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CZCW Coastal Tour May 2014, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Lauren 'The Lion' Easter. I knew we were desperate to put on a good show tonight. I didn't realize how desperate until I heard the booking plans for the show. Well... here goes. Any night where we start off with Insane Machine calling me out for letting someone steal my title away and say he should be fighitng Andrews for it instead of me... well, I come out and answer him, and we'll settle it in the main event, so... yeah, we're doing a really short sell for a match we know we can deliver on (C-). And our opening match? Fox Mask vs Barry Kingman for twenty minutes, with Barry winning when Mercutio Sleep runs in and attacks Fox behind the ref's back (C-). Yeah, we're desperate for a good show if we're starting like that. After the match, Fox cuts a promo on Sleep, about how tomorrow night, there'll be no running, no hiding, no getting someone else to attack him in an alleyway... just Sleep, Fox, and Ladder (C-). We follow that up with a cool-down match of Jonnie Perez defeating Acid II in about eight minutes -- a short match by our standards. Sleep is backstage, and he cuts a response promo on Fox, telling him that Fox simply can't handle the new definition of 'Xtreme' (D+). And he goes on to prove the new definition of Xtreme by... beating Maria Guest around for a few minutes, and then pinning her (E+). Time to start the part of the show people paid to see. I head out there and cut a promo against both Andrews and Machine (C-). The sub-main event has Aaron Andrews facing Ultimate Phoenix. Phoenix is... not his usual self. He's getting on there in years, and he's really better suited for tag matches. A match with Andrews should be so much better... but twenty-five minutes later, Anddrews gets the win (C-). Andrews then spouts off about how he can handle legends like Phoenix with ease, and how I'll be no problem. I gotta give the guy this... he talks better than anyone else in the company right now (C+). And then me and Machine have our main event. We usually do pretty good, and Peers shows his faith in us by putting us in there for half an hour. And... what can I say? It's our usually great match. I just don't think it was good enough for what the powers that be wanted it to be. Hey... we had less than two hours to build up to it, what did they expect? Machine wins after Andrews runs in and attacks me, and afterwards I nsap and kick Machine in the nuts as part of a 'show no mercy' attitude (C). Tomorrow's show is going to be a big one for us... if we can't put on a big show at Battle at the Beach, we're in trouble. Show Summary: Barry Kingman def. Fox Mask (C-) Jonnie Perez def. Acid II (D-) Xtreme Title: Mercutio Sleep def. Maria Guest (E+) Aaron Andrews def. Ultimate Phoenix (C-) Insane Machine def. Lauren the Lion (C) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Battle at the Beach 2014! Lauren vs Andrews! Sleep vs Fox (we promise)! And... probably an hour and a half of other stuff...
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Battle at the Beach 2014 June 2014, week 1, Monday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA As per usual, my plans for the night were foiled by the laptop deciding to lose power. Remember when that used to corrupt saved games? Now, I just lose my notes. Well, we'll try to recreate it. Luckily, I hadn't run the show yet... We open backstage. There's a thud, and Mercutio Sleep walks by, looking satisfied. The camera turns sback to show Fox Mask on th efloor, clutching his head (D). From that, we move on to our opening match, and it's a doozy: Freddie Datsun taking on Insane Machine. Datsun's been on a losing streak lately, while Machine is fresh off a big win over Lauren, and for twenty minuts they fight over who's going to get this victory. In the end, a Termination Kick finishes a match that's good enough to main-event any other show we put on... and may be a surprise match of the night (C+). Team Lucha is out to make an open callenge, and it's accepted by Remus and Patriot (D). After the last match, almost anything is going to bee a letdown, and both teams know it, phoning this one in. Although it's only a few minutes shorter, it's obviously nowhere near the same quality, and the crowd is somewhat surprised when Ultimate Phoenix falls to a Patriot Slam to crown new tag champions (D). Mercutio Sleep cuts a promo on Fox, calling him a washed-up has-been who's well into his thirties and who's realized he'll never be big anywhere but the Zone... and now, Sleep is going ot take the Zone away from him as well (D+). The Xtreme Title match is fought under Lucha Libre rules (which usually means another match has reserved use of the ladder), and while it's not quite on the level of the opener... for Mercutio Sleep, it's a damn good match, and even though he's hesitant, Fox is able to carry him through the rough bits. In the end, Sleep is able to tie things up, one fall apiece with the use of the ropes, and then manages to push out of a Fox Flipoff to roll up the challenger in the dreaded Wedgielock (aka, pull the tights) to retain (C). Andrews is out to rant about Lauren, and how there will be no hype video, because he's champion... even if it's not official. But tonight, he takes care of that technicality (C). The belt is hung, Lauren is out, and the main event has begun... and, honestly, while a great match, we were expecting a bit more from this one... hoping for a B- range, perhaps... and after just over half an hour, Lauren is able to retreive her title to retain (C+). Show Summary Insane Machine def. Freddie Datsun (C+) Tag Titles: Remus & Patriot def. Team Lucha (c) (D) Xtreme Title: Mercutio Sleep (c) def. Fox Mask (C) CZCW Title: Lauren the Lion (c) def. Aaron Andrews (C+) Show rating: C Still a C, not a C+. After losing the regional battle to PWMAX last month, we can only hope our stealing of Machine and Jameson prevent them from putting on a better show than we can... if not, well... On the next Coastal Zone: We begin a blatant bid to put on a better show in Week 2 by setting up a special main event! Andrews is mad... who will he take it out on? And having shut Andrews up, what's next for Lauren?
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CZCW Coastal Tour June 2014, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA ... okay, personal rant here. I'm getting sick of the Grissom. You'd think after six and a half years of gameplay, I'd've managed to build up enough popularity to at least be running the Gorski on a regular basis. But nooooo... I utterly fail to grasp something about this game. Ah, well. Anyway, minor style change ahead... I'm just going to stop giving segment ratings completely except for the show summary at the end. The shwo tonight starts with an Xtreme Ladder match as Mercutio Sleep tries to put on a good match with Kirk Jameson, and the two... try, but come up a bit short on expectations. Sleep wasn't happy with jerking the curtain, apparently, but still retains. We announce tonight's non-main-events: Fox Mask vs Insane Machine, and Freddie Datsun vs Dragon del Arco Iris Jr, with the winners facing off next week for an Xtreme Title shot. Freddie vs Dragon is up first, and these two turned out a stellar match earlier in the year; with the lack of build and Dragon not being champion, the match lacks somewhat, but is still better than our opener. Datsun retains after a press-slam-thing. Then we do Fox vs Machine, and... wow, we wasted this on a no-build-up show? Dayum. This was worthy of main-eventing any other show. Let's how our pick for a main event isn't outshown by it. These two go almost half an hour, and things end with a Termination Kick and Machine gets the win. After the match, Machine cuts a promo on Datsun and talks about getting the Xtreme Title back from 'that whippersnapper' Sleep, and then we go backstage for some words from Datsun, saying that regardless who wins next week, Sleep is going to find that the 'older generation' still has some tricks up it's sleeve. The main event for the night is Lauren the Lion defending her title against Masked Cougar. As expected, it's a huge letdown after the sub-main, and Lauren retains. Show Summary: Xtreme Title: Mercutio Sleep (c) def. Kirk Jameson (D+) Freddie Datsun def. Dragon del Arco Iris Jr (C-) Insane Machien def. Fox Mask (C+) CZCW Title: Lauren the Lion (c) def. Masked Cougar (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Datsun vs Machine for a shot at the Xtreme Title, and we should probably do something with that Andrews guy...
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CZCW Coastal Tour Sunday, week 2, June 2014 Grisom Auditorium, Southwest USA We start by announcing that, like last week, we're starting a tournament... two matchs tonight, the winners facing off next week to see who faces Lauren the Lion at... whateve the next big show is (C-). Our opening match builds on the momentum of that announcement, as former champion Dragon del Arco Iris takes on Kirk Jameson in a nice pening bout that goes a bit too long but it still entertaining, with Jameson getting the win (C-). We get a promo from Insane Machine, hyping up tonight's Xtreme Tournament finals (D+), and then get the first in the Championship series, as Fox Mask faces his former partner, Jim Force. It's a short and to-the-point match... for us, really, meaning it goes fifteen minutes, and we forgot these two don't click and so the match sucks (D-). Backstage, Datsun is beating down Machine in an ambush (D+), and then we go to the second tournament match, with Snap Dragon facing Sam Pratt. These two go over twenty-five minutes, and it ends with a Cannonball Drop, with Sam advancing (C-). Fox and Sam cut dueling promos to hype next week (D+), and then onto the main event of Machine vs Datsun. It's... okay, but a bit of a letdown, with Machine winnin at the end (C-). ... didn't I say I'd stop putting scores in the show description? Ah, well, it's late and I'm tired... Show rating: C-. On the next Coastal Zone: We're out of pre-simmed stuff... will we come up with something new to convince people to vote for us for DotM? Probably not. This is the best we could come up with so far...
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CZCW Coastal Tour June 2014, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Island Boy Apollo. I know, I know. I'm no longer with the company, so why am I doing this? Well... I was in the neighborhood visiting friends, and figured I'd catch the show. I mean... Fox Mask vs Sam Pratt? I'd love to catch that. Heck, Fox nd I are still buds, even if I don't work here anymore. But to get to the main event, sometimes, you have to sit through the rest of the show. In this case, it starts with the tag champs, Remus & Patriot, making an open challenge and having it accepted by Ultimate Poenix and Dragon del Arco Iris. That's pretty much Team Lucha's big guns, right there. The opening match puts Aaron Andrews against Brooke Tyler... everyone knows Andrews isn't losing this one, so it takes some of the drama away, making this a good example of 'goodd in an indy, below-average for the Zone'. After that, Fox Mask cuts a promo on the main event, and we get another 'big name squashes a midcarder' as Steve Gumble takes out Maria Guest. Maria's got potential, but she doesn't have a repuation yet and her skills aren't quite there. We get a hype video to promos Mercutio Sleep vs insane Machine, and then Cliff spends some time talking about that match... a bit of a hard sell. We then get the tag match, and this is the kind of stuff I expect from the Zone, as the tag match kicks three different kinds of gluteus maximus. A few times in there, I think Team Lucha is getting the titles back, but in the end the champions retain -- so much for my idea of this being a way to replace Cougar with Dragon. The tag champs make another open challenge, and then Sam hypes up the main event. I made sure I have my popcorn and cola ready (No booze for me, I'm still in training) 'cause this should be really, really good. I am not dissapointed, as my buddy Fox goes a full half-hour with The Cannonball Kid, only to end in a time limit draw that has everyone begging for five more minutes. Cliff tells everyone he knows a good match when he sees it, so at Surf Slam it'll be Lauren the Lion taking on both Fox Mask and Sam Pratt. It's a good show, with a stellar second half that was a hell of a lot of fun. Show Summary: Aaron Andrews def. Brooke Tyler (D) Steve Gumble def. Maria Guest (D) Tag Titles: Remus & Patriot (c) def. Team Lucha (Phoenix & Dragon) (C) #1 Contendership: Fox Mask draws Sam Pratt (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: Two big matches to hype, an open challenge to hype, and we'll probably take care of whoever's unhappy before the big show...
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CZCW Coastal Tour June 2014, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA ... hrm, we forgot to visit somewhere else this month, didn't we... whoops. Capitao Brasil Jr. Wasn't I supposed to be big stuff at some point? I've had three matches here so far this year. When I got hired two years ago, I was almost immediately an Xtreme champion. I had a string of good matches in 2012. Since then... 2013? The year almost went through completely before I had a good match. I haven't had a good one since then. Tonight... tonight, I get another shot to prove I can do well, even if it's a dark match. Me and Dragon taking on a couple jobbers in Raphael and Simon Ice. It's... well, for a match against a couple of nobodies, it's okay, I guess. If it had been a 'real' match... well, I have a feeling we'd all be waiting a long time before our next match. The actual show starts with dueling interviews, as Fox, Sam, and Lauren all give us their thoughts on Wednesday's main event. The first real match of the show has our Team Lucha teammates, Acid II and Masked Cougar, taking on the tag champs. I suddenly don't feel so bad about my match, because I had a poor match with some rookies... these four should know what they're doing, and their match is just as bad. The champs retain, but man, that was bad. They make an open challenge again, and me and Dragon come out to accept it, and I'm sure we just lost a few buys from the audience who saw the last two matches... The next match is an improvement, but not by much, as Barry Kingman gets an extended squash of Marc Speed. Insane Machine then livens up the crowd by promising to regain the Xtreme Title, only for Mercutio Sleep to come out to tell him he's too old to be Xtreme anymore. The two then call out their tag partners, and us guys in the back sit down and watch how it's done as Machine and his old partner Snap Dragon tear it up with Sleep and his temporary partner Datsun. Seriously, they tear **** up for nearly half an hour, and we're all amazed at how well it comes out without any previous hype behind it. Sleep gets the pinfall on Snap Dragon, only to eat a Terminaation Kick after the victory to get fans anxious to see the two of them go mano a mano. Cliff talks up the main event of Surf Slam a bit, and then our main event, which follows the 'everyone involved in the title match picks a partner'. Fox Mask has, predictably, picked his Fox Force Five partner Jim Force. Sam Pratt has gone in an unexpected direction, picking Canada's favorite Zoner, Kirk Jameson. Lauren the Lion has picked the leader of Team Lucha, Ultimate Phoenix. It's not as good as the previous match, but it's decent enough to not suck, and Lauren gets the victory by taking out the weakest link in the match, Jameson. Annnd there's the end of the show. Show Summary: Tag Titles: Remus & Patriot (c) def. Team Lucha (Cougar & Acid II) (D-) Barry Kingman def. Marc Speed (D) Mercutio Sleep & Freddie Datsun def. Insane Machine & Snap Dragon (C) Lauren & Phoenix def. Sam & Kirk and Fox Force Five (C-) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Surf Slam 2014!
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Welcome to Surf Slam 2014! July 2014, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Pre-Show Notes: BSC got a TV show at some point. It's hitting the same 0.00 rating we were doing back when we had a TV show. We could probably do a bit better with it now, but we don't really want to grow in Mexico, we want to grow in America. We open the show with a ten-man mayhem match, with our top talent who isn't doing much else. Andrews, Datsun, Gumble, Force are all in there, as are Kingman and Snap Dragon for talent, and a few undercarders we hope get a rub from this: Jackpot, Jonnie Perez, Velvet Suarez, and Maria Guest. It's the kind of match we couldn't put on while at Cult because of how much the workers would cost. In the end, Andrews is the winner, but Jackpot surprises everyone by being one of the last three in the ring with Andrews and Gumble. We get a segment with Acid talking about how he should have been in the battle royale, and Brooke Tyler comes out to tell him to shut up, and a match results... and the match isn't half bad, really. It doesn't suck, but it's certainly not what most people expect from us... but as filler, it's not offending anyone, and serves to show Acid we're not just jobbing him out. Up next is the pattented 'Coastal Zone Dueling Interviews' from Sam, Fox, and Lauren, and then the Tag Team Titles match. Both Remus & Patriot and Capitao & Del Arco turned out horrid matches a few days go, so there's some low expectations here, which probably helps the match reach the 'ddecent enough to not be main eventing' level. The champs retain as Team Lucha continues their quest to find the right combination to defeat them. We get Dueling Interviews again, this time from Mercutio Sleep and Insane Machine to hype up the Xtreme Title. The ladder match these two have is instantly a contender for one of the best matches in Zone history; not the top of the list, but it certainly makes a case for being in one of the bottom slots of the list. Both men give it their all for over twenty-five minutes before Sleep climbs up to grab the title, and Mahine hits a Termination Kick on the ladder, knocking it over. Sleep takes a nasty bump chest-first onto the turnbuckle and then face-first onto the floor, letting Machien reset the ladder to claim the title. We get the traditional hype video, and then we're on to the main event. Fox, Sam and Lauren know following that ladder match will be hard, so they decide to go a near-unheard-of thirty-seven minutes in the main event, with lots of back-and-forth and three-way spots, ending with a simple Figure Four causing Sam to tap out and Lauren to retain. Show Summary: Aaron Andrews wins a battle royal (D+) Acid II def. Brooke Tyler (D) Tag Titles: Remus & Patriot (c) def. Team Lucha (Dragon & Capitao) (D+) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine def. Mercutio Sleep (c) (C+) CZCW Title: Lauren the Lion (c) def. Sam Pratt and Fox Mask (C+) Show rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: We can't get a C+ show to save our lives, huh?
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone will be on temporary hiatus this weekend -- New laptop, gotta get programs moved move and data moved over and stuff... so I gotta make sure I get TEW moved over without losing my saved games, and that unlicense-move-license can be a pain to deal with. ... okay, I admit, I'm also having a ball playing on a computer that can actually do graphical stuff... mebe mess around with some games, enjoy having a laptop that doesn't need to be plugged in... ... but when I return, it'll be an all-new Coastal Zone concept... we're doing a mini-tour to hit four areas of the US, to let the Internet grow us there without 'you haven't visited here' taking our popularity down, so we'll be doing an entire month in one post! ... in theory. I've also gotta put the finishing touches on the new VKM show, but that's a whole other thread...
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There came a day when the all-knowing savior did declare that the missionaries of the Coastal Zone shall go forth and spread the gospel to those who knew of them only through the electronic web; And lo, there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth, for the all-knowing savior did not appear to know as much as he claimed, but they did as he said anyway. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! An entire month in one post. This should be fun. Needless to say, you're not getting all the details, kids. The first show of the month sees us in New England. A pitifully small crowd watches three title matches and a triple-threat match, as Remus and Patriot defeat Fox Force Five, Insane Machine takes the unknown-here Dragon del Arco Iris Jr to a great ladder match, Aaron Andrews defeats Steve Gumble and Freddie Datsun in a triple threat match, and finally Lauren the Lion defeats Ultimate Phoenix to retain her CZCW Title. Even here, where we're not well known, we pull off a C- show simply by using people who're known here... expensive, but it works. We also set up open challenged for the Tag Titles and CZCW Title for Reach for the Sky, and set our Xtreme Title match: Insane Machine vs Fox Mask. The next week, we hit the Midwest. We would debut two new faces, and set up a match that should be a bit of a surprise. Well, that was the plan; we didn't actually use the new faces. Oh, well. Insane Machine defeated Jonnie Perez, the tag champs defeated Acid and Cougar, Fox Mask got a DQ win over Kirk Jameson when Machine interfered, Aaron Andrews beat Snap Dragon by cheating, and finally Lauren defeated Ultimate Phoenix again, leading Phoenix to declare that if he didn't win the CZCW Title next weke in Mexico, then he'd retire from American wrestling. ... and then he left us the day of the show, so we pulled some freaky magic mojo and held the show in the tri-State area instead. This'll be harsh -- we have no popularity there. We decide to headline with Lauren vs Andrews in a 45-minute draw. We also introduce the two new signees in a mixed tag match, as Barry Kingman teams with Jamie Quinn to face Brooke Tyler and Shane Nelson. We decide to give the win to Brooke and Shane for some reason, but they don't work well as a team. The Xtreme feud goes tag as Machine and Dragon team up to face Fox and Kirk, with Fox and Kirk winning. We knew we were going to get our butts kicked in the Tristate area, so we put on a poor show intentionally... yeah, that's the ticket... We end our tour with a show in the Northwest, where we get some sympathy tickets bought by AAA fans... AAA, doing well at Cult, by the way... Anyway, we go with a rather odd tag match to open, with Brasil and Del Arco Iris losing to Sam Pratt and JAckpot Jordan. Jamie Quine gets her first win over Eagle Washington (No chemistry), Shane Nelson gets his over Velvet Suarez, Fox Mask defeats Mercutio Sleep when Insane Machine gets the wrong guy with a chairshot (Sleep stole Fox's mask and wore it, Machien came down, chaired him, and Fox took his mask back). And finally, Steve Gumble beat Freddie Datsun for the #1 Contendership. Annnnd that's our month. On the next Coastal Zone: Reach for the Sky! Lauren vs Gumble! Machine vs Fox! Remus & Patriot vs... someone!
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CZCW Reach for the Sky 2014 From the Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA August 2014, week 1, Thursday Aaron Andrews is working elsewhere tonight. Meaning we may have a show without an incident for a change. We bring back a tradition with the Pre-Show Ten-Man Mayhem Match, although it's not -everyone- who isn't being used... your participants are Barry Kingman, Brooke Tyler, Jonnie Perez, Mark Speed, Snap Dragon, and Team Lucha: Acid, Brasil, Del Arco, Cougar, and Velvet. With odds like that, you'd expect Team Lucha to clean up, but they appear to be falling apart without Ultimate Phoenix around to run things and they quicky begin infighting, and in the end Snap Dragon takes down Masked Cougar for the victory. The actual show opens with Remus and Patriot wondering who's going to accept their open challenge, and are somewhat surprised to have it accepted by Jackpot Jordan and Sam Pratt. From there, we move into our opening match, as Kirk Jameson gets a rather unexpected win over Freddie Datsun, with a clean pinfall. Sam and Jackpot cut a promo about Jackpot being unsure if he wants to win -- because he hates picking out tag-team names. Sam tells him he'll pick the name if they win, and Jackpot says he feels much better. Lauren then cuts a promo on Steve Gumble, saying "Haven't I beaten you before?" And we move into our second match of the night, Mercutio Sleep getting a clean victory over Jim Force. It's just as good as the first match, and the fans are certainly up for this show since we've been gone for a month. Fox cuts a promo on Machine, which basicly consists of "It's me. It's Machine. It's a ladder. You know this is gonna be good." Next up, our tag match... and it may be the match of Jackpot's CZCW career so far. We put this here to be a cool-down match, but wow, they overcame the expectations we had for them and in a fourteen-minute match delivered a bout that could easily main-event any of our normal shows... and possible some of our bigger ones. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that the dominate champions, Remus and Patriot, who looked so strong taking on Team Lucha, lose the titles in their first match to a team including someone who most people think has no business outside of curtain-jerking. Insane Machine cuts a glorious maniacal promo on Fox Mask, telling him that he'll hold the Xtreme Title until he dies... and he doesn't plan on dying tonight, so Fox better come prepared to kill. Steve Gumble cuts a promo on Lauren, telling her she has to slip up one of these days... and he's got a feeling it's tonight. Annnnd cue the Xtreme Ladder Match. We put this as the sub-main because, well, it's match #4 recently, and we've never had a match #4 not get a lower rating... but Fox and Machine hit it out of the park, going for over half an hour of pure action-packed carnage, ending with Machine retaining after nearly having half his scalp torn off by a badly-placed ladder. Traditional Main Event Hype Video, and we're into the main event, which has a lot to live up to. It doesn't quite make it, but it's still a damn good near-half-hour match, and nobody's surprised when Lauren retains. And we finally got ourselves a C+ show! Show Summary: Kirk Jameson def. Freddie Datsun (C-) Mercutio Sleep def. Jim Force (C-) Tag Titles: Sam Pratt & Jackpot Jordan def. Remus & Patriot (c) (C) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Fox Mask (B-) CZCW Title: Lauren the Lion (c) def. Steve Gumble (C+) Show rating: C+ On the next Coastal Zone: Jackpot Jordan moves up the card as the new champs pick a name; Lauren and Machine look for new challengers; and PWMAX plays some dirty pool.
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So, PWMAX is begining to play by our rules, making offers to Fox Mask and Dylan Sidle. Losing our figurehead and our road agent would be very, very painful, so we try to renegotiate with them. We also smirk as Cliff Anderson leaves the company, realizing how stupid it is to be competing with his own company. Young Leo and James Prudence had pulled off a B- main event, and Cliff was starting to think... gee, maybe he shouldn't work for them if we're at war with them. And yes, that means PWMAX pulled off a C+ show this month as well, so it would be a nail-biter as to which of us wins the regional battle this month. But with just two days until the next Coastal Tour, we have something more important to consider -- do we stay in the Southwest to try and build our popularity there to the point where we can charge even more for tickets... or do we try to spread ourselves out a bit more? CZCW Coastal Tour August 2014, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Masked Patriot and Rod Remus calling out Pratt and Jackpot for a rematch... but they begin arguing over who's fault it was they lost, and instead it looks like a singles match tonight. Instead, Sam and Jackpot open the show taking on Team Lucha's Masked Cougar and Velvet Suarez, getting a fairly good match out of the two of them befor ethey retain their titles. After the match, Sam announces their new tag-team name: Cannonball Jackpot. Jackpot seems to think they need a better name, and Sam says they'll work on it. OUr next match has Fox Mask try ot regain some momentum by defeating Shane Nelson, and then Mercutio Sleep gives us a snoozer of a match by defeating Marc Speed. After his victory, Sleep calls Fox out and challenges him to a match at Redemption, to show he deserves to be playing with 'the big kids'. Fox accepts... but only after Sleep implies he's on a 'choking streak' at big shows. Our sub-main event is an Xtreme Ladder Match with Insane Machine defeating Steve Gumble in a long, surprisingly good match. After that, the main event is a letdown, as Rod Remus defeats Masked Patriot, and then calls out Machine for an Xtreme shot at Redemption, to show he's a better singles competitor than tag. Machine accepts, and tells Remus he's going to have to bring his game up quite a bit if he doesn't want to embarass himself. Show summary: Tag Titles: Cannonball Jackpot (c) def. Team Lucha (Cougar & Velvet) (C-) Fox Mask def. Shane Nelson (C-) Mercutio Sleep def. Marc Speed (D) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Steve Gumble (C) Rod Remus de.f Masked Patriot (D+) Show rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Two matches made for Redemption... what's Lauren up to? And Team Lucha makes an announcement.
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Stupid PWMAX. We tried to take their two biggest stars, Young Leo and James Prudence, but neither one wanted to stretch themselves and farther... despite teh fact that, y'know, we're at war, so joining us means leaving PWMAX... so it's not stretching any farther... Anyway, we've decided: One month we'll tour the country, the next we'll burn out the Southwest... with a single stop in the Midwest. We'll keep avoiding the Midsouth so we don't hit Cult too fast, and we'll try to grow ourselves up a bit... We were going to do a rundown of all the major (A/A* prestige) titles and champions, but... after a while, we got depressed that we're not on the list. We're working on it tho. Give Alicia a big, strong reign maybe... Oh, and as aside note... Cliff? Is not at A* Mic skills and B+ charisma. His announcing? Still a C. When we get to the point where we're Cult again, we'll have to consider springing for a better announcer and move Cliff to color. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2014, week 2, Sunday From the Grissom, Southwest USA We open with a tag match, as Eagle Washington and Maria Guest do a girl-power team-up only to lose to Masked Cougar and Snap Dragon... who then announce that Dragon is the new leader of Team Lucha, and he and Cougar challenge Pratt and Jordan to a tag title match at... at... aw, crap. Redemption? We then get a triple-threat match between Masked Patriot, Steve Gumble, and Aaron Andrews. In theory, this should have been a great match... but it doesn't happen and just turns into a dissapointing match with Patriot getting the pinfall. Insane Machine then comes out to tell us how Rod Remus means nothing to him, and to prove it... tonight, he'll take on two people... Fox Mask and Mercutio Sleep. With that out of the way, time to bring some goodness. The triple-threat Xtreme Match between Machine, Fox, and Sleep is, as expected, quite a good match. Fox and Sleep wind up fighitng outside the ring and both get counted out while Machine laughs. After being seperated, Fox cuts a promo on Sleep, to which Sleep responds, and then we move on to our main event as Lauren takes on Barry Kingman in... another dissapointment of a match. She retains, but we have a feeling the fans aren't going home happy from this one. Lauren tries to make an open challenge to get people interested, but it's not enough... Show Summary: Team Lucha (Snap Dragon & Cougar) def. Eagle & Maria (D-) Masked Patriot def. Steve Gumble, Aaron Andrews (D) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Fox Mask, Mercutio Sleep (C-) CZCW Title: Lauren the Lion (c) def. Barry Kingman (D) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Yeah, everyone we wanted to hire to face Lauren turned us down. So... now what do we do with her?
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(The following update done with one hand... no, you pervs, I'm donating plasma. Remember, plasma can save lives, and get you some extra spending money.) So, we find ourselves with no real main event to speak of... at least, nothing we haven't done before. We do, however, have a strong midcard going. Although we still have yet to beat P-Dawg over Fox Mask at Spring Break Bash 2013. Eveyone we try to bring in to face Lauren declines, and we're starting to get a complex about it. CZCW Coastal Tour August 2014, week 3, Sunday From somewhere in the Midsouth, which we've been neglecting for too long... We open with the traditional 'argument to set up main event'. In this case, Lauren and Machine are arguing iver who the better champ is, when Remus and Andrews come out and 'want some'. Lauren/Andrews again? Yawn. Oh, well. We move into the tag division portion of the show... or as it's turned into, the Team Lucha Mixer. Our tag champs, Sam and Jackpot, face Acid II and Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, and... I guess the mid-south doesn't like lucha. Oh, well. Champs retain, but Sam has to be reconsidering his choice of employer right now. The champs then cut a promo, declaring their name to be... Cannon Fodder. Yeah, I went with it. Cliff hypes the tag match at Redemption, and we move on to a triple threat match, Fox, Gumble, and Datsun. It... doesn't suck, but we were hoping for better. Gumble wins after Sleep runs in and kicks Fox off the turnbuckle during a Flipoff. This, of course, leads to a promo from Fox about making his match with Sleep personal. Sleep then totally fails to live up to expectations in a match with Masked Patriot, even though he gets the win. Ros Remus comes out and gives a surprisingly excellent promo against Machine about stepping up to bat, countered by Machine being interviewed by Cliff and returning just as good with comments about pitching at the batter's head. And then, our main event, which actually sees the champs lose as the other guys cheat to win, and Remus gets a pinfall victory over Machine. Show Summary: Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) df Acid & Del Arco (D-) Steve Gumble def Fox Mask, Freddie Datsun (D+) Mercutio Sleep def Masked Patriot (D-) Andrews & Remus def. Lauren & Machine (C-) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: The final build towards Redemption! Lauren's opponent revealed... and it ain't Andrews!
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Where sometimes, tradition only has one thing to do... return. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour August 2014, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with a nice little tag match, as Eagle Washington and MAria Guest take on Velvet Suarez and Brooke Tyler. They only get a few minutes into it when some music hits the speakers. "Now, Mister DJ, I've asked you three times... PLAY MY *****-****ING SONG!" Down the ramp charges Coastal Zone Original, Joanne 'J-Ro' Rodriguez! She takes out Tyler with a clothesline, Guest with a kick, Washington with a suplex, and then trips Velvet through the ropes! "If this is the level of competition that the Coastal Zone women can turn out... then it's a damn good thing I came home! It used to be, the only two women in this company worth a damn were me and Miss Mexico... well, she's retired, but I'm still here! Lauren the Lion... I've got an offer for you. This Thursday, at Redemption... your CZCW Title against my 5-Star All-Asian Title!" Out comes... Insane Machine? "Joanne, as a fellow Zoner who's spent some time overseas... you don't just come back home and get a title shot the very same week. You earn it. Say... against me." Out comes Rod Remus to protest. "Oh, no, you're not sneaking out of our match this Thursday! And you're not losing your title to someone else before you lose it to me!" Annnd out comes Lauren, and yes, we just set up tonight's main event. We calm the crowd down with a hype video for the tag match, which needs some hype help. We then get a filler match to make up for the last one being interrupted, as Kirk Jameson and Barry Kinman fight to a double count-out in a decent-for-unhyped match. Backstage, Remus and Machine are brawling, and J-ro and Lauren are trying to hold their respective partners back, telling them to save it for the main event. Then comes a cool-down match as Masked Patriot defeats Jim Force, and we apparently forgot that they don't click at all as opponents... that's why we teamed them up once upon a time. Lauren cuts a promo backstage, telling J-Ro that the Zone may have been hers once... but now, the Lioness is the alpha female, and nobody's invading her territory without suffering some battle scars and injured pride. OUr sub-main is a six-man as Cannon Fodder and Fox Mask team up against Cougar, Snap Dragon, and Sleep for... frankly, a match that was way below our expections, even with Fox getting the pinfall on Sleep. Joanne cuts a promo about how it's great to be home, and next week, when the Zone goes on tour again... it's going ot have a new woman at the head of it. The main event... given the level of talent there, dissapoints. Machine and J-Ro have no chemistry as a team, and to make it worse the match goes half an hour to a time limit draw. Show Summary Eagle & Guest draw Velvet & Tyler (D-) Kirk Jameson draws Barry Kingman (D+) Masked Patriot def. Jim Force (D-) Cannon Fodder & Fox Mask def. Cougar, Snap & Sleep (D) Machine & J-Ro draw Lauren & Remus (D+) Show rating: D+ After seven months as a Global company, PGHW has taken the big fall to Cult; which means, great, another Cult company to compete with when we get up there. The Stomper has retired; taking over NYCW as owner and head booker is Larry Wood. Oddly, Larry is also head booker for NOTBPW. On the next Coastal Zone: Redemption 2014! Lauren vs J-Ro! Machine vs Remus! Fox vs Sleep! Cannon Fodder vs Team Lucha!
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Welcome to CZCW Redemption 2014! September 2014, week 1, Thursday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Pre-Show festivities: Battle Royal, involving Brooke Tyler, Dragon del Arco Iris, George Wolfe, Jamie Quinn, Jim Force, Jonnie Perez, Masked Patriot, Raphael, Shane Nelson, and Simon Ice. Masked Patriot wins. The show opens wiht Cliff announcing that negotiations are complete: for the first time, 5SSW will allow the All-Asian Title to be defended in America, in the Coastal Zone... but no matter who wins tonight, it shall not happen again, and the winner will only defend the CZCW Title in the Zone and the All-Asian Title in 5SSW. The crowd is hot, and we go right to the opening match for the CZCW Tag Team Titles... the champs feel ****y, the match will be under Lucha Libre rules... and the match blows the crowd away, both teams giving it their all and going full-tilt. When Sam Pratt makes the final pinfall on Masked Cougar to retain, the fans give both teams a standing ovation. After that, we're afraid the rest of the card will be a letdown. Insane Machine cuts a promo on Remus from the top of a ladder backstage, telling him he'd better remember to enjoy the view when he climbs... because he won't get much time before he takes the plunge. Afterward, J-Ro cuts a promo about how she learned from the best in the Zone... and then left to learn from the best elsewhere. Tonight, she becomes the best in the Zone. The next match is the Fox Mask vs Mercutio Sleep grudge match. This one goes a bit longer than the surprisingly-good tag match, and the fans are a little burnt out from how good that one was. A good twenty minutes and more go by before the Foxhunter finds it's target, and the rest is academic... but afterwards, Fox helps the young Sleep to his feet and shakes his hand, impressed by what he's seen. Lauren cuts a promo against J-Ro, telling her that things have changed since she's been gone... pretty standard stuff for her, really. Now it's time for some action, as they set up the ladder for the Xtreme Match. Everyone knows Insane Machine is gold in ladder matches, but to be honest, they're not expecting as much from Remus... take some bumps, put up some token offense. When he has his hands on the Xtreme Title in five minutes, they begin to take notice, even if Machine is able to recover and knock over the ladder before he gets a grasp of it. The next twenty minutes consist of bigger and bigger risks, Cliff almost getting kicked in the face as the two tumble off a ladder to ringside, smashing through the announce table (We'd just bought a new one, needed an excuse to use it when we came back). Remus smashes the ladder down on MAchine's back a few times and locks in the Remus Clutch, ignoring MAchine's tapping, and then climbs while Machine is near-paralyzed with pain, only once again to have the ladder taken out from under him... and landing face-first on the apron. Machine sets up the ladder and, obviously in great pain, reclaims his title. If the opening match was a great surprise, the fact that this one is even better is, well, an even better surprise. We get the obligatory hype video, and it's on to the main event! After the last one, it's a letdown, but it's still a damn fine match... that goes on... and on... and on... over forty-five minutes of escalating violence until the two are freely using illegal moves, chairs, whatever they can find on each other, and the ref throws out the match. What, you thought 5SSW would really let us use one of their titles? Show Summary: Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Team Lucha (Snap Dragon & Masked Cougar) (C+) Fox Mask def. Mercutio Sleep (C-) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Rod Remus (B-) CZCW Title vs 5-Star All-Asian Title: Lauren the Lion draws Joanne Rodriguez (C) Show Rating: C- ... C-???? Off those scores? Son of a... looks like we're taking second in the regional battle again this month... man, we just can't win... On the next Coastal Zone: We head out on a US tour, and a look at the backstage situation reveals a surprising couple.
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An entire month of touring in a single post. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! The new head booker of NYCW? Eric Tyler. Will Brooke be leaving us to join them? Time will tell... So, in an effort to change things up a bit, we'll go with Results-Style writeups for the month of touring we're doing here. CZCW Coastal Tour: New England September 2014, week 1 CZCW Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Team Lucha (Dragon & Dragon) (D-) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Masked Patriot via DQ (Rod Remus interference) (C-) Fox Mask & Mercutio Sleep def. Rod Remus & Freddie Datsun (D) J-Ro & Steve Gumble def. Lauren the Lion & Kirk Jameson (D+) Show Rating: News: CZCW has announced they are not going to extend the contracts of Simon Ice and "Eagle" Lora Washington. We also have a new owner goal. For the next two years we cannot... fall below Regional size. Well, ****, if we manage to fall below Regional size, he won't be able to fire me, I'll quit... CZCW Coastal Tour: Tristate September 2014, week 2 Jim Force def. George Wolfe (E) Mercutio Sleep def. Jackpot Jordan (D-) Xtreme Title: Masked Patriot def. Insane Machine (c) via DQ (Rod Remus interference) (C-) J-Ro def. Sam Pratt (D) Show Rating: D+ News: MAW made an offer to Aaron Andrews. If it's PPA, we're okay. If it's development, then we have to rely on his feelings towards his other current employers -- he hates us for coming down hard on him when he was misbehaving. It worked -- he shaped up. But he's still mad at us for being so hard on him (For the same reason, anyone making an offer to Steve Gumble or Freddie Datsun will most likely get them -- although in their cases, they don't like the way we've jobbed them out, too). Honestly, we're surprised all three are still with us... apparently, they hate our booking and management style, but they like getting paid more than they hate us... CZCW Coastal Tour: Midwest September 2014, week 3 Fox Mask & Mercutio Sleep def. Team Lucha (Dragon & Dragon) (D+) Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Team Lucha (Cougar & Velvet) (D+) Rod Remus draws Masked Patriot via double DQ (Insane Machine interference) (D) CZCW Title: Lauren the Lion (c) def. Aaron Andrews via DQ (J-Ro Interference) (C-) Show Rating: D+ News: PWMAX puts on a C+ show. While we can't steal their top-top talent (Who also work for SWF or another promotion we have a non-agression treaty with, to try and prevent our big guns form being stolen), we do make offers to three of PWMAX's roster to see if we can erode them a little bit. And then the rejections start coming in... CZCW Coastal Tour: Northwest September 2014, week 4 Barry Kingman def. Jamie Quine (D) Krik Jameson def. Marc Speed (D) Machine & Snap Dragon def. Remus & Datsun and Patriot & Force (C-) Sam Pratt draws Fox Mask when both men's partners get involved (C-) Lauren & Datsun (wait... he's in here twice?) def. J-Ro & Gumble (C) Show Rating: C News: Well, as expected, we finish in second place in the three-way regional battle in the Southwest; as totally unexpected, we place first in the regional battle in New England. Also unexpected, 5SSW drops to Cult size and drops their head booker. On the next Coastal Zone: Showdown at Sundown 2014! Matches already signed: Lauren vs J-Ro, No DQ; Insane Machine vs Rod Remus vs Masked Patriot for the Xtreme Title; Cannon Fodder v Fox & Sleep; and a surprising debut challenge.
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Welcome to Showdown at Sundown 2014! October 2014, week 1, Wednesday From the Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA We open with a simple match to get the crowd going as Kirk Jameson defeats seldom-seen jobber Raphael in a good, quick squash that might see Raphael get more paychecks -- it was easily good enough to be on our regular rotation of shows. After that, Cliff spends some time talking up the Xtreme Title match, and we move into the filler of the night: A fifteen-man battle royal. We've got Team Lucha (Acid, Brasil, Del Arco, Cougar, Dragon, and Velvet). We've got the females of Brooke, Eagle, Jamie, and Maria. And we've got the usual leftovers in Wolfe, Force, Perez, Shane, and Speedball. It's basicly an excuse ot get some exercise, and we end it with Brooke Tyler getting the victory. After that, we go into a 'hype-tradition' mode... all three title matches get hype videos! First up, the Tag Titles match. It's Cannon Fodder vs Fox & Sleep. Both teams made up of a main-event-level talent and his most recent protege. The match will probably come down to how hell Jackpot has improved, and if he can hold up to the rapidly-rising Sleep. Jackpot knows this match could make or break his future, so he makes sure he has the match of his life tonight. In the end, Sam and Jackpot have roughly twice the experience of Fox and Sleep as a team, and the champs retain in one heck of a match. Next up is the triple-threat Xtreme Ladder match. Insane Machine has been a dominant champion, but it took all he had to fight off Rod Remus last time... and now, he faces Remus -and- Masked Patriot. If the two can put aside their differences and work together, even Machine may not be able to retain his title. To make it even rougher, they have to follow a better-than-expected tag match. All three men realize this, and the resulting match is easily the equal of the Machine/Remus match of last month. Remus and Patriot fail to work together at all, but surprisingly Patriot is treated as an equal in the match and gets the first near-title-retreival. In the end, Remus and Patriot are fighting at the top of the ladder, and Machine sets up another ladder and delivers Termination Kicks to both of them, dropping them down to the mat and retaining his title. After the match... someone is applauding very sarcasticly backstage, and out onto the ramp steps Erik Strong. "Just so you know, Insane Machine... you just made me a hundred bucks on a bet. But now... I'm interested in a different king of wager. I'll bet you that Xtreme Title that my body can take more of a ladder match than yours can." Machineis too battered to make much of a reply. "Oh, don't bother answering just yet. See, I've already made the arrangements. At Long Dark Night, old man, I'll show you why I may not be the Strongest One There Is... but I'm the Most Xtreme One There Is." And after that little blockbuster of an announcement, we get the hype video and then move on to our main event. After the last time these two met, we had to make this a no-DQ match, and only the CZCW Title is on the line. Lauren the Lion has a reputation for being dominant in this company, whereas Joanne was one of those whose legend grew after she left and is returning to get the push she never had while she was here the first time. Lauren has only held the title a short time, so nobody knows if it's going to be switched over to J-Ro or not... and if J-Ro can hold her own against challengers other than Lauren. It's another good match, overshown by the Xtreme match and post-match festivities, and goes over forty minutes before a harsh second-rope JRO (JRO, RKO, close enough) drives Lauren face-first into her own title belt and knocks her out, giving us a new champion. J-Ro has returned to the Zone, and her time away from home has been justified. Show Results: Kirk Jameson def. Raphael (D+) Brooke Tyler def. 14 Others (D+) Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Fox & Sleep (C) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine def. Rod Remus and Masked Patriot (B-) CZCW Title: Joanne Rodriguez def. Lauren the Lion (c) (C) Show Rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: Who will be the first to step up to challenge the new Queen of the Zone? Eric Strong can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk? And what team will rise to face the tag champs now? And who got injured at the show?
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Where once-witty tagline writers come to try and regain their former glory: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Raphael, in an attempt to capitalize on his good opening match at Showdown at Sundown, has changed to a Super Junior style. Yeah... we'll see what we can do with him now. I mean, heck, if a relative unknown can pull a D+ with a midcarder... And our injury from last night: Jonnie Perez suffered a blown eardrum in the big battle royal; he'll work through it, but his opponents won't be able to call the match, which could lead to some interesting improvizations. So, we're considering something new when 2015 hits if we haven't seen much improvement: going back to a semi-touring schedule, with each month having a New England show, Southwest show, New England show, somewhere else show, and then the big show in the Southwest. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2014, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Aaron Andrews squashing Raphael in a warm-up-the-crowd match, and then out come out tag champions to make an open challenge. Accepting the challenge tonight is Team Lucha, represented tonight by Snap Dragon and Acid II. The match is a good one, very fast-paced, ending in a DQ when Acid's temper gets the better of him and he chokes out Jackpot. We kick into the 'good matches' segment of the night as Erik Strong makes his in-ring debut against Freddie Datsun, and promptly proves we did the right thing in hiring him, putting on a match that could quite easily main-event a good number of our shows. He wins, of course, since there's no point in jobbing him out on his debut. Afterwards, Erik delivers some choice words towards Machine, who comes out and makes fun of him, asking if he thinks he's the first 'young gun' to come looking to take the old man's title. Machine is on F-I-R-E tonight, following a great promo with a surprisingly excellent ladder match against former Xtreme Champion, Dragon del Arco Isis Jr. They actually get the crowd thinking that Machine/Strong is a good enough match to not need the title, becuase Dragon almost claims it several times before Machine retains it (which seems to be a theme in his ladder matches lately). We're afraid our main event won't be able to top that, but we do it anyway, Joanne Rodriguez defending her new title against Steve Gumble. Who here thinks Steve has a chance? Nobody? Thought so. So dows the crowd. The match, regretfully, sucks eggs. Hard-boiled eggs. J-Ro needs to shape up fast, or this is going to be a short title reign. Afterwards, Aaron Andrews returns ot the ring and challenges J-Ro to a match at Long Dark Night -- if Aaron can't get a good match out of her, we might just have to hot-shot a title change... Show Summary: Aaron Andrews def. Raphael (D-) Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Team Lucha (Snap & Acid) (C-) Erik Strong def. Freddie Datsun (C) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Dragon del Arco Iris Jr (B-) CZCW Title: Joanne Rodriguez (c) def. Steve Gumble (D) Show Rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: The J-Ro Nostalgia Tour begins: J-Ro vs Snap Dragon! Machine and Strong meet in a tag match! And... two, maybe three other matches!
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Rockin' the Southwest... just not as hard as we'd like. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! SOTBPW has risen to National, and in the process signed a bunch of luchadores to written deals. That cuts the number of people we could bring in for Team Lucha down by a bit, but most of those signed were too popular to consider coming to work for us anyway. The real loser here is MHW, who lost at least four high-level workers. Our challenge now is putting on three really good shows to build Long Dark Night and hopefully push our popularity up to the next level... if we can do that, then we'll focus on building up other parts of the country and save our high-popularity for monthly shows and for when we decide to re-hit Cult. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2014, week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with J-Ro and Snap Dragon reminiscing about old times, and J-Ro giving Dragon a title match tonight as a thank you for being a friend. OUr opening match following that is Aaron Andrews vs Mercutio Sleep in what turns out to be a fairly spirited opener that manages to showcase Sleep's growth over the last few months and still let Andrews get a victory on his way towards his title match. Aaron badmouths the current champ ("Lauren, I could at least respect. You? You just got lucky.") and then we move on to our 'WTF?' match of the night, as... Lauren the Lion and Jamie Quine take on Masked Cougar and Dragon del Arco Isis? Predictably, Lauren's team gets the win, and then Lauren and Jamie challenge Cannon Fodder to a title match. Kinda coky, but given Lauren's track record, they're dangerous. Dragon tells us about the old days... and how back then, J-Ro had no chance against him. Tonight, he reminds her of why. Our sub-main is a tag match, as Insane Machine and Kirk Jameson take on Eric Strong and Brooke Tyler. It's a rather good tag match, and both sides hold their own fairly well, with Strong getting the pinfall on Jameson after a Strongsault. After the match, Eric clobbers Machine from behind while he's trying to get out of the ring, gloating about how he's going to be the new Xtreme Champion. Joanne cuts a promo about how mucch being Zone champion means to her, and surprisingly knocks the promo out of the park. Her match with Dragon isn't nearly as good, perhaps due to Dragon's inability to win a tag match lately mixed with, well, it's J-Ro vs Andrews in a few weeks, so we know who's winning here. Show Summary: Aaron Andrews def. Mercutio Sleep (C-) Lauren & Jamie def. Cougar & Del Arco (D) The Scions (Eric Strong & Brooke Tyler) def. Insane Machine & Kirk Jameson (C-) CZCW Title: J-Ro (c) def. Snap Dragon (D+) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: How do we spell 'desperate'? Insane Machine vs Rod Remus in a Ladder Match, while Lauren and Jamie take on Dragon & Cougar to name the new #1 Contenders. Oh, and J-Ro vs Fox Mask.
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Where some weeks, nothing happens. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour October 2014, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with a promo from Rod Remus, hyping up tonight as a chance not only to win the title, but to throw a wrench in the plans of that jerk, Eric Strong. Strong shows up and tells him to get out of the ring, he has a match, and then proceeds to squash Raphael. Pity they have no chemistry, but at least it's a short match. We go to backstag, where Fox and J-Ro are talking about old times and mention 'that time at the Italian place', and J-Ro gives Fox a title shot as a thank-you. Fox rolls his eyes, but accepts. In another part of backstage, Eric Strong tells us he's not concerned about Remus messing up his title shot, becuase there's no way Machine is going to lose to him. Up next is the Tag Contendership match, and Lauren and Jamie tear through Cougar and Dragon rather quickly to secure a title shot at Long Dark Night. Insane Machine cuts a promo, likening Remus and Strong, both young punks who think that Xtreme is the domain of the young. Well, he's not getting any younger, but each day that goes by, he proves time and time again that he gets more Xtreme. The sub-main, surprisingly, is the CZCW Title match, as Fox gives one hell of an effort towards giving J-Ro a much better match than she's been doing lately, going almost half an hour before falling to the J-Rocker. Afterwards, J-Ro thanks Fox for the match, and says she hopes Andrews was watching... because that sure as heck wasn't luck. Finally, our main event, Machine vs Remus, Xtreme Title ladder match. We're obviously banking on it to be as good as their last two encounters, and it doesn't quite make it... but it's still the best match on the card, so we can't complain about our choice. We see the expected run-in by Strong to distract both men, and Machine retains, but it's still an action-packed half-hour. Show summary: Eric Strong def. Raphael (D) Lauren & Jamie def. Dragon & Cougar (D+) CZCW Title: Joanne Rodriguez (c) def. Fox Mask (C) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Rod Remus (C+) Show Rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: The last show before Long Dark Night! We build up our three title matches, and consider what else we're going to throw in there...
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Where sometimes, nothing happens for two weeks in a row. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! If you want to read a dynasty where stuff happens, go check out You Am VKM! where the postings are only weekly (if that), but they're huge and full of stuff going on. And bad comedy. God, lots and lots of bad comedy. CZCW Coastal Tour October 2014, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We start with Joanne, telling us she's watched Andrews' matches. And Andrews seems to have a habit of losing the big match. Long Dark Night will be just more proof of that. Our opening match is a tag match, as Fox and Mercutio defeat Masked Cougar and Capitao Brasil. Backstage, Insane Machine sneaks up behind Eric Strong and just... wait, for a minute, until strong turns around, and Machine points out he could have dropped Strong any time he wanted... but he'd rather do it in the ring, from fifteen feet above the canvas, all the way to that cold, unforgiving concrete floor. In another part of backstage, Lauren and Jamie hype up their tag team chances. We get a couple of singles matches to hype the tag match; first, Jackpot and Jamie fight to a double-count-out and brawl into the fans and out of the arena, and then Sam and Lauren go at it... and Jackpot and Jamie brawl back into the arena, and in the mess that follows, Lauren gets the pinfall on Sam. Hrm, we forgot they don't click. Aaron Andrews talks about how Rodriguez is just like every other champion to come through the Zone... they hold the belt just becuase he lets them. Eric Strong cuts a promo about how Machine is mistaking insanity for Xtreme-ism, and then we get our main event Champs vs Challengers match, J-Ro and Machine against Andrews and Strong. After the last three matches, we were worried about this one, but it comes out as good as we had hoped -- if only we had been able to get the crowd going before it. An over-half-hour main event, as seems to be our specialty, ending with Andrews pinning J-ro with his feet on the ropes, and then taunting her about doing it again on Wednesday. Show Summary Fox & Sleep def. Brasil & Cougar (D) Jackpot Jones draws Jamie Quine (D) Lauren the Lion pins Sam Pratt (D) Andrews & Strong def. J-Ro & Machine (C) Show Rating: C- October ends, and once again we place second in th-- no, wait, he got first place in both the Southwest and New England. Cool. We're so close to breaking that 50% mark in the Southwest... On the next Coastal Zone: Long Dark Night 2014!
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Welcome to Long Dark Night 2014! November 2014, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We announce that, after the tag title match, the first round of the #1 contendership Tournament will begin. With that, we open the show with the tag match. The champions, Cannon Fodder, are once more facing a team that just formed in the last month; this time, however, they have the most recent former champion to contend with, and Lauren certainly forces both men to up their game considerably. In the end, Jamie proves to be the weak link of the team as the champs retain. Aaron cuts a promo on J-Ro, and then we move on to... filler! Our filler matches are for the Tag Team Tournament; the first one features Jim Force and Maria Guest losing to Masked Patriot and Barry Kingman; the second sees Steve Gumble and Freddie Datsun defeating Kirk Jameson and Speedball. Erik cuts a promo on Insane Machine, and the two victorious teams above cut promos on each other and the tag champs. A sure sign we're trying to eat up time. We get a hype video before the Xtreme title match while they set up the ladder, and away we go. The heat for this one is a step above any previous Xtreme match in the last... well, while, so we're expecting big things... and don't get them. It's not a -bad- match, by any stretch of the imagination... but Machine works much better with Remus and even Patriot, and it doesn't seem like it should be taking him over half an hour to defeat Strong. Which is what happens. After the match, Machine extends a hand to Strong... who is lying on the mat, trying to recover his breath... and after a few minutes, Machine shrugs, kicks him, and leaves. Traditional hype video, and then onto the main event of J-Ro vs Double A. We're fairly secure that the Xtreme Match won't be overshadowing this one this time, and we're right, J-Ro and Andrews put on a great match, even if Andrews seems to sandbag it at times... he's still mad at us for reasons that are probably a year old at this point. We feel charitable and let J-Ro hold the title for at least another month... maybe... and after seeing this match, we think we made the right choice. Show Summary: Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Lauren & Jamie (C) Patriot & Kingman def. Force & Guest (D) Datsun & Gumble def. Speedball & Jameson (D+) Xtreme Title: INsane Machine (c) def. Eric Strong (C) CZCW Title: J-Ro (c) def. Aaron Andrews (C+) Show Rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: Hrm. Do we the rest of the year in the Southwest, and tour next year, or vice-versa?
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