 weeks later...
[B]Out with Swoop McCarthy[/B] -- [I]By Dave Arriva[/I] I was lucky enough to get a chance to head out and about with dynamic APW champion Swoop McCarthy ahead of his match with Boo Smithson. Swoop insisted we head to a local festival-cum-funfair and agreed to let me transcript our conversation for a few minutes. DA: You’re going to beat him, then? SM: I don’t really think I can tell you for sure now. If I’m not careful I’ll get too big a head and it’ll get me in a whole world of trouble. DA: You’re honestly threatened by an ex-hobo? SM: He’s cleaned himself up and showed he’s pretty formidable with his submission skills. Sure, he’s having trouble brawling but we can train him up and make him look even better. DA: You’re willing to train him up? SM: I don’t know if I’m good enough. I know I picked up a lot of stuff from training backstage with him with the submission stuff so maybe I can give something back. DA: So you’re going into this fairly amiable? Fairly friendly? SM: Don’t get me wrong – I like the guy. But he’s a competitor. I’m going to have to come down on him hard and show him I mean business. At the end of the match we can be friends but once that bell goes I can’t be responsible for my actions. [Swoop was recognised by a family and their three kids, and signed a few autographs for them, exchanging pleasantries. The kids seemed pretty excited but the parents had no clue what was going on]. DA: So you attribute your success to who? SM: Without a doubt my parents and my fans. The parents put me through wrestling school and got me where I am now – and the fans keep me going and keep convincing the management that I’m a good guy to have as a figurehead. DA: What about your new theme music and finisher? Both entitled Swooooop! SM: It’s just using what the fans would shout at me so I figured I’d encourage it! DA: The music certainly works. SM: It was made by the same guy who provides a lot of PSW’s musical themes so it’s tried and tested and it’s catchy. If you hear the Swoop you know I’m coming! [Swoop insisted we go on one of those mental swing things that whirl you around on a seat attached by chains. I hate them.] DA: What about plans for the future? SM: APW Commonwealth champion, without a doubt. I’d really like to get up there and get a title shot before the end of the year. If not, that’s cool, I can pay my dues. I’ve got a lot of life in me and I’m happy to work my way up. I mean I’m a champion now – I should be grateful for that! DA: And internationally? SM: SWF, TCW, whoever comes calling. Of course I’m loyal to the APW for getting me to where I am – but a man has ambition. I’ll never write off going to one of the big boys. [As Swoop led me towards a rickety looking rollercoaster, I figured now would be the time to turn the recorder off so that I didn’t break the speakers with girly screaming. Three bouts of vomiting later and I’d forgotten to turn it back on again until I got home].
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[img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary6.png[/img] -- Beer Bash Aftermath Inferno walked into James’s office for the debriefing – he was back from Thailand now and seemed to have had a pretty good trip – he was grinning broadly anyway. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I wasn't sure about that Drucker angle there mate, but the fans seemed to enjoy it. We don’t really like much T&A in this promotion but hey you seem to have got it right this once.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Praise of the highest order,”[/COLOR] Inferno nodded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“So, I’ve got some good news for you. Despite seeing other promotions around the world not faring so well, 21CW’s drop in stature being the name one, the board have seen fit to approve your suggestion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“What?!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Yep. Go to two shows a month. We’ve made a tasty profit since you came in and we can afford to work at a loss for a little bit. We had a look at the projections and the money we will lose now will be made back more easily if we’re of a higher importance in the wrestling world.”[/COLOR] Inferno ran his fingers through his hair. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“That’s awesome. Thank you!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“No, thank you. You’re doing good things, just don’t screw up now. I noticed you re-signed Mucculio the other day – just the standard nine monther by the looks of it. That’ll do nicely. However, I’ve noticed there’s someone else you’re not rushing to renew.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I’m sorry, James. He may be our monster heel but he’s absolutely useless. Big Daddy Horne will be allowed to see out his contract in style but as far as I’m concerned he’s gone from the APW when it runs out.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Have you looked at replacing him?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Well, we can’t bring in anyone from overseas as they don’t think we’re big enough. Did you see that the DeColts have been approached by NYCW and CZCW? If they won’t go there they won’t go here! And better we don’t bring in anyone new in case they’re like Alexander Robinson and end up in jail for a year! Plus I’ve had a reshuffle and I think Swoop is ready for main eventer status.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’ll let you break that news to him,”[/COLOR] James said. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“So when do we start the 2 shows a month thing?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Start it after Finest Hour. What have you got in mind for that show?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I though Independence did okay last week, we’ll put them against The Rising Sons to see if they can get anywhere there. DDP got in on the ground floor and submitted his GM pick – he wants to put Lanny against Harry in the main event for the #1 contendership for the title. I figured, fine I’ll have Swoop rematch with Boo after the sign incident. I'll give Boo a chance at getting the title.”[/COLOR] James grinned. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Is that his actual spelling or slightly embellished?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“He looked like a damn tramp for a reason! I’ve had a talk with Standish and we’re rolling out a new thing for him at the event so we’ll give him a match with Trehawke to try and draw attention to him. Finally, I’d like to use DDP for good for once and have him open up the match with Macquarie for training purposes. He won’t enjoy being a curtain jerker but it’s kinda tough.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I just hope you’re not pushing him too far,”[/COLOR] James commented. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Well, it’s not as if he’s got anywhere else to go”. [/COLOR] -- So, quick picks. I really love predictions and would really welcome any comments on format, the angles, the storylines, whatever they may be. Activity from the readers keeps diaries alive :) I hate it when I catch people reading and then they go comment on another one without saying anything :( Debonair David Peterson vs. Alyx Macquarie The Rising Sons vs. Independence Triple S vs. Trehawke Phillips Boo Smithson vs. Swoop McCarthy (APW Australian Title Match) (Inferno’s GM pick) Lanny Williams vs. Harry Simonson (#1 Contender for APW Commonwealth Match) (DDP’s GM Pick)
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;452126]That bad, huh?[/QUOTE] No, not that bad. But give people a chance. There are so many diaries going on at the moment while the game's new - for example, I'm trying to keep tabs on about 12 myself as well as trying to play the game. People won't always feedback, especially while many will still not know the wrestlers in this part of the C-verse that much. Bear in mind that, even at the height of its powers (!), my 07 diary often only had 4 or 5 predictions per show and yet I was constantly in the top 3 or 4 in the DOTM voting. Anyway, here's my take on the show... [B]Debonair David Peterson [/B]vs. Alyx Macquarie [I]DDP may be curtain jerking, but he ain't losing in that role[/I] The Rising Sons vs. [B]Independence[/B] [I]New team needs a win to build themselves a bit[/I] [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Trehawke Phillips [I]Don't know much about either guy yet but don't like Trehawke's chops[/I] Boo Smithson vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B](APW Australian Title Match) (Inferno’s GM pick) [I]Smithson will show up well here and McCarthy will just about pull it out, maybe with a dubious decision of some kind. I'd expect a 3rd bout to be won by Smithson, allowing Swoop to ascend to the main event picture.[/I] Lanny Williams vs. [B]Harry Simonson [/B](#1 Contender for APW Commonwealth Match) (DDP’s GM Pick) [I]I'm going Simonson purely because Williams just faced McKenzie and, although it was a draw, it was also a heel vs heel. Simonson getting a shot gives a face vs heel match and Williams can then still come back at McKenzie as he'll feel he's owed another shot for that draw.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;452134]No, not that bad. But give people a chance. There are so many diaries going on at the moment while the game's new - for example, I'm trying to keep tabs on about 12 myself as well as trying to play the game. People won't always feedback, especially while many will still not know the wrestlers in this part of the C-verse that much. Bear in mind that, even at the height of its powers (!), my 07 diary often only had 4 or 5 predictions per show and yet I was constantly in the top 3 or 4 in the DOTM voting[/QUOTE] A fair point mate - cheers :)
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;452136]A fair point mate - cheers :)[/QUOTE] You gotta judge by pageviews. I had virtually no predictions in the last two years of the '07 incarnation of my Ring of Fire diary. Virtually no feedback. And yet, to judge by pageviews, I had thirteen or fourteen reliable followers, occasionally more. I am, once again, getting few predictions - but I, and you, are getting quite a few pageviews considering postcount thus far.
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[B]Debonair David Peterson[/B] vs. Alyx Macquarie The Rising Sons vs. [B]Independence[/B] Triple S vs. Trehawke Phillips Boo Smithson vs.[B] Swoop McCarthy[/B] (APW Australian Title Match) (Inferno’s GM pick) [B]Lanny Williams[/B] vs. Harry Simonson (#1 Contender for APW Commonwealth Match) (DDP’s GM Pick)
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[QUOTE=Phantom Stranger;452249]You gotta judge by pageviews. I had virtually no predictions in the last two years of the '07 incarnation of my Ring of Fire diary. Virtually no feedback. And yet, to judge by pageviews, I had thirteen or fourteen reliable followers, occasionally more. I am, once again, getting few predictions - but I, and you, are getting quite a few pageviews considering postcount thus far.[/QUOTE] A fair point. Thanks Phantom :) Also, Astil - thanks for the predictions. I hope your APW one isn't dead? (I think it was you with one anyway!)
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Alright Rat man! Hope ya know I have been reading, and will start predicting everytime I come this way from now on (or try to anyways) [B]Debonair David Peterson [/B]vs. Alyx Macquarie [I]Alyx isn't in David's league yet, though will end up being better than Peterson probably.[/I] [B]The Rising Sons[/B] vs. Independence [I] I like the Pit Bull but not a fan of the worthless gothic guy you team him with. PLUS Jimmy Strat is off the hook cool!!![/I] Triple S vs. [B]Trehawke Phillips[/B] [I]Alright gotta go back and figure out who Triple S is again. I like Phillips though, and I am more than likey wrong but due to the fact I have used and enjoyed Trehawke I am going with him.[/I] Boo Smithson vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] (APW Australian Title Match) (Inferno’s GM pick) [I] Swoop wins, but I just love Boo! It is Bruiser Brody who can wrestle like Chris Benoit. Whats not to like? GO BOO!!! But he ain't gonna take it[/I] Lanny Williams vs. [B]Harry Simonson[/B] (#1 Contender for APW Commonwealth Match) (DDP’s GM Pick) [I] The Hitman is a macdaddy in Australia and the only guy (besides my Boo) who can take out Swoop. So I choose the hitman.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;452264]A fair point. Thanks Phantom :) Also, Astil - thanks for the predictions. I hope your APW one isn't dead? (I think it was you with one anyway!)[/QUOTE] Nope, never did an APW, but maybe Acterius did. There are a lot of 'A' names on this board :D. I do a TCW one.
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Well, balls. My laptop harddrive just killed itself and I've had to do a full system recovery. This means I've lost this particular game. However, I'm going to edit the data base (when I can get scott or someone nice to reset my license) and hopefully be able to pick it up again where I left off. But it means the next update may take a while. Cheers for your patience.
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Right, pretty much ready to continue with this. Have tried to get the promotion back as it was with a start date of July 2008 so the Finest Hour card needs no changes. Only changes are some of the goals - must not fall below small, must not hire anyone with less than D- selling and D- stamina. Not too bad :)
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[img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/diary7.png[/img] --- “[COLOR="DarkGreen"]That really was the finest hour so far,[/COLOR]” James claimed as Inferno walked into the office. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What a way to start the bi-monthly shows. I hope Swoop wasn’t too badly beaten up there.”[/COLOR] Inferno winked. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“What you don’t know won’t hurt you. But yeah, it was a pretty good show and we’re starting to get the results that I wanted. I’m not sure how the fans will deal with Swoop dropping the strap but he’s on to bigger and greater things now.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“And how is Boo coping with the fame?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“What fame? We’re in Australia.”[/COLOR] James grinned, but the smile soon faded. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I’ve heard you decided not to renegotiate with someone.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“He was a cancer on the locker room. He was in arguments and wasn’t worth having. As of Tuesday, Debonair David Peterson is no longer affiliated with the APW.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I hope you know what you’re doing.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Backstage is a nicer place already, James.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“We’ll see. At least you’ve got a capable main event grouping now. Hopefully they’ll be more consistent.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Now they just need the training. We’ve got youth on our side – it’s why Nathan has the title. We need to attack the Aussie audience through empathy with people my age rather than yours.”[/COLOR] James laughed. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“There’s only about 13 years in it.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“You could be my dad.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Shut up.”[/COLOR] There was an awkward pause, and both men let out a few laughs. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Business. Funds are up again – though I suppose we can expect a slide there for a while. Especially with the Megadome coming up. Our next event – what have you called it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“APW’s Lethal Injection. Giving pro wrestling in the outback a much needed kick up the arse.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“A bit of a risqué choice. It’s just as well we’re still so small or I might have had to veto it. Just be careful. You saw how TCW have had their TV show pulled for low ratings. I never want to be in that position.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“Just as well, eh?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“What’s on the card?”[/COLOR] James had his notepad out and ready. [COLOR="DarkRed"]“We’re going to continue to expose and train Wilkes and Cole Taylor, so they can open the event for us. I’m also excited with Triple S – sure his match last week wasn’t great but it was a start. He’s only 20. I’m going to put him in with Stantz as he’s capable of carrying him well.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“As long as it doesn’t prompt Rick into any more backstage blowups”.[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“I think we’re past that. We’ll have Swoop work with Lanny Williams – Lanny is still our top heel even though he doesn’t have the belt and I think we need to give Swoop some exposure to the big main event like this as soon as possible. Finally, we had the #1 contendership match last week, and the fans will be expecting the title match – so it’ll be Harry vs. Nathan.”[/COLOR] James looked up from his writing. [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“Four matches? That’s it?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkRed"]“We want to give these guys ample time in the ring. We’ve got the talent, we just need to use it more. We’re all about wrestling here, not lots of out of ring segments.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkGreen"]“I came up with the product, of course I remember,” [/COLOR]James chastised, and stood up.[COLOR="DarkGreen"] “That’ll do us for today. Get it done, and keep it up”.[/COLOR] They shook hands and ended the meeting. -- Quick Picks: Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. Cole Taylor Rick Stantz vs. Triple S Swoop McCarthy vs. Lanny Williams Nathan Mackenzie vs. Harry Simonson (APW Commonwealth) -- Comments, criticisms, everything welcome. Is it bad booking that no-one saw the Swoop loss coming? Do tell!
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man WHY didcha cut Boo's hair???? Did I miss some reason for that? If ya gonna do that ya should of have had like a hair vs hair match. I LOVE BOO'S CRAZY DOO!!!! And no taking the belt off of Swoop onto Boo is fine and cool. Ya only got three choices in my opinion that I would put the belt on at the moment. Boo, Hitman, Swoop. McKenzie could do it, but I just don't really care for Mark Henry. Keep this up man! You are going have some cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool new workers coming soon. Grab the Samoans even though they suck at first and when that blue face devil guy come around... I love that guy... Picks now. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] Rick Stantz vs. [B]Triple S[/B] [I]oh yeah THAT Triple S. Never use him. I just think his name is retarded.[/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Lanny Williams Nathan Mackenzie vs. [B]Harry Simonson (APW Commonwealth)[/B]
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[QUOTE=maskedpropaganda;453895]man WHY didcha cut Boo's hair???? Did I miss some reason for that? [/quote] Well, if his bio is correct and his hair is one of the few stops from him being a star, then I'm going to give him a trim! :D It was my first act as booker (opening up MS Paint to do it I mean :D) Swoop is destined for greatness and I think it would have been too much of a demotion for Hitman to have been put down to the Australian champion. I quite like Big Mac even though yeah it's obvious who he's based on. As for Triple S - why did you think I changed his name? ;) And please! Please! No more spoilers about future workers! I'm awaiting them with baited breath but I've avoided even looking at those set to debut just so it's a surprise when they arrive :D Thanks a lot for the predictions buddy, thanks for reading :D
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