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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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Welcome to CZCW Reach for the Sky 2011! September 2011, week 1, Wednesday West Texas place, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: 10-Man Mayhem Matt Sparrow def. Bulldog, Eagle, Apollo, Patriot, Mosquito, Panda, Remus, Snap Dragon, and Phoenix in fifteen minutes (D+) Backstage, Kirk and Marc go face to face, with Speedball telling Kirk to enjoy his title... he'll only have it for a few more minutes (E+) SECOND MATCH Jared Johnson def. Jackpot Jordan in twelve minutes via finisher submission (D-) Backstage, Fox Mask and Jim Force are yelling at each other. Apparently they've decided on a cage match, but neither of them is sure who's idea it was... (D-) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Marc Speed in seventeen minutes (C-) Backstage, Remmy and Lauren shake hands. Unlike the other matches, these two seem to have respect for each other (D) FOURTH MATCH: Cage Fox Mask def. Jim Force in seventeen minutes via Foxhunter (E+... you guessed it, no chemistry!) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Remmy skye in twenty-six minutes via finisher (C) Show rating: D+ No chemistry. No freakin' chemistry. First Dragon, now Fox... you've got to be kidding me... On the next Coastal Zone: Do we trust -anyone- to feud with Force after that?
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Now down one luchadore: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! WLW had recruited Extraordinario Jr to their cause, and he was leaving the Zone to go focus on them... which was too bad. We liked the little guy, we just never got a chance to really use him since either OLLIE or MHW had shows on wednesdays. So, we have two months until Showdown at Sundown. We were currently hovering at D-importance in the Southwest and Midsouth -- within spitting distance of Cult status. For a while there, it looked like we might be able to pull it off this year. But after the last few weekly shows, we weren't so sure... and we were getting worried people would start leaving us soon. After all... we've been D- in the Midsouth for a year now, unable to quite get over the edge there. We know how to do it. But it involves using our main event exclusively and letting the lower-card go unused, and we don't like that. So we think we'll just shift focus to the Midsouth for a while and see if that helps revitalize us. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2011, week 1, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA We open backstage, with Fox Mask talking up beating Jim Force, and Team America tells him (truthfully!) that the match sucked. Fox takes offense, and we have a match for later tonight (E+) OPENING MATCH: Lucha El Mitico Jr def. Extraordinario Jr in sixteen minutes via finisher (D-) We announce Showdown at Sundown's main event: A four-way title match with the champion and three challengers to be determined... one of them determined tonight! (E+) SECOND MATCH: Handicap Team America def. Fox Mask in thirteen minutes after a Flying Foxx (D) and post-match beatdown (E) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Title Kirk Jameson (c) draws Snap Dragon in twenty minutes via double count-out (D+). The two then decide that they need to study each other and meet again at Showdown at Sundown (D-) MAIN EVENT: Showdown Qualifier Matt Sparrow def. Mosquito Sleep in twenty-one minutes via Birdbrainbuster (C-) show Rating: D+ A little change in scenery was all we needed, it seems... or just to take Jim Force off the show. Oh, welll, we'll try him again next month... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Who will be in the next Showdown qualifier? And who challenges Lauren to put her title on th eline before the match even happens?
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"Daddy, can you kill a zombie? Or can you only re-kill a zombie?" I love my son. He's -four- and he comes up with questions like that. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Slow news week. Extra is gone now. That's it. CZCW Coastal Zone September 2011, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA We open wiht Lauren congratulating Sparrow on getting into the Showdown at Sundown. Out comes Rod Remus to say Lauren may not get the free pass she expects -- he wants a title match, and he wants one tonight. Lauren tells him to wait until next week, and Remus then talks her into a tag match for the main event for scouting purposes (D) OPENING MATCH Masked Patriot def. Jared Johnson in eight minutes via Patriot Slam (E+) We announce next week's Showdown Qualifier: Remmy Skye vs Ultimate Phoenix (E+) SECOND MATCH: TAG TITLES Team America (c) ... LOSE to the new team of... FOX FORCE FIVE??? in twelve minutes (D-) Yes, folks, Jim Force and Fox Mask then cut a promo celebrating the titles and how they've found that they're really talking about two sides of the same coin, and now the Zone shall forevermore be dominated by the Fox Force (D) THIRD MATCH El Mitico def. Bulldo in ten minutes via finisher (E+) Snap Dragon cuts a promo on Kirk Jameson before his warmup match (E+) FOURTH MATCH Snap Dragon def. Island Boy Apollo in fourteen minutes via finisher (D-) MAIN EVENT Remus & Sparrow def. Lauren & Sleep in nineteen minutes via Remus Clutch (D+) Show rating: D. Everyone and their brother seemed off their game tonight. The good news? Eagle Washington finally ditched her ring rust. So she won't be fired. On the next Coastal Zone: Okay, that show sucked. I obviously shouldn't be booking this late at night...
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Where we're simming now while we can... gonna have some busy times ahead of us... what, with the bring approved for a home loan and all... now we gotta find a home we can afford... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! They thought we were crazy... crazy, they said... sure, we've all thought about teaming up Jim Force with Fox Mask, but Iiiiii had the guts to do it! Oh, I'm a naughty boy, naughty naughty... can you tell I re-watched MST3K The Movie lately? Anyway, other than that, no new news. CZCW Coastal Zone September 2011, week 3, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Fox Force Five (c) def. Moose & Goose in eleven minutes via Foxhunter (D-) Fox Force Five then cut a promo explaining that they are the new dominant team in all of wrestling, combiningg the sheer power of the Force with the speed and agility of the Fox. They also introduce a brand new piece of Merchandise: plastic Fox Masks for the kids (D-) SECOND MATCH Flyin' Jimmy Foxx def. J2 in ten minuts via finisher (D) Lauren cuts a promo on Remus, her opponent for tonight (D+) THIRD MATCH: CZCW Title Lauren the Lion (c) def. Rod Remus in nineteen minutes via suplex (C-) Ultimate Phoenix hypes up his contendership match (D) and then Remmy does the same (D-) MAIN EVENT: Remmy Skye def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-five minutes via Skyediver (C-) Show rating: D+ Well, not the best, but not bad. We figure once Fox and Force get some experience, they'll be a heck of a team. In the meantime, they make a nice way to use two high-level carders in the same segment. Also gives us a nice setup. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: One contender left to determine, but will Lauren, Skye, and Sparrow wait to findd out who it is?
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Where our plot twists are more like plot cliches: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Jobbers get re-signed. Not like we use them much, but... eh. "Perfect" Pat Decon has retired form wrestling at the age of 66. He had been working out-of-the-ring for the last 24 years. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2011, week 4, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA We open with Fox Force Five in the ring, hyping their... new facepaint, available at the merchandise stand? Out come Rod Remus and Mosquito Sleep, saying that the two of them are an embarassment, so tonight they're going to stop this tag title reign before it gets a chance to get a head of steam (D) FIRST MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Speedball in ten minutes (D) Kirk hypes his match with Snap Dragon at whatever our next big show is (D-) SECOND MATCH Snap Dragon def. El Mitico in ten minutes vis Dragon's Breath (D) Matt Sparrow announces that we're going to have a preview of the four-way title match tonight, as a triple-threat non-title match (D-) THIRD MATCH: Non-Title Lauren the Lion draws Remmy Skye and Matt Spaarrow due to 20-minute time limit (C+) MAIN EVENT: Tag Titles Fox Force Five (c) def. Remus & Sleep in twenty minutes via Full Force (D) Afterwards, we announce the final contendership match for next week: Fox Mask vs Rod Remus vs Mosquito Sleep vs Jim Force (E) Show Rating: D Yeah, we thought the main event was going to be at least D+... our bad. It had a lot to live up to tho. That wasn't our best match ever, but it was right up there. On the next Coastal Zone: The final match to determine the final contender! Will Fox Force Five fall apart as fast as it formed, or will this freaky friendship be forced in the fires of... um... fighting?
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The more things change, the more opening lines we reuse. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We just signed another person. I know I said I try not to use the same people from past dynasties, but I think I can be forgiven for this one... technically... Other than that, not a whole lot of news... but we should be able to generate some news of our own... CZCW Coastal Tour: Night Of Multi-Sided Matches! October 2011, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA (SOLD OUT) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Kirk Jameson (c) def. Island Boy Apollo and Bulldog Reynolds in eighteen minutes (D-) We get Final-Contendership promos from: Remus (E+), Sleep (E+), Force (D-), and Fox (E+). SECOND MATCH: Contendership Fox Mask def. Jim Force, Rod Remus, and Mosquito Sleep in eighteen minutes via Fox Hunter on Sleep (D) Kirk cuts a promo on Snap Dragon (D-) Lauren hypes up the three men she'll face at Showdown at Sundown, saying she's beat them all seperately, but three at once... will be tricky (D-) MAIN EVENT Lauren & Dragon def. Sparrow & Patriot and Skye & Phoenix in nineteen minutes via suplex on Phoenix, despite Jameson running in and clocking Dragon (C) Show rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Kirk and Dragon in Pick Your Poison matches! Rumor has it Snap Dragon has already selected Kirk's opponent: Lauren the Lion! Who will Kirk pick to face the Dragon? Oh, and by the way: We've simmed up through the end of the year. Place your bets on who holds the three titles as we enter 2012, with special bonus best: Do we hit Cult?
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About as shocking as a nine-volt battery on the tongue... in a world full of 220 current. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Funny news this week! TCW, that international mega-company, has been snubbed by someone they wanted to hire! The man staying with his original company? Jerry Eisen. There's no word on if TCW was being serious with that offer or not, but it's either the biggest joke, biggest insult, or ballsiest move in the history of wrestling. In any case, we admire TCW for doing it. :) CZCW Coastal Tour October 2011, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Arena, Midsouth USA We open with Kirk and Dragon in the ring, having a face-off. Dragon tells Kirk that Lauren is going to remind him he can be beaten. Kirk refuses to tell Dragon who he's facing, but promises that it'll be someone to help him remember that he can be broken. (D-) OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Fox Force Five (c) def. Team America in fifteen minutes via Foxhunter on Eagle (D-) Kirk cuts a promo on Lauren backstage, saying she's afraid to get hurt before her big match, so she won't be giving 100% tonight (D-) Lauren steps into frame, telling him that she always gives 100%. If she can't compete at Showdown at Sundown? It doesn't matter. She'll get her title back from whoever keeps it warm for her (D+) SECOND MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Kirk Jameson in twenty-four minutes via rollup when Dragon distracts Kirk (C-) Lauren takes a moment to hype up Showdown at Sundown (D) Dragon comes out and tells Kirk he's ready for anything, so enough with the suspense... let's get it over with. (D-) MAIN EVENT Snap Dragon def. INSANE MACHINE via DQ when Kirk attacks Dragon... Dragon and Machine then turn and both knock Kirk out of the ring (C) Show Rating: C- HOLY CRAP, did that main event deliver! We were expecting a C- at best... damn, it feels good to have the Machine back with us. Now opefully he doesn't sign up for another tour anywhere that uses him on Sundays and/or wednesdays... On the next Coastal Zone: With two weeks to Showdown at Sundown, the buildup reaches a fever pitch, and someone has a message to deliver...
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Now with added extra bad timing: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! We decided to make offers to a few more people... mainly spurred by the notice that some of SWF's contracts were coming due, and we wanted a couple of them. Pity we didn't decide this -before- renewing our jobber contracts... but, oh well. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2011, week 3, Sunday New Mexico Whatzit, Midsouth USA We open with Lauren hyping Showdown at Sundown (D) FIRST MATCH Atlas def. Panda Mask II in five minutes via Kronus Bomb (F). Atlas is formerly of SWF. This is the first tiem we've ever seen the "match between jobbers" note. We can't possibly have gone all this time without a jobber match, have we? Fox hypes Showdown at Sudnown (D) SECOND MATCH Remus & Patriot def. Team America in thirteen minutes via Patriot Slam (E+) Remmy hypes SaS (D-) THIRD MATCH Insane MAchine def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-two minutes via Termination Kick (D+) Matt hypes SaS (D) MAIN EVENT Lauren & Sparrow def. Skye & Fox in twenty-six minutes via BirdBrainBuster on Fox (C-) Show Rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The go-home show for Showdown at Sundown. With a surprise last-minute match being made!
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Simming six weeks in one night makes Homer something something. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeah, so, Atlas had pretty much no popularity but great stats -- I'm guessing SWF piccked him up and then never used him. We need to get his popularity up fairly fast, so we're thinking some high-profile jobs. Our other signing we're saving for after SaS. He's in basicly the same boat, so he won't mind not being used for now. Retirements: Henry Lee, former DAVE icon, and Luchadore Original. Meh. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2011, Week 4, Sunday New Mexico Building That Holds Shows, Midsouth USA We open with Insane Machine telling us all that he is back, and he is ready to remind everyone why he was feared and respected by everyone in the Zone. Out comes Jim Force to tell The Machine Of Insanity that he wasn't in the Zone before, but he sees nothing to fear and nothing to respect. Machine may be the Machine, but The Force is the Rage against him, and is not Insane at all. Many in the audience aren't sure about that last part. The two decide they will meet at Showdown at Sundown (D) OPENING MATCH Team America draw Moose & Goose in twelve minutes via double-DQ (E+) Snap Dragon does a hype job for his Xtreme Title show (E+) SECOND MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Atlas in nine minutes via lack-of-chemistry rollup (E-) Insane Machine cuts a promo against Jim Force (D) THIRD MATCH Remus & Patriot def. Team Lucha (El Mitico & Ultimate Phoenix) in sixteen minutes via Remus Clutch, locked in while Mitico had the ropes but Patriot had the ref distracted until Mitico passed out (D+) Jim Force tells us that not only with Fox Force 2.5 (Half of Fox Force Five, which is him) defeat the El Machineo Psycho on Wednesday, he shall also make him feel the true power of the Fooooooorce! And it shall be the Machine that rusts and breaks down, for Force shall not be oiling him up anytime soon (D-) MAIN EVENT: Mega-Tag Match Sparrow & Jameson def. Lauren & Dragon, Skye & Machine, and Fox Force Five in twenty-five minutes via subtle cheating (C) Show Rating: D+ Hey, what do you know... we have a note saying we have some excellent chemistry as a tag team. We know it's not Fox Force Five, so... who is it? That's your trivia quiz for tonight... BHOTWG has fought their way back up to National size. We wonder by SWF was never able to do that... On the next Coastal Zone: Showdown at Sundown 2011! Lauren vs Sparrow vs Fox vs Skye! Jameson vs Dragon1 Force vs Machine!
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Welcome to CZCW Showdown at Sundown 2011! November 2011, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: 15-Man Mayhem Ultimate Phoenix def Atlas, Bulldog, Eagle, Foxx, Wolfe, Goose, Apollo, Jackpot, J2, Moose, Speedball, Patriot, Sleep, and Remus in twenty minutes (D) Machine and Force cut dueling promos (D-, D). While Machine's is obviously one promo broken up into pieces, Force's sounds like bits and pieces of five totally unrelated promos (D) SECOND MATCH Insane Machine def. Jim Force in seventeen minutes via Termination Kick (D+) Dueling promos from Dragon and Jameson (D-, D-). THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon def. Kirk Jameson (c) in nineteen minutes (C-) Hype video recapping the four-way match (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye def. Lauren the Lion (c), Matt Sparrow, and Fox Mask in thirty-three minutes via SkyeDiver on Sparrow (C+) Show Rating: C. Best. Show. Ever. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Nothing to do until Year In Review. Can we continue to put on good shows? Can we manage to hit Cult before the end of the year? Can we start being entertaining to our readers yet again?
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You don't want to go cult, it'll mark the impending doom of this dynasty, unless, of course, you can get a PPV deal right away. Then you should be able to offset your costs. And I just don't know how I feel about Remmy Skye being the champ. I mean... it's Remmy Skye. Is he even at a D- in consistency yet?
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Those built-up multi-person matches seem to do really well for us, don't they? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously. Have we ever had a C+ singles match? I don't think so. [QUOTE=Nightshadeex;508459]And I just don't know how I feel about Remmy Skye being the champ. I mean... it's Remmy Skye. Is he even at a D- in consistency yet?[/QUOTE] Well, this is from the end of the year (I've stopped simming at 2012 until I get close to caught up), and he's at a C consistency. Otherwise, yeah, I don't think I'd've even considered giving him the belt. (Tho to be fair, I didn't actually -check-. I just thought to myself, "When's the last time Remmy was off his game?") Since we're in a number-crunching mood, it's time for a Coastal zone Special Report: Where the CZCW Title stands in relation to the other major titles. We're currently at a B- prestige (that last match pushed it over the threshhold; it had been at C+ before). So... Titles more prestigeous than ours: 5SSW World Title, AAA Femme Fatale, APW Commonwealth, BSC Queen of the Ri... y'know, we're gonna stop there. That's just embarassing. Oh, the reason we didn't put the title on Sparrow? He already holds the SWF Shooting Star Title... with a prestige of F. We don't want that to taint our title. Oooo, burn on SWF. Yeah, we went there. Minor schedule change: Year In Review is moving to the last week of December. Uprising is moving from March to February. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2011, week 1, Sunday New Mexico Wrestling Place, Midsouth USA We open with Remmy Skye celebrating in the ring, and about how Wednesday was a rough match but he's the one who was able to pull out the win, but before he an say much out, here comes Jim Force reminding us that he beat Remmy back in July... so he's saying that makes him the retroactive champion, and tonight, it won't be retroactive any longer, for the Force shall bring down the Skye and -- Skye stops him right there, saying he's not stoned enough to figure out what Force is saying, but grants him a title match for tonight (D) OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Atlas in thirteen minutes via rollup (D-). Kirk then goes on a long rant about how unappreciated he is... stopping to kick Atlas from time to time... and how he should be the one in the main event he should be the one with the titles... but he's going to show everyone not to laugh at him anymore (D) SECOND MATCH Insane Machine & Snap Dragon def. Moose & Goose in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D). Machine and Dragon celebrate afterwards, Dragon welcoming Machine back to the Zone (E+) THIRD MATCH: Handicap Remus & Patriot def. Lauren in seventeen minutes via Remus Clutch (C-). Lauren then demands a tag match, and Remus & Patriot laugh, telling her that the only way they'd have a tag match against her is if they picked her partner. Lauren accepts those terms (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye def. Jim Force in fifteen minutes via Skyediver (C-). Afterwards, Insane Machine lands a Termination Kick on Skye and stands over him. "Since you forgot to say it before, Remmy... I consider myself Welcomed!" (D) Show Rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Lauren gets a partner. Machine explains himself. Fox Force Five in action. How can you resist?
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Where we're secretly a highly-trained counter-terrorist agent! You Don't Mess With The Coastal Zone! Sorry. Wife insisted on renting it. And it turned out to be really freakin' funny. More funny than it had a right to be. Speedball is gone; we weren't using him well anyway. We'll bring him back eventually. Maybe. We'll see. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2011, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Venue, Midsouth USA We open backstage, with Lauren meeting her chosen partner... Latin Lion Jr. He insists it was fate that they would team together. Lauren just shakes her head and tells him to stay out of her way (E+) OPENING MATCH Lauren & Latin Lion Jr def. Remus & Patriot in seventeen minutes via suplex (D-) Afterwards, Lauren looks Latin Lion over and shakes his head... despite the fact they have zero chemistry (D'oh!) (E) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Fox Force Five (c) def. Moose & Goose in fifteen minutes via Foxhunter (D) Force and Fox then issue an open challenge for a Tag Team Invitational at Year In Review (D) THIRD MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Bulldog in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D) We then get another rambling promo from Kirk, punctuated with kicks to Bulldog's prone form, about how he wants to be taken seriously (D) MAIN EVENT Insane Machine def. Ultimate Phoenix in seventeen minutes via Termination Kick (C+) Machine then explains his actions from last week. He's been back a while now, and all the Original Zoners have welcomed him back... except Skye. So he decided to welcome himself last week... and at Year In Review, he's going to remind us just why he was too extreme for the Zone and had to go to Japan... and he's going too show Skye that he hasn't calmed down at all (D) Show Rating: C- Next time, on the Coastal Zone: A C+ singles match? Find out if it was our Best Match Ever!
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Stupid freakin' chemistry! Welcome to the Coastal Zone has absolutely zero chemistry together! Yeah. So, we had this big long storyline involving Lauren and Latin Lion as 'The Pride', Lauren showing Latin Lion the ropes and eventually becoming tag champs... but they have zero chemistry as a team, so... yeah, that's not gonna go anywhere. So what're we gonna do with them now... Oh, and that main event? Not our best match ever -- that's still Lauren over Fox and Sparrow back in April of this year. But still, damn good match. And yes, we're gonna milk that. You better believe we'll milk that. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2011, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Atlas def. Kirk Jameson via flash rollup in nine minutes (D). Atlas gets the hell out of there before Kirk can retaliate (E) Backstage, Skye and Phoenix are talking, when Machine barges in demanding a title shot. Skye tells him that he has to earn his shot... so next week, it'll be Machine vs Phoenix in a ladder match for a title contract. And tonight? It's pick your poison. But whoever wins next week? Might not be facing him... he's got a rematch with Lauren tonight. (D) SECOND MATCH Insane Machine def. Mosquito Sleep in fourteen minutes via Termination Kick (D) Machine cuts a promo on Pheonix, saying ladder or not, he's going to be terminated (D) THIRD MATCH Matt Sparrow def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-five minutes via Bird Brain Buster after a Termination Kick run-in (D+) Phoenix rants at Machine, about if the only way he can feel safe is to soften him up first, then Phoenix has already won (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Lauren the Lion in twenty-one minutes via Skyediver (C+) Show Rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: One heck of a match, one heck of a show, did dwe just set records? Find out... next post.
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Where sometimes, we even impress ourselves. And for a change, this is one of those times. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Irony: We were going to try and milk Machine vs Phoenix to get a Best Match Ever this week. And we do it by... putting on our best main event ever! Finally, for the first time in... damn near three years, our best match is a singles match! And once again, it involves Lauren. The girl is gold, man. It's gonna suck if she decides to retire before she's thirty... CZCW Coastal Tour November 2011, week 4, Sunday New Mexico New Arena, New Midsouth New USA We open with Fox Force Five in the ring, makin light of the fact that nobody's accepted their challenge. Out come Lauren and Latin, who say they'll take a title shot right now. Well, later tonight. (D-) OPENING MATCH Atlas def. Island Boy Apollo in seven minutes via DQ when Kirk Jameson runs in and beats the crap out of Atlas (E). Kirk then stands over him and demands a rematch at Year In Review. "Now so big now, are ya, SWF-boy?" (D-) SECOND MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. Wolfe & J2 in nine minutes via Go To Sleep (E) Phoenix cuts a promo on Machine (D-) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Fox Force Five (c) def. The Pride in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D-) Machine cuts a promo on Phoenix (D) MAIN EVENT: Contendership Ladder Insane Machine def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-four minutes (C+) Show Rating: D+ Not our best show... but could it be our best match? Find out next time, on the Coastal Zone!
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Where we're on a roll and gonna keep simming until the cows come home: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! But seriously, we've had multiple C+ matches in a row... how can we -not- keep going? Tho we think we've gonna save Machine/Phoenix III for sometime next year. Y'know, if we ever need an emergency good show. Ditto Skye/Lauren. But, seriously... does Machine/Skye have huge potential, or what? Bunch of slow news weeks tho. Aparently, we missed Sam Strong retiring last week. Ah, well. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2011, week 1, Sunday New Mexico, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Atlas & Island Boy Apollo def. Kirk Jameson & Dragon Americano in eight minutes via Kronus Bomb (D-) Atlas then cuts a promo on Kirk, telling him that at Year In Review, he'll show the world what SWF refused to show (E+) SECOND MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. El Mitico Jr in fifteen minutes via low blow when ref wasn't watching (D+) Afterwards, Sleep calls out Snap Dragon and demands an Xtreme Title Match at YiR. Dragon agrees (E+) Machine cuts a promo on Skye (D) THIRD MATCH Jim Force draws Lauren the Lion in seventeen minutes when Pee-Wee loses control of the brawl and stops the match (C-) Skye hypes up Year In Review (D) MAIN EVENT Machine & Dragon def. Skye & Phoenix in twenty-four minutes via Termination Kick on Phoenix (C+) Show Rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: You guessed it, it's yet another round of "Was that the best match ever?"
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