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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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So a doctor walks into a bar with a sick giraffe. He orders a drink, and the giraffe passes out on the floor. The bartender tells the doctor, "Hey, you can't leave that lying there." The doctor says, "That's no lion, that's Welcome to the Coastal Zone!" We're on a roll! We have yet another Best Match Ever... this one doesn't involve Lauren the Lion at all! Amazing. Tho she's still involved in matches #2 through #... 6? 7? Something. But if you'd told us two years ago that Phoenix and Dragon would be involved in our Best Match Ever, we'd've told you you were high like Skye. ... we think we just invested a new catchphrase. So, with three shows before Year In Review (and frankly, we're not sure why we had it at the start of the year for so long), we need to build up our three matches... and maybe add another one. We can't leave Fox Force Five off that show. CZCW Coastal Tour December 2011, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Again, Midsouth USA Again OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson & Wolfe def. Apollo & Atlas in eight minutes when Apollo turns on Atlas and Kirk gets the pinfall (E+) Kirk then taunts Atlas, saying he has no friends here... and soon, he'll have no career. He messed with the wrong person (D) Sleep cuts a promo on Dragon. We think. We yawned. (E+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Fox Force Five (c) def. The Pride in thirteen minutes after interference from Remus & Patriot against both teams (D) Dragon cuts a response on Sleep. Well, this match isn't being hyped by promos anymore... (E+) THIRD MATCH Matt Sparrow def El Mitico in nineteen minutes via Birdbrainbuster (D+) Backstage, Remmy and Machine go face to face. "What do you want me to do, apologize? I was busy." "It's too late to apologize, too late for excuses. You've got two more weeks before your termination." (D+) We announce Fox Force Five vs The Pride vs Remus & Patriot at Year In Review (E+) MAIN EVENT Machine & Dragon def. Skye & Sleep in twenty-five minutes via Dragon's Breath on Sleep (C) Show Rating: C- Seriously, what's gotten into our main eventers all of a sudden? Adding Machine seems to have made them all up their games considerably. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We do emergency next-to-last-minute hype for the tag match.
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My main eventers and C to B grade match participants in CZCW have always been Plaque, Phoenix, Remmy, Fox, Insane and Snap Dragon. There's nothing unusual that you get such good matched. Usually it's Insane Machine who gets the spotlight after Matt Sparrow and Plaque leave. :p Loved that first line :D
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Pondering the wisdom of stopping to sim and playing the new Silent Hill game all night long... but it's 1:30AM already, so I won't get in that much game... ah, well. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Something we just realized: We've never done Insane Machine vs Lauren the Lion. They met in a tag match between four teams. That's it. Hrm. Minor scheduling conflict. MAchien jsut signed up with INSPIRE... they tour Fridays, not a problem. But they have a February show scheduled for the night of Uprising. Hopefully we can get him more loyal to uss than them by then... either that, or hold off on Machine/Lauren... hrm, decisions, decisions... let's do this next show first and worry about it after YiR. Bad news for Ring of Fire; their owner, British Samauri, is out for a year with a herniated disc. Hopefully they can keep going on without him... no, wait, we don't want them getting better than we are... CZCW Coastal Tour December 2011, week 3, Sunday Still in New Mexico, Midsouth USA We open with The Pride hyping up YiR (E) OPENING MATCH Masked PAtriot def. Fox Mask and Latin Lion Jr in twelve minutes via Patriot Slam on Lion (D-) Hype from Remus and Patriot (D-) SECOND MATCH Jim Force def. Lauren the Lion and Rod Remus in twenty-one minutes via Full Force on Remus (D+) Hype from Fox Force Five (D-) MAIN EVENT Insane Machine def. Matt Sparrow and Ultimate Phoenix in thirty minutes via Termination Kick on Phoenix (C+) Machine then taunts Skye, saying that nothing is going to stand in the way of taking his satisfaction from him. (D+) Show Rating: C- Hey, another C+ match. You know what that means... it's another "Was that the best ever?" bumper! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Was that the best match ever?
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Much like Penny Arcade, we're Up Way Too Damn Late! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Nope, that wasn't the best match ever. But it was another entry in the top ten that doesn't feature Lauren the Lion. ... wait... what do you mean, Year In Review is this week? It's on week 4, Wednesday, which should come after week 4, Sunday.... oh, wait, I remember now. British guy made the game. Sundays are at the end of the week. Right. Oh, well. Welcome to CZCW Year In Review 2011, Take Two! December 2011, week 4, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Battle Royal Matt Sparrow def. Bulldog, Foxx, Goose, Moose, J2, the other J2, Apollo, Panda, and Phoenix in eleven minutes (D) SECOND MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Atlas in thirteen minutes via brass knucks (D-) Edited-together promos from The Pride (E+), Fox Force Five (D-), and Remus & Patriot (E+). THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot def. The Pride and Fox Force Five (c) in seventeen minutes via Remus Clutch on Latin Lion (D) Hype video for the Xtreme match as they get the ring set up (E+) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon (c) def. Mosquito Sleep in seventeen minutes (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Insane Machine in thirty minutes via Skyediver (C) Show rating: C- Well, it wasn't a C+ match... but still pretty damn good for us. Pity Skye was off his game. On the next Coastal Zone: We cancel the last show of the year and give you the real Year In Review!
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone's 2011 Year In Review! So, let's start off with the year-end awards, shall we? Youngster of the Year: Greg Gauge (Second win) Veteran of the Year: Dark EAGLE (second win) Female of the Year: Fuyuko Higa (second win) Promotion of the Year: TCW (third win) Most Improved Promotion: WLW Match of the Year: Eddie Peak def. Sean McFly, TCW TV Card of the Year: TCW Where Angels Fear TO Tread Wrestler of the Year: Sean McFly (second win) Zoners in the Power 100: ... none. Former Zoners in the Power 100:; Genio Verde (80), Jungle Jack (48) Who's Got Gold? A list of Zoners who hold titles elsewhere: It's not current, but apparently Flying Jimmy Foxx was RIPW Champion from October 2009 to July 2011. Huh. We did not realize that. Lauren the Lion currently holds the BSC Girl Power Tag Team Titles with Tracy Brendon. Masked Patriot is RIPW Tag Champion with Bradford Peverell. Matt Sparrow is on his third SWF Shooting Star Title reign. Remmy Skye holds gold elsewhere; teaming with Mean Jean Cattley in MAW. Who wrestling lost over the last year: Deaths: None. Retirements: Peter Valentine, Alysian Scottsfield, Sam Strong, Runaway Train, Eva Berlin, Pat Decon, Miss Mexico, and some others we don't recognize. Notable Injuries: Phenominal E, Shattered Knee. Art Reed, severed spinal column. Julian Watson, shattered knee. Velocidad, broken neck. Noriyori Sanda, Herniated disc. Yukiko Matsumura, shattered knee. Toshiharu Hyobanshi, major concussion. Yoshii Shiomi, torn rotator cuff Jimmy Cox, major concussion. British Samurai, herniated disc New promotions: ELPF Notable size changes: 5SSW rises to National, falls back to Cult. BHOTWG does likewise, then gets back to National size. RIPW hits Regional ELPF falls to Local EX2010 and 4C both hit Cult WLW hits Global Other News Alicia Strong inherits USPW, hires Enforcer Roberts as her head booker. Phil Vibert returns to wrestling, becomes head booker of CGC. Our outlook for the next year: Now more than ever, CZCW can taste Cult status. With the return of Insane Machine and a series of amazing main events, the comapny is ready to charge into the new year and leave others in the dust. But with the economy in the toilet and getting worse, and interest in wrestling wanning, will they be able to survive? They haven't checked their budget in months and months, can they affo... what? 25-35 grand each month in profit? More money now than when we started four years ago? Oh, okay, nevermind. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: 2012 will be the Year of Cult... but how long will it take, and will we have any good matches left for when we get there?
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Where we haven't played for... a week and a half? Just to make it feel like a whole new year. Welcome to... um, where are we again? Ah. The Coastal Zone! So, our first week of... 2012, I think. Surely, the rest of the wrestling world would take the week off and enjoy, right? So we take advantage of it by picking up a new jobber. This one's got RIPW experience, but recently got fired or something... but he's got decent enough flying skills, if we can teach him some stuff, he might be useful. We'll use him on the next show. I know, I know, you've heard that before. So this show'll just be nice and simple, to get back into the swing of things... and decide what we're going to do for the month... maybe we'll just chill, and kick back to high gear after Uprising in February. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2012, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Remmy Sky, celebrating and Insane Machine, interrupting and wanting a rematch. You guessed it, it's a main event! (D+) OPENING MATCH Moose & Goose def. Team RIPW (Atlas & Justin Sensitive) in twelve minutes with grabbing the tights (E+) Remmy talks about the CZCW Title and what an honor it is to hold it (D+) Dragon comes out to celebrate, and Kirk comes out to basicly do what Machine just did (E+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Submission Snap Dragon (c) def. Kirk Jameson in twenty-two minutes via submission (duh!) (D) Insane Machine promises to take the title tonight, because last night was a fluke (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Insane Machine in twenty-eight minutes via Skyediver (C-) Show rating: D Um... ow. Nowhere near what we thought that would do. Maybe we should forget relaxing and stay in high gear. And we think weknow just how to do it... On the next Coastal Zone: We need an emergency challenger, and it's time to pay some attention to the tag division.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;512305] Next time, on the Coastal Zone: 2012 will be the Year of Cult... but how long will it take, and will we have any good matches left for when we get there?[/QUOTE] Well, however long it takes, you wont be distracted by mafia. :cool:
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Where sometimes, we wonder if the owner is partaking in the same stuff as the champion: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, supposedly, Cliff had set us a new goal. Our previous goal of not dropping in popularity had been replaced with the goal of... being at leeast as popular in America in two years as we are right now. Which is like not dropping in popularity, only different. Cliff's amazingly laid-back and non-taxing, isn't he? Slow news week. American indies have plenty of tallent, pulling out several D-level matches. The Canadian indies have trouble finding an E+. This means either Canadian wrestlers suck, or all the good ones are employed. CZCW Coastal Tour: Triangle Contendership Night! January 2012, week 2, Sunday New Mexico Armory, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Insane Machine squashes Justin Sensitive in four minutes via Termination Kick (D+) Machine then spits on Justin, screams, and heads backstage (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Contendership The Pride def. Team America and Moose & Goose in fourteen minutes (E+). We announce the tag match for Uprising (E) and The Pride cut a promo (E+) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Contendership Mosquito Sleep def. Fox Mask and Rod Remus in twenty-two minutes when Jim Force runs out and distracts both his partner and the tag champ, letting Sleep roll up Remus (D+). We announce the match at Uprising (E+) and get the promo from Sleep (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Contendership Matt Sparrow def. Jim Force and Ultimate PHoenix in twenty-four minutes, which Force sits most of on the apron, trying to get his breath back from the run-in last match, getting pinned when he finally gets into the match (C-). We announce the match for Uprising (D) and get the obligatory promo (D+) Show rating: C- There that's a bit better. We've got a card set for Uprising, and while it won't be a blow-away card, it shouldn't suck, either. Having said that... it'll suck. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two weeks to build up a card. We've done with less. I think.
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Bending the laws of time and space since 2008! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! With a flick of our wrist and some rarely-mentioned demonic power, we shift Uprising to February, week 3, Monday. That'll buy us two more weeks to hype up the show. And we might be adding another match in a week or so, we'll see. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2012, week 3, Sunday West Texas Rowaseam, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Insane Machine def. George Wolfe via squash in four minutes (C-... wait, for a jobber match??? Oh, good chemistry.) Machinee then spits on his opponent, screams, and leaves (D+) Snap Dragon cuts a promo on Mosquito Sleep (D-) who returns the favor (D-) SECOND MATCH Latin Lion Jr def. Jeremiah Moose via flash rollup in eight minutes (F+, no chemistry) Insane Machine makes an open challenge for Uprising, demanding competition (D+) THIRD MATCH Team Lucha (Mitico & Phoenix) def. Fox Force Five in eighteen minutes when Force (on the apron) accidently distracts Fox (on the turnbuckle), allowing Phoenix to get the pinfall (D+) Patriot cuts a promo no Remmy Skye for some reason. Not Masked, Matt! Dammit. (D-) Remmy cuts a promo on Matt (D+) MAIN EVENT Sparrow & Sleep def. Dragon & Skye in twenty-nine minutes, Sleep rolls up Dragon in a flash (C-) Show rating: D+ Okay, seriously, a C- jobber match? We had decided not to negotiate wiht Wolfe... but if those two can pull that off... imagine when Wolfe learns Zone-style... On the next Coastal Zone: If we can get our names right, maybe we can hype some matches. And who steps up to face Insane Machine?
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SAVE_US.GDS? CZCW\WELCOME.2? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Wow, has it really been eight months since we signed Jim Force already? Doesn't seem nearly that long. We'll keep him on... if nothing else, he's name-brand entertainment. I think. Fumihiro Ota won the Rip Chord Invitational this year. Good for him. Pity he never put on C+ matches with us. Losing in the first round (tho, granted, to the eventual runner-up)? Masked Patriot. Methinks MAW does't think highly of the Zone. Then again, Sparrow and Skye are also in MAW. So who knows... heck, Patriot was in MAW -and- RIPW. We don't know how he pulled that off. Must've convinced them he was someone else under the mask... CZCW Coastal Tour January 2012, week 4, Sunday West Texas Rowrowrowyourboat, Midsouth USA We open with Skye calling Sparrow down to the ring with a suggestion. Skye says they both need some warmups before Uprising, so tonight... pick your poison. Skye tells Sparrow he'll be facing Ultimate Phoenix. Sparrow grins and tells Skye he'll be facing Jim Force. (D+) OPENING MATCH: 6-Man Dragon & The Pride def. Sleep, Remus & Patriot in seventeen minutes when Latin Lion gets a rollup on Patriot (D-) Remus & Patriot then hype the tag match, telling Lion he won't get that lucky again (E+) SECOND MATCH Matt Sparrow def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-six minutes via Birdbrainbuster (C) Sparrow cuts a promo on Skye, telling him that come Uprising, he will learn why Birds rule the sky (C-) Backstage, The Pride (try to) cut a promo on the tag champs. (E) MAIN EVENT (non-title) Jim Force def. Remmy Skye in twenty-four minutes after Matt Sparrow interferes (D+) Show Rating: D+ Yeah, reversing those last two matches would be a much better show, but then the itnerference doesn't work as nicely without retaliation. Sacrificing ratings for story... gah, that's got no place in wrestling! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Two weeks left. Who will accept Insane Machine's open challenge? Or did we forget about it?
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If we're zombies, and you're humans, then this is the mall. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Sorry. Too much Dead Rising. What can I say... s'fun. I should go play some before bedtime. I need to go grab some guns. Anyway, slow news week. Let's get on with it. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2012, week 1, Sunday New Mexico place, Midsouth USA Backstage, Matt Sparrow ambushes Remmy Skye with a chair and leaves him laying on the ground (D-) OPENING MATCH: Gauntlet Insane Machine def. Panda Mask II in four minutes via Termination Kick (D) Insane Machine def. Dragon Americano in six minutes via Termination Kick (D) Insane Machine def. Justin Sensitive in seven minutes via Termination Kick (D-) Machine is ranting about wnating competition, when George Wolfe comes out and says he wants another shot at the Machine. "Heh. And people say /I'm/ insane..." (E+) SECOND MATCH Lauren the Lion draws Rod Remus in eighteen minutes via DQ when Masked Patriot and Latin Lion get involved (C-) Remus & Patriot then taunt The Pride (E) THIRD MATCH Dragon & Apollo def. Sleep & Jameson in fifteen minutes, Dragon's Breath on Jameson (D) Hype video in a desperate attempt to find a way to hype Pride vs Remus & Patriot that works (E) MAIN EVENT Sparrow & Force def. Phoenix & Skye in fourteen minutes, Birdbrainbuster on Skye (C-) Show Rating: D+ Dammit, D+ shows aren't cutting it anymore... we need to start pulling out all the stops, but that involves overuse of Machine... hrm. I wonder... On the next Ccoastal Zone: The go-home show for Uprising! Can we get peoplee to care about the tag match, or will they just want to see Machine kill a jobber instead?
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Gotta get two more shows done before bed... Welcome to the Coastal Zzzzzzzzzzzz*snort*zone. Yet another slow week. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2012, week 2, Sunday West Texas Hootenany, Midsouth USA We open with Skye in the ring, asking Phoenix to come out and do him the honor of later having one last warm-up match. Phoenix accepts, and is honored at the chance (D) OPENING MATCH Mosquito Sleep def. Atlas in seven minutes (E) Phoenix talks about how he feels honored that the champ considers a friend (D) Remmy talks about how Phoenix is one of his inspirations in wrestling (D-) SECOND MATCH: Non-Title Remmy Skye def. ultimate Phoenix in twenty-five minutes via Skyediver (C) Matt Sparrow taunts Skye, saying that while he's fighting broken-down has-beens the night before their title match, he's willing to show how much of a man he is be facing the Machine (D+) Machine tells Goerge Wolfe to watch and see how easily he beats Matt Sparrow... and then remind himself that he would lose a match to Matt Sparrow's left kneecap, and the Machine is going to destroy him (D+) MAIN EVENT Matt Sparrow def. Insane Machine in thirty-three minutes via birdbrainbuster after George Wolfe runs down and chairs Machine while Pee-Wee's not looking (C) Show Rating: C- Geeze, that's what we have to do to get a C-? Wish we'd've done a better opener. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Uprising 2012!
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Welcome to CZCW Uprising 2012! February 2012, week 3, Monday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATC: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot (c) def. The Pride in fourteen minutes via Patriot Slam on Latin Lion (D-) George Wolf is interviewed, telling Machine that he's obviously crazy... because he underestimated his oppoent. And tonight, he shows just how insane you'd have to be to underestimate him (E+) SECOND MATCH: Battle Royal Jim Force def. Atlas, Bulldog, Eagle, Mitico, Foxx, Fox, Justin, Kirk, and Phoenix in ten minutes (D) Machine runs a ranting, violence-filled promo on Wolfe and what he wants to do to him (D) Snap Dragon cuts a short promo on Sleep, saying the Xtreme Title isn't about putting people to sleep, it's about waking them up (D-) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon (c) def. Mosquito Sleep in twenty-one minutes (D) Sparrow cuts a promo on Skye, saying he's proven he can beat the best in the Zone, all that's left is for him to have the belt that acts as proof (D) FOURTH MATCH Insane Machine def. George Wolfe in ten minutes via Termination Kick (D) Hype video for the main event (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Matt Sparrow in thirty-four minutes via Skyediver (C+) Show rating: C Hell of a main event that saved the freakin' show. Wolfe apparently chokes when pushed. Sleep... we're wondering why we still have him on the roster... and The Pride is officially finished... and, surprise surprise, off the strength of the main event alone, Uprisinig is now Above Average importance, making it our flagship show. Wonder if we can get any of the other shows to do that this year... On the next Coastal Zone: We try to recover from a disasterous undercard and see what's next for Remmy Skye.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;514850]Welcome to CZCW Uprising 2012! February 2012, week 3, Monday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATC: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot (c) def. The Pride in fourteen minutes via Patriot Slam on Latin Lion (D-) George Wolf is interviewed, telling Machine that he's obviously crazy... because he underestimated his oppoent. And tonight, he shows just how insane you'd have to be to underestimate him (E+) SECOND MATCH: Battle Royal Jim Force def. Atlas, Bulldog, Eagle, Mitico, Foxx, Fox, Justin, Kirk, and Phoenix in ten minutes (D) Machine runs a ranting, violence-filled promo on Wolfe and what he wants to do to him (D) Snap Dragon cuts a short promo on Sleep, saying the Xtreme Title isn't about putting people to sleep, it's about waking them up (D-) THIRD MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon (c) def. Mosquito Sleep in twenty-one minutes (D) Sparrow cuts a promo on Skye, saying he's proven he can beat the best in the Zone, all that's left is for him to have the belt that acts as proof (D) FOURTH MATCH Insane Machine def. George Wolfe in ten minutes via Termination Kick (D) Hype video for the main event (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Matt Sparrow in thirty-four minutes via Skyediver (C+) Show rating: C Hell of a main event that saved the freakin' show. Wolfe apparently chokes when pushed. Sleep... we're wondering why we still have him on the roster... and The Pride is officially finished... and, surprise surprise, off the strength of the main event alone, Uprisinig is now Above Average importance, making it our flagship show. Wonder if we can get any of the other shows to do that this year... On the next Coastal Zone: We try to recover from a disasterous undercard and see what's next for Remmy Skye.[/QUOTE] Good show you should of just done a Phoenix vs Eagle or something other then waste them in the battle royal, Phoenix is a CZCW god...I had good chemistry between Phoenix and Eagle, also Phoenix and Machine in my CZCW, so I lucked out.
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So, Batman and Spiderman walk into a bar, and they see Wonder Woman sitting in the corner. Spiderman bets Batman ten bucks that he can get her digits. Batman bets he can't. So Spiderman goes up to wonder Woman and chats her up, and five minutes later goes back and sits next to Batman. "So?" "She's here with someone." "Dude, you're Spiderman. You conldn't get her to dump him?" Batman turns and watches as Wonder Woman leaves the bar with a guy dressed in a chicken costume. "You couldn't get Wonder Woman to dump Chicken Boy?" "His name's not Chicken Boy, it's Welcome to the Coastal Zone!" Yeah, the real punchline to that would get me banned. :) So, no idea what happened here... but I guess it was a slow news week, 'cause it's Sunday again already. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2012, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Latin Lion Jr via squash in six minutes (D-) Sparrow calls out Skye, and wants a rematch... tonight. Skye shrugs and agrees. (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot (c) def. Team RIPW in fourteen minutes via Remus Clutch (E+) Backstage, Jim Force reminds Snap Dragon that, last time they met in the ring, Force took Dragon's title... so Force offers Dragon a rematch. Dragon tries to tell Force that he doesn't need a rematch, he already has the title. But Force explains that he's offering a rematch for the dignity of losing in the ring to the Force. Dragon says he'll consider it (D-) THIRD MATCH Fox Force Five def. Old School (Machine & Dragon) in eighteen minutes via flash rollup (C-) Afterwards, Machine stops Fox from leaving and says he's not content losing to a rollup... he wants something he wasn't able to get before he left the Zone last time -- a single match against Fox. No titles, nothing to get in the way of simply seeing who's better. Fox smiles and accepts. (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Matt Sparrow via DQ in twenty-six minutes (D+) Show Rating: D Wait... what do you mean, Remmy Skye was slowed by injury somewhat? What was he... we don't have any email about it. But we have an email saying he's fully healed now. Um... let's look in deleted emails. Ah, okay. Remmy had a Quizzical Neck Strain. Well, that... would have been useful to know. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Most of Spring Break Bash is set. We're just missing... hrm. A tag match and a championship match. Let's see...
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So... yeah, we're tired, and really should go to sleep, so... this may not be as coherent as we want it to be. Welcome to the Zonal Coast! ... yeah, well, it was funny when I thought of it. Many, many resignings this week. Lauren, Pee-Wee, etc, etc, etc. Pee-Wee got a bit of a raise. 'cause we don't want to have to find a new ref. Otherwise, not much this week. We've been considering movin to two-hour shows to help build up the lower-card, but we think our move to more tag matches is going to help with that. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2012, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH J4 draws Moose & Goose in twelve minutes via double countout (E+) Snap Dragon announces he accepts Jim Force's challenge... and he'll even put the title on the line (E+) SECOND MATCH Ultimate Phoenix def. Bulldog Reynolds in eight minutes via Firebird Splash (D) Insane Machine cuts a promo on Fox, saying that Fox Mask never gave him a singles match, not even four years ago... and at SBB, he's going to show why (E+) THIRD MATCH: CZCW Ladder Remmy Skye (c) def. Kirk Jameson in seventeen minutes (C-) We announce SBB's main event: Remmy vs Phoenix vs Sparrow, triangle ladder match for the CZCW Title (D) Remmy hypes up that match (D-), and then Phoenix does the same backstage (D). MAIN EVENT Old School def. Fox Force Five in twenty-one minutes via Termination Kick on Jim Force (C) Afterwards, the two teams go face to face and grudgingly shake hands (D-) Show rating: D+ Oh, c'mon, only a D+??? That freakin' opening... On the next Coastal Zone: Hrm. Time for a bit of a shakeup. What to do, what to do...
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Okay, okay.... one more show tonight. Welcome to the Coastal Zzzzzzzzzz... zone. What can I say, I'm obsessed. Addicted. Both. We made... oh, about ten offers. We'd see who accepted, and who we wanted to cut. But more than likely, we were going to be taking a couple of our doing-nothing teams and cutting them loose... possibly more than one team. There was a good number of them that either didn't perform as well as we wanted, or we had simply misued. ... Remmy Skye just got fired from 4C. They say it's for budget reasons... which makes sense. Joey, Raphael, Canadian Dragon, Hugh de Aske, a number of people had been let go in the last week or two. Well... two offers got turned down. Steve DeColt didn't want to lower himself to our level. Ah, well. We figured he wouldn't. The Tic also wanted to stay loyal to EX2010. OUr other outside long-shot turned us down... but then, we didn't expect Eric Eisen to leave SWF. Several others, however, signed up. Which meant a number of people got let go as well. Those let go: Latin "Eternal Ring Rust" Lion, Dragon Americano, Atlas, Mercutio Sleep, Moose & Goose. Those signed up: Well, you'll see most of them on the next show. All but one, actually. So, here goes... CZCW Coastal Tour March 2012, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Non-Title Remmy Skye def. Kamikazi Christian Vars in four minutes via Skyediver (D) Remy them hypes up Spring Break Bash (D) SECOND MATCH Bobby Thomas def. Bulldog Bobby Reynolds in seven minutes via finisher (E+) Phoenix hypes Spring Break Bash (D) THIRD MATCH Matt Sparrow & Jonnie Perez def. Team Lucha (Pheonix & Mitico) in seventeen minutes via Birdbrainbuster (D+) Sparrow then hypes up Spring Break Bash (D) FOURTH MATCH Whippy the Clown def. Fox Mask in fifteen minutes via finisher after Insane Machine interference (D-) Machine continues beating on Fox, telling him he's not allowed another win until they meet. Out from the back for the save comes... no, not Jim Force... it's the return of... Donnie J??? (E+) MAIN EVENT Donnie J def. Insane Machine in twenty minutes via finisher after Fox revenge interference (C-) Show rating: D+ See? No worse that last week, and we used a bunch of new people... things can only get better once we get them momentum and stuff. But we could swear we're forgetting something... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: It's a whole new Coastal Zone!
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You went there didn't you - Whippy the Clown? I'm going to lay bets on his contract not being renewed in 9 months after underperforming for his cost. However, happy to see Donnie and a Perez (even the slightly rubbish one), as I like continuity in the Zone!
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Knew we forgot something. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Almost forgot. With all the people we got rid of... all our 'division' storylines went bye-bye. We'll have to re-make them. Ah, well. So, anyway, our re-ordered roster looks something like this... Main event: Remmy Skye, Matt Sparrow, Jim Force, Donnie J, Ultimate Phoenix Upper Midcard: Dragon, Remus, Fox, Machine, Lauren Rest of the card: Everyone else. So, yeah, with the exception of Donnie, our uppercard is about the same. But we've made a huge change to a lot of the undercard, and hopefully we can start booking it right so we can get some new stars out of it instead of having a large job squad that occasionally fills out a card. Yeah, we're our own worst critic. Micky Starr has retired. We have a vague memory of using him as a road agent in a previous dynasty. Ah, well. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2012, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA -- D or bust, baby! OPENING MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot def. J4 via DQ in nine minutes when J4 just give up and start with illegal moves (E+) Dragon hypes his match with Jim Force (E+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap Dragon (c) def. Bobby Thomas in fifteen minutes (D, no chemistry... dangit) Backstage, Jim Force confronts Donnie J, saying it's his job to save Fox Mask when he needs it. Donnie accuses Force of not caring about his partner, since he never even showed up last week. The two are obviously not friends (D) Force then goes on to his scheduled interview against Snap Dragon (E+) THIRD MATCH Insane Machinee def. Jim Force in nineteen minutes via Termination Kick after Donnie J runs in and clocks Force (D+) Machine then cuts a promo on Fox, telling him his friends aren't going to be able to protect him from this match he's been hiding from all these years (D-) MAIN EVENT Skye & Apollo def. Phoenix & Capitao Brasil Jr and Sparrow & .... J2? That was supposed to be Jonnie Perez... whoops.... in seventeen minutes (C) Show rating: D+ Hrm. Jared Johnson can now claim to have a C-level match on his record. Well, sometimes our booking mistakes help people. On the next Coastal Zone: Fox intervenes in the Force/Donnie disagreement. The new Team Mexico debuts. And other stuff we haven't thought of yet.
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Where we finally managed to tick Cliff off! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, he wasn't mad at all when we failed the critical goal of not draopping in size over two years... but we hire Kamikaze Christian vars and he gets ticked off at us. Ah, well. Our new goal: Can't hire anyone with problems with the law. Hrm. Wish we knew who those were ahead of time... hopefully it won't affect our current roster too much. The Wolverine and Coyote Dynamite have both retired. Pity there; they'd both fit in with our zoo naming convention. Which we appear to have thrown out the window. As a completely not-related-to-the-storyline thing... people who get baked during their son's birthday party should have their kids taken away. Don't get me wrong -- I think the stuff should be legalized, but c'mon... that's just not classy. Don't ask. Family drama may be starting up reeeeeeeal soon. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2012, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA -- We'll pull out a C-level soon, we swear! We open wit Remmy hyping up Spring Break Bash (D) OPENING MATCH Team Luhca (Mitico & Brasil) def. Team America in thirteen minutes via submission (D-) Snap Dragon hypes his match with Jim Force (E+) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Snap dragon (c) def. Kamikaze in seven minutes (D-) Phoenix hypes the main event of Spring Break Bash (D+) THIRD MATCH Insane Machine def. Rod Remus in fourteen minutes via Termination Kick (D-) Machine hypes SBB (D) MAIN EVENT Pheonix & Lauren def. Sparrow & Jamesono and Skye & J in twenty-five minutes (C-) Show rating: D Hrm. Machine's early burst of energy appears to have worn off. We... may be in trouble. We just can't turn out a good card for some reason... will we ever manage to regain the glory of the end of 2011? Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Last stop before Spring Break Bash! This may wind up being a letdown...
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Alright, let's get this sub-par show over with. Welcome to the Coastal Zone... Hrm. EX2010 have made an offer to Fox Mask. He may finally get to do that Japanese tour he's always wanted to do. CZCW Coastal Tour March 012, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Snap Dragon telling us that this is the last week before he beats Jim Force (E+) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Capitao Brasil Jr def. Snap Dragon (c) in fifteen minutes after a Jim Force run-in (D) Jim then cuts a promo, telling Dragon it was never about the title, it was about the flow of the Force, and now Dragon has no distractions to get in his way of focusing on the Force (D-) SECOND MATCH: Battle Royal for something at Spring Break Bash Donnie J def. Eagle, Foxx, Machine, Apollo, Force, Perez, Kamikaze, Jameson, and Lauren in eighteen minutes (D+) Remmy comes out and says that he knows this is stupid, be he wants to offer a title match to someone who deserves one, even tho he faces a triangle match at the next show... he feels bad that Machine's not letting Fox get a win, so since Machine has been in a match already, he should be too tired to interfere... so, Fox, want a title match tonight? "Sure." (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Fox Mask in twenty-five minutes via Skyediver after Machine did, indeed, have the energy to interfere (C-) Afterwards, Machine continued the beatdown, and Donnie J ran out to make the save... then Jim Force ran out to make the save, and argued with Donnie over who was supposed to save Fox, letting Machine get away (D-) Show Rating: D+. C'mon, why can't we get two C-level matches in a row here??? On the next Coastal Zone: CZCW Spring Break Bash 2012! Yeah, we can't get excited about it either...
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Welcome to CZCW Spring Break Bash 2012! April 2012, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Capitao Brasil (c) def. Flying Jimmy Foxx in twelve minutes (C-) Dragon rants at Force, saying if he wanted to face an angry Dragon, he'll face an angry Dragon. (E+) SECOND MATCH Jim Force def. Snap Dragon in seventeen minutes via Full Force (D???) Machine tells Fox that he will never, ever, win another match as long as the Machine is in the Zone (D-) THIRD MATCH Fox Mask def. Insane Machinee in twenty-seven minutes via Foxhunter (C-) Hype video for the main event (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Championship Ladder Remmy Skye (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix and Matt Sparrow in thirty-seven minutes (C-) Donnie J comes out and reveals that the battle royal he won on Sunday was for a #1 Contendership. Skye, he'll see you at Welcome to the Coastal Zone! (D) Show rating: C-. Finally! And we've hit Above-Average importance, too! C'mon, Dragon/Force got a C- last time! How'd they sink down to a D??? Ah, well, at least we've got a couple of feuds ready-set to go for Welcome to the Coastal Zone... tho we're pleasantly surprised that the new guy hit the ground running with the Xtreme title... Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Jim Force and Donnie J clash, and people line up for Xtreme Contendership.
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