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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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[quote=Nightshadeex;497775]Fox Mask losing to Remmy Skye? Blasphemy.[/quote] Not exactly. Fox Mask is quite average all-around, while Remmy has amazing charisma and high flying skills. His performance skills and personality are the things that suck in him :p Once Remmy matures and get's his performance skills to a decent level, he's superstar quality.
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Maybe we're not doing as good as we thought: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Our show last night: D+, sold-out Snake Pit. BSC's show last night: D+, sold-out Snake Pit. We've got to look bush league when our Champion is just a Tag Tam Champion for another company on the same night. And doesn't appear for us. Snap Dragon is now MPWF's champion. Yeah, we've criminally misbooked him. Ah, well. Maybe we can fix that... maybe not. We've also hired on a new enhancement talent. We'll give him a few matches and see how he does... CZCW Coastal Tour May 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson def. George Wolfe in ten minutes via Extreme Beatdown (E+) Kirk then rants on the mic about Phoenix (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (C) def. Rod Remus & Dragon Americano in thirteen minutes via pinfall (E+) Lauren talks about Remmy, hyping up their first singles match in quite a while (C-) THIRD MATCH Fox Mask def. Extraordinario Jr in ninteem minutes via Fox Hutner + Feet On Ropes (D) Afterwards, Extra slaps Fox and complains about the ropes, while Fox professes innocence (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-three minutes via Figure Four after Kirk-ference (C) Afterwards, Remmy comes out, sides are drawn, and we decide on a tag match for next week's main event (D) Show Rating: D+ Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Wow, when was the last time we had a Coastal Tour main event set before the show?
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That sound? Just millions of souls screaming in torment as hell freezes over. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. No, we didn't make cult. We have, however, seen a news item saying a certain someone is no longer employed. And we made him an offer. For the first time ever... well, you'll see. If they accept, we've got big plans for them. And hopefully they work. We just realized we have eleven months left on our "Do not fall below #20 in the rankings" goal ... and we're #24 right now. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Fox Mask def. Bulldog Reynolds in twelve minutes via DQ, Extraordinario run-in (D) Extra rants at Fox, demanding a rematch (D-) Kirk and Remmy hype the main event (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon (c) def. Extraordinario Je in twenty-two minutes after a Fox run-in (D+) Fox drops a ladder on Extra, then accepts his challenge for a rematch (D-) Lauren and Pheonix hype the main event (D) MAIN EVENT Lauren & Phoenix def. Kirk & Remmy in twenty-eight minutes via DQ, Kirk snaps on Phoenix (C) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: One more show before Battle at the Beach, unless I got the dates wrong... wait, I did... okay, BatB is changing to June, Surf Slam is moving to July... hrm, and Extra is going to miss Wednesday... we'll make it Friday. We don't need Matt Sparrow for the show...
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With the most dramatic ending of any show to date: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Negotiations have concluded. The signing that will rock the Zone is done. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (c) def. J4 in thirteen minutes (E+) Remmy announces tonight's main event... a ten-minute non-title 'warm up' match between him and Lauren (D) Backstage, Fox ambushes Extraordinario and leaves him laying in the hallway (E+) Kirk cuts a promo on Phoenix (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Snap Dragon (C) def Island Boy Apollo in fifteen minutes via finisher (D) Dragon then makes an open challenge for Battle at the Beach (D) THIRD MATCH Phoenix & Extra def. Fox & Kirk in eighteen minutes, Phoenix Splash on Kirk (C-) Lauren hypes up the main event and Friday's main event (D+) Extra cuts a promo on Fox (D+) MAIN EVENT: 10-Minute Test Match Lauren the Lion draws Remmy Skye in ten minutes due to time limit (C) Hype video for Friday's main event (D-) Snap Dragon comes out to complain that he's got no takers for his challenge... when the announce team tells him that someone has, in fact, accepted. When Dragon demands to know who, all he receives is an audio clip, played at high volume, echoing through the bar (D+) "BUUUUUY MYYYYY MERCHANDIIIIIICE!" Show Rating: C- Oh, yeah. We went there. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Battle at the Beach 2011! Lauren vs Skye, Fox vs Extraordinario, Kirk vs Phoenix, and yes, Snap Dragon vs JIM FORCE!
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Welcome to CZCW Battle at the Beach 2011! June 2011, week 1, Friday West Texas Collisaeuwhatever, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: 10-Man Battle Royale Masked Patriot def. Bulldog, Eagle, Foxx, Wolfe, Goose, Speedball, Moose, Mosquito, and Remus in thirteen minutes (D-) SECOND MATCH Extraordinario Jr def. Fox Mask in eighteen minutes via flash rollup (C-) Promo time! "IT IS TIME FOR THE COASTAL ZONE TO FEEEEEL THE FOOOORRRRRRCE! The USPW has learned that even they cannot contain the power of The Force! I have crossed this country, climed the mighty Mountains of Rockiness, and come to the mythical California so that you may Feel The Force! Buy My Merchan... what? We're in Texas? Dammit... Regardless! Jim Force, Avatar of The Force, has come here for one purpose... to slay the mighty Dragon of Snapping and to claim his Xtreme Title for his own! Come now, Sir Dragon, and feel the power of The Force as it snaps you in twain!" (D+) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Title Jim Force def. Snap Dragon (c) in eighteen minutes via Full Force (D-... no chemistry. figures.) Lauren hypes up the main event (D-) FOURTH MATCH: Submission Match Kirk Jameson def. Ultimate Phoenix in nineteen minutes via submission (D) Kirk celebrates afterwards (D) Remmy hypes the main event (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Remmy Skye in twenty-three minutes (C) Show rating: C- Hah! I predicted the bad chemsitry and made sure to give Jim the third match on the card, not the next-to-last. And I'm glad I did. On the next Coastal Zone: Jim Force holds the Xtreme Title. Yeah, that's gonna put a big damn target on him...
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Whoops! Apparently I didn't save the file after I cut the last show out... so here's the actual new show... New Home Of The Force! Welcome the Coastal Zone! Read Our Diary! The wife is trying to teach my son to play Viva Pinata. I am nowhere near stoned enough to understand this game. We'll do a little re-order of the roster here and see how things are turning out: Main event: Force, Skye, Phoenix, Sleep, Sparrow Uppercard: Lauren, Fox, Kirk, Remus, Snap Dragon Midcard; Extra, Apollo, Speedball, Jakpot, Bulldog, Patriot, Foxx Lower: J2, Panda, Eagle, Moose Opener: Americano, Goose, Lizard Enhancement: Wolfe CZCW Coastal Tour June 2011, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Jim Force celebrating his victory the other night, only for Matt Sparrow to come down and begin running him down for being a joke, and Force seems oblivious to the insults, calling Sparrow 'Bird-Man' and yeap, we get a main event out of the two (D+) OPENING MATCH Moose & Goose def. J4 in ten minutes via foreign object (E+) BAckstage, Lauren and Phoenix talk about respect, and Lauren decides she respects Phoenix enough to give him a title shot tonight (D+) SECOND MATCH Bulldog Bobby Reynolds def. Snap Dragon in fifteen minutes via flash rollup (E+) As Dragon heads backstage, Sparrow comes out and says that's why Jim Force is a joke -- he won the title from a joke of a champion. Sparrow runs Dragon down on the mic for a few minutes, with Dragon sadly agreeing with everythign he says (D) THIRD MATCH: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Ultimate PHoenix in twenty-two minutes via finisher (C) Jim Force hypes up the main event and shills his new shirt (D+) MAIN EVENT: Xtreme Title Jim Force (c) def. Matt Sparrow in sixteen minutes via finisher after Snap dragon hits a Dragon's Breath on Sparrow (D-) Show Rating: D Hrm. Jim Force != ratings? My mind fails to comprehend how this can be true... well, we've got something that shoudl turn out a good, if short, match from him... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Sparrow responds to Dragon's attack; Lauren seeks out another she respects; and Jim Force rants.
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Yeah, we didn't think he'd do okay either. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour June 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Lauren backstage, revealing she respects someone enough to give them a title shot tonight... it's Mosquito Sleep, who thanks her (D+) OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Extra Jr. in nineteen minutes via pinfall (C-) Kirk then cuts a promo about all that's wrong with the Zone, ending with "And I don't have a title." (D) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (c) def. J4, Moose & Goose, and Panda & Lizard in ten minutes (E+) How can Washington still have ring rust???? THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Title Jim Force (c) def. Island Boy Apollo in twelve minutes via Full Force (D-) Jim Force then cuts a promo that... hell, I can't even translate it, and it's my game. I think he told Kirk to stop complaining tho (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Mosquito Sleep in twenty-four minutes via Figure Four (C) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Hey, Force is the first guy we've had whose promos are better than his matches. Just realized that. Hrm... oh, and guess who's fired?
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Strike fifty! You're out! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Spirit of the Lizard was spreading rumors again... this time about our road agent, Dylan. Yeah, he was so totally fired this time. Contracts to renew... Pee-Wee's was up. We weren't going to lose him. Again. I swear, you go refless for a week and you have a bad show... CZCW Coastal Tour June 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Fox Mask def. Rod Remus in sixteen minutes via finsiher (D) Jim Force tells Kirk Jameson to calm down, or he will feel the fooooooorce! (D) SECOND MATCH Moose & Goose def. Panda Mask & Dragon Americano in six minutes (E) Kirk tells Force he's full of... something. (D+) Lauren tells Pheonix that she's deided he gets a rematch at Surf Slam (D+) THIRD MATCH Lauren & Force def. Kirk & Phoenix in twenty minutes (D+) Sparrow cuts a promo on 'that pathetic Snap Dragon' (D-) MAIN EVENT: Triangle Matt Sparrow def. Mosquito Sleep & Remmy Skye in twenty-six minutes via pinfall on Skye (D+) Show rating: D ... wow. That was a disappointing show. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We try to figure out why we're having such bad shows suddenly... and yes, I know the obvious answer, but we're trying to ignore that...
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Last Stop Before Surf Slam! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeah, this is shaping up to be our least-looked-forward-to show in a long, long time. 4C has hit Cult size. That worries us slightly... we should be there by now. Don't get us wrong, we're getting closer... but we're still far behind where we should be by now. CZCW Coastal Tour June 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Snap Dragon def. Masked Patriot in thirteen minutes via finsiher (D) Dragon then cuts a promo, telling us that Sparrow opened his eyes... he was pathetic. He used to be a champion, one of th eundisputed stars of the Zone... and lately, he's been an afterthought that nobody would miss if he left. But Sparrow made a mistake... he woke the sleeping Dragon, and now, the rampage will begin (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (c) def. J4 in ten minutes via DQ (E+) Jim Force cuts a promo on Kirk, Son Of James, saying tonight will be a preview of what is to come if he does not begin to trust the foorrrrrrrce (D+) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Cage Jim Force (c) def. Bulldog Reynolds in sixteen minutes via finisher (E+) Ultimate Phoenix cuts a promo on Lauren, saying he's thankful for the rematch, but he doesn't deserve it until he can beat Sparrow (D+) Sparrow brushes off Dragon's threats and focuses on Phoenix, saying he's glad to take the contendership from him tonight (D) MAIN EVENT Ultimate Phoenix def. Matt Sparrow in twenty-four minutes after unseen Dragon-ference (C-) Show rating: D Yeah, that... pretty much does that... but somehow, we managed to win the regional battle this month. Must've been week 2's show, the rest have... been pretty mediocre. On the next Coastal Zone: Surf Slam 2011!
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Welcome to CZCW Surf Slam 2011! July 2011, week 1, Wednesday West Texas Whatszit, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Jeremiah Moose def. Marc Speed in ten minutes via HVH (D-) SECOND MATCH: 10-Man Mayhem Remmy Sky def. Bulldog, Eagle, Foxx, Fox, Apollo, Jackpot, Patriot, Sleep, and Remus in sixteen minutes (D) Skye then calls out Lauren and Phoenix, and tells them he hopes they have a good match tonight... 'cause he's got next. (D+) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Cage Kirk Jameson def. Jim Force (c) in fifteen minutes via escape (D) Force begins to cut a promo on how he was robbed, but is interrupted by Fox Mask. Force and the Xtreme Title is apparently a symbol of all that could go wrong with the Zone, and Fox isn't going to stand for it. If Force wants to stay here, he has to show he belongs here. It's time for Force to face the Foooooooooooooooooox! (D-) FOURTH MATCH Matt Sparrow def. Snap Dragon in eighteen minutes via finisher (C-) Lauren hypes up the main event (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Ladder Lauren the Lion (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-four minutes (C+) Show rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Okay. Now what? As if it weren't obvious?
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Trapped in the body of a bald guy: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! (Note: This was written a week and a half ago) Heroes was on, so I'm watching Raw TiVo'd... is it me, or was Kane/Bourne taped in slow motion for some reason??? It just had a very odd quality, like everyone was going at 9/10 speed but the audio was just fine. Probably just me. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2011, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Jim Force def. Mosquito Sleep in eleven minutes via Full Force (D) Force then cuts a promo on Fox, telling him not to mock the future, not to mock the forrrrrce (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (c) def. J4 after J4 falls apart (E-) Jackpot and Jared then have words with each other, ending with Jared takeing a swing at his partner (E-) THIRD MATCH Fox Mask def. Island Boy Apollo in sixteen minutes via finisher (D) Remmy and Lauren do dueling interviews to hype the main event of the next show (D, D) MAIN EVENT Lauren & Sparrow def. Skye & Remus in twenty-nine minutes, Leauren suplex on Remus (C-) Show rating: D+ Well, that's a bit better... On the next Coastal Zone: Yes, we're going to build a match around J2 vs Jackpot. But who's leaving the Zone?
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Live via TiVo! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! A certain someone was asking for much more money than they seemed to be worth... we were having to think long and hard about if they were worth it, and we didn't think they were... mostly... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Extra Jr. def. JAckpot Jordan after interference from Jared Johnson (D) We get a look at Lauren's daily training regimine (D-) Jared explains just why he attacked Jackpot: He's tired of Jackpot acting like he runs things, when he's just a flashy showboat with no real skills (E) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme LAdder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Mosquito Sleep in twenty-five minutes (D) Kirk makes an open challenge for Reach For The Sky, since even 'main eventers' like Sleep aren't worthy of his time (D+) Fox mocks Jim Force (D) MAIN EVENT Skye & Fox def. Lauren & Phoenix in twenty-six minutes, Skye Diver on Phoenix (C) Show rating: D+ The sad thing is, D+ just isn't cutting it anymore... or at least, not getting messages. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: With six weeks to go, can we manage to hype up our matches enough without over-hyping them?
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Back after a near-two-week break in simming: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeah, we took a bit of a break. But, we got our Ccity of Heroes guy to level 40. Finally. After three years (ranted, only 14 months paid, but still). OUr latest friendship, Bulldog Bobby Reynolds had made a good impression on... Fox Mask. Now there's potential for the future. Other than that, not much changed... except last week's asking-too-much guy, Mosquito Sleep, was much more hospitible in the second round of negotiations and signed for what he was worth. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Jared Johnson ragging on his ex-partner a little before his match (E) OPENING MATCH Goerge Wolfe def. Jared Johnson in six minutes after Jackpot Jordan attacks J2 (E+) Jordan then spits some insults as his ex-partner (E) SECOND MATCH Jom Force def. Masked Patriot in thirteen minutes of torture via finisher (E+). Y'know... this was the feud we were hoping to run after Force/Fox... but they have absolutely no chemistry at all. Dammit. Force cuts a force-filled force-promo against the anti-force Fox (D) In the ring, Kirk wants to know who accepts his open challenge. From backstage, Speedball Marc Speed accepts (E). Kirk then taunts him about his chances (D) THIRD MATCH Fox Mask def. Snap Dragon in nineteen minutes via Foxhunter (D) Oh yeah, no chemistry. Right. Fox cuts a promo on Force, telling him to stop it with this 'force' nonsense (D+) MAIN EVENT Skye & Speedball def. Lauren & Kirk in twenty-four minutes, Speedball rollup on Kirk (D-) Show rating: D- Yikes. We... need to work on that a bit. Tho it's our own fault, running a no-chemistry sub-main... and Speedball needs some momentum if we're going to buy this match... On the next Coastal Zone: Five weeks to build up Speedball, Jordan, and J2. Can we do it? C'mon... this is the Zone! Of course we can't...
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Where being sick for two dyas off work means that you guys get... um... well, not a whole lot more than you normally would. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We'd like to introduce you all to our newest signing... but that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it? We'll book him this week tho. Like I would keep you guys hanging. :) CZCW Coastal Tour July 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH J2 def. Panda Mask in three minutes via submission (E) Jared then cuts a short promo on Jackpot (E) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Moose & Goose def. Team America (c) in ten minutes via DQ (D-) Jim Force cuts a long promo... but it's not about Fox like we wanted it to be, it's about how he wants a match with Lauren and how she will feel the force... kinda creepy, actually.. (D+) THIRD MATCH Marc Speed def. Rod Remus in seventeen minutes via finisher (D-) Speedball does a promo on Kirk Jameson (E+) FOURTH MATCH Lauren & Dragon def. Fox & Phoenix in twenty-one minutes, Lauren pins Fox (C-) Remmy cuts a promo on Lauren (D+) MAIN EVENT Jim Force draws Remmy Skye in fifteen minutes via double DQ when Lauren attacks Remmy and Fox attacks Force (C-) Show rating: D+ Okay, good, back to our usual good shows... and, with Jim Force putting in his best one-on-one match with us so far. That's good. But it looks like I forgot to put that new signee on the card... ah, well. Next week. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Lauren responds to Force's creepy comments.
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Cycling at 2 and 4 Megahertz: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Nothing new this week, so straight to the card. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2011, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH J2 & Dargon Americano def. Jackpot & Wolfe in six minutes via submission (E) Afterwards, J2 and Jordan do some brawling. (E) SECOND MATCH Force & Speedball def. Fox & Kirk in eighteen minutes, Full Force on Fox (D+) Afterwards, Lauren comes out to take issue with Force's statements last week. Force insists that Lauren will feel the force inside her... at which point Lauren slugs him in the gut and axe-handles him to the mat. (D+) THIRD MATCH: Triangle Remmy Skye def. Mosquito Sleep and Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-five minutes via Skye Diver (D+) Random backstage attack: Speedball runs Kirk face-first into the wall and tells him that in one month, he's taking the Xtreme Title. (E) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Matt Sparrow in twenty-six minutes via finisher (C) Show Rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: We swear we'll introduce the newest signing on the next show. Really. Oh, and for the first time ever: Lauren the Lion vs Jim Force!
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Do you remember a time when we used to be funny? We do. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Another slow week. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2011, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Ultimate Phoenix introducing us to someone he's brought into the Zone from Mexico: El Mitico Jr. Tonight, they're going to open the show with some lucha libre (D-) OPENING MATCH Ultimate Phoenix def. El Mitico in eight minutes via Firebird Splash (D) Lauren cuts a promo on Force, saying tonight, the Lion will stalk and kill her prey (D+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Island Boy Apollo in sixteen minutes (D) Jim Force cuts a promo on Lauren, saying tonight the Force truely takes over the Zone. (D) THIRD MATCH: 6-Man Tag J2, Speedball, and Skye def. Jackpot, Kirk, and Fox in eighteen minutes, Speedball rolls up Jameson (D+) Afterwards, Kirk and Speedball brawl to the back (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Jim Force in eighteen minutes via finisher after Fox Mask run-in (C-) Show Rating: D+ Well, still decent. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Jim Force is mad. Fox Mask is his target. With two weeks before they meet one on one, how much more explosive can this get? According to our Advanced Booking screen... well, a lot, but it probably won't.
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Where we just realized we need 1.7 million more XP to level up in CoH... so we're gonna sim a show instead. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, time to start taking bets... Force vs Fox... is it gonna suck? I mean, sure Lauren carried him to adecent match, but do we think Fox can pull that off? Hrm. BHOTWG had made an offer to Extraordinario... again. They did last week, too, but we didn't mention it. He obviously turned them down. Wonder what they were offering him. Philippe LeGrenier, jailed for... tax evasion. Wow, 23 and a tax evader. Shoulda checked that 'independant contractor' status for your forms, man... then again, what's tax evasion like in Canada? Anyone know? WLW have hit Global size. They are now the #4 promotion in the world, behind Global compies TCW and PGHW and Cult company SWF... importance-wise. Influnce-wise, they're #1, followed by TCW, PGHW, and 5SSW. SWF isn't even in the top ten. SWF was #29 there. #30? The Coastal Zone. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2011, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (c) def. Bullgod & Extraordinario in twelve minutes via rollup (D-). We give Eagle an ultimatum: If her ring rust isn't gone by whatever our next big show is, she's gone. SECOND MATCH Marc Speed def. Jackpot Jordan in thirteen minutes via DQ after interference by Kirk Jameson and Jared Johnson (D-) Johnson and Jordan (not Jameson) brawl for a bit after the match (E-) Kirk cuts a promo backstage on how Speedball can't even get a clean pin on Jackpot Jordan (D-) THIRD MATCH Jim Force def. Kirk Jameson in sixteen minutes via Full Force after Speedball gets some revenge (D) Force rants at Fox, saying that it will be a meeting of the immovable force and the irresistable object, but he is both and Fox is neither, which... y'know, he lost me. (D-) MAIN EVENT Matt Sparrow def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-nine minutes via finisher (C-) Show rating: D ... yeah, not our best show. On the next Coastal Zone: It's our go-home show... will the fans go home?
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;504963]So, time to start taking bets... Force vs Fox... is it gonna suck? I mean, sure Lauren carried him to adecent match, but do we think Fox can pull that off?[/quote] It will both suck and rule at the same time. Which is even more difficult to pull off than sucking and blowing at the same time. [quote]OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Team America (c) def. [B]Bullgod[/B] & Extraordinario in twelve minutes via rollup (D-). [/quote] If you ever decide to push Bulldog, or gimmick him to high heaven. A Mantaur hook never goes awry! [quote]Force rants at Fox, saying that it will be a meeting of the immovable force and the irresistable object, but he is both and Fox is neither, which... y'know, he lost me. (D-)[/QUOTE] This is the most Force-ful you've been with any of Force's interviews. And since his status is based fully on his interviews, face paint and merchandise (Buy some!) but you're all about the game mechanics... I'd like to see more Force-ful-Views like this. Also... Welcome to the Coastal Zone... almost as influential as SWF!
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Where we're tired and will probaby just book a show and nothing else this post: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! News since last week: Um... none. On with the show! CZCW Coastal Tour Auust 2011, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Kirk Jameson (c) def. Eagle Washington in eleven minutes via pinfall (E+) Fox Mask cuts a promo on Force, telling him to start making sense or start packing his bags (D) SECOND MATCH Snap Drago def. El Mitico in seventeen minutes via finsiher (D+) Nice showing from the new guy. And this was with Dragon off his game. Backstage, Fox and Force are face to face, shouting at each other, as others try to seperate them. "The Force makes plenty of cents, especially because people buuuuy myyyy merchandiiiiise! You don't even have little plastic fox masks to sell!"(D) THIRD MATCH Jim Force def. Extraordinario Jr via finisher in thirteen minutes (D-) Lauren cuts a promo on Remmy, who was too busy to show up tonight (C-) MAIN EVENT Fox & Lauren def. Mosquito & Phoenix in twenty-six minutes (D) Show Rating: D Hrm. Have we peaked? That's not a good sign... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Reach For The Sky! Lauren vs Remmy! Fox vs Force! Kirk vs Speedball! J2 vs J2!
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