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Tradition Dictates That You Be Welcomed... To The Coastal Zone

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Where sometimes... no, wait, done that one. Where the... no, wait, done that one too. Ah, heck with it, we're not doing much important here anyway. So, we've decided to take this as a Touring Month. Which basicly means, four shows in our 'standard' loop -- we'll hit New England, Tristate, Midsouth and Northwest. We're thinking -maybe- of doing the same thing in December, just switching something out to work in a Midwest show in there too. And of course, our monthly shows in the Southwest. Part of us wants to go all-out and go twice-weekly, one loop through Midwest/Midsouth/Northwest/Hawaii, and the other through New England/Tristate/Southeast/Somewhere else... but that's going to a) be expensive, which we don't care about since we've got plenty of money unless we accidently hit Cult, b) work the talent hard, which we're not too worried about, they're a hardy bunch, and c) be boring as hell to book that many low-rated-due-to-low-popularity shows. That one, we're worried about. We're fickle and easily distracted when things aren't fun. Lets see if you can guess Year In Review's card by the tour results... and who's refusing to resign... CZCW Coastal Tour November 2014, week 1, sunday Midsouth Jim Force def. Shane Nelson (D-) Erik Strong def. Dragon del Arco Iris (C-) Gumble & Datsun def. Acid II & Snap Dragon (C-) Remus & Patriot def. Fox & Sleep (C-) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Lauren the Lion, Interference by Strong (C) Show Rating: C CZCW Coastal Tour November 2014, week 2, sunday Tristate Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def Cougar & Snap Dragon (D) Kingman def Andrews (D) Strong def. Andrews (D) CZCW Title: J-Ro (c) def. Andrews (D-) Show rating: D- CZCW Coastal Tour November 2014, week 3, sunday New England Rod Remus def. Raphael (D) Lauren the Lion def. Aaron Andrews (E) Fox Mask def. Aaron Andrews (D+) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def... yeap, Aaron Andrews (C-) Show rating: C- Okay, okay, yeah... Andrews is refusing to resign with us. We figured isntead of making him ahppy, we'd just job the crap out of him. Tho we'll say this... his personality has improved because of the crap we've put him through. Great. We just made him more attractive for our competition. Ah, well. CZCW Coastal Tour November 2014, week 4, sunday Northwest Datsun & GUmble def. PAtriot & Kingman, Interference by Machine and Sleep (D+) Fox Mask draws Rod Remus due to interference from PAtriot and Sleep (D) Xtreme Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Erik Strong, interference from Kingman and Lauren (C-) Lauren & Force def. J-Ro & Andrews (C-, guess who got pinned?) Show Rating: C- Hrm. Bad month for us... out of three regional battles, we take second in the southwest, and third in New England and Tristate. On the next Coastal Zone: Can you guess the Year In Review card? Well, you're out of time; we've had to move it up due to people leaving that we want to use. And then, more touring to see if we can regain some lost ground...
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Welcome to CZCW Year In Review 2014! Wednesday, week 1, December 2014 Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with chaos backstage, as there's a brawl going on. Our tag champs and challengers are in there, so is the Xtreme champ and challenger, but at the center off it is Lauren the Lion and Eric Strong. Tempers are going to flare up tonight... Our opening match is a four-way match that probably has some sort of future contendership on the line, as Fox Mask, Mercutio Sleep, Rod Remus, and Masked Patriot clash with and against each other... It's a good, Zone-style twenty minutes of action that serves to get the crowd going for the rest of the night, ending with Fox Mask... getting clobbered by his short-term former partner, Mercutio Sleep, for the victory. We get a promo from J-Ro, about how she's tearing through all the competition the Zone has to offer her... and tonight, granted, she's never faced anyone quite like her opponent, but that's not going to slow her down. Next up is the tag match, and it's one of those matches where you can tell the challengers aren't going to win just by how they're acting; professionals, my butt. OUr phenominal veteran-and-rookie combination of champions once more retains their titles, and how cool is it we've got people expecting Jackpot Jordan to win on a regular basis now? We follow that up with a long, rambling promo from our main event challenger tonight, saying that RoJoHas been a good enough champion, but she has yet to feel the full power... of the FOORRRRRRRCE! Next up is the match that, had a title been involved, would have easily been our main event as Lauren the Lion tries to prevent Erik Strong from asserting himself as the 'alpha male' of the Coastal Zone pride. And after nearly half an hour, the fans are still wanting more, which is good for them -- this one ends in a double count-out as the two brawl into and around the crowd in the best match of the night so far. Cliff spends some time hyping up the main event before we move into an Xtreme hype video, and bring out the ladders. It's Insane Machine in a ladder match, so you know it's gonna be good, but we're not sure how well Barry Kingman will hold up with the ladder. Turns out the answer is 'just fine, thank you' as these two take the bar that was set by Lauren/Erik and move it up a few notches... especially with the ending, which features the seen-so-often finish of the challenger reaching for the belt when Machine delivers the Termination Kick to the ladder... and Kingman leaps for it, grabbing the title and freefalling to the mat with it! Machine is shocked! And after that, we know the main event is going to simply bomb... that's been part of our problem, we think. It's hard to follow Insane Machine in a ladder match. And we're putting Jim Force in there. What are we thinking? Well... we're not sure. Does he have a chance? No. Does he embarass himself? No. Is the match main-event-worthy? No. Does the match drag the whole show down? Yes. Show Summary: Mercutio Sleep def. Fox Mask, Rod Remus, Masked Patriot (C-) Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Gumble & Datsun (D+) Lauren the Lion draws Erik strong (C+) Xtreme Title: Barry Kingman def. Insane Machine (c) (B-) CZCW Title: Joanne Rodriguez (c) def. Jim Force (C-) Show Rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: We spend some more time touring after a dissapointing Year In Review... that nonetheless is now Above Average importance. Stay turned for tour results, and then the actual annual Year In Review post!
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Welcome to the Coastal Tour! December 2014, week 1, Sunday Mid-South USA Fox Mask def. Aaron Andrews (D) The NextGen (Erik Strong & Brooke Tyler) def. Datsun & Gumble (D+) Xtreme Title: Barry Kingman (c) def. Acid II (D-) J-Ro & Machine def. Team Lucha (Cougar & Snap Dragon) (C-) Show Rating: D+ CZCW.COM has announced that the Coastal Zone has, indeed, not renewed the contracts of The Professionals (Aaron Andrews, Steve Gumble, and Freddie Datsun). This week was their last week with the company. We wish them the best in their future endeavours. This has, needless to say, shaken up the roster a bit, as three Main Event spots needed filling. The new roster: Main Event: Jim Force, Lauren the Lion, Erik Strong, J-Ro, Sam Pratt, Barry Kingman Uppercard: Rod Remus, Mercutio Sleep, Masked Patriot, Insane MAchine, Fox Mask, Brooke Tyler (???) Midcard: Jonnie Perez, Acid II, Kirk Jameson, Masked Cougar, Snap Dragon, Guy Just Hired, Dragon del Arco Iris, Jamie Quinne, Jackpot Jordan Lowercard: Shane Nelson, Velvet Suarez, Maria Guest, Marc Speed, Raphael, Capitao Brasil, Goerge Wolfe We also decide that, with Year In Review moved up over three weeks, and Broken not scheduled until late February, we need something in the meantime -- and so Brave New World is scheduled for early January. December 2014, week 2, Sunday Midwest USA GWJS (Guy We Just Signed) def. Insane Machine, outside interference (C-) NextGen def. Team Lucha (Dragon & Dragon) (D+) Lauren the Lion def. Jim Force (D) Title Unification: J-Ro draws Barry Kingman, outside interference (C-) Show rating: C- December 2014, week 3, Sunday Northwest USA NextGen def. Team Lucha (Velvet & Brasil) (D) Xtreme Title: Barry Kingman (c) def. Jamie Quine (D-) GWJS def. Speedball (E+) Insane Machine def. Kirk Jameson (D+) CZCW Title: J-Ro (c) def. Merctio Sleep (D) Show rating: D Annnd just to help build up the hype a bit... December 2014, week 4, Sunday Southwest USA Xtreme Title: Barry Kingman (c) def. Jonnie Perez (D) GWJS def. Dragon del Arco Iris (D) Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. Fox Force Five (C-) CZCW Title: J-Ro (c) def. Rod Remus (C) Show Rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: We review 2014, and after that... Brand New Day!
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;593753]Wow, three main eventers gone. That was by choice, I'm guessing.[/QUOTE] Kinda-sorta-not-really. Andrews signed an 18-month deal, but got mad at us punishing him for starting fights six times in the first two months... so we've known he was gone, but for not over a year. The other two got semi-mad at us for trying to adjust their attitudes, and then we just jobbed the hell out of them 'cause they weren't worth the price. Welcome to the Coastal Zone in Review for 2014! All in all, 2014 was... well, not our best year. We lost a lot of our main event talent, and our champion at the start of the year is now way down in the lower midcard. We've tried, and mostly failed, to jack up our popularity in the Southwest, and breaking into other territories is slow going because of the shotgun-style attempt we're making. Oh, and we fell from Cult to Regional. Which sucked. On the bright side, our non-main-event uppercard is now quite solid; Rod Remus, Masked Patriot, and Mercutio Sleep have developped into excellent talents. Lauren had a good title reign, and Insane Machine stole the show with the Xtreme title for quite a while. The war with PWMAX goes poorly; despite being smaller, they are able to put on better shows than we do; while we have denied them some talent, their big guns have deals with companies we have non-agression pacts with; while we want to deny PWMAX a chance to succeeed, we do not want to risk losing our own main eventers in the process. Anyway, we're in typical Coastal Zone position... we're not hurting, but we're not really getting anywhere, either. A sustained push woudl get us back up to Cult, but we'd last all of three months there at best. We can make money if we stay in the Southwest, but we're failing to put on big shows on a consistent basis so we don't grow there, just mine it for money. We can sit and spin our wheels, or we can try to do something drastic. If you've been reading, you've probably figured out what that is. Anyway, year-end awards: Card of the Year: TCW for Destructive Energy Match of the Year: TCW for Brent Hill double-countout with Rich Money Most Improved Promotion: BHOTWG Promotion of the Year: TCW, six years straight. Female Wrestler: Megumi Nakajima, her second win. Veteran of the Year: Bruce the Giant Youngster of the Year: KC Glenn Wrestler of the Year: Champagne Lover Regional Battle info: We had a bad month, placing #3 in New England and Tristate, and dead last in the Southwest. BSC beat us. But then, we main evented J-Ro vs Jim Force, we kinda deserve to lose this one. That'll change. News of the year: PGHW rises to Global, then back to Cult. BHOTWG hits National. So does SOTBPW. 5SSW falls to Cult. Notable injuries: Phenominal E, HErniated Disc (BHOTWG) Remo Richardson, Shattered Knee (WLW) Bryan Vessey, Major Concussion (PGHW) Rick Law, Major Concussion (TCW) Ali Bloxsome, Shattered Knee (UEW Owner) Extraordinario Jr, Torn Rotator Cuff (BHOTWG) Some big names in there... or at least, important to their companies. Retirements: Steve Flash Decimalo The Stomper Giant Redwood Enforcer Roberts Dark EAGLE Black Eagle / Plague. Kinda sad... his last match was in February of 2014... his last win was in July 2012... as part of a three-man team. His last singles win was May 2012. Year and a half without a win... we'd retire, too. Holy Crap, -that- was his first win since January 2012... TCW criminally underused this guy... two of his last four matches were B+, and one was an A... and they ruined him for the rest of us. Dammit. Even if he wasn't tied up for two more years, he won't wrestle for us... argh. So, after seven years, four hundred and twenty-six shows, we are... right back where we started, really. We have made some progress popularity-wise, and have made some great talents, but we're no better off money-wise or, really, status-wise. Our glory days seem to be behind us; our last great match and show were in April of 2013, and our highest attendance record in June of that year -- a year and a half ago. And now we're dealing with both a failing economy (E+ and falling) and lack of interest in wrestling (D- and falling). We should've expanded to Mexico; both ratings are B- and rising there... but now, we're stuck in a rut, as usual. Let's see if we can change that, shall we?
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Where there's more hearbreak to come! Welcome to CZCW Brand New Day 2015! January 2015, week 1, Monday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Tonight, we're warming the crowd up right, as we get a special bonus tag match betwee Team Lucha's Cougar and Snap Dragon and the reformed Fox Force Five light up the ring with one of the better opening matches in recent memory. Jimmy Force gets tired and sits out the last few minutes, but that's okay as Fox Mask takes care of business and gets the victory. Pumped by the crowd, J-Ro cuts a promo on her challenger, saying it's time to put Insane Machine in his place... in a ladder match. We cut away from that to find The NextGen beating down Cannon Fodder backstage, apparently a Chair Ambush. Then, back to the ring for a Battle Royal, featureing... people who aren't doing much. Acid, Brasil, Del Arco, Wolfe, Jamie, Jonnie, Speedball, Maria, Raphael, Velvet. Just a short little match to keep them in shape, with Jonnie getting the victory. Next up, a squash match. One we were hoping would be better, as Masked Patriot faces Shane Nelson; Patriot has been improving lately, but this... this certainly didn't show his strong points. Insane Machine has to try to get the crowd going again by ranting about Joanne, but the crowd still isn't forgiving that last match. It doesn't help that his promo is followed by Kingman declaring a change to the Xtreme Title match... to show off his technical skills, it's now a submission match, and his opponent is... PWMAX defectee White Angel. That match isn't as bad as you'd think the new guy would have, or a technical match would be in our current high-flying climate. What's surprising is White Angel winning... although after the show, rumors begin to circulate that Kingman wanted too much at his last contract signing. And it's the home stretch now. We get a hype video for the tag title match, and go straight to it. We were expecting a lot from these two teams, and they deliver like UPS. It's a tense twenty minutes, both teams evenly matched, and in the end Brooke Tyler gets disqualified when Erik Strong fails to keep the ref distracted long enough and she's seen hitting one too many low blows. Hype for the main event, and we bring out the ladder. This is the one we have the highest expectations for; Machine has been able to pull out B- matches with surprising candidates, but somehow it just doesn't work here -- how long as it been since a tag match was match of the show? -- and perhaps it goes a little long -- a half hour of ladder action can tax anyone. But in the end, J-Ro's reign comes to an end, and we enter a Brand New Day... the reign of Machine has begun. Show Summary Fox Force Five def. Team Lucha (Cougar/Dragon) (C) Battle Royal: Jonnie Perez wins (D) Masked Patriot def. Shane Nelson (D-) Xtreme Title: White Angel def. Barry Kingman (c) (D+) Tag Titles: Cannon Fodder (c) def. The NextGen via DQ (C+) CZCW Title: Insane Machine def. Joanne Rodriguez (c) (C) Show Rating: C On the next Coastal Zone: The build to Uprising begins. With a couple extra weeks than normal, can we make Machine's first big defense one to be proud of?
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Renewing our intent to blitz the Southwest with the most intense wrestling action in the Southwest... besides PWMAX... and occasionally BSC... how the mighty have fallen... On the plus side, Donnie J decided PWMAX were too small for him, so they're losing him. That's good. For us. Don't know if we'll try to pick him up, but less talent for them is good for us. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2015, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Insane Machine's victory celebration cut short by Barry Kingman, who Machine makes fun of for losing the Xtreme Title to a new guy. Kingman retorts that that doesn't matter... Machine lost the Xtreme Title to him, tonight, he loses the CZCW Title. Machine's response? "If you think you can... then try." The opening match sees J-Ro work out some frustrations on Kirk Jameson in a relatively short (fourteen minutes) match; we get J-Ro a win after losing her title, and put Kirk in there with a former champion, so the results are... well, decent enough, but we were secretly hoping for a bit better. We follow that up with what should be a much better match, as Masked Patriot tangles with Fox Mask. Surprisingly, we get about the same reaction as the previous match, although perhaps seeing Machine use the ropes to pin Fox has something to do with that. Afterwards, Patriot rants a bit about how he never got a title shot at J-Ro, and he knows he would have won... J-Ro comes back out and threatens to make him eat those words.Patriot responds that she can't make him do anything, and J-Ro almost smacks him... but simply says, "Uprising, then." We switch things up wiht what we thought would be a 'sleeper' match, but turns out to be quite good, as the NextGen take on Team Lucha's Cougar and Snap Dragon, and this time Brooke is the one caught cheating, giving Team Lucha a much-needed win... even if by DQ. We follow that with... what we honestly thought would turn out better, as Lauren the Lion faces Maria Guest. Folks, if Lauren the freakin' Lion can't pull a watchable match out of you, I don't care what the destiny stat says, you're not Zone material. Lauren wins, by the way. Insane Machine comes out to run down Kingman on the mic, and then they bring out the ladder. Yeah, we're milking Machine + Ladder for all it's worth here. And, apparently, the build had a lot to do with how good their last match was, as this was nowhere near it in terms of watchability... or maybe the crowd was killed with that last match... in any case, typiccal Zone main event, Machine wins, but this time he kicks the ladder into Kingman instead of out from under him. Celebrating with the title, Machine is interrupted by Lauren the Lion, and yeap, we set Uprising's main event. All in all... we're very dissapointed in this show. Yes, it was mostly setup, but still... only two matches above D+? Did someone switch the locker room to decaf? Show Summary: J-Ro def. Kirk Jameson (D+) Masked Patriot def. Fox Mask (D+) Team Lucha def. The NextGen via DQ (C-) Lauren the Lion def. Maria Guest (D-) CZCW TItle: Insane Machine (c) def. Barry Kingman (C-) Show Rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Cannon Fodder runs a gauntlet, and the Xtreme title returns.
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Annother one bites the du... erm, three, bite the dust.... Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW has released Maria Guest. CZCW regrets that we could not come to terms with Barry Kingman. CZCW will not be renewing the contract of Marc Speed. Yeah, we're doing some cleaning. Might bring in new talent eventually, too. We'll see. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2015, week 2, sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Cannon Fodder introducing the Team Lucha Tag Title Gauntlet. If none of the Team Lucha teams wins tonight, then they will not be able to compete for the tag titles until after Uprising. They have matches against Cougar and Acid II (Good match), Brasil and Velvet (Not good at all), and Cougar and Snap Dragon (Good match... and yes, Del Arco was working elsewhere tonight). Looks like Team Lucha is out of the running. J-Ro cuts a promo on Patriot for being arrogant... and she should know. Next, the Xtreme Title returns as White Angel retains over Rod Remus through dubious means. We're going to assume that PWMAX just didn;t boost Angel's popularity much here. Layren gives us a quick breakdown of Machine's weaknesses, and then we get a sub-main of Mercutio Sleep defeating Barry Kingman, which falls totally flat. Sleep then makes fun of Remus for failing to beat Angel, Remus comes out, and yes -- we're pre-booking undercard matches now. It's up to the main event to save the show. Machine and Patriot vs Lauren and J-Ro. Bad chemistry? Nope. Just... nothing going on. The crowd is apathetic. It doesn;t suck... but it's not the awesome we were hoping for. Machine and Patriot win. Yay. Show Summary: Cannon Fodder def. Cougar & Acid II (C-) Cannon Fodder def. Brasil & Velvet (D-) Cannon Fodder def. Cougar & Snap Dragon (C-) Xtreme title: White Angel (c) def Rod Remus (D+) Mercutio Sleep def Barry Kingman (D-) Machine & Patriot def Lauren & J-Ro (C-) Show rating: D+ Sigh. On the next Coastal Zone: I dunno. Hard to put together a decent card when nobody cares... wrestling industry rating is in the toilet...
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Where some nights, our heart's just not in it. Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Or not. Your choice. CZCW Coastal Tour Janury 2015, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA Opening Match: The NextGen defeat JAmie Quine and Kirk Jameson in a better-than-expected matchup. Both members of the NextGen appear to be working on their brawling skills, which can only serve them well. The NextGen then cut a promo, accepting Cannon Fodder's open challenge for Uprising, which should lead to one heck of a matchup. Next up, J-Ro continues to dissapoint as she gets a win over Jonnie Perez in a match that, if Maria Guest had been in it, would have gotten her fired. We're wondering if the problem is J-Ro, or everyone we've put against her. After the match, Joanne rants about Patriot for a while. We're losing the crowd. Amazingly, the next match was designated the 'restroom match' but is the best of the night so far, as White Angle defended the Xtreme Title agaisnt Dragon Del Arco Iris. It looks like after being exiled from the tag ranks, Team Lucha will be focusing on Angel's title... at least for a while, as Angel resisted this attempt to win his title and walked out still the champion. Rod Remus makes some disparaging comments about Mercutio Puts-The-Audience-To Sleep, and then we get the first match what might be Tidal Booking of some sort, as Sam Pratt faces Jim Force. Without their partners to keep an eye on things, both men are surprised by the NextGen, but it's Sam who takes the brunt of the attack, and Jim Force is able to get the pinfall for the win, and the reaction is... less than expected. Lauren cuts a promo on Machine as we hope the crowd starts to wake up, and then we go to the main event: Machine and Sleep against Lauren and Remus. The crowd? Wakes the hell up. We finally get a main event that's on an acceptable level... not th ebest level, of course, but acceptable enough that it should pull the show out of the gutter. Lauren hits a suplex on Machine for the win, and then Machine snaps and begins beating her down in the middle of the ring as everyone tries to calm him down. Show Summary: The NextGen def. Jamie Quine & Kirk Jameson (D+) J-Ro def. Jonnie Perez (D-) Xtreme Title: White Angel (c) def. Dragon del Arco Iris Jr (C-) Jim Force def. Sam Pratt (D+) Lauren the Lion & Rod Remus def. Insane Machine & Mercutio Sleep (C) Show Rating: C That main event single-handedly saved the show, and while we could have a stronger undercard, we're working on that. Still, it's not quite where we want to be, so let's finish off the month here... Hrm. Jay Chord has inheritted MAW. Rip has retired, but is still on the roster. And booking for them is Steve Flash. That's one heck of a developmental promotion. If, y'know, they had anyone for developmental talent -- they're all directly contracted. CZCW Coastal Tour January 2015, week 4, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA ... Wow. Our expected attendance just shot up. We must've passed a level somewhere... and after two near-sellouts, we've suddenly got a sellout. We open with an Xtreme Lucha match, as White Angel successfully defends against Capitao Brasil Jr in a fairly good undercard match. From there, we move right into an odd Tidal Booking type thing, as Jackpot Jordan tries to stand up to Brooke Tyler, but fails. To cap off the start of the show, Cliff hypes up the Cannon Fodder / NextGen match. The middle of the show begins with Masked Patriot facing Kirk Jameson. Kirk puts up a good showing, but Patriot has him outmatched... until Joanne Rodriguez shows up and clobbers him, letting Kirk get the win. After the match, Patriot rants and raves, telling J-Ro to watch her back. Next up is the designated bathroom match, as Dragon del Arco Isis defeats Shane Nelson in, well, a match so bad, if Maria Guest had been in volved, she would be fired. Cliff caps off this part of the show again by hyping up Remus vs Sleep. Next up is a pair of matches we hope will be slam-bang winners. First up, J-Ro and Lauren tangle once again, for a long time... but this time, Masked Patriot gets his revenge, and Lauren comes up with the win after a match that was a bit of a letdown. Machine comes out and reminds Lauren that winning through interfeence won't help agianst him -- nobody's insane enough to earn his wrath that way. And then, our main event, which should be a blow-away match, as Insane Machine defends agaisnt Fox Mask. And... it's as big of a letdown as the last one. Machine retains, and nobody's really excited by anything on the show. Show Summary: Xtreme Title: White Angel (c) def. Capitao Brasil Jr (D+) Brooke Tyler def. Jackpot Jordan (D+) Kirk Jameson def. Masked Patriot (D+) Dragon del Arco Isis Jr def. Shane Nelson (D-) Lauren the Lion def. J-Ro (C-) CZCW Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Fox Mask (C-) Show Rating: C- Sigh. Just when we think we're going to start turning things around, we go right back down the tubes... we can only hope the hype we're building up will give us one heck of a show, 'cause we're already looking at doing poorly in this month's regional battles... PWMAX continues to put on C+ shows (with matches of D, C-, D+, B-)... will Uprising let us break this trend? On the next Coastal Zone: We decide if we want to move Broken up, or keep it in late February.
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Well, we got back to #1 in New England and Tristate... we'll have to make a few stops there when we tour to keep those gains from being wiped out through not-being-there-ness... but only #2 in the Southwest. PWMAX keeps kicking our butts. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2015, week 1, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA The show opens with an Xtreme Lucha match between White Angel and Acid II. It's a surprisingly good match, with Acid winning by DQ after White Angel fails to follow... some known-to-luchas, not-known-to-gringos rule of lucha libre. After that, Cannon Fodder hypes their upcoming match against the NextGen, and also reveal tonight's main event: a Champs vs Challengers six-man. We then get a filler match that... sucks. Maria Guest could do better than this. Jamie and Velvet are both on notice now... Backstage, Lauren and Machine get in each other's faces about comments the other has been making lately. Then, another filler match as Rod Remus defeats Jonnie Perez... and Rod should really be having better matches than this. Seriously. Did we know they had no chemistry? Afterwards, Remus tries to salvage the crowd with a promo, but doesn't really succeed. BEcuase up next is... another filler match, with Dragon del Arco Iris defeating Raphael in anohter sucktastic match. Quick, we need main events to save us! We finish off the show with Masked PAtriot facing MErcutio sleep, and after a good match, Patriot wins when Remus attacks Sleep. Remus keeps up with the beatdown while Patriot cuts a promo on Joanne, which confuses the cameramen on who they should be watching. Finally comeso ut main event, which... is a bit of a letdown. Still decent, but not good, y'know? Especially for the talent involved. Lauren gets the pinfall on Sam Pratt to win for the challengers, but the crowd is... apathetic. Show Summary: Xtreme Title: Acid II def. White Angel (c) via DQ (C-) Jamie Quine def. Velvet Suarez (E+) Rod Remus def. Jonnie Perez (D-) Dragon del Arco Iris Jr def. Raphael (E+) Masked Patriot def. Mercutio Sleep (C-) Lauren, Brooke & Erik def. Machine, Sam & Jackpot (C-) Show rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: The last show before Uprising; can we make it a good one, or... well, not?
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Last stop before Uprising: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Retirements: Rip Chord and Phoenix I, on the same day no less. Two greats, dropping out of the business for good. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2015, week 2, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We're going with a slightly less star-powered card, let some of the workers rest up a bit. As a result, our opening match is a Team Lucha Special Xtreme Contendership Match between Snap Dragon and Masked Dragon. And... holy crap, do they tear the house down, putting on a match that would be suitable to main event a tour show... heck, put hype behind this sucker, it could main event a big show. Turns out, these two have great chemistry. Who'd've thought? In the end, Cougar gets the victory, and the two shake hands. Cougar then calls out WHite Angel and makes the challenge official, setting up the final match for Uprising... we think. We follow that up with semi-Tidal-Booking, as Erik Strong defeats Jackpot Jordan in a ... well, it was a match, we'll say that. At least it was short. Cliff talks up Uprising, and then we go to Sam PRatt defeating Brooke Tyler in a good-not-great match. It was mainly setup for the tag match anyway. The NextGen cut a promo, and we move on the main events portion of the show. First up is Lauren vs Fox Mask, which... wow, kinda blows... followed by a Lauren promo, and for some reason the once-dominant queen of the pride is having trouble standing out lately. Cliff talks up Uprising some more, and then we get our main event, as White Angel defends agaisnt Kirk Jameson in a ladder match. Given we just made a title challenge for Wednesday, we know Kirk won't win, but it's still a good little match to have on the show. Pales next to the Cougar/Dragon encounter though. Show Summary: Masked Cougar def. Snap Dragon (C) Erik Strong def. Jackpot Jordan (D) Sam Pratt def. Brooke Tyler (D+) Lauren the Lion def. Fox Mask (D) Xtreme Title: White Angel def. Kirk Jameson (C-) Show Rating: D+ On the next Coastal Zone: Uprising 2015!
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Plans have been made, schemes set in motion... it's time for the Uprising! CZCW Uprising 2015 February 2015, week 3, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We get a rare, non-battle-royal dark match, as Fox Mask and Jim Force face off, and... we think our road agent is getting senile. The plan had been to turn Fox heel here by viciously beating Jim Force. But instead, Jim Force was turned on by... Jim Force? ... ... ... Oddly enough, that's perfectly in-character, and we'll roll with that. The show itself starts with Cliff reminding people we have an Xtreme match tonight as well, but we're opening with Rod Remus and Mercutio Sleep. These two youngsters know the pressure is on them to perform, and they give this match their all, going twenty minutes before Remus locks in a Remus Clutch with the air of a wire from ringside, leading to him getting disqualified. Dueling Interview time, as two simple interviews from Cannon Fodder and The NextGen gets spliced and intercut to look like they're arguing with each other. From there, we move into the J-Ro/Patriot match. This is sort of our 'make or break' match for both of these guys, as J-Ro was less impressive than we expected her to be, and Patriot has potential has seems to drop the ball on the important matches. Both do an excellent job here, not wanting ot be shown up by Remus and Sleep. They go a bit longer than the first match, and they actually have a finish, as a Patriot Slam puts J-ro away for three... but neither one has anything to be ashamed of in this match. We get a hype video for the Xtreme Title match, and then Masked Cougar cuts a promo about bringing respect back to Team Lucha with a title win. This is your designated bathroom break, people... and I hope to god you didn't need it, because we just hit three for three in great matches so far tonight. Although it's half the time of the other matches, it's every bit as action-packed, and does indeed end with a member of Team Lucha holding the Xtreme Title. Hrm. We're kinda worried about our sub-main and main events now. But, we'll follow a pattern... hype video for the tag match, tag match, hype video for the title match, title match. After what we just saw, we're expecting the tag match to suffer a sudden attack of nerves, but both teams do their best to keep the show firing hotter than a jalapeno on a stick. Another good twenty-minute afair, this one sees Sam Pratt fall to the Strongsault, and we have another title change after a hell of a match. Which bodes ill for the main event. Machine and Lauren have both had great ladder matches before, they've had decent matches with each other, but now we're throwing all these factors into a blender and hoping we get a great main event out of them. It's a half-hour ladder match that the show rests on, and while it doesn't deliver that blow-away match we were hoping for, it does manage to be the match of the night, and we do not go three-for-three on title changes as Insane Machine retains. Show Summary: Mercutio Sleep def. Rod Remus via DQ (C) Masked Patriot def. Joanne Rodriguez (C) Xtreme Title: Masked Cougar def. White Angel (c) (C) Tag Titles: The NextGen def. Cannon Fodder (c) (C) CZCW Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Lauren the Lion (C+) Show rating: C+ All in all, that was one solid all-around show that we're glad worked out like that. Everyone was motivated, and even the thrown-in Xtreme match came off great. Now, let's see what we can do with this... On the next Coastal Zone: With six weeks before Spring Break Bash, we're going on tour! New England, Tristate, Mid-South, Mid-West, Northwest, and... Hawaii? Why not?
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[quote=infinitywpi;597962]We get a rare, non-battle-royal dark match, as Fox Mask and Jim Force face off, and... we think our road agent is getting senile. The plan had been to turn Fox heel here by viciously beating Jim Force. But instead, Jim Force was turned on by... Jim Force? ... ... ... Oddly enough, that's perfectly in-character, and we'll roll with that.[/quote] I lol'd :D Nice to see more C's than D's, I hope the pattern will continue.
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Welcome to the Coastal Tour! Those of you who nominated us for Diary of the Month: What were you smoking? Seriously. the last month or so, I've been phoning it in. Meanwhile, the diary I actually put effort into, VKM, doesn't even get mentioned. Well, I know where I'm focusing my effort... whatever gets the most results for the least work. It's the American way! :) We're going with results-only for this one, as we've got one big tour to get through. Once again, play "Can you guess the title matches." And yes, we're aware a tour like this means giving up on regional battles for March. But we shoudl be able to do really well in April. CZCW Coastal Tour February 2015, week 3, Sunday Tristate, USA Xtreme Title: Masked Cougar def. Jonnie Perez (D) Jim Force def. Raphael (D-) Fox Mask def. Brooke Tyler (D-) CZCW Title: Insane Machine (c) draws Lauren the Lion via 60-minute time limit (D) Show Rating: D CZCW Coastal Tour February 2015, week 4, Sunday New England, USA Dragon & Dragon def. Cougar & Brasil (D-) Sam Pratt & Kirk Jameson def. Rod Remus & Mercutio Sleep (D) Fox Force Five def. George Wolfe & Jamie Quine (D-) Insane Machine & White Angel def. J-Ro & Masked PAtriot (D) Show Rating: D Turns out, we took first in all three Regional battles for February. We're thinking, we'll forget Hawaii and do a Southwest show near the end of the month -- easier to get some last-minute hype that way, too. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2015, week 1, Sunday Midwest USA J-Ro def. Shane Nelson (D-) Sam Pratt & Fox Force Five def. Mercutio Sleep & The NextGen (D+) White Angle & Snap Dragon draw Masked Cougar & Lauren the Lion (C-) Kirk Jameson & Masked Patriot def. Insane Machine & Rod Remus (C) Show Rating: C- ... wait, a thrown-together show in a place we're not that popular does that well? Wow... oh, and we've hired a newcomer to wrestling, Kid Fantastic. C'mon, A Flashiness? He's so Zone. He just needs... work on the rest of his game. CZCW Coastal Tour March 2015, week 2, Sunday Midsouth USA J-Ro & NextGen def. White Angel & Fox force Five (D+) Lauren the Lion def. Kid Fantastic (D-) Snap Dragon & Rod Remus def. Masked Cougar & Kirk Jameson (D+) Insane Machine & Sam Pratt def. Mercutio Sleep & Masked Patriot (D+) NOTBPW held the 17th Ed Henson Memorial Tag Team Cup. There were no tag team matches on the card. WTF? On the next Coastal Zone: Our first mixed post, with one show of results and one regular-style show. It's the last two shows before Spring Break Bash, one of our biggest shows of the year -- can we build up the hype to appropriate levels, when nobody in the country gives a crap about wrestling?
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Where this post won't be as long as that last one. We think. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! CZCW Coastal Tour March 2015, week 3, Sunday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with Sam Pratt defeating Kid Fantastic. Turns out, Kid needs a -lot- of work... but it's just build-up for Sam to cut a promo on Mercutio Sleep. We collow that up with a surprisingly good match as Fox Force Five takes on Team Lucha's Cougar and Dragon... but Cougar and Dragon fall apart, and by the end of the match are fighting each other more than Fox Force Five. They keep fighting after the match, and the rest of Team Lucha runs down to break them up. Next up, Mercutio Sleep makes a statement by defeating Jackpot Jordan, even with Sam Pratt coming down to ringside to distract him. Backstage, Fox Force Five are cutting a promo on the NextGen, and then we move into our sub-main as opponents are forced to work together: White Angel and J-Ro vs Rod Remus and Kirk Jameson. The result is a surprisingly damn good match with all the mayhem and backstabbing, and ends with a J-Rocket on Jameson. J-Ro celebrates her victory, and then... Kid Fantastic says a few things? Oh, right... Kid comes before Kirk on the list... oh, well... and finally, our main event, as Insane Machien and Masked Cougar face Masked Patriot and Snap Dragon, with Dragon and Patriot winning yet anotehr surprisingly good match. It's not enough to outshine PWMAX's show, but it should assure us second place in the Southwest and victory in New England and the Tristate region. Show Summary: Sam Pratt def. Kid Fantastic (D-) Fox Force Five def. Team Lucha (Dragon & Cougar) (C) Mercutio Sleep def. Jackpot Jordan (D+) White Angle & J-Ro def. Rod Remus & Kirk Jameson (C) Dragon & PAtriot def. Machine & Cougar (C) Show Rating: C- Normally, we would do a results post for the last show before Spring Break Bash... but we're giving the crew the night off. As a way of paying their respects. It turns out, returning to the Zone may have been a major mistake for Joanne Rodriguez, as she sustains a major concussion, and will be out of action for a year. Other news: Monday, QPW opens. Tuesday, QPW falls to Local size. Wow. Canada is even more harsh than the US right now... On the next Coastal Zone: Spring Break Bash 2015! Dragon vs Cougar! Remus vs Jameson! Fox Force Five vs The NextGen! Sam Pratt vs Mercutio Sleep! Insane Machine vs Masked Patriot!
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Welcome to Spring Break Bash 2015! April 2015, week 1, Wednesday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA We open with a crowd-pleaser in an Xtreme Lucha match, as Masked Cougar defends against Snap Dragon. The crowd is standing-room-only and the loyal Zoners give these guys a great reception. Due to the number of matches planned, we're going about fifteen minutes a match instead of twenty, and these guys use the shortened time very well, putting on a great match that ends with Cougar cheating to win and then beating down Dragon, declaring himself the new leader of Team Lucha. We get a promo from Masked Patriot, and move on to some of our filler, which turns out to be just as good as our opener. Mercutio Sleep puts up a losing effort but looks good in the process, and Sam Pratt gets a singles win that should help his momentum. Promo from Machine, and more filler -- we had two matches we thought would qualify as 'worst'. We decided this was the better of them, and amazingly... it rocks. Rod Remus and Kirk Jameson continue to impress when the pressure is on, with Remus getting the W. Backstage, Lauren finds White Angel and tells him he doesn't get to take the night off because he gave J-Ro a concussion -- he's got a new opponent. Her. This takes us into our intermission match, and we chose correctly -- with no heat behind it, this is a great time to take a pit stop. Lauren wins, but Angle doesn't appear upset about it. And now, it's end-of-show time. We get a video for the tag match, then bring our Fox Force Five and the NextGen. The match immediatly fails to live up to the rest of the card, but not by much -- Jim Force's drawbacks are on obvious display against younger opponents. It's still a good match, but didn't deserve this place on the card, and the champs retain. There's a pause in the action as Lauren, Remus, and Pratt all come down, demanding Cliff name a #1 contender, and Cliff decides Welcome to the Coastal Zone will have a four-way ladder match main event. We get the main event hype video, and here comes the ladder. Patriot tries to climb before Machine gets out, but doesnt make it and the main event blows the rest of the card away. Once more, Insane Machine wins, but knows there's an impossible match coming up in a month... Show Summary: Xtreme title: Masked Cougar (c) def. Snap Dragon (C+) Sam Pratt def Mercutio Sleep (C+) Rom Remus def Kirk Jameson (C+) Lauren the Lion def. White Angel (D+) Tag Titles: The NextGen (c) def. Fox Force Five (C) CZCW Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Masked Patriot (B-) Show Rating: C. Oh, come on! That's a C+ if I ever saw one!!! On the next Coastal Zone: Touring Month again? I think we'd better get used to that...
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So, we've got a four-way main event with Machine, Lauren, Remus, and Pratt to hype up. We've also got one other match we want to hype up, and then... no idea, really. We could just randomly throw people together... so, let's see what we can do, as we head out on tour again. Sort of. Our newest plan is to do a touring show, then a Southwest show, then a touring show, then a Southwest show, then the big monthly show. It should help prevent the CZCW Coastal Tour April 2015, week 1, Sunday Northwest USA White Angel def. Kid Fantastic (E+) Team Cougar (Cougar, Brasil, Del Arco) def. Team Dragon (Snap Dragon, Acid II, Velvet) (D-) Rod Remus def. Jackpot Jordan (E+... wow, that's career-threatening) Sam Pratt def. Erik Strong (D+) Lauren the Lion & Kirk Jameson def. Insane Machine & Fox Mask (C-) Show rating: D+ Fun notes: That's our first take match where one side worked great and the other side worked horribly. It also sets up the second match we had planned for Welcome to the Coastal Zone, as Team Lucha turns against themselves, with one side supporting the Xtreme Champion's claim to leadership, the other supporting previous leader Snap Dragon. And based on the tag match, we throw in Kirk Jameson vs Fox Mask as well. Which brings us to our Southwestern show... CZCW Coastal Tour April 2015, week 2, Sunday Southwest USA We open by setting up tonight's main event of Insane Machine vs Erik Strong in a ladder match for the title... with the Welcome to the Coastal Zone contenders told there's still a four-way title match at the big show. We then get a tag match as Masked Cougar and Kirk Jameson fall to Snap Dragon and Fox Mask, with Dragon cutting a promo afterwards, telling Cougar he's got a challenge for him... leadership of Team Lucha, against the Xtreme Title. We have a throw-away match with Jonnie beating Jamie, and then Erik talks up his chances of winning tonight and then retaining at the end of the month. Another throwaway match as Mercutio Sleep defeats Jim Force, and then Lauren talks up Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Show-ending festivities include a triple-threat match between Sam Pratt, Rod Remus, and Lauren the Lion, with Laurne winning after a long match. Machine cuts a promo on his opponent for tonight, and then puts on the typical "One hell of a ladder match" match against Strong, retaining quite well. It gives us a show that we can be proud of having as a build-up show. Show Summary: Fox Mask & Snap Dragon def. Masked Cougar & Kirk Jameson (C-) Jonnie Perez def. Jamie Quine (D) Mercutio Sleep def. Jim Force (D) Lauren the Lion def. Sam Pratt, Rod Remus (C) CZCW Title: Insane Machine (c) def. Erik Strong (B-) Show rating: C+ We seem to be noticing a trend... our big shows have strong undercards and somewhat underwhelming main events. Our weekly shows can pull off weak undercards and strong main events. We need to find a way to do them both strong. Hrm... On the next Coastal Zone: We tour into another part of the country, and then finish the build for Welcome to the Coastal Zone. Maybe having three matches hyped instead of the whole card will help us put on a better show... yeah, right.
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Who watches the Coastal Zone? Erm... nobody. We can't even get a TV show. CZCW Coastal Tour April 2015, week 3, Sunday Tristate, USA Masked Cougar & Dragon del Arco Isis def. Snap Dragon & Velvet Suarez (D-) Jamie Quine def. Kid Fantastic (E+) Kirk Jameson & Masked Patriot def. Fox Force Five (D) Insane Machine & Lauren the Lion draw Sam Pratt & Rod Remus in a 60-minute time limit (D-) Show rating: D- For the Tristate area, that's pretty good. They don't know most of our people, and they don't particularly like our kind of wrestling. But still, we're slowly getting known there, even with the industry in the toilet... we prefer to think of it as "Positioning ourselves for when the industry turns around." CZCW Coastal Tour April 2015, week 4, Sunday Southwest USA Our opening match sees Dragon del Arco Isis Jr squash George Wolfe in a surprisingly enjoyable match. We go from there to a surprisingly poor tag match between Patriot and Sleep and Perez and White Angel, with Patriot and Sleep winning and issuing a challenge to the tag champs. We follow that with a promo from Kirk Jameson, reminding us all that he's never gotten a chance to shine in the Zone -- tomorrow night, when he defeats Fox Mask, he'll begin shining like the star he is. Another substandard tag match follows, as Cougar and Brasil defeat Dragon and Acid II. Cougar then accepts Dragon's Title vs Leadership challenge, and we get a promo from Fox Mask, telling Jameson that he's just like all the other people who think the Zone is like everywhere else... but the Zone is different, and tomorrow, Jameson learns just how different. Which brings us to our slam-bang action part of the show, as Lauren the Lion loses to Sam Pratt in a, frankfully, dreadful match that both of them should be ashamed of. We then get a mass of dueling promos from all involved in our big main event for tomorrow, and then a tag match to finish the show... and quite possibly, save the show, as Machine and Fox defeat Remus and Jameson in a nifty bit of twenty-five-minute action. The main event doesn't bring the show kick-arse levels, but it does save it from being considered terrible. Show Summary: Dragon del Arco Isis Jr def. Geroge Wolfe (D+) Patriot & Sleep def. Jonnie Perez & White Angel (D-) Masked Cougar & Capitao Brasil Jr def. Snap Dragon & Acid II (D-) Sam Pratt def. Lauren the Lion (D) Insane Machine & Fox Mask def. Kirk Jameson & Rod Remus (C+) Show rating: C We take #1 in the battle for New England and the Southwest; we take #2 in Tristate. On the next Coastal Zone: Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2015! MAchine defends against Lauren, Pratt, and Remus! Cougar vs Dragon for the leadership of Team Lucha! Fox Mask vs Kirk Jameson! And probably some other stuff, too... three matches doesn't eat up two and a half hours.
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Welcome to the Coastal Zone 2015! Gorski Ballroom, Southwest USA May 2015, week 1, May It looks like we're having our usual bang-up start to a big show, as we throw out White Angel and Dragon del Arco Isis Jr for the opening match. It's a short match, with Angel winning, but it's a good opener. The second throw-away match... isn't good at all, as Jim Force squashes Shane Nelson. We hate to admit it, but Jim may have outlived his usefullness to us. Backstage, there's a pull-apart brawl between Cougar and Dragon, with the rest of Team Lucha keeping them apart. Cliff spends some time talking about the history of Team Lucha and how important this next match is, and we go to the Xtreme Title match between Cougar and Dragon. The match is... decent, not as good as their last one, but still decent, and ends with Snap Dragon winning the Xtreme Title and stopping this threat to his leadership. Cliff talks up our next match, and we get Patriot and Sleep teaming up to face The NextGen. It's a surprisingly damn good match, as both sides work hard to make this thrown-in-at-the-last-minute match mean something. Several times we almost get new champions, but Sleep and Patriot fail to gel and in the end, wind up turning on each other, allowing a Brooke Breaker on Sleep for the champs to retain. After the match, Sleep charges Patriot, yelling at him for not breaking up the submission manuver, and beats him down at ringside before leaving. Cliff talks up our next match, and it's Fox Mask vs Kirk Jameson. Fox hasn't had the best of records lately, while Kirk has never really had the same success here as he has up north. This was the most-heated matchup of the show, but the maatch itself dissapoints, barely being worthy of being in the undercard, with Fox getting the win. Then, it's the customary hype video, and the four-way ladder match is on. It's not up to the usual Machine-Ladder-Match standards, but it's still a good one, and after half an hour it's Sam Pratt claiming the CZCW Title for the first time. Chow Rating: White Angel def. Dragon del Arco Isis Jr (C) Jim Force def. Shane Nelson (D-) Xtreme Title: Snap Dragon def. Masked Cougar (c) (C-) Tag Titles: The NextGen (c) def. Sleep & Patriot (C+) Fox Mask def. Kirk Jameson (C-) CZCW Title: Sam Pratt def. Insane Machine (c), Lauren the Lion, Rod Remus () Show Rating: C Next time, on the Coastal Zone: The bi-week-tour-schedule seems to be working for us, so we'll keep doing that. We've set up Sleep vs Patriot for Battle at the Beach... we need to pick a matchup for Sam (It sure won't be Lauren)... and we probably need tag challengers and an Xtreme Challenger, too. So much to do, so little time...
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Where we've got the strangest sense of deja vu... but we're doing a touring show and a Southwest show anyway. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Anyway, J-Ro's contract runs out this month. We'd cut her earlier, but she's formed friendships with Remus and Dylan, so... we don't want to make them mad. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2015, week 1, Sunday New England, USA Masked Patriot def Acid II (D-) Fox Mask def Brooke Tyler (D-) Rod Remus def Mercutio Sleep via Patriot interference (D+) Erik Strong def. Jim Force (D) Sam Pratt & Dragon def. Machine & White Angel (D) Show rating: D Hrm. Well, we just screwed up. Turns out, someone wanted a lot more money than we had thought they were worth, and they kept nit-picking, and... well, they would be leaving. Which sucks for us, honestly. Oh, well. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2015, week 2, Sunday Southwest USA We open with Masked Patriot going over his reasons for hating Mercutio Sleep lately. Sleep comes out to argue, but Patriot doesn't want to hear it, he's got a one-track mind -- Loser Leaves Town, tonight. How do we follow an announcement like that? With an Xtreme Ladder Match, as Snap Dragon retains over Jackpot Jordan in a not-half-bad-for-midcarders match. Afterwards, Dragon cuts a promo on White Angel, who seems to want his Xtreme Title back... and Dragon's willing to give him a shot at it. Provided he can beat some of Team Lucha. Which he does, beating Capitao Brasil in short order. Mercutio Sleep talks down Masked Patriot, reminding him that there's been who knows how many Masked Patriots, and nobody'll miss him... but there's only one Mercutio Sleep, and he's not leaving. Tidal Booking follows, with Jim Force beating Brooke Tyler, and Erik Strong beating Fox Mask. Odd thought: Brooke Tyler has poor chemistry with both of Fox Force Five. Erik and Fox do pretty well together. Yeah, our tag division is nuts. The NextGen then tell Fox Force Five they can have a title match at Battle At The Beach. Masked Patriot cuts a promo on Sleep, calling him an upstart wanna-be, and the main event is on. While it's not as good as Strong/Fox, it's still decent... not main-event-worthy, but we wanted our outgoing star to feel somewhat important, a token of our respect, even if he didn't want to renegotiate. In the end, Masked Patriot gets the victory, and Mercutio Sleep heads off into the sunset... no doubt, to appear for PWMAX sometime in the future. Show Summary: Xtreme Title: Snap Dragon (c) def. Jackpot Jordan (D+) White Angel def. Capitao Brasil Jr (D+) Jim Force def. Brooke Tyler (D) Erik Strong def. Fox Mask (C) Masked Patriot def. Mercutio Sleep (C-) Show Rating: C- On the next Coastal Zone: Well, Patriot vs Sleep won't be happening at Battle at the Beach. At least we've got three matches to hype up... and we'll have another to add. Let's see if Masked Patriot likes our replacement program for him...
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Where we're gonna have one of those months: Welcome to the Coastal Zone! Yeah, Mercutio Sleep is gone, Joanne Rodriguez is injured and leaving, so we've hired a couple more names... one's nothing big, the other's... kinda on the expensive side, but he signed on long-term and, if he works out, it should be fun. Maybe. CZCW Coastal Tour May 2015, week 3, Sunday Midsouth USA Xtreme Title: Snap Dragon (c) def. Kid Fantastic (D) White Angel & Jonnie Perez def. Acid II & Velvet Suarez (D-) Guy We Just Hired def. Jamie Quine (E) Other Guy We Just Hired def. Kirk Jameson (D+) Machine, Fox, and Force def. Pratt, Strong and Tyler (D+) Show rating: D+ Not a bad little tour show, really. Jamie, however... Jamie's gone now. Yeah, she's got skills, but she failed to put on decent enough matches. We'd been keeping her around for too long anyway. Now, let's see if we can get Welcome to the Coastal Zone to not suck... CZCW Coastal Tour May 2015, week 4, Sunday Southwest USA We're pulling out all the stops tonight. We open with Masked Patriot issuing an open challenge, saying he can take care of anyone just like he took care of Sleep. Out comes... "The Tap Out Artist" Billy Russell? "See you at Battle at the Beach... and that's the last I'll see of you, too." Our next match is the filler match, and when Lauren the Lion vs Rod Remus is our filler match, you can tell we're trying to pull out all the stops. Lauren gets the win, and the audience is slightly underwhelmed... they can tell we're desperate. Cliff talks up the Xtreme Title match a bit, and we move on to our next match, as Insane Machine tangles with Masked Patriot. After twenty minutes, we get interference from Billy and Sam, both charging at their respective future opponents, but it was one hell of a match while it lasted. Machine cuts a promo on Sam, telling him that -he- never needed to weaken his opponents before the big match. Next up is Billy Russell taking on Erik Strong. Take the last match, repeat with Masked Patriot and Fox Mask. Not as good as the last one, but Russell is still building up momentum. And then the build to the main event goes with Sam telling Machine he's not weakening Machine... he's getting him fired up, because he refuses to face a down-on-his-luck challenger... he wants the mean Machine, the legendary Machine, in a match worth fighting. And then we get our main event, a CZCW Title match between Sam Pratt and Fox Mask. Take the last two matches. Add five minutes. Have the interference be from Erik Strong and Insane Machine. But still, one hell of a match while it lasts. Show Sumamry: Lauren the Lion def. Rod Remus (C-) Insane Machine draws Masked Patriot, double DQ (C) Billy Russell draws Erik Strong, double DQ (C-) CZCW Title: Sam Pratt (c) draws Fox Mask, double DQ (C) Show rating: C Hrm. Either that was a low C, or we need C+s to gain popularity now. Which means we need to pretty much restrict Southwest shows to the big ones... which'll mean a severe cashflow issue, and difficulty building heat for matches... we'll have to consider what we're doing. Maybe we should just take a TV show on Los Desportes Hoy and move the whole company to Mexico. On the next Coastal Zone: Battle At The Beach 2015!
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Welcome to Battle At The Beach 2015! June 2015, week 1, Monday Grissom Auditorium, Southwest USA C'mon, guys, justify my love... we do a pre-show battle royal. Not really for any reason, beyond having the winner win. I'd say who it is, but he'll show up later. And, y'know, the lower card will stop complaining they're not being used. The show itself starts with Snap Dragon calling White Angel down to the ring and a quick discussion of respect and honor, and then goes to the match itself. Did we know these two don't have chemistry? We forget if we knew that or not. Regardless, it's not the best match, but it doesn't suck... despite the lack of chemistry, these two keep it at least watchable, and Dragon retains his title. After that, Patriot rants for a bit about "Who the hell is Bilyl Russell?". Russell comes out and proceeds to show Patriot just show he is, forcing Patriot to keep pace with him and pulling a very good match out of him. Russell wins via submission, but from his face you can tell he's impressed with the competition. We get a promo from Insane Machine, and then our filler match... yes, we're rerunning Lauren vs Remus. Hey, it's still a damn good match, and the crowd is up for this time, even though it's shorter and Lauren still wins. Cliff talks up the tag title match, and the teams come out. Nearly twenty minutes of match here, with Jim getting blown up as usual, but nobody sees the ending coming. Fox has been holding tough all match, Force is in, running out of breath, the son of Strong and daughter of Tyler have the ref distracted when the son of Nemesis runs in and bulldogs Force onto a chair, letting the champs retain. Then, the obligatory traditional hype video, and we bring out the ladder. Don't know if Sam is keeping ot the new tradition of ladder matches, or if he's doing it just for Insane Machine. It's your typical all-out Zone ladder-action match, and although the champ retains, it's easily the match of the night... and it looks like Sam Pratt is going to be keeping the title for a while. While not out best match ever, it ranks right up there with Machine's best ladder matches. Show Summary: Xtreme Title: Snap Dragon (c) def. White Angel (C-) Billy Russell def. Masked Patriot (C) Lauren the Lion def. Rod Remus (C) Tag Titles: The NextGen (c) def. Fox Force Five (C) CZCW Title: Sam Pratt (c) def. Insane Machine (B-) Show Rating: C+ On the next Coastal Zone: The mixed-tour schedule continues, as we set our next challengers... and no, Russell isn't going for the CZCW Title right away...
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Where everything new is old again... no, wait, that's USPW. Nevermind. Welcome to the Coastal Zone! So, yes, The NextGen have a new member, which breaks our "Try not to use people from previous diaries" rule, but we don't care much right now. We've also added very-much-not-a-flier Billy Russell to the roster... we're hoping his all-around skills and hard-hitting style will make up for his lack of flashiness and entertainment ability. And we can make use of his much-higher-than-our-average popularity levels. CZCW Coastal Tour June 2015, week 1, Sunday Midwest USA Kirk Jameson & Rod Remus def. Dragon & Dragon (D+) Tag Titles: The NextGen (c) def. Raphael & Geroge Wolfe (Yes, they still work for us) (D) White Angel def. Ash Campbell (D+) Lauren the Lion def. Insane Machine (C-) Billy Russel def. Jim Force (D) Show rating: D ... I think we'll blame Jim Force for that one. I mean, it was still a good show for us, but man... what a letdown of a main event. And Russell picked a fight with Dylan after the show... here we go again, with an egotistical but skilled main eventer on a long-term contract. We saw how Andrews worked out... CZCW Coastal Tourr June 2015, week 2, Sunday Southwest USA We open with Billy Russell backstage, talking to someone about how he's here for the competition, and he's kinda surprised at how bad some of the competition really is. Our opening match sees Kirk Jameson defeat Brooke Tyler in a so-so match, and then he get son the mic and states, "Tidal Booking, babe... you owe me a title match now, right?" We go from that to an Xtreme title match, with Snap Dragon defending against Ash Campbell fairly easily... and fairly blah-ly. Dragon then makes an open challenge for anyone who wants his title... who hasn't had a shot yet. We move into... well, a really suck-tastic match, as Shane Nelson defeats Jackpot Jameson and then accepts Dragon's challenge. And the crowd goes mild. Sam Pratt tells us all, from backstage, that he's selected his next challenger... and he'll be facing Masked Patriot at Surf Slam. We follow up with Tidal Booking as Erik Strong faces Rod Remus, and the two put on an amazingly good match, ending with Remus losing... but as Erik points out on the mic, with tidal booking in effect, Jameson and Remus have a tag title match... and Strong will make sure that it ends just like this did, with the Strongest One There Is with the belt. Lauren cuts a promo about how Billy Russell wants competition... well, he's getting some at Surf Slam... her. Our main event is, of course, a tag match, as Lauren and Patriot face Pratt and Russell. It's a good, long match that lives up to the talent involved and gets the crowd really moving right up through the ending with Russell pinning Lauren. Show Summary: Kirk Jameson def. Brooke Tyler (D) Xtreme Title: Snap Dragon (c) def. Ash Campbell (D) Shane Nelson def. Jackpot Jordan (E+) Erik Strong def. Rod Remus (C) Pratt & Russell def. Lauren & Patriot (C) Show rating: C A good, solid show, not popularity-building, but still good, and I think I've got a good feeling for the new guys... Ash needs some building up, popularity-wise, but Russell is fitting in quite well. He didn't even pick a fight this time... On the next Coastal Zone: We've got three great main-event-level matches to build, and... one undercard match that makes people say "Huh?" Let's see if we can get them interested in that Xtreme Match...
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