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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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Sometimes, we luck out. This was one of those times. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, Brasil seems to be more than capable of holding the Xtreme Title. We bump him up to Midcarder and decide to see what he can do with a variety of opponents. Worst case, we yank the title off him as fast as we put it on, and put him back in a tag team. So, due to the short news week since the big show, on with the regular show! CZCW Coastal Tour April 2012, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Souhwest USA We open with Donnie J calling out Jim Force. The two argue over who should be saving Fox Mask's bacon, and come to blows over it, setting up... you guessed it, our main event (D) OPENING MATCH Matt Sparrow def. George Wolfe via squash in six (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Capitao Brasil (c) def. Island Boy Apollo in eighteen minutes (E, bad choice of opponent) Donnie J cuts a promo on Remmy Skye (D) THIRD MATCH Old School (Dragon & Machine) def. Team America (Eagle & Foxx) in seventeen minutes via Termination Kick (D) Old School then challenge Remus & Patriot to defend the tag team titles against a real team (E) MAIN EVENT Jim Force def Donnie J in twenty-three minutes via Full Fo... no, it was supposed to be Donnie J winning... aw, crud... (D) Show Rating: D- .... that really, really sucked. Let's try that again and move right on to the next show, shall we? ... argh. Okay, Bulldog's contract coming up was easy enough to ignore. He's basicly been dead weight. But we screwed up. Snap Dragon's contract came up, and we tried to offer him a raise instead of merchandise... and he kept refusing, and now he won't talk to us. Suckage. CZCW Coastal Tour April 22012, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with... y'know what? Long story short, we set up the main event (D) OPENING MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Bulldog Reynolds in seven minutes via squash (E+) Donnie J cuts a promo on Skye (D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Capitao Brasil (c) def. Kirk Jameson in fifteen minutes (D+, hey, good chemistry... nice.) Afterwards, Lauren the Lion comes down to say she wants gold again, and she's willing to start with the Xtreme Title. (D) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Remus & Patriot (c) def. Old School in eighteen minutes via rollup on Dragon (D) Remmy cuts a promo on Donnie (D-) MAIN EVENT Donnie & Phoenix def. Remmy & Force in sixteen minutes via Death on Miami Beach on Force (D) Show Rating: D Geeze. How in the world can... ah, that might have something to do with it. Wrestling Industry: E and falling. Perhaps people just treat matches as worse than they should be. We'll just keep telling ourselves that... Perhaps this won't be the Year of Cult after all... mid-April and we're failing to make any headway whatsoever... On the next Coastal Zone: Can Lauren and Brasil give us a match to be proud of? Can we convince Dragon to renegotiate? Is Remmy and Donnie going to be the train wreck we suddenly fear it will be? We'll be finding out soon...
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I never want you to make cult, this is cult-lite and I love it. The Coastal Zone without struggles just wouldn't be an infinity Coastal Zone. Completely unrelated to your dynasty... I've created a Sci-Fi RPG with some very smart friends. If you want a link to the website, let me know.
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Ignoring appropriate bedtimes since... well, since we started sleeping. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, yeah, we're thiking the odds are against us and the situation is grim. But we're gonna give this one hard shot to see if we can pull out a good show... and if we can't, well, all we have to do is ride out the industry, right? CZCW Coastal Tour April 2012, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with... no, we were supposed to open with a match... aw, hell. Lauren hypes up her WttCZ match (D) OPENING MATCH Lauren, Remus & Patriot def. Team Lucha (Phoenix, Brasil & Mitico) in nineteen minutes via pinfall (C) SECOND MATCH Matt Sparrow def. Kamikaze in seven minutes via Squash (D-, no chem) Backstage, Phoenix and Brasil hype up the match against Lauren (D) THIRD MATCH Donnie J def. Snap Dragon in eighteen minutes via finisher (D) Machine comes out for his match, and Dragon argues with him, asking why he didn't help (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Insane Machine in twenty-six minutes via DQ when Dragon runs down to 'help'. (C) Show Rating: C- That's more like it. We knew the main event would be good... but that six-man turned out even better than we'd hoped. Which means we know who our tag challengers are going to be now. Of course, with one show to hype it... Dear god. BSC has hit Regional. We're doing amazingly poorly, aren't we? Well, let's get this go-home show over with... CZCW Coastal Tour April 2012, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Insane Machine def. Kirk Jameson in fifteen minutes via Termination Kick (C-) Promos from: Lauren (D), Remmy, (D-), and Remus & Patriot (D-) SECOND MATCH Team Lucha def. Lauren, Remus, & Patriot in twenty-four minutes via submission (C) Promos from Brasil (D-), Team Lucha (D-), and Donnie (D+) MAIN EVENT Donnie J & Matt Sparrow def. Remmy Skye & Fox Mask in twenty-three mintues via Death On Miami Beach (C) Show Rating: C Booyah! Okay, it's official, we're back. Don't know how we can top that with a big show coming up next, but... hey, we'll still take it. And BSC just fell to Small. Not entirely sure why, but they didn't hire anyone after they grew, so maybe it was a small... roster. That, or they lost a regional battle. To us. Teehee. :) Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Redundnacy Title 2012!
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Welcome to Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2012! May 2012, week 1, Thursday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Traditional Everyone-Not-On-The-Card Battle Royal Matt Sparrow wins over everyone else in fifteen minutes (D) SECOND MATCH Insane MAchine def. Snap Dragon in fourteen minutes via Termination Kick (D-) Dueling promos from Remus & Patriot (D-) and Team Lucha (D-) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Team Lucha def. Remus & Patriot in nineteen minutes via Southern Lights Suplex on Remus (C-) Dueling promos: Lauren (D) and Brasil w/Phoenix (D) FOURTH MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Capitao Brasil (c) def. Lauren the Lion in twenty-one minutes when Insane Machine attacks Lauren (D+) Hype video for the main event (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Donnie J in twenty-four minutes ia Skye Diver (C+) Show rating: C Remmy and Donnie come through in the clutch! On the next Coastal Zone: Can we keep up this sudden hot streak? With Team Lucha all holding gold, we're cetrainly gonna try... and heck, we won't even make you wait for another post. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2012, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Bash at the Beach Title Shot Fox Mask def. Jim Force, Donnie J, and Matt Sparrow in fifteen minutes (C-) We announce the title match (D-) and get a promo from Fox (D+) Long segment with Remus and Patriot demanding a rematch from Team Lucha, and they decide on another six-man tonight, if they pin Team Luha, they get a rematch. Remus and Patriot can't find a third partner, until they run into... Whippy? (D-) SECOND MATCH Remus, Patriot & Whippy def. Team Lucha via flash rollup in twenty-two minutes (C-) Whippy cuts a promo, saying he wants something for winning, too... a match for the Xtreme Title (D-) Remmy is interviewed, saying he hopes to face Fox, but first he has tonight's match to worry about (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Lauren the Lion in twenty-five minutes when Insane Machine makes another attack on Lauren (C) Show Rating: C- Not quite as good as the last few, but hey... we'll take it, again. On the next Coastal Zone: Two people leave the Zone, and the road to Bash at the Beach begins! Well, okay, it already has...
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Where being grwn-up and macture means staying up until two in the morning watching Batman cartoons and playing TEW when you have work in the morning: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Bulldog and Snap Dragon are both gone. We'd let Dragon rest up a bit and then re-hire him; Bulldog we could do without for now. Our new goal: Don't fall below #18 in the rankings. Cliff doesn't want us to grow so much as not shrink. Okay. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2012, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open with Machine, ranting about Lauren, demanding a one-on-one match with her (D-) OPENING MATCH Machine & Perex def. Lauren & Force in fiftee minutes via Termination Kick (D+) Whippy jokes about Brasil (E+) Brasil and Pheonix joke about Whippy (E+) Team Lucha promo on Remus & Patriot (D) Remus and Patriot promo on Team Lucha (D-) Yeah, we're talking alot (N/A). SECOND MATCH: Rematch Team Lucha def. Whippy, Remus & Patriot in eighteen minutes via Firebird Splash (C-) Fox and Remmy do promos (D+, D+) MAIN EVENT Remmy & Sparrow def. Fox & Donnie in twenty-six minutes via Skye Diver (C-) Show Rating: D+. Hrm. Annnd our hot streak is ending. That's not good. We'll give it one last try to recapture the glory we were reacing for. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2012, week 3, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Title Matt Sparrow def. Capitao Brasil c) via countout in nineteen minutes when Brasil got occupied with Whippy (D+) Remus & Patriot cut a promo on Team Lucha (D-) SECOND MATCH: Tag Title Scramble Team Lucha def. Fox Force Five, J4, and Remus & Patriot in twenty-one minutes (D+) Lauren and Machine cut dueling promos (D-, D) MAIN EVENT Skye & Lauren def. Machine & Donnie in twenty-eight minutes via pinfall (C) Show rating: C- Once more, a main event saves our bacon and makes the show good. Not quite good enough to get us to hit Cult yet... but getting there. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The go-home show for Bash at the Beach, and we go back to milking the 3v3 match for all it's worth!
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We should be sleeping, but we've got one more episode of Heroes to get through on TiVo before we're all caught up. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously, we're getting so close we can -taste- Cult. Hitting it at BatB would be awesome. But then, so would a full night's sleep... eh, priorities... Remmington's contract was up for renewal. WE got an idea, tho... CZCW Coastal Tour May 2012, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Cliff is now in play-by-play -- now at the color position, the returning Queen Emily! Remmington Remus: Nowhere to be found. We open with Lauren hyping her match with Machine on Thursday (D-) OPENING MATCH: Four Corners Donnie J def. Jimy Foxx, Kirk Jameson, and Apollo in sixteen minutes (C-) Phoenix tries to hype up Brasil's match against Whippy. And fails. (E+) SECOND MATCH Whippy, Remus & Patriot def. Team Lucha in twenty-two minutes via blatant cheating (C) Remus & Patriot then taunt Team Lucha (D) MAIN EVENT Machine & Skye def. Lauren & Fox in twenty-eight minutes via Termination Kick (C-) Show rating: D+. Awwww, nertz. Pretty sure if we'd re-ordered the matches, we'd have a C- show there. At least. On the next Coastal Zone: Bash at the Beach 2012!
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Welcome to Bash at the Beach 2012! Or is it Battle at the Beach? Whatever. June 2012, week 1, Thursday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA (What can we say -- we're burning out the crowd) We open with Brasil trying to cut a promo (E+) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Capitao Brasil (c) def. Whippy the Clown in fifteen minutes (D+) Machine cuts a promo on Lauren (D+) SECOND MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Insane Machine via DQ in twenty-six minutes when Machine refuses to stop using closed fists to the face (C+) Team Lucha and Remus & Patriot cut dueling promos (D, D-) THIRD MATCH: Tag Team Lucha Libre Team Lucha (c) def. Remus & Patriot in twenty-four minutes via pinfall (D+) Obligatory main event hype video (E+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Fox Mask in twenty-six minutes via Skyediver (C) Show rating: C- A good show. Enough to make an Above Average event. But is it enough to help us hit Cult? Find out next time... on the Coastal Zone!
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Short answer: Nope. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Well, we'd never get a shot to hire Mayan Idol away from OLLIE; they just made him their head booker. Hey, how about a current look at the state of the world? America: Economy, E+ and rising. Wrestling: E and rising. Sucks, hardcore, but is getting better slowly. Canada: Economy, B+ and rising. Wrestling, C+ and falling. Currently the best place for wrestling. Mexico: Economy and wrestling both C and falling. Medicore, but with a bad outlook. UK: Economy, F+ and falling. Wrestling, D- and falling. Looking to replace the USA as the epicenter of wrestling suckage. Japan: Economy, C- and rising. Wrestling, D+ and rising. Japan is hoping to overtake Mexico as the second-best place for wrestling next to Canada. Europe: Economy, C and falling. Wrestling, E and falling. It's like a somewhat-richer USA right now. Aussieland: Economy, C- and rising. Wrestling, D+ and rising. Surprisingly, they're giving Japan a run for their money for that #2 spot right now. CZCW Coastal Tour June 2012, week 1, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA (Hey, I don't care how badly we burn them out if we can just reach cUlt...) We open with Remmy Skye announcing his title match for Surf Slam: A triple threat match against Insane Machine and Lauren the Lion (D-) OPENING MATCH Donnie J def. Kirk Jameson in sixteen minutes via Death On Miami Beach (C-, woohoo, chemistry!) Machine hypes Surf Slam (D) SECOND MATCH: Lucha Libre Team Lucha def. Remus, Patriot, & Perez in twenty minutes via Firebird Splash (D+) Lauren hypes Surf Slam (D-) Brasil and Perez go nose to nose backstage and set up an Xtreme match for Surf Slam (E+) MAIN EVENT Skye & Sparrow def. Lauren & Fox and Machine & Force in twenty-eight minutes via pinfall (C-) Show rating: D+. Ah, well, the occasional mis-step is to be expected. The next show should help improve things a bit. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Lauren/Machine II! Will the lack of hype make this one a pale imitation of their first encounter?
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Wow, when was the last time we played this? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! That's the problem of getting a lot of shows simmed up... we stop playing for a while until we use them up, and now we're all confused... up. So, we re-signed Insane Machine, who had pretty much single-handedly given us a huge boost these last nine months, and also added a new midcarder to the roster. We'd see how well he could do in actual matches, and if he did well, we had big plans for him... We might need them. SWF is trying to poach Remmy Skye! They're still Cult, so we don't think it's a written game, but still... CZCW Coastal Tour June 2012, week 2, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA OPENING SQUASH Kirk Jameson def. Panda Mask II in seven minutes (D-) Phoenix walks Brasil through another promo. I hope Brasil learns to talk soon (E+) SECOND MATCH Donnie J def. Acid II in his debut match in twelve minutes via finsiher (E, no chemistry, wouldn't'cha know it) Lauren hypes Surf Slam (D) THIRD MATCH Team Lucha def. Team America & Jonnie Perez in twenty minutes (D+) Insane Machine hypes Surf Slam (D-) MAIN EVENT Lauren the Lion def. Insane MAchine in twenty-eight minutes via finisher (C) Show rating: D+ Man, we wasted Machine/Lauren II on a D+ show. If only that Donnie/Acid match had chemistry in it... On the next Coastal Zone: We do a quickie show in the Midsouth so they don't forget about us, then it's back to California as we build towards Surf Slam!
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Slow week, so it's a two-show special! Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour June 2012, week 3, Sunday New Mexico Armory, MidSouth USA OPENING SQUASH Remus & Patriot def. J4 in six minutes (E) SECOND MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Justin Sensitive, Kamikaze, and Bobby Tomas in twelve minutes via Island Driver (E+) Jonnie tries to cut a promo on Brasil (E) THIRD MATCH El Mitico def. Jonnie Perez in fourteen minutes via finisher after Brasil distracts Perez (D) Remus and Patriot come out and challenge Phoenix and Mitico to a rematch. The match is accepted (D) FOURTH MATCH Donnie J def. Whippy the Clown in ten minutes via finisher (D) Remmy hypes up Surf Slam (D-) MAIN EVENT Sparrow, Machine & Lauren def. Phoenix, Brasil & Skye in twenty-three minutes via pinfall (C-) Show rating: D. Well, enough to keep us from slipping too far, we hope. Now, to try and put on a killer last-show-before-Surf-Slam... ZCW Coastal Tour June 2012, week 4, Sunday The Snake Pit, Southwest USA We open backstage, as Brasil asks Jonnie what his problem is. Jonnie says that he thinks Lucha is childish, and American style is far more dignified. Well, at least we have a reason for this feud now (D-) OPENING MATCH Remus & Patriot def. Team America in thirteen minutes via Patriot Slam (D) Insane Machine hypes Surf Slam (D) SECOND MATCH Insane Machine def. Acid II in thirteen minutes via Termination Kick (D) Lauren hypes Surf Slam (D) THIRD MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Kirk Jameson in fifteen minutes via finisher (D+) Remmy hypes Surf Slam (D-) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Remmy Skye (c) def. Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-three minutes via SkyeDiver after interference from Remus & Patriot (C-) Show rating: D+ Well... hrm. We seem to be losing out C-/C edge. Well... we'll have to try getting that magic back after Surf Slam. We know we can make Cult this year... but we've burned through half the year now, and we feel like we're wasting time... In news, 4C and USPW both had head booker changes; The Guru is now in charge of USPW, while 4C is goingg to be a force to be reckoned with, as their new head booker is... Nemesis! Next time, on the Coastal Zone: Surf Slam 2012! With one of the worst things that could happen to us!
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[QUOTE=FINisher;520713]I'm just stopping by, saying that I'm reading the diary ^^ I hope that that Surf Slam happening is not going to be the worst thing. Or, it could be sarcasm.. You hit Cult? ;D[/QUOTE] No, no, usually that means an E- show that drops him to local or something terrible like that. You'll get to cult eventually guy.
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Welcome to Surf Slam 2012! Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA July 2012, week 1, Thursday Due to circumstances beyond our control, tonight's main event has changed. Remmy Skye has decided to leave the Coastal Zone. He will be replaced in the main event, which will still be a title match. OPENING MATCH: #1 Contendership Ladder Match Matt Sparrow def. Jim Force, Donnie J, and Fox Mask in twenty-four minutes (C) Backstage, we get reactions from Machine and Lauren on who their new opponent is (D-, D) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Lucha Capitao Brasil (c) def. Jonnie Perez in fifteen minutes via submission (D+) Sparrow is patched up after his laadder match, and gives his thoughts on having to compete in two ladder matches in one ni... two? Yeap. The main event is a ladder match now (D) THIRD MATCH: Tag Titles Team Lucha (c) def. Remus & Patriot in eighteen minutes via Northern Lights Suplex (C) Obligatory main event hype video (D-) MAIN EVENT: Championship Ladder Match Matt Sparrow def. Insane Machine and Lauren the Lion in thirty-three minutes (B-) Show Rating: C Holy... Y'know, when Sparrow comes up for renewal, he can name his price after last night. We needed him to deliver in the clutch, and he delivered overnight with insurance! Almost an hour of ladder matches, a title win, a Best Zone Match Ever, Best Show Ever, and an importance raise... On the next Coastal Zone: Well, Remmy's cutting out on us to focus on other companies. It's time to job the crap out of him.
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Sometimes, all you need to get going is an injection of adrenaline. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Matt Sparrow, believe it or not, has never held the CZCW Title before. Let's see what he does with it... CZCW Coastal Tour: Job Skye Out Edition! July 2012, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Donnie calling out Sparrow, demanding a title match. Sparrow tells him that he has until Reach For The Sky to convince him that he deserves that match (D+) OPENING MATCH: Handicap Team America def. Remmy Skye in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D) Backstage, Jonnie confronts BRasil, saying that if it wasn't a lucha libre match, there'd be a new champion. Brasil tells him that they'll meet again at Reach for the Sky... in a ladder match (D-) SECOND MATCH Donnie J def. Remmy Skye in twenty-three minutes via Death On Miami Beach (C-) Backstage, Team America are bragging about their win over Remmy, when Team Lucha comes up to them, and challenges them to face -two- people instead of just one. Team America tells them to put the titles on the line, and they will. Team Lucha tells them to look forward to September (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Matt Sparrow def. Remmy Skye in twenty-nine minutes via Birdbainbuster (C) Show rating: C- Oh, c'mon, C-??? On a show where we job out one guy all night? Wow. Heh 'Remmy Skye was used too much'. He's a main eventer. Ah, well. We were going to need to re-order the roster to make up for Remmy leaving... and we decide to let the computer do it for us. The new main event is made of Sparrow, Phoenix, Foce, Donnie, and Fox, while our new upper midcard is Lauren, Machine, Remus, Patriot, and Kirk. That will hopefully last us for a while. Hrm. Kamikaze Vars and Jonnie Perez are becoming good friends. Eeeeenteresting. And since we seem to be doing two-show posts lately... CZCW Coastal Tour July 2012, week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Fox Force Five discussing which of them should be the next contender. Insane Machine comes out to say it should be him. Sparrow comes out with a suggestion... him and Machine vs Fox Force Five, winning pin gets to pick the contender (D) OPENING MATCH Donnie J def. Bobby Thomas & George Wolfe in eight minutes via finisher (D) Donnie J then tries to goad Sparrow into giving him a match, but gets no response (D+) SECOND MATCH Team America def. Jonnie Perez & Kamikaze Vars in twelve minutes when Capitao Brazil shows up to attack Perez when Vars needed a tag (D-) Avid II runs into Lauren backstage, and requests the honor of a match. Lauren says she's not doingg anything tonight, so... sure (E+) THIRD MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Acid in seventeen minutes via finisher (D-) Backsage, Fox comes up to Sparrow and tells him that he, Force, and Machinee have decided... whoever gets the title shot Gets it next week (D+) MAIN EVENT Force Force Five def. Sparrow & Machine in twenty-four minutes, Fox rolls up Sparrow (C-) Show Rating: D ... you're kidding. A D? Okay, so even Lauren can't get Acid to a better match than Donnie J in a handicap match against jobbers, and the main event lacks a certain something something. This... does not bode well for the future. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: We thought we'd shaken off the doldrums. Looks like we were wrong. Is it too late to hire back Remmy to job for three matches every night?
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We used to think we knew how to play the game. We were wrong. Then we thought we were getting the hang of it. Turns out we were wrong again. The only thing we're sure of lately? Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Seriously, this is getting rediculous. We can only hope this Sparrow/Fox match gives us a decent main event. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2012, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Donnie J callin out Sparrow, demanding the next title match. Once again, Sparrow refuses to respond (D) OPENING MATCH Team America def. Team Lucha (Phoenix & Brasil) in eighteen minutes via Flying Foxx on Brasil (C-) Fox hypes the main event (D-) SECOND MATCH Remus & Patriot def. Lauren & Machine in nineteen minutes via Patriot Slam after Lauren and Machine fall apart and turn on each other (C-) Sparrow hypes the main event (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Ladder Matt Sparrow (c) def. Fox Mask in twenty-nine minutes (D+) Show Rating: D+ Okay... did we know Matt and Fox had no chemistry? Let's see... yeap, they faced off in 2008, and again in 2010. Huh. No wonder we didn't remember it. So much for that idea. Luckily, Reach For The Sky was one of those shows that gave us two months to build up to it... maybe we can manage to get a better defense out of Matt. Crud. BSC just rose to Regional size again. They sent us an email asking why we're having trouble getting it up, and if we need help with our lack of swelling. We hate them. CZCW Coastal Tour July 2012, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Donnie J def Fox Mask in eighteen minutes via finisher (D+) Donnie then calls out Sparrow again, saying he beat Fox faster than Sparrow did. Sparrow coems out and considers, and grants Donnie a title match at Reach for the Sky (D+) SECOND MATCH Jonnie Perez & Team America def. Team Lucha in nineteen minutes via pinfall (C-) Jonnie then cuts a promo on Brasil (D-), followed by Team America cutting a promo on Team Lucha (D-) THIRD MATCH Island Boy Apollo def. Kirk Jameson in nine minutes (D-) Backstage, LAruen and Machine decide they need one more match to settle things between them, at Reach for the Skye (D) MAIN EVENT Sparrow & Machine def. Lauren & Force in twenty-one minutes via Birdbrainbuster (D+) Show Rating: D+ Y'know what? Maybe we should just give up. Accept being 'cult-lite' and never being bigger. on the next Coastal Zone: One mone to Reach For The Sky. Can we build up enough matches for a blow-away card, or will we wallow in mediocrity?
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Making the same jokes over and over again -- Welcome to Family Gu... erm, I mean, Welcome to the Coastal Zone! BSC fell to Small size. Say it with me: "Looks like they're going down again!" Other than that, slow news week. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2012, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH Team America def. Whippy & Kamikaze in thirteen minutes via pinfall (D) Remus & Patriot confront Fox Force Five and set up a tag match for Reach for the Sky (D-) SECOND MATCH Jim Force def. Rod Remus in twelve minutes via DQ (D+) Backstage, Team America cuts a promo on Team Lucha (D-) THIRD MATCH Fox Mask def. Masked Patriot in nineteen minutes via Foxhunter after Jim Force provides a distraction(D+) Backstage, Donnie J and Matt Sparrow go face to face about if either of them is going to make it to Reach for the Sky (D) MAIN EVENT Donnie & Jonnie def. Matt & Brasil in twenty minutes via pinfall (C-) Show rating: D+ .... yeah, we were expecting Fox and Patriot to turn out a C-. Maybe that was being overly optimistic. But yeah, we seem to have lost that mojo we had a while ago. Maybe all we have to do is hold out for the wrestling industry to pick up a bit... maybe we should tinker with the product a little... we weren't quite sure. We'd put off any serious changes until after Reach for the Sky, maybe. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2012, week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Matt Sparrow announcing the main event, a big four on four tag match. And he'll give whoever gets the pinfall a title shot next week (D) OPENING MATCH Kirk Jameson def. Acid II in fifteen minutes via pinfall (D+) Team Lucha (all three of them) cut a promo on their opponents for tonight and at Reach for the Sky (D-) SECOND MATCH Team America & Jonnie Perez def. Team Lucha in eighteen minutes via pinfall (C-) Fox Force Five cut a promo on Remus & Patriot (D-) MAIN EVENT: Huge Clusterf... erm, Eight-Man Match Sparrow, Machine, Remus & Patriot def. Fox Force Five, Lauren, & Donnie in thirty-three minutes via Termination Kick (C-) Show Rating: D+. ???? Okay, y'know what... no more worrying about show ratings. Although we'll have to remember that Kirk and Acid have good chemistry... that could be a good Xtreme-level feud if we need it in the future. Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The final buildup to Reach for the Sky as we try to put on one hell of a show! We take a side-trip through the Mid-South, and try to get people to care about the Xtreme Title match.
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Yeah, yeah, Welcome to the Coastal Zone, where we're in a rut. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2012, week 3, Sunday West Texas Colaseeyum, Midsouth USA OPENING MATCH Team America & Donnie J def. Phoenix, Mitico, & Lauren in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D+) Machine hypes the main event (D+) Lauren says she hopes Machine wins -- it means she's got a title match at Reach for the Sky (D) SECOND MATCH Fox Force Five & Capitao Brasil def. Jonnie Perez, Remus & Patriot in eighteen minutes via submission (D+) Jonnie tries to hype Reach (E+) Sparrow hypes the main event (D+) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Matt Sparrow (c) def. Insane Machine in thirty-three minutes via Birdbrainbuster, after seeing interference from Lauren and from Donnie (C) Show rating: C ... okay... we give up. No idea how show ratings work anymore. ... NOOOOOO! Donnie J signed a development deal and we didn't notice! He's gone! That... ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Time for a last-minute talent trade... CZCW Coastal Tour August 2012, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Sparrow revealing Donnie J has left, and that with everyone else busy, he's got Reach for the Sky off. Queen Emily says that's not so, and she's bringing in someone to face Sparrow... RIPW's own main eventer, Clark Alexander. And he's here tonight. (D+) OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Lucha Capital Brasil (c) def. El Mitico in seventeen minutes via DQ when Jonnie Perez runs in with a chair and anti-lucha slogans (D). Afterwards, Team America take out a partnerless Mitico (E+) Sparrow cuts a promo on Alexander. "RIPW? That's hwere you go if you're not willing to work your way up the ladder." (D+) SECOND MATCH Jim Force def. Masked Patriot in eighteen minutes via Full Force (D-) Clack comes out and cuts a promo, saying he's honored to be here in the Zone... and will be even more honored to take the title back to RIPW (D+) MAIN EVENT Alexander & Lauren def. Sparrow & Machine in thirty minutes via Hawaiian Breaker (C) Show rating: D+ (Curse that Force/Patriot pairing... we'll remember their lack of chemistry one of these days!) On the next Coastal Zone: Reach For The Sky 2012!
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Wecome to Reach for the Sky 2012! Insane Machine held the CZCW Title between November 2004 (won from Primal Rage) and February 2005 (lost to Fox Mask), for those wondering. He's also a two-time Xtreme Champion and three-time Tag champion with Primal Rage and Citizen X. CZCW Reach For The Sky 2012 September 2012, week 1, Thursday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Xtreme Ladder Jonnie Perez def. Capitao Brasil (c) in thirteen minutes (D+) Backstage, Sparrow runs into Clark, and tells him that the CZCW Title is never leaving the Zone. Clark just smiles at him. "We'll see." (D+) SECOND MATCH: Tag Titles Team Lucha (c) def Team America in eighteen minutes via pinfall (D+) Fox Force Five cut a promo on their oppoents (D) THIRD MATCH Remus & Patriot def. Fox Force Five in seventeen minutes via Remus Clutch on Force (D+) Lauren cuts a promo on Machine (D+) FOURTH MATCH Lauren the Lion def. Insane Machine in twenty-three minutes via suplex (C+) Hype video for the main event (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Matt Sparrow (c) def. Clark Alexander in twenty-three minutes via Birdbrainbuster (B-) Show rating: C+. Boo. Effin'. Yah! That wasn't our best main event ever, but this did rate as our best show ever!
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Where we're not sure what we're doing, but we're obviously doing it right... occasionally. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Okay, so... advanced booking appears to be the key. That, or poaching main event guys from other companies. Which we don't really like. So we'll have to figure something else out. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2012, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA OPENING MATCH: Non-Title Jonnie Perez def. Bobby Thomas in eight minutes via pinfall (D) Jackpot makes an open challenge. Whoops, wrong J name... (E+) SECOND MATCH Remus & Patriot def. Team America and J4 in sixteen minutes via pinfall (D) THIRD MATCH: CZCW Title Matt Sparrow (c) def. El Mitico in sixteen minutes via Birdbrainbuster (C-) MAIN EVENT: #1 Contendership Lauren the Lion def. Fox Mask, Jim Force, Insane Machine, and Ultimate Phoenix in twenty-five minutes vi suplex (C-) Sparrow and Lauren have a staredown to end the show and set their meeting for Showdown at Sundown (D+) Show rating: D+ Yeah, we weren't expecting much out of that. Honest. We weren't. CZCW Coastal Tour September 2012, week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Sparrow making fun of Lauren for not being here tonight, when Machine comes out and demands a match. Sparrow is bored, and accepts (D-) OPENING MATCH Remus & PAtriot def. J4 in ten minutes via Remus Clutch (E+) Machine hypes the main event (D-) SECOND MATCH: Xtreme Title Jonnie Perez (c) def. Kirk JAmeson in seventeen minutes via pinfall (D) Jonnie then makes an open challenge for Showdown at Sundown (D-) Sparrow hypes the main event (D) MAIN EVENT: CZCW Title Matt Sparrow (c) def. Insane Machine in thirty-nine minutes via Birdbrianbuster (C) Show rating: D+. Gah. Next time, on the coastal Zone: C'mon, we can do better than that, can't we???
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